_ :| Home of WATERSEAL Roofing 2o ie tacet 40e f Right now is the time to put in coat for. [ amengr-- qnile povel use next winter. . In addition to economy B fitks in avery brilliant gom. . A (price being lowest at this time), you can [| A':'""" d e ie nds have your bins filled with the best grade / | P 5+) n n nginest .. * l J coal, and with less trouble. _ T '- ad y,"l"?u::dm l . We Have All Grades of Coal 3 3 ; ..Lumume A & > .. InOur Yards. _ ~ T W ¢ We Will Do The Rest._ > > * »"ML : --=----~-- I W.F. F f&nzen, Jr,.r lum"""g':m *3 LIBERTYVILLE CEMENT WORKS Yard Phone 415 A. NAQEL, Manager. Residence Phone 185.J YARDS: 123 RABT COOK AXE. LIBEARTYVILLE, ILLINOIS As usual the children will find a full line of supplies at Lester's,> Tablets, Pens, Pencils Rulers, Ink, and everyti:-::'g needed for school Tbe most complete stock of fine Crayons in Libertyville. Lester's Variety Stare Telephone 540 School Opens Sept. 4 LIBERTYVHLE, ILL. .2 . Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 THE--INDEPENDENT--$1.50 A Year No matterhow ~carefully --you Lake County National Bank to Sas $ee 'C ERNEST TORRENCE hy 'm "I Also Mickey McGuire Comedy \__IN ANY e e . s s n o n mm ie hn i w se n map f ~/I|~ Miss Kate Gellings is apending a f 3 ";-uu. vacation, visiting ~among relatives at her home at Rosecrans. 3 A I| [A daredevil cowboy modernizes -- * l1 THE COSSACKS se ageb \fl'roun the diamond trail to ad-- Greedy men, and Jovely © Misses Harriet and Hasel Butler ,mwmma*..n.r. where they will make extended visit with rela:ives. 5 Al Hapke of Chicago and James Mack, 304 Broadway, departed last week on an extended motor trip to the North Woods, of Wisconsin Minn esota and Canada. AUDITORIU M in Libertyville Monday, after enjoy-- ing a motor trip through the north-- wes'ern states and the Canadian Rocky Mountains. A bunce party will be held at St. Joseph's hall on east Maple Ave. Thursday, Auguet 30, starting at $:30 p. m., daylight saving time. The par-- 'y is eponsored" by the National Daughters of the G. A. R. Suhling Motor Sales, $49 Church St., revport the following sales within the past two weeks: M. J. O'Donnell, Maple Avenue, Mundelein, Whippet Six sedan; Charles Subling, Wauke-- gan, Whippet four door sedan; C. F. Wright, 1109 S. Milwaukee Avenue, Collins Berdux has returned to his duties at the State Bank of Munde-- lein, after having spent two week wa-- cationing. $ . East Maple Avenue is torn up this week, preparatory to 'the laying of week spent with relatives in Wheat-- field and Upland, Ind. . .. _ Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne and daughter, Miss Blancke motored to Lake Geneva and Janesville, Wis., Mcl:istey© avenue, »returned Friday from Frankilin, Obio, where they have been spending a short vacatiion. Mr. and Mrs. C. L Casey and fam ily, of Homewood Ave., have return-- ed from Algoma, Wis., after spending a ftew days in that city. and Mrs.: Si-- Stanley, Mrs. F. W. Kern, 139 Sunnyside Place, entertained 'Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Litchfield, of Waukegan, and Mr. Wednesday, Also Comedy and Color Ciassic 99 2 ies showing life and history of this August 25: Thursday, Friday, August 23 and 24: and Tony, the wonderhorse, in Jack Bradford and family return-- Mr. -- Also Comedy and 'Nows ELEANOR BOARDMAN and CONRAD NAGEL, In with RENEE ADOREE and ERNEST TORRENCE CLEOPATRA JOHN QILBERT in arrived at the nme .|| DANCING , 1389 of the speakers at the picnic. Word tfrom Harry G. Wright, director of itineraries and speakers, at Spring-- field, received by Harry Medill Bart-- lett, of Libertyville, says the state candidates are scheduled to appear in lake county that day, the meet-- ing to be held that night in Wauke gan. As the party is traveling by automobile, there is a possibility that they may be able to appear at the picnic a few minutes in the after-- koon. : As matters are now, the can~ didates wil ladhere to the schedule laid ow tfor them, according to Mr. Wright. Al the candidtes will vislt the county for a second time on Oct. 15, which is to be designated Repub lcean.day in Lake county. Restoration," who died without be-- ing aitended .by a physician. The Iinquest was not completed, because of meagre evidence. As this is the second death at the institution with-- in two weeks, under similar clroum Bam Sadler, 114 Belvidere Street, Waukegan, who, on Wednesday Aug-- ust 15, crashed into and..damaged the car of Charles Longabaugh, --of Grayslake, also that of R. Stuckey, from the state of Kansas, on West Park Avenue, was asgessed a fine tt tive doilars and costs in the court of Police Magistrate Smith, at a con-- tinuance of the case in the Village Hall, tibertyvilie, on the following Thureday pite.> The court stated that the fine was made nominal in view of the other heary expenses, defendant. The damage of the two cars amounted to $200, besides the mmmnw.mm not entirely paid for. A doctor of $10 was paid by the defendent, af-- ter which he was alloweéd to go free. Beveral local Revpublicans -- have been urging the state central com ittee to try and have the candi-- dates on the state ticket present at the picnie of the Lake County Farm Bureau, to be held at Diamond Lake next Wednesday, August 29, Mrs. Ruth Hanna McCormick, candidate for congressman--at--large, is to be mme Mrs. Mary Mason left this week for an extended vizit with her moth-- ér, and other relatives in the Chica-- #o district. ~She will} apend part of the time in visiting with a sister's family, at their country home, at Waverly Beach( the Dunes. Ind, Marshal Dennis Limberry has a big burch #f keys, picked up on the street one day this week.. Several which were borne by the wife of the investigation. miCKOIL, &Aisq of CRIGAgoO, ---- This was the first vodchm i police magistrate., ) .. ts " Leadership "Convention, being held at :St. Loufs :Universt;y, réturned to Libertyvilie Monday.©~ Miss Vander-- 'The farmers hase challenged the' CAamber of Comumerce to '» tug of war.. The battle ground and time is so airanged 'that it:wil leacncide with the Farm Bureau mfia next wu-{ resday. It is th bosiness men --of mmmmomm disirict be present, especia'ly those who kncw how--to handl~ & rope. This refers to those who ate adept at: kaming dn a rope with hands, not with their necks. | keys on a ring were also found in Cook Memorial park, and left at the Independent office. an inmate o the new Christian Sci-- connected with Notre Dame at Sout! Bend., Ind., where sho i sa student. was called to Gurnese on Sunday, fol-- lowing the death of Harcourt Boye, werlf attended the convention as a ~--*-- EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT REGULAR OLD TIME DANCEsS & Miles Northwest of Diamond Lake. New Coment Road runs from Qrayslake direct to the door. -- > 311 Park Avenue Positions Secured for Graduates === McDonald's Commercial School "lf Register Now For Fall Classes " Scenic Subdivisice " COMMERCIAL COURSEs B. H. Mille _ _G.C. G=q) Dietz's© Stables ~~~~ . IVANHOE Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening EROs 'sog > * ¥4 TELEPHONE 130 -- in DesPlaines Tuesday, to attend funeral of an old friend. «+ Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frudy left last Thursday, tor Lansing, Michigan, to pay avisit to a brother of Mr. Frudy. Mrk. _ R. F. Linders and two chil-- dren have returned to their home in Baldwin, after a visit here with the Members of the Friendship XCircle Oof the Presbyterian church wen io Lake Rluff Tuesday night and spent 'theekuu.mm.r | _ John Francis Wilson, seven 'year old so nof Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wilson, who reside on Austin Ave., passed away Wednesday, August 22, at the Elizabeth Condell Memorial hospital, after a short iliness. 'The funeral service will be held <at the home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and burial will be iu Lakeside. Mias Gyda Finstad is enjoying a three weeks 'vacation from her res o!l.?nflutounloell'mlmfl route. -- The extension is Belvi-- dere road to the east lHne of Section 247. K'forts have been made to se cure all territory tying northeas* and east of th¢ village, but so far postal officials have not been convinced of the feasibility of the scheme.. The new order goou into effect Sep!. 1st, an dmeans that several homes will bo served from the Libertyy'lle post omm ; . ___ . || Libertyville Lumber Co. | -----'i'-t-;#:. ' I shoarraouilla'« -- -- Phmmm by the UOld Dabot" _ ; c xa i covering and able to be up and Friday Harry Gun-- Mound part of the time. _He was |thor, of Libontyrilic badly damaged hospital in Waukegan, where he Was | urd, of Méelrose Park, when be turn treated for an infection on & finEe!, |eg from Morrow Avenue onto Green to his home last week, and wil Ib8@|ny Road, in North Chicago, and able to resume his practice in & f6W | coiiided with the Hurd machine. Sgt. days. | George Heckinger and Devputy Sher-- . 'Kick "Reller, Ray Baker and Tea [# $3 °en S ane a0 on game, lost by a score ot 3 to 0. Kobza hurled a wonderful game, al-- lowing only three safte hits. trom William J. Fendick, who, with his wite and soh and his aister are making an extensive automobile trip through the western states. -- The party was at Larimie, Wyo.. when line Tme" being hel. with aigendid e time wi roads al Ithe way. lrm bis party p'an on going to the Pa-- »1..¢ coast before returning home. She le't last week for Wareaw, Whs. and vicinity and plans on taking a complete rest from all work and There was a small lblaze on the old Schroeder farm, north of Half Day on Monday when two hay stacks caught fire. The stacke were burn-- ed enough to be ruined, but the blaze was prevented from spreading to othe stacks a short distance away. Word from the office of R. M. Day on Monday when two hay stacks | points in the East On their re caught fire. The stacke were bUID--|turn, home, they will stop in Liber-- ed enough to be ruined, but the blaze | tyyille and be accompanied to St. :t; tacks -hondmueomyn ty xt *3 o 8 &A + : * 1. F. Wheeler, $15 Maple Avenue, Word from the office of R. M--| who was held pending the recovery Lobdel!, county superintendent Of |of Rudoiph Kaviach, of Wheeling, highways, states that the right Of |whom Wheeler struck a week ago way papers for Route 173, Rockford | while driving on Milwaukee avente to Zion, were received from the state | north of Wheeling, wil Inot be pros-- highway department at Springflield |eonted, it was learned today from this morning.. F*ull pariiculars ar6 | yustice H. M. Bartiett, who said he printed o npage one, column 8 of th@ | understood the case was to be set-- second section of this issue. mmmmume: * : second section wmmm.mmmn&u'.,..:'"m ports Dr. M. D. Penney as rapidly re uigsbt <from Dubugue, lowa, where they #pent three days. Ray Baker pitched' a good gam:» for Dubugue agaicst Waterloo winning the con-- test by a score of 10 to 1. -- Kobza, who pitched for Cascadte in a big fa'r n.lloehnomctw Mrs.:Cora Hull and daughter, Miss lnl';n.nvow:nm:wook'o vacation, spent at various points in .. A. P. Burnett of Chicagi, 'was here over Sunday, visiting at tha Leslic The Chamber of Commerce has gg & :'}gfii 'as im--|region, has moved into the Frank wa--k BR .. Box or 24 Orderiies SAVINGS ---- DALINXA Dotker &--Noviile fl " Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 : ---- -J!l One at nicht------ I "~] 1M Next day bricht Phones 57 and 98 Phones 45 an ! 1«7 _\ Mr. and Mre. L. D. McCiain, spent im aee Hauat w mm tae former home of Mrs. MoClain. Mr. ;9 Mrs, G. (t:'.' Gridley and on Thureday 'of B'! < ve'ekf after hay-- ing spent a pleasant vacation at Egeg Mo w )4« ; 'Mr. and Mrs. John. Dollegmair ana < i Summer Prices in Effect Until AND BUILD" , --... _ September 1, 1928 Avenue, entertained about twenty women of St. Joseph's parish, at a delightful bunco porty held in St. Joseph's hall on Thursday afternoon. At the close of the playing, prizes were awarded to Mrs. John Dryer, Mrs. Deinlein and Mrs. V. Broad« bear. Luncheon was served at the close of the meeting. The next party settle for all damage. Rose. house At the.corner of :Broad-- way and First Street. of St. Louis Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Pres-- ton left on Friday of last week, {or Niagra Falls and other interesting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ray returned from a motor trip: thru the north west, on Thursday of last week: They visited extensively in the Black Hills district.of South Dakot# and toured thru Wisconsin, North Dakeo-- ta ond Minnesota. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Creel and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vanderborough, of Maleda, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Creel, and two daughters, of Chicago were in Libertyville on last Thurs-- day, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Grinwell, 350, No. Milwaukee Ave. l e Ts a% K.' Harry, of Libertyvillé, and Mr. m'uu.n.:.x.m-uigquy.a Mundeléin, left on Monday, for Min-- oqua, Wis.. where they will spent a short vacation. Mrse. A J. McDonald, wife of the local jeweler, was operated on at the Condell Memorial hospital® this morning for appendicitis.> The op-- eration was performed by Dr. W. S. Bellows .of Waukegan. The case is in charge of Dr. F. H. Mariin, of -- They work naturall y --.. and form no habit. ~ B m t;e. for children as -- well as adults, "crease the dose. NeR "alt ! ,/ . accidef'\fal o ' . A «Sm | cdidthes ts ' l fi""%fitmintzin \ ORDERLIEs -- | m : . J a Savings Reserve . are an easy (relief: for 3 # a ' ut i ® x;. °C 4 M Lz 'AF e * + / h C ~ . #ib _ 4 » e, /s e : fi. c n d i ate en We B MANOR BUY ere4 " i & Full Weight Guaranteed. * es ing profession. Three year course leading to a degree class enters September 20. For further information @ Leave your order for this coming winter's fuel with us now, and we will deliver at your convenience. We have all sizes and grades. Book Your Coal Order Now. VICTORY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL . _-- Waukegan, Illinois First National Bank «;" "72 ,.nin.., P e ,fi" Ah '.t We ';.t '- 7A V S is sel / acc1degfal Frsi@hted People always maintain -- a. is a8. w vapital and is 1Uus8 3110,000.1 . LIBERTYV'Iul'iE, ILLINOIS i y shie S@h Bank -- pank to Deal With: One customer tells another; and that's how most of our new depositors come to us. LIBERT Y VILLL Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 4# and then orasp an --. :__JANE McALISTER SCHOOL OF NURSNG & Mighty Good of ormation apply to the 3. % ine w ue 4+ Nt tcte "Is,