Mrs Orpua Harding, Mrs. John Rouse, Mrs. George Ross attended the Woman's Club meeting in Liber-- tyville Wednesday. . Mrs. Harding very pleasingly introduced the speak-- er, Dr. Franklin Bliss Snyder, of the Northwestern University, who spoke on "Standards of Value in Contem-- porary Fiction." Among the many interesting things Dr. Snyder had to say was that of all the books of fiction written during the last 30 years there were only twenty oUut-- standing books, and the reason Ahe Fave was that the requisites of a lasting novel are truth, beauty and that it be worthwhile. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Weiis, &ALG Juanita and Naomi, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Gross in Lake Zurich. Mrs. Geo. Ross attended the An--| nual Art Breakfast of the Conference of club presidents and program chair-- , men in Chicago Thursday. The par--| ty made a tour of the Art Institute ; and then to the Palmer House forl luncheon. s {8 Richard Smith, who ing his home with G+ Libertyville, is in th morial hospital recel Nineteen frtends and relatives sur. prised Harden Rouse Saturday night The evening was spent playing 300, and Miss Abbie Carr and Harry E. Rouse won the prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Rouse and Mr and Mrs. Harden Rouse aitended the banquet given by the Lake Zurich loe@al of the Pure Milk Assu., held at the community house of the Bvangel-- jcal church Thursday night. Mr. Geyer, of the Pure Milk Assn, was the principal speaker and there was a good musical program. Mr. Geyer gave an interesting talik on the milk bsituation and of the recent strike. Mr and Mrs. EKime and Mr. and Mrs M children spent Sund: Mr. and Mrs. Will J Mrs. Orpha Harding and daugh-- ter, Dorothy, spent Thursday in Chi-- amgo, and attended the fSlower show in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Rouse, Miss Ruth Sorenson and Delbert Rouse attended the flower show in Chicago Friday evening. Frank -- soawdle, Mrs. C. Arthur Jerne and Eunice attended the flow-- er show in Chicago Wednesday. Richard Smith, who has been mak-- ing his home with George Smith, in Libertyville, is in the Condell Me-- morial hospital receiving attention for an open wound on his leg which was caused by a bruise some time a £ The Ladies' Aid will meet Friday, March 15th, with Mrs. Albert Roder. Mrs. J. L Roder will be assistant hostess. --Mr. and Mrs. L A. Murrie made business trip to Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Russell of Gur-- nee spent Sunday at the Thomas McBride home. son sUenl Oone day iliis WCER-- MiLH the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Aug Gadke. Mrs. Orpha Harding, as chairman of the book committee of the Cook Memorial Library, and other mem-- bers on this committee, attended the regional meeting of the State Lib-- rary Board, which was held at the The damage caused by the recent fire at the McBride home is being repaired, and the carpenters say it is marvelous that the house was ever saved, as the fire had worked its way up and over and down again tr several places. The McBride fam-- ily say the firemen are to be highly eommended for their excellent work. K. V. Smith returned with them Fri day for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wmm Zersen and Miss Emma Fisher attended the fun-- eral of Mrs. Herman Fisher at Pal stine Monday. J. J. Kouse and -- Mrs. Nina J. Hutchins and daughter. Laurel, mo tored to Rockford Thursday. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kane and daughter, Genevieve, called on Lake Forest friends Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. lienry Kane spent Sunday visiting friends in Elgin. Mr and Mrs William Roder and Mrs. Louis Schultz of Palatine were guests at the Wm. Zersen home on Sunday. John Snyder of Ivanhoe spent last Sunday at the home of his son, War-- ren Snyder. The afternoon 500.--club was en-- tertained by Mrs. R J. Lyons Thurs-- day. Mrs. Fred Monroe won the draw prize; Mrs. A. L Dorfler, first; Mrs. John Rouse, second, and Mrs. J. C. Dorfler, third. Mrs. Warren Snyder and son and Mrs. Harold Wells and children mo-- tored to Antioch Monday and spent the day with their narents, Mr. and Mrs. Kinrade.. PAGE SIX AN OPPORTVNITY TO GET A RADIG RECEIVER SECOND TO NONE In TONE AND SELECT-- IVITY, AT A SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE. NEW PRICES ARE NOW IN EF.-- FECT, WHICH AFFORDS YOU News Notes of Mundelein and Vicinity Considering The Purchase Of A Radio: BEFORE YOU DECIDE DEFI-- NITELY AS TO A RADIO, LET us GIVE A DEMONSTRATION OF THE NEW ALLELECTRIC Mr ITEMS OF INTEREST TO PEOPLE LIVING IN MUNDELEIN. You can help make this section more in-- teresting if you will phone the Loca! Editor any news items you may have concerning relatives or friends McMILLEN HARDWARE CO. Mundelein, II1. THE RADIO SENSATION OF THE YEAR! Residence on Lake St. EVER --READY Across From the Bank TELEPHONE 120 @ Mrs. Will Hertel and Mrs. Robert Gadke a Mrs. Myron Wells, and FEvanston library and Nicholas in-- termediate school Friday. The aft-- ernoon was spent in driving arqund Evanston and at the 'library of the Nichols School where they held a very interesting and instructive dis-- eussion of the library work in School The Evanston Public Library moin-- tain branches in many of their sC u00ls. Mrs. Ray Wells, Mrs.: Myron Smith and Mrs. Orville Smith of Libertyville spent Friday in Wau-- kegan. . Mrs. J. MARSHALL HUTCHINGS Meyer, on Sunday. The guests were Mr and Mrs. Edward Grote and family and Will Grote of Chicago, Mrs. Mathilda Wilkeof Arlington Heights, Mrs. Lillian Grabbe and family, Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Wirt: and Virginia and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brainard, of Ivanhoe, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wells, and son, Pau!, and Miss Emma Fisher, of Mundelein, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith, of Libertyyville. They spent a very pleasant day and Mr. and Mrs. Méeyer received a love-- ly clock and many beautiful flowers. LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MARCH 7. 1929. Telephone 557.--J | The Toy Band in the Primary Room is progressing. They »nlayed for the 3rd and 4th grade room last is very apt to receive a poor start in school and life. i Treva Margaret McCarthy return-- ed to school Monday after a long il}-- nesgs. Third and Fourth Grades -- The winners of the dictionary contests for last week vv&: Everett Hendee and Mary Ellen ft. Gladys and Clarence Melka have left our school. They will enter at Diamond LAke. Russell Rouse has been absent for two weeks, with tonsilitis, The pupils of the third and fourth rrades were entertained Friday aft-- ernoon by Miss Sorenson's toy bhand. PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH church to begin work on this beau-- tiful composition under the leader-- ship of Mr. Weight. He has had wide experience in choir leadership in Pennsylvania and will do a fine piece of work with the choir. > Evening services at 7, with an in teresting, song service led by the Junior choir and Mr. Weight. Mr. Jevne gives the talk on "A Scout is Friendly." There is no finer quality than this. Everybody should pos-- sess it. Thursday, March 14, at 7:30, the Junior Sunday Evening club has its meeting Aat the home of Cleo and Elva Bluhm. Friday at 8, Ivanhoe choir practice and Ivanhoe Boys' club Friday, March 15, the Ladies Aid Society meets at the home of Mrs. Albert Roder. Mrs. J. L Roder is as-- sistant hostess. Saturday at 9, boy scouts; at 2, Junior boys; at 7:30, S O S club; at 3:30, junior choir practice. ' Friends of Roy Newton who used to live here, will be sorry to hear that he is in the L@ke County hos-- pital, a oatient in the tuberculosis ward. Mrs. Newton is now making her home in Highland Park, and all will be glad of the opportunity of séeing her again. as follows: The soup was served by Mrs. C. Arthur Jevne; the meat and potatoes by Mrs. Eison Ransom; the vegetables by Mrs. J. L. Shepherd; cake and ice cream by Mrs. William The young people of Ivanhoe held a progressive party. Priday night Fri-- day night. There were about 14 present and the evening was spent Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells and children, Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Gross and son, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Holland and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. George Gross and sons of Lake Zurich spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hertel. (Continued on Pag« »V e N) R. J. LYONS Libertyville--Mundelein Chamber of lllinois Assoclation of Real Estate Commerce Boards Libertyvilie--Mundelein Real Estate National Association of Real Estate Board Boards LYONS & ROUSE Mundelin, IIl. SERVICE--COURTESY REAL ESTATE RENTING FARM LANDS LOANS INSURANCE MEMBER Phone 283 J. H. ROUSE