«4 ~ YOoUTH IS BADLY BURNED WHEN HIS CAR TURNS OVER PAGE EIGHT delein, suffered painful and severe burns on his legs and arms at about 9 o'clock Tuesday nite when the Ford roadster in which he was riding from -- Libertyville to Mundeletn turned over in the middle of the pavement and burned up just west of. Libertyville. * Edgar Roder of Mundelein In-- jured When Car Turns Turtle and Takes Fire T'E;v!;;yv was taken to the Eliza-- beth Condell hospital in Libertyville by a passing motorist and Dr. Pen-- mt t W o aao" uol .l d sA d indfi c Alrinas 1y was called to attend him. His burns, according to <the physician, are serious. _ -- a This morning, when Roder regaln-- ed consciousness, he was unable to tell how the accident c curred. He said that the last he remembered was when his car gave a sudden lurch and turned over. He was t parently knocked unconscious as t car burst into flames and his rescu-- ers must have appeared on the scene almost immediately. Roder did not know who took him to the hospital and the authorities: did not ascer-- tain _ Roder will be confined to the hos pital for several days it was stated o o o 0o 0 0o 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0o o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hallowe'en was celebrated in a very quiet and orderly manner in Antioch. The young people enjoy: ed a number of parties in keeping with the season and everyone seem-- ed to have a jolly good time. But aside from the soap on the various show windows there was no evi dence of the pranks tusually pulled off by the rising generation. Mr: and Mrs. Cross of Chirago, Chase Webb tor Tuesday. Mr; and Mrs. Cross of Chicago, who &t one time lived in the vicin-- ity of Channel lake, are again with us. They are now living on the Martin place at Cross Leake. Mrs. C. E. Hemning has returned home from an auto trip in Indiana. at. Champaign. Mrs. Fred Hawkins entertained the Ladies® Guild of St. Ignatius church at her home Wednesday atft-- ternoon. This meeting was postpoOn: ed from last week ou account ot the funeral of Mrs. Filson. Miss Pearl Lux of Chicago spent a couple of day's of this week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Chas. Lux Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGreal have returned home after having spent A& number of weeks with their daugh-- ters in Utah and Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Sibley have returned from an auto trip through northern Wisconsin. home from an auto trip in ind:iana. The® new grade school building has been completed anmdl three grades moved in this week. The first, second and sixth grades are the ones transferred from the old building to the new. Both teachers and pupils are very much pleased with their new quarters. The damrce given by the Young Peoples Republiman league at the Antioch Palace Wednesday evening@ was on« Oof the outstanding events of this community. It is estimated that at least five thousand people were in attendance. The 'f'olinr'ng signed by \ W. of Antioch !lincis appeared in Monday Morning's Chicago Tribune in Har-- vey T. Wodruft's "In the Wake Of The News": "Do you remember Way Back When Bucha@nan ran for Presi-- dent, Wisconsin people sangz these wngs:" & "Wisconsin boys have the grit, grit, grit, So loyal and so true, And with it they'll beat little Buck, ' Buck, Buck. And with it they'll beat little Buck. Edgar Roder, 20 years old of Mun-- Mr. Behrqns of Kenosha was a guest at the Bock home this week. "John C. Fremont is the man we want, And Dayton, too, will work in the traces, So »ull off your coats, boys, and roll . up your sleeves, For Jordan am a hard road to s travel, I believe." ANTIOCH Willett spent the ~, Use In November That Money For They earp 3 per cent interest-- a liberal rate consistent with safe-- ty, and are considered by many locatl people as the ideal invest-- ment. Certificates of Deposit may be ob-- tained here in amounts of $50 and up, payable in six to eight months. State Bagk of Mundelein Bring it to bank--Let it éarn inter-- est for you. -- was a when Roderregain-- . he was unable to Keep Idle Funds at Work! Chicago visi MUNDELEIN, ILLINO!IS weekend | The Mundelein Fire Department , Bowling team is well under way and will bow!l their first game in the 'l'-'lre.nen's league on _ Wednesday, 'Nov. 7. at the Mundelein alleys. Miss Marion Hubbard, who is well known in Mundelein, was painfully injured Saturd. . evening when the automobile in which she was riding overturned on Buckley' road near Libertyyille. < [ Seveny. Mundelein girls are busy practicing for the musical comedy, "Kathleen," which will be given uD der the auspices of the American Legion at the, high school auditor-- 1um on Nov. 14, 15 and 16. _ --T\dr;-- ?nnk l{elroy. who has been spending a week in Fond du Lac, Wis., returned to her home Tues-- da y The Junior festival, which was held Tuesday, Oct. 30, at the Liber-- tyville high school, was well at-- tended. Music was rendered by the Jazz Pirates®. _ f * -- Thomas Figer spent weqnesua) + Chicago. 7 Mrs. J. C. Dorfler attended a card party at the home of Mrs: ritzgib bons of Libertyville on Wednesday afternoon. * Mrs. Thomas Russell entertained the Bridge' club on Tuesday after-- noon. -- Mrs. Anderson of Libertyville vis--| ited with Mrs. Morrison Thursday' afternoon. ; Mrs, Charles Warner and Mrs. Merle Young of Liberty-- ville called on "friends at Racine Tuesday. [ Mrs. Slla Fenner and Mrs. Cou: dry vitited : Mrs.: Coudry's sister at the Victory _ Memorial hospital Thursday. ; . Mrs Charlés Warner and Mrs. Nelson Kere ( day. F The American: Legion will hold their annugl Armiistice day dance on Nov. 9 at the hizh school auditor-- ium, music being furnished by the Melichs Black Cats of Chicago. JW. Chandler made a business trip to Chicaso Monday. o --A Country club Hallowe'en dance was hel.i an O:QA 31 at the club hotse and Was well attended. Music was furnished by the Jazz Pirates. Don't forget to yote on Tuesda» Nov. 68. t A number of pheasants arrived in Mundelein : Monday, > sent by J. J: Rouse. Paul Rouse,. Ralph Rouse and Harry Rouse, who are still en-- joving the hunting near Miller, S. D They state they shot 75 pheasants the firet two days. Remember Nov. 9 at 6:30 p. m.. big father'and son banquet at First church Fathers. bring your sons and enjoy this big affair, just full of fun and fine fellowship. The Diamond Lake Cemetery asso-- clation met with Mrs. C. Butterfield at 316 Scott avenue, Lake Forest, Thursday, Nbv. 1. This was the last meeting of the vyvear. PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH Ivarhoe church and First church, at Mundelein, Congregational. C. Arthur Jevne, Minister Rudoiph | Weight, Social Director. Sunday School: First church at 10 a. m.; Ivanhoe at 11 p. m. Worship Services: Ivanhoe church at 10 a. m.; First church at 11:10. Special tenth anniversary Armistice day servite. A beautiful service in memory 6f our honored .dead, who died in the "war to end war'", will be given, an;an address on the subject, "The Greatest Step in History to ward the Abolition of War." Spe-- cial patrietic music by tne choir of each church. 2 Junior Afternoon club at Ivanhoe at--2:30 p. m. o At 7:30 p. m. Union Sunday eve ning service under the auspices of the Junior 8. E. club. Fine music by the Junior choir; inspiring song ser-- NEWS FROM MUNDELEIN hicaro visitors Mon spent Wednesday in Uinuds flls Arnlibe on ol t P _ Sunday evening at 8, at Ivanhoe |church. a great platform service will be put on by the men of the Ivanhoe 'and Mundelein. This community get: ltogether is called>~ "Educational lnght", because the men Aare invit ng | the teachers, the school boards and lpatrons' of / twelve > public schools around Ivanhoe and Mundelein to :ur'me wifh them in consideration of the children's welfare in the schools. | A well known educator, Prof. Eimer T Nygaard, Supt. of the Kenilworth ! schools, will give an address on "Cit-- | izenship in School and Out." Coun: \ ty Supt. T. A. Simoson will be pres | ent and will speak briefly. The male | chorus of twenty voices hnd the male | quartet will sing. Come and enjoy |this great meeting in the interest of 'our boys and Sirls-- ;r vice, leq by Mr. Weight; instructive Round Table discussion on the sub-- ject, "Wuat Does Jesus Teach Us About the Kingdom *" _E Thursday at 7:30 p. m., Junior club meeting. Friday afternoon the Ladies' Aid Society meets with Mrs. Fred Mon-- roe, Mrs. 8. W. pegner acting as as-- sistant 'hostess. Friday evening the Ivanhoe choir meets w Mrs. F. Doiph. Friday evening.névv' club. Saturday at 10 a. m., 2:30 p. m and 7 p. m., group meetings with Mr Weight. Saturday at 3:30 p. m. Jun ior choir meeting. . Robert Sherrill, once head of the Sherrill Bond & Mortgage company, of Chicago, was found guilty of em-- bezz:lement by a jury Saturday in circuit court. The jurors deliberat-- ed more than five hours before reaching a verdict. Sherrill, who has been in jail for more than six months awaitimge trial!. stated today that he would appeal and fight the case to the last court. Assistant State's Attorney °S. H1. Block, who gained the Lconviction, charged that Sherrill had embez rled $38.000 out of, a $165,000 bond issue planned for the financing of the Thos. J. Killian building in North Chicago. W. E. Cloyes, attorney for the de, fendant, took the position that there had been no emberzlement and at the worst only a breach of SHERRILL FOUND GUILTY; APPEAL wWHLL BE TAKEN Bond Dealer Convicted of Em-- bezzlement in Connection With Killian Deal. trust l Lake Bluftf's mysterious firebug who is credited with havirtg started | several incendiary fires of late, is | blamed for the --destruction last iweek of an unoccupied summer cot-- tage at 597 Ravine avenue, Lake Bluff. The cottage was the prop-- erty of a Dr. Minna of Chicago, but who has quite extensive real estate holdings in Lake Blufft. The house illurnod to the ground despite the 'nlhnt efforts of the Lake Bluff fire department. Three men seen 'mum' from the cottage at the mo-- ment the fire was .discovered are \ believed to hbave been the incendi-- iaries. Lake Bluff authorities scout iaries. Lake Bluff authorities scout the suggestion that the burning may SLOW DRIVERS ARE WARNED TO KEEP TO THE RIGHT SIDE Chicago, Nov. 2.--"Setting an ex-- ample in proper driving is a serfous obligation on the (part 'of veteran drivers," says Charles M. Hayes, president of the Chicago Motor club. "From the veteran, the novice should learn to do his slow driving on the right hand side of the road, leaving the inside lanes for faster moving traffic; always to move over on a signal from the rear; to make intelligent use of his horn;, never to pass another . car on & hill if on a Novice Drivers Urged to Take Lessons From Experi-- enced Drivers curve; to sound his. horn before emerging from. alleys, and to drive with extreme caution wherever he encounters pedestrians, especially children; to make proper use of the signal lights and to start on the green, and not on the yellow; always ways to look before pulling. away from the curb. _ "These are a few of the precau-- tions the veteran driver always takes, and they will accomplish more in the way of reducing acct-- dents than all the effort of amateur safety tinkers, who perhaps mean well, but who accomplish little." COTTAGE BURNS AT LAKE BLUFF; FIREBUG BLAMED T LIBERTYVILLE INOEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1928. ben the work of Hallowe'en the only wit | JULIAN FARWELL | BURNED To DFATH :\ IN PLANE WRECK Death of Julian Farwell, youngest son of Arthur Lincoln. Farwel!, form-- erly of Lake Forest who was burned to death when his plan fell at Cha-- nute fleld, Rantoul, Ill., has plunged that community into sorrow. The young man was one of the most popular members of the wealthy. younger set of Chicago and he has many relativeg in Lake rorest whom he frequently visited he is wel; known there. Prominently Known _ Lake Forest Young Man Meets Horrible Death Funeral services are to be held from the Farwell home in Chicago tomorrow afternoon and interment will be made in the family lot at Lake Fosest. t Young Farwell who was 2°6 years old and unmarried had been an avia-- tion enthusiast for six years, and obtained a pilots license after grad-- uating from Yale in 1924. . He fiew to Rantoul, IIl., to visit a friend at the army fiying field and despite «warning of his friend .and others he started on his return trip at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. His plane took off nicety but when 200 feet in the air some distance from the field it crashed. He was burnea to death before aid reached him. The directors of the Millburn Mu-- tual Insurance Company have levied an assessmeu} of, three dollars and fifty cents ($3:50) on each one thous-- and dollars insuréd, to pay the losses amounting tto $20,557.10. Said assess ment wil be que and called for on or After November 20, 1928. (Notice all assessments will be called for. ESTIMATES FURNISHED FREE wWORK GUARANTEED Zion Building Industry Phone Zion 500 o o o 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0o o CLASSIFIED ADS o o o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0 o 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 WANTEID»H\"2 or 3 furnished hou<e-- keeping Hmms: young couple with one child. (Write X, care Independ-- ent Office' ; ' 45 it rAILM POK RELNi--80V acres or less Adjoins Wedge's Corners on M Iti more Road and Pruce Lake Road west of school house. ALSO 20 acres, 6room house, barn silo, etc., one mile north of Munde-- lein and 1 mile west of Libertyville. Adjoins Soo Line Railroad and Lake Avenue. Immediate possession. ALRAO 20Q acres, or any part, T--room furnace--heatea nouse; large barn, 2 silos, 2 metal granaries, etc. Very rich soil, locate@ n Section 4, Fre-- mont Township, 1 mile south of Bel-- videre Road. . * WILL RENT any of the above to re-- FOR SALER OR RENT FARM FOR RENT--80 acres . COLLIR PUPPIES FOR SALE Thoroughbred Collie Puppies, eligi-- ble to regfistratlon with the A. K. C. Two dog;s and one bitch, all full marked golden sable and white. ALLENDALE KENNELS LAKE VILLA, ILL. % sponsible tennant on very liberal terms. Apply to owner. Jaein H. Mc-- Geary, 120 8. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois. MILLBURN FIRE INSURANCE FPOR SAF;--~6--room bungalow, Gurnee on Grand Ave, next door to church. Some furniture; reasonable, _ for quick sale. 'TelepHqne Gurnee 125. L. D. Potter, Gurnee, Ill. 45 1t FOR SALE OR TRADE--Five room ville 'CountryA Club. Inquire Anton Jerabek, 819 So. L'ncoin St., Wauke-- ress; occasional table, 5 plece break-- fast set; lamps; chest of silverware. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will arrange for delivery. 7729 Yates Ave., near 79th St.. Chicago, I!l. Phone South Shore 3774. 456t engo, Milwaukee Avente, two miles south of Half Day, thx;:'\nuu north house, with $1000 worth of furni-- ture; on paved street. $7,000. Will take vacant lot in trade. Bert Fin-- stad, Libertyville. . 45 1t FOR SALE--Membership in Liberty-- WILL SELL CHEAP--8 cook stoves, 8 heating stoves, 20 . kerosene stoves, and thousands of articles too numerous to mention. Raiph Huliz gan, I11 Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will take $550 for ail or will separate. Beautiful furniture of 4 room apart-- ment. <-- 3 piece silk mohair parlor suite, hand carved frame; 8 piece walnut dining room set;)two 9x12 Wilton rugs; 4 pece walnut bedroom set. comulete with spring and mat-- BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE-- FOR RENTING, REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE LOANS, PROPERTY MANA 13EMENT, GENERAL INSURANCE, s$URETY BONDS, 6ERVICE, SEE Leaky Basements Repaired REALTORINSUROR Opposite Electric ~tation Phones 469 and 269 FOR SALE WANTED J. §S. DENMAN, Secretary ZION, ILL 45 3t 45 3t C. T. A. record dams, herd average nearly 400 pounds bBbutterfat, 11,000 | 1bs. milk. Two miles north of Volo. Henry Wegener, Ingleside, I!1. 44 4t of Wheeling. Phone Libertyyille §1417--J--1. t 0 & 45--1t FOR -- SALE--Registered -- Holstein _ bull calves, sired by Sir Bess Orms by Fobes 73rd., backed by some of tie present day's very best breeding. FOR SALE--Chicken feefl, composed of wheat, shelled corn, barley, oats, and buckwheat seed, mixed _ ready to feed. , Also baled straw. Will de-- liver. Bergeron Stock Farm. 2 miles west of Libertyville, on Lake street road. 1 . 471 tf FOR SALE--Old fashioned home-- grown buckwheat flour. Bergeron Steock Farm. 2 miles west of Lberity-- ville on Lake St. Road. I;'hone 678J2. i 44 tf RUG WORK and weaving done. Tele phone 235R1. Mrs. John Hagie, Deerfield, IIl. 43 > 5t FOR' SALE--Milwaukee Air P_rg:ssur( water system, complete with two pumps in good condition and very reasonable. "Also pipeless furnace and a white enamel gas range. Tele-- phone Lake Forest 796Y3. Geg.! L. Yore, Deerfield, IIl. 48 6t ORDERS TAKEN for art needle Arlington Heights, I!1 work and stamped goods. Mrs. I. J. Obenauf, Ivanhoe. P. O. Munde-- lein, 'IU. + 2e 43 3t house, onehalf block west of, Mil waukee Ave. on Austin Ave. Tele puone 533W " t 43 3 FOR RENT--New, modern 7 room Friday and Saturday, November 9 and 10 SgALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE i What bhave you? REDEKER FOR RENT ROAST _ 2§5to028c» Quarter Century Good Service Reputation LEG LAMB Telephone HAms 19%c» 25 Y ears NATIVE CALVES LIVER, SWEET BREADS, CALVES BRAINS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND 180 -- RIB ROAST BEEF \3§5¢» BONELESS ROLLED Boston S$tyle Phone 496 SHORT 30c» /#*COME TO THE PALAGE"® The Best in Meats at a Price You Can Afford FOR, RENT--Light -- housekeeping 2nd floor; &vajlable Nov. 1. Libertyville 364--R. rooms. 317 Second street. Tele phone 358--J. ? 45 1t 6--room house, down town, stove heat, $30 »er month. Store on Milwaukee Avenue, avail able soon. [' 6--room house. hot water heat, fur O P UA CEE 4E UAT C, I Il}ll. TY ERLCL AA(XIL} 2 CC nished, and barn, for four months at $25; to responsible people. 7--room house, furnished; garage; fur --nace heat; for 5 or 6 months, at $75 vber month; . -- . 6--room bungalow; furnished; garage, furnace heat; paved street; four months at: $55, 1 §--room bungalow: 2 car garage; fur-- nace 7--room heat, & room stree 8--room bungalow; 2 car garage; fur-- nace heat, at $50. _ > 4 T--room house, down town; furnace heat, at $40. 2s 6 &room BDutch Colonial house, paved street; garagé; best socation; at $75 a month. . : INQUIRE OF REALTOR KAPING TELEPHONE 469 WANTED --Girl or Womran for gen WANTED i 1 clerk,; ('anabM' 0 ply at Nation ' eral house work 140--R--1. MONEY TO LOAN--We have a con siderable amount of special funds to loan on ifmproved farm or city property. We invite your inquiry First Nationail Bank, Libertyville, II1 In0is. | * Female Help Wanted Male Helo Wanted WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING 606 N. MILWAUKEE AVE,, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Miscellaneous FOR R E N T Experienced grocery d mana;infz store. Ap-- Tea Col', L bertyville. 20od 44 tf rooms, stove. heat, Quality -- Reasonable Prites -- Service These three qualifications, you have a right to demand in a modern retail mar-- ket. "Hihgest Quality Meats" is not a mere slogan at THE PALACE, but is a reality and our principle inducement in soliciting patronage. Our prices are al< ways reasonable, and a large quick turn-- over guarantee fresh meat and the lowest prices. True ecopomy is not in buying cheap meat. but in buying good meat at reasonable prices. ~Our meats are kent fresh, sweet, and clean by the most mod-- ern sanitary, mechanical refrigerattion system--they are conveniently displayed, and the prices marked in plain figures. If you want. the most of the best for the least Butter® D2¢" WHOLE or HALF SUGAR CURED Call Barrineton -- 44 tf nams 24¢c»| VEAL 33¢*» "COME TO THE PALACE" hone 41 tf CHANCERY NOTICE State of lIllinois) County of Lake) Circuit Court of Lake County, Dec ember Terms A. p. 1928. James Karlos vs.Florence Gelsen-- son, in Chancery No. 20505, satisfac-- tory affidavit having been filed in the office of the clerk of said court. Notice is therefore hereby givon to the said defendant, Florence Gel-- senson that the above named Com-- plainant heretofore filed his Bill of Complaint in said Court on the Chan-- srrom stEak -- 42c * Chrysler Dealers MUNDELEIN SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR One of 'the finest garages in the Lake County Countryside, fully equipped, is ready to serve you. Only trained mechanics will work on your car. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. M. C. CROWELL, Mgr. LAKE STREET, MUNDELEIN PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 103 Countryside Motors Countryside Motors: Ask About Our Special Service Plan NATIVE LIBERTYVILLE Hamburger ROLLED ROAST roast 28c» FRESH GROUND BACON whole or halt BONEL'EsSS SIRLOIN cery side thereof, and that a sum-- mons thereupon issued out of said Court against the above named de-- fendent, returnable on the first day of the term of. the Cir¢uit Court of Lake County,to be held atg;?e Court House in Waukegan in 4 Lake County, on the First Monday of Dec-- ember A .D. 1928, as is by law re-- quijred, and which suit is still pend-- Waukegan; Iilinois., October 22, A. D. 1928. J. A. MILLER, Complainant's So licitor. Oct. 25, Nov. 1 -- 8. 4* HIGHEST QUALITY SUGAR CURED AT REASONABLE BONELESS Quarter Century Good Service Reputation MEATS PRICES 25¢» 250. 285 ears L. J. WII,MOT, Clerk.