Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Apr 1929, p. 10

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«» «+ .PAGE FOUR Too bad the weather man made such a mess of things on Easter Day. Most of the women and even a few men had to remain at home lest they Libertyville Recreation Center LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!S HALF DAY AND PRAIRIE VIEW lei in the relation of bowling to good phied muscles, and "t'ning" upthe system ing as a meansof celiev-- »» This Oven Cooking Set FREE One Easy Turn of the Red Wheel Regu-- lator on a Clark Jewel or Reliable Gas Range and you, obtain measured and controlled oven heat as long as nec-- essary for any kind of oven cooking or baking. In this magic oven you can roast meats and bake the most delicate desserts, can fruits, or cook whole meals, deliciously, perfectly, while you enjoy yourself, carefree, at bridge, club, movie of where you will. North Shore Gas Company .|get their new hats and coats ruined |\by the rain. yc ; Miss Ruby Moore and her aunt, | Mrs. Ben I. Harter, of Chicago, spent Easter with the latter's sister Mrs. _' Grant Cook. Miss Moore played a &R violin selection as a number on the '{program Sunday nite at the Wash-- '{burn Congregational Church. C Notwithstanding the stormy wea-- ther Sunday A. M. there were forty-- three out to Sunday school with an offering of more than fifteen dollars for missions beside the, regular "of-- fering for the school. There was also a larger crowd in the evening than was anticivated on account of the storm. The program was very good and the lecture by Rey. Vance and the slides picturing "Awakened India" were very interesting. The services at the Half Day church for next Sunday April 7 will be as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m Preaching services at 11 a. m. Those who were unable to be pres: ent last Sunday will be given an op-- portunity to contribufe to the miss-- fonary offering next Sunday. Donr't forget the envelopes please. _ The Adult bible class of the Half Day Sunday school will bhold their monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Herschberger, Mon-- day nit April 8. All members are invited to attend this meeting. Mr. Whitacre will lead the discussion for this meeting. He -- will select his own topic. Mrs. W, G. Parker and Mrs. CE Bloome, of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived Monday in Prairie View to yisit their mother Mrs. Hales ans4s their brother Kenneth for a week. Miss Hales is still confined to lher bed. Some one became 'anduly alarmed last Saturday and called the Whee! ing fire company'to come to Half Day to extinguish a fire When it arrived they found it was only the grass burning on the Englebrecht pasture. Some packing of hay at the end of Mr. Henry Schueler's chicken house caught from the burn:-- Robert Wilcox of the North West Military academy at: Lake Geneva was cal ; at the homes < of J. P. Ritzenthaler, Mr. Hodgkins, and the Lockheads, Monday. 'Ben Ritzenthaler played the saxa phone at the Easter program '! Wheeling Sunday. _ _ -- The Primary department of # + Grace Evangelical church bave a very interesting Gdemonstration -- of their wo¥k at the morning worship hour last Sunday. Mrs. Lloyd Ritzen thaler gave t'#r story. Rev. Dwan preached an appropriate Easter ser-- mon which was followed by the ecom-- munion service. There was no ser-- vice in the evening on account of the bad weather and roads. The services at. Prairie View church next Sunday, April 70 are: Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preach-- ing grass and before it could be re moved scorched some of the boards which may have to be replaced by new ones or renailred. _ m Telephone 16 CLARK JEWEL or RELIABLE Red Wheel Gas Range 10# Allowance COME IN TODAY--or,--telephone and ask to have one of our representatives call to give you further details of this remarkable offer. noi A conference of the W. C. 'I U. workers of Libertyville, Mundéleiz, Half PDay and Prairie View will be held in the Grace Evangelical church at Prairie View on May 2ad or 3rd, Watch for the exact date and uk«rv« it as there will be some interesiing speakers, band music, étc., in the evening-- | . Stop --Look.--Listen and dont faill to attend the Old Time Custom Dance ¥iven by the Mysterious Three at the Town Hall, Half Day, on Friday evening. April 12th. You may choosa your own styles of dress such as the Bussel and Hoop, of forty years ago un to the present style of modernism. Hapke's Orchestra will furnish the music and a good time ds assured. Lunch will be served by the Ladies.> The P. T. A. meetiog for she |Frank Wells this summer as farm month of April has been postponed | posgs. from April 6th to Friday, April "2th., Mrs. O'Berg and family of Prairie at which time it will convene at the |view have moved to Wisconsin the sehool house at 8 p. m. sharpl PDr. ipast week. j Smith from Libertyville will be pn's-l Postmaster Ritzenthaler made a ent to talk on the care and preser 'pusiness trip to Chicago last Tues-- vation of teeth. This should prove | gay, © very valuable and instructive to tie Mr. and Mrs. Math Wickersheim children as well as to the adults and fentertained company from C?icago a grood crowd hbould be present 10 |oge day last week. | greet Dr. Smith. A short program | w pnnrmvess Snncph n ommc ns | will also be rendered. & |_____..__.--------------------, Another serious a dent happened in fre Stancliff's Store last ing when two boys at the car ahead of the1 cient time an comink a car coming toware the death of one of | ing ears ahead of v The Ladies Aid Society Washburn -- Congregational will meet with Mrs. John on Thursday evening, Apri good attendance is desire the de ing C@ the i The EKlection }: off very quietly al were cast. The | cornered one for C. H. Krueger, and Wm. Gerbert : election of Kruege alt houg:! show ins in d or a Limited Tima---,- with each s igzets menace requires the \ on your old cook stove Just a small dow Wheel Gas Ranges in your kitchen. Pay the balance in 12 equal month-- ly installments with your gas bill. Enjoy the use of a modern gas range while you are paying for it. serious Aaulol ned in front Store last Su m w OUu il A V of the 1 payment wi BERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, | Half Day, Thursday eveninrg and are repeating it on Frl'day evening, April Sthlat 8 p. m. sharp at the same place, "The Ghost Bird" a mystery Comedy in four gcti'presented by T. 8. Dennison and Company by special arrangement. It is full of mystery and susvens as v~o!! as comedy. The seene is laid in , old family man-- «sinn in the sulb) Ds of New York seene is laid in , old family man-- sion in the suln »s of New York City. A flat footsd detective, a talk-- ative hbired girl and a dumb butler are amusing comedy parts, while the hero and ,herofue and the smooth crook parts are well balanced and preéesented. Don't miss it. Friday nite, April 5 at the Town Hall, Mack Mason and -- Math Hersch-- beirger are serving on petit jJury at Waukegan the past week. e Christ Voss is working for Mrs: Frank Wells this summer as farm Mrs. O'Berg and family of Prairie View have moved to Wisconsin the past week. | Postmaster Ritzenthaler made a business trip to Chicago last Tues-- day. Urbana, IIL, April 2--Successful methods now being used in more than a dozen floral establishments were studied first hand by Margar-- et C Fink, daughter of J. D. Fink,. Lake Zurich, and other floriculture students of the College of Agricul-- ture, University of lllinois on a re-- cent . inspection trip to Pana and St. Louis and Kirkwood, --Md. Miss Fink is a senior in the agricultural college. The trip was headed by Profs. H. B Dorner and 8. W. Hall, of the college floriculture divisions, assisted in each town by a local inide wha took the party from shop Lake Zurich, alt students of the ture, University cent . inspection 8t. Louis and | LAKE ZURICH _ on the trip were the Bourdet Floral THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1929 company, St. Louis Wholésale Cut Flower company ,and the -- pottery factory of the Missouri Supply com-- pany. -- Each year the students go to a different location so that no one student wili make the same trip twice in four years. Last year the class went to Indiana,--while in oth-- er years trips have been made to Chicago. Miss Fink is enrolled in the flori-- culture course which is designed to fit men and women for the profes-- sion of floriculture. Like the three other courses which the collegd' of: fers, this one is primarily designed to fit students for the practical af-- fairs of life. Practical laboratory ex-- ercise in the technical subjects of floriculture give the students a Whittal Anglo Persian Rugs at A half century of rug weaving experience brings supreme merit to Whittal Anglo Persian Rugs --a keen appreciation of modern decorative ideas. Never before such gorgeous beauty -- time--defying in durability. Deep, rich colors -- in designs woven into Domestic Rugs. Known for years as America's finest. Size 9x 12. Scores of thrifty homemakers wil be on our Fourth Floor: to take advantage of the marvelous value this assortment offers. Fine French Marquisettee in soft shades of beige and also white. Made with 3--inch full ruffled valance top and ruffled sides and bottoms. Complete with tie--backs, ready to hang. Low in price bécause of a special purchase. ; --of reéemarkable bgtfu}y! Soft, colorful) new patterns that will remain fresh after years of service. Fine wool qualitfes. They are exceptional at this price! | | ----Axministers, exceptional--in a lz;gd q'hd varied range of designs and glowing colors. Woven witb; long deep, soft pige in one beautiful plece. . FOURTH FLOOR We make windowishadec for any size window -- O ur new daylight Window Shade Making Department will gladly handle any size order for you at reason able cost.' Phone Waukegan 400 and an experienced Window Shade Man will call. 40--inch marquisette, soft and sheer cream, beige and fawn shades. mercerized and firm weave. --but works with you to create & background of individuality and good taste. By | expressing your character in terms of furniture and draperies he creates an interior that is distinctive of you alone. For our decorator, most of all. wants you to feel at home in your own home. If you iwere not pleased with his work it would be more unfortunate for us than for you, for, we would lose the future work that would come to us from you and ybnr friends. You may call in our decorator to help you with your entire home, a single room. or just the cur-- taining of a difficult window. No part of making a delightful interior is too small to interest him. Bring Extra Beauty to Your Home with a 9x12 Seamless Sandford's Axminister Rugs, $29.95 27x54--in Axministee Throw Rugs in Many New Paterns, each, $2.95 RUBIN'S FOURTH FLOOR Rugs and Draperies «strable pr of unique designs in qua In our drapery department brocades--all of them marked Inexpensive cretonnes to 9x12 Royal Wilton Rugs at $69.95 40--IN. MARQUISETTE, YD. Our Decorator does not Impose His own Ideas upon you Criss Cross Curtains French Marquisette To Furnish Your Home in Beauty 7 and good Taste "The Best NMore~on the North Shore RUBINS working knowledg ods now in use. in 'floriculture mal spection trip befc The equipment in floriculture in-- cludes ten glass houses and a ser-- vice building. Six |of the houses, in-- eluding the palm| house, are used primarily for the jnstructional worgh While the others| are intended for experimental purposes, they add o the facilities for ipstruction in flori-- culture as conducted on a commer-- cial basis. Besidesg roses, carnations and chrysanthemums, the housés contain a gelection of plants repre-- senting the formy used in commer-- cial and decorative or conservatory work. The ornamfl:ltal gardens fur-- nish illustrative 'materials for stu-- dents in floricultrare and landscape architecture. - A Set «36 1 tapestries an ire hundreds of the best metii-- Students enrolied e at least one in-- re graduation. ; | in floriculture in-- ouses and a sey-- of the houses, in-- house, are used nstructional work. are intended for ses, they add go struction in flori-- ed on a commer-- roses, carnations ms, the housés M ) U de m $30,000 DAMAGES ASKED IN SUITS Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Olson, said to be Chicagoans, today filed dam-- age suits aggregating $30,000 in cir-- cuit court against the Packard Mo-- tor Car company and K. C. Wett-- stone and Betty Wettstone, of High-- land Park. Suits, several weeks ago, had been filed in behalft of Victor Olson against the same de-- fendants. While just the praecipes were filed, it is learned that the ac-- tion dates back to an automobile accidert Voiles, grenadines and dotted fine Mar-- quisettes in plain and colored dots Fo: c bedrooms or kitchen,. Exceptional. Colorful cretoanes for" draperies and furniture covers to transform your house into a summer home. airy and cool. Many new patterns combine colors in beautiful harmony and add a new! color note to the room. . Choose from quaint modern prints in a large variety of colors 3 6 inches wide. at sma In 3 & $1 .95 50 In. Wide he Fancy Decorated Iron Rods 98c Each Drapery Damask 36--IN. CURTAIN GOODS, YD. drapery damas CRETONNE CRASHES des SUNFAST DAMASK 40 and 50 c Inches Wide at will harmonize with you rod. ornament, brackets and g Beautiful Polychrome 29 ssoartment Beautiful TURTLED CAR IS FOUND ON ROAD LC Deputy Sheriff Harry Quandt re-- ported to the sheriff's offiee to-- day that a Nash sedan, bearing a Wisconsin license, had been found in a ditch on Green Bay road near Zion. The car had been abandoned after it had turned turtle. It was or-- dered towed to a garage. . The discerning have discovered that t is easiest to gauge the pros-- perity of any given time by the dif ferently expericnced in finding the reading matter in magazines. Sunfast Damasks in newer §. They are Rayon and -- quality. Very low priced. Y¥ ard FOURTH FLOOR The plete,

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