_! _ ANTIOCH CARD L0 1S; FEATURED o BY 600D BOUTS Matchmaker "Heinie" Wallenwein has scheduled the best card of fights that hbhas ever been billed for the Antioch Palace for presentation on Friday evening when it is expected that several hundred people will at: tend in order to see this bill. Card of Stars is Prepared for Presentation Friday Evening. PAGE SIX Three return matches, one chal-- lenge affair ,and another that has been requesfed by a large number of fans are a few of the feature points of, the bill,on which every fight is scheduled to be a bout of the best calibre. When Jimmy Murphy, the "fight ing Irishman" of the Antioch Pal ace, steps into the ring against the well known and extensively feared These two fighters will do soma fast and hbheavy boxing during *their bout, which is scheduled to be the windup evéent of the program and should be the most attreactive of the entire list. "best of the amateurs," Frankie Hughes of Kenosha, a real fight can be expected. s o 321. Fast--Moving Star | The name "runaway star'" has been given to "Groombridge, 1830," a 0-1| magnitude star in Ursa Major. It hul the exceptionally large proper motion| of 7 inches annually. Its real motion in space is about 200 miles per lee! Number of trust deeds and mort gages filed 78. 4 _ _Total number of instruments filed 365. _ Total amount of loans $447,561.80. Corresponding périod week end-- ing Nov. 19, 1927: Number of convevyances filed 255. Number of chattel mortgages filed Bobby Juhrend, the fast and tur-- jous fighter from Deerfteld, is billed to meet Leo Leggette in a return match. This bout will be a spredy one as both men are fast perform:-- ers and should do excellently in cov-- ering the territory with the ropes. The program is as follows. Jim m y Murphy vs. Frankie _ _Total number of instruments filed 347. -- _ Number of trust deeds and mort gages filed 84. Larry Levette vs. Angelo Garlow Charley Zahnale vs. Bob Her mance. Harry Leggette vs. Jimmy Huall. Leo Leggette vs. Bobbyg Jubrend HMHugh Campbell . vs. Raymond Krug. Billy Van vs. Stanley Krosky. 27 Business of tha recorder's office for the week emding Nov. 17, 1928 : | Number of conveyances filed 236. Number of chattel mortgages filed LOANS FOR WEEK OVER THE AVERAGE Total amount of loans $396,159.00 By A. K. BOWES, Assistant Secretary of Security Title & Trust Company. Public Sale! 4 miles northwest of Libertyville, 3 miles north of Mundelein, 1/ mile east of Phillips Milk Platform, 3 miles southeast of Grays Lake, on Saturday, December 1, 1928 Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at Public Auction, on the farm known as the Fred Helfer Farm, on the Casey Road, TERMS OF 'SALE----All sums of.$25 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months will be given on good bankable notes bearing 7 per cent interest. No goods to be removed un-- til ' settled for with the clerk. ROBERT M. PLOTZ,* Prop. 2 McCormick Mowers 1 3--horse Cultivator 1 #horse cultivator 1 John Déere Manure Spreader 1 SBpring Tooth Harrow 1 #--sec. Spike Tooth Harrow 1 28sec. Spike Tooth Harrow 1 Set Dump Boards 1 Tandem Tractor Disc % Wagons r 1 Light Wagon _ 1 Wasgon Boxr 1 Hay Rack 1 Deering Corn Binder 1 McCormick Grain Binder 1 Bob Sleigh 1 16--in. John Deere Riding Plow 1 16 in. Walking Plow 1 Top Buggy 1 1000--1b. Platform Scale 1 Hocking Valley Corn Sheller 1 Walking Cultivator FRED GRABBE, Auctioneer. 1 Keystone Side Delivery Rake 1 Dump Rake 1 Dain Hayloader 1 Clod Roller ing about 80 pounds each. 50 Chickens. 800 Shocks of Corn 300 bushels Oats 20 bashels Wheat 25 ------ HEAD OF LIVESTOCK ------ 25 1 Bay Horse, 12 yrs. old, about 1300 lbs.; 14 Cows, 3 with calf by side, some close springers, and balance milking. (Cows all T. B. Tested and sold on 60--day retest). 1 Bull, 2/ yrs. old. 2 Sows. 7 Pies, weigh-- commencing at 12:30, sharp, following: Farming Implements and Machinery Hay and Grain Team Rouse Dairy ......___ Hartman House ... Dietz Stables ...______. Libertyville Garage . Borst CO@Al ..._..._.______ Schnaebele Realtors .. Merle's Exides. ..____.. Ree Motors .._.......__. REE MOTOR SALES-- K. Nutt ......._.___._195 ] Lesley ...___.___207 DMIfY | .:ssirimnsareme.--189 1 F. Alkofer .._..__174¢ <1 G. Wehrenberg .138 Totals...._...___._._838 840 j LsERTYVILLE GARAGE-- J. Vanderspool ...A9L4 134 | W. Stang ......_.......166 172 A. Meyers syb.._.161 161 | D. Barl __.._._____118 151 _ G. Luce .._._____148 149 | Totalg...._._._._._._.784 HARTMAN HOUSE-- Grewe -- .s_._u._...173 Sub......._._.____151 E. Moeller ..._..__171 Seller ...............204 Io Maver --_____.2l175 Sub...... E. Moeller Seiler ... J. Mayer .. Totalkes. .. __...874 80 ROUSE BROS. DAIRY-- Porteous ............__.234" 16 Stolzman ..____.143 17 Sloan = ._..___.___.186 18 Jackson __.._.._._.186 20 Diet& | _.2.222222..153 14 Mrs. Frank Mason and H Dasher,, 3 games, 1052 pins.....$12.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. Dorfler 3 games, 1031 ping.........._.s __.... $ 7.00 Mrs. F. Kennedy and W. Johnson, 3 games, 1000 pins, $ 5.00 Miss Harriet Tulley and Grewe, 3 games, 964 pinsg.......:$ 4.00 Mrs. F. Mason and G. Krumrey, 3 games, 937 pins. . $ 2.00 E. Petri, high score for single game, 196 ping ........_......$ 2.00 Miss Mary Geisel, women's . high score for single game........$ 2.00 (Those who place as winners in the. mixed doubles are not eligible for single game high score prizes.) Totals...._.___.924 9%6 946 2196 The results of the bowling by the mixed--doubles on Sunday right, No-- yember 18, at the Recreation Center were: Prize Titals.--.:.. BORST COAL-- Waters | __...__. Atkinson . ._....._. Dougherty | ..---- Mublke ... Totals _ _ __..88# 866 889 SCHNAEBELE REALTORS-- Swan ____.Ll.__167 169 182 TitU® 222 _zz2e2l37 152. 147 Wright cll zi 169 146 136 Snydam 187T 160 170 Schnaebele ........168 146 136 NEWS OF THE PIN HITTERS Te:tmeyer Lindroth Jochheim Porteous We' skopt . Totalg...... 90 DIETZ STABLES-- A. Winkler ... 17 R. LHill _~.... 18 C. Metzs ... 15 G. Krumrey .___.17 H) Lill 0 222222222214 Totals MERLE'S EXIDE Tractor, in A--1 condition 1 %--bottom Tractor Plow 1 Gail Corn Planter 1 Kentucky Grain Drill 1 Hay Fork, Rope and Pulleys 10 Milk Cans m 1 Milk Pail, Strainer and Stirrer 2 Dum» Wagons . 1Grindstone 50--gal: Drum 1 Ft. Atkinson double unit 2 Sets Double Harness 2 Single Harness 1 McCormick--Deering 8 inch 1 T--inch Belt 1 10--20 McCormick--Deering Milking Machine and pipe 1 1%4 h. p. Taylor Vacuum Eng. 1 Galvanized Tank 1 Small Building Some second hand galvanized 1 Cook Stove 1 3--burner Oil Stove Forks, Shovels and other Articles too numerous to name 40 Tons of Timothy Hay in Barn 1 Stack outside ommercial League ORVILLE SMITH, Clerk Feed Grinder 1'%4--inch pipe 197 194 163 192 1 153 207 158 117 115 177 151 142 157 175 802 179 180 201 146 157 191 222 191 162 Won ___14 .....13 _...12 ___10 137 207 148 148 184 160 166 161 137 172 196 2347 146 151 215 159 115 846 2532 197 168 162 170 192 211 197 10 200 161 804 165 170 155 Lost 2417 2637 485 621 445 469 497 504 483 406 496 453 528 520 525 591 490 508 557 491 518 436 450 517 450 11 11 12 13 14 573 548 531 614 530 464 492 167 548 TEAM NO. 1 J. Porteous _ E. Hubbard .. Krase ... Henning .......... Totals............__. TEAM NO. 2-- . Molter ... _ L. Lusk .....___. J. Beitzel ...__ W. Wheeler ... W. Fendick__._..140 H. Haunschild .142 J. Kruckman ___150 B. Steir __.__._.164 Tetals ._......... TEAM NO. 4-- F. Tulléy ... H. Clark ... A. Jaupe ... R. Sitg L.2 COOPER BROS.-- 8. COOPEOT .----:--:--_«..«.1 A: JoAhnson --------1 F. Litchfield ay 1 M. Cooper ay .......] W. Bell _.__-- Totals..._____..890. 874 PORTEOUS TRANSPORT-- Dasher _____.----_154 245 | A. Baker _______157 167 4 C. Porteous ___----124 191, ] K Baker ______118 13% O. Baker ________166 157 _ -- _ Totals...._.__.__...713 898 RECREATION CENTER-- A. Frederickson 169 186 A. Hapke --«..-- 187 171 Garsha _« _----_A1ll1l 101 Tolals.......... TEAM NO. 4-- H. Dasher ... W. Stang ...--.-- €. Seiler ........:: Tolal8......... TEAM NO. 5 F. Wilkening .. W, Franren . Welrick + ...__---- W. Joanson . Tolt&l8.......... TEAM NO. 2-- R. Waters ------ 'TOtAlS ..............8«B JOS. KOHOUT, Inc.-- Herging _____--_----145 P. Kohout _L....119. C. Burdux _._--_1..128 A. Andrews ...__...119 Aroswald -- ....165 TEAM NO. 1-- D. Porteous .. Kennedy ...... T. Suydam . -- 'Totals.......« TEAM NO. 33-- J. Borst ... 'Totals.......... TEAM NO. 6-- h. Lil ... H. Lill ......_._._. A. Winkler --.-- Sergeants .___---- Sbavetails ... Buck 'Privates . Doughboys .. Leathernecks . Corporaly _____. C. Boyd . F. Wilkining Scores of Monday Night, Nov. 19 TEAM NO. 6--BUCK PRIVATES Harry Gotti av _147 147 147 4 A. Packer ____ 85 129 146 3 E. Kennedy ..__.__196 148 138 4 Totals...___..__.42%8 414 421 TEAM NO. 1--SHAVETAILS T. Delacey .____128@ 123 151 M. Neville .____154 154 154 J. Borst .._..._._.____158 169 161 Totals._____..._559 498 / TEAM NO. 2--CORPORALS L. Nutt ........_..«___.178 168 R. Kaping .._..____12%S 125 O. Firnback ___--___115 151 "TOURILS..._...----._.--4189 4384 452 1: TEAM NO. 3--LEATHERNECKS® F®. Antonovich __._163 163 163 . Hugo Gotti ______1O1 1440 146 0 C. Hoskins ___...._151 151 151 'TOolRI4...........4382 446" TEAM NO. 4--SERGEANTS R. Kennedy .___154 164 L. Coonfer sub ....144 144 W. Peterson __.__174 113 Totals....__...__._.A72 421 TEAM NO. 5--DOUGHBOYS A. Gruenwald 174 136 1 J. McKitrick ..._.._.184 159 1 O. Muhike ______201 203 ]1 Totalg ... TEAM NO. 3-- Merles Exide Service team went'to Grayslake last week and won a three game series from a chosen team at the alleys at Grayslake. On Monday night the Grayslake team came to Libertyville and clashed with the Exrides at Recreation Center. The out of town team copped the three game series, thus evening the score, each team having won one series. MERLE'S EXIDES-- O. Tegtmeyer 162 141 164 467 R. Lindroth .__.__--182 171 131 484 C. Joohheim ___144 181 166 491 C. Porteous ___146 207 177 530 M. Weiskopt _--12%6 141 147 414 "Tatbala 760 841 T779 2386 Totals......_...... 160 GRAYSLAKE-- W. Horenberger 147 T. Wambaugh .166 C. Hook ____------182 E. Hook ..........ll1 H. Krumrey .--------161 Totals..__._._827 Totals. Hapke LuUCe ....~ Krumrey 'TOURIS.....::s«--cs+ Totals... Business League American Legion 0 Dad's League Standing of the Teams . Won al LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928. City League 596 176 133 113 147 569 167 16% 189 135 230 €£16 151 485 186 180 144 164 160 161 153. 590 166 186 163 163 164 189 191 190 468 415 .149 .203 81 174 155 152 126 197 607 140 114 81 130 455 132 121 147 1"" 577 169 202 189 135 179 184 5334 201 18" 211 211 189 611 154 192 181 181 191 162 532 151 201 597 195 558 458 141 171 181 207 141 841 128 153 197 161 116 155 131 122 129 148 530 130 112 131 134 507 140 146 108 152 546 1607 129 100 155 171 555 1691 160 141 189 135 197 822 154 158 173 153 183 *2% 821 147 117 137 18% 564 909 162 148 183 189 158 193 1914 192 164 190 48® 557 539 161 546 531 185 165 183 146 144 161 167 134 191 169 125 160 166 1344 451 492 1549 460 452 1299 159 434 2320 551 160 539 165 497 167 444 883 2465 130 547 2586 176 148 141 588 420 402 339 446 2438 437 3854 415 495 1506 16142 1612 1656 1665 496 512 567 1557 606 553 488 409 1283 1344 505 329 490 519 514 040 556 478 523 548 506 569 5% 503 529 565 548 591 556 489 441 360 394 462 488 432 440 498 875 426 477 477 595 489 391 453 467 484 491 530 414 10 ) Team No. TEAM NO. 1-- H. Titus _s._--_..115 R. Triggs ..___..172 W. Nicholas .169 E. Corlett ._.__104 TOtals....._._.......715 TEAM NO. 6-- W. Stang ..._..__..163 W. Peterson ..___164 H. Gaddis ..........158 K. Conner .......129 J. Weart ..._.____s.128 M. Casey ... F TEAM NO. 4-- G. Lawrence ___163 "W. Wells ......._.__149 H. Paster .___----158 Libertyville Club __169 169 1 __104 120 1 155 (152% 111 784 217 234 174 158 157 124 847 781 164 164 121 147 116 12 163 149 124 Won Lost _. 13 § 166 151 169 138 735 191 190 158 123 120 "82 153 142 181 1147 117 800 2356 163 149 152 418 2207 2371 498 452 507 362 588 528 474 372 460 508 448 441 499 489 447 434 W. Hubbell L. Beman . G. Ives ,.._. R Smith . H. Gray . E. Colby . C. Betzer .. Edwin Abhlstrom, ex--sheriff, was revealed on the payroll of the Chi-- cago Sanitary board as an investi-- gator in statements made Tuesday in Chicago papers. Ahlstrom was shown to receive $250 for the two weeks prior to the primary. EX--SHERIFF ON CHICAGO PAYROLL TEAM NO. 2-- TotaAlS.....:........ TEAM NO. 3-- Meyer .......1393 'Titusg ............1 91 Finstad .._._......154 Lovell .....:..=..193 Hutchinson .154 Totals Tot w« 180 es=--1090 e 121 ous-- 188 __...154 164 137 182 "11 825 152 137 136 170 151 137 91 685 125 107 149 158 143 141 116 188 504 137 411 179 151 146 122 146 7144 2161 T89 2285 206 148 204 161 $21 2353 500 471 418 381 391 384 555 445 538 431 Andrew E. Philyaw, building con-- tractor who has érected more than 200' homes and business houses in Waukegan and over whom consider-- able anxiety has been expressed for more than a week due to the fact hat 'he bhad been mysteriously ab ient from the city, returned Jast Thursday night from St. Louis. PHILYAW :?BAclgA§ _CLAIMS HE WAS ON SHORT TRIP Denies Element of Mystery in His Departure at His <o o\ Yome Philyaw, from his new home 0: Keith Ave., Waukegan, stated his three week trip had been nothing more than a rest for him and his wife. He did not know, he said, that any alarm had been expressed over his absence. -- He is thinner about the face. "Yes, I know it. It's the drinking water in St. Louis that caused it,' he said denying that he had worried. ~"I was surprised when I read the story in the paper last night. < 1 Up until he was located on the North Side that last actual trace of him was gained at the Hotel Waukegan where he registered Oct. 23. You know I haven't had a vacati;fi in two yeare," he continued. @o'ught everyone knew where I was Friends of his stated that he was back here last Saturday night for a few hours and left immediately in his car. He did not deny that. Attorney Alex Beaubien, his coun-- sel for 15 years, denied that he had been in charge of his business or that he knew he was out of the city. Philyaw left without notifying ma-- terial men furnishing supplies for five two--flat homes that he is build-- ing on the old Durst property, or without advising his men or pur-- chasers of contracts on homes that he has erected. In the pagt they have known when Philyaw went away, altkough he states that this has not always been case. Investigation last week disclosed that his fifanrial condition was sound without question. Those closely in touch with his af-- fairs declared, beforée hearing that he had returned, that he would come back. They admitted that an inci-- dent to which they attached little importance had arigen. TWO LAKE COUNTY MEN GET PATENTS Patents have been : issued at Washington to the follpwing Lake county men, ac ording to informa-- tion received today: | _ $35,000 DAMAGE SUIT STARTED Suit for $35,000 di;nagr-c for al leged injuries received May 3, 1928 by Franklin C. Patterson, Lake Bluff, was filed Thursgéay in c'rcuit court by Attorney !§Jph J. Dady against the Highland Park Cab com-- pany 'and Nick Branidonsio, driver of the cab. | Harold N. Hansen |of Highwoo{ has been granted a x»ajtent on a ven tilator. | Clarence W. Balke| of High Park has received a 'mlem on devise to obtain vacummE. The ter patent has been :}elgmod to Fansteel Products company n' N Chicago iR the