Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Aug 1928, p. 14

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3. Does any of the fee received by the various County Officials be-- long to these officials or do all of the fees go into tie regular county receipts? It so, is there a detailed report made of these fees? . x "QUESTIONS TO BE ASKED THE LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF -- sUPERVISORS" 1. When was the last audit made of the County Books, and by whom? 2. How many deputies are there urers during the last ten years? 5. Is there any interests from monies belonging to the taxpayers of Waukegan and Lake County due from the County Treasurers during the last ten years? If so, how much ? employed by the various 4. Has there been a complete and satisfactory settlement made to the satisfactory settie t made to the Mu&p@rv!mbythotnu- 6. Is the present method of audit-- ing the County Books strictly in accordance with the law and good business ethics? 4. Does the County Board com-- ply strictly to the letter of the law with régard to purchasing supplies and equipments by having the vari-- ous supplies and work bid for and Mflmtotho lowest responsi-- ble rs, gn accordance with specifications furnished by the prop-- er committees? . EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, Waukegan Taxpayers Association. Supervisor Mawman moved that the communication be tabled. Motion carried. * Supervisor Hoban moved that the Clerk of this Board write a letter to the Waukegan Taxpayers Asso-- clation stating that the records of and that all meetings are open to Motion carried. Supetvisor Stratton moved to ad-- jJourn to tomorrow morning at ten o'clock a. m., June 13, A. D. 1928. Motion carried. 8. Has the Board of Supervisors always and do they now insist that the County Treasurers settle with as possible, in order to save the various tiaxing bodies from issuing warrants against the taxes, thereby saving the taxing bodies extra in-- terest expense for the accommoda-- tion they receive from the banks? 9. Are there any of the Super-- visors or has there been during the past ten years any Supervisors in-- terested in work for the County as superintendent of building construc-- tion or road construction or any other work of the : County upon which he has received remunera-- tion in the form of a salary that has mot --been strictly h.eeorda'eo with law? 10. Recently the Supervisors held a bond election which was defeated by a large majority. Could not this election have been held at the reg-- ular Coufity election in April, there-- by saving the County an expense? It so, how many thousands of dol-- lars would it have saved the tax-- payers of Lake County? June °13, 1928. Board met pursuant to adjourn-- ment with Chairman Murphy pre-- siding and the following members present: Supervisors Brown, Burke, Cory, Bletsch, Crapo, Dilger, Dronen, Ficke, Harbaugh, Herschberger, Ho-- h. uoldm' K.ll'. M. l'" man, Meyer, Monahan, Naber, Obee, O'Connor, Short, Stadtfeld, Stanton, Stratton, Thom@s, Thompson,. Udell, Van Patten, Vercoe, Wilcox, Wo-- rack and Wright. 32. Absent; Su-- pervisor Funk. Minutes of the preceding meéting were read and upon motion of Su-- pervisor Meyer unanimously approvy-- The following communication from the Chamber of Commerce was presented and read: WAUKDGAN-NOBTH CHICAGO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Gentlemen : | We are pleased to report the un-- precedented success of the State Farmers' Institute held here in Feb-- ruary, and to which expense you so kindly consented to assist. The contribution of the Chamber oft Commerce, $1,000.00. March, it was voted: the vutstending mesttag io the Tie outstanding mee tory of our Institute." Our County Farmers' Institute, Bureau of Do-- mestic Science, and Farm --Bureau worked in a most unusually faithful manner, with others both from with-- in and without our county, to make thmvntam Join in appreciation of your assistance in this most successful event for the benefit of our agri-- eultural interests, not the least of and the credit goes to mtymmmmmt' Institute in its 32 years history. Private subscriptions obtained by us amounted to $1,650.00. counts yet due, and will very great ly appreciate your appropriation-- Five Hundred and Eighty ($580.00) Dollars for the Academy Theatre and Masonic Témple for meetings and the Armory for the first exhibi-- tion of its kind ever held in connec-- Waukegan). o With assurance of our continued desire to assist Lake County in every way possible, we are Yours sincerely. tion with a state convention. This exhibition drew some nine thousand (€2,000) visitors interested in farm problems largely from without our which came to our boys and girls, one session therein being one hun-- dred and sixty--four (164) present. . Please make your appropriation available to Lake County Executive Thanking you in advance for the WAUKEGAN TAXPAYERS ASSOCLIATION. v: R. H. STRIPE, -- _ To the Honorable the Board of ipervisors of Lake County, Wau-- At the meeting of the State Instt Supervisor Kelly moved that the inmunication be referred to the _ Mr. Lew A. Hendee, County Clerk, Lake County, Illinois: o Dear Sir: * I hereby tender my resignation as constable for and in the Town of Waukegan, State of Illinois, County Yours respectively, LEWIS B. STANLEY, Constable of Waukegan Township Supervisor Short moved that the resignation be accepted. Motion carried. Supervisor Worack moved that Francis© Beckman of Waukegan be appointed to fill the unexpired va-- rants on the County Treasurer in payment of salaries of motorcycle police and motorcycles, Motion carried. Supervisor Kelsey, Chairman of the g:nlttu on Settlement with the bate Clerk, submitted the following report: sSTATE OF ILLINOIS\ . Motion carried. Supervisor Vercoe, chairman of the Finance Committee, submitted the following report and recommen-- dation: STATE OF ILLINOIS $8 ' CcOUNTY OF LAKE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JUNE SESSION June 13, 1928. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: .Your Finance Committee to whom the matter of an appropriation for the purpose of the employment of motorcycle police and motorcycles to patrol the highways was referred, beg leave to report that we recom-- mend an appropriation of $4,400.00 to be used as follows, to--wit: For the employment of 4 men as motorcycle police at a salary of $175.00 per month each ............}2,800.00 For motorcycles ........_. 1,800.00 er, Monahan, Naber, Obee, O'Con-- nor, Short, Stadfeld, Stanton, Strat-- ton, Thomas, Thompson, Udell, Van Patten, Vercoe, Wilcox, Worack and Wright. 32. Voting "Nay" none. Absent and not voting was Supervisor Funk. 1. ' Snporve: Obee moved <that the clerk be"®authorized to draw war CcOUNTY OF LAKE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JUNE SESSION June 13, 1928. Mr. Chairman 5:' Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Settlement with the Probate Clerk to whom the quarterly report of John R. Bullock, Probate Clerk of receipts and ex-- penditures of his said office was re ferred, beg leave to report that we have examined said report and find PFOUBE . «cumrcrcrermmentcirmmmmncranalf ty t OU We further recommend that the employment of these men commence June 15th, 1928 and continue for a period of four months. -- -- Respectfully submitted. A. W. VERCOE H. C. W. MEYER E. A. FICKE JOHN®D. THOMAS Finance Committee. Supervisor Mawman moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Aye and Nay vote being had Super-- visor Mawman's motion was carried by the following vote: Those voting ."Aye" were Super-- visors Brown, Burke, Bletsch, Cory, Crapo, Dilger, Dronen, Ficke, Har-- baugh, Herschberger, Hoban, Hold-- ridge Kelly, Kelsey, Mawman, Mey-- same correct. We feel that it is needless for us to check the records etc., from which this report is made audited by Mr. 8. E. Sims and a re-- port made to your honorable body. { Respectfully submitted. -- J. T. HOBAN E. M. MAWMAN Committee on Settlement with Probate Clerk. Supervisor Brown moved that the report of the committee be accepted: and adopted. Motion carried. , The following petition was pre-- sented by the Cardinal Terrace Syn-- To the Board of Supervisors of Lake County, Iilinois: Your petitioner, Cardinal Terrace Syndicate, by Robert F. Rouse, Trustee, presents that it is the own-- er of the following described real estate situated in the Village of Mundelein, County of Lake and State of Illinois to--wit: ed only in the sum of seven 16/100 dollars ($7.16) each, therefore that your petitioner M"Wm" and onM:ld sum hundred thirty--four 56/100 -- ($484.56) upon Lots thirty--five (35), fifty--six (56), ninety--five (95), ° ninety--six (96), ninety--seven (97), one hundred fifty--seven (157), one hundred sev-- enty--eight (178), one hundred eighty-- two (182%) and two hundred --forty-- five (245), in Cardinal Terrace Sub-- division, being a subdivision of a part of section twenty--five (25), township forty--four (44) north, range ten (10) east of.the 3$rd Prin-- cipal Meridian, according to the plat thereof, recorded August 28 1926, in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, lllinois, as Document No. 285408 in Book "Q" of Plats on page 35. said, the sum-- of siztytwo '"And 8/100-- dollars. ($62.08), and against said other described lots the sum of fifty--{four and 32/100 dollars ($54.3%) each and thus totaling the sum of four hundred ninety--six and 64/100 dollars ($496.64), :as the gen-- eral taxes for the 1927; and that your petitioner has paid said amount to the County .Collector of Lake County, Illinois, in payment of the taxes so levied; Your petitioner further represents that there was levied assthe gener-- al taxes for said year (1927) a tax of seven and 76/100 dollars ($7.16) upon each lot of other vacant lots adjoining the above described lots, and of the same.size and value and in the -- same subdivision as the above described lots; and that your petitioner believes that there is no reason why said above described lots skould have been taxed higher mm of said lots in said subd &ufl above de-- seribed lots have been tax-- Your petitioner further represents that all of said described lots are vacant; that there ~was levied against lot thirty--five (35) aforeg +~to take effect immediate-- . a refund of four Jur and 56/100 dol-- OUR PETITION-- tax-- | baugh and | ridge, and | er, N: has | Stadtt the | as, T and | Verco« the | Wrigh CARDINAL TERRACE SYNDICATE By R. F. Rouse, Trustee. Supervisor Meyer mo»d to refer the petition to the Erroneous Assess-- ment Committee. : Motion carried. Supervisor O'Connor, -- Chairman of the Hospital Audit -- Committee submitted the following report: CcoUNTY OF LAKE L . ' BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JUNE SESSION ® June 13, 1928. Mr. Chairman and Gentliemen of the Board of Supervisors: ; Your committee on Hospital Claims would beg leave to report that, they have examined all claims presented before them, and recom-- mend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to is-- sue orders for the several amounts to the several claimants, towit: Names For What Amt. Abbott Laboratories, medi-- * Armour & Company, gro-- American Hospital Supply American Steam Pump Co. valves for pump.......~-- American Distilling --Co, Globe Dept. Store, Mdse.. John P. Haese, groceries STATE OF.ILLINOIS Huntington La&boratories J. F. Hartz Co., supplies.. Dr. V. C. Hall, X--ray and Hydrox Corp., ice cream.. J. P. Haese, groceries and Dr. L. G. Brackett, ass't fgées ..............««------ PDr. A. E. Budde ass't Bowman m Co-o Chemists plies -.?? P coee. Central _ Scientific Co4 chemicals and supplies.. Chicago Oxygen Gas Co., Curlee's Pharmacy, drugs. Community . Bake -- Shop Community <Bake Shop, A. 8. Kennedy, coal....... Mandel Brothers, Mdse... H. A. Metszs Laboratories, TOD. as««teccs «augms« es Lake County Farm, butter H. K. Mulford Co., chemi-- Theo. Meyer, flowers..... Marshall Jackson Co., stat-- MacGregor Instrument.Co., stainless steel Nds. .... / MHRRROD warnloccracsamecxs -- -- 104.00 Johnson & Johnson Mdse. 155.70 Jamieson, Inc.. Mdse ..... 94.90 North Shore Gas Co.. gas Natl. Office Supply Plunkett Martin Olson, milk ...... Parke Davis & Co., drugs Perolin Co. of America, Public Service Co.. Mdse.. MHE UE ..;--war«cdurces Will Ross, Inc., Mdse..... Rhoads & Co., Mdse_____. Sprague--Warner, groceries Aug. Sutinen's Pharmacy, Reardon & Wall, groceries Standard 'Oil Co. --(Ind.) Sterne & Maley Co., starch Smiithereen Co., services.. E. R. Squibb & Sons, Sharp & Smith supplies.. Warner Electric Co., M Waukegan Auto Parts, baugh, Herschberger, Hoban, Hold-- ridge, Kelly, Kelsey, Mawman, Mey-- er, Naber, Obee, O'Connor, <Short, Stadtfeld, Stanton, Stratton, Thom-- as, Thompson, Udell Van Patten, Vercoe, . Wilcox, -- Worack and Wright. 31. Voting "Nay" , none. Absent and not voting were Super-- visors Funk and Monahan. 2. and thanks from the, "Dunn" family Taylor & Guthrie, gro-- Troy Laundry Machinery Co., merchandise ...... Vaughan's -- Seed Store, flower seeds ._...._...... The Upjohn Company, Waukegan Dec. Co., paint, prughes, etG. ........._.. Waukegan Ice Co., ice.... Lake County Hospital, petty cash may 24...... RCECT SQRREK . RRECD J -- dE ce css w ces Pay Roll March ..:...... Pay Roll, April ... Pay Roll, May ... All of which is respectfully 'sub-- mitted. JAMES O'CONNOR JAS. KELLY PAUL L UDELL Hospital Oo&mm&o. Supervisor Cory moved t report be accepted and adopted. Aye and Nay vote being had Supervisor Cory's motion was carried by the following vote: Thoes voungn:,Ayo" were Super-- visors Brown, ke, Bletsch, Cory, Crapo, Dilger, Dronen, Ficke, . Har-- C. G. Wenban & Sons, re-- unc OME .........~.~... Corp.. supplies ........ floor polish ............ merchandise .. ceries and meats ...... ts and sgcreen..... Burke . Hdwe. Co, w on on on ap on on on on m Cduntuduahed ce oo m n m w m on m on ue o e on on on in w un ue m aie ue on o o on o on on m m t e on o on on n ons un o n on o on on o an lt ue m un o m ons on m us on on im m an w on oo m m o o c o o m on on on on un ces us on on on an on on on mn o e on ..820,541.92 \§ 224.08 1,693.12 300.00 2,939.45 $,009.31 2,1117.05 120.00 214.01 113.18 $34.41 109.30 111.15 494.51 912.67 140.74 179.36 247.50 50.10 160.50 19.41 8$0.00 £P19.58 4.46 6.15 $21.15 473.23 208.14 $17.29 44.30 104.41 25.31 963.72 8.15 20.07 €604.40 114.74 157.84 27.48 $3.00 54.81 36.25 45.00 90.25 12.38 4.00 45.87 12.40 15.48 84.35 6.172 98.00 2.45 94.65 43.68 12.15 95.18 1.07 1.45 Dunn, Theodore S. Dunn." . Supervisor Holdridge moved to re-- ceive and place same on file. Motion carried. # The -- following communication from Attorney J. A. Miller, was pre-- gented and read: To the Honorable, the Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Lake County, Court House, Waukegan, In Re: Security Savings. Bank ---- Stock Tax. Gentlemen : Our State's Attorney has recent-- Iy sued and obtained -- judgment against a number of the stockhold-- ers of the former Security Bank and we are informed he ua!m'x_t to we- ceed anlntt the rest of the stock-- holders. It is a fact that at the time the bank was closed, it had set aside a sufficient sum of. money for the payment of this tax. This was ascertained by. the State Auditor and Mr. Smith is familiar with this fact. This money so set aside was really the property of the stockhold> ers and should have been turned over to them but instead. as hereto-- fore stated, it was retained for the purpose of paying such stockholder's tax. It is our belief that these facts ,if proven, would have enabled such ° stockholders to successfully contest the suit against them, but inasmuch as there were only a few of the stockholders involved, they did not care to urge this defense at that time. i * We believe that the Board should appreciate the fact that the stock-- holders sustained a very heavy loss and that it is really unfair to ask them for further payments when this bank is out of business and practically has no assets. Under these circumstances, we feel that we have a right to most respectfully request that your Hon-- orable Body accept a nominal sum from the stockholders in settlement of the 1925 and 1926 personal prop-- erty tax. aWs : Thanking you for your earnest consideration, believe us to be » Very truly yours, o --J. A. MILLER. . Supervisor Cory moved that the communication be referred to the Judiciary Committee, * Motion carried. [ the Jury and Elections Committee submitted the following report: STATE OF ILLINOIS $s CcoUNTY OF LAKE | _ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JUNE SESSION June 13, A. D.}SS. ° Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of 'Bupervisors: Your Jury and Elections Commit-- tee to whom was referred the reso-- lution: establishing a new precinct Antioch Township, was referred beg leave to report that we have had the matter under consideration and recommend the adoption of the res# olution and establishment of said. district. All of which is-- respect-- CHAS. J. HERSCHBERGER FRANK BURKE * Jury and Elections Committee. Supervisor Ficke moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Supervisor Wright, Chairman -- of the County Farm Audit Committee submitted the following report: . STATE OF ILLINOIS $S b al & CcOUNTY OF LAKE . BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JUNE SESSION June 13, A. D. 1928. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen . of the Board of Supervisors:> Your Committee on County Farm Audit ° would beg leave ~to report that. they h@ve examined all claims presented before them, and recom-- mend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed: to issue orders for.the several amounts to the several claimants, to--wit: Names For What . Amt. EKarl H. Corlett, groceries -- fully submitted. J. B. Morse & Co., clothing Emil Naumann, potatoes.. Rhodes & Company,. bed-- Zion Industries and In-- stitutions, shortening, Decker and Neville, Mdse 2 aJ _ nou, apil scccecme®ns ray RuBH, May ........... Public Service Co., light and :POWEL : «....«.--~«~~~ Public Service Co., . light KHQG JOWCL ««cc«uceuucon Schanck We further report that we have examined the report of Philo Bur-- gess, Superintendent of the County Farm of receipts and disbursements for the quarter ending June ist, 1928 and find same to be correct. C. J. WRIGHT DAN W. SHORT Supervisor Meyer moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Aye and Nay vote being had Supervisor Meyer's motion was carried by the Those voting "Aye" were Super-- visors Brown, Burke, Bletsch, Cory, baugh, Herschberger, Hoban, Hold-- ridge, Kelly, Kelsey, Mawman_--Mey-- er, Naber, O'Connor, Short, Stad-- field, Stanton, ~Stratton, Thomas Thompson, Udell, Van Patten, Ver-- coe, Wilcox. Worack and Wright. 30. Voting "Nay'" none. Absent and not vyoting were Supervisors Supervisor Udell, Chairman of the Detention Home Audit Committee submitted the following report: STATE OF ILLINOIS $% / CcOUNTY OF LAKE BOARDOF SUPERVISORS P JUNE TERM June 13, A. D. 1928 Mr. Chairman and Gentliemen of the Board of Supervisors: 8TATE OF ILLINOIS Your Committee on Detention 88. Home . Audit -- Claims would beg|COUNTY OF LAKE leave to report that they have ex-- BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Knd : NMIBAKLS .....««««~«««--b Tok . ...=« _ t« of which is April ------$4,728.10 165.94 90.72 221.15 81.00 220.10 $19.52 118.68 €68.39 232.94 52.60 188.50 649.17 116.00 132.00 147.69 €69.44 86.04 61.62 sub-- of J1428 ............«.«_---- Callahan Dairy Co., milk.. A. L. Brumund, milk.....~ Charles Crapo, labor and Durkin & Durkin, clothing Mathilda Evans, services. Mary P. Funk <exp. to con-- YEBtONR --..... «--ur«e«sze«a«s Fred Funk, Exp. to con-- YERUON . ....._._«_««s«u«acea«s J. P. Haese, 'roogrl" and IMIIEBLE «... ~~«swenkcssesus Se@rvico@ ......__«_,.------------ Nellie Ingersoll, services.. Nellie--Ingersoll, services.. Nellie Ingersoll, services.. Nellie Ingersoll, services.. A. 8. Kennedy, ice coupon 'COUNTY OF LAKEm{ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JUNE TERM -- _ '~_ June 13, 1928.-- -- > Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: c Your --Committee on Judiciary Claims would beg leave to report that, they have examined all claims presented before them, and recom-- mend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders for the several amounts to the several claimants, to--wit: STATE'S ATTORNEYS' SPECIAL FUND North Shore Gas Co., gas P. L.®Persons, Exp. to con-- YERUON ... «~«««ersseanse Public ~Service Company light ............--...--» Rynksel Coal Co., fuel.... Rubin's Dep't. Store mdse Standard Oil Co. (Ind.) '. gas coupon book ...... Clara Swanson, services.. Clara Swanson, services.. Clara Swanson, services.. Jas. A. Watrous Hdwe. Co. Earl Meyers, hagling gar-- TOtBl . «««.««serins®ta,,==R1; All of which is respectfully mitted. PAUL L. UDELL M. P. DILGER ---- B. C. THOMPSON ® Committee. Supervisor Udell moved that the &port be accepted and adopted. Aye and Nay vote being had Supervisor Udell's motion was carried by the following vote: f Those voting "Aye" were Super-- visors Brown, Burke, Bletsch, Cory, Crapo, Dilger, Dronen, Ficke, Har-- buagh, Herschberger, Hoban, HolfF ridge, Kelly, Kelsey, Mawinan, Mey-- er, Naber, O'Connor, Short, Stadt-- field, Stratton, Thomas, Thompson, Udel!l, Van Patten, Vercoe, Wilcox, Worack and Wright. 29. Voting "Nay" none. Absent and not voting were Supervisors Funk, Monahan, Obee and Stanton. 4. Supervisor Brown, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee submitted the following report: * j STATE OF ILLINOIS\ H. A. Finer, ser'vices...... Harold Finer, services.... H. A. Finer, services...... Wilfred E .Hall, services.. Wilfred E. Hall, services.. Harry Hoyt, services..... Hall & Hulse, services.... Harold J. Hansen, services Higginbotham & Douglas, Hervey C. Conzelman Motor Company repairs, etc. to car...... kKke and ol ........._._.. Willard Longcor, services. Charles E. Mason, services National Office Supply Co., Lake View Service Station, George C. Peterson Co., gie and olfl ............ George Stried, services... Ray E. Thomas, services.. Zion .Inst. & Indus. Mdse.. A. V. Smith, Exp. March.. A. V. Smith, Exp. April... A. V. Smith, Exp. May.... shield washer ......... Hervey C. Coulson, serv-- lcn. Chureuksehrianaes is tssc Rubin's Dep't. Store, Mdse John Rouse, services...... Waukegan Glass Co., glass UHJ n«/«sererrensihccsamm Gary & Moore, repairs L. A. Doolittle, special dep-- Yeoman 'Tire & Battery Bervice, repairs car..... Sheridan Road Garage, TPAITS CBf ....~.=--=--«su....-- Waukegan Tire . Market, Lackner's Cafe, meals for * MIEOME ..« doa@@erorrasescse Harry Hoyt] services Tom weeee im w ue w oo m m ue h ts o on m m h m Grand -- total of all judi-- Crapo, Dilger, Dronen, Ficke, Har-- baugh, Herschberger, Hoban, Hold-- ridge, Kelly, Keisey, Mawman, Mey-- er, Naber, O'Connor, Short,: Stadt-- feld, Stanton, Stratton, .FThomas, Thompson, Udell, Van Patten, Ver-- eoe, Wilcox, Worack, Wright. 30. Voting "Nay" none.. Absent and not voting were Supervisors Funk, Those voting "Aye" were Super-- visors: Brown, Burke, Bletsch, Cory, Supervigor Holiridge, Chairman of the Printing, Stationery and Sup-- plies Committee submitted the fol-- lowing report: STATE OF ILLINOIS| Mdse for auto .........-- E. Jack, services........ we us on us ae on omm m on w m on on t on on on on on % w o on w oe m o m s on o e on on on o on t ue s m on on up n m m o m o t s m w m on sn un m on m on on m on m m m m o n o on m on w q on e on on _ on mm mm ie on m o e w on on m c e o o o on n n n mc un on on m Tel, Co., phone w ue m c m e on on on on o d m on n TERM : Mr. Chairman and Gentiemen . V% A. D. 1928. the Board of Supervisors: d Gentliemen of||-- Your committee on Public Build-- SB8. _ $1,596.94 .$1,223.37 8.791.64 3,999.90 3,499.89 $70.98 7.15 48.18 116.22 145.00 145.00 126.39 240,.00 124.43 217.00 210.00 217.00 12.00 $2.00 130.00 110.00 T116 910.00 $75.00 14.25 <--6.15 15215 $25.50 105.00 144.55 146.25 107.85 138.15 15.00 36.00 54.00 72.00 54.00 13.00 44.59 75.00 15.00 75.00 22.33 22,50 9.55 Amt. 3.45 15.00 45.00 21.50 55.20 7.10 42.59 19.00 5.50 $5.00 §9.08 2.05 1.95 1.60 Your committee on printing, stat-- lonery and supplies would beg leave to report that, they have.examined all claims presented before them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be di-- rected to issue orders for the several amownts to the several claimants, to--wit: Names For What Amt. Allien & Company, Misc. supplies for various of-- . / MQOCB ....,«c--suneasgeess 30.35 Alfred Envelope Co.. flat red rope wallets print-- ' ed County Clerk........ 12.50 Geo. D. Barnard Co., rec-- ords and misc. mdse for various offices ........ Burdette J. Smith Co., statutes for J. P.'s...... Burroughs Add. Mach. Co., adding machine pa-- Burroughs Add. Mach. Co. repairs 'as per service CORITRCLE > ... «<=<«As=carm Burroughs Add. Mach. Co. repairs as per service sherift supplies ........ Chas. G. Gustafson, sup-- plies (sheriff) ......... Keystone Printing Service, printing -- coroner's ver-- ing for various offices.. Daily Sun, misc. print for Natl. Office Supply Co., desk chair, . file, etc. CO, NEL. ~ «uw zoncsusens P. F. Pettibone & Co., _ misc blanks and supplies various offices ._...... Quality Envelope Co., Commercial Printer, print-- Daily Sun, misc. print for Co. Supt. Hwys.......... Daily Sun, print Circuit Court Docket for May.. Daily Sun, printing for Keystone Envelopet Co., red rope envelopes -- pro-- MAFCOIE . ......0. aumnemcs's c Lake -- County Register, misc. print for various QMECBS | ~«s«~--~««ccasccecuane H. C. Miller & Co., bind-- ers and indexes for Cir-- CUIt Cl@IR . «~«««=«««~«~~ Natl. Office Supply Co., 'misc supplies for County Libertyville ©<Independent, printing -- Sup. -- proceed L. C. Smith Type Co., type-- writer for Probate Clerk L. C. Smith Type Co., rib Safety Envelope Co., mail-- ing envelopes ,....----.--.------ M Talcott, postmaster, printed -- stamped . en-- ¥elopes (Persons) .....-- M. Talcott, postmaster, <printed _ stamped -- en-- velopes (Treasurer) ... Waukegan Daily News, _ printing (County Clerk) Waukegan -- Daily ©News, printing (Supt. Hwys.).. Zion Inst. & Indus., misc Daily Sun,. printing (Coun-- ty CIOIE) .. ... =~~~= curtra The Grayslake _ Times, printing (County Vet.). Those voting "Aye" were Super-- visors Brown, Burke, mou':h. Cory, Crapo, Dilger, Dronen, Ficke, Har-- baugh, Herschberger, Hoban, Hold-- ridge, Kelly Kelsey, Mawman, Mey-- er, Naber, O'Connor, Short, Stadt-- feld, Stanton, Stratton, Thomas, Thempson, Udell, Van Patten,rtz:b coe, Wilcox, Worack and W : % 30. Voting "Nay" none. Absent and not voting were Supervisor Funk, Monahan and Obee. 3. ® Supervisor Wilcox, Chairman of the State Charities Committee sub-- mitted the following report: STATE OF ILLINOIS CcOUNTY OF LAKE | BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JUNE TERM .' June 13, A; D. 1928. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the ~Board of Supervisors: | ~ Your committee on Stite Chari-- ties claims would beg leave--to re-- port that they have examined all claims presented before them, and recommend the pay'ment of the fol-- lowing, and that the Clerk be di-- rected to issue orders for the several amounts to the several claimants, to--wit: o ts3 ' Names For. What Amt. St. Mary's Training School board and tuition....,.-- Chicago Indus. School for Girls, board and tuition Park Ridge School for Girls, board and tuition Glenwood Manual Training School, board and.tuition C. Kasper : Indus. ~School for Girls, board and tui-- HOH : ... ..««@ea«ctrisyihkagas Kettles Manual Training School for Boys, board Knd *UII0OH -- .. s «asecucces Superyvisor Bletsch moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Ays and Nay vote being had Supervisor Bletsche's "motion was carried by, the following vote: : t Those voting "Aye" Were Super-- visors Brown, Burke, Bletsch Cory, Crap6, Dilger, Dronen, Ficke, Har-- baugh, Herschberger, Hoban, Hold-- ridge, Kelly, Kelsey, Mawman, Mey-- er, Naber O'Connor, Short, Stadt-- feld, Stanton, Stratton, Thomas, Thompson, Udell, Van Patten, Ver-- coe, Wilcox, Worack and Wright. 30. Voting "Nay" none. é_t'nent uudronasion Mronabwinabatrnbes wesbrarcztieratint *T Supervisor Dronen, *+Chairman of the Public Buildings and Grounds Audit Committee, submitted the fol lowing report: _ | STATE OKF ILLINOIS 'ss. coUNTY OF LAKE BQARD OF SUPERVISORS JUNE TERM . June 13, A. D. 1928. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of aily Sun, misc print for probate clerk .........---- TICLB . ~/L«..«enr@eanerase contract: .. _ _ ........_._._ Dat# CIBEFK ... «««ecrcr~ss transparent tape ......-- bon coupon book...... supplies various offices. d not voting were. Supervisors ink, : Monahan and Obee. 3. Supervisor Dronen, *Chairman of ces ce on e on m mss m m o m e on w ue wl ie w m m qo e m n m am SS. 1,087.28 45.00 1,348.80 391.05 157.50 134.65 118.50 324.50 403.08 196.50 571.60 108.67 126.50 217.50 $75.00 538.00 92.60 $3.00 48.13 40.00 24.65 13.15 13.01 12.62 98.70 10.78 21.92 13.50 20.175 $5.83 the 8.15 10 to report that they have examined all claims presented before them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be di-- rected to issue orders for the sey-- eral amounts to the several claim-- ants, to--wit: Names For What Amt. J. Blumberg, blankets.... Frank Burke Hdw. Co., Mdse (Sheriff) .._...... Frank Burke Hdw. Co., Mdse (Jail) ..--.....--..-- Frank Burke Hdw. Co., Mdse (Sheriff) ... L -- G. Clar_qu papering Chas. E. Bairstow, electric Globe Dept. Store, bedding Glen Flora Springs, water (BREAPHIT) s« «susuu«escss Glen Flora Springs, water (Court House) .....«--..« J. T. Hoban, labor and ma-- A. S. Kennedy, ice._...... Liberty Oil Co., fuel oil C .._«@.«uerssareserezssse A. J. Merchant, lawn seed A. J. Merchant, lawn seed Nelson Machine Co., re-- pialirs to locks ........... North Shore Gas Co.. gas Court House and Jail.. Public Service Company, G. B. Van Dien, repairs to I0CKB, CLC., .....«uueaues Western Union Tel. & Tel. Co.,. time service April, Midland Paper Co.. Mdse. Marvel Products Co., clean-- Public Service Company, Public Service Company, Plunkett Chemical Co., la Siver Hardware Co.. mdse Wm.. Staben, labor and ma-- Plunkett Chemical Co,, Whyte Furniture Co., furni-- ture I(chairs) ......__._. Whyte Furniture Co., cos-- Waukegan Decorating Co., labor and material ... Waukegan Clean Towel Service, clean towels... West Pub. Co., law library SUDG .......««csucesce«, Zion Inst. & Indust. cuspi-- Supervisor Worack moved TB&Al the report be referred back to the Printing, Statidnery and Supplies and Buildings and Grounds Commit-- tee for adjustment. Motion carried. Supervisor Naber, Chairman of the Miscellaneous Claims Commit-- tee submitted the following report: STATE OF ILLINOIS]SS CcOUNTY OF LAKE j} BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JUNE TERM June 13, 1928 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: . Your committee on Miscellaneous Claims would beg leave to report that, they have examined all claims presented before them, and recom-- mend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders for the several amounts to the several claimants, to--wit: May and June ..........-- Washington Laundry, laun-- I!I. Beli Tel. Co.. phone service and tolls .......-- Tot@l ..__..._.___.__------------.@8 986 0 All of which is respectfully sut mitted. s H. M. DRONEN H. D. KELSEY 2 CHAS. L l{A}lBAQGR FEES COUNTY OFFICERS John R. Bullock, probate clerk, fees county offi-- cers quarter ending June CCIB _ _.._.___~ ym mm m m m mt L. J. Wilmot, clrcgit clerk, Fees county officers .. L. J. Wilmot, circuit clerk, Fees county officers .. Lew A. Hendee, back Fees county officers _ L. A. Doolittle, sheriff, Fees county officers .. Lew A. Hendee, county clerk, fees county offi-- MISCELLANEOUS JUDICIARY L. A. Doolittle,, sheriff, Bal on new Reo car.___$ 750.00 W. E. Bletsch, steno sery-- Burroughs Add Mach Co., repairs as per contract.. Burroughs Add. Mach. Co., new adding 'machine.... Curlee's Pharmacy, mdse for Co. Jail ...._._.------------ John -- Exon, bounty on $. E. Sims, auditing Co. Office accounts ;........~-- James O'Connor, Exp. to Springfield ...._........ Alice M. Gallahue, main-- 'taining Co. Vet. ncprd' Dr. T. P, Gallahue, post and misc exp...--:------------ Jane King, Servy on plat' Springfield .._....--..----.------ Jos. J. Petroshius, rubber gloves J. L. TayIOr ... ... Frank T. Stanton, exp. to . Springfield ..........--.-- Waukegan Pharmacy, mdse ordered by Miss Water-- NFOEIE . 3 ie recinrmerp rergy e e tR i i n ym C. E. Austin, committee $HTDBGGC -- ..----»=«s=s=a=cu««» residence ______.__...... terial .....%............ light and power ....... barrels Shineall ... light and power ._....... chemicals ............. Mdse --.........«.. _=i. Total wolf ........ work es For What . Bundsgaard, hauling w w w m m m o m ce n mm o s m m m m ce mm m o JHB! | Sn=@Suyixarntsokner sR iiI--A4D PER DIEM AND MIJLEAGE J m m mm on m ons e o o m c mc m m m m on e ts um w o m ssm m n m m o o o on on on o on Doolittle; -- sheriff, mm m ue e m ts m o ce m m on m n e e w w e m m m ons o e m mm e m m on m PM ,5"1"«(' ;*I w w w o ap ons m on m on mn BSheriff's «o m c c o on m m $6,555.00 ; 799.170 $6 537.00 $5,169.09 2 255.95 1,485.96 1 154.40 248.52 196.00 102.25 456.50 690.42 676.39 $22.71 187.54 19.65 817.70 $36.00 468.00 289.50 €20.00 240.00 141.24 490.00 €60.00 20.00 39.60 €2.50 43.15 $5.175 8.175 $5.00 €68.00 28.00 67.170 88.13 8$1.80 17.90 1115 59.25 27.25 43.15 $1.25 10.00 13.00 $0.00 22.40 11.40 2000 9.40 1.70 J. B. Garnett, committee L. W. Holdridge, committee WOTH w s s ar n SV N SS SSE 5 miews Chas. J. Herschberger, committee work ....... J. T. -- Hoban, committee WOFTK = ._._.l._._____._.___.--.~~ J. T. Hoban, committee WOTK ...--auscccecceceass R. P. Howland, committee James : Kelly, committee WOrKk .~--~~**.larerss==> E. M. Mawman, committee WOTE \««>«sseeccouscurccu H. D. Kelsey, committee H. C. W. Meyer, committee B. F. Naber, committee James O'Connor, commit-- W. J. Obee, committee Grand total all miscellane-- C. H. Stratton, committee WOFK L. ______._._._____-- Peter Stadtfeld committee®* J. D. Thomas, committee WOK ~~«««erncsessveress B. C. Thompson, committee David Van Patten, com-- Frank P. Worack, commit-- following vote: Total ._._._._....._.___________$296 67 We wish the Honorable Board to understand that this is not a com-- plete nm.ot refunds as there are two or more companies whose checks are due, but bhave not been received by either the County Treas-- urer or your Insurance Committee. Respectfully submitted, F. P. WORACK ' FRANK T. STANTON Insurance Committee Supervisor Meyer moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Motion carried. Supervisor Mawman moved that the sum of $2500.00 be appropriated for the elimination of fire bhazards at the County Farm. Supervisor Wilcox moved to ad-- journ to meet at the County Farm tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, Frank T. Stanton, commit-- C. J. Wright, committee C. M. Wilcoxr, committee WwOrk > ... _ _.l.s.lll0s..... D. W. Short, committee Those voting "Aye" were Super-- visors Brown, Burke, Bletsch, Cory, Crapo, Dilger, Dronen, Ficke, Har-- baugh, Hoban, Holdridge, Kelly, Kel-- sey, Mawman, Meyer, Naber, O'Con-- nor, Stadtfeld, Stanton, Stratton, Udell, Van Patten, Vercoe Wilcor, Thomas, Worack and Wright.2?. Vot-- ing "nay" none. Absentand t vot-- ing were Supervisors Funk, . .shan Obee, -- Herschberger, Short and Thompson. 6. -- * Superyisor Worack, Chairman of the Insurance Committee submitted the following report: To the Honorable Board of Super-- wisors, Lake County, lilinois: Your Insurance Committee begs leave to report that due to the re-- rating of the Court House and Jail on October 1st, 1927, the following refunds have been made and checks turned over to your County Treas-- urer. to credit to the insurance ac-- Supervisor Ficke moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Aye and Nay vote being had Supervisor Ficke's motion was carried by the Duffy Insurance Agency.. Whitney & Hoyt .........-- Court, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Recorder,. Sheriff, County Treasurer, and Ex--Officio County Collector, County Superintendent of Schools, State's Attorney, and Lake County General Hospital, and covering the several peribods of time with refer-- ence to the accounts of each of such officials, and of said institution, lat» er designated herein where each of such accounts is under discussion. M.mnluthomtun.u things>coming to our notice in the tourse of such examination, the amount and character of the busi# ,mwbymhotuchofl- cials and hospital during the period of time pertaining to each, and the Motion carried. Mr. S. E. Sims presented his re-- port on examination of the County Officials for the past year: AUDITOR'S REPORT ON. EXAM-- INATION OF ACCOUNTS OF COUNTY OFFICIALS AND LAKE CcoOUNTY GENERAL HOSPITAL, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINj@®, 1928 To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board of Super-- visors of Lake County, Illinois: Gentlemen : In compliance with the agreement made with your bhonorable commit-- tee on Finance, we have conducted a careful, thorough and systematic examination of all of the books, rec-- ords, accounts and vouchers in sup-- port thereof, remaining and now on file in the several offices in the Court House of your county, and in the office of Lake County General Hospital,--in so far as any of such books, records accounts, and vouch-- .um to, or in any way af-- fect in their flnncm::huou with Lake County the nts of your County Clerk, Clerk of the Probate found each of such accounts at the date herein given a#that of the close Oof 'this examination, with reference to each, we now. respectfully beg leave to submit the following t# WOFK | ______llllsl2i222lclL WOFKE | ......l«--«sreessss WOTK | L2 clllllcll22lcl. WOIK ....~.--=s@c«@ercecese tee WOrk _......_..___. WOTK ............___._.--.., WOTK | L.lllllllllcllcllll. tee WOrk L. WOE '..=. ous claims ..__..........$8,950.44 All of which is respectfully sub-- work ... FIXING OF COMPENSATION The record of the proceedings B. F. NABER _ . FRANK T. STANTON DAVID VAN PATTENX committee moved that appropriated fire bhasards oved to ad-- ounty Farm ten o'clock, $1,063.60 18.88 45.58 27. 46 $5.43 10.44 «1145 107.10 14.80 56.30 45.50 €3.00 56.10 25.40 13.00 59.40 $4.50 €2.40 2$2.58 18.30 1.80 5.10 5.10

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