Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jul 1928, p. 3

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| _ TWO DAYS ONLY Mnr.....rm.,..:.m to I July 26 and 27 -- || DOLLAR by Harry Bairstow of Chicago, a cousin 'ol_CM_rlu and George Bair-- Another golt course located with in easy automobile distance from Wankegan, ofticially came into be ing Saturday, when a club known by the unique name of "Our Courn-- try Club" was thrown open to the general public. The course is locat-- stow of Waukegan and who is well known in Waukegan through visits to this ceity. The 18 hole course is built on a private estate and it is to be operat-- ed as a daily fee course. The public ed several wiles north of Antioch JAMES MORROW & SON & 150 -- 156 So. Genesee Street Telephone 5100 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Harry Bairstow, ~Cousin of George and Charles Es-- BY --DOoOdaE sAaotheAs ALSO THE STANDARD SIX $875 TO $970 AND THE SENIOR §IX $1495 TO $1770 MHHIHIIUUUIIIAUIAIUIEUUNTTIGINTT i arrrremmmntmmmm mssnd c 2 0 ue Te P¥ tablishes New Course. car now. It has stood the test. Each month has seen a substantial increase in Victory Six salée. Not because of what we have been saying for six months. Or because of what we say now. l.t'wo'whtthw&xh. The snappiest, best speediest car in its class. A car mfitfl out----nOW--~--+ its class. A car you should try out--now-- yourself at the wheel. YVhen the Victory Six was announced siz months ago it was the talk of the town. It was a great car then; it is an even greater ViICTORy Six tter, Ig 10c A Pair ® R nncfi-onnunou:. immense lot of large and medium size fancy bone hanbnd&ny'lu"'m,d.wd" none worth less than 15¢ and some of these buttons as high as §0c a dozen, Forzhpuly.hbjlu'"r f C CHILDREN'8 25¢, 35¢ and 50c RIBBED HOSE. in black, white, brown and beige. Sizes are all large--}/4 smail sizea elogi them out for 15¢,0r "'.' ne we'xn es MEN'S ATHLETIC STYLE KNIT UKION 24Button Shoulder. Sizes 38 to 46. $1.0Q MEN'S$ BLACK AND WHITE TENNIS §HOES, MOSTLY KEDs. to 11. M:rudlm'.'tnnhmm.%b". price, $1.00 to j » WOMANS ELBOW LENGTH WHITE SUEDE GLOVES, Colored silk gloves; short white suede gloves. Alsb 2 dozen short siltk gloves in sizes from 5%4 to 6%4, C A WOMEN'8 AND CHILDREN'S WIGH TOPPED BATHING sho€Es. LACE COLLARS and COLLAR AND CVUEF @ETsS YARD WIDE FASTCOLORED PERCALE. in the newest light ground patterns. Usually sold for 22%4c. Special priss#, 146 or YARD WIDE, FINB GRADE UNBLEACHED 500 yards, we will have to limit each oustome "c::;'mfié-m !"1_"!0 VALUES IN SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS. Women's and and a foew Men's *elcakas" * $1.00 And $1.98 ~/% . 2 Suits for $1.00 charge on the opening day. =--~* While | golt: is to be open at all times to the public at the prevailing daily fee rates, it was designed and built to specifications thnmld'lotlltyllmd"vfl- vate club. Kighteen holes have' been developed on a stretch of beauntitul, rolling, --wooded farm land, that is admirably suited-- to a well--rounded country club layout. The modern clubbhouse commands not only a view of the golf course, from its hilltop site, but a panorama of the surrounding landscape for a distancte of more than twenty miles. mm'me--om'm".m able to the ne at the--club country' club layout. Washington, July. 25.--Judging The modern clubbouse commands|{r0om the number 'of. investigations not only a view of the golf course,| Peing : conducted . by. governmental from its hilitop site, but a panorama | d¢partments or in contemplation, the of the surrounding landscape for a | SeYenty--first Congress will be more distance of more than twenty miles. |flooded with legislative matters than Two swim pools will be avail-- ever before in the history of-- the .bhtothomo--om at the club.|country. The Federal Trade Com-- house site, and another bordering | Mission, one of the most active bu-- the course in the woodland--while |reaus in the Capital City today, ha® a large 30acre lake has been devis-- employed a corps of specialists on ed to satisty the golfer's desire for utility affairs to compile information 4s like a.--railroad sign. When you e a pretty girl you stop; then you look, and after you're married you sporty and tafitalizing water holes. Your Choice for 6§5¢ °-- ©~© ~--10 Pair for $1.00 8 Yards for $1.00 Dangerous Crossing tal Park and Planning commission of Washington is now devising ways and means for the parking of auto mobiles near these buildings. The solution seems to be to construct a tunnel under the broad plazs, which is to be the central feature of the new construction. 'The only obsta cle--in the way of the project is its cost' 'The proposed «underground parking area could not be construct-- ed for less than sevreal milllon do} lars and Congress may balk at the The RepublMcan and Democratic beadquarters here these days are conspicuous for their apparent lasst tude. However, immediately after the acceptance speeches of Mr. Hoover apd Governor Smith, both bureaus will become the distributors of volumes of Hterature and thous-- ands of appealing speeches. These speeches #ill also be the signal for the opening of money--bage. Plans are now under way to have all the government buildings con-- centrated in the area known as the Mali--Avenue triangle, which com-- prises the center of the downtown district. This will be a decided con-- from records of large power utility holding and service compaznles, to be introdncced as evidence in the Com-- mission's inquiry into th eindustry. Legislative agents, representing ev-- ery conceivable interest, are work-- ing: full blast these humid summer days preparing arguments and méas-- nres to be presented to Congress on the opening day. Secretary of State Kellogg and his corps of asmistants have been ex-- tremely busy making arrangements for "the muli--latrat tetaoinhrdluwyp for the multi--lateral treaty for the outlawry of war, which probably will be signed in Paris the last week in August. There is much apeculation here as to the fate of Secretary Kel logg's peace treaty. Many feel con-- fident that it is the solution for the preventfon of future wars, while oth-- ers see in i only a disguised form of an entangling alliance, and believe that the Senate will refuse to ratifty the treaty. officilal business. 'The National Cap-- officials, but aliso an advantage to As we chave only y S&R'MHO" ] 7%61'" as ml In the Seasons Best Shades o w"tf's't. m 5 for $1.00-- | 1 doz $1.00 na * Women's _ | BeautifulPictures 4 uhi CR DECCCI they ~are receiving . far less than what the Senate and House civil ser-- vice committeas intended they should receive when the law was drafted. Fruit Crops To Exceed Those Of Last Year The Illinois pear outlook is 6 per mcmmmmmm dition this season with ction estimated at 497,000 bushels com pared with 312,000 last year. The U. 8. estimate is 23,356,000 bushels. Condition of the Illinois -- grape crop is given at 81 per cent compar-- ed with 50 per cent prospects last Apringfield, I., ~July ~ 17.----Fruit crops for both lilinois and the Unit-- ed States will--this year exceed those of last season, the Mid--month Pruit Bulletin, issued today by the U. 8. and Illinois Department of Agricul-- two million bushels under the 5-- year average. --Apple production out-- look for the United States is 178, 185,000 bushels. -- _ c The commercal peach crop of the state 'will be 2,300 cars,.the bulletin says, while the estimate for the en-- tire nation'is 65,981,000 bushels, ex-- ceeding last years production by nearly twenty million bushels and the five year average near-- ly tourteen million bushels. Illinols is expected to have 4,954,-- 000 bushels of apples,/ half a million ing to farmers to keep cattle away from pastures suspected of contain-- Ing white snake root was lssued to-- day by S. J. Stanard, state director WARN FARMERS TO KEEP CATTLE FROM Should Not be Allowed in Fields Where White Snake-- -- _ root is Suspected, > tory of the department oft-- agricul-- ture,' in their advancement this sea safety from this danger. & to avold --"Until some prevention plan canr be worked out, which now seems a B Y WILLIA M DP A LE Y N. E. A. Cortespondent --. . Men's Work Sox Ice Tea Glasses Black, Grey and Brown ~ ; Plain and Colored Giase 5 pair $1.00 per doz. $1.00 Springtield, HIIL, July 21--A warn-- Large Size with Colored Border , and a ten year advance of 74 $ pr $1.00 where this weed flourishes. is always the possibility that Bath Towels 4 mm shes _ k5 %fl . We want to see how many old brooms we ca | To on mpn n' Bfl O > > BEECH--NUT BRAND aays of cowboy and cowgirl title clashes.= This rodeéo will decide the chamwpions--at. bucking bronk 'riding, ateer : wrestling, calt roping, . relay racing, tritk and fancy riding, trick roping and cowgiri--bronk riding. Al}-- so, there will be afternoon and --eve-- ning contests in thrilling wild horse races, steer riding and bare back bronk riding. Champions in all class es wil}k defend their titles: against the best top hand contenders of the West, for purses totaling $33,000, together with the ch'mpionsl(p tro-- »hies. ) Added to the thrill of these death_ risking contests which are not ex-- Ahibitions, ~rodeo #epectators will see the making of a big feature motion picture.© Hoot Gibson, well known western acreen star, has chosen the Chicago Rodeo as the setting of his newest photoplay. . Hoot will film pictures of the actual contest and of the audiences,--making the spectat-- ors a part of the picture.. This is the ftirst chance Chicago audiences have had to see afeature film in the making, and also to see themselves in the scenes . _ During the nine days of the con-- test, --from July 28 to to August 5, champlonships will be won and lost at Soldliers' Field. There could be no such thing as a fixed contest in Western sports, where the most vi¢-- jous outlaw bronks and the toughest longhorn steers are involved. -- "No hoss that can't be rode, and no rider that can't be throwed" is a western axiom> and . even. champion bronk _ Breath taking thrills are provided in every contest. For spectators who appreciate the fine points of 'bronk: --riding, steer. wrestling and roping, these contests offer the peak in western sports, because only win-- ners of the other contests have en tered the competition.-- The largest caush purses -- offered for western sports have brought the champions and their challengers together in Men familiar with western sports assert that Chicago will se wilder bronk riding, faster steer wrestling and roping, and more hotly fought relay racing than can be witnessed at any western rodeo. > ° The railroads are giving reduced rates to Chicago, during 'the Rodeo and estimate that more thon 100,000 * Blood strring contests of.the West begins on Saturday, July 28, at Sol. dier Field, when the world's chomp-- lonship Chicago Rodeéo opens for 9 Rodeo Begins On, READY TO PAVE MILWAUKEE A Despite the recent~rains, it is ex-- pected that the laying of concrete will start within a week on the Mil-- waukee avenue paving project in Lake county. The section that is bethag improv-- ed is approximately five miles long Gurnee, west of Waukegan, on the north. It passes directly through the Lake county country estate sec-- tions and wil} give motorists an-- other paved outlet to the north. "The grading <has been progress-- ing satisfactorily," said R. M. Lob dell, county superintendent of high-- ways® of Lake county. "We have been rather© fortunate in this be cause of the long stretch of rainy weather. 1 expect that they will start to lay the concrete within the next four or five days, and unless 2=>=s=--l -- DOLLAR DAYS R DAY ' Thursday, Friday, July 26 and 27 erennumncnaermmenatrenmens . ---- BIG BARGAINS FOR $1.00 St. Dennis Cups [|i| Fancy and Colored Glass each $1.00 Attrastively Framed A Bargain At > tlet to the north. has been progress y." said R. M. Lob erintendent of high-- county. "We have tunate in this be ng stretch of rainy iFipd Sn o T NPA C( c af *L 3ps Wo & d L July 28th A Seotch verdict is the same ar "not proven," which in Scotch law is the verdict that a charge has 'nct been proved and operates as a verdict of Dr. W. A. Evans have been called into consultation to determine the injuries of the boy. It is thought that he will survive. * of Samuel Cobhn of 100% North Mc Kinley road: in-- Lake --Forest, is in the Alice Home hospital in that city with internal injuries and a serious some unforeseen delay takes place, the road will be opened by the lat-- ter part of October." . The section of Milwaukee avenue that is being paved passes through what is considered the most beauti-- ful part of Lake county, paralleling as it does the Des Plaines river. It is 'bounded on either side by the magnificent country estates of weal LAKE FOREST BOY HIT BY MACHINE; _ SERIOUSLY HURT -- _ @ V A L I T Y A T L O W Libertyville Garage Luce & Earl, Props. PHONE 202 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Does Not Exonerate and put into condition to give thousands of miles of depend-- able service. Genuine parts are used for all replacements. Then we attach a Red O. K. T ag to, the radiator cap showing exactly what units of the car utwodo!hcjol'w. The motor is goue over com-- : AN ASSORTMENT--1 pkg. Crackers, 1 Chocolate, 1 **_-- * Vanilla and 1 Scott Beech--Nut Brand Cookies................._. :_~ If your purchase amounts to $3.00 or over, you can * buy 15 Ibs. of cane SUGAP fOP=s_.._.._._._._.s.»._.--__ _8 PEC | A L -- On Friday and Gaturday only, we are selling a large fancy decorated cake for ... " 2 Lb. Bricks of Nicke! & Drummey Cream Valley Butter Exceptional Used Car Values 'That You Can Depend On & lbe. Princéss Pat Coffee, the World's Best. Freshly sl 00 Roasted.' Regular 58¢ Vakue Special for Dollar Days..___. WA« 12 Rolis of Scott T;ssue Tollet Paper, sl m Specia! for Dollar Days______..__--.--___--_--_--~....___. @A+V "3»M'PWMWQUM~ ' lwfl Special for Dollar o-y___.__..__.________.__:s- : o "1.Broorh, 1 Star Naptha Powder and 10 Bars P & G sl m Naptha Seap. Special for Dollar Days......_._........_._._._.._._.__._... e Buy One of Our Merkles Hand Made Paris "0" Brooms. *' 'l 00 ~PMIGOU BV Ofily ....--..:----1......... .:o ooome ooo menononinnnnbnvennomnnimmimnnninemmsniimmptocs # ~ «--and bring back your old broom, for we are going to give you 15¢ for it 8 tbae. Swift's --Silver Leaf Largd, Specia!l for Dollar Days.....__. 4 Bbi: Pilisbury Best Flour. A Timit of one sack to a § Ib. Jar Telmo Red Raspberry Preserves. Pure Fruit Ti BBE > P U BM .: 61. 60100 e 1 en ferionterrine y i ioren it nrrerite nrornmomntomaren in We want to see how many old brooms we can get. Dollar Day Specials 1 gallon sealed can Mobiloil $1.25 value for.:.........................s" Cold Patch Outfits, 40c seller-- A AIOL .. .2.%:%...., .: elecinvaskercrsinstunstenrie bought with same size casing...... P14.UU $1.00 off on any size Weed Tire Chain in the house. . + Champion --X Spark Plugs No HMHE :. 3. 23 .. : 22. in n in Pn in n in ue es reigeass Telephone 456 If you want to secure an unusu-- al, dependable value in a used car visit our used car display and have been put into first class condition. This tag is your guar-- antee of quality and superior with the "O. K. That Counts." Both the quality and price will Two Days Only, July 26, 27 ~MAIN GARAGE --$1.50 A Year ¥+Top > Radiator $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 vRear Axle $1.00 Libertyville, IIl. ~$1.00 $1.00 '"$1.00 $1.00 ~<

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