~~ PAGE TVO * name & successor to Walite! lor, police magistrate, who . deoly Tuesday after an i jess than 18 hours, aecord stateméent m ce today by tion Counsel A. Buckley of with the office of poilce H apdgc the opinion has to t from geneiral election la w s No time is fixed for an except (hat it becomes the the city -- council to det date, bhe stated. 'The late magistrate's _ two years and a month to Should the councii fail t election the office would MAGISTRATE WILL --~ BE NAMED THROUGH |7 SPECIAL ELECTION::> to & yOole un damused. he 1y nol a court of recofrd Yesterday reports were Ccurrent that the council had the power to appoint & suc ess . The corpora-- tion counsel declared these rumors to be incorrect. Henry F. Wallenwein and M J U..ey, both candidates for justice of the peace, stated th, if the oftice were gppointive that they would be candié##es before the council lainuseu, ue sidi.e0. The office of police masg has au Income from lees alone no regular salary being fite« i< similar to justice court iu | Bulkley--fsftiates Appointment By Council Is Not Pos-- sible Under the Law TWO YEAR TERM SLEFT F MARCH 1, 1929 0. B. Opsah! and wife to K. H Golden WD $10 Pt of NW qr of SW Yr of Seé 23 Wauconda. J. J. Fischer and wife to A. M. Raker Deed $1.00 Lot 10 Onwentsia View Sub, Sec 32%, Shields. Union Bank of Chicago to C. F Jobnson and H. F. Johnson jt tens deed $10 Lot 44 East Shore Gardens of Fox Lake Sec 1 Grant. Rose D. Waruer and husband to M. Coggins WD $10 Lot 20 Lorraine 'lerrace Sub Sec 20 Waukegan. A. M. Paxer and wife to A. T. Dalton and wife eu al QCD $1 Lot 10, Onwentsia View sub See 32, Shields. F. H. Bartlett to G. $10 Lots 8 and 9 Bik lett's ReSub Sec 23 F. H. Bartlett to J. F. Graziano Deed | 50 Bartletts Shore Secs 7 and 8 Shields (. J.. Worthington and wife to L Walthouse WD $10 Lot 67 Meyers & --Worthingtons Midway Gardens, Ssee 32, Benton. -- \. A. Cramne an«e wife to C. E. Johnson WD $10 Lots 46 ond 47, Cranes Sub, Sec 31, Libertyville. P H Mevyers and wife to C. L. Worthington WD $10 Lots 1 to & inc 23 & 24, Blk 1 Lots 6 7 8 11 12 13 26 to 32 inc. 33 to 45 inc. Blk 1 also other lots in other blkse, Sec 33 Ben-- ton, also N balf of NW gqr of NW ar of See 4 -- Waukegan. U F. Finster and wife to J. L. Iry-- ing and wife jt tens WD $10 NW ar of SE gr and so much of S 10 acs of NE ar of YE ar as lies W of cen of pub highway rung through sd 10 acres as now laid out ;nd estab-- lished, Sec 28 Newport M. 0. Lowes and hus to C. Lowes Jr.. QCD $10 Sly 100 (t of lot 39, Ravinia Woods, Sec 36, Deerfield. Au election will be necesSars Official List of T ransfers M. 0. Lowes and hus to C. Lowes Jr.. QCD $10 Sly 100 (t of lot 39, Ravinia Woods, Sec 36, Deerfield. C. Lowes Jr., to M. 0. Lowes ~and hus it tens QCD $10 Sly 100 ft of LOt 39, Ravinia Woods, Sec 36 Deer-- fHeld _ Lincoln Tr and Savings Bank T. O'Malley Deed $4200 Lots 15 17 and 18 Bik 2 Solomon's Addn Deertield VVSV."(-{."C-trlson to E. B. Hitchcock wWD 310 Lots 13 and 14 Blk 3 1, North Addn to Lake plugt,\ Furnished by the LAKE COUNTY TITLE, AND TRUST COMPANY Abstracts of Title: Titles Guaranteed 220 Washington St. Waukegan, I!!. H. Hicks to E. Newbarg QCD $10 Lots 1 2 3 4 and 44 Blk 1 Round Lake Beach Sub, Sec 20, Avon. The Catholic Bishop of Chicago to M. Wember Deed $225 N one--balf of Lot 18 Blk 5 Sec 5, Assension Cemetery. G. Fahle and hue to C. D. Bach-- mann WD $10 W 120 ft of N bt of K halft of Blk 48, Bartlett's Third Addn to N Woods, Secs 23 and 24, W arren. G. Fa@able and hus to M. A. Bach-- mann and wife WD $10 N half of E half of Blik 48 Bartletts 'Third Addn to Warren. "3."1'3-.'--McCann and wife to C. E. Krick WD $10 Lots 1 % and 3 Arthur H. Apfels Sub H'.xblnnd Park. North American Commerce-- Co to N American Car Co WD $10 Pt of NE ar of See 34 Cuba. W. Schwartz to R H Edwards & L. M. Larson QCD $10 Lots 186 and 11 Glemwood Heights, Sec 17 Wau: kegan. L. M. Larson and wife to J. An-- derson Jr.. QCD $10 An undivided one half int in Lots 16 and 17, Glen-- wood Heights, Waukegan. is forbidden police ol ° Va., by new regulations. A. Hein and wife et al L. E. Tho mas and wife Jt tens wWD $10 Lot 5 and N hbalf of Lot 6, Schwartz ReSub, Sec 16 Waukegan. C. Osman and wife to A. E. Phil-- yaw and wite wWD Lot 41 Webb & Jensens ReSub Sec 16 Waukegan. $. A. Sevin to A. Slack WD $10 Lot 4 Blk 11 Marquette Highlands First SBub See 16 Waukegan. 8. A. Sevin to A. Slack WD $10 Lot 5 Blk 11 Marquette Highlands HFirst Sub Sec 16 Waukegan. law, the o« .to--N.--W'o&h. Secs 23 and Telephone 4 Sration counseli leal -- specifically police magtstrate as to be drawn uld un Coleman Deed 1 F. H. Bart-- Warren. 8. Messings & $10 Lot 4 Blk Creéest -- Estates the duty of determine & g on the beat of Winchester, magietralte term has run died suUC lines=s C orpoTa Wauke LN&t all an come man with a nd O i0 16 to idggo gone to their home in Massa-- chusetts, we might as well start in now and forget all about the horrible weather we experienced, Let's put our minds to the approach of -- something -- bett . Trug, . 8Bt. Patrick's day. comes jnatorim days prior to the "official" God savye the mark--ending of winter. But even that cannot dismay us. 'When St. Patrick learns that the , North-- western Railroad company haxye is sued orders to change the color of LET'S$ TAKE A FRESH SsTART Now that President Hoover has been iuaugurated, his cabinet select ed. and ex-- President and Mrs. Cool Mr. and' Mrs. Willlam _ Rees of Evanston aveuue hbhad their new home -- thoroughly overlooked . by their two married children and their {amilies last Saturday evening and they were of the opinion as we all are. that the edifice is about as cute a residence as there is in the Mr. ansd Mrs. W. E. Acomb, 211 Center avenue, gave & large tam-- ily dinner Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brabman entertained at dinner and bridge last evening. The Joseph Newells of 523 Seran-- ton aveunue entertained a large com pany at dinner Saturday evening. "Billy" Vanderkloot, son of Mt. and -- Mrs. W. J. Vanderkloot, 345 Prospect avenue, who broke his leg while coasting on the toboggan slide is rapidly improving and it is hop ed he will soon be able to resume his studies at school. "".\'lr;.-- Thomas Rankin of Sheridan road has gone to Melbourne. Fla., and will remain until April 1_8. -W.\lriwa;(iv.\lfirs. Egward Kynoch of 235 Prospect avenue, left Saturday for a three weeks trip to Btloxi, Miss vice will be held Thursday, Mcb. 1. at the residence of Mrs. Mau-- rice Mandeville on Scranton ave-- nue. The Rev. Dr. Prince, rector Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Crawford and family of 518 Prescott avenue, who have been in Bilox!, Miss., for the past six weeks, returned to the vil-- lage Saturday. of the Church of the Holy Spirit, Lake Forest. will deliver the mes sage and our own velvet voilced con-- tralto, Mrs. Helen Sells Lewis, will sing. Rev. F. H. Knight oft the M. EK. Church will preside. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lewis of 619 Prosject avenue, were dinner bosts to a party of their . friends on Saturday evening. The Community dinner given by the Lake Bluff Business and Pro-- fessional club at the Union church on Thursday was a success in every particular. The attendance -- was large, the dinner excellent, and the enteriainment musically and other-- wise was first class. Joseph Ander-- son, the president of the club, made a short address outlining the pur-- poses of the association which was to cooperate with the citizens in every way looking to the building up and developments of the village. Mr. Burris, as chairman of the en-- tertaining dopn't'ent of the club, introduced Mr. afd Mrs. Paul Spra-- gue, who sang three numbers As only they can sing them. Adoliph Wolff kept the audience in a con-- tinual roar of laughter by his witti-- cisms. The speaker of the evening, A. E. Cox, of the Public Service ed.nine with the entry of two more for constable. Those now in the field are Supervisor David Van Pat-- ten and E.A. Martin for supervisor; F. Knox, Rosecrar , George Doyle, Wadsworth, Frank Edwards, Mill-- burn, for constable; and Jack Irving, Wadsworth, A. J. Torpan, Millburn, and Nick Brown, Russell, for jJus tice of the peace. NINE CANDIOATES OUT IN NEWPORT Candidates in the political whirl i1 Newport township tod_ay number-- The pext Lenten community ser-- The village of Gurnee, associated to Waukegan on the west as North Chi-- cago ie on the south, Wed. became a year old., Its officers during the first year were L. 8. Fenlon, presi-- dent; W. "V. Appleyard, clerk, and Charles Hook, William Barnstable, GURNEE YEAR OLD TOWN YESTERDAY L. G. McClure, W. Get--':aff, Charles Warner and John Botger, trustees. Frank E. Warner, a veteran of the Missouri senate, has introduced only one bili this session. LAKE BLUFEF hxayo is volor of Pullman nd "Sloe--Evyed Senorita Glories - In Release From Conventions MHavrana --(AP) No longer does the Cuban woman hide ber beauty under -- voluminous -- mantillas, . nor does she recognizse the former rule that the home is bher little circle and the outside world only for masculine member# of the family. The Cuban woman is emancipat-- ed. Chic hats from the Rue de la Paix or Fifth avenue adorn her head, replacing the old custom of trailing manton. He ciothes are no longer subdued blues or black biot are of colors comparably to the coat made famoud by Joseph. Time -- was when Cuban women fied as men approached. . But no lonager. The emancipated -- Cuban woman recelves' men and entertains men, much to the apparent disap proval of the diehards who hoid to ancient customs The Cuban girl is a projotype of her northern sister. If anything she The Cuban her northern bas more S' asmuch _ as labeled with shop, she is tip of her da ber small ha This "Cub: goes to her clubs, of her "duenna," Wkes I ed up with plenty of and enjoys her caba Sbe %s Miss America, but sN@ is more evolic. n0ot so outspoken and ipclined to a more serious trend of though. Her mother more often than nol appears to be her sister. Cuban ma-- trons are as religious in their exer-- Commander E. W. Lacy (DC) U. 3 Na¥vy, 300 North avenue, senlor den-- tal officer at the Na i 'Prainin® station, Great Lakes, was ordered by Admiral Craven, commandant of the station, to attend the dedication ceremonies and sealing of the cor-- ner stome laying of the new §400,-- 000 bullding of the Dental depart-- ment of Washington univeraity at 8St. Louis. Commander Lacy is an alumnus of this school and deliv-- ered an address during the cere monies entitled "The Dental Corps of the U. 8. Nayy". In notifying the college of the order of Commander Laey to be present, Admiral Cra-- ver wrote a highly eulogistic let-- ter, praising the dental corps of the U. 8. nayy and its officers Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Higbee en-- tertained the Merry Rounders Din-- ner andt Bridge «club on -- Saturday evening at their residence, 132 Haw-- thorme court. Lieut. Commander F. C. I 218 Sberidan road, who has the Naval hospital, Great with an attack of the flu, to be about and returned residence in the yvillage day. The regular meeting of the West: imnster Guild of the Union church has been postponed until March 14. It will be held at the residence of Mre. A. H. East, 206 Truesdale ave The third annual ball of the In-- fant Welfare association will be giv-- en on Saturday evening, March 16, at the village ball. The many friends of Mrs. George Davidson of Exanston, but for inany -- years a resident of Lake Blufft wiXl be glad to learn that she is rapidly convalescing from an operation performed at, the Alice Home'hospital last Saturday. Lake Bluff Post 570. Am°rican Legion, is presenting the fiim, "The Sky Ralder," in conjunction with a dance which they will put on at the school bouse on Friday eve-- ning, March 8. The film |s well worth seeing but the dance is what the Legionnaires are banking on. They want all the, young people to be present, lllevl&o those not #0 young, in an effort to g*t a com-- munity gathering, so that every body have a good time We loan up to $300 to men and their wives for domestic use. We do not require outside'signers -- _signature of husband and wife all that is necessary. ~*Employers, relatives, frientis or tradespeéople are not notiffed -- no one need know. CALL, WRITE OR PHONB Household Finance Corporation -- Probably nine out of ten families need extra cash, at times. And usually, the need is urgent. It may be for sickness, an operation, or an accident. Per-- haps, for perfectly good réasons, you haven't the ready money for bills that must be paid. When you need additional funds, come to us. For nearly half 2 century, the Household Finance. Corporation has served families without regular banking conmnnec-- tions. Here you may borrow what you need, secure the cash usually the same day, and repay us at your convenience. anita"--or tiny Cuban ~-- clubs, often side-\ru-ks' ." Mkes ber movies sery-- j )lenty of Holly wood k'u-k. her :aharet excursions | «* 'America, but she is . not so outspoken and ; a more serlous trend of | When YOU Need Extra Cash 308 Waukegan National Bank Building $, W. Cor. Genesee and Washington Sts. Phone: Waukegan 4583 WAUKEGAN the name of a Tamous a Parisienne from the nty shoes to the top of _ How We Make Loans deductions. Loans may be g'aid in full at anLntim. You pay ONLY on unpaid balance, for actual time you keep the money. delivered a mas subject beinx« s a prototype of If anything she smarter and,. in »thes are often New Reduced Rate village on ¥Fr longer does "rim and conditioning treatments as & Z R 2+ mrlrcc1d4e duiva amalal lhan. LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, _THURSDAY Huntoon, ; been in Lakes, , is able 1 to his are the Riverside. drive social lead~ ersg or the girls who tread the boards | at beauty shows. Excess weight is | countenanced. no:-- more -- than man»@ made -- rules, reminiscent of hare seclusion. This applies to the mlltr-l dle class as well as to the circle of" "dong" and "damas." > | It is not unusual to see a trim roadster fiit along one of the fash-- lonable drives of Havana, filled to the rumble seat with keen, black-- eyed heautieos. Wher:as a few yel:c' ago this condition would _ have. brougbt forth exclamations of dis--. may from parguts and shouts of con-- sternation from police, the Cubau woman driving ber own car is now accepted. "The foot of a Cuban tif! proves to be as heavy on the gas 2s it is light in the circlings > of the danzon. Miss GCuba is a speeder! Emancipation, of the Cuban wom:-- an does nol stop at discarding oid spanish styles nor at the right to pilot their ownp car. lt extends 10 hbeaches where the one--piece bathing suit is adopted and beach pajamis are -- worn with Europead ijodiffer-- ejoe Now the Cuban woman is seeking suffrage at the polls, the right to hold _ political offfce and to sbhare equally with men the responsibilit y of selecting the island's governing bodies and serving as -- legisiators. 'The bill for the ballot lacks only the signature of the president to be rat: MEXICO EXPRESSES THANKS TO KELLER ON HIGHWAY STAND To tell a man who has just reach-- | ed his hopeful decade that he is ; hopelessly decayed is, of course, not 'merely -- paradoxical but palpable | piffle. More power, then, to the A. Interest of Commissioner N. M. Keller in the Pan American bigh-- way," that wonld split the United States and continue on through Merico to the Guat. malsa . border, was expressed *, J. Sanche: Mejo-- rada, secretary of communicationys of the Public Works department and toda® the commissioner received a letter expreseing appreciation for his tnterest. . [ Keller, in writing, suggested that Waukegan had constructed 45 miles of concrete and brick roads and that 't should not ! > a difficult mat-- te> for Mexico to construct a great bhighway that wopuld ! the scen!c Espousal of Pan--American Road . Through U. S. and Mexico Brings Him Praise lows HEARS FROM SECRETARY Mexrico, D Feb. 25, 1 senor Nicholas M. Keller, (°»mmissioner of Pub! Works City of Waukeg a, Il., U. 8. My Dear Sir J received you _ ivyor Jan. 181h and I tha.k you much for the gen:-- erous tetms in which °. is express-- ed. J congratulate . u for the splen-- did wor. shich you have accGom plished in Waukegan and which is an inspiration, not only for cities ~f equal i rtance, but also for all those tha. may be interested through your progress. Example is the bee! sermon. « -- I, also, am awaiting with you the time when it may be possibleée to tighten the bonds of our friendship by means of a highway which might go throu~:'all 4' > sister republics of this continent Rincerely yours, --'r--y' --nen to American tourists Mejorada repl. 8 to Keller as fol SAN'HEZ MEJORADA 5. 1989 Jan. 18th RECORD VOLUME OF BUSINESS IS REPORTED BY " Belt Line Railroad Is Handling| victory Peak Number of Cars at |ZL.' the Present Time ville art With every locomotive in use and all trainmen . employed _ regulary, the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern railroad is expeflem-ln# its greatest busines»~ gsince the war period. .\'ight\ml day on each eight how "turn'" a record number of cars is being hauled in the*vJ" yards a~ fast &s trains can be assembled. MANY MORE EMPLOYED The gain in freighy bu«iness 8t ed after the first of tse year has continued until the comp Is -- doing +practieally the amount of business as i did . the war period. Men on the board" who were emploved « l;w days a week are now f steady work. while other tra are --beiug caulled -- reguldrly eight hours res'. % Industries Busy. ~ + The increase bas beenun due to the large amount Oof breiness obtained from other roads and from company hauls. Alng with this the "J" is re-- celving hbeavy shipments from local lindustries. . The fact that the "J" has tle best equipment of any belt line in the United States and bkas a record of handling -- freight #hipments with quick dispatch gives it a favorable position in the Chicag»n area The "J" crosses every main lins entering Chicago. Shipments from the east or from the weel going through Chlcud)ure routed over the "J" because in/so doing shippprs avoid the congestion in -- (Chicaroy yards Payrolt Is Increased The "J" is handling a vast of eoal, etone, oil and gene chandise shipments. As trains -- are brought into yards, switch engines atre work getting the cours l1 for east or west delivery ds upon consignment While the business « States Stee! corporati fairly good indications creasing activity so tha ness on the "J" is b tinue good for several fairly good indications point 10 in-- creasing activity so that freight busi-- ness on the "J" is bound to con:-- tinue good for several months. Steady business at the'*"J" means that between 490 and 500 locomeotive engtneers and firemen are emploved regularly, greatly increasing -- the mwonthly payroll. 4 TWO APPLIANCES IN ONE--AT THE PRICE of ONLY ONE Visit your Public Service Store today and see this wonderfully convenient new elec-- The new Perc--0o--Toaster com-- bines both percolator and toaster in one beautiful table service. It occupies the table space of one appliance and does the work of two. There is only one electric cord and only one electric outlet is needed. There are two plugs on the cord, one for percolator and one for toaster, so that you can use one without the other when you wish. This is the NEW *$1 93@ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY , OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Public Service Store Milwaukee Avenue, at Church St. Libertyville. Phone 1000 . MARCH 7. 1929 € acvast amoun ind general mer 8. Ks fast as bt dnto the "J nes are set t caurs in positio! ljvery depending other trainme regiildriy aft« O-IgsSodw-.Olpermonthon light bill, without carrying m'lflqdnllpoehl offer. As Tast a%| 6 into the "J'[}w are set tt! 0 s in position| i1 ery depending | & 'I s of the United |f w on has been | g 11 AGED LIBERTYVILLE WOMAN DIES TODAY TheTOASTMASTER Mrs. Agene Dreibus, aged 70 years,. residing at 311 Brainer avenue, in Lizortyvilie, passed away in the Victory Memorial hospital last night after an extended iliness. The de-- ceased was well known in TIiberty-- ville and ber death will be learned with sorrow there. USHERS OF ZION BIBLE SCHOOL ATTEND DINNER Semi--Annual Affair Held Last Night in Dining Room of the Zion Home FINE PROGRAM _ GIVEN You set the indicator for the time you like, for brown, medi-- um, or light brown toast. As spon as the toast is done to order, off goes the .heat, and up pops the toast. . : eetablished sided as master of Ceremonles. Pul-- lowing the dinner, briel addresses were delivered by W. Hurd Clen-- dinen, superintendent of Zion Bible School, Apostle Micnael J. Mintern, and by Mr. Pihl. A pleasing feature during the dinner was the einging of favorite songs«, such as "Ameri-- ca," "OIl4 Folks at Home,." "My Bon-- nie," "Till We Meet Again, and '~Following the dinner, all present repalred to the gymna@<ium of Zion EKéucational Institutions where _ & hlehl,\"enjt)yable evening was epent in participating. it a ceriesio{ Olyim: pic games-- a new featureffor these «nrial necasions. the ushers and rocial occasions, Ne lSpCI® aluUl their familles beint divided into two opposing rroups --the 'East and the West sige. William Schwager eerved as announcer for the games. while Paul Mischler acted as judge of the "Westerners" and John Holl: ingshead as jndge of the |*'"Eastern-- érs". Prizes, some of them of con siderable value, were awarded thr winners of each game on the pro-- gram. A certain number® of points were allowed for each "event" and at the conclusion, the «ide scoring the largest number in the various feats of athletic skill, were awarded a beautiful pennant worked in the Bible School colors--gold and dark blue --the presentation being made by Mr. Pihl, who announced the "Westerners" as the winners of the S mile nerl is Automatic U 11 H n+ N l iZ 11 101 W1 n acivd as JUuaU and John Holl f the "Eastern: f them of con e awarded thr ne on the pro-- mber of points ch sevent" and e «ide scorins (1 »ld and dark being made nounced the nnera of the d And These Popular "TWO--ai--a--TIME" Offers Hotpoint Waffie Iron evening, the score gtandin This pennafnt wile remain possession of the winning « | LUDLOW MOTOR CO. of LIBERTYVILLE | Dan E.. Winn, Manager, _ \-- 608 North Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville, IIl. OAKLAND--PONTIAC will Ipvestigafe these 10 Points which reveal orward--Looking People Percolator, sold All over the United States, forward--looking people are being invited to investigate the New Oakland All--American Six, the New Pontiac Big Six and Oakland--Pontiac deal-- ers on ten pm'nt?vilal to motoring satis-- faction . . . We want you to make such an investigation. Come in and let us explain! The New Oskiand All-- American Sis, §116 to $1375. The New Pontinc Big Sis, §45 to §895, §J. o. b Pontiac, Mich., plus delivery charges. Check# OQukland--Pon tiac delivered prices -- they include lowest handling char ge-- &-.dmnf'u-u?q-aufl'a'-nhbb"mm s 75 separately Ceneral Motears Timse $10.50 Waffle Iron 9.75 Percolator $20.25 value for only Superiority $10.50 Waffie Iron 5.50 Toaster -- _ $16.00 Value for Only All Three Appliances, only 82 1,.99 d with the tional p Percolater ref1 n 111 1¢ 132 1 to his ; marryving The him W ng1 ind Am sterdain, Holland -- \&LY -- e, in the province of Overijs« eports the marriage of a man is grandmother. _ Mis _ fathber, ving a second time, chose @ of 21 whose mother -- was 45. son married the latter, making his father's stepfatber $15.25 value fJor only $9.75 Percolator 5.50 Toaster 0 $1299 Ble Fedelco Toaster )° the Tie Thst 09