Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 31 Jan 1929, p. 11

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Poor Thing'. l He will hie to the hen To keep himself em I And hide hie heed under his whim: Poor Thing. ' tt is entirely unleceunry for .he Wind to be from the north to turn- his this value and Luke County with now. We have ten getting it for the put three week- from every direction and it poor Robin has gone to the barn to keep him- self worn the chenoee ere donors to doughnuts when the burn la thaw- ed out. Mr. Robin will be found troz. en to" death. We are now entering upon our fifth week ot weather that would drive an ordinary Individual to drink provided he could get it. And the forecast for today (Tuesday) is much colder, with mow. This seems to a fellow up I tree, and an icy one " that here is an excellent chance tor a reduction in the expen- ditures of the Government. Why nut do away with the Weather Bureau '3 All we not in now and then moral snow. So what's the use of keep- H in: up such an expensive toy. It in don't get us anywhere anyhow. hm w fact our Village folk have been prmu (wally housed tor the put twenty of days or more. With the "dawning le and roadways covered with three m- Fl rhea of ice and the i'h'e"r'm%i7ti'r'slk tttlil in the vicinity ot tho zero mark. we had a snow storm that lasted 311' _ ot Sunday Mternoon and evetiltllr.i, h: making conditions much worse than they were before. True we had sun- shine all day Monday. but ew'n with that unexpected pleasure H wan mm nnough to Irene the nose or.'t ot a brass monkey. There never 1m; better weather tor "ating or ski hikes than that me haw prugnmricator of the Wea. ther bureau 'H "iUtine up. Tttta Four) people are in their glory and are Pnjnking ovary moment. tio r'w The North Wind doth blow, And we shalt have now, And what will poor robtn do then n' ,, _ {.7 '."w _ "A ". Aw Lake Bluff CHICAGO'S COMMERCE WOULD PAY FOR THE PANAMA A CANAL IN 1 1 DAYS! "Imam. Chieaeo (adds: the City of Change and the tutu", within l" .A'TA' 'fi; Ct" .x'tf a _ " ,7 I At" "/A"t i U") "/ l sunk, cos r, All this was one hun- dred years ago. Who, at that time, could have forecast that fh,ttit by 1929, would be e world's fourth largest city with commerce averaging a billion dol- lars every month? & li5iiiiiMi E HUNDRED YEARS irlllllllt \ ago, in 1828, what is now the Jllilillinl business center of Chicago tiMNll was fenced in as a pasture. Six years later a well was sunk, costing $95.50, that constituted the town's water works. The total tax levy that year was $48.90. --""'-"-"" In 1330 our popula- tion was less than 100. Building the Panama Canal cost the United Sums Government 375 million dollars. It would require only eleven ta for the pro- oeedsol hicago's com- meme to pay this entire met! Our twelve billion dollarrearly busi- neewould payiorthiny-two such projects! Based upon latest United States Census Bureau surveys. the value of manufactures in 'Metropolitan f,ht',tif,..1We1 approxi- mated five billion do st the value of wholesale sales reached nearly another five billion [1926]; and the value of retail sales exceeded two billion [19261. only thing for the older poopi- to do in to exercise patience. They hove to rennin indoors. while this wonther in" nnd when tho great thaw comes no coach will, ther will hue to remain indoor; then. Got us coming and going. But "on with these weather handicaps we still rennin the crenm in the "or. fee. J. D. DOYLE. Paul Barker. of 501 Scranton ovo- nua. treasurer of the villue. has ptlrr'hasmd a lot In the new south tutttdivitsiort,of Lake Bluff and will erect 1 home there early in the spring. On account of the slippery con- dition of the sldewnlks and roads in the village for the past week or ten days. the nttendnnco of the tarlous bridge and luncheon club- has beén very limited. Those who own can are keeping them In the garage these days and tho-o unfor- tunate enough not to be owners of motors are just compelled to May at home. . No. 11 of a Series on 'Met'ropolitan Chicqgo Harry J. Karch and Wife. M3 Hirsch court. have purchased low in the new south subdivision and will build in the early spring. Mr, and Men. Richard E. Crawford of .316 Prospect avenue 3nd family left on Monday tor Dayton. Beach. Fla, Wilt-f8 they will remain until The card party given by the [Ate Bluff Women's club on Tuesday att- ernoon at the village hall vs: . success and quite a good sized sum was rained tor the philanthropy W as tund April. Mrs. Matt Parlbunt of 611 Proa- pert Menus and her three children haxo gune to her former home near Annhtnn. All. where they will re- main tor the next Ill vain. Th" Wenttttinqter guild of the Un. iuu church. will meet on Thumb". Jan. , M. in the church Parlors. Lunchton will be named It I o'- 'lnrk. Arranzenwms tor the Brt- nual rummage tN" will be made at this meeting. Miss Rum Mrcombe. 530 Prospect awmw. mmvminm a number of In-r ("PIHLA " murhmm and bridg- --a1ttr+ urlty Matvotratmt Chic-0 Msetery teeaaerorrtee1ry,3t,t?ttet?ge'" WfiVWuJuh--Qwéwza'flaahw". Lu aatlttrrities Mid fifteen all" -latitm in Mksrtrolétan (It. saith c tifitdast ruuamout-mMstaitettpr'eaetet-0mV bud form. Adds- FIRMS-Illa WmowaUmmM72W.Ad¢mSLMd¢muflhunfldbpumm Ith Mrcombe. 530 Prospect mmvminm a number of [L4 at mmhmm and bridg- PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY or NORTHERN ILLINOIS s,yrineEursesty4maGaatofpoo_sqt-tilesittdadiaetits MutmtrtgitasiAseaiuuutidtctiia- is -tag. Growth in Value of Metropolitan $tl1l.l"rPftret"r TMRA " "ii-viii/ill,,!., gééégé on Thursday ntternoon orletit"t? "the any friends of In" Anita Barnes, daughter of Mr. and in. w. 0. Runes of 420 Sum" BWe- nv. will be glad to learn {but the has recovered from her injuries re- ceived on tho toboggnn "dt"""" three weeks ago. " Mn. Homer Kutnup of 306 Cen- ter Henna, vu received into tol~ lovship with the Grace M. E. church on Sunday. Jan. 27. .rid uid, Bluff Piuers' club are making proparutlonq for presenting the excellent comedy of "Pigs" try I out that will make it snnppy. Miss Mug" Tucker " supervising the rehearsals. playing the imprv- tant part ot Grmdma Spencer. All ut the young people who take part In the show are well it, their 1mm and It Is bound to be a anecess. No definite date has been fixed tor the JelilrrGan/e but about the middle of Fobruury u genenlly thought to be the but time. - On Sundny tftmoon the tobog- aun slide at the toot of Center ne- nuo was crowded with people young and old, enjoying the lnvlguratinx spurt. Th" proper thing now Is to have a ulclghln; or tobouan party or I hike on nu- ma then return lo the home of your hose" for I dioliclotvt dtnm-r or frttpper Pro'. Arthur H. East of 206 Tr idalo tvvnue. gun a large paru n the tllde followed by in nyu'm- prom! u hm lwuldence, mg The J. M. Novella of 339 Scranton LIBERTY IrTTmF, TNItiir?fiEl?f.1lC1', THURSDAY. Twelve billion dollars a year! That is eight times as great as the total capitali- zation of all the national banks in the United States! A billion every month! No other industrial center has ever wn solargeinsoshortaliietimeastiaotof MAropolitan Chicago. t a , There are very definite . I MI z reasonsforthis remark- , ' g t: m able f.grti-g'j',"'Ty' I "' " supp ied largely by . M' .. e", nature before man ever 1: 'iiiii,'iiiii tttt industry. And lastly there follow the important natural watemaya. which have been augmented by the great railway sys- tems that logically have centered here. Who in Civil War days could have visioned the Metropolitan Chicago of today? And who, today, can vision the Metropolitan Chicago of, twentrfive, ten or eveirfive years Uencel venue. were host: to 1 number or friends It dinner on Friday evening. Mrs. Charles Richards at 244 Pros- pect venue. ll encoding a few weeks In Watertown. Wir. vuiting her slat". - 'mer, Wright of 23t Scranton ave- nue has rvturned trom Florida. only to find the Hunt. ice bound and snow bound, somewhat different from when he has boon tor the last month, The wedding of Miss Marjorie Da- vies of Highland Park and Norman Appletcn of Berna and Lake Bluff iook plum on Saturday afternoon. Jan. M, at the realdence of mu Da- vies in the presence of the immedi- ate families; The young couple iett on a short honeymoon and upon their return Mil live in Hubbards Wood until their new home in Lake Bluff i4 completed. It certainly seemed like old times returned Int sunday in the Union church ,whon their colebnted quir- tet. Mrs. Paul Spruxu'e. soprano. Mrs. Helen SD". Levin. contrnlto, Paul Spnxue. tenor, and Mr. ertz of \Vtuhogtn, bum, were in the choir nulls. " I: unnecessary to state that the three anthems they gave were sung porteetlr--ttrtst goes without nylnz~lnd the urge con- "union present werept that unin- ion alto. _ Vernon Rosenthal, son of Frank Rosenthal ot the village, and u nu- dent at the sum university of illi- noh not with a 'norious accident int week. H0 in I varsity candidate for the "new! mun 3nd on the first dny ot practice in the gym broke his thumb, which will keep him bui- 1y hid up for about t month. Dur- In; vacation he plays Ihort Held tur the Lula Bluff team. The "ncinst clan for youngster- mocfd every Sunni" afternoon in the village hall. Mrs. W, E. mum." of 625 Cem tor n'enue entetulnod I largo party at luncheon. followed by bridge, on Wednesday nth-moon. The Geirrre Duvldsons of Enum- ton, former resident: of the ville. ontertained a large company of h 50 to " nil" of thi Chicago Citb Iran. ;' First there is our cen- tral location in what has become the world's wealthiest nation.Next there comethe soil and climate that have made this section the richest, agriculturally, within that nation. Thenthereamourvast resources of coal, iron and other minerals so vital to the welfare of to a number of their, [AkeEBlun friends at dinner Friday evening. on Saturday ovtniryr. . The "coin! of the lemurs: given undul- the Enuspices ot the Parent Touche" absociation of Lake Bluff will in given in the school auditor- ium " 3 o'clock. J'ttrs subject will be "The inning ot the Nursery School." _, The"; Ignores are given by mem- her: ot t/'d, "at! of the 1l1inoitrim memo to 5 Juvenile research on child psychology. They have prove" very Instruct!" and notwithstand- ing tho hdrrlble weather are very well attendbd. The Mnher Pairing company' of Fhlcago. have tnkenuover the Lake Bluff meat market, " Scranton ave- nue. formerly known as Warren Miller: market. _ It will be conducted as a cash and carry market where (complete line of fresh. salt and smoked meats and also thinned poultry will always There wins no school Friday account ot'the cold and blizzard Mr. um Mrs. Gordon Bonner en- tertained qt dinner Sunday in hon- or of heritather's. J. H. Runner's birthday at their home. W, M. Bquner in able to be out at present waiting. having been nick with iim flu. Their son, Roy Bou- ner. is sick with it now. Mrs. Nellie Balm of Grayslake vlclnity "te Sunday with her piq- ter, Mrs. lurence Bonner. . Mrs. Joanie Cashmore's sister, Florence Qullagher, formerly of this vicinity, died in Denver. Colo. She leaves a Mubnnd and two children to mourn hex-loll. 77H W. tulle? spent the weekend) at home on account of the icy roads.', Mr. Fuller remains in Waukegan. i Swami trom thin vicinity attend- ed an entertainment at Antioch high Ichool sum-day. Every wonun while quarrel!" with her hmband ttlttt a little about the number pf gentlemen who pro- posotf to Jter l s"tr,. she met Mm. JANUARY 3 L I929 'Millbufn Fo-inim Wonk-cu school Friday on z Piece Solid Mahogany $ 5 0 Frame Suite . . . 98. Whimll iiiijhgBIatc's GREATEST FEBRUARY Furniture Sale Rugs Smari? As sméri as a new Paris nah gut underneath the? new smarthess isle *rust of en irresistible engine, ine slamina of a sieely chassis fhai fakes the years-aero takes ihe hills . ' . in its stride, Smart, well, rafherl But in its engineering integrity, the same old, game old HUPMOBILE. THE CENYUIY EIGHT . ".25 " $2625 Standard and Cash'. Alt pricoo Lo. b. factory. Equip-0M . . . ("in "on Shudud . . . 51h. FtllliCE MOTOR SALES Read the Libertyville Independent "PHONE s You can save money at Lake County': Largest and Most Reliable Store If you want to save on: Living Room Outfit here is your chance. Full and frame. top and bottom. Choice of many Linen Frieze and Mold-Color Jabqurd Covers. All cushions have reversible figured sides. Come tomorrow for this "In. Amman It "y "ttac. " TTii6ir' 1lr,ii' Manure tion, Woven Fibre (ix8 Bird's Femery V Neponset Rugs . 379 Choice of R e m n v able 1.;qu ar,ieei (i Patterns Remov able galvanized _i'rxitt pan. All 4 his braced.' Choice of Ian, green or brown. 325 North Milwaukee Avenue V KENT RADIO Tho largest producer of Radios in the worm is in back (if you. 5 'r 1 yours COB. A beautiful consrcle rabi- net Ili'h Mode-l 10 At- vmxvr-Ken! 312900 Il:tdio at . _ 'lriL/t Model 40 is Only s77 4-95 g: 51!"; uBERTYViLLE, ILL. ms 4'. POCKET CARRIER - Choice of Red. Green. Black and Gold or Walnut ' Oldest CASE & CARRY PAGE THREE $2.69 h1jLE Ranges L:

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