Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Dec 1928, p. 3

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Assigned to guard automobiles parked in the vicinity of Grand ave-- nue, Sheridan road and Genesee St. Waukegan, while the installation of afficers of the Masonic lodge was going on at the *uonlc Temple, Pa-- trolman Roy Edwards Monday night apprehended Roy Edwards Monday night apprehendeu AMord Martins, of 601 Julian St., Waukegan, in the act of taking tires off a Ford sedan, be-- longing to C. C. Colkins, of 305 So. Khrheridan Rd.. Waukegan. 'Colkens' car was parked in Grand avenue near the Hewes Motor com-- pany garage. Patrolman Edwards was making his rounds of inspection when he noticed a car parked across the driveway while a man was work-- ing on the car in the rear. He ac eosted him and found that Martins NAB TRE THIEF STRIPPING AUTO ON GRAND AVE. Alford Martins S¥td to Have Confessed to Taking Tires Off Ford Car Electrical Toasters Electric Irons W affle Irons Fine Chafing Dishes Vacuum Cleaners Curling Irons Maytag Washing Machines Christmas Tree Lights, in 8 and Thor Washing Machines 16--Buib Strands Thor Mangles And Many Other Appliances General Electric Refrigerators that will Delight any Woman TO delight the wife this Christmas with Electrical Gifts is to grant her a long-- cherished wish. Time and footstep savers, modernizers of that which she is most vit-- ally interested in--her home--she'd prefer them to anything else! 66 control -- and -- ownership. We cordially i Additional new features by the score--each an impres-- sive example of automotive progress--contribute to out-- standing performance, quiet eperation, long life, ease of luxury. It has numerous advance ments typified by a non-- detonating, high--compression cylinder head -- gasoline pump with filter, and auto matic rocker arm lubrica tion. It provides perform ance the rike' of which was never before available in the low--price field--marvelous smoothness, tremendous re-- serve power, and sensation-- ally swift acceleration--all with an economy averaging better than 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline! Its marvelous new Fisher bodies display a new order of beauty, smartness and r:p;:vsetl\u over bt'u- years o elopment and testing on the part of Chevrolet and gine whose perfected design d_\éz&z Features of -- Outsianding Chevrolet ELECTRICAL GIFTLF \fir"flappinecm or Her"-- Gifts Electrical TITUS BROS. Just To Name A Few Of Them: ToR NV s ee n e ree V Z New 4--whee! brakes, safe-- invite you to All prices Lo. b. Flint, Mickh. _ _ posirive--quiet. 501 N. Milwaukee Ave. LIBERTYVILLE Mlflm&m Libertry Libertyville Garage of Chevrolet History ix in the price range of the four / the tires had already been removed And were in the back of his own ted taking the tires. He explained that last February he had submitted to an operation and because of finan-- clal worries, he had returned to work too soon and was still suffer-- ing. Because of his iliness he bhad to accept light work and the only job he could get was overtime work that necessitated his driving to and from work. His expenses were such that he could not afford to buy tires and was helping himself{. He already had two spare tires on the back of his ear, an old Ford sedan. In jail Tuesday morning Martins is said by Assistant Chiet of Police Thomas E. Kennedy to have admit-- Because of the numerous petty thefts that have occurred in this vi-- cinity, the police are watching the cars very closely. Several drivers during the past few days have re-- ported tires stolen from their cars and articles taken out of them. It is very dark in the block of Grand ave-- nue between Sheridan --road and Genesee streets and petty thefts are conducted with comparative safety unless the police are watching. was taking a tire of the car. Two of a displacement is 194cu. in. and it :::--«ur.uh-.:;.:." Chevrolet's new sizx--cylinder, fully en closed valve in head engine has a Sport Cabriolet . . 'The Convertible Delivery ..... Light Delivery 1% Ton Chassis 1% Ton P LEconemical Traniportattion The COACH ©$525 .".""'225 . 0-0000003595 n..-.....oo'595 _ .......'675 ....'::....s695 l.;fiOlelr s 3725 :frt'.".....SSQS $595 ©'545 I'ggo FOR 3150 A AT -- YOUR Semi--elliptic shock--absorbing filter. _ _ _ New carburetor with accelerating pump. New larger chromium plated brass radiator shell. New type thermostat cooling system control. New two--beam headlamps with foot button controd. New parking lights inside headlamps. New theft--proof Delco--Remy Elecrrolock. New semi--automatic spark control. New flat type, slender rim steering wheel with large horpn button in center. Beautiful new Fisher bodies. Chromium plated radiator. AC gasoline pump and filter. Hot--spot intake manifold. _ Adjustable driver's seat in all closed bodies. Water temperature indicator on New heavier crankshaft statically and dynamically balanced. New hot--spot manifold. New AC gasoline pump with visit our showroom and secure complete and de tailed information regarding this great new car, which will be ready for delivery beginning January 1st. Mr. anda Mrs. William Brooke and family is enjoying a new all--electrmic Atwater--Kent Radio. l Mr. and Mrs. George Lungren Isoent Thursday with relatives in ' Chicago. f Miss May Daley and Mrs. Dean Kirk spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Orrle Peck, Mrs Robert Kirk and little daughter of Aurora, called on Mrs. Jane Eatinger Sunday afternoon. 2 Dr. C. W. Sowles, wife and daught: er were callers at the home of their Mrs. George Broughton is spending several days cwith Rer sister Mrs. Jepson at Freeport. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krugger and Mrs. John Hironimus were Waukegan callers Thursday. Miss Lois Broughton was a Chica go shopper Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock, Miss Belle Taggert and Mrs. George Blackburn visited O. E. 8. at Union,. Thursuay evening. Mrs. Paddock acted as Electa. o -- WAUCONDA o Mr. Emil Daams was a Chicago business caller Friday. Most of the cases. in Wauconda, Dr. Ross states, are among adults although some of the children have been taken sick. The schools will not be closed unless the illness spreads among the children and in-- vestigation shows that the spread is a result of classes in school. Dr. Ross bhas issued a warning that residents should be especially careful of colds at this season. Hard celds should be respected and the patient remain indoors and follow a proved treatment until it is broken up. = o 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "Every efort is being made to halt the spread of the flu" said Dr. Ross this morning, "and while we bave not put a ban on public gath-- erings, if the spread continues at the present rate we will ask that the schools be closed and that the resi-- dents refrain from gathering in large numbers. "Fortunately the motion picture theatre here is closed for the win-- ter so that aside from the schools and public meetings, a ban on gath-- erings would cause but little incon-- venience." o o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o Two of the cases, Dr. Ross reports are serious and are bordering on pneumonia, and while the patients are very sick, he believes that they are responding to treatment and will recover. Apparently brought in to Wau-- conda by Chicago visitors and per-- sons who live in Wauconda and commute to Chicago for their work, the influenza, the war time disease that killed thousands, is gaining a foothold in the little town of Wau-- conda and already Dr. J. A. Ross is caring for twenty patients who have contracted the disease. FLU SWEEPS INTO WAUCONDA; FEAR SMALL EPIDEMIC Dr. J. A. Ross Reports Twen-- ty Cases of Flu; Two Bor-- dering on Pneumonia Other Outstanding Features LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDEBNT, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1®. 4. | Mrs. Jane Grovenor, who is spend-- Ing the winter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour has been |under the Doctor's care but is some better at present. _ Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stevens of Grayslake were callers Sund_ay_. Wm. Hufmeyer of Lake Zurich was a caller Sunday morning. Miss Mattie Smith of Tower Lakes spent Sunday here. * Mrs. Louis Harris and sons spent Saturday afternoon at Waukegan. Miss Anita Baseley attended the Teachers Institute at Libertyville Saturday. [ Mrs. Jessie Dorwin and Mrs. Na talie Stroupe spent Saturday after npon in Waukegan. The regular meeting of the Relief Corp was held Wednesday with election of officers. Dec."11 there will be a church benefit party and white elephant sale given by the Tuesday Evening club. Miss Edith Geary was a Wauke gan caller Saturday. e 'Mrs. Frank Dickson returned uome Sunday> after spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Fred Steel at Warrens, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sorenson and Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Ross at-- tended the theatre in Waukegan Fri-- day. Mrs. Edith Brown and children of Forrest Park are spending several days at the Frank Dickson home. Miss Laura Harris returned home Saturday after spending several days at Waukegan. wete C e Dr. J. A. Ross was a Waukegan caller Wednesday. _ There will be a special meeting of Mayflower chapter No. 555, 0. E. S., Monday evening for initiation. . Harry Kirwan was a caller Thursday. _ Charles Rudsinski of Lake Zurich was a caller Saturday. Mrs. Frank Dickson left Wednes-- day for Warrens, Wis., where she will spend several days with her sister, Mra}) Fred Steele. Charles Eitz of Chicago spent seyv-- eral days with Alex Schapp. Miss Anita Basiley and Mrs. An:-- drew -- Sorenson -- were Wauktgan callers Wednesday. Mrs. Earl R. Wilson and daugh-- ters, Helen and Norma, spent Tues-- day at Chicago and attended the In-- ternational stock show at the Union Stockvyards. + The Junior class play, "Yimmie Yonson's Yob," will be given at Wauconda high schoel gymnasium Saturday evening, Dec. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and family were Waukegan callers Saturday. James Carr of Chicago spent the week end with his mother. Win Johns and daughter called on Mrs. Johns at Victory Memorial hos-- pital, Waukegan, Friday. s _ Frank,. Dickson was a Chicago caller Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wallis were Sunday callers. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger were Waukegzan callers Thursday. E. W. Wood of Rockford was a business caller Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock and Miss Belle Taggart attended the Eastern Star at Union Thureday, Mrs. Paddock taking the office of Electa. bered among the Mr. and Mrs spent Friday at Waukegan. _ Mrs. Archie Wallis had the mis-- fortune to fall and sprain her right ankle. . Miss Della Kirwan has been num-- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Geary and daughter Alma and Henry Riedell were pleasant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Len Geary Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock were Waukegan callers Saturday. _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scott of Chicago were callers here Wednes-- day. ;illA\ fla\) WECCCC CEHTTCES EIC CC PP C TCO I Mr' and Mrs' .\!llrord Smith and m rrairia View | Mt. &nd Will am Harrison and son August Halland of Prairie View Hillie soent Sunday with their par. was a business caller Thursday. ents Mr. ahng Mrs. Clayton Harrizen Mrs. Thomas Vasey and Miss Rig:-- s tiR.IAE® 0c0d & » i bernuar bera. """" 00 Tuesdayi Dell Rlcua'rm'on returned -- home (te h e. 1 » a'(!:l:":(:l .\;rrs Milton Rudginski and iTuesdag after a ten days hunting trip daughter, Phylis Ann, of Lake Zur-- i::; ;od_ieorrt.hern Wisconsin. He kill-- ich, were callers Tuesday. r. . . Miss Mattie Smith of Towers Lake | _.\!lss V elgl& Fitz spent a few days was a caller Tuesday. | witi friends at Oak Park. Mrs. L. E. Golding and daughter, Miss Lucille, of Libertyville called on relatives here Friday. Mrs. Frank Dickson is spending a tew days with her sister Mrs. Steele up in Wisconsin. > Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stevens of Grayslake were callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickson spent Monday in Waukegan. Mrs. E. H. Dabhms was called to the Elizabeth Condell Memorial hospital of Libertyville, Monday as her bro-- ther William Knigge was in a seri-- ous condition afrer his second major operation, he underwent last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham Jr., and children ang Miss Edythe Geary were Waukegan shoppers Saturuay. H. B. Shaeffer, of McHenry, called at the George Broughton home Thursday morning. Al Kettle of Bagrington called on friends hére Friday. Mrs. Frank Meyer and son Donald of McHenry visited with her mother Mrs. Alice Geary Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunue, of Maukegan were Wauconda callers Mr. and MWMaukegan Saturday. Mr. anu Mrs. Harry Grantham Jr. are enjoying a noew all--electric At-- water--Kent radio. Francis Schaefer returned to his home Thursday from the Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook spent Wednesday afternoon in Waukegan. Miss Grace Wallis spent Wednes-- day in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haas re-- turned "ne from Colungbus, O., after s ing several days at the Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Moody are ill at their bome with influenza. Miss Lena < Bonin and Fra: Blank spent Tuesday in Wauke;g Miss Laura Harris spent seve days at Waukegan with relatives Ronald Geary, of Gilmer visited at the 'Grantham home Friday after-- noon. Mrs. Natalie Stroup and Mrs. Glen-- way Darwin were Waukegan sh0op pers Saturday. f Dr. and Mrs ,.J. A Ross were Waukegan callers Saturday after-- noon. Mr. and turned H after s Paul Haas Miss Emilie Davidson and Harry Kirwan _ were -- McHenry _ callers Wednesday. August Halland of was a business caller Mrs. Thomas Vasey ney of Round Lake afternoon bere. Mr arfki Mrs. Milton Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Werden were Grayslake callers Monday. of the week. mother, Mrs. Mary Glynch, the first nd of Prairie View caller Thursday. Vasey and Miss Rig:-- Lake spent Tuesday §1¢ Arthur Boehmer Round Lake and and -- Francis in Waukegan. spent several Hinsdale at the home of Frank Amaan. from our local deater, Barney Am@an and son Herman, of Mundelein spent Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Dell Smith and daugh ter Valoise and Mrs. Milford Smith motored to Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Bohnam, of Chicago and Mrs. A. Bohnam, of Win-- nentka, Illinois spent Sunday at the Adelbert Smith home. Mr. anda Mrs. Edward Hendee, Mr. and Mrs William Huson of Round Lake and Mrs. H. 8 Will'lams of Des Moines, lowa wvisited at the George Huson home at Rockford, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wambaugh and Albert and JVilliam Cashmore attended the show, Al Jaolson in the "S_Ix.xg"ug Fool", Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drummond and daughters Ruthie and Jane and Mr. L. A. Fitz spent Sunday after noon at the Tom Moggs home at Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wagner and children, Lucile, Roman, Philip Jr., an'd John spent Sunday afternoon at the S. J. Wagner home. Mrsa Mazie Aylward and children Evelyn, Mary and Jack returned to their home at Hebron after spend-- ing a few days with her sister Miss Lucile Rosing. Evelyn Rosing and Gordon Gilbert of Chicago spent trne week end at the Archie Rosing home. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wagher snent Sunday evening at the Jim Curran home. Evelyn Clark, of Gurnee, spent the week end with Mrs. Christine O'Dette. Truman Powers, of Neshkoro, Wis-- consin ts spending a few days at the Dell Richardson home. Miss Florence Wagner spent Tues-- day afternoon with Velma Fitz. Mr. Durley Curran was a Chicago business 'caller Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cady, of Wauke-- gan spent Sunday evening at the home of Jack Daley. Frank Amaan received a car lot of steers from the Union Stock Yards of_(_:hicggo. Monday of last week. Mr. ang Mrs. C. C. Thompson, of Waukegan spent Monday and Tues-- uay at the home of the latters sister Mrs. Harry Merritt. William Angeles, of Chrystal Lake was a Round Lake caller Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baungartner Jr., Fred Cashmore and Belle Bald-- win, of Libertyville spent Sunday at the Jack Cashmore home. Mrs. Christine O'Dette is spending a few days with friends at Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin. * Mrs. Milford Smith. Mrs. William Harrison and son Billie, Mrs. Harry McDaniels and Mrs. Sarah MoClin-- tock motored to Waukegan shepping Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Zell and Velma Fitz attended a show in Waukegan Wednesday evening. * Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Thompson and son, Al Schmeltzer and Mrs. Harry Merritt motored to Waukegan Tues-- day afternoon. Emmett Riley, janitor for the Round La@ake grammer school is ill with the Flu. Miss Velma Fitz and William Hayes motored to Waukegan Thurs-- day. Mrs. Edward Hendee, father Mr. Eatinger, Mrs. William Huson, of Round Lake and Mrs. H. S. Williams of Des Moines visited at the home of Clark Huson at Elgin, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daley and child-- ren Arthur and Jean motored to Chicago, Friday. Mrs. L. A. Fitz:, Mrs. C. G. Mc-- Candless and daughters Elo'se and Elton, of Round Lake, and Mrs. Joe Hironimus, of near McHenry attend-- ed the Fat Stock Show at the Amphi-- theatre at Chicago. Friuay. Barney Amann and son Herman, of Mundelein spent Sunday after noon with the formers brother, Joe Amaan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drummond and daug'iters Ruthie and Jane and J.. A. Fitz, motored to McHenry and Wau-- kegan Monday. Mr. anu Mrs. Glynn Zell and mother Mrs. Emma Westin motored to Chicago Tuesday. & Jean Daley celebrated her 7th birthday Thursday, December 6, 1928 There were 15 children and their teacher Miss Catherine Sheldon pres-- ent. The table®was beautifully deco-- rateu with two large cakes each with seven candles. The table cloth was very pretty with bright colored flowers edged with green, it was also set with green glassware and dishes. Games were played and nice prizes were given. Every one having a wonderful time. The »Aos tess received many lovely gifts. o ~ROUND LAKE o Kenneth Lopeman, 25, of Wood-- stock, charged with striking and killing Joseph Cusker, of Fox Lake, a week ago, when he drove through the city about dusk, will be sued for $10,000 damages by the heirs of the estate, according to his attorney, Charles P. Barnes. . _ Mr. Barnes stated today that he wanted the suit started in McHenry rather than Lake county. Attorney R. Churchill, of 'Grayslake, is said to be the attorney for Cusker. At the same time it was learned that Cusker, could, if conditions were right, colecit as high as $7,500 on a newspaper insurance pol{]cy sold him by a Chicago paper. This matter is being investigated. { The hearing on a charge of as-- sault with a deadly weapon, which was set for Tuesday, will be contin-- ued until Dec. 21 at the request of the defendant, Justice Hervey Coul-- son said. -- o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0 0o 0o 0o Will Ask $10,000 of Wood-- stock Man; Find He Has Insurance Coming LOPEMAN TO BE SUED FOR DEATH OF JOS. CUSKER John io. M TK ie ies Te Ts Pte Pss C Cle Cle ols Pile Pte P Cte e Ee Che Cle Pe P ie Ti P W \€ Bracelet Watches Diamond Rings _ Fancy Stationery Dinner Gongs V ases ' Serving Trays 1e Candle Sticks Silver Ware Clocks | Hand Bags :' And A Thousand Other Articles. ou don't have to bother to wrap a Gift that came from McDonald . We Do That For You. eA LaSALLE Sedan ONLY NNE DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS McDONALD'S _ 3 Jewelry and Gift Shop ie a i'l A superb gift, mounted on a wheelbase of 134 inches . . . powered by the famous Cadillac--built engine, @O--degree, V --type, 8cylinder . . . Gentle to drive . . . Luxurious to ride in . .. Incomparably satisfying to own. Give this great gift this year. Let us help vou mauke it a real surprise. A gift that gives the exclusive Cadillac--LaSalle advantages of the Silent Shift Transmission (even a novice drives noiselessly with this) . . . the greater safety of Duplex Four--Wheel Brakes and Security Plate Glass. Imagine the thrill of such a gift. The thrill to those who reccive it--the even greater thrill to the giver thereof! A beautiful LaSalle Sedan. In front of the door on Christmas A gift that will give pleasure for years to come. 415 South Genesee St. Waukegan 120 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS McCORMICK MOTOR SALES most marvelous of Christmas gz'fts Hello! Kiddies will see you at _ 1:30 o'clock Saturday You must see them PAGE THREE

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