PAGE EIGHT TRAINING DATES FOR SIXTH GORPS TROOPS ARE GIVEN Thirty--Third Division Troops Will Arrive at Camp Grant on Aug. 3 Training dGdates f« tional guard at Cal other national gua and reserve troops®s an administrative 01 sixth corps area, C ceived by Major E drews, U. S. A., e® for organized reserve ford district. Thirty--third division artillery, will arrive h« begin their fifteen day Camp Grant. Three hundred and -- cers and 4 the infantr and 184 m tachment _ the 10}6th m« wh milit repo AUDITORIUM will comp ust 16 Monday. . M IlNinois arti beadquarters tery of the 58 ade, with the ments, #6 to June 15 to 29 ties prevents with the rest A dairy cow capable of producing 30 pounds of milk daily with 3:5 per cent butterfat is frequently fed a daily ration of 12 pounds timothy hay, 36 pounds corn silage, _ four pounds sround corn and four pounds ground barley. This daily ration Hit or miss methods in feeding of good crops which cost the farmer money and time to grow do not add to the farmer's profit, according to Dr. . B. Morrison, nationally known Morrison nationally known authority on animal nutrition. Experiments have shown that it doesn't cost any more to raise crops that contain just the right elements for a ration than the other kind. How to Get Higher Prices for Farm Crops ade, with the 122nd and 12ith regt ments, zo to Camp McCoy, Wis., June 15 to 29. Lack of range facilt-- ties prevents their training . here with the rest of the 33rd Division. Gunners of the first battalion of the 123rd Field Artillery will train at Camp Knox, Ky., August 17--31. The greatest of dog stars in a roaring melodrama of north wood thrills. 1 to O Also A BARNEY GOOGLE COMEDY Sunday and Monday March 10 and 11 The burning love--the flaming jealousies of carnival life. Saturday, March 9 Tuesday, Wednesday March 12 and 13 The most glorious pages of his tory live again in TROPIC MADNESS 'Sweet Buy and Buy' Gertrude Olmstead Love, vengeance, passion among the islands of the South Seas, with-- "HEY RUBE" with Hugh Trevor "NAPOLEON®" with Albert Dieudonne. Thursday, Friday March 14 and 15 CcOMmEpy Homeless Homer "DOG LAW" Artillery to McCoy o artillery units AlSso REVIEW AND FABLES undred and 4,508 men ry 'regiment nen the he: LIBERTYVILLE ind Leatrice Joy IN THEATRE ates for the Illinols nA at Camp Grart and for al guard, regular army troops are contained in rative order issued by area, Chicago, and re-- Major Edmund R. Aun-- 3. A., executive officer d reserves in the Rock:-- Ranger IN COMEDY to IN $l. ~ar id q sixty--one will con 1q Art troops, less e Aug. 3 to training at 18 office radt O bat bris f1 Oof costs the farmer 84c but the cow only produces 10.3 pounds of milk daily. o The same cow, Mr. Morrison says, could be fed a daily ration costing the farmer exactly the same price and yet produce three times as much milk. The properly balanced ration would be 12 pounds alfaifa hay, 36 pounds corn silage, 4 pounds wheat bran and 4 pounds linseed meal The first ration kept down the cow's potential productivity because it did not contain enough protein. The farmer can pay for the wheat bran and the linseed meal, which he may buy from the increased produc-- tion of milk, ond still show a profit. Crops that are fed in the form of balanced rations and are then figur-- atively sold to good highly product-- ive animals are sold on the highest paying market in the world. Com-- paring the profits obtained from the first ration and the balanced ration gets $1.06 per ton more for every ton of silage; $5.32 more for every ton of hay; 79¢ for every bushel of corn, and 84¢ for every bushel of barley, after the cost of the wheat brain and linseed meal have been deducted from the earnings. Another good balanced daily ration th T Pathe@Picture * * 101 Vitaphone Presentations at All Shows Mundelein Representative, Wesley Froland. Phone Mundelein 798--R (A We have it HERE! Atrwiauresre Rent Let us arrange a demonstration in your Own Home, without obligation f HERSCHBERGER BROS. Prairie View, IIl. Phone 652--J--2 three a powerful electric set with a double power tube stage. Uses 7 A. C. tubes and 1 rectifying tube. Less tubes, $83. MODEL F2, Electro-- Dynammc speaker --$34 * ue ready to plug in N()W you can listen to the concerts being broadcast, and hear them as they really sound in the studio. You will hear President--elect Hoover take the oath of office--and hear him as he really speaks, Atwater Kent iElectro--Dynamic reproduces speech and music naturally--low notes and high notes, See it--hear it-- bhere today ! MODEL 46 Atwater--Kent Mode! on Display at Tegtmeyer's Mundelein) O W crro. DxvyNamC RADIO O daily ration e pound of )f Easy Terms w l2 UE 2@ FRANGIS CLIFFORD \ ACCUSED OF BEING ONE OF ROBBERS Francis Clifford, 35, of North Chicago, today was accused of being the second member in the robbery band that held up and beat Frank Asma, 61, Rondout watchman Feb. Sheriff to Ask Indictment of North Chicagoan for Rondout Crime 20 regremm . "@ Sheriff Lawrence Doolittle made the charge and stated that he had been hunting for him since the night that two men entered the construc-- tion company offices at Rondout and forced Asma to open the safe that contained $36. Oscar Erickson, 28, of 147 Mor: row avenue, North Chicago, was ar rested two days ago after a war rant charging him with the robber}y LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MARCH 7. 1929. me A Thrill Packeg Drama, joad ed with action, featuring Friday, Saturcd March 8 and 9 RICHARD -- BARTHELMESS and LORETTA YOUNG WARNER BROS. LATEST AND GREATEST TALKING PICTURE Tom Brown and Original Six Brown Brothers, Nationally Famous Saxaphone Stars A Thrilling Story of Love and Intrigue, starring Monday, Mch. 11 Sunday, March 10 on THE SCREEN _----ON THE SCREEN-- "Searlet Seas" O W I "'The Terror'"' Phyllis Haver TIME VAUDEVILLE U Shady Lady' ats, barley ains with 1 THE STAGE ---- _ or daily rday ns at U d other ed meal d | _ Erickson has denied the charges. \__The sheriff is to suggest to State's |Allomey A. V. Smith that the case be presented to the grand jury. was issued by Justice Harry Hoyt. Erickson saw Clifford in Milwau-- kee last, Capt. George Heckinger of the county motorcycle police said. It is believed that he is in Detroit now TOWNSHIP CAUVCUS A caucus of the voters of Liberty-- ville Township, Lake County, Illi-- nols, will be held at the Town Hall, in Libertyville, Illinois, on Saturday, March 16. 1929, for the purpose' of pominating township officers, to be voted on at thé Town Election, to be held on Tuesday, April 2, 1929. The offices to be filled are: One School Trustee [ Two Justices of the Peace. Two Constables. Also to transact such other busi-- ness as may »roperly .come before the caucus. 2t BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE. FOR SALE OR RENT --80 acre farm with new 7 room house, other build ings of little value; on Kenosha and Racine county line; has been in one family since taking from government in 18486; land best in southern Wis-- econsinc $11" per acre: $2500 cashb, For Salc.At ' LIBERTYVILLE® TRUST & SAVINGS BANK FIRST MORTGAGES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS P etore and be assured of good work and prompt service. Also orders taken for pleating, button COvermg.; monograming, ruffiing, etc., by ~| ABDBSUeeSH nie s css ... tss sns ... uin w inss | Have your hemstitch: ing done at Hein's _ Jos. 0. Earnshaw Libertyville Township THAERE NEVER WAS A e BEFTTER TREAT----.THAN JUST THE PROPER KIND OF HEAT I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of Constable for Libertyville Town-- ship subject to the will of the voters of . the township at a caucus to be held Saturday after-- noon, March 16, 1929, and I respectfully ask your support at this caucus. OF all the treats that man's in-- genuity bas invented to tickle his satisfaction there never was a more comfortable entertain-- ment than heat. This is the place where you can buy solid comfart by the ton »delivered by the clock We'll be glad to hear from you . I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Justice o f the Peace for the Town-- s hip of Libertyville, subject to the: will of the voters at a Republi-- can caucus to be held Saturdav after noon, March 16, 1929. I resnectfully ask for your sunport at this caucus. BORST'S COAL QUARTETTE RONDOUT, ILLINOIS . I ELEPMONES 679--M--1 and 794 MARJORIE CARY The Hein Company JOHN G. BORST A Man of Service CONSTABLE Chris. F. Peterson E. D. HUBBARD SaAFE INVESTMENTS WAUKEGAN, ILL (Bismarck) Candidate for NOTICE NOTICE Or W excha operty ean. H 6t FOR RENT--Large sleeping room twin beds; also garage room for two cars; board if desired. Inquire at Independent office. 5 6t POR --RENT-- Five room furnished apartment with garage, and 6 room furnished house, with garage; -- also one store in good location; -- all in Mundelein. Phone 557--J. 1} tf FOR RENT H. 8t FOR SALE--Holsteins and Guert seys fresh and retest. C FPOR SALE--Edison disc »honograph and 80 records; machne alone cost $265 006 Will take §$25 00. Inquire of R. G. Kaping, Phone 469 or 269 It 11 FOR SALE----Mammoth Bronze tur: PUIK JABby --Blibw iuviiwgage NDQls, in -- uenominauuus | ui -- ppouyy &uud @1 vuv, by owner; pyay (vyc inlerest, on lake county property. Acduress oxr io0, care ingepengaentl 9 et key toms and hens; White Holland toms; pure bred Barred Rock cock-- erels; pure bred Rouen drake:; Mal-- laia Crskes and ducks Lergeron Stock Farm, 2 miles west of Liber-- tyville on Lake St Road. Tele-- phone 678J--2. 8 U FPOR SALE--Fresh eggs, chickens and Toulouse geese. Telepnone 676 M--1. 1U FOR -- SALE --Alcazar combinatio coal and gas range, with bui.t--in oil oven; like new. Call Libertyvyille phone 66T--R--2 Carl A. Schreck 10 3t FPOR SALE-- Sanitary couch, nearly new ; iron bed and few other arti cles.. Call 178--J. 10 2t 1nois 0 per monti S. Schrader, Chicago. De lder; §$1.25 per bushel owa oats, best producer try, T5¢ per bushel Both cleaned sacks included e timothy hay in barn on. Gilskey Bros , Rou:s Prone Grayslake 17--W--2 In line of Libertyville Township future election, I call the attention of the People of this Township to the Spring Caucus held at the Town Hall in Libertyville, Ilinois, March 16, 1929, at 2:00 p. m., at which time everyone is urged to attend and vote for your law enforcing body, which means a great deal to the Township, Village and PUBLIC NOTICE County. In the past four years your interests have been safely guarded, and funds collected from fines being placed on Township Roads. Your children, are ever in our minds when inforcing the Motor Vehicle Violations. We have rid the Township of all undesirable Violators so that your mother or wife may feel safe on our Village streets and highways after night fall. I have interested myself in legislative matters at Springfield to enable the Villages to control and safe guard their highways and still maintain their Safety Lights, Signs and Gas Pumps. Every Merchant is aware of our efforts which means much to their future welfare and business. Y our vote on March 16,1929 at the Caucus will express your confidence and apprecia-- on of your faithful and law inforcing body. SALE FOR RENT Choice cows and heilers, d s~pringers, with sixty--days Gilskey Bros, Kound Lake, 52 U FOR FPlat 4 rooms ntu. $08% N. er, 117 W. W Dearborn 857 Row barl y per bushel Harry MaDill Bartlett &A J n Y ours very truly, and bath Mil. Ave ashing!or --r for this th graded ed. Extra m. $18.00 usd Lake, 2 9 3t +d V Y Arlington Heights, I11 IF YOU WANT TO RENT.Ornr: SELL your property, list it with Fred H. Smith, Realtor. 604 N... Milwaukee Ave. Phone 275. 5 it MONEY TO LOAN--We have a coun: stderable amount of special funds o loan on improved property We ipvite ¥E"rst Nationat Bank 1 Inois. 20 GT SOMETHING TO SELIL YERTISE IN THIS. COLLMN LOST AND FOUND WHEN YOU BUY A PIANO, be sure it is a good one. Let us tei! you about the well known HAD-- JORFF and GULBRANSEN ALL THE LATEST NUMBERS IN SHEET MUSIC ORDERS FOR PIANO TUNING WILL BE GIVEN PROMPT ATTENEION Phone Waukegan 247 112 N* Genesee St., Waukegan, I!l. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE What have you? REDEKER JAS. C. O'SHEA Miscellaneous W ANTED iano Tuning Phone 496 y nqd FY 11 INDEPENDENT DEWVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. MEAT SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday, MARCH 8th and O9th 606 N. Milwaukee Rib Roast _ "Roiti Native Pot Roast -- Best Frankforts -- Bologna Sausage Veal Roast _ "Kotu Pure Lard -- 2 roun»s Corn Beef | . BYS Sugar Cured Ham 1845 Illinois Merchants Bank Building 230 SOUTH CLARK STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS TELEPHONE DEARBORN 2360 Casnh Market 240 Acres., with modern buildings, will be available for rent. effective March 1st §fOY ocated on St. Mary's Road. immedr-- GREENBRIAR FARM Dick Earl, Proprietor Phone 202 Libertyville, Ill. LIBERTYVILLE MOTOR SALES ately east of Libertvville tUP C. H. KIMBALL ( Formerly Folly Farm ) ALAUE ee Libertyville, Hinois Telephone 180 BONELESS ROLLED 2 POUNDS FOR BONELESS SUGAR CURED B 4 § 327C 222C 23¢ 23¢ 31c 353C