B# Claims She Develop-- k ol T ons Goitre : as~ a { f I in Im: g"l o ~-- CAAL f !m a| 4 R . U ' f" A f . _______--©Iiterest on bonds .....__.._........ _« RBalmnce on hand June 30, 19 7"% tep. Income o ftownship fund ... «*' PFrom county superintendents " _« _' -- Rnterest from bank ... < --Cash on hand July 1, 1927 ...__._.... -- . Real estate notes on hand July 1, 1927 f <«Bonds on hand July 1, 1927 .__.____. ~_. Addition to principal ........____.._.__........ % Balance July 1, 1927 }'. A° 'f'"--""l*'-- ". t '--": . Tuition paid by pupils \_ _ _~~OF THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER FoRr y % ; H. A. PFISTER, t_f,?w mmwwmut&mm'lffiufi. i iozwa.-un Income of tow! : fgmm___--. ~. Apoportioned but withheld from districts ;'iiunwmua'-nm\ ky in cireuit court against Ru =:-un notes on hand July 1, 1927 about his face that will leave im permanently disfigured and with a broken hand. He asked $5,00. His wite, Hilda, through -- wortry growing out of the crash, devalope? a toxric goitre, according to the at torney.: <In addition she claimed to t -- permanently disfigured. Cimmerman was not driving the «aay at Aipouuquiu,. 130 IsmmRHI aAsme SAE .°°°°°°°°°9°°°°lmnn team played Algonguin Ih-uhw-uubvl'hcw,m"nub& Carl Tonne and eral days with Miss Hazel Garvey, Eugene pitched for the home team. in Western Springs. | Mr. and Mrs. Louis Seip and fam -- Mr. Charles Ladd, of Joliet, who'ily, with friends, visited here Sub-- 0 6 o 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 --~One thousand dollars have been expended in medical ald. home leaves Tuesday to visit a week ® Delia Kropp is her ropp v&vflmnhuvm uor uaugul0l, AEEGs . VC MEREWRRAE . EWE OCC in Barrington Wednesday and on her YEAR --DF return hom efound some one. had DOOR. NO ' Lonis Knigge is painting Walt| Sunday with a gift. There were 38 Prehins house on Park avenue. _ |there. John Theis and Emery "Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Payton were were among those present. in Chicago Thursday. | 'The whistle of the threshing ma» Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sandman and; chine was bheard this week. Harty Miss Esther Berghorn and Willia®, washo has started his machine. Balance July 1st, 1927 . Distribution of trustees KFrom district taxes ... School board and business office Balary of teachers .....l...._.._.._._._._.__--_ Teachers' pension fund ................ Textbooks and stationery ... Interest on teachers' orders ... Yalnty of JafBOE --................«..««...«««««m«~ Fuel, light, power, water and supplies OF, THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER FOR PUBLICATION. TOWNSHIP 43, RANGE 11 IN LAKE COUNTY, * _« ILLINOIHS, FROM JULY 1, 1927, TO JUNE 30, 1928 DISTRICT FUND--Recseipts % omm y _.= 0 0o 22. 1~ o2 _: o i6 t x 100 101 1e ¢© > > MWM Damages of $20,000 are asked by -- Prtmotion of health ... Grounds, buildings and alterationsa vm_A'A',lm' and insurance Balance on hand June 30, 1928 Teachers' pension fund ... Schoo! board and busineds oftice. TOTAL TOTALS TOTALSA éaqmuuqon this 16th day of Augus', 1938 July ist, 1927 of a Receipts ureRr For MM&*W Nok s1 im' gounty,| 0 o0 V V 9.0 U 9 MLM C OO ILLINOIS, FROM JULY 1, wamg A2> o W ' * | Mr,; and Mrs: n-llm Ton . were in DISTRICT FUND--Receipts 4 be Rockford on business, 8: o E .. % 2a% 4 4 11 18 15 16 11 22 |ceived from Fritzch who is on rrromemmnnmoms...$14790.01 ~$1181.19 $ 752.79° $1108.41 $1872.94 $1376.98 $ at present traveling in England. . ------------Sn 'lon Jne (otn aase (oan °ie | ons mest fnd cairme sB dowe t ngrine irmmcent niioernaees . u"' 6 " '1_ o o umm?m'num weme c ns amnnmmmnin en annmmenimnen nemenminntmenmennen amesienaemes mm memmmmmgmnmemmen Y . e fi m # -'MO 'b -n~'-n'- -.-;-- -_."l-_......__.A * s * 't 0 h & ea 'M " " e $ * We anaha -- Wr and Mras.--E. J. Mrs. John Prehm and sons: have returned home after a week's visit at the Prehm home.. Mrs. James Cornwell and sons of Valparaiso reé mained for another few days. Miss Rdytha Dymond and Miss Morgan left Thursday for Michigan for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Dymond. Mrs. Merle Garbisch, and daugt ter, of Barrington, visited Monday at the Simons home, Mr. ... $1985.23 $5591.30 $3996.06 $2861.92 $3394.00 $3421.59 $2507.20 DISTRICT FUND--EBenditures o ko 1 DI8STRIBUTIVE FUND TOWNSHIP FUND DISTRIBUTIVE FVND ;m.nlwmmnufi:-ouu . 1460.96 2994.00 202144 : 1204.66.. $41.10 1890 81°~JH8%M40 | ooo raet week. ---- ~__ _ > $1985.2%8 $5591.30 $3996.06 $2961.92 mfi -- Fifp'l Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher enter-- Balance June 30, 1928 Cash on hand June 30, 1928 ----__---- Real estate notes on hand June 30, Bonds on hand June 30, 1928 ... §111.94 1491.36 Incidental expenses o ftrusteos . For publishing annual etatement Wesel io poaeh * méiairites TOTAL 'cb wmswvm MéHenry, into a culvert on mu.u-n.mavm-- conda 'Friday, au mmmmm self, according to a report made to the sherifl's office by Deputy Sher-- i# Harry Quandt of the county high-- 0 ; KOUND) LARKRE _ _O|Chicago Wedneday. _ _ AX, 0 0 0000 00 00 0 0 0 O | 2407 Tatbonen event Sunday at Mr. Brown'of the Ilinois: Belt| the Frank Amann home. s 'Telephone company of Libertyville| 'Misses Zella and Leonora Buchanan was a business caller at Round LAke | of Chicago spent the week--ond at the Wednesday. f George Richardson home. Leo Hendee transacted businéss in| Florence Rosa and Velma Fitz Chicago Wednesday. _ _ called st the James Curran home Mr. and Mrs, Delbert Richardson | Wednesday. are now driving a new car purchased | _ Mrs. Harry Merritt and children, Miss Elleen Smith of Chicago is | and sister Veda motored to Marengo 101 1068 ~© 104 $ 518491 3 0189 -- $1046.71 K2 $ 1000 $ 1000 ]|" iMrs. Kese Fisher spent a few days * 985.00 1165.00 1120.00 | at the home of Mrs. Loretta Seymour AT 12;:80. 5.00 5.00 5.90 | at Wauconda. : 35.26 16. 84 |-- Richard Dowell and son and Esse 15.00 34.00 3%.00 Fisher were callers at Grayslake on coommeatiion 162844 A.* 259.41 .-lmwlhoni"lunu $11.50 3518 5245 | 1t the Lioyd Fisher home on last 57.50 ~ 26.00 485 | rriday. . 10608 . 168451 192027 | Whomnd, "ana 'Bemtrice Wilson and & :662.93. $2032.55 $3408.82 | witton Dowell; attended the dance at . t -- t Diamond Lake on Friday evening.. * unitfrinas was a caller at the home y A MAAA povaannmainmammasps | 4 CC _ e ns /35 ## 4 op -- |o GRAYSLAKE o 1098 10% . n d¥ proving w f $ 10.00 -- n..:.'%...m-u.mm 1120.00 | at the home of Mrs. Loretta Seymour 5.00 | at Wauconda. > 16. 84 |-- Richard Dowell and son and Esse Visher were callers at Grayslake on 22.00 | Friday morning. 259.41 | Miss Betrice Wiléon was a caller 5245 | 1t the Lioyd Fisher home on last 4.86 | rriday. Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Fisher and son 192027 | Rrichard,. and Beatrice Wilson and .$ © 600 | on Friday. _' _ g40|-- Mre. Frank Wilson was a caller at " 1140.00| Crystal Lake on Friday. mornin--& . -- -- 4000 Mr. and rMs. Thomas Fisher were ~ esns 17| caller in Woodstock on Satuda, _ T _2 1 SBL .+ <ator itiiens atintiie:-- xoi initnaiiy DP e ® at the home of her 'cousins, Berths William Rossdeutscher of Jolet, i spent a few days--here with relatives. 104 114.08 | week. 19.60 | bousehold goods on Baturoay 8°0C will then go to Waukegan where she . will reside at the home of her son. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. White enter-- in +a| tained their grandson of <Madison, Mr. William Wagner motored to Waunkegan on 'business Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Powers of Neshkoro are spending a few days Richardson., Mr. and Mrs. George Richardsqn Mrs. Joseph Passfield and son vis ited at the George Powell home on on Monday. _ The funeral services for C. Ado!Dh | party> is Kdwin Hageland and Paul Span&--| Heydecker were 'held at the Mili--| The rou h.ll::ma-'l'h-m-m- burn church with burial in Millburn | into Dia idence on Thursday. cemetery ~yesterday. <The Masons | townline Mr. and Mra. Thomas Fisher visit-- charge funera r. ~] Forest. aumummuuu pt the t : Mt U99 Sunday. y Een en eeennnennnnnnnnneninmt Mr. Levitt, of Chicago was a week oK sn Ge mss + k end visitor at the Dowell Bros. res 6 > * idence. --Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher were > Tibertyville business callers on last s ! Thursday. = a | Wal.er Vasey has been on theail-- Ing Bet this week, but is now i> || -- GrogBn wEDNXBADAY -- | 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ About all one can see in this neigh-- borhood, is threshing, these days. . home on Wednesday @venINE-- Mr. and Mrs, Jack Thomp at Tthe lawn 'social at the Bd Bacon o o o o0 0o 0 o0 o o 0 0o 0o powell Bros. ily of Kenoshs, Mr. and m" Murric of Pleasant 'Prairie, spent Tuesday: in the Godfrey home. Mrs. J. E. Wagner and Miss Kit PREB: d h P uts . 4 0 C OO a 2 on < and tie McGrath spent several days of last week in the home of the for-- "%.n.m spent Sunday in the ot Mr. and . Mrs. Victor left Monday--on a -- motor . trip through the east. The Rev. and Mrs. T. E. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wagner spent m-wmm'uhlt.m M?s. Ed Doolittle will ~sell her Adah Dowell spent lw. h m' ¢ assan enjoyed a vacation callers at the in Mt. P10# rill ~sell her l whare ths mthrm ~White enter-- . of -- <Madison, 0o and Canada, on their yvacation. Mr. and Mtrs. F. Brooks of Peanr G | aylivania have returned home,. They omnmuouwmm George Rulft and wifte of Chicago ;.. | spent Wednesday ~night with Mr. The last of the thinning ranks of dirt farmers in the county are en-- %mmmsmw the with Canada thistles. | ~ in' Waukegan there has been one arrest: made already where a man neglected to cut the weed pests, . Now Vernon township is up in arms. SBupervisor Charles J. Hersch-- berger of Prairle View was in con ference with States Attorney Smith to learn if those who failed to cut {hfikflumflhm He was advised that the penalty ranged from $5 to $100 and that the township-- could cut the weeds and then charge the: owner of the prop erty. "There are so many farms turned into subdivisions that the air now is filled with--thistle seeods. In a tew years crops will be smothered out. --It is necessary to take some 0o 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 George Ash and friend, are spend-- ing the week with his mother, Mrs. R. Paxton, Thos Strang of LfverQvville, a former resident is at the Al Clark home this week and 'also is attend: Iing the G. A. R. Golden Anniyersary at Waukegan, ~EKthel Dietmeyer is enjoying a two weeks vacation in the west. Mrs, James Hagerty is entertain-- Ing guests from Chicago. of the new Fall prints in was called to Mount Vernon,. HL, due to the death of his brother. | The Sullivan and Daly families uf Chicago spent the week end at their ©Catherine Smalling is visiting with | C hber--cousin, Barbara Diétmeyer. !-- Michael Lux, who has been very ~1I1, is somewhat improved. + -- Mrs. Margie Fleck and daughter, of Florida are spending some time at |the bome of 'her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schlosser. Her father, who is sick, remains about the same. The McConville children and J. A. Hern of Chicago are _ vacationing | with their uncle, Ti Riordan. _ _ _ end at.--Crete, I1l. A new wire fence has been built in front of the Wz *sworth . school. Also a wire guard rail has been put up at the approach to the Desplaines river bridge. The many friends of William Les-- He McClure of Gurnee were shocked to hear of:his death on Saturday from typhoid fever. His wife was for ~--Ben Stedman of Dubugque, is at the Opww David ~Van Patten, supervisor of Newport, has been ill for the past went a major operation in Chicago, icturned home last Wednesday. Mtr. and Mrs. F.--G. Lucas were in Milwaukee, Sunday. Frank Ryan reecived --word> that his nephew, Joseph Foy passed away at his home in Chicago. . Mrs., M!'ie Horan was a week end gvest at the F. G. T etmeyer home. Mrs. Chas. Drawheim and Maxine were at Gleoview over Sunday. SURVEY STARTED ON ROUTE 59 A 88 Inch Year Round _ Lephyr Prints Identification of the body found August 15 ina cornfield near Mount Chicago, established the fact that he had been one of the six bandits who rotbed the West McHenry bank of $11,000 Monday, August 13. Francisco, wanted in the $133,000 Ervergreen Park railway robbery for which "Limpy" Charlie Cleaver and Attorney Charles 8. Wharton were convicted, was slumped in the seat of the big blue Stutz automobile with red wire wheels that had been used in the rotbery.> The car was pushed far back in a corn field. '~KFrancisco was drilled through the head with a bullet.» Great patches of blood etains led police to believe that some of the dead bandit's pals had been hard hit. Found By U. 8. Men The car was found by experts in the employ of the government who were searching for corn borers. Far back in the field they noticed a car. Closer 'scrutiny showed that a man was slumped in the front seat. Theory of police is that the ban-- dits, hard pressed in escape,--con-- fronted the additional risk of having a dead companion in the car, and, decided to get--rid of the telltale body 'and widely sought machine. They chose the cornfield. The car had 47 bullet holes in it which confirmed the belieft of Bruce Nicholis, McHenry hardware dealer who is a town over the mill pond Driage in ine flight toward Volo. Arthur Froelich and Phil Quinto, state highway policemen, chased the machine as far as Buffalo Grove --"YWe kept firing at them and they in "the at us, and we reloaded as fast As we | 42324 ¥Yd. A Rayon and Cotton Dress fabric developed in tweed effects for the Time for replenishing the Jinen closet for the Fall needs. We are _..-"'---"---"--f far below the real market value of cotton 'goods. Wash Cloths to Match 20c Each MARTEX BATH MATS M'ryu»--&m, 900 925 9.15 OLOSED WEDNESDAY AT 12:00. o MILLBURN o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0o 0o 0o o Mrs. Nettie E. Bowden, Mrs. Min-- netta Sager and son, and Mr. E. F. Bowden of Washington, D. C. are visiting Mrs. C. E. Denman. They came by auto. Mrs. Bowden and Mrs. Denman are sisters. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o0 0 0o 0o 0o Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fuller arrived home from Rock Island, IIL., Thurs-- Alto Denman of Gurnee is vi her grand 'parents, Mr. and l::t.mc'. E. Denman. Anna Mae Lucas, daughter of Mr. Mre. Frank Lucas and My Alshouse were maried Wedneday», Aug. 15, 2t the home of the bride. The cere-- children of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edwards, of Millburn, Mr. and Mrs. George Odom of TAberty-- ville, and Miss Liltian Strobal were among those Attending. AWARD CONTRACT ones have been co The oldest recorded poetical stanzas "the Bible are found in Genesis & 98c