Since the new calendar -- would have to be introduced in a year that starts on Sunday, and a« 1393 is the closest such 'year, it would be desirable to have the new plan adopted by then, but falling that, Col. Bullis said, proponents of the Cotsworth calendar would be de-- lighted to have it adopted in 1939. "We do not expect," he declared, "that the general public will ever become wildly enthusiastic over the plan. Much objection will be raised for sentimental reasons, especially as to changing the date of Christ-- mas, but the only really serious aifficulty we have encountered is with three religious groups the Seventh Day Adventists, Seventh Day Baptists and the Jews, whose religion is based on the observance every seven days of a day of rest. There will be but two Fridays which fall on the thirteenth of the month to bring dread to the super-- stitioous this year. Thes» two days will come in September and Decem-- ber--so they are too far away for one to worry about them at this time. The year of 1928 had four such days. The calendar will disappointment for t man, however, for no close he escans the cale find no holidays that f Saturday or Monday w tie up to Sunday for a eation which is advants plans a trip. Washingts however, will fall on school children a three The additional month would con sist of the residue of the present months of thirty and thirty--one days, and would be inserted between June and July. This would make 264 days in all The extra day would be placed at the end of each year,. would have no week day name, and would be celebrated as Year day. The extra day now occurring in each leap year would likewise have no name»e, and woutd be placed be-- tween June 28 and the first day of the new month. FRIDAY, THE 13TH, APPEARS BUT TWICE DURING THIS YEAR Nevertheless the thir calendar movement is interest and apparentl!» supporters. Of the 185 plans for reforming the calenday submitted to the league of nations committee, that propos-- ed by Moses Cotsworth, an English-- man, is congidered the most logical, Lieut. Col. Bullis said. This plan provides for thirteen months _ of twenty--eight days each. The first of every month would always fall in Sunday and the last on Satur-- day, making four complete weeks in each, month. Saturday or Monday which he can tie up to Sunday for a rtwo day va-- cation which is advantaze--ous if one plans a trip. Washington's birthday, however, will fall on Friday giving school children a three day holiday Things would be somewhat diff-- erent, however, if the thirteenth month calendar was in force. We would then be looking forward to a Friday the 13th for every month in the year, a fact that might keep the superstitious busy a«s to what was going to happen to them. But There Would Be 13 Fridays If We Had 13 Month -- Calendar NA --say those who have seen the The Outstanding Chev-- rolet of Chevrolet History has now bee!lnscen and inspected by millions of people in every section of America--and every-- where it has been en-- thusiastically hailed' as exceedingall expectations. Evervone anticipated that Chevrolet would produce a remarkable automobile --but no one expected such a sensational six-- cylinder motor . . . such delightful handling ease me in and See these Sensational New Cars--Now on Display . . such marvelous com-- The Sport Cabriclet The Secdan Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History --a Six in the price range of the four / eyond all Expectations +595 ©'675 +695 ©'5725 t rt 'Phone 202 n 4LaAT Libertyville Garage _ Luce & Earl, Proprietors it n _ month wing in 3 many n som» working T he ©5 0 5 he will her on he can C O A C H Michigan FRANZEN L MBER Fillis | ... 2 222 F. Wilkening _ 1 W. Johnson css M G. Krumrey 22e Olsen 1" MOUNT PROSPEC'T G Giel .020 _ 166 H. Haas ... .. 165 H. Noll _ _ 176 F. Mohling ... 212 W. Back .0 0. 180 HIGHLAND PARK vs. FRANZEN LUMBER CO Sunday, Jan. 6 HIGHLANTD PARK M _ 937 MOUNT PROSPECT "Many people have told me, 'I don't like to have my birthday changed.' I suppose many of you were surprised, on visiting 76{:1( Vernon ,to read in the family/Bible that George Washington was born on 'ye eleventh day of February.' In 1752 the Gregorian calendar was adopted, and George Washington's birthday, in that change, wase movy-- ed back to February 22, when we celebrate it. Yet he managed to struggle through life all right. "As a matter of fact, Christmas was originally proposed by the ear ly Christlians to be celebrated in September, but the etvic authoritles effected a compromise with them be cause of the harvest time, and set the date in December. "Observing Thanksgtving en Thur«day is merety a matter of precedent and of presidential pro-- clamation. In Canada Thanksgiving has been celebrated on a Monday in October for many years "Forty--five years ago there wer eight different times of davy in use argued and wideliy believed _ fTh1] nothing could be done to egiminat the confusion caused by this in on large cities. Yet in 1884, through th efforts of Sir Sanford Fleming an others, President Haves called a international ttme -- conference i Washington. and after two week 'standard _ time' was adopted an put into use throughout the ctvilize world. "It has been a boon to humanity because it was a practical chancze The proposed calendar simplifica tion would also be -- a practical enhange. It sion woul years, and for that I¢ double cal serious ODsfacile. "The many advantas throughout the bustness lfgious, and scientific v change to the new cal« counteract many ttmes venience and difficulties the date t "Obseryv| Thur«day precedent clamation. has been in October venilence d two years in Chicago fort . . . such luxuriouns Fisher bodies . . . and a fuel--economy of better than 20 miles to the gal-- lon! And no one believed that it would be possible to produce such a car in the price range of the four! If you have not already made a personal inspec-- tion of the new Chevrolet, we urge you to do so at your earliest convenience. We are now displaying these beautiful new models--and we cordially invite you to call. _ Picchetti Caroni Gueri _ Gueri Turralli I r Feonomical Traonsportation Sedan Delivery Canvertible Landau ... ged calendar | also be i ts admftted 1 resault for & it woutd be 'nsth of time endar. But | stacle. Light Delivery % Chassi# ... ... LIBERTYVILLE BEARS Sunday, Jan. 6 wirh Cat lebrated on a M for many years. years ago there nt times of day ind at that time widely _ believed d be done to o-}il ¥-- advantages . realiz« e bustness, social, r scientific worldse by be done to o-}iml caused by this in et in 1884, through Sanford Fleming :.*' 725 eclivery 3595 941 945 basse 343 186 157 194 18 N s®i® U 917 1 th 161 186 183 183 *h 10 156 189 211 650 there ndar woul« the incon of the im plifica-- practical at confu-- couple of necessary o have a §1° WAlK s 190 16 184 181 166 W t §11 h98 591 513 560 AN* 531 in Ir Wells ' Pester Hubbe | Beman ' TEAM NO. 3-- :'Me'yer C e |R. Titus ll-'lnstad prveGevsuniee 'l.nwll (ay) ... iHutchinson _ ---- Ives Smit 'TEAM NO 1 J. Porteous (C E. Krause H. Henning J. Madden ... uray Betzer Colby Conner Weart Krumrey TEAM NO. 1-- H. 'Titus ...:..:~ Triggs . Nicholas J Moeller { L Lusk _ J. Bietzel . W. Wheeler TEAM NO. 6-- Stang s es Peterson . TEAM NO. 53 Waterhouse Wright (ay) .. HRay (ay) ..--~: Jones . Avlsworth (ay) Team Standngs, Eng of 11th Week Team No. Won Lost 6: ... s¥reveresrernerseracaresreeres. | (g h 9 1 Llllnl on remancve s esvaveestavcececece 48 -- 15 Total... TEAM NO. 4-- F. Tulley (C) . J. Kruckman A. Jeppe . TEAM NO. 3-- W. Fendick (C) HU. Clark crreres E Hubbard -- Total TEAM NO. 2-- "In appearance, perform-- ance and mechanical nicety the new Chevrolet Six pre-- sents actual values far be-- yond its price range." BR Read what these lead-- ing automobile editors said after seeing and riding in the new Chevrolet Six -- *'*St Louis motordom is tremendously enthused over the new -- Chevrolet Six. Personally I have never seen the public so interested in a new car. The factory should be congratulated an the truly monumental en-- ginecring feat it has accomplished." "Aside from beauty in body lines and attractiveness in finish, the astounding fea-- ture of the new Chevrdlet Six is 'its powerful and flerible motor.. Onre will have to go far to equal the high performance of this new Chevrolet in general road and traffic use."' --Leon J . Pinkspn San Francisco Chronicle triumph for volume pro-- duction. The car at its price is one of the greatest achievements ever recorded in the automobile industry. Its beauty is a treat; its riding comfort a new delight and its performance a real sensation." 1 iA --Robert Henry Hall St, Louis Post--Dispatch ast y or NEWS OF THE PIN HITTERS TEAM NO. 2-- TEAM NO. 4-- Libertyville Club _ | Commercial League Total Total Dad's League (ay) --Hazen Conklin New York World --Ray Pricst Detro:t Times a V LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929. 131 162 108 148 163 166 134 159 168 184 96 138 143 141 149 18 a T 561 569 543 1673 )« () uary 4 is a 809 162 141 190 164 93 123 159 149 130 160 196 598 )4 141 166 162 147 137 513 160 113 135 135 138 149 161 91 114 117 113 146 114 122 16 () 1697 1673 1692 502 486 396 443 485 495 435 445 456 438 329 503 485 318 396 48% 389 503 411 447 414 16 15 16 f Total iTEAM NO. 3 \J. Borst M omcs !C. Royd _ UTrewe Kiemer SCHNAEBELE REALTORS-- Swan (sub) .......170 170 170 Titus 186 189 213 schnaebele _ .._....1460 157 (144 Wright _ _ 159 195 150 Suydam ............149 179 210 Weiskot O. Muhlke BORST COAL Borst .......s.. Waters . . Atkinson _ Dougherty Murcke 474 439 4 TEAM NO. 1--SHAVETAILS Borst | ..._...uulul2222.1450 155 1 Delacey ... 163 136 1 Névible L101 146 1 D. Porteous Sstoizmann _ Sloan ° Jackson ¢ _ R Total TEAM NO. 4-- H Dasher Buck Privates Sergeants ... Shavetails ... Doughboys .. Corpordls ... Leathernecks 429 513 422 1371 TEAM NO. 3--LEATHERNECKS Gotti _...111 166 146 423 Kennedy .._.__...142% 157 110 409 Sub c.._.2.2222222168 163 163 489 TEAM NO. 5s--DOUGHBOYS Gruenwald .......116 172 1 McKitrick ... 132 132 1 Muhlke ....._203 223 1 One of the greatest goods for a child is that he shall grow up in a house with books. A circulating l-- MERLE'S EXIDE Total... TEAM NO. &$-- . Weirich . W Franzen . W. Johnson . W Sta TEAM NO. 2--CORPORALS Kaping ... 90 171 _ Nutt ... ...._.1 88 160 Firnbach 222222 2110 182 house with books. A circulating l-- brary in the same street will} never take the place of books in the home. ~--Kate Douglas Wiggin. * 880 851 L.oERTYVILLE GARAGE HARTMAN HOUSE * 817 REE MOTOR SALES-- Lesley (sub) .. 177 1 Wehrenb'g (sub) 168 1 Duffvx (sub) 22159 1 TEAM NO. 6-- H. Luill A. Winkler . Peterson Carison Kennedy Facker ... Kennedy TEAM NO. 2 R. Waters ROUSE BROS. DAIRY TEAM NO. 1-- R. Smith TEAM NO. 4--SERGEANTS D. Porteous T. Jack--on To go to law is for two persons to kindle a fire at their own cost to warm others and singe them-- gselves to eIlnders.--Owen Foltham. a m am am a m am am M Luce Krumrey Moeller American Legion ~umber Number Number Total Books and the Child Keep Out of. Court Total .\umver Number Number ota 0) TEAM STANDINGS Monday Night City League Team Standings Monday Night 810 849 915 168 182 409 437 180 165 198 182 167 188 161 166 16 160 803 416 486 419 141 127 173 441 176 173 176 519 474 439 457 1310 AVETAILS 1450 1550 142 442 163 136 173 4172 10 UM) C 933 890 181 169 164 160 144 193 165 195 196 167 133 139 168 190 139 199 135 182 110 140 189 )EH 566 110 103 196 148 497 169 06 Won Lost 218 12 Won Lost 165 151 243 192 169 169 887 §39 205 212 194 467 168 144 191 193 158 140 119 163 152 164 545 234 197 183 183 186 181 186 184 184 199 187 198 185 6114 104 132 156 183 466 1 151 180 a() 180 567 () 14 14 11 11 11 16 11 2687 1313 510 588 447 504 538 507 533 5OR 516 560 513 548 590 530 506 5713 399 549 392 396 46 410 441 594 206 216 167 491 401 417 293 445 184 197 199 580 186 162 518 394 198 145 721 606 148 591 113 86 13 13 16 16 16 14 16 19 N) 0 Mrs. Julia DeMuth, member of a family long prominent and highly respected in Watukegan in -- earler years died in Los Angeles, Cal., ac-- cording to word received by rela-- tives in Waukegan. The deceased was John DeMuth who about 22 years ago: known in the comm years. she is survived by two children, Warren E. and Helen DeMuth, both of Los Angeles; also one sister, Mrs. T. E. Gray of Waukegan. She was a sister to William Polmateer and Jennie Campbell both of Waukegan and both of whom are deceased. Punerga! services _ were hHeeud u Los Angeles with interment to be made in Inglewood park cemetery. MRS. JOHN DEMUTH PASSES AWAY IN CALIFORNIA HOME flu Early Thursday morning at the home of his eldest daughter, Mrs. Daniel Longman at Frevor, Wis., occurred the death of Mr. John Dru-- ry of Antioch. Mr. Drtury, who was about 75 years of age, bad been ill with heart and kidney trouble for the past'three months, and had been at the bome of his daughter 'llw greater part of the time. The great-- er pact of his life was spent in the villazge of Anttoch and for many years his bhome was on Orchard street where he lived until fafling health compelled him to go to his daughter's home The deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Danie}l Longman of Trevor, Wis.; and Mrs,'Chas. Holmes of Philadel-- Mrsg. Harry Merry who spent sey-- eral days at the home of heér bro-- ther, W F. Ziegler, returned to her bomeée in Decatur, ind., Tuesday. Mr. and Mre. A. W. Bock -- are among those wha are ill with the Well Known Former Resident of Waukegan Dies in Los Angeles, California: Ed Garrett is spending a part of | Mr is week at Beloit, Wis., where hvlda,v is3 called to--attend the funeral of J Antioch Loh Ghad w was the wife of who -- pa'ssed _ away ago. He -- was well ommunity for many wife of sed _ away was well CADILLAC ntok Mn h message to the Cadillac Owners of this Community:-- will surpass itself with improved service El zation, we are authorized to outline to you the plans for a broader and more comprehensive service for 1929 It is our belief, based on many reports from Cadillac and La Salle owners, that this new national service, as carried out during the past year, has met with universal approval. During the coming year, as in the past, you will be able to obtain a uniform service wherever you may tour, on business or pleasure. Prices are the same at all points. Service that is free here under the Cadillac--La Salle National Service Policy is free at all Cadillac--LaSalle Service Stations. Promptness, economy, thoroughness --these characteristics of good inspection and repair work are to become as nearly 100% as human minds and hands can contrive. For it is our purpose, and the purpose of every other Cadillac-- LaSalle representative, to keep owners not only satisfied but enthusiastic. And the 1929 service program will be a deter-- mining factor in obtaining this result. & _--Jas. Caple is quite ill at the Wau-- | ke gan hospital. « s j Mr. and Mre. J1 M. Wetzel en-- ltr'rt'alnnd a nAnumber of friends at a New Year's party Monday even phia, Pa., several grandchildren and great grandchildren. The funeral servicese were held at the Antioch M..E. church Saturday afternoon at two o'clock with burial in the An-- gola cemetery at Lake Villa, where his wife was buried several years ago. s s an illness fromIwhich he never covered, and m(i't of the time s the close of th¢ war he hae s at a veterans' h@spital, He is sur ed by bive brothers jand three ters. He was Thid to ;rest in Hillside cemetefty in Antioch full miliatry hopors. The Antioch, grade school .o ed Wednesday morning after holiday vacation. The Hiszh gcl The funeral offDE. Shannon was held at the S'm!fmon home at Chan-- nel Lake, 'I';u»s:(#ay. During the war he enlisted in ythe -- marines -- and while in the <£-\'it-n he contracted he enlis while in an illnes covered, the clos Waukegan. I!1., January 3. 1929 Lyell H. Morris, Attorney No. 62. January 10 Miss-- Boden who «spent the roli-- days with her parents in Ohio, has returned to her work in Antioch. Mrs. Christengé Harrison in quite i1 at her home on Lake street. Miss Margaret Drom returned t her school duties at BHardolph, T. the first of the week. been tioch ti0¢n réeturne( va, I!I1., this Miss -- Boden days with her returned to h Mrs. Christ Mr. and Mrs: Ingalls of Kenos were entertained at the home Mr.: and Mrs. Harry Radtke Tu Ing Miss ues t ADJUDICATION NOTICE ry vacation open Mond s . Florence ¥1 PART of the national Cadillac--La Salle service organt 415 South Genesee St. ng her " 1029 the war he hase spent '.':.r'.'_";"!'l," s' hé@spital, He is survil1 'tdy by Fisher brothers ;and three sis--| + a Mhid to .rest In the| netefy in Antioch wit ts Pirst National Bank 'of Libertyvile. Tilinois. Adreinistrator. 11. January 3. 1929 McCORMICK MOTOR SALES to M 1¢ h Genesece St. Waukegan 120 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS «_ of Kenosha the home of nd three rest In Antioch ther w io ieagponmtt oap uy rmng oopy oc rromiuatianRC i1 :: . :h *) >3 yom on oo m c c im ol O ol lperrein l Uieinnit dn Td t w cigits n oo .open-- after the #»h «chonl W in in Ludlow Motor Company of Libertyville Dan E. Winn, Manager, 608 North Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville, III. that All America is Acclaiming The New Oakland All--American Six is win-- ning the praise of all America, It is enjoying the admiration caused by its new beauty. And those familiar with its mechanical quality marvel at such fine car features as an accurately balanced "line of drive" . . . dynamically _ balanced, _ counter--weighted crankshaft . . . exclusive patented rubber cushioned engine mounting . . . dirt--and-- weather--p;soof internal--expanding four-- wheei brakes . . . Small wonder that a car so wonderfully constructed . . . so brilliantly sl_\lml se should be "inning Amcrjca'l accliaim. Prices f!i4S to $117%, f.0. b. factory, plus delivery charges. Loveioy lHydralic ~norck Absorhers and spring covers included in list prices. biumpers and rear fender guards extrs. Check OQakland delivers d prices=they i cluds lowest handling char gos. General Motors lime Payment Pian available st minimum retae A1r--AmrFrrCcan PS ols h.ifi -.!n.! PAGE THREE & 8