: opened Monday, Sept. 17. Until the é . mew building is completed . classes ----~«~ _will b6 held in the grade school f Theodore Forby of Zion, presi-- -@ du'a;h?'uh County Non--high o "Hies. Fred Hooft and Uve. W of the ?o;m'an a eespeg Li un " th's 2 aiy i er and son and daughter of Grays-- |Septemper "mmm' Otto Aitken, District Superintend-- lnake visited Moosseheart and Joliet rangements ." m Mrs.-- Arthur ent of schools in Cook County, visit-- uVss Eather Berghorn snd Lois | _ Mrs. Frank Snyder of DeKidder, Chi> }25l Week and reported that the eaver were Chicago * * rove se on oad has Thursday La., has been a house guest at the. ,, / , ., pikyground --equipment of seeeaeaea es e e mc snn a cce neeeemnnmen ocm emmcpenemecteetenememtenneccmepmmmmmmmemmmmmees any one--roOMm--802100] in COOK COUNtY, , land that: the Northbrook school is E m --sewa is crug 3 €Coalcie ®® / the cleanest, best decorated and the 2 4 ® best landscaped school of any in his *~ v 71 & N <: F3 | j y * *: & ---o--- it . giEse > . #&um P | SUKI -- ) AuxilHary C 9e "° i¥ e y@e! 2+ M' *"Jaw C al mat with ufi'gflm Misses Nels Nichelson, Carl Erost and Fred Blan attended the funeral of Jack Allison at Sharon, Wis., on Wednesday. Mr. Allison lHved here a number of years ago and worked in the cheese factory. Albert Hoeft is driving a noew car Miss Irene Ernst is visiting rela-- tives in 'Barrington this woeek. know of no such law. The prin eipal also states that if he is given a written assurance from the coun-- ty board or from parents of the stu-- dents that the additional $85 for each will be paid that the students will be readmitted to the school. He also states that the school is now overcrowded and would have to be enlarged it the non--resident stu 00 0 0000000 000 0 ware, gare a luncheon and demon tration at Mrs. Rays Loomis Thurs-- day afternoon. The guests were from are visiting in increase in expense." In a statement sent out to parents of the ousted parents, Richard °L. Sandwick, the principal of the school, contends that there is a new law which permits the Nonhigh Shields board," ho stated Thurs day. "I am at a loss to see how the addition of such a small number of students to the classes of that large o LAKE ZURICH o "As Mr. Forby points out," he stated today, "the Non--high school board is now lerying up to the lim-- it and there is no way that we can 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o o county are divided equailly to cover cost of tuition for all students at-- tending high schools outside of their own districts in the county. "We are now raising the limit in money under the legal tax levy," Mommmummwh&w.m ummummmmmmm,mm,'m in ousting their sons and daughters| spend the winter. % from the classes in that institution,| ~Mr. and Mrs. Carl Friedland and members of the Lake and Cook| daughters, &re moving from Deer county non--high school boards and| field the latter part of this month T. A. Simpson, Lake county super'to live in Rogers Park. Mtdmmt dinner, given by the Dorcas way out of the .Bomxmm.m%:ut mu:'puwbymmmm. was members of the board that they can | a good attendance in spite of the in-- smooth the way for the return of the clemency of the weather and the students to the Deerfleld--Shields dinner was very delicious Mrs. G. high achool in view of the stand tak-- Pettis, chairman of the committee, en by the offticials of that institu wishes to thank all those who con-- tion. Transier of the students b'tdmto}bm. some other school is the only solW| ~myiss Enzoeneae Watier attendead a While the parents of 190 children, many oft them residing in North Chi-- eago, Lake Bluft and other districts Non--High School Board Un-- able to Extend Aid to Oust-- hlyn!nu&-m{wchiud hu-'a" "While I have not been advizsed as ed High School -- Students weer Ahnisne se erane school. Mr. Califf has written a book on bird houses and is also a contrib-- utor to several magazines. the "Wake of the News" in the Chi-- cago Tribune on Saturday and Mon-- day.with contributions to the "Do You Remember Way Back When" column. -- Mr.--Califft was formerly a principal of the Deerfield school and last year and this year, is teaching manual trainine at the Quinty high on Monday evening. 'The evening was spent sewing and delicious re-- freshments were served. The First and Second grades of the primary department of the Presby-- terian church school gave a farewell party for the third grade on Thurs-- i"' c&'tm A eon;l'ttee rom e grades brought re-- freshments of ice cream and cake. They played games. There were for-- grade will be hmun- promoted jor Department on October first. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Gilfan, of Chicago visited At the Arthur Merner home last Sat-- Evanston. Lake Forest College has a large enrollment this year, of stu-- Peee ty O Lenkk ind Descfient : high } Deerfield Chapter O. E. 8. observ-- ed Advance Officers'® Night on luti sided. Guests were present from neighboring Chanters. i Mrs. Roy Clavey and son are now at the home of Mrs. Clavey's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cash _' Miss Josephine Woodman was hostess to the Dorcas Circle No. 1, Mrse. C. L Christiansen entertain-- ed Mrs. Ray Miller, Mrs. Ed Trier and Miss Frances Loy at a luncheon On Wednesday. | Mr. Fitspatrick, of Lake Geneva, ;mmmuuatmmam brother--in--law, Dr. C. Johnston Davis Dr. Davis and his guest spent a few days of last week at Theria Mo. { Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Merner and family were guasts of Miss Laura Merner, of Naperville on Sunday. Deertield Chapter 0. E. 8. will hold a card party at the home of Mrs. Charles Steiner on Saturday evening, September 22. i Among the Deerfleld young people who left tftor collegeo on last week, are George Stryker and Wallece Reichelt to Lake Forest College;: the two Burghart boys to Notre Dame; Wes-- ley Stryker to lowa State University | Lonoine Weigle to Finch School in New York City; the Goelits girls to MUwaukee, Downwer College; Misa Dr-- Lester Jo'hnson and his mother Mra.: Johnson, Miss Adellese Agaardt and Miss Katherine Sievers, of Chi# bome of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frank . Mrs. C. W. Getty is in the High badly, in a fall in her aew home last week, but it is healing very nicely.. Mr.-- and Mrs. Edwin Johnston and family and Mrs. George Pettis spent Sunday at the home of Joseph Milli-- gan in Arlington Heights. Mr.-- and Mrs, Russell LaVelle and Jdaughter, and Mrs. Belle Kist, of Rdiszson . Park, left one day last week tor Miami, Florida, where they will spend the winter. % Mr. and Mrs.--Carl Friedland and daughters, Are moving from Deer-- RBeld the latter part of this month to live in Rogers Park. c lm m "/ uutteas * * & the clea K best lan 1 Of Music i""'" / en oo 3 4 i JA on sof AUXILIARY. NOTES ' Deertield 'Auxiliary to the Ameri-- _ can Legion met with Mrs. Har] Frost ?"l Monday evening. -- Twenty mem-- '#n Harry Mann, a delegate to % ""_.""""" C kfiiswl\;muwmun:; ; e _a prest e " "lan entertainment and dance were Life." Mrsa. Hood acted as leader. {Tho affirmative was taken by Verda . Varner and Robert Elder and the neg ative by James Hood, June Wood and Ann Yohanna. A vote of the so-- clety on the presentation of spe¢éch and -- everyone's personal opinion, !o!qnle_d the victory to the negative 1---- Miss Miriam Stryker of 3t. Luke's hospital, Chicago, visited at the J. Stryker home on Tuesday. _ The Msision Band, of the Bunsga low church met on Tuesday after-- noon. -- Mrs. A. Merner and Mrs. E. Beckman had charge of the meeting. |-- Deerfield Cam» R. N. A. will ob-- serve Oravle's Night on Thursday ; September 27. Visiting Oracles will fill the officers' stations. . Members please bear in mind the date and plan to attend this meeting. A good time is anticipated. North Chicago. A very interesting debate> was Aheld by the Tuxis Society on Sunday evening. The question was, "Resoly-- ed That a Life m in the Mission Fleld Is Better i in a Business Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bahn of Wau kegan and Mr. and Mrs. EBugene.Hal-- oran also of Waukegan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bleimehl, on Saturday.> Mrs. Bahn is connected with the North Shore Foundry, at John Huhn attended the State Firemen's Conv@ntion at Joliet, on Thursday and Friday. Miss Frances Loy entertained the Mutual Club on Thursday evening, at the home of Mrs. Charles Selig. Mr.--and Mrs. Singer, who have been staying at the Green Tree Iun, for the summer, left early on Satur-- day morning, for the South, on a pleasure trip. News was 'received that both were killed in an automo bile accident in Indiana. -- Their fit-- teen year old daughter who was with them, was uninjured. Mr. and Mrs. A. Montaven left for the scene of the accident, as soon as they received the news. Dr. Lawrence Dondanville and his '*wife and little son, of Moline, are visiting at the Ender home. Mr. and Mro. Delbert Meyer and Kr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank and son and daughter of Libertyville wmdhmdluuwnm ple on A . Mre. George VanLiske, of Chicago, is visiting at the home of her dau The George Stanger, Floyd Stanger 'a_npugag,mum.-mm ¥visited at the old homestead. Mr. and Mrs. William Webber, of Washington, D. C., are guests at the Jacob Ott home. Mr. Webber is a brother of Mrs. Ott. Mr. and Mrs. William Jo>nston en-- tertained relatives over the week Wesley Stryker left on Wednesday for Ames College, lowa. A number of his young friends gare him a jlare well party on Tuesday evening, at his home. A very pleasant time was had by all. Miss Nina Rapp who is a teacner at the Downer's Grove school spent the week end at the home of her parents. m-mme V,'l;'mehmh.ul ® The social committee of the Deer-- field: Grammar school P. T. A. met m«m c Mrs. Alice Young, of Chicago vis ited at the home of ber brother, J. Stryker over the week end and on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Selig spent a week at Marquette, Michigan. 'The Woman's Missionary Society &m lr&:: Steiner and Mrs. Frank Schar, were hostesses. -- The lesson was in charge of Mrs. Emil Giss and Mrs. Arthur }m- . Mr. and Mrs. John Nots of Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glos, and son, of Freeport, were week end vis-- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nots, -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and Hen-- ry Snyder, postmaster at Highland Park, and his wife, left on Monday, for Ashenville, North Carolina, to at-- tend the National Postmaster's Con-- week. Mrs.:'Snyder, who was Miss Anna Bleimehl, before her marriage is--also visiting with other relatives and friends in the vicinity of Deer-- tield. On ~Mr,. and Mrs. Mar-- | at Five Hundred and Mrs. Virginia tained in her honor, on Wednesday, | <Refreshments were served by Mrs. Mrs-- Sunyder, Mrs. E. Bleimehi, Mrs. | Olendor{, Roy Meyers, Mrs. Taylor Murphy and Mrs. Rommell, spent And Miss Luellia Knigge, The next mmmm&uwwmhmmwm North Chicago and on Thursday,{ day in October. !r!-wulmmm' woGo--« Edward Blethmeil home for the past her brother Henry this week. _ _ . Mr. and Mrs. George Ott entéertain on ce t ie P 52 absent for .x Promotion Day will be obgerved on Heptember 30, in a joint service of church school and congregation, at 'Relly bay and RoU Call Sanday f y VaAY + 0 will be observed_ on the following Sunday, October 7.-- fe"F We extend a cordial invitation to ienge to Attéend .a church service somewhere every Sunday. This act will give a right start to every week. 7:45 p. m. f Beout Troop Rally and Camp Fire on Friday, at T:15 p. m. All scouts mw : attend. Fath-- men are 68 y invited. A special Bince these two conventions are so near, it is hoped that many inter-- ested in temperance, 'prohibition, law enforcement and the real political situation will attend both of them. e koQG----e DEERFIELD PRESBYTERIAN CC 10 V CAVCER, * w The State Convention will be held at Evanston, from October 23 to 26. Evanston was the home of Frances E. Willard, founder of the W. C. T. U. Her home, her church and the National Headquarters there, will all be of interest. W. C. T.~U. NOTES ; The annual convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Un-- ion, will be held in the M. E. church at Lake Forest on y, October 9. The --morning will begin at 10 o'clock. © i & The P. T. A. Executive held its first meeting at the school on last Tuesday evening, to discuss and com-- »lete plans for work:to be suggested to the Association--at its regulay meeting, on Friday evening. All' residents of the Wilmot Dis-- trict and especially the parents of school children are invited to attead this meeting and joih us. Everybody welcome. A.* _A health program will be present-- ed with a playette, by three of our members, entitled, "Listening In." The evening will close with re-- freshments and a social hour. The Wiimot P. T. A. will hold Its first fall session at the school on Friday evening, September 21, at 8 o'clock, sharp. There will be a brief business ses-- sion which will be important. Answer these fair, for your child-- ren's sake and in P. T. A. work a reéal interest take. T. A. do if every member were like me too? -- > How much will it hinder the work, Iif some of our members find fault and shirk? How much good can we do this year, if every member works with good cheer? ; We P L Aziate. cePerenm Aitsint Mss e20 4 Cnna Pm A6. snn of child welfare and of education. Education in the school, the home and the commyunity, for the welfare of the children must be our first con-- sideration. _ All else is secondary. During the year, it is hoped that the parents will take & real interest in P. T. A. work and attend the meet ings. Watch the papers for all in-- formation given and notices of all meetinngs. Let each one answer the following queries : > ; $ What kind of a P. T. A. would we make if every parent would take an interest? °: -- How strong would the P. T. A. really grow if every parent would Join it ABtiGw R .0. c3 .08 ... 0t st, _/ What kind of a P. T. A. would ours be 'it every members were just like hoad c -- What kind of work would our P. and Grace Varner: Mark_J. Andrews, Pastor -- Church school at.9:30. Worship .and sermon at 10:45 -- With this Sunday, Autuma The Camp Fire Girls will meet at the Deerflield Grammar school, with their guardian, Mro. Irving Brand, on Thursday, September 20. The new officers have been electéd for the year. President, Marion -- Meyer; Vice--President, Jane Warner; Secre-- tary, Shirley Clark; Treasurer, Doris Hunter; ~Cheer--Leader, -- Catherijpe M' m 'h,t... l'l.-. Wood and Mrs. Harry Olendort. followed by a reception for ' teachers and refreshments. u:'hoeozn;fluhchmotmz 6x Wiliman, First Grade, Mrs. Chas. gpormdsmm. Mrs,. L. A. Illen. 4 * dent, --Mrs. Julian Smith, will have charge of the meeting. -- The committees for the ygear, 2p-- pointed by Mrs. Smith, are as fol}-- Publicity, Mre Alex Willman and Mrs. J. A. Reichelt, Jr. : * Finance, Mrs. William Galloway, :&wmummun.cm. ~Hygiene, Mrs. A. BR Warner, Mrs. 'lgmm.lu. L&g:&mr. )(r_s. Deerfield Grammar School Parent-- Teachers' Association will meet--on Friday afternoon at 2%:30 o'clock, at ~The Tarewell address of the out-- going president, Marle Bradale Ennia bridge and Mrs. Minnie Whitcomb, --Following the ~buiness session, cards and bunco wer played. ~Mrs. Phillip Secully, Jr.,won first prizse at Program, Mrs. W. E. Metcalt, Mrs. rehearsal on everyone Wednesday at feel tor--the hostess Public Notice is hereby given t#at the Subscriber Executor of the Last Will and Testament of -- Henry Almond deceased will attend the Probate Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden at the Fordson tractor with plow, Ford m' M m * Terms: Cash. > No property to be removed until settled for. : aduzspadi c Aaint i Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Woodhead of September 26, 1028, Raiph Huesen-- "umn.?m""wtmlmorwué:tnnh"muu ga Sons at public auc-- guest of Mrs tlonhon Milwaukee avenue,> 3 miles xg of L. :0. Wetson Ihis north of Wheeling, 2 miles south Of| Mrs. Anna Kelly and Mrs. Clara Halfmy.mmmuuw.m week trip to This is a large ealo and must start ols Sitle s\ opeiftobeiedinne c aie a on time, as all stock must.be sold, Clars 'Taylor is enjoying a vaca regardless of cost.: Come early. tlion from her duties at the tele Household goods, 'hardware, blan-- phone exchangé. She is spending & kets, coats and sahoes. part of it with relatives in Wauke-- One family cow, 7 young shoats,|>»Stewrt Cleworth was a guest at chickens. the W. F. Zileglier home a part of HAY AND GRAIN this : week. Mr. Cleworth lived here flblgg'?bmt;ehmmmmv 7 c.'m.:'& m.-:-: spring wheat, bushels bar-- * CM time was ley, 20 tons baled timothy: hay, 10] Charge of the Antioch M. E. church, tons straw, 15 acres hill: and drilf|? Mr/ and Mrs. W. F. Ziegler have corn. F4 returned home.from their auto trip MISCELLANBOUS through Wisconsin.~ > -- 15 new oil stoves, 50 rugs, 15 new '&m@i'mfi_m hot blast heaters, 5 cook stoves, 50 ~O.--B. 8., attended a meeting pails of stock and poultry food, 100 | Of'that--order in Waukegan Thurs milk pails, 50 granite water pails, | day evening. _ Mre. Kerm:>Lux, asso 400 baking pans, 200 pic tins, 50 | «mm % e % aluminum roasters, 300 granite and |'_\> Ti o ofaloliel ~S6 coummnidck 4 tin cups, 100 hammer and axe han-- ce anntertma ns dles, 500 assorted brumhes, 5 tool|1" °~~ ts 2A * chests, hatchets, screw drivers, clea-- : -- vers. butcher knives, 200 pair rl. : sweaters, gloves, 200 pounds of dry | -- Lhegf B t peas, lot of harness oil, 4 new milk 7 N cans, wagon wrenches and poles, 15 ho : uk Oe lot 0 feollars and parts, 2500 ft. new | [ en ' hay rope, 50 new long handled shoyv-- ; _ September 26, 1028, Raiph Huesen-- ga and Sons will sell at public auc-- tion on Milwaukee avenue,> 3 miles north of Wheeling, 2 miles south of Half Day, commencing at 12 shary. This is a large eale and must start on time, as all stock must--be sold, regardless of cost.: Come early. | Household goods, 'hardware, blan-- kets, coats and shoes. ' 4 LIVESTOCK 1 One family cow, 7 young shoats, chickens. <~ --HAY AND GRAIN g&bmmmms': ley, 20 tons baled timothy: hay, 10 tons straw, 15 acres hill: and-- drilf corn. ;.Us MISCELLANBO V V NMr. and Mrs. Roy Passticia and i .~_ ~ _ " V Y T _ s;ncpentmwu&ofllmm 0 mlm + 0 t l k f $ Y»i * 1B ,:',.'?°3';.,a Fisher was in Round| O 0O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 Lake Thursday. Mr,. and Mrs. E. O. Hawkins and Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Stadfield spent| My ang Mrs. W. H. Osmond return-- Sunday with relatives in the north-- ed home Sunday from their auto trip ern part of the county. to Denver and other places in the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield. Mr. and Mrs. Georg Scheid Jr. and daughter, Liillian, of Wauconda, vis ited Saturday evening at the Lloyd Figsher home. Miss Zelma Russell spent the past week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Leglie Davis and fam-- ily spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Davis, at Wauconda; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bacon and family and Mrs. E. Bacon and Kenneth and Ellen Russell --spent Sunday in Chi-- cago. + Milton Dowell and Lloyd Fisher wetre in Rockford Friday and saw the @evastation wrought by the big tornado. Ellwood Dowell spent. Sunday at the Meyer home_ in Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Rovy Passfield and Uriswold lAke, was a Thursday VIi2 * . n ue e s i C o mt 1. wdfl!fidmu-o. Mrs. Pearl Hanford of Geneseo, Mr. and -- 'Clinton Ravin, of | L. is visitinz at the B. K. Mills Griswold Lake, are the parents of a ) home. .-- baby boy, born Wednesday, Bept. 12.] Mrs. Loretta Ray and son Dean Dowell and is 'well known in this |ding in Waukegan Sundeay. neighborhood. Joe --Dada-- and Earl Washburn Henry Poile and son of Elmhurst| have returned from an auto trip to were Thursday visitors at the Dowell | Canada. home. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Keel and Mr. Iumwmdu' Mrs.: 0. E. Chittenden and Grayslake spent with.her nar-- | daughter Ruth spent the week--end ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield. |at the Dells. * ¥. G. Plepenbrook, Pastor Church «chool --at--9;:15 a. m. mnu:u;g...;,"' Choir rehearsal Friday +80 p.m. . On Saturday, October 5, the pastor ren from 12 to 14 years of age are eligible to the membership of the m?mmmm trines, uuua::r"'nm and the doctrines:essential to christ-- ian living. ~A course of this nature is of great value to the tuture mem-- bers of the Church of Christ. Par-- ents are kindly requested to coop-- erate with the pastor in the organiz ation of the class. : We cordially invite all to attend our worship service. To our new cit-- izen, we extend a special invitation to make the St. Paul's Evangelical church their new «church home. % + ! EVANG. BUNGALOW CHURCH _ Rev.: A. J. Johnson, Minister Sunday school 'at 9:45 a. m.-- A fiehuhrevm-nwdmhn- Morning worship at 11. . 'Christian Endesvor at 7 p. m. A Mid--week prayer and praise serv-- mmwuuu-um Rally service-- on nmmmm Sunday school and church are urged to come and bring their {friends to this fall-- rally. R There will be a sale of home made candy and bakery goods on Saturday afternoon, September 22, in John Hofttman's corner store, formerly 06 cupled by Gastfield's gro¢ery store, at 2 o'clock. 'This sale is eponsored by the Junior choir of the Bung@& low church. | 0 0 00 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADJUDICATION NOTICE B8T. PAUL/SB EVANG.; CHURCH PUBLIC AVCTION e# eA wr, ros|| Three carloads of choice Wiscon-- || DR J. L. TAYLOR _ noved -tn" Cin dairy COWI. fresh and heavy 0'::':: :::m ::k ..?- Bs mc _ || springers, now on hand at reason-- __tieknmmiitk Himoin.... uol «cus=ll able prices, with 60 day retest. . || Inimmaimr _ e uo ntripe Crystal Lake spent Sunday with the [l:._l:.' Metcalf family. ' following Gurnee young peo-- ple will-- attend college this fall: Howard Smith at DePauw, William Edwards at Illinois, Dorothy McCul-- lough, Lavern Dixon, Genevieve Mc-- Cullough at Lake Forest.-- Eileen Kimball at Madison. The Warren Garden club had a mreting at the Willis Appleyagd home yesterday. Mrs. John Western gave a talk on "Flowers in Cubs". It was greatly enjoyed by all pres-- ent. * * * Mrs. Joe Dada and daughter Rose-- mary spent Saturday and Sunday at Libertyville. _ & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o and 'the coach now has the entire work of coaching the team. The frst conference game of the season is scheduled for Friday when the Gurnee team is listed to meet w fls »fhm*m""% promises plenty in the way of com-- petition and is expected to be an 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o 0 0 0000 00 0 0 6 0 0 0o Kelton had the help of a former --bc,etthh.kl&whol m: the turnouts. Dixon has returned to his studies as a sophomore at the played between the light and heavy-- weight teams of the school brought 'out numerous defects in the playing of both= aggregations -- whitch the coach is now trying to remedy.. -- A change has been made in the lineup of the Arst and second teams as a result of recent scrimmage Lmnookvbo'luboon"spob ted" by the Gurnee coach for his ability to throw passes with his left hand has been transferred from the second team lineup to that of the first aggregation. . Miller went into his place on the second lineup. One lad, Charles Moor, has been lost to the team entirely as a result of a doctor's examination which showed 'him to be suffering slightly from a weak heart. ig --_ At the start of the season Coach Coach Kelton, who has been work-- mumwmmm two weeks is . becoming : worried for fear that his list of injuries will take all of his capable men off the field-- during the practice sessions so that an entirely green--team will be foreced to start the season's playing. Dixon, who is expected to be one of the star performers of this year's team, is out of practice at the pres-- ent time due to the fact that he is suffering ~with a sprained shoulder which=she received during a scrim-- As 'the practice sessions continue at the Warren high school, the list of injuries grows larger, according to reports circulated at the Gurnee Coach Kelton is Becoming Worried as Start of Sea-- son Listed for Friday Loo e es rn t Salh tCt M | J of ning and amusement was to be found at the various booths, The big feature <of the event was the grand display of fireworks which closed the evening's amusement. The committees in charge are more than pléased by the spirit of co--op eration displayed by the public, and mub&wmmul more than pleased with the line of entertainment. In fact everyone was satisfied--and so closed Antioch's first big festival. c | reserved their best act for the eve-- !. l:t'l evening a big crowd gathered to visit the various concession booths and listen to the music and speeches and to witness the various acts. Sat-- urday afternoon drew a big crowd, and in the evening the attendance was estimated to be into the thous-- ands. The Chicago Daily News band furnished peppy music. ] The exhibits were more numerous and much better; than the committee Fall Festival Closes Antioch's first fall festiyal closed Saturday evening, and from start to tinish it was one huge success. Fri-- day afternoon's program was about spoiled by the heavy rain but in the Mr. and Mrs. C. L Kutil have moved from the Chinn bhouse on Or-- chard street to the Richards house on Spafford street. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bock and. Mr. and Mrs. Chas,. Sibley returned home SBunday afternoon after having spent a couple of weeks in a cottage at Chetek, Wis. Nelson Drom has sold his bunga-- low next to.his residence to Sam Chas. P. Richards has purchased the John Winne house on Spafford see the attractions and listen to the various speeches. Friday afterncoons Aattractions were somewhat spoiled ----Albert Shepard is back at hbis work at the Sales and Service Ga-- rage after a couple of week's vaca tion spent at Chetek, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bock left Sun-- day morning for a couple of week's grounds were w--*and muddy an en-- thusiastic 'crowd gathered to hear the evening's program. ~~BPhke--Corcin family returned home from their auto trip through the east Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hawkins left Monday morning for a two week's vacation which they will spend auto ing through northern Wiscounsin. The Arthur Hawkins family re turned home from their two week's camping trip at Chetek, Wis.. Sat-- sStands and concessions. In the eve ning the crowd gathered again to school equipu.--nt. The Woman's elub entered a beautiful and artistic -- The Rebekalyps displayed their Jlodge colors of pink and green. _ The fire truck was all shined up for the occasion and took its place in the parade. After this feature the large crowd which had lined the streets all went that the band had lacked ig time and tune 'The Senior class drew the comparison between the schools of tection." 'The Boy Scouts had a most appropriately decorated car. The Juniors of the Antioch high school had a band, which furnished as much music as could be Gdrawn from a corn popjer, carpet beater, rolling pin, miniature pilano and other such instruments. The band leader took his part very much in earnest and made up in action all , . Festival Draws Many The three day fall festival opened Thursday afternoon with a parede which plainly spoke of the boosting spirit prevalent among"the business men and citizens of Antioch. Officer mmv bonhh -otorch' clear-- Y cops, ed mwhulnm of the parade. Then came a caer in which ~vas seated Antioch's presi-- dent, S. E. Poliock. Floats represzent Iing the various business places and fraternal orders, of the city followed. The Royal Neighbors float -- was beautifully decorated with the lodge colors of purple and --white and a large banner bearing the word "Pro-- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stickler are visiting relatives in Antioch Mrs. Stickler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eu-- gene Stickler, was a former resident of Antioch but now lives at Los Champaign, IIlL, Sunday. Emmett Webb is attending school there. Mrs. Chase Wcbb motored to i _ was a Wau T 4 ATTORNEYAT--LAW ' Office at home on W. Cook Avenue * ATTORNEYATLAW Ts LUCE BUILDING (,53%; Res. Phone 97 Office Phone 18 -- * LIBERTYVILLE, iLLImOs o A w Cu i RIREN T hemteil +2 + <cu +A m't:n....,m':..u..uuu i ie ie Nee highly esteemed for producing copi-- imgt o ho en vell messone trom its tip.to its junction with the ,fg ovary folly 1% inches. Many men are in good health unt!i they quit work. 'Then they drop to pleces. Without a doubt. work is the heat medicine --Atchison Giobea Estimates Free All Work Guaranteed 1300 Garden Place leaks see us--No job too small, Libertyville Post 329 wEETsSs First TUESDQAY or EACH MONTH AT TOWN HALL C. C. HOSKINS, Commander y Tm.fl s LIBERTYVILLE, $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 "The Quality Storse" BRAYSLAKE ILLINOI8 LIBERTYVILLE " KA YNEE" Shirts and Blouses A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF AT LOW COST Estimates Furnished Free TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFIiNG READY ROOEING OVER OLD GVUARANTEED TO WASH AND WEAR ROOFING R. B. GODFREY FLAT ROOFS RECOVERED WITH TAR AND PITCH Work Guaranteed Libertyville Roof'ing Comp a n y We do all kinds of roofing West Uake Streoet Good Medicine 666 WAUKEGAN, ILL * A 2z €5