Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Apr 1929, p. 5

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_ DISEASE, APPEARS i IN LAKE COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer and son ; Donald, of McHenry, spent Friday | evening with Mr. and (Mrs. Harry Grantham. | Mayflower Chanter O. E. S. held their regular meeting on Thursday evening March 25 Iniation was' held and a most enjoyable evening : was spent. The hall was beautifully decorated with Easter Lily's, and a dainty lunch served. Those attend-- ing from other chapters were: lr.' and Mrs. Stepensen, Mr. and Mrs.| Robey Thompson and Miss Arline | Harrison, of McHenry: Mr. and Mrs. / Elis Jacks, Mrs. King and Mr. and | Mrs. Asa Crabtree, of Gary; Mrs. E. | O. Van Natta, and Mr and Mrs. Rdward Neison, of Chicago; Miss (HMadys Van Natta, of Franklin Park; abd Mrs. Fegan and Miss Mable | Griegs, of Waukegan. The next regular meeting will be held OI' April 11. Mrs. George Walmsley spent last week with relatives in Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Jepson. and children and Miss Iva Turnbull were Waukegan callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Larsen and fam ily spent Thursday evening at North Misses Leila and Anita Baseley and Ciaude Baseley motored to Antigo, Wisconsin, Thursday and spent a faw days with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and daughter, Arbutus and Mrs: H, L CGrantham spent Saturday afterpoon at the Mort Ritt home at Crystal Lake Miss FAythe Geary was a Thurs-- day vsitor at the home of Mrs. Frank Meyer at McHenry: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Geary and son, FAward and Mrs. Alice Geary were callers at the Harry Mathews home at Slocum Lake Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and daughterh spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. l'g: Geary at Gimer Mrs. V. E. Davlin spent the last of the week at the Joe Klupar home in Chicago. E. O. V¥an Natta and son Kenneth. of Chicago, spent Thursday evening at the H. L Grantham pome. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maether and children of Libertyyille spent Satur-- day and Sunday with relatives here. $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o Henry Harris, , Wauconda's last Civil War Veteran passed away last Thursday morning at the age of 91 years. Funperal services were held Sunday from the Federated Church. Miss Ilene Maether, of Libertyville is spending her Easter vacation with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslic Turnbull were Waukegan callers Monday. Miss Perusha Abott and Jarvis Jervis Pendleton , well known in the theatrical circles, visited at the home of R. J. Lyons Monday evening Stickles ____ RMwarda ... FPrazier | ___ e WAUCONDA o 0o e e 0 0 0 0 0 e 0o o 0o 0o o Craft wenner .._._____..155 206 167 528 Swan -- ... --_.....159 126 134 419 Rouse ... 138 144 145 417 Wells ______....131 150 108 389 Dortler _ ... _ ....126 157 142 425 699 783 696 2178 Libertyville Recreation vs Mundelein Sunday, Night Betler ... ...200178 184 184 546 LA11 msssems.....167 190 1550 §12 Luce ........... 204 185 203 592 Buydam ... 179 177 163 519 Muhike sss=«:178 #00 154 5392 906 936 s59 2701 Sm 'th somws~.~... 199 191 153 54§ Tegztmeyer _._ 167 178 166 511 Prais msa~n..~202 210 155 567 Bluhm ._._.. 187 171 169 507 Dorfler .. _.2193 213 173 579 928 963 816 2707 Mundelein Fi n vse. Grayslake Firehien T. Wells ..__...__....194% 1146 166 1416 B. Fenner _____.200 176 148 524 R. Wells .._.___._._._176 148 170 494 Fenner Swan Rouse Wells Dortler Additional News From Mundelein . Wilkening Tularemia, it is said, is a decease in the blood of rabbits and is only transmitted to humans through cuts or abrasions. Laverne had a cut on the finger and it was through this that the germs entered. His fever today was 104 degrees but his eon-- dition was reported as favorable. In some instances deaths bave re-- sulted in Southern Illinois and In-- Bince then there have been a number of doctors call to examine the patient and study the symptoms u_q actions of the disease. Three days ago the boy, who is but fourteen, became ill and a phy-- siclan was called in. After being bafflied for a day a specialist was called and both of them came to the conclusion, it was learned, that Laverne had tularemia. The plague of tularemia, being spread by rabbits through the mid-- dle west, has claimed its first vic-- tim in Lake county it was learned today after ipochllsts'nforted that Laverne Davison, of Highland Park, was ill with the unusual malady. First Patient, Laverne son, Highland Park Dangerously 1565 159 188 170 141 813 176 191 179 147 151 133 173 169 173 166 446 148 524 170 494 181 594 205 540 870 2598 153 455 124 434 193 514 155 498 127 437 152 2338 184 546 155 512 208 592 163 519 154 532 859 2701 153 543 166 511 155 567 169 507 173 579 816 2707 167 528 134 419 145 417 108 389 142 425 696 2178 Davi is 446 524 494 594 540 ' The following Boy Scout Merit 'Books are at Deerfield Library; Per-- |sonal Health; Public Health; Physi-- cal Development; Safety First; 'Athletics; Life Saving; Painting; iPioneering: Pathfinding: Weather; and Firemanshin. ' Mra. W. W. Geary spent the Easg-- 'ter season with relatives in Kansas City. She returned home Monday. Mesdames F. W. Russo, Elmer Clancy and Ray Reeds were guests Mrs. Carl Knigge entertained at cards, Saturday evening in honor of her father, Ed. Meyer It was his sixty--third blrthd'y anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. George Richards have returned from a trip to Mobile, Ala. They spent two weeks motoring to points on the Gulf of Mexica. Shirley Johnson, of Evanston, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Robert Johnston this week. Pupils of Deerfield--Shields High School enjoyed the holiday: given them on Friday and Monday. That is all the spring vacation allowed them this year. _ The Beginners' Dept. of the Pres-- byterian 8. 8. visited Mrs. L. Hole Easter Sunday morning, taking her flowers and singing for her. They were accompanied by their teachers, Mrs. W. K. Hout, Mrs. Dwight Merrill and Miss Mary Hoffman. Jean Frey entertained a number of her little friends at a party Sat-- urday afternoon. They enjoyed an PBaster egg hunt. _ -- Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Wurth, of Fair Oakes Avenue have purchased a home in Highland Park. They mov-- ed from Deerfield last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reeds visited friends at Beverly Hills on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Woods spent Easter Sunday in Evanston. Mrs. R. L. Johnson was hostess to her bridge luncheon club on Wed-- nesday, Mrs. G. F. Danforth is visiting with her son and family. Dorcas Class No. 2 will hold a bak-- ery sale Saturday afternoon at Mc Garvie's Paint Store. Cakes,. pies, cookies, doughnuts and coffee cake will be on sale. Harold Plagge has been quite ill, but is improving at this time. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Woods spent Easter Sunday in Pvanston. Mr. and Mrs. George Harder and son, Buddy, and Mrs. Harry Whit-- comb visited in Winnetka Sunday. Miss Frances Loy visited relatitves in Mendota over Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Soefker were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Willman Sunday Campbell Chapter O B 8. of High-- land Park gave a hard times party. Mr and Mrs. Charles Steiner, Mr. and Mrs, James Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Phfiip Scully, Sr., attended. The Wonder When club met Wed-- nesday evening with Miss _ Tanis Greer on Waukegan Road. Wednesday evening. April 10, the American Legion Auxiliary and the post will hold a joint meeting. Fol-- lowing a short business 'esclon. the post will be hosts to the 'Auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stace of Mil-- waukee and daughter Patricia, were guests last Friday and Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip | Scn"y. 8r | 'The fire department was called out four times in the past week to put out grass fires. Peopl of the village are asked to be cqreful when burning leaves and brush. Jacob Ott, of Sunset Court, enter-- tained the Woodmen of Wheeling on Thursday evening. » Mr and Mrs. F. M. O'Connor vis Ited Lake Forest relatives Monday evening. The Independent Social club was entertaiend by Mrs. Harry Clavey Wednesday afternoon. The next meeting wil lbe with Mrs. Ferdinand 'Trute on Second 8t, April 11. | Deerfileld Camp R. N. A. had a pleasant meeting Thursday evening. 'uter the business meeting, dancing was induilged in.., Dainty refresh-- ments were served from tables dec-- ;onted in yellow and white. Members are reminded of the invitation to visait Lake Forest camp Tuesday eve ning and orthbrook Monday evenin. Mesdanmes Mildred Gunckel anod Ada Juhrend visited Highland Park camp _ Wednesday evening. '! members put @i a play which was very clever. The annual meeting of the Garden : Club of Illinois wil tbe held Monday | April 8, at 10 a. m., in the grand ball . room of the Sherman hote!. The usual business will be taken care of, | followed by a program. All mem-- bers are urged to attend | Almon Rickenbach and son Geo., Jr., of Crystal Lake, visited at the George Rockenbach home Monday Mr and Mrs S. P. Hutchison and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reeds and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hutchison in Highland Park Sunday. Funeral services for Fred Mierhof? of Green Bay Road, Highland Park, were held from St. Paul's church on Tuesday afternoon Burial was in Derfield cemetery. Mrs Raymond Meyer entertained her club from Glenview Tuesday eve-- ning. Her sister, Miss Betty Ander-- son. of HMenview, assisted her. Miss Emilie Knaak -- entertained Dorcas Circle No. 3 Thursday after-- noon. Mrs. 8. P Hutchinson was elected chairman of the circle for the coming year. Mrs. Harry Thorne spent Sunday at Forest Glenn. ' The Tuxis society held its annual 'electlon of officers, at which John Freeman was elected oresident: Mar lan Taylor, vice president: Verda Varner, secretary and Robert Eldert treasurer _A business meeting will be held Thursday evening. Regular worship service Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Meyer were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Protine at Elmburst Sunday. Miss Elizabeeth Schilstra visited her relatives at Kilbourne, Wis. over Easter Sunday. _ _ Mrs. Henry V Soli (Margaret Han-- sen) was unable to return Monday from her home in Thorp, Wis., where she spent the Easter huiidays, be-- cause of the snow storm which made the roads impassable. Mrs. Harry Muhleke substituted in the North-- brook school in Mrs. Soli's place. Exmoor gun clb members were to have been the guests of the Dee .~ field club in a competitive shoot on Sunday, but, owing to the inclement weather, it was pestponed. Mrs. Roy Miller entertained the evening sewing club at her home on Chestnut St. Thursday evening. Mr and Mrs. C. G Pettis were the : Of dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. i'o Hohit of Bellmanon. Landwehr Rd..| _ NEWS FROM DEERFIELD At the West Deerfteld town elec-- tion held Tuesday, Raymond Clavey and Peter Duffy were elected Jus ticeso of the Peace; Henry Peterson and Peater IM@st, constables, and Mr and Mrs. W. B Carr are on a pleasure trip. They will visit Wash-- ington, New York, Boston and Mont: real, and will be gone two weeks. Miss Pearl Peterson returned from New York Tuesday. She expects to remain here nowW.s Mrs. Harry Olendor! and Mrs. Jes-- se Strong attended a luncheon and bridge party at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Lovell in Libertyyille last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Huhn an-- nounce the birth of a daughter Sat-- urday, March 30, at Highland Park hospital. Mrs. William Huhn will entertain the Get Together club next Tuesday afternoon. |_ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Desmond and family and Willard Benson spent the week end at Galean, Mich., with {Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell _ Mrs. |Mitchel! is a sister of Mrs. Desmond. Little Billie Teneerman celebrated his third birthday Saturday after-- noon by a party. The guests played game san dhad a good time. Nice refreshments were served and each little guests _ recebved a surprise souvenir. Mrs. J. R Notz entertained at bridxke Tyesday evening, in honor o' Mr Noiz It was his birthday. _ ¥rs. C W Getty is convale> !n : nicely 'rom hber recent iHnesa. Mr. and Mrs: Guy fiiile; --;("--l; guests Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coolidge and Mrs. Miller from May-- | _ E. K. Williams of Nashville, Ind., \is visiting at the F. W. Russo home for a few days | Miss Ruth Durment is suffering from a bad fall She wili ge confin-- ed to her home for three weeks. i Mrs. John Dow entertained her S. 8. class Friday evening. A club was 'Ionned and the young ladies epect to have many enjoyable times together. Misseso Edna and Phyllis Spencer of McKinley Park, were week end guests of their sister, Mrs. William Johnston. Wiintiintsndtratyes.. 4B .. Aadbrcsc c w c i4 , Mrs. Ruth Frase, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Peterson, Miss Mabel Griggs, 'Mr. William Griggs and Miss Clara 'Moxey attended Damascus Shrine |Installation March 30. It was held 'in Midway Masonic Temple. Mrs. 'Helen Olson was installed as Worthy ;High Priestess and Mr. John Shel-- lbn'n'ur as Watchman of Shepherds. Mrs. Alex Willman is i1 with ton-- silitis. Kress, her son, is recovening from an attack of scarlet fever. Deerfield Chanter 0. E. S enjoyed cards Thursday evening after the regular meeting Refreshments were served. Mr and Mrs. Peter DTm the funeral of Mrs. Henry R&_c_lne Friday. _ Mr. and Mrs. William Kent enter tained at a card party Saturday evening. _ Miss Isabel Laylander, of Detroit, Michigan was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Muhike. Mrs. Leslie Brand entertained the Tuesday Night Bridge Club on Tues-- day evening. Mrs. Sarah Vetter, of Chicago, is visiting at the A. H. Muhike home this week. of Mrs. Robert Greenslade at lunch-- eon and bridge on Wednesday. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton, who have been spending the winter at Long Beach, California are ex-- pected home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Perry had as their guest on Easter Bunday, Mrs. C. E. Anderson, of Riverside, Mich: Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Baxter and son Raymond. . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Baxter, Mrs. William -- Baxter and Chicago Fra LIBERTY VILLE INDEFPENDENT . Mrs. Peter M. Curtis, Pater Duffy teended Seuers in At 11 a. m., worship and sermon by the pastor. At 7 p m. Christian Endeavyor. At 8 ». m The beautiful andim-- pressive Baster pageant "Changed Crosses," which was rendered by the girla' class last SBunday evening, was so much appreciated that it has been decided to repeat it next Sun-- day evening. Dont fall to see this pageant. Revx A. P. Johnson, Minister At 9:45 a m.,. 8. 8. in charge of A. Merner. Despite the disagreeable weather, 108 were present Easter morning | CHRCH OFFICERS FLECTED The annual meeting of the Presby-- terian church was held Wednesday evening, with a large number of the members present. Reports were presented by the various commit-- tees and organizations. The member-- ship of the church is now 232 com-- municant members, an addition of46 during the past year. Dr. C. Johns-' ton MDavis and J. B. Peters were re---- elected elders for a term of three years. E. J. Gint#, Roy Reeds and J. G. Russell were elected trustees for a term of three years. Miss Fran-- ces Biederstadt was reelected planist for one year. After the meeting, car-- ried on with dispatch, the congrega tion adjourned to the asosembly hail for refreshments provided by the ef-- ficient Dorcas society, and a social hour was enjoyed by all YOUR SUPPORT AND CO--OPER-- ATION WILL BE sINCERELY APPRECIATED Election Tuesday, April 16, 1929 Harry T. Clavey Endorsed by leading business men and prominent citizens FINE EASTER SERVICE AT THE PREYBYTERIAN CHURCH lnlvltqofthecddgh.tbem- ter service was well attended. The puilpit was banked with palms, ferns, llies and cut flowers tastfully ar-- ranged by Mesdames Piper and Boyle. This setting helped greatly to dispel | the dpuppgqintment and gloom of the many who had count-- ed on sunghine and warmth. ' _ _"I Know That My Redeemer Liv-- eth", played by Miss Frances Bied-- erstadt, was a fitting prelude to Low-- ry's "Low in the Grave He Lay," the first stanza of which hymn was sung by the choir from the choir rom. Dur ing the service the choir also sang the anthem, "Hallelujah! Christ is Risen" with volume and fine effect. Preceding the oermo'. the theme of which was "What Shall We Be lieve About Immortality?", Mrs Bert Krogstad sang as a solo "The Lord is My Light and My Salvation" with a rich tone and pleasing manner. The Peopple's Party Candidates Deerfield, Illinois FOR PRESIDUENT James J. Hood FOR CLERK lWbrary trustees. The gravel tax was lost by 39 votes. EVANG. BUNGAILOVY CHURCH FPOR TRUSTER Edward H. Selig FPOR TRUSTEE Edward S. Segert FOR TRUSTEB Albert C. C. Timm Alvin W. Knaak (For one year term) FOR TRUSTEE Wing and C. M Christensen I, A. J. Crawford, Cashier of the State Bank of Lake Zurich, do solemly swear that the above stnteme_nt is tn_xo t9 the b_est of my knowledge and INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. Located at Lake Zurich, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 2ith day of March, 1929, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. 1. Cash, Other Cas| 3. Other Bonds an 4. Loans on Collat 5. Other Loans (6 6. Loans on Real E 7. Overdraifts (7) . 9. Banking House, 1%. Other Resources Located at Round Lake, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the ?ith day of March, 1929, as madeto the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinols, pursuant to law. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, ss Subscribed and sworn to before m> this 30th day of March, 1929. (SEAL-- ; M. B. WEBBER, Notary Public Total Liabilities Loans on Real EStAt®@ (1&) ...........2.2 .222 02222 2e es Loans on Collateral Security (1D) .. .........2...0000 2l Othe@r LO&DB (1C) ... 222000 llcllllis es Other Bonds and S@CUTIt@8 (4) ......u. ....lllllccclll2 cnnnlclllllll Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5) .....__................ Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9).... Caplital Stock (1) ....................%.. SUIDIUE (2) Undivided Profits (Net) (3) ... Time Deposits (48a) ... Demand Deposits (4b) ..........._ Reserve Accounts (6) ... Bills Payable (Ta) ...............___... Total Liabilittes Capital Stock (1).__.._______. SULPIUWG (2) .--.--.----ss:ssscssc ieerreve ns rmmarants Undivided Profits (Net) (3)..__... Demand Deposits (Sa)........._._. Time Deposits (5b)........_......_ Other Loans (@b) _ . _0 sc c2. Loans on Real Eetate (6¢)...........__..____....__ Overdrafts (7) ... . . 222222022 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (9) ... Other Resources (12) _________________.. _ Cash,. Other Cash Resources and Due from Banks (1--2--3)--. $ Other Bonds and Securities (§5).....____ _ _..... _ _ )A Y, APRIL 4, 1929. Total Resources Total Resources on Collaterai Becurity (6a) Statt Bank of Lake Zurich FIRST STATE BANK STATB OFP ILIINOIS) Bubscribed and sworn to be )an : fore me this *st day of April COUNTY O¥ LAKE ) 1929 1, Wm. E. larseen, Cashier of the Libertyrille Trust and Savings Bank, do solemn!y swear that the above slatement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, end that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, Btate of Illinois, pursuant to law. (@RAL) 12 made to the Auditor of Public Accounts . (llinois, pursuant to law. Report of the condition of the Libertyville Trust and Savings Bank, located at--Libertyville, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 27th day of March, 1929, as Libertyville Trust State Bank and Savings Bank _ of Mundelein Capital Btock (1) ......s.._. surplus (2) ...........00._ Undivided Profits (Net) (3) Reserva Accounts (4) ... Demand Deposits (5a) ......._. Time Deposits (5b) ... Due to Banks (5¢) . .._...._ Bills Payable (6a) ... ... (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of Cash, Other Cash Resources and Due from Banks (1--2--3) SesYsabeET SEerTEREEIEET reane atihe U. 8. Government Investments (4) ... Other Bonds and Securities (5) ... Loans on Collateral Security (6a) ..... Other Loans (6b) ...___ _ c=srerrsuarsesseaviges Loans on Real Estate (6¢) ._._._._.___. Overdrafts (T) seservrar Snmmmrore seaee s1323 c e¥e s vevevic'e Banking House, Furniture and Fixrture Other Resources (12) . (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of Total Liabilities . Total Resources evmmunseescsmmmesneme se8e 8000 00 s 00000 RESOURCEHES LIABILJTIEB (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Liabilities Resources A. and Firtures (9) 28,55';.'65 ons rrsnesere s rarisisrumnseve . ;9 14--.61 FVELYNK L Notary Publie (SRAL) of the State of $282,997.54 $282,997.54 $ 25,759.50 11,875.00 150,809.38 77.37 39,721.90 10,060.00 44,694.39 $ 25,000.00 15,000.00 2,286.34 108,804.51 113,631.63 3.275.06 15,000.00 $248.961.40 §$248 961. 40 $ 25,000.00 25,000.00 1,262 68 70,758.77 126,939.95 .$7174,906.35 §$774,906 .35 $ 75,000 on 75,000.00 23,204.73 9,747.60 452,948.74 108,233.47 5$.71i1.81 25,000 00 213.67 17,650.00 32,989.90 814,170.00 5.1 30.00 710,618 .83 37.150.00 $ 76,905.40 2,300.00 149,462 37 285,346.24 168,938.84 59,550.00-- 191.26 444 .00 ust and Report of the condition of State Bank of Mun-- Illinois, delein, located at Mundelein, State of Illinois, at the 1929, as close of business on the 27th day of March, 1929, as tate of made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinols, pursuant to leaw. 13 I, Paul M. Dietz, Cashier of the Deerfield State Bank, do swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor ¢« Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKB, ss: Subscribed and sworn to before m o this 2nd Located at Deerfield, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 27th day of March, 1929, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of State of Illinois, pursuant to law. (SEAL) Stntg of Illinois, County of Lake, ss I, W. C. Hubbell, Cashier of the abovenamed bank, do solemniy swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. CORRECT--ATTBST: G. C. Gridley, Max Kohner, J. L. Taylor, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before m this 1st day of April, 1929. (SEAL) FILINRFENME F¥T PDPDPrD» 16 18 19 10 11 9 () 1. Loans and discountsg___. ... 00 220220 2. _ Overdrafts ... L. .000 000 00000000 2000 8. United States Government securities owned ___.______ __......___. 4. Other bonds, stocks and securities OW C U --...... +>> .. ooo -- c oeenomee msiencess 6. Banking house, $50,268.50. Furniture and firtures, $2,212.07 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank..l...0....00 D22 2002 22 9. Cash and Due from Banks._. anteRte CC Seide uC 199 0 o P Hemmmene £ 400 0000000« pupore covemeries 0. Outside checks and other cash itetmmg........ 0 _2ll2lllll22 ul2 1. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. PA Lo 0 Loans on Collateral Security (1b) ...._... --...Oth@r LO@ND8 (1¢) «... 222222 Overdraftg (2) ... ..20222ll2l222 ns Other Boads and Securities (4) ... Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5) Due from Banks Cask and Other Caah Ras STATB OF ILLINOIS) ) COUNTY OF LAKR ) I, Milan C. Mott, Cashier of the Sta'te Bank of Mun-- delein, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts. State nf Mlinnia nuranmarnt 6a |a _ Charter No. 6514 Capital Stock (1) ............_.. Surplus (2) ................_ll22 Undivided Profits (Net) (3) Time Deposits (48) ... Demand Deposits (4b) ... Dividends Unpaid (5) .....__.. Reserve Accounts (6) ... Other Liabilities ... _ __ 19 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and stock paid in ... ... e o Undivided profits--met _ _._...._.__._.______ Reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc Reserves for interest, taxes and other expe unp@id.......0 0..lllll..l a s snn terle se eeveasreomintirene en encl bos Circulating notes outstandtng......_.._.._______ _Loans on Real Estate (1a) outstanding.......... Demand deposits Time deposits _ LIBERTYVILLE, IN THE STATE OF ILLIiNO!S AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON MARCH 27, 1929 Treasurer Total Liabilities DEERFIELD STATE BANK Total Total Capital Stock (1) ... . . Surplus (2) ............ Undivided Profits (Net) (3) Time Deposits (4a) _ _ .. Demand Deposits (4b) ... Reserve Accounts (6) _ Other Resources (12) Loans on Real Estate (la) ......_._ .. Loans on Collateral Security (1b) ... ... Other Loans (10) .........s0000000000 00. Overdrafts (2) ... . ... Other Bonds and Securities (4) ... Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5) Due from Banks, Cash and other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9) ......_ _ ... Total Resources.__.. Total Liabilities Total Resources Accounts, State of nfiioi;. p;r--a;n;'t' t:'ia;:.w 0 MILAN C. MOTT, Cashier. ' ) OF ILLINOIS) Bubscribed and sworn to be ) as : fore' me this 30th dGday of "Y OF LAKHB ) March, 1929. RUSSELL W. TOWNER, to banks, including cgrtifiéd";x.l'&w;;ifi:rg'm.c*trzrveci:-l-n's" (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Reserve District No. § REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Pm tVIC AUU PIXLUTCS 1J9) ....>=----sss--msseesssccccs 11,469.006 Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9). 50,570.428 (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of Liabilities Resources RESOURCES LIABILITIES t is true to the best of my knowledge and amounts shown above correspond with the the report made to the Auditor of PublMc other expenses accrued and this 1st day of April, 1929. _ _ _ _ FLORENCE KLEPPER, Notary Public. his 2nd day of April, 1929. IRA GARDNER, Notary Public. PAUL M. DIBTZ, CGashier. Notary Public PAGE SEVEN $409,.722 96 $409,722.96 $ 43,148.00 112,244.91 152,68%6.14 50,000.00 22,500.00 1%.6741.131 73,430 56 43,191.98 2,926 29 28 855 84 3,.462:33 31.48 58,166.95 11,127.31 $ 16,500.00 102.781.00 149,707.00 $863,143.70 $4135,.998 .32 $ 25,000.00 _ 10,000.00 _ _ 2,762.91 163,806.93 219,129.43 48.00 _ 15,000.00 , 251.05 $135,998 .32 $863,143.70 §$487,831.54 104,935.25 9.427.04 334 , 424 .55 362.881.13 49,024.70 150,423.56 52,480.57 40,450.12% 82,168.42 solemly 40,000.00 15,225.95 6 375.03 9,750.00 .000 .00 201--50 060.00

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