Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Apr 1929, p. 1

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_ _ WLOW MOTOR co. of LIBERTYVILLE Dan E. Winn, Manager, :33 North Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville, Ill. Four soldier: no. hrt tlttqridan were err-ted to Mon Monday tight end brought but to Wanke- nn new. pol-Ila: on the charge of harm Itolen 3 Chevrolet belong- ill to Harry Ltmdhurg of the Clay- In: Hotel from in front ot the Val- enclo theatre on March 24. The soldiers. Marvin Strnuh. to, Theo. d re Harris, 18. Harold Collar. 18, had Jun" Johnson. 18. were locked up untll mutant Chief of Police Thom" E. Kennedy could com- mutate with the authorities at Fort Sheridan. Carney n Service zealous Porter (doing " tttmogt M the eoattpany)-Wery tony. air. No here mine to London today. Very I!" little tmin to Budlelgh Sallerton, he now. Quite an Interesting little 'tmmer---Pe-on's. "(In 4 was . IN THEFT tf ull tat wil in Wa when his I'm-Looking Peopl- 1ji,"fiitSiit f, A1sree1?f,.EcN.9Stl,,o?nrx Mr ii4ea4ia, OAKLAN D Brakes " another All-American feature that arouses owners' enthusiasm The brakes of the New Oakland Alb. American are internal-expanding . . . fully protected . . . unaffected by mud or rain or ice. They are always positive and smooth in action . . . always exception- ally quiet. Yes . . . Oakland's brakes are far from ordinary. But the same is true of everything else in the New All-Ameri- can Six. Come in . . . and we will show you how much more it offers for its price. Con-hie: tho delivered price as well u the [in price when competing automobile values. "halal" price. Include only M". chm-F (at "v.7 and Inn-eh. "has 'ttds 981318,]. a. b. Pond-c. "6ehqos plan-M 9M0... w a... a" Way Hydraulic Shock MIN-tuna." in tut m "mo-altar!" guard- om. General Motor. Thu. Pay-uni Plan avail-bk CC Mun I" O'UALITY A at-il-perk-tread-red with &ei.ecoesom, of better that" dictating!!!" ofgaaott-tth My Iowa] consumption. Benet-manila" tothegollon Du to finer urination and im. 's-edmaniAtldinasttu-toe" vtheeelms or body rumble---- at every speed the quiet, luxurious at": that everyone expect! of I Smooth Six-Cylinder Performance The Chevrolet Six deliver. in m unity, freely and without annoying PIODL'CT OF GINIIAL HOTOIS Why FOR ECONOMICAL chosen the new Chevrolet Six Telephone 202 ASixin thePrlceRongeqftheFour Manypeopledonotralbe thatthhtnamloua main allude: Chevrolet la actually oirered in the price range ofthefour. Comparetotaldelivered priceaaa wellaa factory prices when determining automobile values. You will find Chevrolet delivered prices include the lowest handling and financing charge. available. aver LIBERTYVILLE MOTOR SALES m...'525 on....'525 .......'595 .......'675 Enu'695 have already TEAM NO. L- thnith ..._-.....,.. TEA M NO. B-. Duher -'-.m....... Seller Mm Stang _._6tw.__.M.r-_ Kmmrey Bout w.-.. Wilkening TEAM NO. B- [iiiiiiri OF' THE PIN HITTERS TEAM NO. '- Winkler ...-....,. Belt m---.-..-----.-.--.. TIAI Mt. ...- thors ..._...-... Dick Earl, Prop. 300,000 mph-11.0451". '595 The COACH [li il T 611 N. Milwaukee Ave. 521 -190 179 151 191 123 MI 486 -1.) 158 172 162 191 190 132 182 195 213 109 169 542 -omaeseseopiindtaiiiuht...rear -mirroe...nndfiooe-controtled Uiaturu beam radium. 194 Distinctive Bodies by Fisher unmet, lower and roomier . . . and chin; ouch fine car features as Fisher W windshield, adjustable driver's oeat,and Ternuedt hardware -the new Faber enclosed bodies give the Chevrolet Six an outstand- ing measure of distinction. Every Modern Driving Convenience b The new Chevrolet Six ll equipped wteisfuiiunbearinttpterring media: TRANSPORTATION 542 b71 NS Ilr4 156 199 315 201 631 171 587 191 Itil I72 146 269 o o o qtnen "011'!"ng *wnccl an... theerettof Wctrolock . . . 171 557 507 582 1N8 Ito 183 226 mamas» T. Deuce-y Petition for Injunction. Brought gaunt the Funk J. Herman hotel at Loon Lake. was dismissed Tttrs. day in county court on the order ot the state attorney. Irvin Poster, Luke Villa, had made an affidavit that he purchued liquor there. It wu reported that Inn-stunner; failed to rent! the but hot cor- taitt churn. that had been undo. 414 405 NS TEAM NO. 6--Do1MtMBOYtt Mekitrtett ___-___. 132 132 132 Gruenwald _-- ....149 170 153 Muhlke .__.___188 217 181 "' 619 486 TEAM NO. 7--8HAtfETAto Neville A , 7 _165 141 12% J. Born! ., up")?! 15h 165 D. t Kennedy C Plum __-- 'rr0urs . Carlson P-tt R Kennedy H. Llll ._.. 542 507 d TEAM NO. HORPORALB rt McCormick 158 In: It Nun ___ -Fe 15x 158 i o, Firnback 7 2H0 17tt _ IEéM NO. b-SUCK PRIVATEO Maker [Ask __. lilpuel Wheeler 516 476 TEAM NO. HEROEANTS HERMAN nlll.llllll CASE It DROPPED TEAM NO. t "Mining __-. Krue _rr_r.---_ Porteous Madden TEAM TEAM NO. '- Fendlck "'-"_..t T Brown -"re__-wt-w.-, Hubbard . ---._.-.- Meir ..--_ -r- ........ TEAM NO. Tulley .-., Kruckman have tmt. Sit: t_-rf-__.. TIA! NO. '- Peterson -0..." Fame!) ..."....... Johnson ....._-...... Suyduh - Suydun . American Legioo Dad's League "wheel LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THgRSDAY, APRIL 4, 1929 r.--.-....."" 129 138 173 205 159 178 $04 MS 128 IST 174 137 142 119 107 " 143 131 123 149 655 14S 116 140 156 -....1" 147 143 177 179 165 607 198 lt4 575 216 116 137 138 114 155 119 187 564 152 113 148 151 "t 102 127 137 191 515 185 513 1496 445 450 163 169 181 163 142 140 635 1816 H 159 634 137 re., i61 Ir; Pc.' 141 141 135 117 13; 136 133 Pia '56 SiO 169 215 165 548 213 16", V, 1374 149t 1677 586 367 396 532 "I 539 067 44t 491 464 .583 405 4tl 467 "I 476 407 I 47Cl m 3trit, 41: 390 " I 440 335 429 362 202 1-05 170 19t 220 " Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards on- terulnod Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edwards and "rally. Mr. and In. Warren Edvard: ma funny and Mr. and Mn. Robert Edwin at dinner Bun. day. Mr. and In. Romney Ashton of Chicago and In. Eu] Edwards and sons of River Forest spent Sunday at the D. B. Webb homer. In. Marjorie Menu of Chicago and Mrs. M. Cannon, Lake Villa, at- tended the Enter aerviceu Sunday. A 5 o'cioct supper will be served by the Ladies' Aid society It the church Thursday. The India on the committee are Mrs. J. S. Denmnn. Mrs. Carl Anderson ttnd Mn. Cart Hughes. um Ethel lemme visited War ren high school Tttttradar. FiEDERICK BENJAMIN HOFFMAN Frederick Benjamin iioiimm, a son of Henry Hoffman, and Elin- bet aasttrntut, was born November Sth, 1879. at Lake Bluff, Ill., in one of the first log nous '3 that wan built in this section ot the country. The old log house was located on the old Mr. and Mrs. J. Kala! ot Bruce. Lake spent Easter Sunday with their daughter. Mrs. P. G. Ednrdl. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Anderson enter. tained the A. G. Tornn family at I dinner Sunday. Friday and Saturday were spent by some or the mothers In cleaning the school home. also new enrtnlnn more put up which had been "r geated by t A. Simpson. Miss Alice Bulmnnn and Min Doria Jamiwn have returned to their uchuol duties after spending their Enter vacation at their home. In spite of the bad weather u large number attended the Enter cantau Sunday morning. Rural ndvlsor U. J. Hottman and County Supt. T. A. Simpson visited the' achocl on Thursday to inspect the building which is now on the list tor a superior school. Miss Marian Edwards visited the Waukegan high school Monday. 00000000000000 00000000000000 each Sunday. and some time an land was burrhased in the Antioch Hllla subdlvlnlnn on Route 21, just south of the village The Bite trisen by Mr. Saber was however. consid- ered more fitting to the needs of the parish and the new building will be erected there. Plans are well under way for the r-rertinn ot a nee Catholic church in Antioch ll Fl Nair-r has donated a building site on the west end of lake street and it has been dorid. ed to begin building this spring. For some time St. Peters church has been too small to ucomodnte the large number of Bummer guests who wished to attend the services Mr and Mrs. McGroal entertain. ed Mr. and In. Fred Haun from Kenoaha Sunday. The local tire department Ina call. ed to (has [Ate to extinguish a gram fire Prlday afternoon. The tire amnion! In: culad to Channel like Thursday morning where I - fire threatened the déslructlon of some cottages. No dung" was done. the fore part of the week. The Savage house on Ida ne- nue. ttatt been leased to Mr. Wer. den and funny from Littertrvitlo Children of tho ttrat ttrade with thew teacher, In. Luz. enjoyed an Baxtvr putty Thunday Afternoon. H. Relchman has sold hinrbckery hereto A. E. Werden from Liberty. ville who will take rhnrtre at once. Mr. Within." has closed tho bah. ery here each winter sad in the summer has operated it in connec- lion with his baton in kaem. The new proprietor plans to over- ate the shop. whictrirHoeaterd on the (in: floor at the lmnic build- ing. the first of the month Thu. E, Bu met! opened his new barber shop in the Klein building the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mr; Thos. McGreal of Waulorgan spent Monday with Am ttoch relatives. Chute Webb has returned home after having spent some time " Hot Springs. George Schlosner spent "Tuesday In Fevtutston.' James Lynch spent the week-end in Chicago. A car driven by Joe. Brenner of Lake Villa turned over on the road north of Antioch Wednesday lifter- noon. No one was seriously Injured. The pupils of the grade school are enjoying their Easter vacation. Mu: DeWitt Stanton spent Mon. day in Kenoshn. J E. Sibley has returned from Hot Springs, where he has spent the past several weeks. The high school cloned Wednes- day afternoon for the Easter vaca- Hon. Mr. and Maintain Zimmerman spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. Andrew Peterson ot kaegan died " his home in that city Wed- nesday. Mr. Petersan. nithougb I resident of Waukegan, was very well known in Antioch where he has a number ot relatives {Ind many friends Mr. and Mrs. A. MaNethorpe are rejoicing oter the arrival of . lit. tle. daughter' on Suturdny. Much 30. In. Elsie Schroeder from Chica- go spent a part of this week at the home of her mother, Mrs, Williams in Antioch. . batty. Dan and Adele Dupre ot Delavun. Wis., m sp:ndlng the Easter vacation at the home of their grandmother. Mrs. D. A. Williams In Antioch. Fox river. The project I. in charge ot the publicity committee of the local club. a committee from the Pox Lake Chamber of Commerce. headed motor 00000000000000 0000000000000 Advertising the entire chain ot in» region as never before is the purpoee of a sinntic publicity pro- grun being planned end sponsored by the Antioch Basins" club in co- operation with the Fox Lake Cham. ber of Commerce and the nanny re- eon interest: around the in" And (lullt6l.lilEl TO IE BOOSTED AGAIN M ILLBURN M. Kroll. "eretarr,% pro- ANTIOCH OBITUARY The deceased was . bachelor, haw ing never married. He attended the old "Rockford" public school. His father was a farmer, and died when the children were quite young, leav- ing the working of the farm to the mother amt the children, and with this condition exist" 4', it became necessary for the deceased to leave school, while he was quite young, in order that he might assist his mother and brothers in working the farm. He stayed with his mother on the (arm until about three years are. at which time the farm was sold. and then he _moved with his mother and brother Andrew to their present home, whit he occupied up to the time ot his death. Gurnee term, and stood near the cor- nor ot what In now known on Watt- hogan road and West Blodgett "e- nue. Mr, Philip D. Armour is now owner ot the prwerty n d " en- trance lodge its located upon, or very close to We spot where the old log house once stood. Mr. Hoffman passed away at the Alice'Home hospital in Lake Forest, Ill., on March 25th, 1929. Mr, Hoffman was a man ot trterF in, qualities He loved hits mother, and spent his entire life with her. He loved nature, h: lcved the flow-. ers, he loved little children and" was always klnd to them; he loved " neighbors, he loved his home and its surroundings. The only time that he was known to have been awn! from name was recently when he took . trip to California. Mr. Hommn Was a mun, with a planing personality, quiet and un- mNAE 3llall '400" -,ufCllllllllllLNNoU)ltirtitrc Nash Motor Sales tie in manner, always trendy and anxious to assist in the time of need -t1one% upright and truthful in all ot his transactions with hiss, fellow man.. Mr. Hoffman's life has been well spent and those who knew him beat will mourn his passing most. Wisconsin is voting on an amend. ment to the constitution that a sheriff can succeed himself in or fice, according to information reach. ing Sheriff Lawrence Doolittle to- day. The tenure of office in that state is but two years. Illinois sher- iffs are fighting to get a ruling in 1932 that will allow continuation in office. WISBDNSIN VOTES M SHERIFF Blll "Severe headaches, pdin over hips and in my side, dizziness, (lpatiig specks. irregular, painful bladder action. Very miserable! Foley Pills, a diuretic stimulant for the kid- neys. gave me prompt, comforting and permanent relief" In m no on: " no 'ueetette . q._f_lld, FOLEY PILLS Ha.edmteNeeehaest_ttdrfer-. LEADS THE "1)le " MOTOR CAR VALUE It is the only car of all the new cars with every new and modern feature-Twin-Ignition Motor, Houdaille Shock Absorbers, World's easiest steering, Bi jur Centralized Chassis Lubrication. and complete equipment, including bumpers, front and rear, at no extra cost. T. o. Hill will head this new Nash organization. With genuine pleasure we recommend him to all motorists who are looking for a finer type of mo- toring. We have chosen him for his exceptional ability and high reputation. He, in turn, has chosen the Nash "400" as the one car among all of today's motor cars, which is most certain to please the greatest number of people. The temporary location of the Nash Sales Com- pany will be in the Register Building. Service for Nash cars will be available at McKitrick's Gar. age, where maintenagce for all Nash cars in the community has been arranged for. All work will be done quickly, thoroughly and at minimum cost. _ You are invited to drive the new Nash "400", the world', new_and firytr, motor car. Arrange for an appointmeht: Today we present Nash Motor Sales as the new Nash dealer for Libertyville and surround- ing territory. The Greiner Nash Co. Kenosha, Wis. Distributors PAGE THREE

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