Mr. and Mrs guests at a 500 their uncle, B Saturday night Cu IMEV RHTC CCR OO 000 Henry Meyer and Miss -- Grace Sturm accompanied by Miss Sturm's sister and her husband of Liberty-- ville spent Saturday in Chicago. B. K. Milis and son, Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Chalimer Hart and son, Chalmer, of Gurnee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Albright. Mr. and Mrs. Adoliph Meyer spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Fred Konvalinka, in Chlca'g'o. Mr. and Mrs. Hoetor, of Waukegan have moved into the Thatcher home on Hawley Avenue Mrs. Hortor was formerly Priscilla Thatcher and )GCULUEJ MODO C The extremely miserable weather had no effect on the attendance At church Easter Sunday, the church being packed at both services. The cantata was beautiful and highly spoken of by all. At the morning service eight new members were tak en into the church. _ -)iu'"Bmma Fisher with Mrs. Orville S Tille. -- Mundelein, IIlinois Phones 245 and 728 Mr. and Mrs. Fran Onalu@"" 1°°° Thursday for Hot Springs, Ark. Mr. Shaddle is not recovering @8 rapid-- y as he should, and it is hoped that the change will benefit him «: Miss Dorothy Doilton is home for the Easter vacation. Representative . Lyons accompa-- nied Wm. J. Stratton to Springfield Tuesday morning. 1OSsZ _ l MWn eadayv Mr. and Mrs. UVamon EUVIUC] !*~*~ children of Libertyville were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ross Sunday . uL lo" > mi_AAls laft Those who take best care of the complexion know it pays to buy good cosmeti¢s--such as we sell. Wree UOOR EVE T en lc cce P Mr. and Mrs: John Dollenmaier and son, Harry, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs R. J. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith and Mrs. George Grabbe of Libertyvile spent Wednesday with Mrs. _ Ray guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wells. 1t v¥2--312.0.0.0 ama 1 TE 1. -- Acia dibetetatman d 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roder and sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs C. Herschberger in Long Grove. Mrs. J. L Waters and family of Antioch spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Snyder. C. E. Haglund of Evanston, spent Saturday with Anysley Ross. slP L2 > C .ns aura To Face creams and other cosmetics bave assumed a most important place in the modern scheme of things . . . . for they are used to some degree by almost every woman. » bas spent several summers in charge of canoeing. Many girls from the north shore towns spend their sum-- mers in the beautiful cam». Mrs. Thos. Russell has been in for several days, but is much better. Mrs. Orpha Harding spent Sunday in Evanston. y Word has been received that Jas. McMillan has left Texas for the east where he will take part in several wrestling bouts. Myron Wells is on the sick ist. -' Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Cross enter-- tained Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gross and son, Junior, of Rondout, Mr. and | Mrs. George Gross and sons, of Lake Zurich Mr and Mrs. Guss Holland and sons of Fairfield, Mr. and Mra. . George Smith and Dorothy Ann and | Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells and chil-- -- dren last Sunday. _ _ e " 74 44 1 B 1126 AB . Avmntocnthninct. M Robert Gardke of Quentin's Cor-- ners, called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Gadke, Monday. OO OLS S io mdns T Miss Mary V. Farnum, director of ' Holiday Camp, Minn., is spending | Beveral days this week at the home of Mrs. Orpha Harding~ Holiday Camp is located about "00 miles rorthwest of Minneapolis, and the camp where Miss Dorothy Hu{dlng Miss Harrtet Russell aad Helen Ray are eonjoying a week's vacation from their studies at the Lake For-- est Collége. _ The P. T. A. will give a carnl party at the school house Friday night. Ther will be a little musical cater-- tainment following cards. Mrs. H. A. Watson and son, Har-- vey, spent Sunday with relativea in Morton Grove. Mrs. Watson accom-- panied by her aunt, Mrs. Emma Luk-- er. spent Monday in Chicago, _ STANDARO, WELL--KNOWN BRANDS MODERATELY PRICED Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vickery spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickery Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray, Miss Ethel Ray and Miss Josephine Reuse motored to Champaign -- Thtrsday, and Vance Ray returned home with them for a few days' vacaticr. Mr. Ray returned Tuesday Tuesday, ac-- companiedl by Kenneth Burnett and Audrey Wells, of Libertyyilie. Mr and Mrs. Orin Mitchell and Mrs., Chas. Strong of Eigin, sailed on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kane Sunday. H. A. WATSON Mundelein Dru" PAGE SIX News Notes of Mundelein and Vicinity Residence on Lake Bt. ITEMS OF INTEREST TO PEOPLE LIVING IN MUNDELEIN. You ce teresting if you will phone the Loca! Editor any news items you may h Mrs. Damon Holme's and ;:;n the attendance At _ dunday, the church at both services. The er spent Thursday Smith in Liberty: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey enter tained a few friends Saturday eve-- ning. The time was spent in cards and music Rudolnh Severske of Sac City, la who is attending a bakers' conven tion at the Edgewater eBach Hote! spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs Milo Lovgren. Mrs. Rudoiph Dorfler and daugh: ters, Virginia and Dorothy, of Ivan-- hoe, spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Harry Pfannenstiil The Ladies' Aid will meet Friday at the home of Mrs. Harriet Ray. Mrs. Henry Kublank and Mrs. John Hodge will be the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Strick in Deerfield. Miss Thebe Langrick of Chicago spent a few days last week with Mrs. Milo Lovgren. I Miss Mildred Ray, of Libertyville, who is home on her Eastar vacation from her studies at Northwestern called on her Grandmother, Mrs. (Harriett Ray, Monday. G. HARDEN RoOUsSsE HAWLEY STREET, AT LAKE AVENUE, MUNDELEIN _ _Mr. Ryderwho has been living on Prairie Avenue has purchased the first bungalow on the East drive in-- to Mundelein Heights. _ _Mr. and Mrs. Ployd Rittler and children snent the week end with Mr. and Mrs: Frank Rittler, in Racine. Miss Ruth Rittler remain-- ed with her Grandparents for a tew days viskt. Mr. and Mrs. Harden Rouse and children were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Robert R Rouse Bunday. ' Start the season off with a new jset. The satisfaction you will en-- jJoy from KNOWiNG you won't have tire trouble is alone worth a great deal more than the cost. lot course you will want the best, {at a low price. so let us show you | coopyEar f ALL--WEATHER TREADs _ Mrs. Clara Meyer and Mrs. Lillian Bennats were Waukegan shoppers Monday. DON'T --_Mrs. Harriett Ray and Mrs. Alice Mann attended the Church Services at Diamond Lake on Easter Sunday and were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Ex Mitchel] of Chica-- &o, called at the home of Frank Mitchel? one day last week. * Mrs. Clara Meyer and Mrs. Lillian Bennets spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Park Allanson. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Knigge and daughter, Nancy Lee spent the Easter week end with Mrs. Hattie Knigge. _ _ Mrs. Jennie Hibbard, of Druce's Lake, is spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. Frank --Bauern-- smith. Mrs. Lillian Benneto, of Lake Forest spent several days last week with Mrs.: Clara Meyer. . . . fool around with old tires that take all the pleasure out of motoring Mrs. Clayton Tiffany and children Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Volkman and daughter, Helen, attended a reunion of the Anderson family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson in Antioch Sunday. Mrs. Volkman was formerly an Anderson girl. _ Lesley Hoskell and family who have been residing in Waukegan have moved into one of the new house. in the subdivision south of the new North Shore Depot. Mr. Haskell holds the position of Light-- ing Engineer with the Public Ser-- vice Company. | Miss Abbie Carr soent the week 'p Rad with her parents in Scales Mound b lllinois. 1 0j Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Murphy, of Waukegan, and daughter Anna, who is bhome on her Easter vacation from a private school in Sinsinawa, Wis., spent Tuesday afternoon 'with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dortler. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Melson en-- tertained company from Libertyvyilie and Chicago Easter Sunday. Miss Loretta Dorfler spent Tues day afternoon with her parents, Mr and Mrs. John Dorfler. Miss Dorothy Morse, of Gilmer is spending a few days with her sister Sarah at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Voelker. Mrs. John H. Rouse spent Monday in Chicago, with Mrs. Jo Ann Collier of Green Bay, Wisconsin. The Misses Ruth and Jane Soren: sen spent the Easter week end with their parents in Pond--du--lac, Wis. her many friends welcome them to Mundelein. Mrs, J, MARSHALL HUTCHINGS ROUSE'S Service Station Remember the milk conferendce at the Ivanhoe church on Sunda > aight April 7, at 8. Hear Prot. Hol: on "Our Daily Bread and Our Da:ly The Holy Week services at First church were the best ever held in Mundelein. There was a large at-- tendance each evening and a fine spirit of reverence and devoticn' ran thru the series of meetings. Mr. and Mrs Jevyne went to Chi-- cago Monday. Mr. Jevne attended a conference on Lake county Sunday school work at the University Club, with H D Faxon In the evening they attended a great meetimg in honor of Dt E. Stanley Jones, probably the greatest missionary of our time. Five thousang people gathered in Medi-- nah Temple, and several bhundred in $t. James church, nearby, to hear this remarkable leader onable--quality considered Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffery and daughter, Frances Clara, spent Sun-- day afternoon with Mrs. Jeffery's parents, Mr and Mr®. Ed Godwin line of garden needs, at prices will recognize as being very reas may need for gardening can be purchased here. We carry a full Mr. and Mrs. Wm Crittenden who have been residing in Libertyville., have recently moved into the apart-- ment over the Blze FrontGrocery and Market. Martin Numan w@rfi:iwsfifixi&:y-- at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Edgar Godwin. Mr and Mrs. Fred Zersen of Lib ertyville spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Zersen Mr. and Mrs George J. Smith spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs Chas. Chamberlain. Edgar Godwin has just receivd word from England of the death of his brother. Edward Godwin. Mrs: Wm. Bddy ang Mrs. Earl Eddy and Bon, Willfam, Jr., motored to Chicago Wednesday. _ Clarence Volkman spent Sunday in Chicago. _Word, has been received that Mr. and Mrs. Gus Thalero. with their trained animal act, are playing at the Palace Theatre in Cleveland for weeko! March 24 to 20. March .31 to April 6 they play at the Shea Hip-- podrome in Buffalo. While in Erip Pa., Thos. Godwin, who is traveling with Mr. and Mrs. Thalero, visited his sister. Mrs. Thos. Bdyden, who has just recently moved there. -- -- AND SELECT YOUR PAPERS FROM THE NEW _ SPRING PAT. TERNS. D PAINTING AND PAPER HANG-- ING AT REASONABLE RATES. THOS. J. McBRIDE. MUNDELEIN PHONR 239 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eddy motored to Chicago Sunday afternoon, and at-- tended the t_l}e_a_tre in the evening. Roy Brean entertained several of the Public Service men and Wmm Wood of Joliet at a stag party Sat-- day night, in honor of his birthday. The evening was spent in playing cards, followed by a midnight sup-- McMILLEN HARDWARE CO. Mundelein, III. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Milligan and caughters and Mrs. Barry Crawf nc of Chicago spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Eddy. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gonrea en-- tertained Misses Helen Greenwond and Dorothy Bridge, of O iikosh, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. David Carmody, Harry Talbot and Eritk Morlander Monday evening. Thé eveaing was spent in dancing, after which delight ful refreshments were served b{ the Libertyville Construction Co since August and has made his home ; in Libertywille for the 'past two years' He is now working in the new subdivision south of the North | Shore station. J. J. Rouge wi'l make ' his home with them. J Edwin Cook spent Thursiay in Chicago. P Mr-- and Mrs. Jesse Fitzgeralid an . daughter, June, moved into the J. J. Rouse home on Lake St., Monaday. Mr. fit:g.erald hbhas been »moloyed spent the Easter week end with her mother, Mre. Brockway, in Rarring-- ton. Mr. Tiffany joined them -- on Miss Eloise Williams entertained her 8. 8. class at a little party Sat-- urday afternoon. an help make this section more in-- ave concerning relatives or friends Across From the Bank TELEPHONE 1+# LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, APRIL 4; 1929 everything else you Telephone 5§7--J you IVANHOE NEWS Danice Ransom is on the sick list. Arthur Hertel spent a few days last week with his grandparents, Mr. -- Alice Jane Freland was hurt the same week with swinging in the school yard. She fel out of the swing and sprained her back, and in the meantime the board swung back and struck her on the head jeet, "Our I)aA\J{Bread and Our Daily Milk.:" He will oresent the whole 'milk situation in such a way as to be fair to all the parties in the milk 'contmvemy. The men's chorus and the famous male quartet, under the directiOn of the Dolphs, father and ] LINCOLN SCHOOL NOTBS Lloyd Pople was badly hurt in the school yard one day last week, when struck or the head with a ball bat. Dr. Galloway was immediately call-- ed, and Miss Ruth Sorenson accom-- panied them back to the doctotr's office, where it was found necesasary to take several stitchee. i Friday at 8 p. m., Ivanhoe chrio practice. H -- Friday at 8, Ivanhoe boys. | Saturday at 9:30. boy scouts; at 2, junior boys; at 3:30, junior choir practice; at 7:30, S O 8 club. i Tuesday scout troop. committee meeting with Mr. Jevyne. son, will sing special numbers and lead the community sing. At 2 p. m., Sunday Afternoon club. At 8 p. m., at the Ivanhoe church, the men of Ivanhoe and Mundeléin put on the Fifth Community Night program, the Pure Milk Association and the Farm Bureau cooperating. Prof. Arthur E. Holt, of the Univer. aity of Chicago, and the Chicago Sem inary, will speak on the unique sub f C. Arthur Jevyne, Minister 14 Rudoiph Weight, Social Director Bunday School: First church at' 10 &. m.; Ivanhoe at 11 a. m. Worship services: Ivanhoe at 10 a. m. First church at 11:10 a. m. Special anthem by the choir of each church. Sermon subject, "The Love of God. Milk." Enjoy the male quartet and male chorus numbers: Ask Prot. Holt questions on this matter of. Tmilk andg he will try to give you a good answer PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH | Ivanhoe Church and First Church of . vommerce Boards o Libertyville--Mundelein Real Estate Nationa! Association ot Real Estate Beard Beards LibertyvilleIndependent TELEPHONE LIBERTYVILLE NO. 1 Have some Letterheads and Envelopes printed on the new paper made from cornstalks,. We have just received a lim-- ited supply of paper and envelopes, and can take care of orders promptly. If de-- sired, we will print a line of small type across the bottom of letterheads stating "This is Printed on Paper Made From Cornstalks" R. J. LYONS BE FIRST ------ CORNSTALK PAPER among the FIRST to use stationery printed on LYONS & ROUSE Mundelin, III. --:-- Phone 283 §sERVICE--COURTESY REAL ES8TATE RENTING FARM LANDS LOANS INSURANCE lilineis Association of Real Miss Catherine Cahill spent the Easter week end at her home in Lond du Fac, Wis. Miss Edith Becker spent the week end with her parents in Lancaster, Wisconsin. Chris Peterson has purchased a new Dodge bus for use in transport:-- ing the childrno to and from th Haw-- thorne school. » DIAMOND TLAKE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Rouse en-- tertained at dinner on Easter Sun-- day, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kane and children; Mr. and Mrs. Harden Rouse and children, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Snetsinger and children of -- Lake Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mills and children. and Harry Parker, of Chi-- cago. Mrs. Harriet Ray and Mrs. Alice Mona were dGinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Faber of Chi-- cago spent the Easter week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allred Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Browder and son, Cortland, spent the week end with Nellie Druce, at Druce Lake. Mrs. F. C. Knigge and daughter Maxine, called on Mrs. J. L. Shep herd Saturday evening -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wanben of Ln_k_e Forest, were here Saturday. _ Mr. and Mrs. John Raasck and family spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frebert Raasch in Mil-- waukee. Mrs. Earl Ritta and Mrs Clark Dunn weére in Waukegan Wednesday. _ _Mrs. Ella Smith soent the week end with relatives here. . Mrs. J. L. Shepherd and son, Wes-- ton, spent Monday in Waukegan. Albert Snyder is on jury duty in Waukegan this week. Mra. Frebert Raasch of Milwaukee spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Raasch. Mrs. Frank Wirtz and Miss Ann Wirty were in Waukegan Tuesday. Mrs. Ernest Ritta spent Friday with Mrs. Ben Porteous in Munde-- lein and Mrs. Geo. Gross, at Lake Zurich. Emmett and Genevieve Raasch spent Sunday with their uncle, Al-- bert Wagner, in Fremont Center. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Atwell and Mrs. Clark Dunn were Waukegan visitors Baturday. * Roland Kane, Phyllis Covgrt art J. H. ROUSE delein Ladies, Lemke | .. _...... Warner BChreck _ ..........> JR\ sns rsssasarseenss Williams e _ _Mr and Mrs. Earl Kane and chil-- dren, Sarah, Ruby and Roland, spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Harry ,Kuhl, in Evanston. | Mrs. Lena Mitchell accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Wailter Scheuermann, of Evanston, to hear E. Stanley Jones, missionary {from India, speak in Chicago Monday. | All of the boys from 10 to 15 are .__Al1 boys from 10 to 15 who are in-- terested in bey scout work are in-- vited to meet at the Diamond Lake M. E. church at 2:30 Sunday after-- noon, April 7. BOWLING NEWS . Schreck Ins. Co. Waukegan vs. Mun-- delein Ladies, SatYrday Night H. A. ENGLEBRECHT, Prop. MUNDELEIN PHONE 38 The Easter offering at the church amounted to $48. Seven new mem-- bers were received into the church. 1 can of Dazzle Shoe Polish if you buy one for 10c Royal Blue Store or black------ 14 Lb. ......... 2.l. /s LB. ...ll222. Lifebouy Soap 4 bars for ...... Prof. White church, of the Garrett Biblical School of Northwestern Uni-- versity, delivered the sermon and ad-- ministered communion, of which there there were 28 participants, on Friday evening. Salada Tea, green Blue Front Genuine Golden Bantam Corm No. 2 cans at........15¢ Mrs. Annie Rouse is making an ex tendeq visit with her daughter, Mrs Arthur Holland. Fould's Macaroni and Spaghetti _..... 8c Royal Blue Txtra Fancy Seedless Rais-- ins, 15--o0z. pkg., 8V¥2¢ Mrs. Anderson and children, Betty Jane and Wendell, and Mrs. Holmes of Chicago, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allanson. Wendell Anderson has a part in the play--which is bing presnted by the University of Iilinois in several cities throughout the state. The play was put on in Aurora Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allanson and children were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Mary Allanson in Lib-- ertyville, Sunday. * Sunday. The Diamond Lake cemetery asso-- (Continued on Page 7) Clift were baptized Palm FREE! 123 189 155 T198 164 167 §20 165 163 145 171 145 159 160 138 167 769 21c 41c 22¢ 480 491 446 472 498 2387 INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DGOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY.