af) | Resolution. WB --~ OFFICE I Phone M22 s T a us o ue o ce s eS s Sss 6 guse D. LJUST TO REMIND YOUI DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR _ Decide to E join our _ _ __---- Christmas /.\\/; \ _ _'Club ,§\{/\ ) To Day Cly ; + 7 &(o Py Sz Home of WATERSEAL Roofing ASK FOR INFORMA TION AND SsPECIFICA-- TIONS FREE WITHOUT OBLIGATION Yard Phone 415 A. NAGEL, Manager. Residence Phone 165.J YARDS: 123 EAST COOK AVE. LIBERTYVILLE, JLLINOIS LIBERTYVILLE CEMENT WORKS Lake County National Bank Libertyville, III. _ Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 QUALITY CONCRETE BLOCKS FOR RB"TTER HOMES mesol ved. . Cpat ] will Merr) Christmas next 12°2" by becomindg 4 _ Christmas Club Member. TILES MADE IN ANY COLOR AND IN ANY QUANTITY Libertyyville Cub. The affair will be of all day duration, commencing at 9:30 in the morning. The Highland Park Women's Club will be hosts to the Federation of Clubs of the Tenth District, at a meeting to be held in Highland Park on Tuesday, January 8. Mesdames James Weart and John Rouse and Miss Hazel Butler will represent the AUDITORIU M Mr. and Mrs. Felix Elfering, of Grayslake, are the parents of a baby girl,' born Friday night at the Con:-- dell Memorial hospital. Foulds first basketball team has been considerably bolstered for the North Shore League playing by the addition of "Gibbs" Hendee and Ed Harris, former high school stars, to the roster. . A. E. Johnson, teacher and coach at the high school, submitted to a major operation at Condell Memor-- ial hospital Sunday. Dr. C. R. Gallo-- way has charge of the case. Condell Memorial hospital Wednes day of this week. Mrs. Marie Jerems, Libertyville, submitted to a minor operation at Mr. and Mrs. J. Bristow, of 1146 Elmwaod Ave., Evanston, are the parents of a baby boy, born at Con-- dell Memorial hospital at 9:35 Mon-- day morning. The first batch of 1928 Illinois automobile license plates arrtved in Libertyville Thursday morning. The new plates are black numerals on a red background. Mrs. Emma & nerskt, who suffer ed a h art attack Thursday morn Ing, is reported improving. Mrs. Mary * itousek, who has b en visiting her son, James, re-- turned to her home in Chicago Wed-- nesday. Mrs. Lew Flagg entertained the Ladies' 500 club Thursday. Mrs. George Decker won the prize for highest score, and Mrs. Lyle Smith the consolr c1a. Coffee and dough: nuts were served. Flora Jane Matousch, who has been ill with pneumonia, is conva-- lescing. Dewey Sumerski iw enjoying a week's vacetion from his duties at the Imperial Brass works in Chi-- cago.-- + Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Beman enter-- | tained Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Leiter, | Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Leiter and Miss Florence Leiter, relatives of Mrs. . Beman over the Christmas holi-- days. | Miss Frances Kilroy of Mundelein was the guest of Miss Marion Wal: lace Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Ward is on the sick list. » Charles Kaiser, who has been i11, with the influenza, is able to be about again. & Mrs. Ralph Mulholland sick lis. E FOOCCO OR CHqmeILID! MODRRIC OM CDIPC PVCAT MPCL George Disney, who was taken to teams in special doubles. the Eliza' th ndell hospital Dec. | 25 suffering from pneumonia, is re-- | The funeral of George Giffney who ported as doing as well as can be glropped dead while seeking work at expected. '(the new high school building last 'Thursday morning, was held from Mrs. Lew Fagg entertained the St. Joseph's church last Monday Ladies' 500 club Thursday. Mrs morning at 9:30 o'clock. Burial was George Decker won the prize fOf in Ascension cemetery, northeast of highest score, and Mrs. Lyle Smith Libertyville A son of the dead man the consolsr c1. Coffee and dough: arrived in Libertyville from Newark, nuts were served. New Jersey, and made arrangements VianlAs o Alumke nc ai¥kedr a2l.2 @0 !()r lht' funer'l' % Mrs. John Snyder Jr were Waukegan visitors ----A180-- WALTER PETERSON, W. L. S. RADIO STAR IN PERSON. The Argentine! Rocking with the fury of riding demons across the blazing pampas. A spectacular romance of love and thrills. A Adventure -- Battlies and Romance RALPH INCE and ESTELLE TAYLOR, in 66 * * 99 Singapore Mutiny A pair of lovable youngsters'in a tingling, romatic melodrama of back stage. Breezy bits of bright light beauty. Georgeous giris and gayety. . "The Charge of The Gauchos" Sunday and Monday January 6 and 7 NANCY CARROLL and RICHARD ARLEN, in 'Manhattan Cocktail' LIBERTYVILLE Saturday, January 5 Local and Personal Thursday and Friday January 10 and 11 JANET GAYNOR and GEORGE O'BRIEN, in --Also-- BUSTER BROWN COMEDY JACQUELINE LOGAN and FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN, in Tuesday. and Wednesday January 8 and 9 Admission 25¢ and 50c --Also-- Comedy and Oddity. "SUNRISE" --Also-- Review and Fables. uASRTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1929 and son Thursdey. is on the Gallo | _ An inquest into the death of Geo. \ Giffney, who dropped dead at the [high school Thursday, was held at ' 1146 the Ray undertaking rooms at 7:30 the Friday night. The finding of the cor-- t Con-- oner's jury was that the man had Mon-- «died of heart trouble. A part of Liberty Lake will be transformed into a huge ice skating rink, for the use of the people of the village, if plans now being made by the Libertyville--Mundelein Chamber of Commerce carry thru. A special committee has discussed all phases of the work needed to transform a part of the lake into a skating rink. Another meeting is scheduled for to-- niglst (Thursday), and it is expected that the final plans will be worked out and the word given to commence operations at once. The lake with its high banks shutting off the wind, will make an ideal skating place, if the ice can be gotten in shape. Little work wilt be entailed in making con-- ditions ideal for skating. The snow will have to be scraped off and as the weather is cold enough the old ice could be flooded. Not all the lake will be made into a rink There is a small bay on the west bank, co-- ering about three acres, that will, in all probabilities, be utilized. This part of the lake is also nearest the village? | _A reported world's champion ladies bowling team will arrive in Liberty-- ville next Sunday to engage in some special matches at 3 and 7 p. m. Sunday at the, Libertyville Recrea-- |tion Center.. They will probably be ' pitted against some of the local men teams in special doubles. The Foulds Milling crack basket: ball five will officially open the play-- ing of the North Shore League in Libertyville next Tuesday night, Jan. 8, at the high school auditorium., when they meet the fast quintet from Fort Sheridan. These two teams have been rivals for a number of years. ~Victories and defeats are about even between the two teams, and the fur will fly when they hook up next Tuesday night. Foulds Fishting Five will match themselves against a strong team from Lake Villa, and Lake Bluff and the Foulds Wildcats will tangle in preliminary battles. The&first game will start at 7 o'cock. 2 Singing Indian love songs in her own language and dre€sed in the costume of her tribe, a Chinpewa Indian maiden held her audience en-- tranced, when ahe appeared before the members of the Women's Club, at their weekly meeting in St. Law-- rence's Parish House, on Wednesday afternoon. Accompanying the Indian girl, was Mr. Fred Leighton, of the Indian Trading Post, in Chicago, who has made a study of Indian life. He displayed a gorgeous exhibit of In-- dian handicra{ft, consisting of Indian jewelry, bead work, baskets, pottery, blankets and robes. The meeting was gorgeou®sly colorful with the Indian girl and the exhibit of Indian wares, holding the spectators and audience girl and th holding th« spellbound. William _ Wihigam, Libertyville's spry nonagenarian, will not spend the winter months living in his home on McKinley Ave. Saturday he will go. to Chicago to make his home for the next few months with his daugh-- ter, Mrs. Harold Biepy, of 225 Le-- Claire avenue. Mrs. W. B. V. Ames, Mrs. Clara White and Marion Jones left Friday for their winter home in Chandler, Arizona. _ They were accompanied by Mrs. Ames' father, Dr. Thomas L. Gilmer, of Chicago. The party drove through in Mrs. Ames' new Buick, going by way of New Orleans. Walter Englebrecht and Sylvan Duba were at work today( Thurs-- day), taking' down the Christmas trees which so eleganty dressed up the business district during the holi-- days. The brackets which were pur-- chased to fasten the trees to the light posts, will be stored away for nse again next year. Machines driven by William Wal-- rond and Leverett Hawk, both of Lib-- ertyville, collided on North Milwau-- m awvenuye, on Wednesday, without ous injury to either of the ma-- chines, or their occupants. Fred Enderlin has bought the Edward McDonald proverty, front-- ing 67 feet on East Cook avenue, with a depth of 100 feet. The con-- sideration is reported $4,000. W. M. Huffman was broker in the deal. The Alberti Jewellers, just back | Beginning Jan. 13. we will hold a from a tour of the United States, week's meetings with a new preach-- have met and defeated some of the er speaking every night. Come out best men bowlers in the country. and enjoy these special meetings in-- They will bowl five of the best men tended to stimulate our spiritual bowlers in this community at three life. o'clock, Sunday, Jan. 6, at Liberty-- | y ville Recreation Center, and in the: FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL evening at 7 o'clock:--there will be a | John E. DeLong, Pastor _ special mixed doubles. No chkarge| "Calm Judements With Christ" is for admission. . |the subject for Sunday morning. This lis in the series on "Poise With Singing Indian love songs in her Christ." The time is 11 o'clock. Mrs. W. E. Carlton, of Carthage, Illinois, is in Libertyville, to visit for a few weeks with her son, Clif-- ford Carlton, and family.' McDonald's Commercial School 311 Park Avenue New Classes Forming in January COMMERCIAL COURSES Individual Instruction Positions Secured for Graduates TELEPHONE 130 en, Michigan, has been moved to the new factory in Libertyville. The officials who will have charge of the factory haye arrived and have taken their places at the new plant, super-- intending the placing of equipment and m:u-hitrry. An office force 'has been engagéd and workers in the fac-- tory have been employed or brought along from the old plant, so flm& in a duy or two when everything is squared anround and settled, Atten-- tion will be directed to the operation im' teh plant for the manufacture of its products. " | _J. J. Bennet, who has conducted a small grocery in Libertyyville for the past several months, has sold his stock, and on Monday departed for the less severe climate of Cali-- fornia. _ Mr. Bennet, who formerly [ was part owner of what is now the tllanlou & Kennedy grocery store, 'opened his place of business in the basement _ below the Libertyville [Electric Shop last September, Short-- \ly before Christmas Mr. Bennett locked the door to his store and left for a week's visit with his son in '.\fichigan. During his absence the »lace was entered by thieves, 'who carried away considerable of | the sgtock. No one was apprehended, and because of Bennet being away, and his quick departure for the west. the value of the goods stolen could not be ascertained. [-- & SERVICES OF THF ' LOCAL CHURCHES | _ Ploneers meet at 3. Tuxis meets {at 6:30. Tovic, "Shall We Send Out |Missionaries." 1 With the new year there was ush-- ered. into Libertyvyille a new indus-- try. Word from the Michael George pen factory on east Church street, reveals that all material and equin-- ment of the old plant at South Hay-- The younger girls' club meets on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Ewing at the parish house. } The older girls' club meets: with Miss Hulf in the parish hall Tues-- day evening at 7 o'clock. ; Beginning Jan. 13. we will hold a week's meetings with a new preach-- er speaking every night. Come out and enjoy these special meetings in-- tended to stimulate our spiritual life. Evening subject at 7:30. '"Three of the Greatest Texts." These gpply to our life in three different ways. We are asking one Aundred to attend the evening service at least once in each month. That would make at least twenty--five at each service, and the evening service would be a fair success. | The Epworth League meets at 6:30, The church school board will hold its regular monthly meeting at the parsonage Monday evening from ® to 9 o'clock. . The fire apparatus was drivien to the old fair grounds, in the north-- east part of the village, wheré it was thought the fire was located. Finding all quiet there the crew and engine returned to the village hall, and the chief was told that a build-- ing was burning on a dog fatm, a short distance east of Half Day. Four of the firemen made the run to Half Day, and upon arrival there found that flames had consumed a small barn on the Lemm property. Because the structure was small, the loss is almost negligible. The Church shool meets Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Classes for all ages. -- The younger boys' club meets on Monday evenings at 7. o'clock in the parish house. The Younger Girls' club meets on Tuesday afternoon at 7 o'clock in the patish house. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor Eunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11. The pas-- tor will speak on "Blotting Out Our Own Sins." 000C ST. LAWRENCE'S EPISCOPAL Rev. E. P. Baker, Pastor Holy Communion Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. Holy Communion with special New Year's sermon at 11 o'clock. Preach-- ing by the pastor. The older boys' club meets in the parish house Thursday evenicg at 7. ST. JOBHPH'S CATHOLIC Rev. M. J. Nealis, Pastor Firs! Mass at 6:30 a. m.; Second Masas at 8 a. m.; Third Masse at 9 &. m; Fourth Mass at 10 a. m. Choir rehearsal Friday evening at 7.30 at the church. . The public is cordially invited to the services of this church. Fire of unknown origin completely destroyed a small barn on the prop-- erty of William Lemm, on Rofite 22, a quarter of a mile east of Half Day early Monday morning. Word was sent to Libertyville, but because of a misunderstanding in a telephone con-- versation, the fire was thought to be in the village. The shrieking of the fire whistle in the dead of night awoke many Libertyville people from their slumbers, wondering what it was all about. ® Small Barn At Half Day Burns to Ground CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Auditorium Theatre. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Church Services at 10:45 a. m. The subject for the Christian Sc ce service for this week, is "*Good | COPELAND | MANOR _ B. H. Miller G. C. Gridley P}\ones 57 lf\d 93 BUY AND BUILD READ THE INDEPONDENT CLASS ADS. YOU ARE SURE TO FIND sOMETHING YOU HAVE BEEN 1OOKING FOR, SAVYE WITH SAFETY Jewelry and Gift Shop. TheHome of Gifts ThatAre Differen t. © Heirloom Plate Libertyville's Scenic Subdivision SUPER CREAM To those who really want to enjoy the wintry out--of--doors and yvet desire to retain love-- ly, soft. white skin, we recom-- mend daily applications of LEMON COCQOA BUTTER LOTION and SKIN CREAM. emon and cocoa btutter com bined make the best possible skin treatment to-- restore vitality ta the tissues. Use them frequently. You may secure both the lotion and the skin cream at Decker & Neville Phone 55, LIBERTYVILLE Lotion and Cream 50 cents each The America's Finest --' Tableware. McDonald's glrom Gencration to Generation ind cocoa but First National Bank AND the destination is Full Pockets when the next Chistmas shopping season rolls 'round. The ticket is 25¢ a week to $10 a week or any amount you prefer, and the fare is refunded with three per cent interest at the end of the ride. -- Come on ------ sprint for it ---- you can still make the train with the golden rails if you hurry. The depot is at the corner of Milwau-- kee Avenue and School Street, under the big ¥Chime clock. \ p}lones 45 PV 2 Store * : 4 _ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS d 167 Om Your NapP)® DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. j INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR _ CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB SPECIAL There is pleasure in knowixl you have the best. There is satisfaction in know»-- ing that B--T Radio will cost you less in the end--it can't help giving you greater enjoy» ment in the meantime. 5remerTul! FRANK H. EGER has set a new styie in radio design,--'it has features found in no other itadio. +. LIBERTYVILLE MODEL 7--71 TELEPHONE 17 PADDIO i c18 wWITH show you C