Newport, will be held on Saturday, lfldatzp.n..oum All Monster Parade Will Be One of Features of the Big Celebration August 25 corporation of Deerfield, which is to be held in Jewett park in that com 'M:or ee. Th on c igust 2s have been tompieted. The day promises to be one long remem-- bered in that vicinity. mnhmmm and all sorts of intetesting features are to he included in the ex-- tensive program <attractions, with plenty of booths and concessions and a variety of games and races, -- 25 in number, with attractive prizes for old and youngs. . Th Deertield municipal band will ¥Vame is the echo of actions, re sounding them to the world, save that the echo repeats only the last part, bust fame relates all, and often more Mark J. Andrews, Pastor Church sohool at 9:30 a. m. No preaching service next Sunday. Boy Scout meeting Friday at 7:15 p. m. Reports from Camp Checar dancing will be a leading {feature of the program, with good music to be provided by a noted Chicago orches Monster Parade. One of the chief features of the afternoon will be a monster parade with all kinds of entries, and indica-- tions are that this will be a buge success with a multiplicity of vraried and interesting floats, decorated an-- tos and children's vehicles, besides marching organizations. The parade wil} assemble at 1:30 p. m., on Grand avenue, north of the railway station and will start at 2:30 o'clock, sharp. Practically all of the business me not the village are plan-- mummgmm:n; m'fi.nn:'& There will be no church school nor senvices on Sunday, Sept. 2. On Sunday, Sept. 9, church school &t 9:15 1. m. Services at 10:15 a. m.© A substi-- tute will have charge of the service. Wasnegin Gut HEMG Rivy 4 ixy $7.50 for the second and $5.00 for the third best clown. Deertield invites the entire North Mhhd.hnnbmut.mfl ver jubilee anniversary, and in dications are that one of the biggest erowds in the history of the commu eash prize of $5.00 is offered. Ten The twenty--seventh annual reun-- BROWE SCHOOL RE--UNION DEERFIEUVD CHURCH NEWS naryecio rrant apioioh wonks bbo---olhfl.'u1 It does not "puil"* under i One of the reasons why so many brush as do so many varnishes i t ce Te ad SILYER JUBILEE Voice of Fame the celebration of the A number of members of Deer--| ag ; meeting in Waukegan on=Tharsday | "p evening. The State Convention Wil} | ag a ; be held in September. Mrs. HaArrY | weeyx. Man was elected as delegate and| --y, Koobiin home last wook. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Osterman, Mrs. E. H. Willman and Alex Willman and son motored to Mundelein, on Sunday. Mres. Alex Wiiiman and her cou-- sin of Fargo, N. D. attended the Sun-- day matinee of "Good News" at the Beywin Theatre in Chicago. Arthur Rnder, Mrs. J. Endor and Miss Clara Ender are visiting at the home of Dr. Lawrense Dondanyille Pearson, ® Mrs. Anderson and Mra. Wilson, of Chicago, were guests of Mrs. Cart Olson on Saturday. A number of members of Deer-- meeting in aukogan on Thaursday be held in September. Mrs. Harry Man was elected as delegate and Mrs. Frank Jacobs Jr.. alternate, to. attend this meeting. -- Mrs. W. N. Vickers, of Beaumont, Texas, was entertained by her siz tn.ln.culmuvuklw Vicker returped to her home on last Priday. * m her birthday anniversary. T. J. Knaak, Mrs. T. L. Knask and: the: Misses Emilie and Ida and E+ frieda Knaak visited at the Romayne Stryker home at Muncie, lind., last Mr, and Mrs. Carl Friedland and daughters expect to move to Chica-- go the last of this month. the bhome of her daughter, Mrse. Clar-- ence Reppenning for the week. Patricia, the two and one--hall old daugh:er of Mr. and Mrs. m mond Clavey is ill with infantile par-- -- The annual plenic of the Dorcas Plaggse on Thursday afternaoaor 'mdflhl Bocley was held at the G.oen Tree Iun on Wednesday. Mrs. Montavon furnished the coffée and ite cream while the ladies bro't pot luck lunch, There were games and races and other spor.s.. A splendid time was reported by all who attended. Oooravuuln.hthrc.thln. Herbert Reinshagen, died at Th Gence in Chicago, on Monday eve-- ning. Funeral services were held on the Am 18 w 7,' numnsuuoummmnafium Nre. W,M. Hendricks were utmm'lu."' m':.lhcu.u"h'. m:: LMWA t?m' mms-mmju the Bannockburn f (roaret i ' from the Lake County pawaumw'.m_umm' ~u:'macm-uu.mam.-m,um wl children spent last week' in South Haven, Mich., wih Mrs. Woods® un-- cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Thompson, of North Chicago visited at the bome of Mrs. Henry Juhrend on Friday afternoon. Mich., was a guest at the 'Willlam iden s of Deerfield at one time, spent Saturday visiting=--with friends in our village. -- Miss: Alite Baker,: of La Grange, #pent Sunday with Esther at the home of Mrs: George Greene, in Li'tle Rosmary Russo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russo celebrat-- ed her sirth birthday anniversary, by> entertaining --six of her little triends, on Friday afternoon. . Mrs. William Cotteral spent last Saturday in Milwaukee. Mre. Robert Greenslade ,of High-- land Park entertained at Bridge on % afternoon in honor of Miss Sallie , ol Fargo, N. D. A Held at dinner on Thaurmmday evening. After the dinner, they went to Dam tored to Kempton and vi i with relatives, and on rmflflulufii' "quloew is on the Miss Margaret Plagge is epending her vacation at the home of her un cle, Almon Rockenbach, of Crystal Mr. and Mra. James Freeman amd sons motored to Green Bay Wiscon-- sin, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gastiield, Mr. and Mrs. John Melanded, Miss Hulda Leedstrom and Charles Ehrens, vis Iited Gages Lake, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrse. William Koeblin and son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bchminke, of Wheeling, Sunday. children returned from Uniontown, Penna., on Saturday. They had been visziting at the home of Mrs. Hoaver's parents for the past month. On last children, went to Milwaukee to vi» it at the home of Mr. Hoover's par-- Mr. and Mra. John Melander, Miss Hulda Leedstrom, of Minneapolis, Mrs. Henry Gastfield and Mr. Lar-- Mrs. Howard Anderson and Mr.--and Mre. John Melander en were Mrs. Ray Gunkle, of Highland Pk., entertained at bridge Friday after-- noon. Several Deerfield ladies were guests. a ~ Miss EHlizabeth Hoffman cefebrat--« ed her birthday anniversary Wednes-- day afternoon with a party. ~'The guests all, had a nice time. =--Mr. and> Mrs. E. O. Wilson and daugh:er, of Libertyrille were guests of Mr. and Mrs: Chester Wolf last | A miscellaneous shower, in honor of Miss Laurel Stryker was given by members of the Bungalow church, on beautifu) and useful gifts. Delicious refreshmen a.were served. _' _ The camp meeting of ihe Eyange} loeal church opened on Friday, at Bar-- rington on Friday. Several from Deerfield have cottages there for the meeting. Mrs. Sarah Plagge and daughter, left on Sa.urday morningx to visit Wednesday, for a three week's stay at Marquette, Michigan. _ ___ Mrt. and Mre. George Ott entertain-- :mmw"m l..s.Nohonullmnfly enjoy-- ed a motor trip thru Wisconsin, this Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Giss entertain-- ed Rev: Grimme and {amily of Spring 114010, IA8l WOOR. 8 x Hlla, of Evanston and Mr,= ' <(Mre. Fred LaBahn spent sever al daysat the Delis, last week.. ' . Miss Frances Bigderstadts is vis-- iting her sister, Miss Isabelle Bied-- eritadt, at Valley Ranch, N. M; .l "Deertield, Our Own Town," is the gubjéct of a very interdeting and 46-- stmietive. article about our --village, written by Dr. Walter Metcalf, in son At Juckson, Minn. <(Mrs. Plagse will spend several weeks there. Mrs. Nettie Loy, of New Bremen, Ohio, is visiting at the home of her slater, Miss Francis Loy, this week. John Robinson, of Ft. Sheridan, visited Andrew and Harold :Huhn, on "M-ll o ce ... s o4 open on Saturday, t 26, on account of the Juwnmlflonm * The TPuxis Society of the Presby terian' church: held a very interes:-- ¢ meetin ong Sunday evening. J. Jr..lgltzm J ' V h4 TY ~COM-- were Chicago visitors on Monday. The Misses Rosetta Taylor Claricoe Jubrend and Clara Aitken, spent last week at Lake Delevan, Wis. Miss Marylon Gagune, who has been visiting at the home of her grand ge, for the past two weeks, returned to Chicago, on SBunday. Mr. and Mrs. Philllp Scully Jr., and two children were guests of Dr. and Mrs, A. C. Christensen of Ken-- Iworth on Sunday. Tke WVilliam Plagge and Ed John-- son families visited Irving Plagge at the Rotary Macueen Scout Camp, 'at spending the men's race and Charles Steiner in the egg rolling contest and Mrs. Gladys Page first in the . "pin contest. . About six.y--five of Deertield were present . enjoyed the day. <Five hundred people from all parts of the county,--were there. The amusements werée well chosen and well taken charge :of. w'mm"&hm.o: terman, are epending wee! in Michizgan: RBdgewater, were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Jr., on Thursday. Miss Bernice Tucker, of Highland Park, visited «t the Carl Anderson home on Friday. _ Miss Jean Brand entertained her girl friends at a party on last Thursé day afternoon. It was her birthday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peterson were guests of. Mrs..Pew»erson's parents, Mr. and Mrs James Macadie, of May-- wood, on Sunday. The 8. P. Hutchinsop and Ray Reeds families spent Sunday at Lin-- eolin Park. Mrs. Albert Ward, formerly Miss Buelah Tibbits, of Independence, la., visited at the home of Mrs. Robert Petiis, on Monday. They spent the afternoon calling on Deerfield, High-- land Park and Lake Forest class mates. Mrs. Ward is spending some time at the C.--P. Tibbitts home at ~ Mrs. 0. Montgomery and li:tle son, of Highland Park, are visiting at the nun"mvann!m Park. . Piper will visit in Oregon before he returns home. Mr. and Mrs. William Helman, of Waukegan were guests of Mrs. Ju}-- Mr. DR W. B~METCALE WRITRA Mr. of Jr., made candies will be. delightful to | Busines# caller| here Monday morn-- everyone.} vae * | f i #, _ \ _ The Chamber of Commerce wishes | _ Mr. and Mrs. Loo Wheslock and to make urgent appeal for everyone iily are spending: two--weeks at to get their donations for the J u;h f "tration booth in as early as Miss Taggart : is <~spending umcmmwm.rmcmh,_,mmmn-rp gsuhm'wfllhchdule. . &' .. 5¢ thing you may have to give to make | » ; M Duers, assistant this booth, the largest ever. of mafla |-- ~'The band will play at the parade Bank, and Marths Hughes left and will also give a concert in--the morning for a two weeks vaca-- afternoon and evening, which will be tion trip to Niagara Falls, N. Y., via ! followed by dancing. "lw'tl. abd: son, of : s f is are spending a few days with Mrs. oo 000000000 000| °1. (~~ Mra. Henry Kruger and son, Ken-- Wmm. neth ,apent &A few days recently with the formarsininiediiy Albort Kan foude tenberg,, in Waukegan. f w.4= ' Mr and Mrs, Grantham vis | / .. tited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Al at Lal "Itrs. Frank Nofdmeyer whiie waik-- | _ M 18. W ing in the: yard t and fell OB | paoy hand.. Dr. Roae dressed the Toune | day 3 . C Knige® spent Sunday with | pair, Wmoo!, auu u0 1150 »Camaencos Cns 6 ' m::mrn way 'or a program which will incorp-- | srate all kinds of attractions. The _event promises to be an outstanding day in Deerflald history. l A program will be remjered in the aiternoon and evening.. Varities of _ earnival attrac'ions will be includ-- |ed. The big parade promises to ex-- ceed anything of its kind ever at-- tempted in Deerfield before. A snappy baseball game'is another one of the large features for the after-- noon. > "finc"?x.mwl'* vllr"c-i .u;- from Chicago Sunday. " Hughes and Belle Taggart loft last " first rural onge:--in=the state. 'The 4 mocu.:mnuaorw n '+ Hbrary, with its Baturday afternoon #tory hour, for-- children. The Deer-- field municipat band and of its aid fllonn';'r;mm-a_wmum & tone or setting. Dr: Metcalf made mention of the Association, the centre of intellectual culture, which was the Hirst one or-- o -- WAUCONDA to give concerts. Dancing «ul be one of the main features of the ure ning. Among the many awa~ls to be macde, «.new Nash sedan will be given away. ~ Young and old are invited to Deer-- xum.auumumm The big parade, which wil} be the largest and most colorful ever held in Deerfield, will commence on Grand Avenue near the Railway De pot. r':u-m'l:ouux:uv. m., &As j start promptly the parade committee. s Ed Johnson is in charge of the sports and has arranged a program to take place right after the parade and preceeding the ball game. The town will be all --dressed up for the occasion. The electric lights and practically, all the atores wi have banners and tags flying, and every resident is asked--to put out a flag and invite friends to come and make Deerfleld Day a real home real treat in ztore for everyone. ny May's and Mrs. Snyder's home 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O | Radke:; ed its charter, and was organized as a villake, under the state law. At that time, Deerflel¢ was not much of a town, but as time went on, it grew exceedingly and today, it is one of the finest towns along the North Jury in probate . court Monday found Ben J. Barker of Wauconda incompetent to manag. Jiis financial affairs and ordered a conservator. Probate Judge® Martin C. Decker appointed Doretta Hicks to act for a;uuummabouum Other matters coming before the court were as follows: Arthur W, Cort, Waukegan: Final report approved, estate closed.© Henry Freie,; Lake Forest:: Inven-- tory and appraisement bill approved Thomas Twentyman, Waukegzan: Letters of administration issued to Lena Twentyman. ~Bond of $7,000. Pfgotpthmhmhhn. Wauconda~Man is Held in-- Ahe Deerfield Municipal Band is #% O | Blanck attended a show at Barring-- son, Donald t McHenry, called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham last ew"( ; -',' Mrs. Henry Beckman of: Wheaton Spent several days this week with her mother, Mrs. John Daley, who is quite i1 _ Mre. Edith Peck--has a new elec ~rie Atwater Kent radio. Mr. and Mrs. Bugene Prior enter-- taimed friends from Chicago Satur-- Mra. Honry Volling of Fairfeld, un cities> at ElisabethCondell hosapit at Libertyrille, last Friday. Dra. Ros and Campbell were the attending Larraine Turnbull, Vernon and Gordon Shaw of Ken-- onha apent Sunday at the J. B. Turn-- Mrs. John Brown--and daughters spent Tuesday in Waukegan. 3 . Mre. C£. K Wheelock ~and son, James, left Saturday for a visit with friends in the east. Mr. and Mre. Henry Kramer eater-- ilained company from Chicago over the week end. Mre. A. L Weavrer and son of Sharon, Wis.,..apent a few days re cently with--relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stroker and family have moved from Waukegan to the Clark bungalow on Slocum Mr. and Mrs. John Molidor, Mrs. Menry Statdfield, Irving Molidor and Miss La Verne Wheelock attended the Aurora fair Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Broncheon and Mr. and Mrse. Harry Grantham have returned from an auto trip to North-- Mr. and Mra. Henry Harris, Mrs. Louis Harris and son Robert, Mrs. Joseph Trumbull and daughter, Iva, spending weeks here. «Bis Aani RIG,. EAL 1ClE AUU LLUC * _ Are. Hohry Kracger and son, Ken--|800 of Liberiyville, Aifred Dorfler neth, spent a few days at Waukegan . 200 sister, Mrs. Arthur Parr, and with relatives. children spent lest Wednesday at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns went to | the Willow Farm. 4 wmm'"mmjm' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ullrich, who was taken to the Victory Memorial were recently married, have returned hospital for a major operation Sat-- from a week's honeymoon in Wis-- urday morning. 'mgummw Mr. and Mrs. Archie Foss of Lib i2 their new home at Mundeléin. mwflm,.''md? the Wis. Jobhn's home. _--< ~*~ _ _ | moodly ~ovening. 'That the crowd consin are visiting reiatives ROre, Rdith Voliling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Honry Volling of Fairfeld, un at Lake a family of Waukegan have : moved back to Wauconda. ¥ Miss Delia Kirwan spent Wednes: Monday at the E. H. Dahms home, Frank --Dickson spent several days this week visiting relatives in Elm-- George Hapke was a caller in the Fremont-- neighborbhood Friday. Mr .and Mre. Fred Rudinski and family spent Friday evening at Lake Zurich. > Miss La Verne Wheelock spent & few days last week, with friends at hat o mepecty ol ngy oo io to Wis., on Thursday mm.wmlu been spending several months with her sister, Mra. Jack Now. + Eugene Prior was a business vis-- itor at Waukegan Friday. } Miss Rether Knigge of Lake Zur-- Jch spent Thursday here. « Mrs. J. J. Murphy and daughters of Chicago spent a few days with relatives here. Miss Marie Seymour is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Owen Paddock at Chicago. Mre. Laura Cook is spending a few days with her . grand--daughter, Miss-- Len» Pon!in =: x Yu<f* Blank attended the fair at Aurors on Thursday night. Mrs. E. ¥. Redgate was a Wauke gan caller on Fyiday. Mt. and Mrs. Albert Baseley mo-- atives at EKlmkhurst. Miss Laverne Paddock of Chicago is visiting at the home of her grand. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymout, Mre. C. E. Wheelock and son, James, are visiting relatives in the lt.u\mcm"(bmud son, Robert, of Rock Island, !IL., w.mmnm&c.xut here. _ Mrs, A. F. Erickson and daughter, Evelyn and Mildred, of Chicago are snending two weeks here. the Fiftieth anniversary, of the G. A. Mrs. Archie Wallis and family at-- ze on uol W with his cousin, at tuns to lose a hbhelper this week.| amusement this year was as £ood as at-- | Richard . Kennedy, who accepted | a cireus and was enjoyed very much. on | a position at Renthers filling sta| 'Traffic was delayed at midnight tion, Lake Villa, -- resigned.. Elvin|Friday when a car burned on the a7 | Kuelman has received his job. Grayslake road right near Lake . Harry Willett also of Reeves is | Villa after a collision. The Antioch BJ | hame anffering with an abscess on | department was called but the 'The Antioch grade school opening is to be delayed two woeeks due to under construction, will not be com-- The American Legion Festival at Antiloch will be held from Aug. 23 to Aug. 26 this year. es ::ndiyonnlu. :htthuvrld & good time -'Cfltfit mildly. All the many friends .of Mr. and Mrs Ullrich in Fremnot town-- ship extends sincere wishes for a . Mrs. Martin Bederske is spending ten days with relatives in Indiana. Mrs. Jennie Harris of Chicago is here to help care for ~her mother, Mrs. Loretta Seymour who is on the sick list. Mrs.Wim. Johns is spending a few days with her daughter, Mré. Archie Foss at Libertyvilie. ta o ooo waing Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ziegler and x i ca e A mm i 3 'lu.Wmnm Bartiett lefo Monday Bar Keeps Admit They HaVe, on an auto trip to Indicaa. They Been Fooling Public :But ~|5te Despins on a viit at the home * 4 rs. s er, Mrs. Merry. &mh on Them c:l: td:u'sw«. who has oc-- Near beer under any other name YVictoria Street for 'the past year, Iloulflrfiflmfllwltewotm has moved to the Antioch hotel and boys 'from -- west half of the will open a millenary parior in one county' who dropped into the office 'of its roome. uuma»mmme'm Nelson and Peters families son in the last few days to answer 'entertained relatives from Brand tor their transgressions along liquor Tower, IIL, a part of last week. selling lines. . « ' Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson Bome of them shrug their shoul-- 'and family and Mr. Richardson's dere and look 'sad, according to the mother, of Oak Park, are visiting justice, as they pay their $200 and wih relatives in Antioch. 'cmtnnunmhgvbhfimo!' Leonard Krahl who bas been ill the prohfbitory act. \for some time underwent an opera-- After a few of them had exhibited tion at Wesley hospital on Tuesday. extra long faces the justice found tue has been critically ill for a num the temerity to inquire into their ber of days and the latest reports sadness; 4 'are that he is doing as well as can of Chicago spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John McBride and Edmond Peterson of Carpenterville, Ill., were Sunday visitors at the Ar-- thur Kirwan home. Gracer--and Lester Wallis were Mc Henry callers, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson and family were Sunday visitors at the Frank Dickson home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stroker and hfiwamwm at George Stroker home,-- Miss Dorothy Peck is now employ-- ed in the office of Joseph Hans: Mrs. Andrew Sorensen, Mrs. Louis lnl'nbccfi Lincoln, . Nebr,. have been-- complimented on their abllity to carry the stuff like gentle. men.' : "If we came in here and told the truth and admitted that the stuff we sold was near beer . we would lose trade and plenty of friends. fSo you can see that it hurts to pay $200 and costs as a fine for selling just near beer," the supposed offend. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o fore resuming her duty, here as a hoo! 'teacher, : Leonard Krabl is quite H1 at Wes-- % Tw have founders of the Anc:::!o school, | _".mm was over , to Allendale as & gupst at the big' 'dinner given there : Sunday. She said that she got more than a hun--, dred kisses and was taken in' a wheel chair to each cottage: and 'place of interest. 1 Mrs. John Fulirer attended the . tuneral of a relative in Zion earlier, in the week. 4 F _ There was a reunion of the Leon--| ard family at John Leonard's home > in Lake Forest Sunday.> Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard, Sr., Edward inback, and daughter Betty Jane, and Miss Laura Reinback, of Chica-- Miss Edna Drom is at presext, em ployed at the Reeves drug store. The fire department received a hurry call to the vicinity of Lake YVilla on Friday nite about 12 o'clock. The alarm was turned in by someone who saw a car in flames near the erty cemetery. . _( Mrs. C. N. Lux entertained a qum-- ber of friends at a bridge party last mt!-cnu they were close friends in The ladies of the Methodist Church gave a very successful dinnper Thors-- day evening. Drom were held at Trevor, last Fri-- m.rtomoon.withnev.A.H.Knhl of Antioch officiating. 'The deceased whose maiden name was Bundy, re-- gSded at Liberty Cornérs during her earlier life, and wa: well known to the older residents of Antioch and the viciniy. After ber marriage to Charles Drom, they moved to Chica-- go, where she lived until a few years pletely demolished --before the de-- partment g0. to the scene. Miss Eunice Beli, of Chicago was united in marriage to Howard Chris-- tensen, also of Chicago on Thursday August 9.-- The bride, a daughter of Mr. and Mre, Lafe Bell is well known in Antioch, where she has many rel-- atives and friends. McClaren and family while Mr. and | Mrs.: Dick--stopped and called on relatives and friends. ' Miss Kate Phillippt returned to her home in Colby, Wis., this week after a visit here with relatives. She urday for over the week end. ! Mrs. Frances White, of Aurora, is : visiting her son, Gifford White, and family, at Round lake. She was an| honored guest at the picnic and spe-- | Mr. and Mrs. Meyer, of Michigan City, Ind., spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schilke. Mrs. A. B. Johnson and Mrs. L. R. VYanPatten were in Zion last Satur-- mw' . when she went to Harvard to live with her only daughter, Mrs. Dounes. iIntermer was in the Lib L. L Soule, of Rice Lake, Wist., wwopped over for a few days with o o o o 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 6 0 0o Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dick accompa nied by Mrs. Daisey Riney drove to Chicago this week for a few days' Mr. Watson, another teacher, and family will soon follow Mr. Stark. Mrs. Mary Murphy, one of the inA s while he was on his for Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to $:30 ahd 7 to 8 p. m. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINONS .. AMIV-ATM' Office at home on W. Cook Avenue LYELL --H. MORRIS ATTORNEY--AT--LAW LUCE BUILDING Res. Phone 97 Office Phone 18 LIBERTYVILLE, HALIMOI8R 1800 Garden Place _ Phone 6853 WAUKEGAN, L wilDmueneps, . ri2auaucinos ano niaaie mmumm Alds in eliminating Toxins: and io > a highly esteemed for producing copi-- * PHOP Libertyville Post 329 © MEETS FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH AT TOWN HALL C, C, HOSKIN8, Commuander Telephone 48J DR. J. L. TAYLOR DAY ond NIGHT SHRVICE SWM S TW Day Phone 35, Nite Phone 407 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI®8 "The Quaility Stors" BRAYSLAKE ILLINOIS Libert'y.v"lo --R o o f in g Company . a hsn n innt LIBERTYYVILLE _ ILLINON ROOFING Estimates Furnished Free TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFINQG READY ROOFING OVER OLD FLAT ROOFS RECOVERED WITH TAR AND PITCH -- Telephone 1823 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL Work Guaranteed OVERALLS AT $1.50, $1.75 and $1.95 GEORGE H. SMITH, Prop AT LOW COST A NEW LINE OF MEN'S. We do all kinds of roofing E. W. COLBY i x3 2%