"ihot? in l Dn Ross. ' "013;? . : d lit, m Me with walls and w. He "Crowded against the side ot a w by " unruly horse. John War "In, 45, employed as a farm hand Q the tum operated by his broth- C. Tony. three miles north of Wau- Qndt. wu Men to Waukegnn Sat- - by Dr. J. A. Ross for hospital mallow. t Pr. Ross declared that a fracture d the tteltie' bone resulted when no - horse plunged his weight Irr/ the man as he was walling of the an". The force of the - plunge, throwing the man "ptrset the henv_ walls ot the stall. and the bo 'e. Worloski's con- n is very Venous. according to m Ron. 7,, -___ The accident occurred at than: tt Friday diemoon as Wor- ' wu attempting to quiet the We which had been kicking at the wall. cud whinging about in 'th w. He had taken the born by the hand and apparently quieted it. mu he was walking out of the ' the animal resumed its plung- Ia'md czught the man on the aids. oroloski crumpled to the 'tttor chute lull and was unable to (at .Tonr, the owner of the m. gonad to be in the barn a tho and dragged his brother from under the heels o tthe wild bout. Nubia to get out himself, Wm!" H; ould surely have been buttered death try the horse's hoof: had his brother pulled him to M "use. or uttering a false check tMt brought the arrest of Charles X. nrnhull. or Libertyville, several ha 910. were dropped In"! In unty court on the order of the o attorney. Lack ot evidence, not states attorneys nld d theietion. Marshall recently waractttsitted in circuit court on a my ot neon and burnlnz to de . 'l hue been completely vttt- muted." he declared n discussing A may tornado of underworld thrill. PATHS REVIEW-AND FABLES Glorious dare of romance In 'tuw uan aristocracy. Fearful nights of terror in the dive: of Paris with Billie Dove, In Sunday and Monday - Feb. 3rd. and 4th. hn Womloski Suffers Frac- Llre of Pelvis When Thrown Against the Stall in Barn The roman" of a mald and I monarch. frturday, Feb. 2nd. All BRUSHES " IN 1nllilihin BARN CHARLIE OHAPLIN COHIDV *LIGHTNING i SPEED" ty Tues. and Wed. Feb. Sth and 6th "ADORATllON" "FORBIDDEN HOU RS" Thurs. and Fri. Feb. 7th and 8th H. C. WINTER COMEDY ARTHUR LAKE and LOUISE DRESSER In RAMON NOVARRO and RENE ADOREE In "THE AIR CIRCUS" BOB STEELE FErr_tyTri?) or THF I LOCAL CHURCHES PRBSBYTERIAN CHURCH Ree, Guy Ea Smock. Putor Sunday school at 9:45. The tenet- ings of youth'never completely lame us. . , ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC Rev. M. J. Noam, Pastor F'tret In. at 6230 n. m.; Secom! him at ' .. IL; Third Mu. u I a. m; Fourth Mus. m, 10 n. m. Sunday Morning wprship " 11. The ser- mon subject will be "Valuing the Eternal." Good music and a vied- come to nil. _ _ -- at -"Ti17rGiiiirii. cordiuly invited to the service. of this church. ll CWMN SCIENCE Anatomi- have. Sunday Seine] a 9:80 B. In. Church Sonics. at 10:46 I. n The at" for the Christian Sci- ence service for this week is Lovb. FIRST muoms'r IPISCOPAL John lit Detox. Puwr "Who ts Your New?" ls the sub- Joct for Suds: morning at li. This will be . aet%ee tor the Junior Da- partmont at the Sunday school All the close. of the Junior Dept. will attend. The went: of the" Junior! He also asked to be present. "Mo is Your New?" " be drummed and than will be t dnmtluuo of s hymn. and a pro-caution ot the At l o'clock e trevel lecture en Washington City will be given with Stereopdoon, oiceuree try one who hu treveled there. They ere e very fine net of pictures giving historic plecee and pm events. "worth Lennie " 8:30. Sundey School et 9:45. At 4 o'clock on Februery 10 there will be e memorial service for Lie coin entitled. "Lights of Memory for "main." The American Legion, the Auxiliary and the Daughters ot the G. A. R. wil lettend and mount the flags. There wil be a specie! netting tor the service and special music. On the (Welling of Feb. " Presi- dent G. Bromly Oxnem ot Depeuw University, will speak in this church et at great rally ot the sub-district of the bworth League. A banquet will be served for about 300, and you are asked to make reservetione in advance The lecture will be given in the, auditorium of the church we: the banquet. There will to no charge tor the lecture. ad :11 In invted. It ' expected that 5H0 will attend the lecture. TE; iiiiiurifr" School' Board will meet at the parsonage Monday ere- ning'at 8 o'eloetr. ST JOHNS LUTHERAN Sunday School at 9:30 a. m, German service, with th" I Supper at 1030 a. m. , Lockport. Ill STRIEIJ. Mllliiil, It INJURED IN FALL Consume George Stried. had, ot States Attorney A. V. Smith": sponge mud. wu Idle over the week ond due to an Injury he re. ceivod when he slipped on the ice It the courthouse and hurt " leg. At first It was thought that the leg v" brain. HOLD 2 IN THEFT (lf AUTOMOBILE Eats Sauerkraut Now, Feels Years Younger "Now I Ph even sauerkraut and treal" t; feel tine. Adleran end- ed stoma gas and I feel 10 yea! your-sr."---). M. Davis. ST. LAWRENCE'S EPISCOPAL Rev. E. P. Baker, Pastor Holy Communion Sundny morning 8 o'clock. Holy Cmnnlon and sermon is o'ctocir. Preaching by the pastor. The church school meets n l" 3311325 It 3 p. m. run: It 6:30 i" P. s, Nbruary 5th Ladies's. Aid February 7th [lord " room house, well and ci-urn.' DW windmill Ind supply mt. house iii , 'nicely surrounded by fruit and ttr,' ger gin timber. 160 gem and" M "tale of cultivation with In buck L and '3 soil. Mum he." timber. tum in send. tilqdy- "need and mu Ioncod. 2 '/il"r'iii'it'i'iei houses. wood been all " nso. milk house. double corn crib A 20:31. but 301120 with count. "lltttt noon sad individqu drinking cups. v.11. too-Hot "ire and to cattle.) lower Attte tNacaH MMM, also" and utter In". ink-on and 20:50. no" t. No ail buildup-jun concrete tloom .ml gulf Ilk'm Bttid " $t00 w (tr'""""""""""'"""""-"" 'h _ t _ i? _ ' it (t if _ , . . _ _ it " _ \' ' -__._1 Wm" -"T" - . V r 'rossooose-sssoosirsso-oo""o"o""o' 'In FOR RnNT---'hrp 1151;} hopaekeep- " TOR RENT-A qumbgr of houses Ind l-'OR RNA-Sworn turptshed apart . iarGriih an" and ' room. nished house with gauge. In I deleln. Phone 557-J. FLAT POR RENT~Four rooms and bath. at 633 M, Ptrat St., Liberty- ville, Ill. Joe Bond.' ' tf 'UI. .w-v - -- ____V - bungalows; also . store on Mir waukee Ave. Inquire ot R. G. Kam lug. Phone 469. 1 tt FOR RENT-Mat 4 room. and bath $30 per some). 808 N. Mil. Ave H, B. Sounder. " W. Wuhlnnoa Bt., Cttiengrt. Durban 3573. 61 tt FOR RENT-rut 6 rooms and bath. $46 W with. '" N. Mit. Ave H. B. Bohrader, " W. Washington Bt., China). Durham 8578. an: ik"I$iiiiir7Crii"r" untried nun position no cueukor ot stunner home or farm; 20 you: embrace. Funk Rumor, R l Antioch, Ill. ' 4t WHO WANTS A GOOD SWEATER? Never worn; too large tor owner: Alto M: made of pure wool, with large collar: will sell wry cheap Call at Independent orree " FOR SALE Six Choice Farms 5 Our Want Ad Section is notml for the quick results it b'rings. It you V "an: to buy ovsellanythintr: it you want to rent or exchange, or it tt you hm d help, Utit' this low cost method of making your wants known. li RATES:-Fivg Cents per line for each Insertion, Minimum charge il . 25c. " Insertion tor 01.00 " V I: , l V FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: it If you are hated in the elephone directory. Just call Libertyville No. 1 li um gm: your ali. by phone. A bill will be mailed later. if UL,',oLu.auL,oos-sss-sss-ss-sssssssil, FOR RENT Iron sxLE--thofee dressed hogs, 150 to' 300 pounds; Mammoth r. J. STAHL lk. COMPANY w up: farm within 1 mile of ,uate highway. good hard road, T room house. poultry house. milk house, good m-ll, corn crib. barn auth ample room for l horses. " cattle. Fun: ls mostly all under hum state cultim'mn aud n known as one of the beat firms in the viola- ity at "25.00 per acre, terms can be arranged. Vl'l'l. "nu.- . _""'""" Inc-m haulfmextilt. shtded andufrui': rung} for 15 horse: and 9H man cm- reeS. pou ry unse. goo We 1!) tle, 4 (this, and all trt.her build") a milk houso, new silo nnd praetica1trineotted in operating a farm of this new barn with turnout floors nndlsize. Both of these homes are in concrete walls, ample room for 5 wonderful netting! surrounded by borsw" and 13 cattle. 31'") per ncro, mammoth made! and fruit iron. has 1-3 cash. bal. ttr" tttttrt) " 6%. 'nli black mil under high state cur 120 acres located on auto huts. tiratiorts owing to the fact that this my. good 7 room house with hard. mm has been heavily mocked tor n whoa tloorts, tum bent. well antrnurutrrr of years. tiled. fenced and cistern. house numunded by nhndo cross fenced, owned by non resident and fruit treeu. , car "use. milk and being "critleed It 8100 00 per tturp2udtrur"ltli, 'ttgg."',',,,',',',",,': 13 cash, bat, 5 years n 0% en a n o . interest. . for 6 horses. 20 cattle, 110' Biltt, oth-) The phone farms no being altered " tallyi'g- 'tttnf/lt te, 2t through out Antioch one. u "" if: within l mile: of 'l'lu'l U,h'd fielder) Opportunity tor investment owned by aged "'0'. - he Ioldzi You know nnd so do we these mm! slut) per acre Id' cash in) _5 "tine positively being ucrificed when with no JGaa. ' . void at $100 pen-m. " can, bai- 200 urea located on unto high- nnce tr "at" wny. owned trr'potvreaidont. 'ii'iiiil ' -.. _= -.-.-.. a. .m I... - lain than 105 not!!! located on Mate high-' way. owned by notrrvsident. must be mid. good 7 room house with co ment basement. shade and fruit trees. poultry house. good vellJud milk house, new silo ttttd pnctictlly: new barn with cement noortt and, in; E33115. 750 -N. igilwaukee Ave. 5 2t . LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. JANUARYmsg..."fL?..,t Close Range of Antioch FDTSALE WANTED me Men ht 'ed. Liberty 3.35332 T. J. 8tahlrtk Co. 129131. Antiesec" Phone (Y 6tt fur, 239 urea. good 10 room noun with cement human ad "ot" walls. 2 screened porch". nicely 3111de by pine. music and fruit tron. drilled well, windmill. milk I house. barn No. 1 36x72, ample room ',Pr 7 hora". 20 cattle. Barn No. t 30:60. , implement sheds. i-tUM {and 13x30. 2 corn cribs. Krariary "L16. poultry hour. located on Hume road and adjacent to Standard 'schnnl Iti0 urn-s under high state cultivation, balance pas-(um, virgin tlntbrr This farm is tiled, fenced tttnd no" (word. must be seen to be avproctated. positiwly being mid on n.-mum of old age at $10000 per it, rp inrnm 150 to' 300 pounds; Mammoth Bronze Turkey from and hens: White Holland Tom; pure bred Barred Rock eoekerela; Rouen drakea; ear and shelled com; chick- porch swing. 82.00; Simmons val. nut hush bed and songs. $7.60: dark oak dresser. M.00; oak tstand, $1.00: blue bed room mm, 819. $6.00; kitch- en table, 82.00: Edison phonograph tad 30 records. $10.00. Coil at my time. C. P. McDonough, 138 Mreht Luke street. 6 1t an scratch feed, mixed ready to feed, $2.25 mar hundred pounds, delivered; Bergeron Stock Farm. Lake Street. 2 miles wear ot Libertyville. Tele- hum-:1) TO BELL AT oNcB--oat phone 67 84-2 POR fgALW-Oid "ahioned home- grown twelve-t nour. delivered. Berxeron Stock Penn. t mile. west ot L'trertrvilts on Lute Street Road. Telephone 0784-2. 44 tf POR 'irifalkeTiiun feet. opmpoaoa of wheat. shelled earn. barter, mu. Ind buckwheat seed. mind read! to tered. Also we: straw. Will - liver. Bergman suck Parm , Elk. Volt ot "Myrna. on but. street road. Phone 6784-2. " tt and Toulouse 8761-1. FOR sALEy--Hotstarit" Ind Guani- Ien Choice con tad hone". fresh and "sriturerCirittt tiny-dun retest. Gilukoy Bron. Round Latte, Illinois. " tf " , CAP! INVEITIENT'B ' ' Foe "I. At LrOERTYVILLI YRUIT A "VINO. BANK FIRST MORTGAGES AND CPICIAL' ASSESSMENT IONDO FOR; S al'rc- (arm; Mo urn urm Muted on state highway. rinse rantN u! Town in clodlnq 2 comlee sets buildines consisting of I--' mum houue and 1- in room house. , good buns with wmnnt ttoorB. concrete "ails and in- dividual drinking cups with Ample mum fur 15 horse. and 90 head cat. tle, 4 silos, and alt bttwr buildings headed in operating I farm of this size Both of the" homes are in wonderful lettings surrounded by mammoth shade and fruit mu. bu an binrk soil under high state cul- tivatioru owing to the tact that this tum bu been heavily stocked tor a number of years. tiled. fenced tad emu fenced, owned by non resident Ind being "critieed It $100.00 per acre. 13 cash. bat. 5 years n " interest. . hm u they all - tk du- pllonhd "iini"au ttrio" tad um, " To: ("that infat- uation sar-- , at: out. cNCkON' geese. """,r/ I IO room hon" IF YOU WANT TO RENT OR SELL your property, list it with Fred H. Smith, Realtor. 604 N. Milwaukee Ave. Phone 275. 5 " MONEY TO LOAN-we have a con Arlington Heights. Ill "double "noun! of apoeial fund: to loan on improved farm or city property We invite your inquiry Hm National Barth, Libertyville. ill ATTENTION, WOODMEN! If your January dues are not paid on or before Jan. Mst, you are in suspension, as my report'goea to the head clerk Feb. lat. and on the first day of each month thereafter. A. B. DOUGHBRTY. Clerk. an1I APPRECIATION We will: our friends to know how greatly we appreciate their "pres. son.- or sympathy and the beautiful t1owerg sent to help us bear our aor- row st the Ion ot our little Junior. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Pruner And Buddy. POR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE What have rout REDEKER "_, 1.: Friday and Saturday, Meat Sales -, / _' ' February lst. and 2nd., 1929 PALACE CASH MARKET Miscellaneous Where We Have Only The Highest Quality Meats. At Lowest Prices m----------------------------" OFFER THE FOLLOWING-------- Quality considered, we believe thisto be one of the GREATEE SALES EVER OFFERED to you. Where else can you buy Pal these low prices? Regardless of theUmount that you purchase, please you. YOU MUST BE SATISFIED. So be particular ar WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU! _ V .. LAKE il Mc ' RQLTHS Steak 35 c lb. ROLLED ROAST RSRET Mc lb. _" iiR"iv"ii/rt1lct,' 2 LB8. NR Telephone VEAL 3Lys H i,')i),Airill'iEi'. 25c ll, CALVES LIVER; '.S.WEET'§AREADS, CALVES BRAINS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND or BEEF KETTLE RENOERED PRIME 180 Phone 496 HERE IS A REAL SALE Hospital Auxiliary Officers are Elected Misn'Mary T. Reuse was re-elected president of the Woman's Auxiliary of Cnndrll Memorial hospital at a meeting held Tuesday afternoons Miss Reuse ttats9een at the head of the Auxiliary since ite formation in July of lar:t your. _ T The othpr of(lcors'elpctvd at the morning Tuesday "NOW: View pr'"fr idem, Mrs. Samuel lnsull, Jr.: secre- tary Mrs. Martin Casey; treasurer, Mrs. P. A. Hudson, '. Women appointed to tho chairman. ship of committees were: Member. ship, Mrs, Al Jothun; Ways and Moane. Mrs G. S Ingraham: Fruit and Vegetablistt, Mrs. Earl Corie": Publicity, Mrs. J. L. Taylor: Library, Mrs. J. T. Mitchpll, and Social, Mrs. J. B. Morse Membership in the Auxiliary I: open to any woman,_and the {en la one dollar a year, Tho organization includes on its list three life mem- bershlps. Chas Coulthard, a farmer residpnt ot Zion, passed away in Peoria. at" cording to word remind here Mom day. A.daugt}ter Mrs. B. L. Robin. son, lives in Zion. V F on 606 N. MILWAUKEE AVE., LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Year after year Our Hut of "tssfred Customm increases and there's a reason. Everybody desire. the Highest Quality In Heat's, but when besid'ea the Palace Cash Markets can the Ben Quality Meats be purchased at prices lower than I. asked elsewhere for ordinary Quality. BUYING POWER AND LARGE QUICK TURNOVER TOGETHER WITH BEST QUALITY Fw),.-,',,'-" Large Savings For Our Thousand. of Customers. _ COME TO THE PALACE WHOLE or HALF IT IS NATURAL Honry Nordmeyer passed away on i Saturday evening, Jan. 19, at 7:80,' after a short illness. He Was born, in Hectsen Castle, Germany. April M, 1845. Ho came to this country at the age ot 14 years and settled at Fremont. He enlisted in the civil' war for three 'years at Waukegan, at I the age of 18 years. As a mumbrr or', Co. F, 39th Illinois infantry, he wa: sent to Virginia and fought in four- tom heavy battlivs. A ivw yours nttm the war he was married to Miss Sophia Seip. To this union were born 17 children. t-Four died in infancy: one son, Wil. Pam, died at the age of 36, eighteen years ago Tho others are all llv'n". as follows: Henry, Prank and Fred, of Wauconda; Charles, of Fremont: Walter, of Grayalakn; Ervin of Bar. ringion: Carrie Lohmann, of moor- tyvllle: Minnie Lohmann, of Barring- ton; Nettie Loitus. of HainPsVille: Emma Wewetzer. of Barrington; Louise Grubnuu, of Lake Zurich; Matilda Kuhlmann. of Harrington. Besiden the (lowly sort-owing chil- dren, he is survived by one sister. Mrs. Charles Homouth, and twen- ty-cix grandchildren and two great- grandchildren, as well us a host of SIRLOflCJT|VSETEAK 35c lb. -- the GREATEST MONEY-SAVING n you buy Palace Quality Meats at t you purchase, it is our aim always to Mt narticular and come to the Palace. OBITUARY 3835:: 51c lb. tt ROLLED ROAST BACON 22c PORK LOINS ii"iiiiiir, 32lc lb. other relatives and friends. His wife passed away eight years age, Dec. 7,1920. i 7 __ J Funeral services were held at the house at 1:30 and at the Lutheran church. on Wednesday, Jan. 23. In- terment was at Evergreen teHmet'ury in Barrington. WHOLE OR HALF 'Nephews carried tho flowers which were many and beautiful. The W. R. C. attended the funeral in a body and the Daughters of the G. A. n of Libertyville sent flowers. A firing squad from Fort SherfdAn actod as pall bearers and had charge at the grave, where a saluxe was fired and taps sounded. A beautiful father, so royal and true, we will always think of you: you will never be forgotten, in our minds; to every one you were so good and kind; the beautiful mem- ory you left behind. --AContributed Myron Hughes. p05 Wauconda. suffered tho two ribs last Friday when he slipped on the two ribs last Friday afternoon. when he slipped on the icy walk m from of the post office and fell to the sidewalk. He was able to get up and make his way to the offices of Dr. J. A. Ross. Hughes is con, tined to hits bed today, but will be up again in a few days. SUGAR CURED HIGHEST QUALITY AT REASONABLE LEAN MEATS PRICES 24c lb. etmaster at e fracture of