W. D. Young of Milwaukee who found himself in the clutches of the law at Lake Forest because Police Sergeant Paul Jonsen has a "nose for booze" and found 150 gallons of aleohol in Young's car as 'the Mil-- waukee man was driving through Lake Forest on Sunday, was fined x $300 and costs when be was ar-- raigned before Justice of the Peace Sidney Burridge of Lake Forest last night. David Ackerman, 40, land®#cape artist who confessed to luring Mrs. Margaret Smith, Chicago, into -- a woods near Everett to pose in the nude while he painted an Indian nceni only to attack her, was held to the grand jury in bondg of $10,000 by Police Magistrate Edwin Burgess at Lake Forest Monday. He was brought to the county jail Tuesday by Lake Forest police. _ Col. Smith has assured him that he will ask for a lite sentence. States Attornmey A. V. Smith, who went to the hearing to complete the chain of evidence against the man, reported that Ackerman insisted that he was insane. a#% "I'm crazy," Ackerman Stated bluntly. Ackerman, in the course of his confession, stated that he was an escaped convict from Ne# York and that his "peeping Tom" activities started as early as 1921 when he was living with his wife and two children in Detroit. Through an advertisement for a model Ackerman lured Mrs. Smith to a point near <the A. D. Lasker estate, June 4. He statell that he needed a setting for an Indian paint-- ing. He taped her to a tree, he ad-- mitted, and attacked her. * Ackerman appears glad at times that he has been caught. He admit-- ted that he believed the pennemvry would not hurt him. Ackerman -- waived _ preliminary hearing. & "He is along certain lines but he makes! a splendid appearance," Col. Smith said. He boastingly told of getting photographs of 25 Rockford girls while he lived there. His downfall came in Kenosha where the alertness of police led them to send a police matron in answer to his advertisement for models. Shortly after the arrest he confessed. . THE INDEPENDENT FPOR $1.50 A YEAR,--DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR NO DELIVERY CHARGE ALKIE PEDDLER IS FINED $300 Young was arrested when Jensen got a whiff of the alkie that was spilling out one of the 150 single gallon cans that he carried in the rear of his coupe. ACKERMAN HELD TO GRAND JURY; SAYS HE'S CRAZY Moron 'Artist' Makes No De-- fense But Relates Crimes to Colonel Smith Tuesday, October 16 Our Entire Line Of Hardware Consisting of: ; 9 }horse New Litchfield Manure -- 1 Columbia Ssewing MaCNnine .. -- Spreaders 1 Hard Coal Base Burner Stove 1 2Zhorse New Litchfield Manure 2 100--Ib. sacks of Marb--L--Cote Spreader : Plaster paint 2 second hand Spreaders 1 set of Curtain Stretchers 1 1525 Townsend Tractor Several hundred feet of assorted 1 2%/4 ton All American Truck Pipe -- -- ~ 1 / ton Vim Truck Hundreds of different size Pipe 1 Samson Tractor ~--_ Fittings 2 New 12 Disk HarrowS, Trucks . 6 New Woven Steel Gates 14 ft. A x and 16 ft. long -- 1 Utcrchangabh Disk Hitch s s 2 sets of Hay Slings 1 Coffee Mill Tant , * & 1 Blacksmith's Vice 1 dozen 8x10 Six Light Sash nsl k A F Mbarrer Water Tank 1 Blacksmith's Anvil erek_ Water (a" 450 Rods of 47in, 6 in stay, 2 14ft. 1!%& in. Pulley Shafts Papex Woven Wire A number of assorted Maching -- 5 kegs of 10 penny Nails 9 Dry Well ..';,o:'w.; 8 Steel Anchor Posts and Braces ky Wiell Io ". ks t 1 8 h. p. Wagner Single Phase 1 New Brow Cultivator Electric Motor 2 New -- All lron Litchfield _ 150 jars, sizes / to 30 gallon i Wagons & 2 N h . Sob Pumps and pump cylinders ew ":.y.;_._tlmd"y C A quantity of Alfalifa and other 2 Sets of Springs 1 Light Wagon Pole Set 1 Chemical Toilet & 2 Sets of rims for Mil&flagon * 1 Laundry Stove Having decided to discontinue the Machin-- ery and Hardware end of the Trevor Gen-- eral Store I will sell, at Trevor, Wisconsin, three miles north of Antioch, Illinois, begin ning at 1 o'clock sharp, Carl A. Schreck, PUBLIGC SALE TERMS: --All sums under $25 cash. On larger amounts six months time will be given on good bankable notes bearing 7 per cent interest. IN CASE OF STORMY WEATHER THE SALE WILL BE HELD UNDER COVER. Wagons New -- heavy Lindsey Bob Sleighs FRED GRABBE, Auctioneer Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ellis, Miss Goldie Daniels and Harry Machus of Chicago, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schley Sunday. The dinner was in celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis's 33rd wedding anni-- versary. s Miss Elizabeth Shilstra and Mrs. Delbert Meyer attended a& meeting of Wheeling Eastern Star Chanter Tuesday evening. + Relatives of Mrs .L. --C. Hole, a pioneer of Deerfield, celebrated her 83rd birthday by a party ato Mrs. Hole's home Friday evening. There: were 28 present. Her grandchildren and four great--grandchildren were. in the party. \ Miss Minnie Nelson and Miss Gladys Anderson, of Chicago, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Me-- lanelu Sunday. > H Mrs. J. R. Notz and son, John Jr., returned home Friday from Highland Park hospital. Sunday Mrs. Notz, Sr., Mr .and Mrs. Carl Notz 'and Rudoiph Notz of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs Hery Glos of Northbrook, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Notz. Mrs. Henry Dickman and -- son George, Mrs. Florence Wright and daughaters, Grace and Viola, of Mil-- Mr. and Mrs .Ralph Peterson en tertained company over the week end.-- _ Mrs. Thomas Sloot's mother, who has been visiting her for the past week, returned Wednesday to her home in Anderson, .Ind. j Mrs. Ray Horeuber(er and son re-- turned home Friday from Highland Park hospital. j vin, IIl., visited Mrs$ William Huhn and family and Mrs. George Tntes and family this week. -- s The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian church will meet Thursday afternoon Oct. 18, at the church. The meeting will be in charge of Miss Joesphine Woodman, who will give a talk on mission work in FPlorida. -- ' La Ametia Society met at the home of Mrs. Agnes Tennerman last Tuesday evening. A number of ladies of Deerfield at-- tended the W C T U. meeting at Lake Forest Sunday. + Boyd Anderson, of lowa, was the guest of Mr and Mrs. John Melander Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Melander, with their guests, visited Mr.}nd evening John Huhn spent Friday and Sat-- urday in the interest of 'the Boy | Scout organization. _ A committee . from the North Shore Area has pur--. chased ground at Spring Lake and . ° were 'there to make »lans for next year's camp. It is in a very pretty section of the country. and is not ; far from Elcore, Wisconsin. t The Presbyterian: schurch school staff held a meeting in the church ; Tuesday evening. -- .Plans for the year's work were outlined. _ } The Auxiliary to the American ) F | gion met Monday evening -- at the home of Mrs Charles }Frey. There 1 Columbia Sewing Machine 1 Hard Coal Base Burner Stove 2 100--Ib. sacks of Marb--L--Cote Plaster paint 1 set of Curtain Stretchners Several hundred feet of assorted Pipe > % Hundreds of different size Pipe ---- Fittings 6 New Woven Steel Gates 14 ft. and 16 ft. long -- 2 sets of Hay Slings 1 Blacksmith's Vice 1 Blacksmith's Anvil 450 Rods of 47in, 6 in stay, Papex Woven Wire > -- _ Seeds A lot of household furniture Hundreds of repair parts * Barrels and Kegs Other articles to numerous to mention f NEWS FROM DEERFIELD Jenson, at Waukegan Thursday Owner tion. * + ' fl!ss Josie Woodman visited her sister, Mrs. Wm. Smelzer, in Chi-- cago this week fa .' f Marshall and Orville Fredericks,. who spent two weeks in Arcadia, Mich., Rith their aunt, Mrs: Fred Kalbitzer, returned home Thursday. Friday <Marshall Fredericks, Mrs. Emil Fredericks and Mrs. Kalbitzer visited relatives in Arlington Hgts. and Downers Grove.~ ; A shower for the Dorcas Society bazaar, which will be given in De cember, is planned for the meeting Thursday, Nov. Ist. <Any article do-- nated at that time will be on sale at the annual bazaar. : --Mr. and Mrs. Emil Fredericks en-- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tappen-- beck, of Chicago, at a dinner Satur-- day evening, girtmn in honor of their guest, Mrs. Fred Kalbitzer. Mrs. ana Mrs. Auston Plagge and daughter,. Lorrayne, are leaving this wee kfor Battle Creek, Mich.' Kott-- rasch Bros. have purchased -- the Plagge home--here. . Mrs. George Griswold and two chil-- dren of Round Lake, were guests of Mrs. Julia Peterson last week. Mrs. Louis Ashmore entertained at;the Briergate Club for several teachers, at luncheon and bridge, on Saturday afternoon. 5 Mrs. Ann Sherman returned home Saturday from a visit with relatives in Chicago. « : Rehearsals have been started on a play to be given under 'the aus-- pites of Deerfield Camp R. N. A. in November. The nlay which has been chosen by the director, Mrs. Pauline Schley, is *"The Girl Who Forgot." Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm.. J. Johnston have moved into the flat vacted by the. Edward Schleys, who are now living in the Stanley Anderson home op Fair Oaks Ave.s Mr. Johnston is employed at the gas plant: _Mrs. R. E. L. Holmes and grand-- son, Earl Holmes, of Clarksville,' Mo., are guests at the S. P. Hutchison home. s ; The girls of the Young People's Missionary club ~of the -- Bungalow cAurch, are dressing dolls for the Red Bud Mission in Kentucky. Miss Elsie Ott returned home last Thursday from Highland --Park hos-- pital, where she underwent an opera-- tion. & €~*>, George Schilstra of Berlin, Wis. spent the week end with his sister Miss Elizabeth Schilstr®.. s e <Mrs. Mary Koeblin returned home Sumtay from a short visit to Woost er Lake. it . . *~--Mrs. Pearl Yagger of Chic ited cover Sunday with Mrs Orsborne: ; 2 L4 Mrs. Emily Muellier, mother of Mrs. F. P. Browning, left Tuesday for her home in Alabama. ; ~--Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clavye son have moved into theéir in ti#e Clavey subdivision H. L. Clouse--has sold his home on R ary 'Terrace, and will move: to the 'g';etz home on Osterman Ave. Mr. and Mys. Edw family of Rogers Par Geog#e Stanger> h Mrs. Sarah Plag Surday, after spers with her daughter -- The Y. P. :C.: of the: Bungalow church met Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Pearl Stanley. ~Miss Ada Felk had charge of the meeting. Miss Miriam Stryker, of St. Luke's hospital Chicago,., will spent Satur-- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John--Stryker. s 8 COMMENCING AT 12:30 O'CLOCK SHARP, THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY : c * 30 Tons of Hay, Alfalfa and Timothy mixed, 3 Tons of Hay, Second Cutting, 100 Bushels of Oats, 8 Acres of good ripe corn, in shock, lIron Wheeled Wagon, Hay Rack, Wagon Box, Mower, Hay Rake, Hay Tedder, Walking Plow, Disk Harrow, 2--Section Drag, Cultivator, Seeder, Corn Planter, Manure Spreader, Set Bob, Sleighs, 2 Bingle Buggies, Side Delivery Rake, Set Double Harness, 2 Sets Single Harness, Grind Stone, Corn Sheller, Milk Cart, 6 Milk Cans, Whee! Barrow, 60--.Gallon Gasoline Tank, Vise, 110 Oak Posts, Lawn Mower, 4--Ft. Water Tank, 1--Man CrossCut Saw, Barbked Wire Stretcher (new), 2 Caldron Kettles, 2 (20 and 25 bal.. Stone Jars,. Forks, Shovels. 140--Egg Incubator, 140.Chicken Brooder, Coal Burning Brooder, Piano,. Range, Base Burner, Coal Heater, Oil Heater, Tables, 4 Beds (with springs), Cupboard, Dresser, Chiffonier, Commode, Washing Machine, Stromberg Carlson Telephone, Chairs and qther articles to numerous to mention. > TO EFFECT SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE OF CARL ROLL, THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL AT PUBLIC_ AUCTION, 2 MILES NORTHWEST OF WADSWORTH, $ MILES SOUTH OF ROSECRANS, ON f Saturday, October 13 7.COWS--1 Registered Holstein, 3 Close Springers, 1 New Milker. 2 -- MARES Weight About 1400 Pounds -- 2 25 -- Full Blooded Wyandotte Hens -- 25 . TERMS: Cash for amounts of $20 and under. Un larger amounts six months time will be given with interest at 6 per cent. No property to be removed until these terms are gomplied with. * WILLIAM A. CHANDLER, Auct. PUBLIC SALE AMELIA ROLL, Executrix ,LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1928 f Chicago. v y and litle new home LIVESTOCK _ Gertrude ances Lov vge and at Fadna 1€ Mrs. C W Getty is reported as im-- proving nicely from the injury she sustained several weeks ago She is still using crutchés. The Getty home is nearly completed. : Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hutchinson are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson, of Irving Park. Mrs. Fletcher, mother of Mrs. Roy Hutchinson underwent an oOberation on Monday morning. Wm. Stéinhaus Has sold his meat market to Clarence Wilson and Ed-- ward Regan. Mr. Steinhause will leave for Los Angeles, with his fam-- ily, where they will spend the winter. It has been. said of Mrs. Perkins, that she constructed the largest fleet of ships in the world--friendships between our own children.and the children of these nations.' 8. E. Mead of Altadgna, Calif., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman of Hazel Ave. Mrs. Q. Schofield of Chicago vis-- ited Mrs. Eugene Ender last week. Miss Pearl Peterson who has been visiting her mother for the past few weeks, returned to New York last Friday eveéening. 8 R Mrs. W. B. Carr entertained -- her club: at lunckeon and bridge last Wednesday. -- * . The cast includes Clarice -- Juhrend, Clara Aitken, Pearl Juhrend, Pat-- rick Haggie; Eva Cooksey, Hazel Easton, Charles Johnson, Herman Cooksey, Bobby Juarend and Bud Scully. Mrs C. A. Wolf is business manager and Mrs. A. J. Johnson has charge of publicity. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bingham, of Irving Park were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ender Sunday. Remember Registration Days are October 16 and 30 for Deerfield. Mrs. Ray Reeds entertained at a luncheon bridge party Tuesday tl)EERFIELD,P. T' A. NOTES 'Deerfield Grammar School Parent-- Teachers' Association offers an unus-- ual program Friday afternoon, Octob ér 12, at the Bungalow church.. At this time,--the well known Authoress Lucy Fritele Perkins will address the members of the association. . Mrs. Rerkins combined facts in story form for children of the counties she has personally visited. --.------ James Walsh is erecting a new residence on Rosemary Terrace. A # Huhn has the building contract. A great many of her books'are in the Deerfield Public library. . Tea will be served by the commit-- tee, Mesdames Charles Kapschull, Arnold Frantz, Arthur Meéerner, Wil-- liam Kent, Ross Serman and Enmil Giss: "The Twin Series" of twelve na-- tions, written in language suitable for children from the second to the eighth grades, are her-- most familiar writing. -- \ :3 ; TUXIS HELD MBETING'LQT : --. ~_SUNDAY--EVENING The Tuxis Society, of the Presby-- terian Cchurch, held its regular by-- monthly ~meeting Sunday evening, with Miss Verda Varner in charge of the: tavic. _ The young people took part freely in--avery animated dis-- cussion of The: Christian Life,, con-- cluding, from . the teachings of The New Testament, that the Christian life 'is! the life: of Tove--love of God and love of olir fellow men, that therefore, a true Christian is humble, honest, true Charitable and that 'he "iudgeth not" but rather strives to <* 8T. PAUL'S EVANG. CHURCH F. (i Piepenbrook, Pastor Chureh school at 9:15 a. m. Services at 10:135 a. m. .. Choir practice, Friday 7:30 p. m. Confirmation, Saturday at 9 a. m. -- The yong people of the church will sponsor a chicken dinner, to be giv-- en Friday, October 19, at the Mason-- ic Temple, from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. The members of the Young: Peoble's Societies are offerin@ tickets for sale Adults 75¢ and children 50c.. The menu will consist of creamed chick-- en;. mashed potatoes, buttered peas, and carrots, slaw, pickled beets, rolls butter, coffee and home made pie. The next meeting. which will be held Friday November g, will be of special interest, as Ida F. Wright, librarian of Evanston Public Library will be the speaker. 3 Sunday, Octo;(?r "2'1'--. JAMES G. WELCH, Clerk 'xt meeting will be held on »vening, Octoper: 21, and a p supper will be served at 6 Every member of the Tuxis to be prosent. -- * : will have 'ARREST 'ARTIST l FOR ATTACK ON GIRL IN WOODS His desire to repeat his crime re-- sulted in arrest Saturday of David.R. Ackerman, 35 years old, a landscape gardener, of North Chicago, and his subsequent +confession to having lured Mrs. Margaret Smith, pretty Lake Forest young woman, to a lone-- Arrest of Ackerman was made:at Kenosha on Saturday, after an ad-- vertisement similar to 'the one that led Mrs. Smith into his hands, was investigated by Kenosha police. The advertisement requested a model to pose as an indian maid in a wood scene. $ * ly wood near her home, on June 4 of last year, and there after bind-- ing her to a tree, attacked her. Policewoman Sets Trap Remembering that Mrs/. Smith had permitted herself partly nude to be bound to a tree for the purpose of adling realism 'to a sketch that she BDelieved Ackerman who posed as an artist wa's 'to nmake, before the seemingly©: crazed man danced around her with a hatchet and then criminally assulted her. Chiet of Police John Sullivan sent Miss Mary Quitter, a poli¢ewoman to interview Ackerman. e North Chicago Man Confesses to Attack on Lake For-- est Young Woman . Posing as an applicant for the po-- sition,} Miss Quitter obtained enough evidence to warrant the arrest of the psuedo--artist. He~ was taken * to police headquarters where a charge of fraudulent advertising was placed against him, pending advices from the Lake Forest police, who. were immediately informed as to his ar-- rest. -- Wednesday,--7:45 . p. m., Choir're-- hearssal. zes : Thursday, October 18, meeting of the Women's Missionary Society. Friday,. October 19, Scout Coug of }lonor in the assembly room, at7:45, for Glenview, Northbrooks Deerfield and Hibertyville. The public is cor-- dially invited.. =_-- -- -- The attendnate was large and the speakers gave worthwhile messages and the reports showed the good work being done thruout the coun-- ty. * k e our Rally Day services and Roll Call. Congregation and Sunday school will unite for this service. Sunday school children will take part in the pro-- gram. 'There will be special music and a special speaker has been in-- vited for the occasion. Let us make is a Red Letter Day in the church. We extend a cordial invitation to all the--services and activities of this church.: -- s ouen,. + 2 * --~PUBLIC AUCTION _ T. Friday, October 19, Mrs. Charles Dorbin--will sell at public auction --on Sander road, three--fourths mile south of Dundee road, 2 miles north o~ Mil-- watukee avenue, 'on the old -- Henry Buhert farm, at 12:30 sharp, the fol-- lowing property: en i io ? _>«/__ Mark J. Andrews, Pastor Church School at--9:30 a. m.> De-- partmental Organization and Graded instruction.. . :. y ; 10:45, preparatory services and the celebration: of the Lords®" Supper. ---- --©1:00, Pioneer meeting, under Adult guidance, for all boys and: girls« of the. Intermediate 'Department of the church school. . Miss Ruth Bolt will be the leader. : --.-- o W.--C. T. U. NOTES Mrs."J, D. Carter and Mrs. H. W. Savage; attended the Lake County W. C. T. U..Convention at Lake For-- est 'last Thursday. -- s & Remember the State Convention, to be held in Evanston, October 23 to 26. It is a great oapportunity, and so near to us we can't afford to miss it. Everyone should plan to attend. a 'glance at Ackerman, the victim identified him as the man who had attacked her. Up until that time, Ackerman had been emphatic in his claims that he knew nothing about the Lake Forest crime. atX Ss'l Identifies Prisoner ; Chiet of Police Lester Tiffany of Lak Forest, accompained by Mrs. Smith hurried to Kenosh where after LIVESTOCK = =>-- Ome team good farm horses, seven and ten years old; 2 dairy cows, 150 chickens, hens and pullets. : HAY AND GRAIN .. . . 1,000 bu. oats, 25 bu.wheat, 25 bu. last: year's corn, 20 ton, tsimofl(t las tyear's corn, 20 tons timothy hay, baled; 10 touns baled straw. > FARM IMPLEMENTS 5 Ford ton truck, Fordson tractor, with plows and disc, nearly new; McCormick grain binder, : Deering corn binder, nearly new; Idéal seed-- er, 2 mowers, sulky cultivator. hay loader, 2 ~sets harrows, manure spreader, -- 2 hand plows, shovel plow, corn planter, 2 hand cultivat-- ors, side delivery, road scraper, hay rake, potato digg@, 2 corn shellers, 3 sets double harness, one nearly new; 2 express harness, several col-- lars, Gardner wagon with box, 120-- egg incubator, 3 scoop scrapers, 3 garden cultivators, garden seeder, »mimip: jack, scalding kettle, sickle grinder, 2 watér tanks, 5 hot bed sash, circular saw and table, com-- plete; dump wagon, two 3--inch truck wagons, 2 hay racks, 3--spring wagon, bob sleigh, 6 small chicken coops, 'hen house, 8x10 ft.; hen house, 6x8 ft.; hog wire, 2 extension ladders, gasoline tanks, platform scale, hog rack, wheelbarrow, 4 rolls barbed wire, 3 belts 8 inches wide; 50 new fence posts, 2 hay forks, rope and pulleys. -- Lunch served. _ * Terms: -- Over $25, 6 mos, 7%. John J. Wick, Auctioneer. J. A: Schminke, Clerk. After being taken to Lake Forest PRFESBYTERIANX CHURCH Telling of her interview with the pseudo artist Saturday Policewoman Mary Quitter stated that . Ackerman told 'her that the picture he planned "to sketch is to be of -- an. Indian maiden bound to a stake." Ackerman seemed interested in the applicattion of the comely policewoman but she did not wait to hear'" more. j .Clears Up Mystery e 'The arrest of Ackerman cléars up a cage that has been veiled in mys-- tery for Lake county authorities for more than a -- year.. Two 'suspects have been held and questioned at various times, but both were released when Mrs. Smith failed to identify them. H. W. CADY IS _ TAKEN AGAIN "I might bave obtained more in-- criminating evidence had I accom-- panied Ackerman to the woods" the policewoman somewhat facettiously remarked. ¢ and questioned Ackerman finally broke down and confessed the attack on Mrs. Smith. In his pocket was found a length of rope which Acker-- man admitted was to be, used in binding his victim to a tree. She was certain in her identifica-- tion of Ackerman, however, and after he had been confronted by the woman he confessed. --_Mere for Three Weeks . Ackerman who is married and has three children resides on Green Bay road near the North Shore cemetery and greenhouse where he has been employed. : He came to Lake county four weeks ago, according to John West-- ern, owner of the North Shore ceme-- tery. Prior to his employment here he held a responsible position with the Premier Rose Garden company, with offices in Maywood and a plant in Melrose Park. It is believed that he was in the employ of tltat con-- cern when he committed thé crime at Lake Forest. d . '__Mr. Western was--,both surprised and chargined in the jailing of Ac-- kerman as his opinion of the man was that he was above reproach.; The following statement was isued from his office at the North Shore cemetery by Mr. Western. ; Hearst W. Cady, of Warren town-- ship, insurance agent, Saturday was arrested and released on bonds be-- fore Justice Harvey Coulson on charge of operating a. confidence game. The justice stated that F. R. Rairstow declared that Cady insured The lineup, be it admitted, is not| a real one, but is for show. purposes-- only.' The five men mentioned, con-- stitute one--third of the, cast thgt will put on Georgée M. Cohn's 'absorbing comedy~> drama. "Seven _ Keys® tol Bajdpate," 'at the high. school on October 26 and 27, with the Elizabeth | Condell Memorial hospital preceiving | the entire proceeds of: the two p«er-l ~For the«spast two weeks, the cast | has been mastering the lines and | situations of: mirth and. melodrama, ! and for the next two weeks, it will | put in strenuous nightly rehearsals. 1 Although, "Seven Keys" is rarely giv | en outside of professienal circles, uz'e_+ local amateurs give promise of: stag» | ing it in such a fashion as will call ; for no unfavorable comparisons wit'i | the work of men and women who de-- i vote their lives to the theatre. ® The Village Players, organized last | spring, have agreed td make their | first appearance in public, with this : benefit affair, and in fact. that. the | hospital will be the only one to prof-- it from it,, it is counted that t,hg house will be packed on both ey nings. The Hospital Auxiliary is, handling the sale of tickets. ' **Regarding the sensational arrest of David Ackerman, I will say that this man has been employed here in the landscape --department for three weeks.-- He came to us from the Premier Rose Gardens co. Acker-- man, during the past spring and symmer, had the management of about thirty--five acres of out--of--door flowering plants with heavy invest-- ments for overhead irrigation and other care, but the company decided to discoritinue that branch of its business entirely. 8 *The officials of that -- company seemed to hold this man in high es-- teem whenr 1 looked him up and the President of the Company spoke well of him by telephone. <~The Premeir Rose Gardens Company sent two of their fine trucks from DesPlainA with Ackerman's household goods." a car and failed to turn "i'x.; {.h--e;-x;;é mium of $300. _ : t Located at 'Deerfield, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 3rd day of October, 1928, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. o. I, Paul M. Dietz, Cashier of the Deerfield State Bank, do solemly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. e : PAUL M. DIETZ, Cashier. 10. 13 STATE OF ILIINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, ss: 0 . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of October, 1928. (SEAL) § ' IRA GARDNER, Notary Public. 1.. Capital Stock (1)... (t" oT SULDINS (2) .....--.--.--sccccccccoorntenevnnpemmememmmmenenernnnnamemes Undivided Profits (Net) (3)..............._._.__._.. Reserve ACCOUNtS (4).......__w--_--_coooozzscsceee > Demand DEPOSitS (DA)...._.._:--w.--sosusscc.ccccceen Time DepOSit§ (5D)......__..__l.ooooooosomeccseccssccenneee}. Dividends Unpaid (7).....%..........._._._._._.__._._.. Other Liabilities (10) ...__........_._..._._._._._._... Cash Other Cash'Resources and Due from Banks (1--2--3)....$ ©62,663.22 Other Bonds and Securities :{5).....~.:--......«.--.«ccom.--smins,............«.: -- 180,9065.00 Loans on Collateral Security (6a)..........__._.___._._.. esnt 60,316 00 OERCT: LOARS: B D) ++.s--.2--. +o rccormoes cevaretvnnpihnkvavsnenperpines se apanisb enerneatcncannns. .. RARBpI LWA TLOaNRS O Real ReltaLO DC ..~~.....-- i« voe cormumenemrrtrntietatartcierntercnenccnnt -- . AQz 00--A OV ONMLEDILS _A T) . 00000 --ene tep rre Srrirnnamper un raias ie n wries uen n wonine rninmee it un d anie on ns / . 3. _ * . BR MR Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (9) DEERFIELD STATE BANK Total Liabilities Total Resources (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of RESOURCES LIABILITIES 1 Mayor Severson, whose work is not in. Highwood, could not be ;reached Tuesday and no indication " could be obtained as to when the ' next chief would be appbinted or who | would be givén the job. f ' J.C. Frame,.deposed city marshal and chief of police in the village of Highwood emphatical} declared Tues day that he was through as a mem-- ber of Highwood's police department and would not entertain an offer to return as police chief. FRAME REFUSES TO ACCEPT JOB AS POLICE CHIEF The P. T. A. meeting, held last Friday. evening, was well attended and the talk given by District Health Supt. Dr. VanWarmér, was well tak-- en and enjoyed by all. The Adult Bible Class had their monthly meeting for October, at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Engle brecht last Monday evening. During, the business session, Mrs. Enda Hol!t--, je was elected to represent the class on the «community social Cclub com-- The ladies of the Wshburn Con-- gregational church will hold their an nual bazaar and.another one of the¥f tempting chicken suppers, on Friday, October 12. There will be a candy booth and grab bag for the young ters, as well as other attractions. %he supper will be served at the us-- al time. --" 2 tss . _ On Sunday afternoon, Octaber 14, at 2:30, at the Presbyterian church in Libertyville, there will be a Sun-- day school convention, of YVernon Libertyville and Fremont To «+nships. A good program has been arranged@ with Dr. Ralph Owens, of Chicago, as the principal speaker. During the business session, the two districts will go into conference and decige as to whether or not the four town-- ships will be consolidated into one district, as ner the suggestion of the County Fxecutive Compmittee, and it they do this, a new set of officers will have to be elected., as the four townshins comprising about nine Sup Aay schools. This is a very import-- ant meeting and there should be an exceptionaly large attendance. The church has plenty of. room, . so come and help at the meeting, and look over the new church and so ful-- fill a two--fold purpose. _ i: Iron't forget the County Sunday School Convention at Guprnee, on Thursday, October 25. Full particu-- hiy ham . AavEVt B d yern To HH ie oucll > ne Pn t c Appvinone -- Mrs., Jennie Hinton, of Buffalo, N. Y., is spendin ga couple of weeks here with relatives and friends. She attended the funeral of Mrs. Frank Mitchell. > Mrs. Hinton is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Holst and used to be a neighbor of the Mitchell family, when both families lived at Half Day, on the Diamond Lake Road. * ~-- Ben Cook and Red Vance took in the baseball game at Sox Park, last Monday. 2" 2 Serves as Constable in High-- wood But Refuses to Con-- sider -- Police Job "Nbthing has been said to me about going back on the job," he said, "but I had heard that the offi-- cials hbhad considered offering me the position again. I am out of the office and will not go back. 1| don't know who the nekt chief will be and I don't'kgow when he will be ap-- pointed." W ar 1 Frame declared that the matter as up to Mayor Severson® entirely and that his appointment would have to be confirmed by the city council. The next meeting of the council will not be held until Oct. o 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 o 19 and until that time the police department will probably continue without a chief unless a special meet ing is called. > * At--present Frame is comtentrating his efforts on his constable job and as .yet he has made,no additional plang for the future. o o 0 0o 0o 0 6 0 o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o HALF DAY $ 172,815.97 472.315.97 25,000.00 10,000.00 6,328.02 15,000.00 243,052.86 172,890.93 36.00 8§.16 8$3.69 3,169.03 Plans for the church to hold a Fall Festival on the evening of Oct-- ober 26, were made by the commit-- tee. Mrs. Nora Saunders of Rock Is-- land spent the past week at the res-- idence of her girlhood friend, Mrs. C. J. Herschberger -- Last Sunday, they visited at Shilo Tabernacle, in Zion, a2g well as other places o in-- terest. ---- "% Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blubhm bro't Cecil home from the Holy Family hospital, at LaPorte, Indiana, last Sunday and her friends will be very glad to know that she is doing well and is on the road to recovery.© A friendly call is usually appreciated by the sick one. Je mittee. After the meeting all played bunco and a fine luncheon was sery-- Mr. and Mrs. William Belzef who lived on the Niortha Biere farm last summer, has moved away. Fred Krueger has moved into his bhome opposite the A. W. Johnson filling station and is remodeling it into a finer place. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kruger have moved into the L H. Kruger home, vacated by Fred. LYELL H. MORRIS Miss Rupy Mgore, who has been staying at the home of her aunt, Mrs. J. G. Cook, for the past few weeks, has returned to Chicago. She is an exverienced violinist and all of us enjoyed bgy music, while she was with us. % Office In First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS * 4:10 Inspirational Address by Rev. John E. DeLong.'* ; 4:30, Benediction by Rev. C. Arth ur Jeyne. ne 7 «The Township Officers are as fol-- SUNDAY SCHOOL CONYVEXNTION The Sunday School Convention of Vernon--Ela Townships and Liberty-- villeFremont Townships combined, will be held at the Libertyville Pres-- byterian church on Sunday after-- noon, October 14 and the program is as follows. fente> ATTORNEY--ATLAW | LUCE BUjLQING Res,. Phone 97 Office Phone 18 LIBERTYV!ILLE, ILLIMOIS 3:45, Remarks by County Officers. 4:00, Business session and offer-- tory and prayer by Rev. George C. Vance. 5@ ATTORNEY --AT--LAW Office at home on W. Cook Avenue Telephone 183J LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS _ 2:30Song Service A_ C. McNiel Prayer, Rev.,Issa Divan. -- _ -- _ 2:40, Addréss, "Putting Education Into Religion," Dr. Raiph Owens. 3:10, Song by; the Prsbyterian church choir. ie _ 3:15. Divisional Conferences of Vernon--Ela and Libertyville -- Fre mont. § en mss ---- MEETS FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH AT TOWN HALL RAY M. YOUNG, Commander Phone 221. W 613 N. First St. Vernon Ela President, Marshall R. Schroeder. VicePresident Mrs. Henry . Thies. Secretary--Treasurer, C. J:; Hersch-- berger. * '..' PHONE 306 'Libertyville--Fremont President, D. A. Young, Vice--Pres-- ident, W. G. Wells; Secretary, Mrs. F. M. Browder. % S NOW'S Libertyville Post 329 American Legion D EK T | s T Office 8389 N. Milwaukese Aventoe * Over Walrond's Store DK. J. L. TA YLOR Telephore 67 LIBERTYYILLE Dr. C. H. BETZER "The Quallty Store" CGRAYSLAKE ILLH and red combination plaids. Sizes from 8 to 16 t * R. B. GODFREY _ PAGE SEVEN FLANNEL OVERJACKETS in brown, blue Boys . All Wool E. W. COLBY $3.50 ILLINO1I8 +9%