Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 Nov 1928, p. 5

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Jewelry and Gift Shop. The Home of Gifts Heirloom Plate Is No ¥roblem If you join our Make Sure -- Join Now Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. _ _ Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 Christ El Financing Cbristmas Axperica's Finest Tableware. McDonald's THE INDEPENDENT----$1.50 A Year From Gaeperation to Generation Have Money When You Need It Most Announces The Opening Of Her SCHOOL OF CLASS!IC DANCING Russian 'allct Toe Pantomine Character and Acrobatic. Call 423M Monday, Woednesday and Friday Between 2 p. m. and 4 p. m. LANG COURT LIBERTYVILLE Lillian Joy Seiwert |.__Miss Helen Honeywell is on the "sick list this week. s Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Suydam, of Johnson Avenue, celebrated -- their eighth wedding anniversary Sunday | night. at a party held at their home. | A number of relatives and friends l' were present and enjoyed an evening »laying bunco and dancing. The home of Mr. and Mrs. william MeEnry, on North Milwaukee Ave-- nue, was the sceene oft'a young peo | ple's party on Saturday afternoon, in P onl cickAa« nt Rill¥y Mrs. Joseph Horen, of Chicago, vis Ited at the home of her s'ster, Mrs. B. R. Prosser, on Thursday. Miss Berniece Laycock attended a bazaar, given by the Ladies' Aux I-- iary of the Appollo Commandery, of Chicago, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Love'll, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peterson and Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Penney wetre guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harty Olendorf _ in Deerfield Sunday evening. Group No. 2 of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. Farl Langwor thy Friday afternoon of this week. The most successful ro!l call in the history of the Red Cross -- was launched last week by women from all part of the country. Early re turns showed the country is readily responding to the call of the Red Cross and will realize its necessity. In Libertyyville Mrs. LL J. Wertzler of Public Welfare comm ttee, is in charge of the campaign. Miss Helén Kinney, a former Lib-- ertyville -- Grammar school teacher, was a guest at the home of Frs. R. Mrs. E. A. Bishop, 323 Wright Ct, accompanied by her daughter, Fran-- ces, left Tuesday for California, to spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stang, of Home wood Avenue are tne proud parents of a baby boy, born at the Condell Memorial hospital on Tuesday morn-- ing. Morris Wilcox, son of E. Wilcox, of Libertyville, has been promoted to the third highest on the editorial staft of the Journal of Commerce in Ch cago. « A daughter was born Mrs. Turner Wilcox, of The little girl has been Ruth E. Wilcox is 1€ over his first granddaug Mrs. F. Eger, Mrs. L. Disney, Mrs®" Dean Bennett and Mrs. C. Scott, won prizes at a bunco party held at the home of Mrs. Lew Flagg last Thurs-- day night. C. 11 g;&ins. at 213 Maple Avenue, 08 Saturday. David Morse, of New York, who has been visiting at the home of his Aunt, Mrs. Charles Ward of Win-- chester Road, Libertyville, returned to his home on Monday. _ Miss Marion Voss of Mundelein, who has beenaill for the past few days, has Tteturned to her duties in Chicago. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wwilltam MeEnry, on North Milwaukee Ave-- nue, was the sceene oft'a young peo-- ple's party on Saturday afternoon, in celebration of the birthday of Billy McEnry, ten year old son oft Mr. and Mrs. McEnry. y AUDITORIU M Local and Personal Thursday, and Friday * November 29 and 30 with FLORENCE VIDOR, LEW!s STONE and NEIL HAMILTON Jannings is supurb! His por-- trayal out--shines the brilliance of all his previous character studies. He is incomparable in this amaz-- ing story of a ruler, despised and hated, and betrayed by his friend. The Greatest Actor on Stage or Screen. EMIL JANNINGS, in an ERNEST LUBITSCH picture, 'None But The Brave' EDMUND BREESE. Gripping thrills of a detective's man hunt. With a love story that tops them alil. Tuesday Wednesday November 27 and 28 ..She was only a life guard's daughter, but how she craved the "buoys". Sunday and Monday, November 25 and 26 "The Perfect Cri " You Just Know She Does" "Sally's Shoulders" with TULLY MARSHALL and SALLY PHIPPS, and J. FARREL MacDONALD, n Saturday, Nov. 24 LOIS WILSON and HUNTLEY GORDON, in ALBERTA VAUGHN and AL COOKE, in H. C. WITWER Comedy Filmed in natural colors. Also Review and Fable. "'The Patriot" CLIVE BROOK and IRENE RICH, in LIBERTYVILLE THEATRE Also Comedy --Also-- LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928. -- born to Mr. and )X , of Lake Blu{f been named Anna is feeling chesty Hdaughter. 1, Mr 99 Mr. Marr, who came here recently to t®ke a position as a butCher, had the misfortune to chop off one of his fingers with a meat cleaver. Mrs. Clara Neville and daughter Jean, of Grayslake, was in Liberty-- ville Monday, visiting at the home 6f her mother Mrs. E. M. Hagerty on Broadway. Mr. and Mrs. William Hutchinson. formerly of IAbertyville, but who have; been< lving in Mundelein, left Friday morning for California where they. will remain for the winter. They are making the trip by auto. The Mystic Workers held a bunco party after their meeting Tuesday. Refreshments were served and an entertainment was given. -- Miss Bernice Laycock and Donald Fil'k. Miss Linnea Heurlin and Ar thur Fink attended the business show at the Stevens hotel, Chicago, last Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Mason returned home Monday, after havin« spent about two weeks in Chicago, having been called there by the death of her mother, Mrs. Helen Miller. The 13--year--old son of Charles Numsen was operated on for appen-- dicitis Wednesday at the Elizabeth Condell hosital. His condition is favorable. » A reception will be hbheld at the Method st church on Friday evening for Rev. and Mrs. John E. DeLong. All members and friends of tie ehurch are invited. A nfusical concert will be given in the Mebtodist church on Bunday evening, December 2, by musicians from Zion, lllinois. The public :s cordially invited. a The walls and ceiling of the inter-- lor of the large room occupled by the Libertyville Post Office, in the First National Bank Building, are being repainted, giving it clean and dreseed George Eaton left today (Thurs-- day) for St. Petersburg Florida, to spenq the winter with his brother, W. T. Eaton. About forty members of the Mas-- onic lodge zathered At the Finstad Eat Shoppe, after their meeting, on Monday night and enjoyed a hearty meal. The revort now is that Short Miller doesn't !'ke blueberry pie. up appearance plans to open a store at Niles Cen ter. a contract as dep Workers. she d eral years ago a! Mrs Joseph Bond entertained the 500 club Thursday. Mrs. Lysle Smith won first prize, Mrs. Bond second, Mrs. Henry Wehrenberg third and Mrs. Charles Whitney consolation. Coffee and doughnuts were served. store keeper,--is selling his stock and .\lrs.'l,ona Stocke is recovering rom a'major operation in a Chicago ospital. [ amiliar with the work Robert Southorn, Diamond TLake Mrs. James Jahuke has Telephone 14 $ 1 2 .5 0 Lumberjacks, in all colors, Comfort and Smart Appearance $6.50 and np Our stocks are very complete at t hi s time. We are offer-- ing a genuine Horse-- hide Black Leather" coat, blanket lined, all sizes 38 to 44, at Leather Coa@s and | _ Lumber Jackets $2.50 and up New Gloves Of Cope, Buckskin, M oc h a, Calfskin, Goatskin, Pigskin at J. B MORSE & CO. ke has accepted y for the Mystic this position seyv-- d is thoroughly Where Little Money Buys: ' ThJ@ annual turkey and chicken | dinner given by St. Mary's 'church of |\ Fremont Center will be beld at the | Dietz Stables at Ivanhoe next Tues-- | day night, Nov. 27, As usual, one of tth« best dinners ever eaten will be | serven, and a dance will be given afterward. Three livé turkeys will | be turned loose, and w 11 become the ipropg"fly of the one who captures | same. The Erbb family, who operated a restaurant at Diamond Lake, have moved to Chicag~ for the winter. Mrs. Mae Pairo, of Milwaukee, killed in an auto accident near High land Park last week, was a cousin of. Felix Antonevitch who -- makes his home with the Louis Reickhoff family. Mrs. Pairo was well known here. / « Next week the Independent will go to press on Wednesday, instead of Thursday, because of Thanksgiv-- ing Day falling on November 29 All copy ghould reach the Independent office| no later than Tuesday noon. The paper will go in the mails on Woedfiewiay evening instead of Thurs-- day, as has been the case hereto fore. Dr. and Mrs. Rust, of Rockford, were *last week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reickhoff. Last Sunday they also entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. Dinoner, of Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Flary, Round Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Krumery at din ner. Several members of the Liberty-- ville Royal Neighbor Camp drove to Grayslake, Tuesday night, Novem-- ber 13 where they were the guests of the Grayslake Camp. Several mem-- bers from each of the camps at Lake Villa and Waukegan were also pres-- ent during the meeting and the soc-- ial hour which followed. The Ludlow Motor Sales Company are bragging up the'r business of last week, by showing the following report: Jack Mead, a new All Ameri-- can Oakland Sedan; Loule Wallert, of Zion, a new Pontiac Two Door se-- dan; F. Newberry, of Libertyville a new Two Door Pontiac sedan; M. C. Tibbetts, of Lake Forest, a new Pon-- tiac $port Sedan; Jess A. Cripe, of Chicago, a new Pontiac Sedan; T. G. F nn,' of Chicago, a new Oakland Four--Door Sedan and several Good:-- WwWill used cars. This report shows that the automobile business in and around these parts is not as poor as Wmill hold no shivers for the man T'swlnging along inside a mully--look-- Ing, warm, double--breasted UIster, as sketched above. To use a snap-- py phrase, "it's a darb for both comfort and style!" ind BUY AND BUILD Libertyville's Scenic Subdivision B. H. Miller G. C. Gadley Phones 57 and 93 Select Wool------ in Gray, Tan or Blue, at "Everything For Nippy, near--zero days might be COPELAND MANOR Phones 45 «1 'd 157 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. # 9 F. A. Hudson, superintendent of Libertyville Grammar schools, was in Grayslake Friday night where he delivered an address to the audience that gathered at an evening meeting snonsored by the Grayslake Women's Club which was held at the Congre: gational _ church. Several other speakers deliv@red addresses at the meeting which was held under the direction of the educational commit-- tee of the Women's Club. The Woman's Auxiligry of the Condell Memorial Hospital are anxi-- ous to have a Thanksgiving offering of Fruits, Vegetables, Jams or JFellies. All donations may be. left at the Kennedy Building, corner of Church St. and Milwaukee Avenue, Tuesdty, November 27, between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. If impossible to send call any one of the committee and they will gladly call for same. Com-- mittee: Mrs. E. H. Corlett, Mrs. George Ross, Mrs: Martin Cosey, Mrs. W. E. Larson and Mrs. W. C. The merits'of the Libertyville high school championship football team were scattered far and wide last week when news stories appeared in many of the county papers Ccon-- cern ng the clinching of the confer-- ence title by the qrange and black wildoats. +Stories appeared in '"The Waukegan Daily Sun, The Waukegan Daily News, The Antioch News,' The Grayslake Times, The Cook County Herala and The Arlington Heights Herald. Hubbell Colors to harmonize with your Winter en-- semble-- : 50c and up We are showing a medium weight but-- ton sweater, to wear under your coat, in your home or office, very smart, conserv-- ative colors, at---- Shaker Sweaters Made by Bradley Maroon, Pearl gray, Navy Blue and Buff. SLIPOVERS, $8.00 and $10.00° SHAWL COLLAR BUTTON SWEATERS $10.00 All Wool New Fall Hose \ Tho Pexall Store ARTSTYLE CHOCOLATES 'Creams, n ut s , fruits, caramels, smothered with smooath, rich chocolate.. Two.Poumd Box 32.00 Is Only %. . . -- After ,Z"the turkey and pumpkin pie,--bring on those Artstyle Chocolates! Phone §5 _ Libertyyville Decker & Neville Top the Thanksgiving Feast with The Art--Full $5.00 Lo INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. ASK FOR INFORMA. TION AND 8PECIFICA-- TIONE FREE WITHOoUuT OBLIGATION Home of WATERSEAL Roofing LIBERTYVILLE CEMENT WORKS wITH THIS MANY people prefer Model 42 for its finer cabinet 'design. Innovations such as ball feet, panelled corners and a new modernistic nameplate make this Atwater Kent Radio more beautiful than ever. ' en |, Its never--failing performance will be a source of pleasure to you and your family for years to come. Get it here today! It also has the automatic line voltage control that protects ¥.C. tubes against high voltage. The First National Bank Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 HOME-- OWNED FRANK H. EGER DE A L ; for Amwarere R@exwT RADIO TELEPHONE 17 \TERMS--IF YOU WISH ---- this bank is a natural part of Libertyville's devel-- opment, and seeks to grow by promoting the further developement of this territory. QVALITY CONCRETE BLOCKS§ Thanksqiving MODEL 42 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!IS FOR BFTTER HOMES CELEBRATE HOME CONTROLLED LIBERTYVILLE, BETTER RADIO! without tubes Atw ater Keat Speaker, 3 sizes -- each $20 u ;1 PA TILES MADE IN ANY CcCoLOoR aAnD IN ANY QUANTITY

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