f We Have All Grades of Coal f . ;""A:_'::. "':::'. s o Just Telephone 50 And ~-- _ lf --Monday, Tuesday i L A t INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARCGE FOR DELIVERY . LIBERTYVILLE CEMENT WORKS OBLIGATION Yard Phone 415 A. NAGEL, Manager. Residence Phone 108J YARDS: 123 EAST COOK AVE. LIBERTYYVILLE, ILLINOIS8 Home o6.WATERSEAL Roofing . _ Right now is the time to put in coal for . use next winter. In addition toee;fflgm (price being lowest at this time), you can : have your bins filled with the best grade; coal, and with less trouble. 2 _ ad Lake County National Bank LIBERTYYVILLE, LL. Capital and Surplus $150,000,00 During Dollar Day Sales rent that Safe Deposit Box you have been Reductions on all boxes rented July 26 and 27. 1E BOARD OF DIRECTORS of Public 1 Service Cormmpany of Northern Illinois has declared the regular quarterly dividend of $1.50 per share on the Com pany's 6% Preferred Stock, $1.75 per share YOUR VALUABLES SHOULD BE PROTECTED. August 1, 1928; to stockholders of record, at the close of business, July 14, 1928. GEORGE R. JONES, Treasurer Serving 6,000 square miles and communities--with C Dividend Notice C COAL COLOR AnND TILES is Do ts MI"HONOR BOUND®* state. They will travel by automo-- bile, and camp out on the way Mr. and Mrs. Ray N. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. John Whitney return-- ed Sunday night from their ~-- two weeks' fishing trip in Wisconsin. Ray says the fish were biting fine, but keepg still about teh mosquitos and other varmints. € Kmy'ulnodvumhww'fln Victory Memorial 'au-- honl.ndon!ow:'lc'-t. major operation 'While Mr. Almond is in a serious condition, latest re ports from the hospital are that he is resting easy. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bond, of First street, left Monday on a motor trip ummwou.a New York and other places in east, with their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Whriich. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Khriich, of Los Angeles, Calif., who have been visiting here. Leonard Blank was bere from Fox Lake Monday. Mr. Blank was form-- erly proprietor of a meat market in Libertyville, also owning a like es tablishmert at Fox Lake. Some months ago he disposed of the Fox Lake store, and has recently return-- ed from a visit to his old home in Sweden. He plans on starting an uvntodate market in this village, to be located in the new Public Service building, about Sept. 15th. Mrs. John Couzens passed away Thursday, July 19, at the Lake Co. General hospital, where she had been a patient for two months. The funeral services were held Saturday dell Memorial hospital. C. M. Bernard is expected home this week, after spending about a month on a tishing trip in the Wis Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bond, of First street, left Monday on a motor trip to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Canada, New York and other places in the east, with their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bhriich. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mra. mammmrm::wu- gmunm to be on Thursday evening, August 2, at the Monavilie school--house.: B C. Topel started excavration Tuesday for a new home at Sunny-- nyside avenue and Fourth street. The new home is to be of Spanish bungalow style, and will cost approx-- the death of Mr. Simen, has been giv@en a promotion and is now agent at Walwotth, Wis. His place here aftternoon attSt. Lawrence's Episco-- pal church, and burial was in Lake side cemetery. Her husband died England, and leaves no relalives in this country. She is survived by her mother, two sisters and one brother all of whom reside in England, Mrs. leave Wednesday of this week® for Conrad, Mont., where they will visit for the balance of the summer with AUDITORIU M has been taken by H. ¥. Bits. O.C.Mwhom)nnm of the St. Paul in Libertyyille -- & _Raymond Torbet has just com-- Wednesday, July 25 "Riders of the Dark" -- --A frontier romance. Also, MICKEY McGUIRE Comedy VICTOR McLAGLEN, in "Hangman's House" -- Victor McLagilen as a soldier in the foreign legion. BARREL OF FUN NITE--COME ANO SEK HOW LVCKY YOU Mickey's Little Eva' Members of the Fox Lake Ceme-- WOMEN --DRIVE" 'Bringing Up Fath Saturday, July 28 Drama of life in a convict labor MAX DAVIDBON COMEDY Sundgég, July & J ES8TELLE TAYLOR, and GEORGE O'BRIEN, in. CHE MARIE DRESSLER and POLLY MORAN, in July 26 and 27 TIM Also Comedy. Fox Nows, , Friday CONKLIN, in " DANCING Dietz's Stable Couzens had been a resident of this village --for many years, and Aad a large circle of friends, who 'will H' There was a large crowd the anniversary service Sunday, and many of the older visitors 're |'GREAT LAKES Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaiser and Mrs. Cora Taylor were among those who attended the services at Ivan hoe church Sunday, to--celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the church at that place. <When the present thurch was erected, the logs were cut and hewn on the river just east of TLAibertyville, the work being done by Charles Wooilridge, father of Mrs. Kaiser and Mra. Taylor Dur-- the progress of the work, a tree fell on Richard Woolridge, kiiling Ahim Behm and George Devolder expect to start work next Monday on the construction of buildings to house a cleaning and dyeing establishment, to be ljocated at Park avenue and Fourth street, just across from the Public Service sub--station. The first LUMBER Tibertyvilie i sto have another in-- istry as soon as the necessary &# Miles Northwest of Diamond Lake, New Cement Road runs from mmum'm. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT. REGULAR OLD TIME DANCES at PRICES THAT TALK:! , LET'S GO, Where They All Go her BOEHM'S ORCHESTRA ietz's Stables IVANHOE | Every Wednesday and -- Saturday Evening P : a qflhm&u& m«ummm.fim «l |Pleted will be the last word in this | hogs 'stay. 'The gentleman 'did not Ni kind of business. 'The initial invest-- | like ~his --bed there, and > again-- at-- | ment will be around $40,000. l;.muamfimux Mar-- Behm for the past six years has been | shal Limberry was called, and soon -- |representative of the Reliable Laun-- | had the knight of the road in the TR dry in Libertyville, and is weoll |village jail. He was given a hearing known here. The new estabUshment lntboomxthaooleoh{;umu flfi will not do laundry work, but con-- | Monday and plead guilty to a charge flmmouomwtbocm:nAoWeflymmn:amtmd dyeing buszsiness $ and the being sus-- d F ended on the Irumaine of Mr Hock - Again last Sunday only two °r-- to leaye the community within 24 : nuuotid:'t:hcg:tt:ml Olul:..hmu. He chose to leave. | count e . traftic laws , * i B8 |in Libertywilie. Plnlcou'l.wnbtvol A number of members of the Amer 4| o mnanions. was on the way from |itan Legion Auxiliary atthded a Again last Sunday only two °*--,to leavye the community within 24 rant autolsts came to grief on 26_|hours, hose to lonté. count --of violating thotr&tflcluu' El"'- to i in Libertyyille. : Paul Coari, with two | . A number of members of t'he Amer companions, was on the way from |ican Legion Auxiliary atthded a Mundelein to Chicago, and raced on mMeeting held in Memorial building Park avenue at 64 miles an hour.| Monday evening. One hundred dol-- Officer Druba was compelied to do lasr from the proceeds of the card 8O0miles an hour to bring the speed-- party beld last month and from the ing car to a stop. Coari put a $25 stand at :the carnival was paid on cash bond for his appearance Tues-- account of the pledge made to the d.y.mu.muymmm Condell hospital., The total amount oteon!nzb.ek.,uudldnotlhovvpmhfloo. Beveral letters of up and the bond was forfeited. The | thanks were read, in appreciation of other man arrested was CBatles|{lowers sent to ailing members. A Gangidino, of Chicago, who thought |local veteran of the world war ap-- 43 miles an hour was about right |pealed to the Auxiliary for alid, in in Libertyville. ,Onacoontotcln- the coming of a new baby/ It was cmuneu.homunovedtotodocwodthuthoAufluryfiouuw upon payment of the costs. the doctor bill. August 10, a num-- ; --|ber of members will motor 'to the William Hock, a gentlieman with|U. S Veterans' hospital in North no permanent place of residence, got | Chicago, to . entertain 'the sahbutins. likkered up Sunday and in his wan--|lce cream and--cake will be 'served derings landed at the home of Wal-- | to the disabled, and they will be en-- ter Sage, on the Schreck farm, east tertained by local talent.. Cars will of town. He walked right into the ,l&vomwh:m:uwnh those w have transporta house like a member of the fAMIlY; |); _ ui; meet at the appointed Place nemmesthnmmenmenenntenemmmemndnnntinenmemecemmmempemmemmmeesne,. | . .. tjo snvrcouncBl |ATCT =~ Gangidino, of .Chicago, who thought 43 miles an hour was about right in Libertyville On account of cir-- cumstances, he was allowed to go upon payment of the costs. mnganm;mwltfi umtm&wm.m likkered up Sunday and in his wan-- derings landed at the home of Wal-- ter Sage, on the Schreck farm, east npudtbobondm!oddud- The other man : arrested was Chafles Gangidino, of Chicago, who thought 43 miles an hour was about right in Libertyville On account of cir-- cumstances, he was allowed to go liding will . be 'of 'brick, 3( so--a boiler room--and a 1 Complete Material For Te M .:. ooo c0.~orvcmmmacmmancccrnt C_ll._._......__.._.... C BM................., ; 121 cam terarinng # .k 3 .99 é?;;%%% yes ?-' sons charged with violation of the traffic laws.: All the offenders were brought in by the state motor pO-- nuo(szo'andeosu!ormekleu driving. E. E. Arrigoul, of Chicago, left $10 and costs for the same 4 fense,. while Harold Hanson, on the same charge, was let off with $5 and costs. Carl F. Seaberg, of Chicago, mwtmr'mn"mw' and was fined $5 and costs. Sen Olsen of Chicago, was the last vie-- tim, who plead guilty to a charge of reckless driving and was penalizsed $5 and costs. 'Tuesday afternoon of this week trouble started among the bricklayers on the new Public Ser-- vice building. As a result Ray Smith {not the shoe merchant) filed a charge of assault and battery in the court of Justice Bartlett against A+ bert Lindenmeyer, whose Aome is in Lake Forest. Lindenmeyer was fined ugmmmmnumm pended on his promise to be good. lMce. John Onst, of Cicero, palid & fine of $20'®and costs for reckless driving. E. E. Arrigoul, of Chicago, left $10 and costs for the same of-- fense,. while Harold Hanson, on the same charge, was let off with $5 and COd Ge o C se ol L. aAPf Athinnaoit Justice Harry Madill Bartiett dis posed of several cases Sunday, per-- of the New DeSOTO SIX _ is open in this territory. !If inte _ ested, write at once. Your Ap-- -- ~ BHY . " AND BUILD|| -- B. H. Miller _ --G. C.€ spite of the pr ie ««! COPELAND MANOR * Detker & Nodiie: will stimulate the whole -- body and you will feel that splendid glow of intheronts" athietes use and _ recommend it. * - AFETER BATHING a rub Rubbing Alcohol Box Number 13 _ 39¢ WAUKEGAN, JLL -- h) f § Capital and Surplus *~ * || 1 -- ~A g : $150,000.00 %~} 1«' 3 SSIL ||(L _ | itto a» ==[J ~|| |||DOLLARS CAN BE DEPOSITED IN A| ~ l SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT _ . | M ie / 3* INTEREST ©>**%:% 0 v--@ ) y rets seem i nA aP Feedls M 400. uic P §'"§f§§"fl$§ y;{é Neyee® & %fi JP _;7" Atse* mrerest ___ --~ [ |imv eoo0 socar. rirst mortcaces| . ||| SPECIAE ASSESSMENT BONDS _ ||_ ||l ¥OUR INQUIRY Is INYITED ON ALE| . 'lllsUBJECTS PERTAININC TO DOLLARS | -- Dollar Day Specials Women's White Kid Strap > p~j Slippers, reduced to "-m | j Women's Light Color Pumps and Strap | _ JVLY 26 and 27 ' \ ~ _ We will Rent A $2.50 SAFE DEPOSIT BOX Florsheim.Shoes and Oxfords, .. During this sale only........_.....__.... Women's Satin Pumps and SSCraps; at ::........:..................... Your Choice at 10% Discount. Best Knit Full Fashioned Hose, $1.50 value, 3 pairs for$3.7s Everwear Silk Hose, $1.25 value, Per pair, on Dollar Daysslow Slippers at $1.00 per pair Ducomt * I Women's Pumps, Ties and Strap Slippers, | 526 N. Milwaykee Ave. -- Libertyville, III. --| _ xmeps -- tuokes First National Bank Tharsday and Friday July 26 and 27 Dollar Days Only Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS AViNcS 3 to any new renter. | Limited to first 25 new renters SPECIAL for one year at *«' > $1.00 . -- for -- BANK | '$1.00 | 4 €9%