Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Aug 1928, p. 10

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feation of the following Supervis-- ors elected April 3, 1928, were pre-- sented and 'Tiled, said Supervisors and Assistants so elected being: -- J. D. Thomas, Benton 'Frank T. Stanton, Grant *~C. H. Strattop, Lake Villa ~g'h£|'l'Wfllht.'lrm \ Frank Burke, Waukegan : NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY G,IV EN That at a Special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Lake Coun-- ty, Illinois, will be held on Wednes-- day, April 18th, A. D. 1928 at ten o'clock a. m., in the Supervisors' Room at the Court House in Wau-- kegan, lllinois, for the purpose of organizing, electing a Chairman and E 3 such other business as mmhfonthowd rd at said meeting. Dated April 6th, 1928. LEW A. HENDEE, Clerk. ~ Certificates of election and quali-- U@ressed to me, signed by one--third of the members of the Board of Su-- pervisore--of Lake County, Illinois, a Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Lake County, lllinois, Will be held to convene in the Su-- pervisors' Room at the Court House in . Waukegan, Illinois, on Wednes-- day, the 18th day of April A. D. 1928 at ten o'clock a .m., for the F. G. Smith being duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he is : nenuzy otut::cl:h County blishing & Prin mpany, and that the foregoing certificate of pub-- llatlendaodhyltmumry of said company as such publisher is true in substance and in fact. SuBscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of April A. D. 1928. «(SEAL) o 'Copy of Notice: h N fAs':n 6, 1928. (Name o pervisor was here in-- Berted.) sun, a secular newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of Waukegan, County of> Lake and State of Illinois, and which news-- paper has been published for more - Yours very truly, LEW A. HENDEE, Clerk 3 Certificate of Publication: fl:' F. G. Smith doh.::uyecuty t I am the secretary Lake County Publishing & Pr&.(h. publishers of the Waukegan Daily than six months prior to the first publication of the annexed notice, and that a notice of which the an-- nexed is a true copy, has been pub-- lished in said newspaper three suc-- cesive days, the first publication of which said notice was in an issue of said newspaper dated the 6th day of April A. D,,1928, the last publi-- cation thereof was in an issue of said newspaper dated the 9th day of April A. D. 1928. * LAKE CO. PUB. & * PRINTING CO. <. ~~ ',~ -- Ay: F. C Simmith, Secy. ~INX WITNESS' WHEREOF, I here-- unto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County this 6th day of April A. D. 1928. purpose of organizing, electing a Chairman and transacting such oth-- er business as may lawfully come _monthnldnonrdltthunm- BTATE OF ILLINOIS Thompson, David VanPatten, A. W. YVercoe, C. M. Wilcox and Frank P. Worack. glrut. Barney F. Naber, Wm. J. bee, James O'Connor, Chas. Crapo, Peter Stadtfeld, Frank Stanton, C. I, Lew A. Hendee, County Clerk, Of Lake County, lHIlinois, and Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said County, hereby certify that on the €th day of April, A. D. 1928, I mail-- ed a copy of the attached notice to the following named persons and at their respective addresses, being the members of the Board of Su-- mervisors of said Lake County, l!li-- »mois, to--wit: J. D. Thomas, E. A. Brown, Frank Burke, William E. Bletsch, *Frank Cory, John T. Ho-- ban, Ira Holdridge, C. J. Herschber-- ger, H. D. Kelsey, James Kelly, H. €. W. Meyer, E. J. Monabhan, T. V. Murphy, E. M. Mawman, Chas. J. We, the undersigned, Dbeing one third of the members of the Board wft Supervisors of Lake County, I!li-- mois, hereby request you to call a Bpecial Meeting of said Board of Bupervisors to convene on the 18th day of April, A. D., 1928 at 10:00 a. u.. for the purpose of organizing, eélecting a Chairman, and transact-- ing such other 'business as may Jawfully come before said Board at VYanmes Kelly..__.___._______Shields . W. Holdridge........._.Waukegan this Frank Cory.............. bf Court House, Waukegan, Ilinois, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., pursuant to the dollowing call: | Ira W. Certificate of mailing notice: Waukegan, lllingis, April 4th, 1928. To: Lew A. Hendee, County Clerk Lake County, lilinois: Waukegan, Illinois, _ . April 18, 1928. Board of Supervisors, Lake Cour to a SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS or hereby notified that pur-- LEW, A. HENDEE, . APRIL AND REGULAR JUNE SESSION oOF THE LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7 HELD IN THE COURT HKOUSE , Waukegan Notary Public. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Township Waukegan the easements into two parts, giv-- ing those for Warren Township to Mr. George McCullough and those for Libertyville Township to Mr. C. M. Wilcox. I believe that the Town-- ship Highway Commissioner is the only Township --official who is em-- powered to purchase public highway rights--of--way or contract to pay dam-- ages cincidental to the construction of public highways and I therefore explained to both Mr. McCullough and Mr. Wilcox that the Highway Commissioners of their respective Townships were the proper officers to handle the securing of the rights-- .of way for Route 172. I also agsked that. they extend my offer of the mnog possible co--operation from my to their commissioners. [ Some time elapsed before any !rkh&-oz-wu was secured on this route, but in the fall of 1927 Mr. John Thomas, then Highway Com-- missioner of Warren Township, started negotiations with the abut-- ting property owners in that Town-- ship and asked that my office as-- sist him when possible. All but a few pieces in Warren Township were sectuired before the April 3rd election udune:htht tinowl(r.' Ed Cunningham, present War-- ren Township <Highway Commis sioner Ras carried on the work with the resulit that all the necessary 'yfl-ol-w in Warren Township has replied that no definite date had been specified but that he suppos-- ed it would be a week or ten days before it would be accomplished. I feel that the gravity of the situation makes it advisable for me to give you as much information as pos-- sible and I will therefore attempt to acquaint you with the present status of the right--of--way on each section involved, together with as much in the history of each case as seems pertinent. of Friday, April 13th, Mr. G. N. Lamb, District Engineer of District number one of the Division of High-- ways, called me from Elgin and in« formed me that he had just receiv-- ed word from Springfield that the bidders' checks on all of the State Bond Road work in Lake County were to be returned at once on ac count--of failure to furnish right--ot-- way. I asked Mr. Lamb when the checks were to be returned and he You, of course, know that the Division of Highways requires that the necessary right--of--way for State road construction be furnished with-- out cost to the Department. Nearly en which jeopardizes the award of all of the contracts involved. Such & situation is unquestionably of in-- terest to the people of Lake coun-- ty and of prime importance to you as their Board of Supervisors,. 1 therefore take this opportunity of all of you know also that in Lake county it has always been custom-- ary to require the Townships to fur-- Proposals for the paving of Route 174 --from Libertyville to Gurnee were --received by the Division of Highways in July, 1827, and soon afterward the right--of--way easements were sent to my office. I separated way must be secured before the con tracts for a section of work will be awarded. Unfortunately not all of the right--of--way has been secured for any one of the sections men-- tioned and a situation has now aris nish the right--of--way necessary: for State or County road construction projects I believe that this custom was established on the foundation that the Townships would receive sufficient benefits to offset the ex-- pense incurred and I know of no instance where there has been a de-- viation from the custom in Lake To the Honorable, The Board of Supervisors of Lake County, Illinois. Gentlemen : As most of you know, the Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, has received bids on the following $100,-- 000,000.00 Bond<Issue Road work in Lake County; Route 59 grading from Volo to Ingleside, Route 172 paving from Libertyville to Gurnee; Route 176, Mundelein to Wauconda and Route 176, Waucondsa to Route 61 in McHenry county. The work contemplated in Lake county under these proposals amounts to approxi-- mately five miles of grading and six-- teen miles of paving at an approxi-- mate total cost of $550,000.00.+Cer-- tified checks of the three lowest bidders on each of these sections have been held by the Division of Highways, pending award of con-- tracts but the necessary right--of-- Temporary Chairman Meyer call-- ed for nomination for Chairman for the ensuing year. Supervisor Harbaugh placed in nomination Thomas V. Murphy for Chairman and moved that the Clerk cast the unanimous vote for Mr. Murphy. -- Motion carried. The Clerk cast the vote and Mr. Murphy took the chair and thank-- ed the members of the Board. > Supervisor Ficke moved that the Chair appoint a committee on Rules for the governing of the Board for the ensuing year. Motion carried. The Chairman appointed Super: visor Ficke, Brown and Hoban. R. M. Lobdell, superintendent of highways submitted the following Pursuant to the foregoing call the meeting was called to order by the County Clerk: Upon roll call the following mem-- bers were present:; Bupervisors Brown, Burke, Bletsch, Cory, Crapo, Dilger, Dronen, Funk, Ficke, Holdridge, Harbaugh, Homan, nmm Kelly, Kelsey, Monahan, M A Meyer, Naber, Obee, O'Connor, Stanton, Stratton, Short, Stadtfield, Thompson, Thomas, Udell, Vercoe, VanPatten, Wilcox, Worack, Wright--33. Absent: Mawman--1. The first order of business being the election of a temporary chair-- man, upon motion of Supervisor Thompson, Supervisor Meyer was unanimously elected as temporary chairman and took the chair. bers were present :; Wilcor that it he w Supervisors Brown, Burke, Libertyville easement Bletsch, Cory, Crapo, Dilger, I would see that tho: Dronen, Funk, Ficke, Holdridge, |to donate the right--of Harbaugh, Homan, wm, en an opportunity to « Kelly, Kelsey, Monahan, M , | cox delivered the eas Meyer, Naber, Obee, O'Connor, |office and we began Paul Udell, Deertield 7 KS that the Department has agreed to build a 20 foot span bridge over'a boat channel on his property. The Township officials of both towns have been handicapped by many an-- avoidable delays on this section and are deserving of credit for their patient efforts I believe that the Waldmann tract is the only serious obstacle and it is likely that con-- demnation proeocdlnn" will <be --re-- sorted to at once if it necessary. Proposals for the paving of Route 176 from Mundelein to Wauconda were received December 21, 1927, Ten days later I received the ease-- ments and at once turned them ov-- er to Mr. H. C. W. Meyer and Mr. Ray Paddock. ~The right--of--way is all secured in Fremont Township and the only remaining tracts in Wanconda Township are the Poyer tract and the Kimball tract. A con-- Hart. & Mead property -- south of Route 20, and a conference has been arranged with these gentlemen for Thursday of this week at which time I believe a settlement can be made. -- In Grant Township there still remains the Rushmore tract, the : O'Boyle estate tract and the Sheeman tract at the north end and the Weldmann tract at the south end. The Shechan tract is one of the ownerships which was incorrect-- ly shown on the original easement and, inasmuch as I just received the corrected easement from the De-- partment, there has been no oppor-- tunity to approach this owner,. I believe that no serious difficulty is anticipated in connection with any of the three tracts at the north end. Mr. Waldmann, however, feels that the two and one--halt acres required through his property is worth at least $20,000.00, in spite of the fact all were ready. We then called Mr. Kenny at Chicago on Monday morn-- ing of this week and explained the danger of losing the road unless im-- mediate action be taken. He said that he would 'not change his posi-- tion until he had talked with Mr. Ewing and --we therefore arranged for Mr. Ewing to talk with him. In the afternoon of that day we called Mr. Ewing and he informed us that Mr. Kenny had left for New York and had assured him before leaving that he would not sign the ease-- ment on an 80 foot right--of--way basig. It therefore seems that, un-- less a precedent of long 'Mi is overthrown and the matter is taken out of the hands of the Libertyville Township Highway Commissioner, Lake County will lose this Route for an indefinite time. Last fall the department accept-- ed proposals for the grading of Route 59 from Volo to Ingleside. About ten days after the acceptance of proposals I received the right--of-- way easements. I gave those for Wauconda Township to Ray Pad-- dock and those for Grant Township to Frank Stanton. They ,together with the Highway Commissioners, started'"the process of securing the necessary signatures. It finally' de-- veloped that the cost of right--of--way on the location selected in Yolo would be prohibitive for the Town of Wauconds and fortunately an al-- ternate location was found which was satisfactory to the Department. SBurveys were made on the new angnmog_t and new easements pre-- the preparation of new documents by the Department and added to the delay. At present the only unsecur-- ed right--of--way on this section in Eaueonda Township is through the pared. This of course, necessitated considerably and influenced the lo-- cation in both Wauconda and Grant Townships. We also discovered some errors in the easements for Grant Township which necessitated to return the bidders' checks, my office again got in touch with Casey, Meyer, Ewing and Cater. My repre-- sentative was informed by those gentlemen that they had entered in-- to an agreement with Mr. Kenny that none of them would sign until seemed to me a very worthwhile concession for the Department to make but it did not change the at-- titude of Casey, Meyer, Ewing, Ca-- ter and Kenny. 1 have not been able to discover how it impressed Mr. Hglter. . After I had been advised by Mr. Lamb of the Department's decision selected by the Department. 2.. The Department's requirement of an 80 foot width of right--of--way. 3. The fear that many beautiful trees would be destroyed. In order that they might be given an epportunity to be heard an au-- dience was arranged with Governor Bmail, C. R. Miller and Frank T. Sheets, At this conference, the gov-- ernor and the heads of the depart-- ment refused to consider a reduc-- tion in the width of the right--of--way or a change in alignment but agreed to do everything possible to save the trees. 1 have been told that it is generally understood in the neigh-- borhood of Libertyville, that these gentlemen are objecting because of the fact that the trees will be de-- stroyed. That impression is not based on fact as I have succeeded in hbaving the Department insert clauses in these easements to the effect that the trees in question would not be removed during the construction of the road and more-- over that the Department would pro-- tect them during their lifetime. This A. M. Casey, Libertyville; Harry Meyer, Libertyville; W. R. Ewing, Libertyville; H. J. Cater, Liberty-- ville; J. A. Kenny, Chicago; E. J. Curtis, Libertyvyille. Before going further I wish to state that the property of Mr. Cur-- tis is subjected to some damage in-- asmuch as my office cannot make financial agreements for a Township it is not surprising that Mr. Curtis has not signed his easement. Apparently the primary objections of the gentlemen above mentioned were : +*, 1. The location and alignment titled to know whether their neigh-- bors in Libertyville also wanted the road or not and I therefore told Mr. Wilcox that if he would bring the Libertyville easements to my office I would see that those who wished to donate the right--of--way were giv-- en an opportunity to do so. Mr. Wil-- cox delivered the easements to my office and we began to call upon the owners along the proposed Route.'It developed that all except the following owners gladly signed the easements: reported, however, that he was much too 'busy with threshing or silo till-- ing to give any time to the 'right ot--way ' In March of"%h year, after threshing and tilling sessions had passed and Mr. Helfer still failed to attempt to secure the needed rightof--way, it finally occur-- red to me that perhaps Mr. Helfer would always be too busy to secure right--of--way for Route 47%. I felt that the people of Warren Townsahip who had evidenced a desire for the road by giving t--of titled to know '1"&&.1 --way were en-- Your County Superintendent of Highways would further report that Kapschull--Davis Compapy the con-- tractor as aforesaid, has completed said improvement in compliance with said contract. : «_ _Your County Superintendent of Highways hereby certifies that he has inspected -- said ~improvement, and that it has been fully complet-- ed according to the plans and speci-- fications furnished said contractor by your Honorable Body, and that he has accepted the same, and that there is now due and unpaid to said contractor the full sum of. no dollars It appearing to your County Su-- perintendent of Highways that the Honorable Board . of Supervisors have entered into a contract with Kapschull--Davis Company, of Deer-- field, Illinois, for the sum of $7619.75 to build said bridge. ® In obedience to an order of the County Board of said County, made and entered 6of record at a --meeting of said Board held on the 13th day of September A. D. ,1927, directing your County Superintendent of High-- ways to prepare plans and speci-- fications for the building of a bridge . To the Honorable, the Board of Bupervisors of . Lake County, Illinois. Gentlemen : Your Highway Maintenance . Com-- mittee, acting in accordance with your authorization of March 13, 1928, wishes to report that proposals were this day received for the furnishing of two one man motor patrol out-- fits and one tractor for use by the Lake County Highway Department. A tabulation of all proposals receliy-- ed is attached hereto. After carefully conllderh::.thm proposals we deemed it to best interest of the highway construc-- tion and maintenance of this coun, ty that the proposals of the Stand-- ard Road Equipment Company and To the Board of Supervisors of Lake County, Illinois: Respectfully submitted, E. A. FICKE, Chairman T. V. MURPHY, JAMES KELLY County . High way Maintenance Committee. (See statement of tabulation of bids on file.) 4 Supervisor Cory moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Motion carried. cepted. i We have therefore awarded a con-- tract for two Galion E Z lft one man motor patrol graders with 10 foot blade, to the Standard Road Equipment Company at a net price of $5,027.40. We have also awarded & contract for one standard Cater-- pillar "60" Tractor to the: W. B. Louer Company at a net price of $1500.00. * CcOUNTY OF LAKE April 18, 1928. ; Supervisor Meyer moved to refer the matter to the new Maintenance Committee. Motion carried. ; SBupervisor Ficke. submitted the following report: ; The recent rush of securing rights-- ot--way has made it impossible for me to completec my study of this situation but at the time of your regular June session I will present estimates of cost together with a detailed analysis of the felative de-- sirability of each ~method, which you may use as a basis for arriving at a decision regarding the proced-- ure to be followed if you so desire. Respectfully submitted, R, M. LOBDELL, County Superintendent of Highways. Gentlemen : With further reference to ~the drainage of <the County Hospital Drives I wish to report that upon investigation I have found it pos-- sible to establish drainage by either of the following methods: 1. An apen ditch across private property in a general northeasterly Motion carried. R. M. Lobdell, superintendent of Highways submitted the following 2. A tile line connecting with the existing outlet' of the Hospital Septic tank overflow. _ R which have been the cause of so much effort on the part of many of us and which are so sorely need-- ed by many of our people. j . Most respectfully yours, R. M. LOBDELL, County . Superintendent . [ otf Highways. . Aprit*18, 1988.5 o. =© Supervisor Meyer moved that the report be received and placed on I trust that you will pardon me for inflicting so lengthy a report upon you but it seemed to me that the gravity of the situation warranted 4 rather detailed explanation. Final-- ly, I wish to assure you that I shall continue to do everything within my power to assist in securing the re-- maining rights--of--way and I sincere ly hope that it will not b:k'mm for Lake county to lose of these highways construction projects To the Honorable, the Board of SBupervisors of Lake County, IIlH-- . J am inclined to believe that, due to the short space of time that has elapsed since proposals on this sec-- tion were received, the Department may grant us a reasonable addition al amount of time to work on the right--of--way for this section, . ference will be held on Thursday of this week to attempt a settle-- ment with these owners without con-- demnation. If this attempt fails, the right.ot--way will be condemned at once and I have secured Mr. Lamb's promise that he will recommend the award of the contract upon institw tion of condeitmnation proceedings. Prospects of the early award of this contract are therefore very bright. Proposals for paving Route 176 from Wauconda to Burton's Bridge were received on February 29, 1928. The ruht-ot-'u{u easements were not received until fully two weeks later and it then developed that some parts of the location were sub-- ject to objections and with all offi-- clals in the midst of campaigns it is no wonder that thirty days has secure the required right--of--way. We are now attempting to effect some modifications in location by the De-- partment, * * . B. Louer Company be ac-- time in which to of Section 16, and thence east on the north side of the road for ap-- proximately 500 feet and west on tlcmthddootthoroadtorap- proximately 500 feet as shown on the attached sketch. This line will} carry electric cur-- rent at 6900 --volts and will be con-- structed in accordance with the re-- quirements ~of the | Illinois Com-- merce Commission. west on the north side of Winthrop Harbor Road, for about one mile: thence north on the east side of the road for about 3.4 of a mile; thence west thmufh'nunoll 2% miles on the south side of the road:; thence south on the west side of the road 1% miles to Rosecrans at the center crans and the residents en route, the Public Service Company of Northern Jllinois hereby petitions your committee for permission (in accordance with a resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors on Bep-- tember 16, 1926) to €rect an elec-- tric distribution line from the inter-- section of Greenbay Road and Ninth Avenue or Winthrop Harbor Road, Lake County Road & Bridge Committee. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY . OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ; Road and Bridge Committee, Lake County, lIllinois, % Gentlemen : * ] For the purpose of supplying elec-- tric service to the rural to the rural communities of Russell and Rose-- § GEO. Y. TAYLOR, . District Engineer To Whom It May Concern: * We hereby grant to the Public Service Company of Northern Illi-- nois, permission to install an elec-- tric distribution line in accordance with the attached petition and plat. PSF FRANK T. STANTON C,. H. STRATTON~ J. L. O'°CONNOR This line will carry electric cur-- rent at 6900 volts and will be®con-- structed in accordance with the re-- quirements of the Illinois Commerce Commission. -- The following application of the Public Service Company of North-- ern lllinois to supply electricity to residents along Milburn Road, and rural residents of Russell and Rose-- crans were presented and read: PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Road and Bridge Committee, Lake County, Illinois, Gentlemen : For the purpose of supplying elec-- tric service to the residents along Milburn road, north of Milburn and the residents of Hickory Corners, the Public Service Company of Norfthern Illinois hereby petitions your committee for permission, in accordance with the resolution pass-- ed by the Board of Supervisors on September 16, 1928, to erect an electric distribution line along the east side of the Milburn--Hitkory Corners road starting approximate-- ly 500 feet north of Milburn and ter-- minating 2%% miles north at Hick-- ory Corners near the center of Sec-- tion 13, as shown on the attached 50% by Antioch township.._$3648.832 50% by Lake County ......$3048.83 Filed April 16, 1928. < Supervisor Meyer moved that the report be accepted and adopted. -- Total amount paid contract-- by your honorable Body, and that he has accepted the same, and that there is now due and unpaid to said contractor the full sum of $--, and that the said contractor has fully satisfied all parties interested for the labor and material furnished on said improvement, as per attached receipt for the same, and itemized as follows: Dated this 4th day of April A. D. 1928. R. M. LOBDELL, County ~Superintendent of Highways. STATEMEXNT ° Amount of contract ........$6230.19 has inspected said improvement, and that it has been fully completed It appearing to your County Su-- perintendent of Highways that the Honorable Board of Supervisors have entered into a contract with In obedience to an order of the County Board of said County,; made and entered of record at a meeting of said Board, held on the 16th day of December A. D. 1927, directing your County Superintendent of High-- ways to prepare plans and speciti-- cations for the building of approach-- es to the bridge over the Channel between Bluff Lake and Spring Lake on the east and west public high-- way in the SE 4 of Section 24, sit-- uated in the Town of Antioch in said Your County Superintendent of Highways would further report that K. M. Melahn the contractor ~as aforesaid, has. completed said im-- provement in compliance with 'said Your County Superintendent of Highways hereby certifies that he E. M. Melahn, Algonquin, lilinois, for the sum of $§6230.19 to build said To the Board of Supervisors of Lake County, Illinois: CcOUNTY OF LAKE Amount paid to contractor: 50% by Lake County ......$3167.88 50% by Antioch Township..--$}$167.87 "lz);tod this 4th day of April A. D. R. M. LOBDELL, County ~Superintendent of Highways. Bupervisor Stratton moved -- that the report be approved. o Motion carried. R. M. Lobdell, Superintendent of Highways, submitted the following report to the Board of the comple-- tion an® acceptance of approaches to the Bridge over the channel be-- tween BlWff Lake and Spring Lake. STATE OF ILLINOIS | « ed recéipt for the same, izted as follows: and that the said contractor has ful-- ly satisfied all parties interested for the 18 cu. yds. Bowwer @ DL ..--..<..--.~--«««-- P08 246 cu. yds. excavation 1040 it 15--ton 120 it 10--ton Very truly yours, @ .170 ......$504.00 15--ton ( 1 @ .T5 ....8780.00 1284.00 ts ue t o o e ce N6 to e ce in c i ce w iY J W STATEMENT GEO. Y. TAYLOR, District Engineer vement, as per attach-- _.123.00 _ 132.54 contractor §$6335.75 $7619.75 f . Respectfully submitted, ' + KARL M. BECK, M. D. . Supervisor Obee moved that the petition be referred to the Hospital Committee and that the chairman Aund clerk of the Board of Supervis-- ors be authorized to enter into & contract with Dr. Beck and that the salary be fixed the same as hereto-- 'The Chairman appointed the. fol-- lowing standing committees for the ensuing year: fore and also other conditions as provided heretofore. Motion carried. Firmly believing that my endea: vor is worthy the commendation of this board, I respectfully request that it be evidenced by my re-- appointment to the office of Super-- intendent of .the Lake County Gen-- eral Hospital at Waukegan, Illinois. the requirements demanded of its Superintendent and those under him who also aid in making a success Of this great humanitarian work. I have now practically completed my first year as Superintendent of the Lake County General Hospital, and I trust that my efforts in that behalf meet with the approbation of your honorable body. As many of you know, I 't'a en-- joyed a most valliable experience in connection with the hospital by reason of my association with my predecessor, Dr. Charles Lieber, and was; therefore, at the beginning oi my service, thoroughly informed as to the 'needs of the institution and Waukegan, Illinois, 'April 25, 1928 'A To the Honorable 'Board of Super-- visors in and for Lake County, IIli-- nois: Tok ors Brown, Burke, Dronen, Ficke, Herschberger, Kelly, Meyer, Naber, Stratton, Short, Stadtfield, Thomp-- son, Thomas, VanPatten, Worack, Wright--16., Absent and 'not voting were ~Supervisors-- Funk, Monahan, Mawman, Stanton, Vercoe--5. ~Karl M. Beck, M. D., submitted the following petition for re--appoint-- ment to the office of Superintend-- ent of the Lake County General Hospital. * Those voting "Aye" were Super-- visors Bletsch, Cory, Crapo, Dilger, Holdridge, Harbaugh, Hoban, Kel-- sey, Obee, O'Connor, Udell, Wilcox --12%. Voting "Nay" were Supervis-- Supervisor Dilger, Poormaster of Waukegan Township, submitted tax bills in the abount of $317.60 cover-- ing taxes of 1927 for various poor families in the City of Waukegan and asked that same be allowed. Aye and Nay vote being had Su-- pervizsor Dilger's motion was lost by° the following vote: , ment with Chairman Murphy pre-- siding and the following members present : L Supervisors Brown, Burke, Bletsch, Cory, Crapo, Dilger, Dronen, Funk, Ficke, Holdridge, -- Harbaugh, Hoban, Herschberger, .Kelly, Kelsey, Meyer, Naber, Obee, O'Connor, Stratton, Short Stadtfield, Thompson, Thomas, Udell, VanPatten, Wilcox, Worack, Wright--29, Absent were: Supervisors Monahan, Mawman, Stanton, Vercoe--4. Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and upon motion of Su-- pervisor ' Meyer unanimously ap-- proved.,, e *5 committee Supervisors Ho,lfl.rldce' Stanton and Cory. . Supervisor Meyer moved to ad jJourn to April®25th, 1928, at ten o' clock a. m. . Motion carried. > L Supervisor Ficke moved that the Chair appoint the necessary ~dele-- Eates to the convention. Motion carried. Supervisor Ficke moved that the election expense bills be referred to the Committee on Elections. Motion carried. Supervisor Stanton <-- moved that the Chairman appoint a committee of three together with the Superin-- tendent of Highways to act on all right--o(--way matters with power to act and that this committee secure in writing an agreement signed by the Township Road Commissioner and the members of the Township Board, that the Township will reim-- burse the County for all monies ex-- pended in condemnation proceed: terest to the Chairman <-- of your Board, Welfare Committee, County Judge, State's Attorney, Nurses and all who are interested in the Wel-- fare of your County. The subjects to be considered are the "Relationship of truancy and de-- pendency to delinquency," also the "Effective administration of Moth-- ers' Aid Pension." . -- . All co--operation of your Board will be duly appreciated and we trust. that a goodly representation will be present from your County. -- Respectfully, ELIZABETH MANN, The object of the association is: To increase the efficiency' of the Probation System in Iilinois. To develop the consensus of opin-- jon in the mneed of appropriate leg-- islation. To conserve human welfare. To promote good fellowship among its members. © All Probation officers and others directly interested in the work of the State Probation System of I!Ili-- nois are eligible to membership. . We are Tooking forward to a very splendid meeting and numbers count. _ How y representatives will there from your County* Will/ you see that arrangements are n for your Probation Officer Motion carried The following communication was presented up,d read : The lilinois Probation Officers' Asociation --will 'hold its Annual Meeting ~at Herrin, «/illiamson County, April 23 and 24. We hereby: grant to ; the Public Service . Company : of: Northern 1lli-- noils, permission to install an elec-- tric dhtrlbmaum in accordance with the a petition and plat. FRANK T. STANTON C. H. STRATTON 2. O'OONNgx B. F. NAB f . Lake County Road & ; Bridge Committee. Supervisor Holdridge moved that the petition be received and placed on file and that the action 'of the Road and Bridge Committee be rati-- Motion To Whom It May*Concern : atf . met Waukegan, . lIilinots April 25, 1928. will also --be of in-- appointed as such Officers' The reason for my resignation ;s t:l:.t. the two offices : are incompat-- April 23, 1928. To the Honorable Members of'the County Board of the County of Lake, and State of Illinois: Gentlemen: _ 4 Having been elected to the office of Alderman, in and for the Fifth (5th) Ward of the City of Zion, on the 17th inst., I herein--tender my resignation (to take effect at once) from the office of Justice. of the Peace for the Town of Benton, to which I was elected in April, 1925, which term expires on the first WRIGHT -- County Farm Audit, License and Farmers' Institute, Poor Waukegan, Shjelds and Deerfield. Supervisor Obee moved that the list of Committees be approved. Motion carried. & Lewis B. Mitchell, Justice of the Peace in and for the Town of Ben-- ton, submitted his 'resignation as such Justice of the Peace:-- =-- THOMAS --Settlement <~with the Circuit Clerk and Recorder, Settle-- ment with the County Clerk, Educa-- tional, Finance. THOMPSON--County Farm, Plats, Detention Home Audit. UDELL--Detention Home Audit, Hospital Andl%-)NPrlntlng. VAN PATT -- Swamp Lands, Hospital, Miscellaneous Claims. VERCOE ---- Finance, Road and Bridge Audit, Settlement --with the State's Attorney. WORACK--Insurance, Settlement with the State's Attorney, Judiciary. STRATTON--License and Farm-- ers' Institute, Swamp Lands, Road WILCOX--State Charities, Settle-- ment with the Treasurer, County STANTON -- Road and Bridge, Miscellaneous Claims, Insurance. MAW MAN--Fees and Salaries and Right--o{i--Way, Public Buildings and Grounds, Resolutions and Settle-- ment: with the Probate Clerk. MEYER -- Settlement with the County Clerk, *Finance, Hospital. * NABER -- Miscellaneous Claims, Road and Bridge, License & Farm-- ers' Institute. O'CONNOR--Hospital Audit, Road and Bridge, Judiciary, County Farm. SHORT--Plats, County Farm, Au-- dit, Settlement with the County Clerk. + STADTFIELD-- Settlement with the Sheriff, Jail, Swamp Lands. OBEE -- Public Buildings and Grounds, Fees and Salaries and Right--of--Way, Road and Bridge. Ways. HOLDRIDGE -- Printing, Settle ment with the Sheriff, Road Out-- fits and Maintenance, Fees and Sal-- aries and Right--of--Way. KELLY--Jail, Road Outfits »and Maintenance, Hospital Audit. KELSEY--Resolutions and Settle-- -- ment with the Probate Clerk, Pub-- lic Buildings and Grounds Audit, _ _setliement with County Clerk --| April 25, 1928. Meyer, Thomas, Short. | _ Supervisor Holdridge moved that l Settlement with State's Attorney the report be accepted and adopted. --Funk, Worack, Vercoe. | Supervisor Dilger, Chairman of ' Settlement with Sheriff-- Stadt-- the Committee on Jury and Election field, Holdridge, Brown. | submitted the following report: Settlement with the Treasurer-- STATE OF ILLINOIS ] | Harbaugh, Wilcox, Dilger. | | ss State Charities-- Wilcoxr, Burke, COUNTY OF LAKE J Funk. | Board of Supervisors, ° _ _ Swamp Lands--Van Patten, Strat--| Special April Session, ton, Stadtfield.. April 25, 1928. | Members and Their |_ Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of 1 Committees. _ _the Board of Supervisors: _ _BROWN -- Judiciary, Settiement _ Your committee on Elections beg with Circuit Clerk and Recorder, leave to report that we recommend Settlement with Sherift. ; the Election Expense Bills for the _ BURKE--Detention Home, State Primary Election held April 10th, Charities, Jury and Elections and | 1928, be allowed as follows, to--wit: Erroneous Assessments. For Judges of Election, BLETSCH--Poor balange of Coun--| _2 days at $6.00..._________$12.00 ty, Educational and Detention Home. | For Clerks of Election CORY-- Hospital, Printing, Poor _ 2 days at $6.00 per day...._$12.00 Balance of g County. | For posting notices of election 250 CRAPO--PoGr Waukegan, Shields For posting specimen ballots. 250 and Deerfield Poor, Detention Home, For returning poll book to Public Buildings and Graunds. \ _ County Clerk $5.00 and mileage DILGER--Jury, Elections and Er-- For rent of polling place..___. $.00 roneous Assessments, Detention For erecting booths, etc _____ 3.00 Home Audit, Settlement with the ; Respectfully submitted, Treasurer. | M. P. DILGER DRONEX-- Public Buildings and | CHAS. J. HERSCHBERGER Grounds Audit, Poor Waukegan | FRANK BURKE Shields and Deerfield, Purchasing. | Election Committee. FICKE--Road Outfits and Main-- | Supervisor Ficke moved that the tenance, Poor Balance of the Coun-- report be accepted and adopted and ty, Finance. ' that the Clerk be @authorized to draw FUNK --Settlement with States | warrants on the County Treasury ;n Attorney, Purchasing, State Chari-- | payment of same, Aye and Nay vote ties. being had Supervisor Ficke's mo-- * HARBAUGH--Settlement with the'_lhl was carried by the following Treasurer, County Farm, Public yote: Buildings and Grounds Audit. | Those voting "Ave" were Suner-- HOBAN--Purchasing, Resolutions and Settlement with Probate Clerk, Fees and Salaries and Right of HERSCHBERGER -- Road and Bridge Audit, Jury, Elections and Erroneous Assessments, Plats. Road Outfits and Maintenance-- Ficke, Kelly, Holdridge. Settlement with Circuit Clerk and Recorder--Thomas, Brown, Naber. Settlement with County Clerk -- Meyer, Thomas, Short. Settlement with State's Attorney --Funk, Worack, Vercoe. Settlement with Sheriff-- Stadt-- field, Holdridge, Brown. Settlement with the Treasurer-- Harbaugh, Wilcox, Dilger. State Charities-- Wilcox, Burke, Funk. Swamp Lands--Van Patten, Strat-- ton, Stadtfield.. IAicense & Farmers' Institute -- Stratton, Wright, Naber. Miscellaneous Claims -- Naber, Stanton, VanPatten. Plats--Short, Thompson, Hersch-- berger. Poor, Waukegan, Shields & Deer-- field--Crapo, Dronen, Wright. Poor, Balance of County--Bletsch, Ficke, Cory. Printing--Holdridge, Cory, Udell. Public Buildings & Grounds -- Obee, Mawman, Crapo. Public Buildings & 'Grounds-- Au-- dit--Dronen, Kelsey, Harbaugh. --Purchasing -- Hoban, Funk, Dro-- nen. Resolutions And Settiement with Probate Clerk--Kelsey, Hoban, and Mawman. Road and Bridge--Stanton, O'Con-- nor, Stratton, Naber, Obee. Road and Bridge 'Audit--Hersch-- berger, Vercoe, Worack. Assessments--Dilger, Herschberger, Burke. Finance -- Vercoe, Meyer, Ficke, Thomas. Hospital--Cory, VanPatten, Mey-- er. ._Konmnl Audit--O'Connor, Udell, ---.'. TFYARGUORq UWWI. [ ~County Farm Audit -- Wright, Short, Monahan. -- Detention Home-- Burke, Crapo, Bletsch. Detention Home Audit -- Udell, Dilger, Thompson. ~Education -- Monahan, Bletsch, Themas. Fees and Salaries and Right--o(-- Way--Mawman, Obee, Hoban, Hold-- Insurance -- Worack, Monahan, Bunton. 4 Jail--Kelly, Stadtfield." Kelsey. Judiciary--Brown, O'Connor, Wor-- Jury and Elections and Erroneous STANDING COMMITTEES , LEWIS B MITCHELL, 26. 4e You may be assuredsevery pur-- | pose of a Farmers' Insti was at-- , tained, and the credit n:an Lake County for the very best State In-- | stitute in ity 32 years of history. Bupervisor Meyer moved that the communication be received and plac-- ed on file. . ' Motion carried, SBupervisor Obee presented the following report in re salary of the culturai~interests--not the least of which came to our boys and girlis-- one session thm.xln' one hundred and sixty--four (1 present. Please. make your appropriation available to Lake County Executive Committee, lilinols Farmers® Insti-- *All join in appreciation of your assistance in this most successful event .for the. benefit of our agri-- Waukegan). With assurance of our continued desire to 'assist Lake County in ev-- March; it --was voted: "The Lake County meeting was the outstand-- ing meeting in the.--history of our Institute." Our County Farmers' Institute, Bureaun-- ~of= Domestic Science, and Farm Burean worked in a most un-- usually faithful manner, with others both from within and without our county, to make the event a success. At the imeeting of the State In-- stitute directors in Springfield in Private subscriptions obtained by us amounted to $1650.00. We are anxious to pay the ac counts yet due, and will very great-- ly appreciate your appropriation-- Five Hundred and Eighty ($580.00) for the Academy 'Theatre and Ma-- sonic Temple for meetings and the Armory for the first exhibition of its kind ever held in conpection with & state convention. This exhibition drew some nine thousand (9000) visitors interested in farm problems, largely from without our communi-- ty. _ The following communication from the Chamber of Commerce was pre-- sented and read: Chamber of Commerce Waukegan--North Chicago * _ Waukegan, Illinois, April 19, 1928. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Lake County, Waukegan, I!l Gentlemen : We are pleased to report the un-- precedented success of the State Farmers' Institute held here in Feb-- ruary, and to which expense you so kindly consented to assist. The contribution of the Chamber of Commerce--$1,000.00. visors Brown, Burke, Bletsch, Cory, Crapo, Dilger, Dronen, Ficke, Hol& ridge, Harbaugh, Hoban, Herschber ger, Kelly, Kelsey, Meyer, Naber, Voting "Nay"--none. Absent and not voting were Su-- pervisors Funk, Monahan, Mawman, Stanton, Vercoe--5. Obee, O'Connor, Stratton, Short, Stadtfield, Thompson, Thomas, Udell, Van Patten, Wilcox, Worack, Supervisor Naber moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Motion carried. Supervisor Ficke, member of Com-- mittee on Rules, submitted the fol-- lowing report: To tha Honorable, the Board of SBupervisors, of Lake County, NIli-- nois : Your Committee on Rules hereby recommend that the rules for the ensuing year be the same as adopt-- ed for the past year. Board of Supervisors, April Session A. D. 1928. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Finance Committee to whom was referred the matter of the pay-- ment of taxes for certain paupers in Waukegan, Illinois, beg leave to report that they have had the mat-- ter under consideration and récom-- mend that no action be taken in re-- gard to the same by this Board. Respectfully submitted, H. C. W. MEYER » E. A. FICKE JOHX D. THOMAS Finance Committee. Supervisor Thomas moved to a¢ cept the resignation. Motion carried, . Spervisor Thomas presented the name of Robert Anderson of Win-- throp Harbor as Justice of the Peace to fill the unexpired term. Motion carried. Supervisor Thompson moved to refer the matter of time for open-- ing the polis for the Bond Issue EKlection to the Judiciary Commit-- tee and State's Attorney and that they report back today. Motion carried. Supervisor Meyer, member of the !'l_l_\unce Committee submitted the COUNTY OF LAKE following report: STATE OF ILLINOIS Tme_ voting "Aye" were Super-- Yours sincerely, E. A. FICKE E. A. BROWN J. T. HOBAN Committee on Rules of Commerce,

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