Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Oct 1928, p. 5

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, INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR: DELIVERY. INDEPENDENT DELIVERED "ro. YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO' EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. ' Yard Phone '" , A. NAGIL, mung». Ito-mm Pm. "tbd nuns: m RAS, coax AVE. LiBERTYhfiLLE, masons ASK FOR _ ., TILES MADE INFORMA. I . b' V TION AND , 'ttri' (il,)::;';))"):::;:;:;;;),:,,:,,,,:,, IN ANY SPECIFICAo " "' COLOR AND no» FREE ' - ' WITHOUT ttt "' tN ANY OBLIGATION q -, t QUANTITY Wet Breweries t1raintiDelivered atFarmer's A ' yard at $8.00 a Ton. ' Alto Dried Bram-luau!" Home of WA TFRSEAL Roofing "BER TYVILLE CEMENT WORKS Phone Diversey 0488 ' Lake Couhty Ngtional Bank , BUY COAL NOW . Right now is the time to put in coal for use next winter. In addition to economy (price being lowest at this time), you can have your bins filled with the best grade edal, and with less trouble. . _ W. F. Franzen; Jr. mama ILL. Capital and 50mins 3150,0063) THE INDEPENDENT "-t1 so A Year HELP CUT T HAT FIRE LOSS ' Tongues of flame consume more than a Half Billion Dollars worth of American property each year. More than t0,000 American lives are lost to the Red Demon of Fire in the same period of time. How much of that toll will you pay dur- ing the coming months? Care on the part of each citizen to remove fire hazards will help cut this tremendous loss. So-for the safety of. your property _ for the protection of yourself and your loved ones-do your Dart m cutting the loss by fires that re- sult from carelessness. We Have All Grades of Coal Just Telephone so And : , ' We Will Do The Rest. , J. H. MURPHY Wholesale and Retail Dairy Foods QUALITY CONCRETE BLOCKS . FIRE PREVENTION WEEK OCTOBER "H TO 18TH. FOR BETTER HOMES In Our Yards. 2117 Ward tttreqt Chicago, Ill. A Miss .Miriam ingmhm, ot Mason City. Iowa, was in Iutsertrviht Sun- day, visiting friends and relatives. Miss lngnhnm fornierly lived in thin village. _ _ -10. Vvvwv -r_e-'e w V s serlous operation" at Condell Me morial hospital Tuesday morning. The operation was successful was according to latest. reports him-Bur- ridge is recovering rapidly. Dr. ~_W. ' -- . "A ---e. oh- nus: [a AN-sri""'"-".'- V, - _ s. Bellows. of Waukegan, was the operating physiqhn. vr. ' Edward H. Krase and Emil Saw- asch, left Saturday for Morris, Minn., on a business trip'for the C. M. ' St. P. railroad company. . Aur?,Jdf,S,NU illMI George Stun-m; who was quite sick at his home on North Ave.. last week. is fully recovered . and is hock at at his work in Lake Forest. Mrs. Frank Baumgartner and Mrs. J. Num were guests ot Miss Alice Perkins in Deertield Monday utter noon. Mr. and,,Mrs.~Davld Lumman. on Winchester Road, matinee the birth or a son on Sept. 27, at" St, Luke's hospital. Chicago. Mrs. John Numsen. 211 Second St. returned home last Thursday from 'an extended visit with relatives 'in New York state; . . Prof: add Mrs. G. M. Wilcox, of Chicago, were here Sunday, guests at the Ellsworth Wilcox home. r Misses Marian Hubband and Mar- guerite F'rgtierietus are taking a va- cation and spend-Ins the time with triends in Marion,_W;s. _ The Marian Club wilt give a dance Friday, Oct. 26th. at St Joseph's halt.. One ot Frank Wallin'a orchestras will furnish the music. C T Mr. and Mrs, Lester Linden and Mr and Mr.s.ctttrttetrKaiser drovg to Janet Sunday. and spent'the day with reltttives. " _ Remember the Hallowe'en dance given by the Elizabeth Condeu Me- morial hospital? Auxiliary October 31 at. Countryside Club. ' when il Local and Personal There will be a card party given by the Condell Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, at the Countryside Club October 18th. _ Richard Jaeger is_reported a be- ing on the sick list. Harry Medill Bartlett was in Rock- ford Friday, the trueet ot Lieutenant Governor Fred Sterling. A BIG DOUBLE FEATURE . PROGRAM CREAKY! SNEAKY! CREEPY! 8.. thin fun drama of spooks and crooks, , 'A Thief in the Dark' Jewelry and' Gift Shop. The Home of Gifts That Are Different. , o-Amo--' KEN MAYNARD. in A "cry of the Northwut Mounted Police. q TTIL THEATRE Saturday, Oct., "The Code Of __. the Scarlet" Tuesday and Wednesday , October 16 and 17 Added: Pathe Review and Amp Fable. M. C. WtTEtt-aamed humorlut and writer of comedy romance. RICHARD (Shorts) GALLAGHER the are! comedian from the "ultimate stage. ZANE GREY'S, "The Water Hole" 2 ' "u JACK HOLT and o L 'NANCY CARROLL. o'u'rgy' book opono Into a tautifut Jd',','),','.' Acted by a motor can. matted In a native mung. Roproducod P' natural anion. A than" story of a m: man and a "minim 63151110011113)!th - ' LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11,192,; Sunday, Monday October 14 and 15 "WARMING UP" Thursday, Friday October 18 and 19 "Alex The Great" "o%TtiUauiiu, to Gem-rat ion America's Finest Tableware. McDonald's and, .Mrs. David Lundman. RICHARD DIX, In A Mocha" story Burrfdge ,submit'geq :to with 1 3th Be sure to visit the éountry store at the Lite-ville' M. E. LadWr' Aid bazaar Oct. rr. sales beginning at 1 p. m. Everything in groceries. canned goods, bakery goods. mob chandise and notions. Chielred pie and everything for dinner., It Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Warren and children, ot Zeeland. Midi. came trat. urdayior a few dats' visit "mun. Warren's mother, Mrs, Flatt Egon Monday they dove to Harvard, to spend ghe day with routines at Mr. "ttout 30 Members/ot the Liberty- ville branch, (St. Joseph's with) of the Lake County. Holy Ngme Society Journeyed .to Waukegsh' Sundty afternobu, where they attended the animal county meeting. held in St Joseph's church amr school there. Benediction services ,w-ereheld in the ehurch.ttter which the men ado learned " the school auditorium. where they listened tttMt interesting program. which included . speaker; and musical entertainment., H. M. Bartlett are: to leave on' next Tuesday for 'atihintrton, D. C., on a business mission. He win be accompanied by Mixs.'Bartlettsi' and trs.t make the trip by automobile. Miss Dorothy Johntages, nurse at Condell Memorial hospital, will en-. tertaln " her guests Saturday and bunuay her mother, Mrs. Frank Joltutages, and her, brother, Frank. trom Indianapolis... Ind. . Bernice Frederick. .onuciter ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frederick. 311 Brainerd meme. wag operated on for appendicitis It the condo" hospiui 'on Saturday. '?tiTs operation. was suc~ cessful and the patient is reported as convalescing rapidly.." , Dr. and Mrs. P. H. Martin left on Wednesday tor Atlanta, Ga., when Dr. Martin will attend the convgntpn ot the Interstate. Medical Biretertt, which" meets tn the southern city next week. They were aeeompapied by Mitrt Eva Helen Coleman. Miss Gail Galloway was in Liberty- ville over the Week end "slung her parents, Dr. and Mn C. R. Galloway. She is attending Rockford College thus year. _ H The Rally Day program, ot the M. E. Sunday school will be given next Sunday morning at u. There will be promotional exercises and a brief dramatization of educational and spiritual ideals. . James Mathewson. of Rotssviile, was here Wednesday" mm»; his cousin C. P. McDonough. "11116 in this section. Mr. Mathewson made a .trip to the Model Electric "an. west of Mundelein. Warreil Mr. and Mrs. Watter Madsen drove to Milwaukee, Wim, Sunday after- noon, where they met the farmer's mother, who had been a' guest ot Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenwood. 111.0811- kosh, Wis..'. or a week. v' H. G. Kaping started work today on a new Dutch Colonial house on Meadow Lane in Sunnyside Park subdivision. Ther'new home will be two stories and modern in every respect. A MAN buys a. cheap car, figuring he will trade it in on another "",". or wo. But you can't buy a chap turn-.06 and % /raradi,iiuiiyierr few "reark---it, costs tpo much to change fur _,ii..tliii'kiiiiitiirr'uiia; else wants a furnace that you have worn I; A Furnace That Will Outlast Your Home Rift}; trreiigiyr, to buy a furnace that will outlast your house. menial: ls less, and a good furnace pays for itself over nod over in hie] iivings--asot to speak of the health end comfort your family witrUuo, all of those years. . k Premier" "DeLuxe" is'neither expensive not oheap--ret it'll the 1otttteat-lived turmusis that_can be built. You ctuft beat id u an investment. It has every feature you can think ot-and then some. Come in and See it. Installed tin easy tends, F rank H. Eger, PR E MI E R "lk Luxe" . The Furnace with Every Famous Feature . Edwin Allen. of Antioch, was awarded the Ford Tudor sedan; given away by Libertyville Post 329 Amer- can Legiom'at a dance' held at Me- morial- hall Saturday nightrOct.' l. The lucky number wns 15,185. and Mr. Allen held only one ticket. Music for the dance was furnished by F', Baumgartner and his orchesgra. The home orMr. tad Mrs. Rich- ard Willem, on Lungs Court, is tur. der quarantine. on accmm of their son. Richard. Jr., having scarlet fe- Ver. The boy ,wu a student of St. Joseph's school. and the other pupils, were examined thit, week, but-so far no other cases have been reported from tMt' school. At pr-ttMere we tour Carer, in the village. _ The 521,ltre invited to attend a lecture, ill urated bv a tine set of 71 atereoptican views, by: Mia: Mél- ick, in Long Grove church, Saturday evening,: Oct. 13, at 7:80. Miss Mel- ick has been teaching in the missions in Honduras, and brings in interest- ing message. . The pupils ot the fourth grade, Rowland school. under the are ot their teacher. MistrCorrin Pen-hon, wn Mon to the plant ot the Foulds Milling IM., on but Church street. Tuesdny afternoon. The children were shqwn the various. processes required to make- mammal and sphatretti, and the vitiit proved an interesting and profitable one. _ A birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Meyers Sunday afternoon in honor of their seven year old daughter, Betty. A number of little girls gathered fttr the party, add were entertained with games, prizes and refreshments. J. S. Wolff, Libertyville contractor. has been awdtaied the con-true, for the construction of a bridge in Iro- qudis county, on,Route 116, section 12043. According to word from the highway department in Springfield, the Libertyviileiirm's bid,tor the new bridge was $15,541.40. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ward. ot Winchester Road, had as weir guests. over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Lo. gan Price and son. Frank. of West- ern Springs; Mr. and Mrs. Cloyoe Price and daughter, Audrey. of Des Plaines. and Mr. and'Mrs. Schroeder ot Chicago. . Dr. J. L. Taylor. coroner of Lake county, was elected secretary at the llllnoia State Association ot Coro- ners Wednesday ot lastsweek. when that organisation met in Chicago for the annual election of officers. Cor- onor Oscar Wolff. ot Cook county', was elected head ot th.e association. while Dr. W. A. Howe, of mane county. was chosen vice president. Mr; 1nd Mrs. Punt Cater. Prairie Ave., left last week for u prolonged motor tour which will take them te California and the west coattt, troing by way of the Grand Canyon. and re. turning through V Yellowstone' Park, next' spring, They were" 3000:1193- tlied by Mrs. Qatar's sister. "Miss Rae Come, and friend. Miss Bessie Casey. both of New York. who have been spendlnw F the srummer.with them m -IAbertyvllle. . MrssJ. B. Morse and 'Mrs. Flora Eger were "called to, LaValle, Minn., Saturday on account of the death of their sister. Funeral services were held Monday, and burial. was in St. .'aul. Mrs. Ego: returned- home Mon: day night, while Mrs, Morse remain- ed in Minnesota for several days. 3 wt wish ' to extemrirrr sincere than it to our friends and neighbors for their many kindness" in the loss of our wife and mother, cud to express our gratitude to those who gave the [use ot, their cars. , Fruit Mitchell and.Children. Mundelein. Illinois. It Mr. and Mrs. B. L. DuBou returned home Monday from a vacation trip 'tsy automobile, which took them to St. Louis, Davenport, Dubuque and other places. ooverinw about 3400 miles. They were acbmpanied by a. party or friends from Chicago. The auto was damaged at a point in Iowa when it crashed into a farm wagon, but no one was ttutrre" f BUY _ AND BUILD Mr. and Mrs. R, W. Bulkley, who have been spending the past month or two id the western states, are ex- pected home in a week or so. Last Week they were in Los Angeles, Cal., visiting former LiYrtrvtiie and Lake county folks. Among others, the Bulkleys called at the Joe Hart homein Burbank. Calif. Mr. Hart is now In Canada, visiting» his son. It is reported the temperature got as low as 10 above lust week, and Joe had fond thoughts of the sunny days in California and Libertyivlle. B. H. Miller . G. C. Gridley Pho- 66nd98 "can." and 157 L. J. Connelly. iM Ottawa, Ill., was charged with aatgtutlt irith a deadly weapon and runninz by a stop sign Tuesday in Justice partlett'ts court. when he wasjbrought before the Jus- tice following his arrest, when he ran into and wrecked the car ot IL. Cashmore. of Waukegan, at the inter- section of Ru. 21 and " at Half Day, Tuesday morning. ' State om? er John Daley hurried to the' Bcene shortly aftes. the crashiand brought Connelly and Cashmort to the Lib. er.yville court. Cannelly was dis- charged when he agreed to pay $80, covering a doctor's fee and damages to the Cashmere car. _ Thrown from her horse as she who riding .nesr- her summer home on Slocum lake. Hrs, Frank Mulhol ot Chicago mtttered tractu sev- eral ribs and inju er spine late yesterday at oon. The horse be- came ts. shed at an unusual noise and rted to. plunge. throwing Mrs. Mulhollsnd to the gravel roadway. Dr. J. A, Robs of Waucondn was called to attend her and after dress- ing her.ln)nrles. Bent the woman to her home in. Chicago. Jtitrtaliatiot .of officers .of 'the June: Caultno Post of the. Ameri- can Legion at Graysleke, will take place Tuesday night. Opt. '16. trt-lr o'clock. Commander Victor o. Woertz of the _ Homer Dahriuger post and the post adjutant will be at". at the. installatipn while the Waukegan "ruined seals." the initi. ation team from the Waukegan post, will go through'their [noes 'tter the installation ceremonies. . ' COPELAND MANOR T The two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Brscher narrowiy escaped being run over when she toddie'd away from her mother into the center of Milwaukee avenue and Church street during the rush hour Monday evening. She was rescued by Elinor Disney who returned her to her frightened mother. The Brachers live " Diamond Lake and were vuittng Mrs; Bmher's mother, Mrs. Edna. Runes. , ' ' . Miss Phyllis Rose who has been making her home with her uncle, Frank'Rose. has moved to, Chicago and will remain with an aunt until the return of Mr.' Rose and hls " ter, who ore visiting tn California. N. pm. as Lmnyvnu' Scenic Subdivision When you bring your pre- scription to us. you are protected in every way. It is compounded exactly "the doctor ordered and with pure, fresh potent in- gradients. It is checked and re- checked by a system that positively prevents errors. And the price is as low as possible. consistent with the best prescription serv- ice it is possibie to give. {Decker & Neville Prescriptions' mreAtigglbsttre CARD OF THANKS Libertyville's '5 LIB ER TYVILLE INDEPENDENT ORegister Now For Fall Classes 1iiertyvaie Lumber Co. Book Your Coal ' Order Now. 311 Park Avenue McDonalds Commiitdai. School Lll0BERTYVILLE $33363 BANK Leave your order for this coming winter's fuel with us now, and we will deliver at your eorivenienee.q We have all Sim and grades. q "j- First National Bank "GOING " BLIND" Ili,!:'!': THE o-arc-c'-'-':-.'..--:,-.')-)--:':-,--, N tli,Nstigte' arc? 'ii) . COMMERCIAL COURSES Individual Instruction Positions Secured for Graduates Capital and Sur lus $110,000.00 Pr1lllh/?%1rih1l?ihlie ILLINOIS Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 Telephone Either 47 or 48 "Down by the ou Depot" Been There Twenty Your: F all Weight Guaranteed. TELEPHONE 130 Libertyville, Illinois PAGE FIVE 335.: 2:! t

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