TWO FUGITIVES IN _ GRAND JURY ACTION really wishes to curtail the school ; budget is the small but powerful and . active class, madeo up in part of those who believe apparently that education, above the line of Miter-- ; bey, is the exclusive right of a few | aelect souls. " l not coming from the working man supporting a large family on a smali income, or from the middle class worker, owning his home, because these people know that in education Mes the bhope of realizing for thoir children what circumstances have deniet themselves, The one who The theme of the convention was given by Frank D. Boynton, presi-- dent of the department of superin-- tendence, N. E. A. Mr. Boynton is also superintendent of schools, Uti-- ca, N. Y. "How can the public schools better serve democracy and increasingly produce a higher type of «aitizenship?" said Pres. Boynton at the first general meeting which brought together 15,000 school men and women from all parts of the United States. In this same address Pres. Boyn-- ton declared that the walls against the high cost of public education are in the convention of the National Education -- association. Principal Werner, like thousands of other sup-- erintendents and principals, was sent to the convention by the board of education. All progressive boards realize the economy in sending their executives to gathemings of this sort, becausfe of the iyfdirect returns in efficiency in the \administration of their own schools.\ It would be im-- possible' to get even as much direct and indirect help from attending summer school a term as it is from attending one of these conventlions. No school affords an opportunity to bear and make contacts with most of the greatest educators in Amer-- ica. N. E. A. affords just such an opportunity. Many Educators Attend N. E. A. _ Meet. School men and women from all parts of the United States met in Cleveland, O., during the past weok Work on a declamatory contest will commence immediately. Con-- siderable interest is being shown and we hope to have enough con-- testants to hold a preliminary con test at our own school. There will probably be entrants in all four groups: dramatics, humorous, ora-- torical and extemporaneous. Boys Go to District Tourney J Oun Friday afternoon of this week | the boys' basketball squad goes 'o |! the district tournament held at the | : New Trier township high school iul Winnetka. In the first game at 4" ~'elock on Friday we meet Palatine. | Palatine has been going very strong | of late and bids us fair for a real |~ battle. if we are victorious in lh(\{ Palatine szame, we will meet the --~ winner of the Libertyyille--Winnetka ; | game on Saturday aftgrnoon at 3 o* || clock. If we are victorious in our '1 lirst two games, we go to the finals | on Saturday evening. Your support | will be greatly appreciated. | I Vrday eveninsa The class, its spon--| gsor, Miss Milwick, and its coach.| Xr~. Loomis, wish to thank the puh»' io for tineizt enthusiastic support (.f.'; t'e'r endcavors. Mrs. Loomis, who s <it many untiring hours with lhef class in preparing for the perform+| ance, dogserves much credit for i!i: syecess. As a loken of it3 apprecia-- | tion. the class presented Mrs. Loom--| 1@ willho a beaitiful hboauquet of Am-_' evican Beauty reses and sweet peas. | It i4 ouly throughy the fullest co--| cperstion of parents, pupilis and | tes:hors that this type of school ac-- | tivity canm ko entirely wcresslul.l 'Fhe school is desirous to provlde; higsh type wholesome, activities: for its patrons, and it sincerely, appre-- clates their support. So watch for thre announcement of the senior wlass play and other similar emer--' class pl ta'inmen largke,. approviat Prday evening go®, Miss Milr Xr>. Loomis, wi is for tireis en t'c'r endcavors s iit many unt elass in prepar ance, daserves syecess. As a 1 tion. the class n tarne; that s tn cma before rnatcher who grabbed purses from liwo women on the street. ' The arraignment of prisoners is #cheduled for Saturday morning. Amongz those now being held in Jail are Joseph J. Crocher, 'Joseph Allen Seger, Russell Christensen. William Brown, Frank Treamor, Os-- car Erickson, Elsworth Ferguson, Ignacio san' s, Manuel Martinez and Charles J. Hickox. "*Witrh the exception otf the two fugitives there will be no difficuly in lovating the rest of the defend-- ints. Probably all of them will be here by Saturday morning," he stat po today was centerin his attention on the apprehension of two of the ind' _ >d who are now fugitives. Both mevn, as far as be can learn. wre out of the state. One is Fran ws Clifford of North Chicago, in-- dicteq on a charge of burglary and larceny in connection with the en trvx Of the Rondoutr affica of a can-- ma With 12 of the indicted defendants in jail and 15 free on bonds or in a position to located with little dif-- ficulty, Ssherift Lawrence Doolittle 1€ Clifford and Williams Said to Be Out of State; 12 Held in Jail Now 15 ARE OUT ON BONDS h y ceny in connection with the e of the Raondout office of a cv uction company where Frank A , the, was beaten au ced to open the safe. The other man being hunic! -- rrance Willliams, alias (Fed '\iu v. indicted for lareeny in conue n HANV JVINL!I AVNIVIN Miss Evelyn Breveire of Chicago, 'spenot the week--end with bher sister, SUUBHT BY SHEHIFF..\m. Ellis Cowling | --W. W. Appleyard spent Sunday in ,AKE ZURICH h Ela High Schoo!l Notes jJunior class piay, e 1€ W . written by kn; played before n audience on last e class, its spon-- and its coach. of a Car from h. is betieved, by een the parse bed purses from entitle« ueC 18 The Antioch relatives and friends I of Eugene Wilton were much sur-- prised to learn of his death whlchf oceurred at his home in Lake Villa | Sunday morning. ' Mrs. A. W. Bock entertained a few friends at cards Tuesday aflernoon'j The many Antioch friends of Wal-- j Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Sabin returned |home Friday after bhaving spent a | .w weeks at the home of their son | Merrill S:vin at Springfield, Ill. ! _ The H. B. Gaston family moved 'from the Brown house to the Ros:-- |chlein house on North Main stree!t |the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Hawkins left 'Priday for Rochester, Minn., where Mrs. HaWwkins has enteretl the Mayo tBroQ. Clinie for treatment of her |eves. _ Mrs. E. I i'!he ladies of meeting at h | Wednesdayv. ' There was no school on Monday afterndon as the teacher attended a ) funeral ; |__About 65 néighbors and friends ' of the Christianson family gathered | at the Masonic hall Wednesday eve-- The monthly business meeting o( the C. E. society was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Piersdor{t Friday evening. After the meeting was adjourned the social chairman took charge and a very pleatgant evening> was spent. Rulph Mctiure spent Friday in Chi-- cago where he attended the flower show. ~ Robert Bonner. Jr.. is sxnlsonflned to his home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Kalut at Druce Lake sunday. Mrs. | the sick Miss Dor week--emnd w Mrs. Jamis: The mon Mr. and Mrs. Strobel wore Chicago visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrss Robert Erwin Waukegan were Sunday callers the Geo. Edwards home. days Miss nesda y mann. t4 10A sat down to. The Warren high school won both ball games last Sateurday night against the Waucenda hBigzh school. Nirs. Hubert Schmidt is recovering from an accident which she received in ber home Monday. Mts: FFed Wirth is slowly recov-- ering from her recent illness. ning to bid them farewell to their new homse at Unian Grove, Wis. Mrs. W. A. Bonnuer and Mrs. J. S. Dennran spent Thursday with Mrs C. E. Denman at Gurnee. Miss Viola Alshouse snent a fe+» The Wuukegan Kiwanis club and the Warten Men's club beld a most enjoyable meeting at the Gurnee Woodman hall Monday night. The K. N. A. served the dinuer, to which Mrs. N. H. Brown. Mrs. N. W. Appleyard returned to her home Monday night after spend-- ing several days in Chicag®. The Warren Garden cluMs going to have a meeting-- Friday night with Mrs. N. H. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dada and daughter, Rosmary, drove into Chi-- cago sunday to see the Flower show. The Boy Scouts are to have a meeting at the church tonight at Mrs. L. F. Fenlon and daughter, Evelyn, attended the Flower sbow in Chicago Sturday. Mrs. James Campbell has been confined to her bed the past few days with illness. John Peterson of Waukegan but formerily of Gurriee, was calling on [{riends bhere yesterday. \ The Gurnee grade school is going 'o 'have school again this coming saturday to make up the time that they have lost. Word has been received that Earl Washburn has left Denver and is expected home Thursday. His moth-- er is accompanying him. Mrs. Helen -- McClure -- returgued Monday from a two weeks trip to Florida. Miss Thelma Woodburn, a teacher of Mathmatics in the Warren Town-- ship high school and who has been ill for the past two weeks, has re-- sumed her teaching. Chicago 1¢ L( trth Chi The mee 2() s. Denrman home , (Grace Holdridge spent Wed ? with ber cousin Bernice Bau-- j Dan Anderson bas been MILLBURN ANTIOCH ing of the Sunday s »i officers was h«» GURNEE a Alshouse eek with he t} Jamison s her parents oK will entertain zuild at an all day me on Lake street D & I thi ter A. Taylor were shocked to learn| The Lux family were summoned ¢ 's sudden death at his home in 'm Waukegan Tuesday by the death Waukegan Tuesday morning. lof WaRer Tavyior. %, M GettingThereAheadof theTrouble tion with the leading tire manufacturers. . As a result, certain defi-- nite specifications were de-- veloped for tires for the new Ford. These specify cords of certain strength and texture, a large volume of tread and gide--wall rubber, sturdy non-- skid design, and reinforced plies for protection against bruise breaks--all the strong features of construc-- tion formerly considered for only the largest tires. Great care also was taken to secure the best riding qual-- ities in connection with the transverse springs and the Houdaille MR est cost, the Ford Motor Company devoted many months to research and experiment in conjunc-- apparent that a new tire would have to be made to match the car's perform-- ance. It was distinctly a new problem, for here was a car with quicker acceleration, braking efficiency than any car of similar size or weight. So that every Ford owner might be assured of maxi-- mum tire mileage at thelow-- WHEN the now Ford was de-- signed, it was immediately Tires for the new Ford are specially made to give long wear Automatic warning signals, electrical locating devices, constant testing of all switchboard apparatus and circuits--these are some of the ceaseless efforts that so effectively reducegjnterruptions to service on Bell lines. There is no standing still in the Beil System. Highly developed locating devices were instantly applied and in sixty--five minutes the trouble spot was located. By 7 :15 in the eve-- ning, before the break in the sheath had affected service on any of the 248 pairs of wires in the cable, the repairs had been made without one conversation being interrupted. This special alarm system is one of the many mechanical and electrical wonders developed by Bell System engineers to guard telephone conversations. UNE AFTERNOON recently, an alarm be!l rang in a telephone test station. This meant that a puncture had been made in the air--tight sheath of a busy inter--city cable. The men on duty knew that the injury was somewhere within fifty miles. » "The Telephone Books are the Directory of the Nation" FoRD Motonr CoMPany ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CcomPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy -- One System -- Universal Service LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY., MARCH 7. 1929 premature wear. When punctures come, as they will with any tire, you will find the Ford dealer particularly well--equipped to make repairs qu(i:]kly and at small cost. See him, too, for replacements. Then you will be sure of getting tires built specially for the Ford car according b to definite Ford specifications. At the end of each 5000 miles, when you have the front wheels packed with grease, it is a good plan to have the wheel alignment checked. This will prevent sure of 35 pounds and checked regularly to insure _ | this pressure all the time. _ | This is important. Low in-- _ | flation breaks down the side-- walls of a tire. By causing overheating, it also destroys the rubber that acts as an insulation, with consequent separation of the cord. For best results, the tires on the new Ford should be kept inflated to an air pres-- Though the Ford tires are designated as 30 x 4.50, they have the resiliency and air space of much larger tires because of the drop center rim of the steel--spoke wheels. @ C PAGE THREL