-- A AND REPAIRED We\ ns Cl o doak s 4 i 3 C CCE cA leaaine °0 ~ARoe se > se dpei n t * e harel -'F'-'_ *' * $ x: cR l e * Euced "f"--'fi_ <Arye'~ 4w .0 't""n:':r"#g:-, w en *s Aiock i +9 e on . (hen+ . T l y aK * [ Prompt and Satisfactory Service oscraation w @vantity --||| «t ApY BE GOOD"||| Whithave made arrangements to take care -- ix. _ _ This service will be given at our present -- CSRONPNSEREapre mc , oh. ) . [f snn aceess, _ [ of on customers Bhaina the tomtotetion [ COF EOE AND 11 Prostion (07¥l.rgeret wtenme m ie in n m * i nmed uts s mund 3 of our new Libertywville plant, -- P ----_ M# OR wer washer for quicker and better LIBERTYYILLE CEMENT wWoRKks | | Bam=» and Bailer se % Mn CV . / B e e Yard Phane 415 _ _ = _ A. NAQEL, Manager, Residénce Phone 1654 y . : C Libertyville's * o o ' . + k , 4 . _ " 1 y inmenc ie ki meones _ cmerrvace nimen [[Enturdar Aveust 4 The Grande _ || 5... sas»«. | Libertyville Garage C cA €ikt: +4 <% & ta WM. HAINES, in css , ; o ; > : : $ hsP . memmmniarememmtemmmemesimmmemmmmmmmmmsmmmeme= || Tells, The W or [d Dry Cleaners and Dyers |> : 1. c c cu|| Prone202 Libertyville, L -- THE INDEPENDENT _ 81 5N A YVar» Remember "WEST POINT" and [ f dalMdUUVCi) dill F a91B.. PL Wialier _ _ _ Ls: L. LItiGley uon Home of WATERSEAL Roofing .~ : ~Right now is the time to put in coal for BJ _ _------_-- _ > uge next winter. 'In addition to economy B)| Monday, Tuesday (price. being lowest at this time), you can-- ,; ; mAumcm?d" 'v © have your bins filled with the best grade - Story of a Polar flight that faried eoal, and with less trouble. | o mm m mal oune "af We Have All Grades of Coal . _ [|"The Strange Case -- K _ Just Telephone 50 And _ .: / [ |aeman."" _' """"* ~ * ::3 »WeWill Do The Rest. _ ~,~..--© ff ~»-->»*~ tw un Awor _ 9e sns ; 309tk +. *4g+ -- It provides a system under which you _ éan watch the accumulation _' Srow, while all the time your -- _ funds are protected from thought . ~ . dess, wasteful spending and held . ~ -- ue to your object. Wer, purpose you are saving -- money to fultill-- it pays to open ufla'cflmt wour bank--pays and ake up your mind today to save for '%ddimte purpose. ~You can put it over and sooner than you think. UY COA _ _Joe Chieppa ike County National Bank MILLE, ILL. Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 ~ Account---- While You Wialt Ex and jrv® 42 #% --$1,50 A Year TILES MADE e NADE Thursday, Friday neany "I August 2 and 3 l _ ages baniecs in Siredin' eb it oib hi taus: Aitsirecal AUDITORIU M taken to Bernard Deithorn and little san left Tuesday morning on a automnobile trip to The Wiscontin Delis. ~Fred R. Schrock, formerly a resi-- dent of this village, died at his home in Chicago last Sunday, after being U a short time. He was a brother of Carl Schreck, of Libertyyille, and of William Schreek, of Waukegan. Funeral services were' held at the Schreck Ahome® in -- Waukegan this (Thursday( aft@rnoon, and the body ~--Mr. and Mks. W. G. Weils re'*urned harle Monday night from a vacation spent at Clear Lake, Wis Miss Roma Corlett left last Satur-- day for Three Rivers, Mich, where mh%'nutdsmm Mr. and Mrs. Claude Knigge on tertained the H. Kniggo family from Deerfisld, at their home on Broad-- to her home on Rast Church street, | .. '** afte ra visit of two weeks with rela. | Hawt] tives in Marinette, Wis. m P'Il'l.flll'rynmmmmw dren, Harry, Jr.. and Mary, were ¥e, guests of friends in Fox Lake last | Wedn« mother, Mrs. Delos Ames, of 212 8. Btewart Ave., for a couple of weeks. Mrs Elia Cornwell has been visit-- ing this week with her daughter, Mrs. Will Geary, in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Linders re turned Sunday night from Baldwin, Il!., where they spent two weeks vis iting the former's mother, Mrs. the has been visiting relatives. in * Mrs. Cora Taylor, clerk at the A. & P. store, has been enjoying a v» s MYRNA--LOY and LEILA HYAMS, in A romance of the China Coast. .with relatives of Mrs. Gray. um {?'mm" e "It's New when We're Through" '"I|w A opl2 ho o hn« * *J/| For Quality and Service Telephone 844 || Wieo, Comedy and Scenic LIBERTYVILLE.: ILLINOTS 1B "The Crimson City" and Mr.--and Mrs. W, H. Hutchinson Misited with Sister Vitalis at 8t. Bre-- dan's Oann't.um'fluty. . Murray was in Rockford last Bunday, where he attended a family on the farm, with Ais grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Plots, 2 -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plots had {or their guests,-- onSunday, their son, H.--C. Browi. and'hts little son, also Miss Dempsgey, all of Chicago. a.lr. u;l"ln. mvontyl:u'ub son Baturday nigh their new Chevrolet, for Ironwood, Mich., tion $70,000. ~Carl Schreck, brokaer. home after epending the past month, Mrs. Hdna Hubbard has returned Sunday, August 5 DOROTHY -- MACKAILL and JACK --MULMALL, in , News and Song Sildes. Aug:, .:i' f'.rj should draw a large crowd from the two cities, and Libertyville will also be represented by many fans. _ Pwenty . members of the 8. H "Wells family gathered for the an-- nual family n and picaic at the family, there were two guests. nwmvu in Wi., after a visit here with the former's sister, Mrs. B C. Busare, of the Michigan City, and on Wednesday evening of last week a dinwer and reception was glvon in their honor at the Wreach home. bite-- properly, 'he is not expected back for at least a month. The Lee Huson home at 307 Eim cou-tkbduoocnbdhylr,wd Mrs. Neft and family, who-- moved here from: Higin. 'The Husons are living in the=fing new electrically equipped home on the. Public Service M'WM" Wewes A m¥ nds andq Mra. u. C. Gridiey : Monday eve | »o --Oof cement started at' 6: 16 Mr. and Mrs. Payne, Mr. and ' [night the last lpad of concrete &pw".vot.w Lake. the supervision : of -- Raiph: o mied 5y M.. Cooiarls and deconio) |floor will be installed next week; uwh.unwoamuhflm- Mr. and Mrs O. S. Osborn, of Mil-- consin. Doc refused to say how long |ford, came last Friday, and are vis-- he would be gone, but if the fish |iting at the homo ef theis son, P. G. bite" property, he is not, expected | Osborn, 'and family, on Wright ot The I:o H honp' at 307 Eim xm" 17 #mmummmmwmgl' Le: uson W 1. I ¥eh an Court is being occupled by Mr. and Paul Duba drove to oa'(;'s Sundsy Mrs. Neft and family, who--moved |u see John PButtrfield, who is a pa:-- here from: Eigin. 'The Husons &r0 |{lent in & a+nitarium .n thsat--cliy. living in the=fine new electrically | john is reported as duid4 Diciy. ' 4. ¢ id "he was not geriously burt. -- :; f _1 * The cement walls for the new ros-- &uorauaflstthho"d_lr. roir were oonplote'd"l'u#y."rho ning were Mr. and Mrse. MoCaughey, nuuym.mn.a.fi Thak The grounds of the Public Service electrical farm, weet of Mundelein, :mu.n«m.ammuucmnug.mum ~ Graysiake direct to the doot. -- . :; > AwmWitud MAAA Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wreach, of The for highest class of Work and prompt service in all dry cleaning, dying and wet and dry laundry. & .. LET'S GO,: fevey uie [(E Dietz's Stables || * »> »~. Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening REC EVERY WEDNESDAY i&am in > REGULAR OLD TIME DANCES fi- & $ CA hect 1990 Aa ts 47 ?u.mm A :'" "mh&&w supper will be served as 6:30 for all ter, Miss Charlotte Godemann, who members of the church, Officials |bad been visiting hore and in Wau-- for the coming year will boe elected. k:n-'tarma.y;. * Mise Marian F 'Polics Magistrate Smith Sunday . Adics Marian Simpkin®: Of Foazin, |had four cases for vioiation of the Aun Sullivan, of Chicago, left last ""'"m w""""m""ém "'_" mmu Thursday --orning for Clear Lake,.|$10 for cutting traffic. James Kunz, Wis., for a ten days' vacation. They | 5150 N. Claremont Ave.,. -- Chicago, made the trip by automobiel, and en .l:fllcnaootthfg'MIingz mm"mm trint © Melvin Keveer aof Evranstaon. er ing erected for Libertyville Garage by H. H. Wehrenberg, will be com-- ment floor in the basement will be started by Wim. Brumm next Mon day, and it is hoped to have the now building ready for occupancy by the tirst of September. _ , Albert Maiden, clerk in the Frank Egor hardware store, went to In-- dianapolis, Ind., Baturday and re mained until Tuesday visiting rela-- tives. Albert made the trip by auto-- moves his ladders and cans of paint |lhe first day, howveer, as the fish m.mwwmwflcm from.the Libertyville -- | Te Ladies' Aid> Society of the ehrenberg, contractor, «hurch meet at home ufi'p:fiumfifi:mluta Of Miss Haze} Butler Tuesday, Aug. Joe Melloy. One is located in Oak|"th, at 2:30 p. m. Assisting host-- imm-.%mu esses are Mrs. Rverett Marsh, Mrs. Manor and the other on West Cook|C. L Coonfer, Mrs. Jay Frudy and avenua --Mr. Wearenberg has also | Miss Cora Marsh. MemBers are re just finished a new home for Marion |quested to bring aprons for the Jones on the Ames estate, north of | Dazaar. i Dr. M. D. Penney end family re-- turned Tuesday from a three weeks' trip, through the west. 'While gone they visited the Yellowstone Park and the Black Hills. They also spent a few days with friends and rela-- tives in Rapid City, South Dakota. ied IPorif HAte :. * Mre. Elizabeth Root and children, The roof on the new building be--|Donald and Virginia, of Waukegan, ~-- BHMY AND BUILD fined $10 for reckless driving. Axel Laxigren, 4834 West End Ave, Chi-- cago, gpt in a big hurry on West Cook Ave., and left $10 with the court. All the arrest were made by Officer Jos. Earnshaw, who is riding in place of Frank Druba, while the latter is laid up whit a broken leg, being in gsuch a hburry. Two were went down Milwaukee avedue at 40 miles an hour, and paid a $10 fine for }-aunr.xn. E. l'.'g_uwty. They Ray Ross, a protege of Nick Kel ler, of the All Nations base ball team, was in Chicago two days this week for a tryout with the Chicago White SBox, playing center field. Ao eording to present dope, Ross will Udmbythlrw ter, Miss Charlotte Godemann, who had been visiting hore and in Wau-- kegan for severail days. stay." > r--were accompanied by Mr. and Mro. John Nelson, who re-- side in Chicago. Mrs. Fred Zersen's Ford was dam-- aged ene day last week when anoth-- er car crashedq into it on Park Ave. Fred thought it about time to grad-- uate. from the Ford class anyway, and is now driving a new Pontiac. Bill Laycock returned home Tues-- day night after' spending several woonmnthethondnmuuw ritory. e was accompanied home by Bud. McLaughlin, who had two weeks of real fishing. 'The first big fishy that Bud caught was an event, and Bud was more than excited. It got to be a mater of course after the first day, howveer, as the fish were biting fine. men Wednesday afternoop, both of Frank Nelson, and their occupation drunk. 'They were arraigned in the court <of Police Magistrate® Smith, and each paid a fine of $5 and the necessary costs. They gave the ; MLLMMEN]| . Coatgng Acout | as an alkiline mouth wash to «protect--the teeth from, 67 and 98 Phones 45 an J 127 at the Sox training camp next 8mooth as Gream ', and Sunday started on an da Day and daughter and --Nelson went to Chicago o+ +) Any car called for in the evening, washed, Alemited and delivered the following morning, anywhere in Liberty-- villefor _ t3 _ --§4.00 _ _-- We have inaugurated a new over--night car service for the benefit of local car owners. _ ANNOUNCING I New ... . "Steady Saving Brought Us That-- No Rent to Pay from Now On!" Ing profession. Three year course leading to a degree R. N. Next class enters September 20. For further information apply to the --'&-_ flm'.v:.-mm-h-h-. ?-' VICTORY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Waukegan, Illinois _ Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 First National Bank ~ Make it earn, Interest for you Capitaliand Surplus $110,000.00 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS JANE McALISTER SCHOOL OF --NURSNG $ Night *3 Jk% o 9