Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Jan 1929, p. 7

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-- _INJURIES PRCYE ~ _ FATAL To VICHs OF AUTO CRASH ile > hB + s y mt p | The annual meeting of the Mill-- o WAUCONDA o burn Mutual Insurance Company will o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o a .b h»!« in the Masonic Hall, Mill-- |\burn, IHlinois, on Saturday, January Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cise and son 12.1929, at 10:30 a m., to hear the of Roseville ate their C ristmas din-- reports of the Company, for the elec-- ner at the home of Mr and Mrs. G. 'tion of officers for the coming year, Case and family. 'and to transact any other business. Mr. and Mrs Willia~» Geary and All members plan to be present. son and Mrs. Ella Corn«='! and Mrs. | J. 8. DENMAN, Secretary Alice Geary and dacsher, spent | Lake Villa, Ill. 1 2t Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cise and sor Oof Roseville ate their C ri<tmas din ner at the home of Mr and Mrs. G Case and family. As they passed down the short in-- cline, a few hundred feet north of the entrance to the Country club' grounds, Schlegel saw a car in front of his skidding about on the' frost covered pavement. He turned his car to the side of the road to| avoid striking the other machine and his own machine skidded and tore through the heavy barrier which skirts the road at that polnt.' : Thown By Impact f When the car hit the fence Schle--' gel was thrown from the front into the back seat of the machine. The car passed down into the creek and ended against an embankment. | Schlegel had started to drive to Racine with Miss Helen Granitzke, of that city, who was also riding in the front seat of the machine. o 0 o0 o0 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o o After fighting death for more than five days, Harry Sohlegel, 36. of 109 Washington St., Waukegan,. who was injured when his automobile skidded off of the paveme~nt and plunged into the creek in front of the Glen Flora Country club zrounds on North Sheridan road, Christmas night, died in the Victory Memorial hospital at noon Sunday. Miss Granitzke emerge| from the ear with only cuts and bruises and was taken to her home. Schlege!, who was part owner of a soft drink parlor on Wa--hington street, was welil known in the city. It is regarded as a singular f'act hat a former partner in business. James Cudahy, also died in the Victory Memorial hospital last fall after he was struck by an automobile. Frost on Pavement The accident in which Schlegel was injured was due to the slippery condition of the pavement on Christ-- mas night. ' x¥ The victim had suffered serious internal injuries and physiciins who attended him on the night o' the ac-- cident expressed doubt that he would survive. Harry Schiege! Dies in the Victory Memorial Hospi-- tal, Sunday Noon After fi noticed & from & # of the & Baker, of" * "agUP Aftor P National Tea 602 North Milwaukee Ave. _ Stores 346 North Milwaukee Ave. YOUR HANDY PANTRIES LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. RAISINS Sauerkraut Ivory Soap Friday SOAP If presented on or before January 15, 1929, will entitle you to The Housewife's Handbook and Al-- manac for 1929. THIS COUPON THE HOUSEWIVE'S HANDBOOK AND ALMANAC. Redeem at Your Nearest National Tea Store _ _ POWDER HAZEL BRAND 3 PACKAGES FOR SILVER CRYSTAL FINE GRANULATED 10 LB. FELS NAPTHA, FAIRBANKS GLYCERINE TAR OR.LAVA HAND SOAP _ 10 BARS FOR 49(: FANCY BLUE ROSE 4 LBS. FOR ALL FLAVORS 3 PACKAGES FOR KARO BLUE LABEL 5 LB. CAN 1.1--2 LB. CAN 36e The people of the community were very much grieved to learn of the death of Dennis Limberry, of Liber-- tyville. His many friends witll surely miss him. _ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and children spent Saturday at the Lee Geary home, in Gilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dehne and son and Udell Grantham attended a sale near Round Lake on Saturday. L. E. Hughes, of Crystal Lake was a caller here on Thursday. Ray Murphy spent a few days of last week in Chicago. Earl Shaffer of McHenry spent a few days here with his grand parents Mr. and Mrs. George Broughton. Mrs. Albert Gossell and baby re-- turned home from the St. Joseph's hospital cat Elgin on Saturday. Dr. C. W. Sowles and family, vis ited at the home of his mother, Mrs Mary Glynch on Wednesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Stroker enter tained friends and relatives Xmas. Mrs. Anna Garvin and daughters spent Christmas in Bedwyn. C. Griswold is very ill with the in fluenza. Mrs. Edwin Moody is spending a few weeks at he home of her parents in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Deinlein at-- tended a show in Waukegan on Xmas Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rudsinsky, of Lake Zurich, visited with relatives here, on Tuesday. M Mrs. George Blackburn returned home from Chicago on Monday eve-- ninng where she had been visiting with relatives. . Ronald and Doris Geary of Gilmer spent Sunday at the home of M--. and Mrs. Harry Grantham Jr. William Geary and mother were in Lake Burich on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Eugene Prior is entertaining her mother and sister from Milwau-- kee over the week end. , Arthur Basely left on Saturday for Whiteé Lake, to spend the ri#t of the winter with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence'Jenks have botA been ill with the influenza. Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dehne and son spent Christmas at the home of rela-- tives in Northbrook. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Larsen and children spent Christmas with rela-- tives and friends in North Chicago. ROCKWOODS 2 LB. CAN Thompson Seedless 3 lbs. for NOTICE OF ANNUAL INSURANCE MEETING 2 LARGE OR 3 SMALL BARS ILLINOIS AMERICAN HOME NO. 3 CAN, 2 CANS Tea Store. IT'S FREE! Get yours today! | Our Gift to Housewives, Farmers, Students and Children: This beautiful interesting. helpful book at your nearest National | The design of "The Chira,go" and 'new stabilizing device . fhich are in-- Icorporated are claimed to make it ;almo.qt fool proof. These features | make it impoesible for the plane to | go into a spin, it is sald, even though the pilot may for some rea:-- | son entirely lose control of his ma-- chine. The plane takes o'f at a lsxwed of 35 ifles and lands at 30 miles. It would land itself, it is | stated, without damage if it did not strike an obstruction. Test plants have been construct: ed under Major Mann's _ direction and thoroughly trted out Maj Mann will senq4 a ceorps of airnlane en'f neers and expert mechanics to Rar The new plane is powered with a Wright J--5 whirlwind motor, devel-- oping 2204 horsep wer, The first planes will be of the open type, car-- rying two and three passengers. Later cabin models will be con: structedJone to sell at about $4,000 and the other priced between$7,.000 and $8.000. Only the higher priced model will have the Wrizht engine Barrington, one of the fastest growing centers in Lake county, and one destined to become an import:-- ant industrial comriuunity, has been selected as the site of another im-- portant industr}, th~ Locomotive Improvement -- Terminal _ company, which will build airplanes. Buildings owned by the concern in the village are now undergoing extensive remodeling and it is stat-- ed by officials of the company that the first airplane will be under construction in the plant early in January and the first made in Lake county airplane will be ready for the trial flight sometime in Febru-- ary. -- LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, PHURSDAY, JANUARY E'M 0o o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O & by létter, giving details as to age, BARRINGTON IS _ lo LAKE ZURICH | o |{XBstnco qualifications ana maly Will Start Building of Planes'gld Early in January It _ |7), * Is Announced | stal 1 ton to Fer'in work on the fir e on Jan. 8. TO BE SITE OF AIRPLANE PLANT in nts have Major Ma . 19c 250 een 57¢ 25¢ 29¢ 25¢ 25¢ ! Lloyd Dowel!l is spending this week ed with &A 'at the home of his sister, Mrs. Geo. tor, devel Schied. at Wauconda. The first| Arthur Watkerow is spending the type, car-- \week with relatives in Chicago. a«ssengers. l Mrs. Esse Fisher spent Wednesday I be con at the home of Mrs. Loretta Sey-- out $4,000 'mour at Wauconda. een«$7,000 | _ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher spent rer priced Christmas afternoon at the William ht engine. lLohman bome in Libertyville. f'finin'l('f'! Eilwood Dowe!ll spent Christmas direction at the Dowell Bros. home. Taj; Mann| Mrs. Molidor entertained mer child-- lane en'toren on Christmas day. . Clerical position for young man with high school education, who has had bookkeeping experience and who can operate typewriter. Apply o o o 0o 0o o o 0o 0o o o 0o o CLASSIFIED ADS o o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0o 0 0o 0o o At one time dramatic critics used t sit on the stage. Nowadays they merely sit on the author, the cast, the scenery and the producer.--Humorist, tondon. I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher spent lSunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (Nick Cherenovitcbh, at Libertyyille. Anthony Johnson has purchased the WaukeganGurnee milk route from W. A. Simpkins, of Libertyville, and started delivering milk Tuesday morning. #« ) -- Henry Branding visited for several \days at the home of his 'son in Chi-- | cago. }OOOOOOOOOOOOOO | _ Roy Ringel spent Christmas at the home of his uncle, Arthur Ringey, at | Wauconda Miss Florenee Flood entertained several of her friends at her home this afternoon at a holiday party. Col. L. B. Bradley, who suffered a serious heart attack on Saturday, is reported as improving. 'The Warren Cemetery association will not have a meeting this week but will meet the third Wednesday in January. * ing on the sick list. Miss Delia Hanson, of Madi=son, vis ited at the home of Mrs. Peter Stadt-- field, over the holida'ys. Mrs. Rose Dunell entertained her daughter, on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wagner speot Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Wagnoer. Rev. Divis and family were enter-- tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dieal on Christmas Day. Rev. and Mrs.: Cowlin_ entertain-- ed in their home Saturday night for the young people of this community who are attending college and are home for the holidays. Miss Esther Fenlon, who has been hbome for the holiday season, left Friday to spend New Years in St Louis and then will resume her teaching in Fayetteville, Ark. Milton Dowell and Miss Beatrice Wilson were Waukegan callers on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloydo Fisher called on Mrs. Cora Dowell on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Converse amnd family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Benwell, Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Fisher and Jay Vasey and daughters, at-- tended the old folks' dance at Ivap: hoe, on Thrusday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Winifred Howard moved yesterday into their new home on Dunbham road. Miss Jeanne Schaffer has been vis iting at the home of her grand par-- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schaffer, this week. Mrs. Deschaner will have a family dinner on New Year's Day. Mrs. Rose Goodluck and Mrs. Lill-- lan Krueger were in Waukegan last Saturday afternoon. Little Dorothy Meyer, who has been visiting at the home of ber grandfather returned to her home on Friday afternoon? _' Mr. and Mrs: William Davis and family, spent Sunday at the L. P. Davis home. Mr. and Mrs. George Schied and daughter and Lloyd and Elwood Dow ell, of Wauconda, spent Sunday eve ning at the Lloyd Fisher home. The Myhon Hughes family of Wau-- kegan are moving int~ the Clarence Shepard house in East Gurnee. _ Mr. and Mrs. William Landover were hosts to Mr. and Mrs. August Lohman and children on New Years day. The Misses Mariart and Charlotte Weaver and Irene Erost visited at the home of Miss Cecelia Murry, at Wauconda, on Sunday. Mrs. Ellis Cowling is able to be out after a two weeks attack of the flu. Mrs. E. Potts is visiting with Mrs Carl Goodluck. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher were Libertyville business callers on Fri-- day. ~Mr. and Mrs. John Molidor spent Monday evening at the Hengy Stadt-- field home in Wauconda. Mrs. Will McClure is reported as improving from hes recent illnese. Mr. and Mrs. John Fink and daugh ter, visited on Sunday at the Sup home in Palatine. * Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Haines left Friday for Porto Rico whére he has been transferred for a two year pe: rlod. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Snetsinger entertained Mrs; Mills and a brother and sisters and their families, at a dinngr, on New Year's Day. Mrs. William Pretzel is entertain ing relatives from Michigan through the holiday season. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George en tertained company from Ghicago, or Sunday. ; The Misses Helen and Lydia Rick-- enbach, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hybeck 3)d Mrs. Rockenbach, attended the . E. 8. installation at Wheeling, on Thursday. Mrs. Rockenbach was in-- stalled at Matron. 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Crawford and little son are all on the gain from fl\ week of sickness with the influenza. 0o o 0o 0o 0 o 0 0o 0 0o 0 0 0o 0o ay PSTABLISHED FARM HAS Stad'1 Sedentary Job Gurnee VOLO reported as b« OLUuSMOBILE 1928 SEDAN. GARFORD 1/ TON AMBULANCE. 1. Body suitable for tool house, caon-- | fectionery stand, etc. H. Kaping, Ingleside. Telephone Fox Lake 174+M. 50 4t WILLYS KNIGHT--1923024, OvERLAND 4 and 6 Cy!. 1925--26 Sedans. 8 Madison St. FPOR SALE--Old fashioned home-- grown buckweat flour, delivered. Bergeron Stock Farm, 2 miles west Of Libertyville on Lake Street Road. Telephone 678--J--2. 44 t DISMANTLING CARS & TRUCKS DODGE COUPE BODY -- 1925 . '27. ... Upho!stering and paint like new..... THESE CARS have some excellent Tires and Batteries. FPOR SALE--Thor washing machine, b r a n d new; _also Hamilton up-- right player plano. Will sell cheap. FARM POR SALE--160 .acres, all tillable; dairy; on concrete high-- way; near town. Owner. Denman McFarlane, Delevan, Wis. 48 6t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE What have you? REDEKER Arlington Heights, I11. Phone 496 Two 6 room houses at Wheeler and Ellis Avenue; lot 100 by 150. Kirst mortgage $3375 each, 44 years to £0, 6% interest. No prepayments. Will take clear lot, or what have you, for equity. J. L. Holmes, 10 S. Ua Salle St., Chicago. 471) it GORDON & HODGES AT WAUKEGAN ' We buy cars and sell the good parts, tires and batteries; _ also install glass. WHY BUY NEw EXPENSIVE PARTS MOR A USED CAR? 8 Madison St., Waukegan. Phone 778 REAL ESTATE--FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE--Used uprigcht piano. Suitable.rgr home, school or church. POULTRY WANTED -- Hens and Waukegan 190. MPApPe 0 Aeditiry infi in AiWicim e iesd anmnd See Paul Ray, Libertyville IIL 51 3t pullets. Heavy breeds only. Call DO YOU NEED PARTS? WAUKEGAN, ILLINO!S GORDON & HODGEs FOR SALE _NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY A STORY IN THREE WORDS Hot Water _--= / Automatically / -- service in your home, -- 1. -- A $2.00 down payment. _ 2. --First payment with your gas -- j bill in March. ; 3. ---- One year to pay balance. "_ ;'Ienty of hot water easily obtained is a necessity for cleanliness -- sanitation -- health. W e« have gas hot water heaters in 'many sizes and prices. Determine today to have real hot water If you install an AUTOMATIC STORAGE GAS WATER HEATER during January, you will be taking advantage of --' For Bath -- Kitchen --Laundry and\ doxens of other daily uses in your home Turn a faucet -- hot water is there instantly. > Phone 778 1 2t Y 3, 1929. FOR RENT--A number of houses and HEAT KING--One of the most de-- pendable, reliable and economical oil burners on the market today. In-- sttd and 'guaranteed by Kaping & Wons, Ingleside, and by the A.B.C. Corporation of Chicago. 50 4t 6% SAFE INVESTMENTS 4 For Sale At LIBERTYVILLE TRUST 4 " SsAVINGS BANK ~ FIRST MORTGAGES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS MONEY TO 1OAN--We have lficon- siderable amount of special finds to loan on improved farm or city property. We invite your inquiry. First National Bank, Libertyvilie, IIl-- bungalows; also a store waukee Ave. Inquire of R. ing. Phone 469. FOR MENT -- All modern 5. room cot-- FOR_Si\Llj}-;'resh eggs, chickens ing stove. Call after 7 p. m. Tel ephone 676--M--1~4 1 2t FOR SALE--Chicken feed, composed of wheat, shelled corn, barley, oats, and buckwheat seed, mixed ready to {eed. Also baled straw. Will de-- liver. Bergeron Stock Farm, 2 miles west of Libertyville, on Lake street road. Phone 678--J--2. -- 44 tt FOR SALE--Larke base burner heat-- and Toulouse geese. Telephone 676--M--1. . 1tf FOR SALE--Holsteins and Guern-- seys. Choice cows and heifers, fresh and springers, with sixty--days retest. Gilskey Bros, Round Lake, Illinois. 52 tt FOR RENTING, REAL ESTATE, MO:TGAGE LOANS, PROPERTY MAN/ 3EMENT GENERAL INSURANCE, sURETY BONDS, SERVICE, 8EE . c BATH Miscellaneous FOR RENT RE ° LTOR--INSUROR "posite Electr'c tation Phones#469 and 269 Telephone 16 Wt oi ies 00p ... * Catepeaiies Mil-- 1 if Zion Building Industry Combination Doors GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Measurement taken and Hardware Furnished T A X I RAY M. YOUNG, Commander Phone 221.W 613 N. First St. PHONE 30€ FOR RENT--Flat 4 rooms and bath. FOR RENT--Flat 6 rooms and bath. $45 per month. 808 N. Mil. Ave. H. 8. Schrader, 77 W. Washington St., Chicago. Dearborn 8578. 51tf SNOW'S $30 per month. 808 N. Mil. Ave. H. 8. Schrader, 77 W. Washington 6t., Chicago. Dearborn 8578. 51 tf American Legion Office In First Nationai Bank Bid EACH MONTH AT TOWN HALL LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!IS RAVYV M YOIING Cammsanda»r Libertyville Post tage. Call Lake Forest 1740 after 6E o'clock p. m. 50 3t Storm Sash and on all gas appliances. During January Only! $7.00 "Phone Zion 500" Balance in 12 equal monthly payments. down LAUNDRY FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 1.L15 GURNEE, ILL LYELL H. MORRIS Room 22, Public Service Bidg Telephone 310 LIBERTYVILLE DR. O. E. SIMPSON Other times by Appointment. Telephone 214 MUNDELEIN ATTORN EY --AT--LAW LUCE BsUILDiN@ Res. Phone 97 Oflice Phone 18 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIMOLS * AUCTIONEER DENTIST Over State Bank of Mundelein Hours: 9 a. m. to 12 -- 1:30 to 5 p. m. ATTORN EY --A T --LAW Office at home on W. Cook Ave Telephone 188) LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOCIS Zion Building Industry Phone Zion 500N ESTIMATES FURNISHED FREE ____ WORK GUaARANTEED Colds, Bilious It is the See Me Before Listing Your Sale DR. J. L. TAYLOR Dr. C. H. BETZER elepho~e 6 DR. S. J. DAVIS Wm. A. Chandler GENERAL Leaky Basements E. W. COLBY a t e rpr o o f e d D E N T ! 8 T Office® Room Public Service Bui most speedy reméedy known a Prescription for 666 Grippe, Flu, Fever and DENTIST m 26 ERTYYILLE ZION, ILL. ding

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