ltr ova-Ins. A all.» may om " an. or to: parents. Mr. and In. J. A. Stator. m enjoy"! that My. m bu been can. 111 m a. nu all wool. Mr. and In. Rarry Adana enter. Nud Bun Burr and Funk Hurr " m. It dinner Sunday. Mr. and In. [exude ot Phila. "nth but. moved Into the unto - 0 - m devotional corv- h. m, (allow. I]. In": Mrrtrer of Chicago -teetntnqd t "or at Mond- tro- m m 0'... qrero WM rm. UM! Tm "In. I! WON". tor a" be M donned a n hu'luch- All report they had 3 you. but. with" m - wed. a long derfttl We . and W m t Mr. and In. W. ll Carr "out the n. M m, at the mun" on in Ila-upon- with their tMe%n clutch will - an may unite- at ttet-, Mr. an In. Rar. a a. to" at In. Win. Tenn.» "tld Returns". In. hm vi! to and u "at. At , you!!! of Daemon Tangle Doorfiold Dunne Club will give 0 dance in the new Buditorittm st no Ideal hon-o. hturdu, Petr. 2. Man's oeqeteqtra will thumb the "c. A not time mined every- cu vino "undo. The petite invited. A Goliath] m as given in I. P. P. Meoqmhtl homo Satan"! m. in "out to Mr. and In. In. Booker. it vu s up who no" on the mu couple. It. maul may putty tad un- In. no" Shel-mu was pleuently mused Timmy afternoon when a number of her friende gunner-ed n In home to Mio celebrate her birth day "about". The time was "out ptnrfne one; The menu Wt deliciou- relreehmente. They pounced In. abet-men with e Inge In. R. K. William; attended thra Opening retreqttiott of the Howler "on Art (hunks at Marshall Holds Saturday evening and Sum in vs; a guest " the 4 o'clock tea then It the galleries in honor of the uMMUng unlit; and their wives. Thin vu renewed by a dial!) and "mm at the Lake Shore Athle'ic In. Arnold Keller entertained her loving circle "any afternoon. Mrs. Ralph Peterson and Mrs. George Enestrnm "-19th at the Jttrrary last week. There is a good etreitlatlon In books and mazazinw. The noun hook: win man he on hand and rmdv for tM-etllation Edmund Knehv'm, who n'nhww'm! n mastoid mwra'mn at H sr'lurt Pk. Aotspta1 My wank. wan wrl nnouzh TQM rPtumnd home Morldoy. An attack of "v f'u rum-MM the mar tttid trouble. Mrs. Harrv Olendorf and two Phi" dren. Jimmie 3rd mm». u"vn M! a birthdpr nar'v in honor of C'troHrto Jones ln'LihertyviilP Saturday aher- Icon. Caroline was six yams old on" that date. In. B. H. Knso entertained her dub " luncheon and cards Thursday afternoon. In. Jennie Wilson l; HUM: rvI "he: in Libertyville for a few days Mr. ad In. P. W. Russo attend- od Studebaker Theatre Thursday ovondng. They our "The Merchant at Venice." Mr. at! In. M. H. Selig anter- hlnod at a dinner Sunday Mr. and In John Bartthr and Mr.. and Mrs. William Wlltlns of Chieatto. and Mr. and In. P. P. Brownlng were also In. I. R. WittgrtBtt broke her right srm Suway evening. when she fell on the ice, whno returning from the Bungalow ehurrh celebratlon. In. Ruth Prue wu hasten to the Pot Luck Club Wednesday at her home on Milt road. The local Amertenn Lesion poet In an enthusiastic meeting Friday "as. n. ugtrtatatr" hue n nu my pull tor the tuna that I to of but." to "017090.134 tho proud parents of u son. who was tom at Highland Purl beam"! on "and". Jun. " than" an mt at an: "at. IrroH. to Round Church- III. 1 Wisconsin. Mr. Ind In. Roy layers and "or. Cam-co. were not: at Mr. nnd Mrs. Pinup Scum, In, on Duchy. In. "at Goldberg ot Keno-ha VII hates: to her bridge club Tues- day at the home at her mother. In. "gluon. in Highland Park. Hosanna: Rar Reeds. P. W. Russo 1nd Alex Wtthgtan of Dqtqrtieht attended. The funny of Rev. Nut J. An- drews no out ot quarantine. They had 1 ton _ also ot outlet Akin Meyer, Miss Elinbeth Schn- n, Mr. "a In. Chart" Kap hll. William Tonnermn and Geo. - "tended the American Legion "at tn "banning Wednoodny uh; or last week. It van a very -ttstg meeting. Seven] new note were moat and manned qMeqtett on Mid evenue. I. M. Inner of 2113th Perk II "refined the home recently tttt by John leiender on Wood- en! avenue. and will more there the": tint. In. George Pettie and Mrs. adv. . Jon-on ave e linen shower for I. ladle lililxen end Stealer been et the George Pettie home y evening. About 40 (mete no nt {ran Deerfield. Arling- I H to end manna Perk. more an were of pele pink. pele een end white. Severe! little girl- out! in the preeente. Sylvie muo- an; e little eon: celled mowers." Ire. Edwin Johneon ed two humorous poems of her own mition. Delicious refrqtMttttenttt Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hung: no ffreCaem. Ct-te. "the. tho-don In Mod to .MuiuSuro NEWS FROM WELD 1"; 2t'g New" l the The C. E. Society of the Bungliav church held a business meeting " her t' o ohnrvh Tuesday Honing. sday Mr. and Mrs. Mneadi of Haywood viuifrad their daughter, Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Peterson, and family Sunday. the Tho Ray Reeds. Ray Gunckei and irood 9 P Huirhi'nn iamilins worn din":- ' Norman Johnston of Chicago um Frederick Johnston of Houston. Tex. "wore week and neat. of the Wm John-ton finally. mum him m. " the folio-v _ Mr end In. Demon: of Cheatnnt ,etreet. celehreted their Mth univer- Barr on Saturday evening " enter tuning . number of We. I The encore of ThterfUht Chapter o. B. I. were entertained by their Worthy Matron. In. Me shown. u e clashing petty. They went to nae Green Tree In. at Everett. for lunch. All report they had e vou- derful thne . D N Lida-wood wu on jury duty in Waukegan tor the but two weeks. Woodman Todd Ind W. W. Gary are serving on jury um week. The klndernrten children of the mmmu school enter-mined their mother: My evening. ""w- V'n-M- Sammy of the Presby- tertan church will botef "- mo'""lr mo-wsnz at tho church Thursday att. ernoon, Petr. T. Members plane re- membor the due and "tend. "4 'atrr'r. "ho is " Mr and Mrs. John "'nstPrWIld and daughter of North Chicago. vis- ited at the Fred Meyer home Mon- dav attrrrtoon. Mrs. John A. Stryker attended a mw'inz of the South Side Dunn"- cal ehurtthes at the Engiewood Evan fro-lira] church. She gave a talk on 7h» work of the Missionary Society. The Iissionsry Society of the Presbyterinn church met Tinned" Afternoon et the church. Rev. M. J. Andrews had the meeting in eharger. The P.. 'r. A. and Dirty st the school Friday evening we: s plenum sud succeed!!! "thir. One hundred and forty were present to enjoy the bridge, 500 sad hunco games. Ten tables were set in the hall and were very nttrsctlwely decorated in green and white. The refreshments of coffee end doughnuts were donated and were delicious. The committee tor teh evening we: Mrs. Willinm Calioway. Mrs. Lewis Achmnn. Mm. Harry Olettdort. Dire. Chsrlee Kan. schuil Mrs. w. W. Geary, Mrs. Ed- win Wood. Mr. W. B. Cm. In. Alvin Kass" Ind Mrs. A. J. Johnson. who had entire charge of the bunco room. In. R. I Pom. entertained u bridge Saturday owning. Mr. ttttd Mrs. Delbert lent were - ot Mr. and In. Wht. Crum- shank In LINrrtrviNe Smithy. Post " the who] tutditogttttn on Wednesday evening M. 6. A [Inch every minute. my our. to like an: bitt ohm In. b help out the Nam ovot. I Friend- or Mr. "A Put at 8110.." I his": catch Stung ave the tuning comedy in the. act: will In Smut-day "Quin; given under the tunic" of Doom." Mod. 1mm: of Mr and Mrs. Ray '"t a? " Pnrit Saturday Mrs Carl Man en'orvnlvw! wk club Wednesday at'or V\"'1 Tttturn M'nndna ty',su a w North ( hetrinning at 1 o'clock p. m., the following: Tuesday, February 5 Having decided to quit the Dairy Business, I will offer at Public Auction on the farm, located 1 mile east of Phillip's Milk Plat. form, on Route 21, two miles north of Lib. ertyville, 3 miles southeast of Grayslake, [IGijirriIi[li PAUL NIELSEN, Prop. tat morttre, at Edam;- 21 Head of Cattle Holstein, & Guernsey: Horses . Farm Machinery Milking Machine, etc. Player Piano, Brand New 4 C CHRISTENSEN & Son, Aucts. AUCTION SALES CO., Mgr. M yor att IV sumnwr camr Uo-rs' mus-Mn: at tt tram) post ofrlee M n- Ho want to represent TWA renwsnnwd was a N2 movtinz. ' tho committee to "d thes Lulu Morin: at an "inet thes Pot af'nrrmnn. the "ttttt r9. 'wator smart, for the "leth It. Gator also told of o yam man who had volunteered to deco- mte the "went well. if the school board would which the m- terde. not! led two other young men would - him In the work. Mr. Atraneetnent; we" made tor I; card any. date and full particular: to be tttttttttttttted by the Committee Paul Ptttur, In. M. o. Hopkins. in. Ed Horetttrergerr, Mrs. lame Whit comb and In. June. Wilson. Mr. Critter. chum-man of the time. eon- mittee. mule . report on the piano fund nodmrchue ot the Mano for moat windovn To (to nut. The puno um demand at Chut- mn time 3nd med tor the Chrhunu electric stove which was donated. Teathers are very anxious to have it to prepare a warm dish daily for the children', luncheon. Alt parents are a krd to donate 1 dolrar from our!) Camity towari the "wens? of iratamng the stove Others may dbntee as well. It will be an I!!!" dante In. Moyer told of the music teacher from the Basel: Coolant tory In Chieaao. no re coming and: load-y to give our chi1dren music mutation. Mr. Gator Announced that cnwn material had been bought tad at And cutting almost rimmed for the DR. EVANS TO SPEAK AT PTA. Dir. W. A. mam. editor of "How ttt treop Well" column of a Chicago "er. will speak on the eve nine of Feb. 8 at the school auditor- Ium'. The P. T. A. is fortunate in .oxoritte Dr. Evans an a speaker and the parents and public are invited to be present. Aha a cordial Invitaton ls amended tho W1lmot P T. A. A ber huslno'u mertintr will he herd a' 'r.'to am! Dr. Evans will speak at t o'clock. Many people and school children of Deerfield were uddenod to lenrn of the death of Mn. Nellie Thomey of Northbrook, which occurred Bat. urdny. Jan. " She taught In the merrield school tor two years and had many friends here. i)eerfteht public library is now lo- uted in teh north room of the new part of the grunnnr school. The change was made with the splendid assistance of the boy scouts. The hearty cooperation of the scouts wu greatly Bopreeiated. The new lou- ton i wheel-ml and commodlans. intr otfteem were elected to he" ttte ammonz' Prudent, In Hole; Wee prudent. Raymond Meyer; loo- remry. Chester Walling; traumr, Cael It Olson; directors. Water Page and Win. Burton. Mr. on In. Horton 1tahtott-t won - of Mr. and In. Char once Dodo to: dingo: My. In. I: J. Glitter om the yam of Who: P. T. A. " lunch- eon Tuesday. After lunch the mu mode curtains for the about. Friend- ot Mr. and in. Jun Strong [no the mo ourprloo pony Ravnrdnv 'sron'nsr, Fab. 9. Dos WILMOT SCHOOL P The "121nm School P. xvuvxmr :nm-zm; on f FIRE DEPT DANCE FEB , " school, which will be norm: ' ubnry. In". and buo- running on Friday we» 18 Arrangements were for the installation ot an LIBERTYVHLE INDTilPENDliliNT. THURSDAY. JANUARY 31, 1929 T. A. held VOIO on- uouuueun a MAusOLzuus L"tERTYViLLtri ILL. ANNIVERSARY SERVICE A BIG ST'CCPgR9 Tuc' ~"3'wnv "a: rr,r"altt.1yr'tt grPlt day for the Evanznuml Bungalow 1-' 'l-r'. o' 1urtjf!ch',ri, rr> haw PIP" P's " on tn bo Yummy n'rvr thr. nn'mme n' tho 'tnttlrorattry wrvh'm The " p'm'a! of God was undnuh'adly made p'ain by tho In" attendance at all ~urx'ruq ond bv tho tam-mm ottrr. ine recelved. Our [munch] god tttta brvn "t Mr 81.400. wh'eh would clnar tho lndnbtodnass on our church pmywrvy. And ttttMor nnd Donnie r0- joiced whe an 1m: unnnunoed that tho ottrrhme was 31.620 M Phonon Ree. 17H; Thursday. Petr. T. meeting of the Dorcas ooclety " , p. m. " the church. A" member! of this nod- etr-and this Includes att members of the circies are naked to who: at w: meeting for the transaction of mportant business. Prday at 7:15 p trt..hok s"eouta. Two weeks trom this Rummy, Feb. 17 tho Hm Communfnn "Moe for "'0 yor "SW tak" ptat'ra, This will awn m tho f!rst gummy mm" the "(1 n" of fwnt Thi-utr tho lenten Swilmn tertrvttseg wl', be held at T:3tt .-.. :y Sunday uwnnz. Collins & Dome Co. PRESBY'I'ERIAN CHURCH Mark J. Andrews. Putor Wonhlp And sermon " 10:45 a. m. At IV.80 p. m., Turn meeting " the home of Mrs. Wm. 'rettttermntt. After luncheon the devotional nerv- Ice tad program. "ruesddr, Petr. tr, monthly moon!!! of the board of trustees. _.'. wednesdar,UPeb. 6, t 7:45 p. m., choir whens". A Founders Day program wtl be given In February. The speatrfr will be our own dktrlct director, Mm. H. A, Storm: of Wilmette. Every body should be out to hear her. The president. In. Ginter, ave e brief sketch of the IN ot Stephen Foster. He mu born July 4, 1820. and died In. 18. 1301. " the It. at 34 years. He wu the youngest of five or six chtldren end we: well educated and bright. He become quite diuionted Inter in life. He composed mnny longs. mostly lou- thnrn melodies and duty writnoll. "Hy Old Kentucky Home" was quite 3 "write and 4,000 copies were eold i na comparatively short time. 80. I. Mn U060. Your "I. FARM "LEI A I'IClALTY 1'on 14.43 OURNEI. ILL. gmwm a it; of can: (or IPf cg. urginggxi #1131190" of the melephono 121i . Libertyville, Illinois Tho ttttttndttntus " Sunny school FOR "wrung. an). nun, no Tm: Lona. "marry an" null", WIML lNIUlANCI. sunny noun. camel, an Quality and WWI. GUAMNTIID MERLES BATTERY AND RADIO SHOP Show at Lit"rtrvltriitf Oyumoro, "I. , E. M. WEIOKOPF, Prem Battery Service AUCTIONEER Radio Supplies Generator and Ignition Sevice " \LTOR-INIUROI "mod" um '~ at". "one; Q and " Pit()iitttii,()iite . A. Chandler OENIRAL oellttrerrtttnd office. 200 M4 Elma». Av... Uta-twin. mun-own unav- PACKED IN SPECIAL HEART. SHAPED IOXIO Nrfwrl rm'OM DIAMOND LAKE Mr and Mrr Iaewis Mlls left Tuere. dar for Danville, Ill,, whore they will attend the annual meeting of the M Bureau. SHE WiLL. " ESPECIALLF PLEASED WITH A BOX OF OUR FINE HOME MADE CANDY Mr and Mrs. Paul Aliangon and "any veroxueau at the home of Never was the opportunity and the responsibility, of the church in this community greater than now. And the future constitutes a thrilling challenge to the best that is in the church to make its contribution to the civic. social and spiritunl welfare of an. growing community. To this high purpose our church must and will donate its serVice. with the View to build up aggreater church, whose people shall be distinguished for holy living. tar sane and helpful wor- ship and for sacrificial service that shall make for the bonding up of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. This is our common and united task. "It isn't the individual. Nor the army " 9. whole, But the everlastin' team work or every bloomin' soul." The pinion. Rev. A, P Johnston, w'ahns to think one and all for the splendid support and eoonpration. wh!rh made iossNp the success of this went anniversary occasion. Its' m- x" M s will nhsvrvo relr. drnia', ttrd day of pray" Ctt.Nrt!ttrt rsr1oasGr at 7 It. m. A great servicé tor young people. i-Iw'zfnz worship at V Tho Ttev Joni-9h H. Taylor of Highland Park wll prvarh. ' . REMEMBER YOUR VALENTINI WITH CANDY PUILIC atnvsce immune 350 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. LIBERTYVILLE. Amour m Monday and "Minty Tolwhono m LIIERTYVILLI Rot Arp. Johnnnin. Minis!" Sunday school at 9-45. A class for -vo-ry mvmbfr of the family. Morning Mar-Hm at 11. Tho rninig. vr wlll Near!) a micMonary sermon "I?!" Me. at In!" 117 In». Av. '4ouret9tott,tu6-rto - Ovor can I" 00 um Noun: to. tSnnd "Obi Other "I... by W Telephone 216 IUNDILIIN DR. o. E. SIMPSON FEBRUARY 14th EVANG. BI'NGAl/"V ('HI'RCH OM00 In First Nntlml Dank '4-.tu8-.86aodrt" Ll__IIRTYVILLl, ILLINOII LIBERTYVILLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - General Contractors Made Fresh Each Day DR. J. L. TAYLOR DR MATTHEWS 'um'm' Room a. We W I". 65c 39 tttis WALLACE'S CANDY SHOP DR. S. J. DAVIS Residences Stores Public Buildings To!" .10 LIIERTYVILLI. lLLlHOO. Schools Landscaping Farm Buildings Call on tn for Estimates .T' I" anthem by LIBERTYVILLE FLORAL CO. ', Cut Flawed and C Potted Plants _ Delivery Service and N. rm: 8.. LitMtRTYVtu.tlt can. "WWI". " in. Phe-Litre-tte - Mrs, Gordon Ray is again at home "at man; four WePks in the \\'vsley ho~pital in Chicago. The rnmmunty chm i giving a card and bunoo party at the Diam- ond Lake school Friday evening, Feb. firgt, . Mrs. Mary Manson in Libertyviae Sunday. Earl Kane Is attending the Farm Burrau mwting in Danviile FLOWERS FOR VALENTINE DAY The most of the machines; it is; understood, ire the ordinarri mint] vending outfits that return trrpttck. use of mints tor each uickle mared l These machines nlso give checks tn E trade on the stores. Frequently, I however, there are no mints and in t such " instance the \apparatus be- comes a gaming device. "Any'vend. l, on found without mints will be con. 7 tiscated as gaming machines', it isf understood. . ' E Punch boards made their qdvent in great quantities In the city irever. al months ago. Prom time to time the states attorney has seized a number, but as fast as the boards were removed. new mam appeared At orle time a Wankelza-ri' police man placed the boards in nr-ighbor hood store ditstricts. ' ' "Those things rpring up my! night. The only wav to Mamp thvm out will bo to exvrt unusual vivil. ance and doctmy than) no he? a: pound» Thin, I am vprrain, can he nrrnmplishvd. Few money machines ore to bet; found. in the county, it is understood. l but the prosecutor gave the impres- t sion that he had gathered enough' evidence along this line to force any I ot the companies operating them I out of the county. ' -- I Pleased with the success in clos- ing soft drink parlors. 1th has brought bootietttring d0wn to a mini. mum in the county. States Attorney A. V. Smith today stated that he had instructed his raiders to confiscate all slot machines and punch bonds. TAXI» Adds Ban to Punch Bbards and Machines As wet As Soft Drink Parlors. SNOW'S sun mums TO IE m M mm m N51 -tllJiM,.ul? Hm Nation! Bank Bldg. ROI. Phone 2.4 Ofnee Phorte Mr LIIERTYVILLE, ILLINOI. DR. L E. GOLDING T A I L O R Cleaning and Repairing '" N. Humane Av... Upon": LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Public Service Bldg. Telephone ggo Libertyville. Illinois "The slot mat-hints FRED CROKER S. J. GROVES ilk SONS CO. PHONE 306 a: Cinnerarias Hyacinth: Tulips , Cyclaman Contractors Excavating [i)jipti' (htti) THE HALL I. AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE OR Pull-IO PARTII. AT MMIRATI RATIO. an. RANOI To HOLD YOUR PARTY AT "TH! "All-I." DIETZ'S STABLES MOTORS Crysler Dealers SALES DEPARTMENT 107 E. Church St. LIBERTYVILLE TELEPHONE 103 SERVICE DEPARTMENT Lake Street MUNDELEIN TELEPHONE 198 PHONE MUNDELEIN "N4 EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF CARS. OUR IHOP ttt FULLWEQUlPPED AND READY TO SERVE YOU. ONLY TRAINED MECHANICS WILL WORK ON YOUR CAR. ATTOINIY-ATMW Office " home on W. Cook Ave. AmINEY-AT-LAW LDC. IUiLDl" In Phone " OHIO. Phone " LIMTVVILLI. union LYELL H. MORRIS For an Evening of Real Enjoyment " TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Dr. C H. BETZER " TING AT 9 O'CLOCK Ride by Jockey 1 MoOormlck Grain Binder 1 McCormick Corn Binder 1 Mower 1 14-inch Gang Plow l Three-section Drag l Eight-ft. Grain Drill l Six-ft. Grain Drill l 16-inch Walking Plow , Hay Racks t Sulky Cultivators 1 Disc Attachment 1 Disc 1 Horse Rake 1 Side [htllvery Rake 1 Corn Planter 1 Hitch Silo F.llor arrl Pipe l Rnllvr 1 Bob SIM! 1 Trurk "Rum and Box COUNTRYSIDE TERMS OF SALE-AU sums of $25.00 and Ur amount a credit of six months will be trvere. note bearing interest at 6 per cent from date removed until terms of sale are comp led W 12 Cows, fresh and springers; 1 Pure Bred Holstein [Bull, 11/2 yrs. old; 1 Grade Bull; 1 Black Horse, wt. 1400; 1 Bay Horse, wt. 1000! 1 Bay Mare, wt. 1400; 5 Brood Sows; 35 Shouts; 100 Chickens. (Cattle T. R. Tested: 60-dav ro'rpst given) MACHINERY," IMPLEMENTS, FEED Insurance Agency commencing at 12:30 sharp, the following Free Lunch at Noon. If weather is bad, the Sale Will be held under cover BARNEY AMANN, Prop. W. A. Chandler, Auct. John Wirtz. Clk Tm W LIIIITYVILLI, ILLINOIO Having rented the farm, I will offer at Pub- lic Auctidn on the premises, 2 miles north- west of Gilmer, 4 miles west of Mundelein, 4 miles east of Wauconda, half mile south of the cement road, on Gilmer road, on L Tolophono 440 330 N. MIImuku Avonuo. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Public Auction Dancing Every " mrday Night SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR lab okuatri E. W. COLBY Public Service Building box. " LIIIRTYVILLE Satisfaction Guaranteed COM E OUT TO IVANHOE, ILL. DINTIIT 4it)'i)t:ii'()t7 Mundelein Concrete Works Concrete Products of All Kinds General Cement Contracting Ask for an Estimate " on Your Needs E. w. Penman. Proprmw Office Phono-Mundi, tto Ron. Pttott.--Murtd+ 4.44 noormo nu: comma CEMENT 4tARttEtt runmwu mama noon. ORNAIINIAL cement 0111000 [ 1 Surrey 1 Single Buggy 1 Panning Mill 1 Tank Heater I 600-Lb. Scale t Caldron Kettles 1 Lot of Barrels 5 Milk Cans 2 SPts Harness and Collar: 2 Heating Stoves I Cook Stove §()mo anuswho'd Furniture Fixtures and Supplies or 1in But 7 Tons 1o POLICE MAGISTRATE CoIlOctlons Ru! Estate and Mom-um Notary Public 604 N. Milwaukee Llttertrvnie Telephone 400 Libertyville, Illinois 614 N. Milwaukee "ANYONE I HAVE DONE WORK FOR WILL RECOMMEND MR.'. PHONE LIBERTYVILLEV u 830 BNIHIH Avon". LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Electric Wiring and Contracting JO and under cash; over that be trvere. pcrchaser to execute from date. No property to be "rsp'ied with EXPERT SERVICE Painting HAY LIBERTYVILLE ELECTRIC SHOP, Radio Equipment Let Me Show You The Beautiful New 1929 Wal'papen, F BED H. SMITH Bu Paper Hanging. J. J. Alkofer, Prop. J. M. WADE AND GRAIN h) flats x flow morhv PAGE SEVEN Maris Hay OFF If?