t, The five men sweepstakes of theltwr t Buburban Bowling Association tonnes? . the middle weekvin December, will _ in; v be held at the Libertyville Recrea-i Tm tion Center on Saturday and Sunday, r Engxt December 16 and 16. The bowling atth squads will roll in two shifts, at 7:30' Mr and 9.130 Saturday night and in three i Minn} shins. at five, seven and , o'biock. ii Vi op Sunday night. Members of the'". l udociauon are AdPiphi's 7070 No; au Clark Street: nieser's, Wilmette! Mrs can Lam Recreation. 1772 Lunt i.spertt Avenue. Chicago: DesPiaim-s Recre home won. DesPiainw'; Edison Park. 6811 ot Ch Olmstead Avenue, Edison Park; 'hiis_tr' Glenv ew "Bowlers, Glenview; Main l nicely, Recreation, 835 Chicago Avenue. Em. M"? maton; Niiet Center; Ubertyvtiie§"'"°m Recreation. Libertyville; Park Ridge, _ieort" West Ridge, 7221 No. Western Ave- i her ht nus, Chicago and Waukegan Recrea- i Alt" tion. Some fast bowling is exisedtltrlan.k ed during the meet, as some of the _ i" Ity-x belt bowlers in the suburbs are llst ed Among these teams. m huh. I Miss Ruth Sorenson and Jane Sor- The ditterence 2,206 votes is com Pr1son "will the week end at their "dared to be enormous by local W home in E'otlliulac, Wisconsin. Hues] leaders. The Lyons lead, 2t/ Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Swan attended mus. might have considerable bear- i the Geneeee theater on Sunday we in; on the manna in which the cum- 111W;- I nines will receive the petition. . On Saturday tnvehinm Mrs. J. C. son. who received almost the entire upon ot his home county and gen- erous support in McHenry and Lake, m high. He came closest to reaching Ly- omf total, or this he felt short by 3.206% votes. McDonough led Lyons by more than 1,500 votes and Jack. FOR RENTING, REAL ESTATE, no TGAGE LOANS. PROPERTY N'\N.' :EMENT GENERAL INSURANCE, SURETY BONDS, SERVICE, SEE "I will say this. In nine precincts w my voteq on the democratic tick- et were counted as one instead ot three " should have been done," he declared. He did not know, he said, how ex- tensive such a step would be. Friends, it is said, are bearing all burden of the expense. Bolger was reticeht - about dis- musing the results ot the investign- tion. The recount is addressed to the general assembly. It can be taken up more Jan. 10 when that body goes into session. A committee then can be appointed to study the merit ot the petition,and make recommends tion to the full assembly. The notice was served on Itepre.. sentative N. L. Jackson of Boone calmly. Richard, Lyons/ ot Mundo. lein. and Lee McDonough, or Wan. has"). The last two were elected for the tlrgt time at the last election. While Bolger's threat is directed unduly against Lyons he was forced under the law, to make all 8UC'CmMF tut candidates defendants. Notice that he will demand a re. count of the votes cast at the Nov. ' election tor state rttpresentativel in the Eighth senatorial district was l served Saturday by Thos, Boiger, oft McHenry. democratic candidate de-i tested by the three republicans. The notice was served on Itepre.. sentative N. L. Jackson of Boone 130mm SERVES - RECOUNT NOTICE (hi I)lli(illSuri)llS Believes He Has Uncovered Sufficient Votes to Place 'Him in Office PAGE EIGHT RE LTORJNSUROR ""tmoalte Elaretr"e tation Phone. 489 and 269 Sliildlpliit'lhitktt Try this pleasant way of handling your financial affairs. It gives him or her standing in the business world. it enables bills to be paid "at the home at any time, and it gives you a record of all income and outgo. A Checking account is an in- dispensable convenience to the modern man or woman. You're Right Out Account Here Today MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS Mrs. A, L. Darnor and childron Wot-N Chicano shown-n on Saturday. Tho children ot the Lake County schools enjoyed a. vacation of tour days, over the week end. spent the week tad visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. numbing. ot Chicago Mrs. Meyer's mother has been very ill. but is grit as along nicely, at present. Mrs, (Merge Klein, who has been teaching at the Gilmer school has gone to Kentucky, where she and her husband will make their hnmn Mr, and Mrs, Georg" Thatcher and family spent Thursday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lester Horton, in Waukegan. ' Mrs. Clara Iih-yo-r and children, ', Fl J. Kelroy 3nd children went to H'onDuLac. Tttc, Sunday, to sttend [the funeral f the tormer'a brother- ;in-law, W. H. Meade. He was bur ed am Monday morrrinx and the Kelroy :childrea returned on Monday eve- ,lrr/rir. ' On Saturday reoveriitut, Mn. J. C. Dormer had 't7,,rT,isnl'l'.t"u,il', to have her hand smashed, while bowling at Desl'lainos. SM is reported as thy Ina very n Cely. , Thursday ewnlnz. Mr, and Mrs " M Tom Denney, who has been mah, ing his home at the home ot his tsis. ter, Mrs. Harry Pfannenstlll. is now rwsthsz in Libertyville. yrss Loretta Dortler, ot Evanaton. spent Wednesday afternoon at the home ot her parents. Mr. and Mn J. C homer. ' Miss Caroline Kublank and Frank Elba, of Desplaines, attended a show inbeAcago on Saturday evening. Ed Arman. or Chicago, apem'ms Thanksgiving day at the Theodore Zersen home. Albert itoder is in a Chicago has- p tal under observation. as alter a great many weeks of illness from blood poisoning, he has returned to the hoppitul. Miss Abbie Carr, who teaches the mm and sixth grades or the Lincoln school. spent her Thanksgiving va- cation at the home ot her. parents at Scales Mound. Illinois. ' The children of O. Jarrett have had the bad luck ot gettng the scarlet fever. There is quite an en idemic ot this at the parochial sch00l in Libertyville. . The Ladlds Aid Bazaar ot the Lib. ertyvllle Lutheran church will be held on »Wednesday December 5, in the church Parlors. There will be a light lunch served at midnight and a chicken supper will be served in the evening. 0n Saturday evening; Mr. gnd In. g Funk Biba John Rouse entertained the Five >Thursday at t Hundred Club. The prize winners iidenee. were as follows: Mrs H. J. Swan and Mrs. Thomas Russel]. first; Mrs. PLYMOUTH Ethel Ray and Harry Rouse, conso- Ivanhoe chum union. After an enjoyable evenlng., Mandate": of playing cards. a delicious luncheon i " Arthur was served and the guests departed Eyeryone reported a. good time. ll NEWS FROM MUNDELEIN ll I,.'."',,,),,,', LOANS ARE LOWER 'ir,,.",.-., _'(,,r,:','1'"" THAN LAST YEAR. l',. a e home and more luxurlo int; Mrs. PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH M?, conso- Ivanhoe church and First church. at I evening" Mundeiein, Congregational. luncheon C. Arthur Jevne, Minister departed. Rudolph Weight, Social Director. ,ime. . Sunday School: First church at spent his , 10 a. m.; Ivanhoe at 11 p. m. Theodore) Worship services: Ivanhoe at 10 in. m.; First Church at 11 a. m. Spa- cago hQB-imai muse by the choir of each g ailer aichurch. #38 from; Sermon subject, "Christmas Joy: The defendants in the several con- spiracy cases in McHenry county, won a. victory and delay Monday before Circuit Judge J. K. Newhall, at Woodstock, when a motion to quash the venire was upheid. At- torneys for the defendants "pointed out that veniremen named by' the supervisors as tar bark as 1923 were serving in the box. The supervisors,l at the December session. will be: tr,rced to name new veniremen in} compliant-e with the law. Max Wll.l mm and seven other men, are stand-I ing trial. 376 Number of trust deeds and mort gages filed 93. DEFENSE WINS 'idlililiillf TILT 25 3-19 ka 10 irw, big car tuturv Total number of instruments filed Corresponding week ending Dee. 1927. Number of conveyances filed 258. Number ot chattel mortgages filed Brand New Pontiac Is Now On The W Total amount of loans $294,789.32 Number of trust deeds and mart tile-s filed 71. Total number ot instruments tilod By A. K. BOWES Aasistant Secretary of Security Title a Tran Company Ihic,invss (If the Ilruusrdt.r's, of" r the week ending Den-mm:- Number of convoy-8mm m. Number of chattel mortgage Friday the Ivanhoe choir and Sun day school meet at the church for re Mama! of the Ccntata. " Court ot Honor at which several boys will receive the award ot badges and some phases of scouting w!!! be shown in the stunts put on by the scouts. Parents and trends are itt- Tited to attend ttttd enjoy this ex- hlbltlon. A Pontiac Six, tte verytluntt but naxréI "ar on the market. i lis wrath, 'by the Oak ompany. Friday, Dec. 14, at the Community House, the Boy Scouts of Liberty. ville and Mundelein will hold a Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 8 p. m, the Mundelein Scout committee will meet at the State Bank to make plans for the Court of Honor which is to be held in the Community House on the 14th. 2:3" p, m. at Ivanhoe, practice for the Christmas cantata. 7:30 p. m.. Union evening services, Anthem by.the Junor choir. Mr. Jevne will tell the second of the /Thrisimas Sim es We Lon- p Hear." "Cosette's Chrinmxjs." from Victor Hugo's Les Miserabms. Come and enjoy this cozy, interesting ser- vice. The Bel offering bring yt Phan, o annk Bibs ot DesPlunel spent T'hursday at the H. L Kublank res- bl ans ot Christmas." Near I ,g is being held until your ttitt Sunday for the of the Near East. p. mfat Ivanhoe, practice LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY' DECEMBER 6, 1928 smartr'r, nu A, ne . In pumic- t'i/l'i',CJdr,,,'l'.r, w ll is Por, tr wlth I, "as was, .l:..':ou and Motor ( 28399 "', " nowerf l.' il filed READ THE INDE'PONDENT CLASS ADS. .YOU ARE SURE TO FIND SOMETHING YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. tor heater with Arco regulator; also 30tal. galvanized tank only a few years old; w'll take $20 for whole outfit. Inquire of Realtor R. G. Karr ing. Phone office 469; res. 'tlei, ' 4 FOR_ sArair---rdGiGtiTrii"'rii' hot Joy ', East you f or- 'Petv, charged with forgery; Robert Carr and Norman Homuth. charged with stealing a car; Inez bows lilawkins, indicted Mr larceny; Ern- [est Blake, two Indictments for forg- gory; Claude Martin, Henry Brooks, 'Claude Laurent and Edward Ruff, itwo indictments for larceny with 'oue being left against Martin, Lau- rent and John Lester Hauck, charg- ling robbery; and Brevard Mooney, charged with forgery. oooooooooooo oCLASSIFIED ADSo 00000000000000 Blur n-cviviti; stulrn property; Joe, ilteasta, chained with litrr-ny; Cur. in" ihmelcy, Anthony itnho. and La- ytit-rue La Roche. indicted for lar. 'cony; Thomaa' Murphy, charged with forgery; Oscar Lance. charged with larceny; Jams Mar'Donald,in. dictvd for larceny: John Quick and Charles Cresley, charged with lar. ceny; [Russell D. Knuz. Mark Har- meyer, George Willard, Wilmer Mayne, Arthur Johnaon and Alex Maitland. charged with conspiracy: tBernard Kilbane and John Miltimore accused of assault with the intent to rob; Joseph Coney, charged with burglary and larceny; Steve Feny- ugh. indicted for operating a eontt- dence game: John Weller. indicted for iorgery. Lawrence M. Phillip and Walter Glasgow, accused ot robbery and larceny; Joseph Conroy and Richard Riley, indicted tor larceny; Clyde De Forest. accused ot lar- ceny; William Remy. indicted on a charge ot attempting to attack a woman; Phil Vaughan, indicted for passing worthless checks; John ( ln'additinn indictments against 'Ruy Bracher, Ira l'earsall. 1'larke C. (Nye, fliaroid Martin and Caleb Bus- 'ick. with were tried and found not guilty of conspiracy to defraud the (county of $Pro,1j00, were left pend- sing from the special and regular [grand Juries. Several probationary cusps. In which the defendants have not serv- ed out the probation periods, had the Inch-tmenta left hanging over their heads. Clltrord Chiletrom, Lib- ertywllv and Waukeean who was t The names of three men charged with'murder. Vencehzio Hem", of Highwood, John McGuire, of Chica. go, and Walter Frost. a tramp. were left on the docket.. These men were never found. _ Sixty-three cases, 20 of which worn noiie prrmsdd, were wiped from the proaocmor'u docket in circuit court by Statv's Attorney Smith. The 20 case-s nolle prossvd were criminal at'tions in which 20 nwn and women had horn indittmi. Ot these'somv had bum roit-asvd on probation and had served out their period of good inhaviur. . Fourteen) News, appeals on minor matters trom Justice court, were dismissed. in all 34. cases were wipmi trom the docket tor good. Twenty-nine other old matters wvre'ordered stricken. which places the cam-s " the "iockvt but ready tor trial it the prosecutor demands reinstatement.' Col. Smith Acts on 63 State Cases and Orders 29 Striclen from Docket NOLLE PROSSE 20 CRIMINAL CASES: ' DROP fi APPEALS FOR SALE 0d with lar-ny. Drop Ann-worth Case W ""ntttmtrary at Wampum. Cases That Were' Nailed . indictments nollo m- str " Adolph ll Strike 29 Others Lists Three Murders H tlt ll tor good. old matters which places "n lupus 1 do-adly tw! ttdi VA ior " REAL ESTATE -mn EXCHANGE Two 6 room houws at Whepier and Ellis Axenum lot 100 by "trw. First mortgage $3375 each, as wars IO "we. Also balvd straw. will do. llw-r. Bergman Stock Farm 2 mun: went of Libertyv H0. on Lake strm't road. Phone 678-r2. NJ! of wheat, shell: d corn, bar] and buckwheat semi. mixed to tPed. Also balrud straw. live-r. Bergman Stock Farm went of Llhprlvv In. nn , ob FUR SALEM Chickn Cost ".000 tour months ago. Will [the 8550 for all or will separate. Beautiful furniture of 4 room apart. ment. 3 piece silk mohair parlor ,ulte, hand ctrved frame; 8 piece. valnut dining room set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs: 4 p we walnul bedroom set. comnlete wlth sprint: and mm. rents; occasional table, 5 pit-Ce break fast set; Lamps: chest of sllwrwaru Must be sewn to be nppreeated. Win arrange for do'llwry., 7720 Yatvs Are, m-ur 'ttoth' St, Chiraeo, Ill Phone South Shore 3774. 456' grown buckweut flour, delivered. Bergeron Stock Farm, 2 miles west of L'bertyvllle on Lake Street Road. Telephone 678-J-2. 44 tf BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE- FOR BALW-A9id fashioned home. PORK LOINS ROUND STEAK BONELESS SMOKED BUTTS Where PALACE CASH MARKET ii'iiii/ih 25 c lb. Lliih 30c lb. _ ctliLe w ' 1 swarm" ' COVJFVPCM HAMS 17km}; Butter . 56c "L! SAUSAGEZSC'b- 'elephone CHUCK POT htfh 28c ii,. LEG LITTLE PIG LEG riday and. Saturday, December ' NATIVE 180 RIB ROAST -Chicltrsp. You shell, d corn, ROLLED SPECIAL RONELESS ROLLED We Have Only Thi, Highest Quality Meats. At Lowest Prices ------r'---WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING---------------------------- "an Style SHORT d, Compoietf barley. outs, it wars 1th- 606, N. MILWAUKEE AVE., LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS FOR RENT garage. , " Apply 13 of othvr a Iluiamca, twwn Hal FARM FOR SALE-M160 tillablp; dairy; on cor way; mar town. Ownm MPParlann, IMevan» Wis Holt PALE" SQassortmi ing, cooking and oll large line of linolwzm a ditlon; 2 brand new battery. ty) cash. C 570. ArLiExztan Heights. lil POR 'rlA,Ha'-c-I'yr1i?es.,, $1 per bushel. Telephone. 604W2 y ' " 2t FOR sAHirr-r'ord coupe! to tro, 6'7? Interest. Nd prepayments. Will take Clear lot, or what have vou, for equity. J. L. Holmes, 10 S ray Sane St., Chicago. 47 tf Port SALE or: EXCHANGE ' REAL ESTATE F What have you? REDEKER K orV Com FOR RENT ii" lrtiolws: also R p on Milwaukrr, A If Day and Wiirs, hortyrille 657 J-I. 3:." -- g The aim of The PALACE I CASH MARKET is to ilspupiy.the best in meat V .5 room 1partrttimt with Heat .and water Iurni h @118. Stewart AVE. 47 tt Lverything yept and sold in the most sanitary way. Poducts at a price you can afford to pay. You must be Satisfied with any pur- chase made, at this store. SMALL AND LEAN .EMIGO acres, all on concrt'rn her,, 301199 In A-I con, SW Urosand new Call Libemyvmp . 48 .2t LL: AT THE How's. Stow-s d thrm Phono 496 IO', Dunn ll 48 (it " an wuoiiii'is"TEAK Mc lb. INQIHRE OF REALTOR KAPING TELEPHONE 469 (drier: quick 1' un. nun Il-- Fivermm house Mundeleih, complmsvly furnish and all modem conveniomms; rm ace heat. Rent wry mammab It must be rented at orrti, Owner is 19.1an for tho "vs! A M 1:01;"? for th" right party. For 1' formation can at thrs Inch-m-mlo "morn Phone Vanna" n 41H» A FOR It ENT , I FOR RENT OR t9ALEI---rurm of 120 acres. 1 mile west of Millburn. The: warm. 1, Libertyville, m _ _ 49 3t bath,'$30 per month. 808 waukee Ave. Libertyvillo. Dearborn 8578. II. S. Schr w. Washington St., Chicat'n FOR Rr1st--rnai' The NATIVE of tour rooms and . S. Schrader ' Chicago. PER POUND PER POUND <R6X§T 28c lb. f 51135.9(??? $1.00 PER POUND 4) SIRLOIN HIGHEST QUALITY J. Mir Tthon, AT REASONABLE abir d SUGAR C tf MEATS PRICES BONELESS to loan on immune property We 1mm. Ptrrrt Nadonu Bank, L Inch. MONEY TO I/IAN'A" run am I"---"" acres. black 5011."! tiled; barn with room for to head cattle.;5 horses. modern equipment; room house. tool shed. corn cribs, ' room house, furnace heat; 2 hen houses; Cnree-rourtht, mile to town; vlrcty c hghts. hard and soft watt-r in hnusr, F. A. Wilton, Laké V 'a. TT I9ietfT---154 acres. black son] H My WANTED iscellaneous 24lc M 35c It 33c " have d .. 1102116 e have a con- srwvial fund; farm (NV. wintry " 3r