|-- 55 _ 4A _ "Jus Fermbost Folks" | E5 _ Tu W. K.'s Wife from Alubama § § Gave Her Fancy Dress Ball in 1883 | ~--€ And Crashed .the Gates to Swelldom: € «moue . anemes cwmmee . comemie @imcn . mc «ommum . .. dtmmmem «ommmme . smm «omm ... sns commune .. «mm commes . -- «lc comene . «mm _ The family fortune, however, was founded bL:l-d *"Commodore" Cornelius Vanderbilt, who--ran a ferry boat New York to Staten Island, and was augmented by his son, William H. Vander-- bilt, who took up another mode of transportation, railroad lines. in 1883 the head of the family was Cornelius Vanderbilt, namesake grandson of the Commodore. j 'This Cornelius Vanderbilt and his wife were quiet and conserva-- bn&t.Wli-K.Vadufl.hJ-flAhflb.flh O'MF.M":gdefh':ddfifib.t& M H u. was mduwgfifléad&.b:t m efiA y se taty ind ons ts ; ; man-- sion with a ball. Furthermore, a fancy dress ball. fihfly. mhaballuNewYuk/hdmhnnhfiml I]'Pb&u&u&bunéuyhh-nmhmwb descendants of the original Knickerbocker notables, the Astors, --mous with *' Stuyvesants, Schermerhorns, Schuylers Rhinelanders, Van Cortlandts, Van Rensselaers, and so forth. ~Of these, the Astors were by far the richest, but mere wealth was not the test, ancestry being a chief requisite. And these survivors of Dutch governors, . Alva Smith, from Alabama, decided to all that, and to biace the Vanderbalts, including her h rand unt knrulh aminy the elect. So she proceeded with flnflm She sent out announcements and invitations, first ly securing as guest of sooor o ioi sad" Plains ty io Verdetl was an id tfriand fraom the south (COhWKWemally Commelo Yrnaga, daughter of friend from the south. Originally Consuelo Yznaga, daughter of Selotis 4 rntls. The sweed o thimatin ts Cobe: tad Hlith Maty Clements, of a Louisians Mizs Yznaga, like Miss Smith, mmqa&ha:fimbdwé:.bwy. _ parents to north, M-lw .o......fi:_g- & lhnfiym'vv"lbyhdm ville, winy wat "'ai..am-.uu.m'.icm A marriage resulted in 1878. When Lady Man visited New marriage resulted in 1878. WWWNW Yo:k'.l&".hwuduh'-dz&' W'? So, on the night of March 26, when the W. _Vanderbilt man-- fi:mm'rfwhhfit_,sm.vhhu.w con "Mllm o 1 on oo in mia mt Taniabts 1od o qine Lady social event of th in America than Marchk 26, 1883 magnifhicent enter bazn-pnag i war! Its setting was splendid, i nddmdhrio created more comment in America than V.mfiuydn-hfl,d ts smtment The io to comny snn entertainment m * although it may have since been equalled, it has never been surpassed. : lt:hn%n."ol.flbummh FM": got anderbilts into . strange as seem to hewie: were 166 were see brownstone homes About this sas avenue bearing h« curious onlookers dressers were seen to jump from their coupes and dash into ther bous ts same ime the patsing 'of in along the same of an van avenus bearing hobby horees for one of the quadrilies drew knots of curious onlookers to the curbing. By eight o'clock such a crowd Ti nih faang retoon io the carblng hm 'the polns wate tatied to qut to keep order. fladympuwh.bu--nmcdd "gy.l'fio'dockh-l-mmu\:hflmhd coupes were to | excited guests, Maids by the V. footmen from alighting from their carriages and :cfihdfllihi&eoflw'&-fil s 3'&...:-..'; of floral decorations--the most stupendous layout clrem sotd bmken and mll poid vabes, sveryahite, wose Alled with the newest of : oom td hand BUT new surp Spanish moss. --From many branches delicate orchids hung it allur-- "urnnaninl» 11 o clock the 200 reciel lights who had beth chouen "Thre Vindabin hevsclt wat ts t Viittiah Prikcers. : derbily herself was magniGcent as a V m c nary. whh me Hhoporale patioce vadtined "?."i&igf'u: hobby horse quadrille, for which feather--weight of horses had h!fipgflbfiwpflbflwq they danced. These horses had taken two months ;m--""""ni Red Fidig Hood, Fiop o M¢ Thumb: Lile Mas Mauke: fuck Homer, Jack and Jill and all other favorites taking patt in theit own the newest '"ofm-----bt' es--big, red Jacqueminots, rich pink Baron mofdmnn. C C fl he TUT new wmtptics awhited theme upetainy; Comiped atoond chus-- e id hram Alabaimes dholded to c rrasses with variegated Jup lanterns twinkling in their mi evymnasium----a g bol,r- room----no floa.ut NVE HUNDRED invitations "'"""';"" r mansion were heig -l tened appreciabl ' & * <Bsc, BC . IRR NC U ELNAE nE t NOR NU N NR By HAROLD SETON ; of newspaper publicity had preceded the A 4 M y by her samth Eanly Tmmegee t Parm, m C tA e . . / Er';'x' Ry e o. ueA Ond W Te Toh ie «x ELC LLLLE UA NNENN UEA LNAE U Mn wR on OMA ct% «xt JC ETIEEEIEUHH UE LE REETRC U UE UAE U 84 PCE CE 4y t x¥ 2~ "evies 2A ES $s 94