-- ~PAGE TWO The finance committee, headed by Supervisor A. E. Vereoe, of High-- land Park, pointed out that there was every reason to believe that the earnings of the office for the next year would be greater. No ap-- propriation was made, although the corps acted all summer on an emer-- gency fund. Those men who serve with Heck-- inger are William Kelly, Walter Gansberg, John De Smidt, William Klarkowski, and Harry Quandt. This gives the sheriff an active staff of 11 men including himselt. The county highway patrol, con-- sisting of five deputies headed by Supt. George Heckinger, which was threatened with extinction by the board of sgsupervisors for lack of funds 'to provide for the corps, was approved Thursday after the finance committee agreed to allow Sheriff Lawrence Doolittle to operate the pgyce from the earnings of his of-- fice. In the last ten months the sheriff has turned over $6,306.01 to the treasurer as excess earnings. Board Voters to Allow Doo-- little to Maintain Six Men at Office Expense HIGHWAY PATROL + FOR SHERIFE IS GIVEN APPROVAL Telephone 756 We take this opportunity of expressing to our customers and friends our deepest appreciation of the cordial relationship that has existed between us in the past. May it continue indefinitely. Accept our greetings and warmest revcards. ig ta As t ts P Th I5 Po P Pss P P P94 Po, 76 76 PA PG M t P94 P 6 PA o Ao P3 P Pog Ra ROUSE BROS. DAIRY Ve Uniletide Orectthgs' e ol k C C Th Te C U C Hh P T. L. T. Te P T. h. h. T. L. Th Hhe. Th h. h. Mundelein, Ilinois The flu that killed imany a soldier and sailor during the world war has swept into Fort Sheridan and _ a strict quarantine is being maintain-- ed at the army reservation. It was reported this morning that 150 sol-- diers are sick with the disease and orders have gone out to call in all passes. soldiers _ are confined to quarters and no #atherings are per-- mitted at the Fort. None of the cases, the report stated, Are serious. THE INDEPENDENT FOR $150 A YEAR -- DELIVERED AT YOUnR DOOR. NO DELIVERY CHARGE The finance committee, in approv-- ing the hiring of the men, pointed out that it was a step necessary to adequately protect the highways and districts outside of fncorporated cit-- ies and villages. 1 The motor--cops, who receive $175 monthly in salary, will cost about $1250 each month as repairs, gas, and oil, will add another $200. The sheriff is confident that his office will be able to bear the increased expenses. Two turnkeys, Thomas -- Tyrrell and Elmer Hudson, are on the force also. FORT SHERIDAN CAUGHT BY FLU Other regular deputies are the chief Fred Brown, and Edward Dunune, Emmett Hastings and Charles Krue ger. ( |__John K. French, who came to _ Lake county in 1850, and spent the greater part of his life in the vicin-- 'it_v of Antioch, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. T. W. 'E\'anfl, at New Milford, near Rock \ford, December 8. Interment of the body was made in a service held in Antioch Tuesday, Dec. 11. this week on account of being 1i with the fu At their last regular meeting held Thursday, Dec. 13. Antioch Chapter, No. 428, 0. E. S., elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: Worthy Matron, Mrs. Chas. Lux; Worthy Patron, Mrs. S.--_E. Pollock; Associa-- ate Matron, Mrs. Paul Ferris; secre-- tary, Mrs Adolph Pesat; treasurer, Mrs. Evan Kave:; conductress, Mrs. Otto Kla«s: associate condustress, Mrs. Robert Wilton. > L. M. Wetzel was in attendance o0 o o0 o0 o0 o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 o o0 o o o o0 o 0o 0 0 o0 0 0o For the greater part of his life, Mr. French followed the vocation of a carpenter. About 20 years ago he wen® to New Milford to make his home with his sister and he re mained there intil his death. His wife passed away 42 years ago>-- Besides. fhe daughter residing in New Milford he is also survived by a darghter, Mrs. Adeline Meade. attached to the postoffice at Great The deceased, who was 81 years old, came to Antioch with his par-- ents at the age of 13 years. He was one of 14 children and a broth er of James French, noted as a showman and a rifle shot. JOHN K. FRENCH, PIONEER RESIDENT TAKEN BY DEATH Former Resident of Lake County and Brother of Sharpshooter, Dies ANTIOCH _ _Cribb was absent from the Reeves drug store n account of being All station LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1928 Ww In hursday Ret cers fof Worthy Worthy Associa-- laying De( heon 'T hi One hundred and sixty--five more birds were entered this year than last, and Frank Conway, manager of the Hertz Farms at Cary, who was the judge of exhibits, worked twelve hours to complete the work. Jerry Ward, Superentendent of the Blatch-- ford Calf Meal Company. of Wauke-- gan, made -- awards in the pigton classes; Mr. Conway stated that the Antioch show is now the best in t®Me northern section of lHlinois. The ch@ampion pen was a group of White Wyandottes, entered by John Wegge, of Burlington, Wis. . The champion female of the show was a Barred Plymouth Rock, shown by Henry Harms, also of Burl ngton The champion male Was an unus-- ually g oOd Partridge Wyandotte, ex hibited by J. W. VanLear, of Salem, Wisconsin. The award for the best display of water fowl, was made to T.0 A. Huebsch, of Mundelein;II. This dis: nlay was a pa'r of larse Toulouse POULTRY SHOW GREAT SUCCESS The fifth annual exh'#ion of the Antioch--Lake Villa Poultry Associa-- tion, held at the Wetzel Sales room and garage, at Antioch, December 13, 14 and 15, was, without a doubt, the most successful show ever held during the past five years, since the assocation was formed. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Jensen were Milwaukee visitors Tuesday. _ Mrs. W. H. Osmond spent Wednes-- day in Chicago. Vincent Dupre figured im an auto accident which occurred on Grand avenue Wednesday and as a result his new auto was quite badly dam-- aged. bud ah lodge, held in their hall last Fri-- day evening was turned into a birth-- gy party in honor of two of its embers, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cribb, whose birthday anniversaries came that week. The affair was so quietly arranged that (both Mr. and Mrs. Cribb were completely surprised. They were presentea with flowers and other gifts. Two large birthday cakes were servyed at the lunch which followed the meeting. zhorn hen. © Homer EA4wards, Harry Johnson d Norman Barthel, all members of e Agricultural classes at the Anti h H gh School, were the champions M us 1¢ W W 1 ¢ iz } nning the awarde by Bureau h+ 0 rarms, special ss. by n 4 H Club cl () 4* W t} manp.-- We Wentw TA« of T4ke Villa, re ribboh in the pro showing a Whit« a T W M 'lasses Ed gilver lov Lake Coun O A| m The defense held the point to be vital in refuting the consplracy charge. _ The government had charged that Wilcox, principal defendant operat-- ed a still to raise money to pay off the note. Patrick told the jury it was not unusual for Sulltyan to hold larg> notes. -- is Woodstock, II1., Dec. $7.--(AP)= 'I'h? defense claimed a 'minor vic-- tory today in the trial of:seven Mc-- Henry county citizens on @harges ~of conspiracy to violate the prohibition laws, when E. G. Patrick, president of the Marengo National bank, tes-- tiftied that a $7,000 note held by Jo-- seph Sullivan, one of thé defend-- ants, was not against Max Wilcox but against his mother. -- : The deceased is the daughter of Joshua and Margaret Wedge, and was born at Millburn, April 2, 1851. She was murrted in 1873 to J. M. Strang. Mr. and Mrs. Strang moved to California in 1901, seeking a cli-- mafte that would be beneficial to Mrg. Strang's nealth. The deceased is gurvived by her husband, John, and. one brother, George Wedge, of Antioch. and a number of nieces and nephews who live in various parts of Lake county. A telegram was received Tuesday morning by V. H. Strang, 218 8. But-- rick St., Waukegan telling of the passing of his aunt, Mrs. Mary Jane Strang at her nome, 60 Euclid ave-- nue, Pasadena, Calif., after a short illness. [ McHENRY MEN WIN POINT IN COURT & Tt as rumored that one known township men has red. Full particulars ne MRS. STRANG IS TAKEN BY DFATH Dols I of Rij W hek Mr. and Mrs. George Hay Highland Park, were Sunda of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Payi Misses Alice and Helep bach and Margaret Fonk. al nois University, and Marlon Sd .t o LAKE ZURICH o sentative _ aggr school under wh ing. 0 o o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0o 0 0o 0o 0o Furthermore, -- the that _ Hymen Braith who is filling the p« is a freshman who h basketball before an other substitute used also a member-- of In view of the the players on the who come from tt tricts the team is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0o 0o 0o o After a successful start in the basketball season, Ela township high school is now being kept busy in-- forming (the talking fans' that the team wtji(-l' is _ representing _ that school oh the basketball floor has not been "inherited" from the Wau-- conda and Palatine high schools. When the Ela school was opened at Lake Zurich last fall a number of students who had been attending the other two schools already men-- tioned changed their center of learn-- ing to the new institution and it is through --that fact that many fans have come to the conclusion that the Ela team is a combination of Palatine and Wauconda players. "After an investigation -- into the true state of affairs, however, it has been.found that the entire first team is made up of boys who come from the district which is included in the restrictions of Ela. Several Fans Charge That Team Is That of Palatine and Wauconda 1¢ PLAYERS ON TEAM OF ELA TOWNSHIP ~ -- ARE RESIDENTS M Joy 18 S () W M f the fact that none of on the team are those from the other two dis-- eam is entirely a repre-- aggregation of the high r whose namehe is play-- the fact M M ~ the report 'states Braitberg, a forward the position of Josal, who has never played re and that the onl¥ M Grorge Hawkins, of were sunday guests A. L. Payton. sed in any game is of the freshman n next issu« 0 [+ )K Hermat iJ W r well mar Ki i1 ven n dA M $ k. uk Ts Ts Ts Pis Ps is ts ts ids Poas ids Ond es Pis Pis l F5 TELEPHONE 9 he Ray Furniture and Paint Store ut Ap t ----o' YE Jp y$ LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. T « a t Witiht® a 1.