PAGE EIGHT motigs is uereby given l0 All pels sons lulelesled tlual a dneelilhg Ol th Board of Appealy will be beld at the village bhall in the Village of Lib ertyville, Lake County, llinois on Monday, April 29, 1929, at 8 o'clock p m., for the purpose of«hearing the I certify the above to be a true specimen of the bal-- lots to be voted at the Annual Village Election of the Village of Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, on the 16th day of April A. D., 1929 ' Shall a tax not exceeding one (1) mill be levied each year on all taxable property in the Village of Liberty-- ville for the purpose of providing a fund for the main-- tenance or employment of a municipal band for munici-- pal purposes? C Wet Wash--Everything returned damp: Monday and Tuesday....25 lbs. for $1.25. . Over 25 Ibs. 5 ets. 1 Wed., Thur., and Fri....20 lbs. for $1.00. _ Over 20 lbs. 5 cts. 1 Wet Wash Dried--Everything washed and dried. Nothing ironed Monday and Tuesday....25 lbs. for $1.75. . Over 25 lbs. 7 cts 1 Wed., Thur. and Fri,....20 lbs. for $1.40. _ Over 20 lbs. 7 cts.1 Hydro--Wet Wash with Flat Work only ironed : Monday and Tuesday....25 lbs. for $1.95. . Over 25 lbs. 8 cts. 1 Wed., Thur, and Fri, 20 lbs. for $1.50. _ Over 20 lbs. 8 cts. Exclusive Flat Work--Bed and Table Linens, Towels, ete.: W ashed and ironed. 15 lbs. for 81.60. _ Over 15 lbs. 9 cts. per lb. Minimum Bundle, 7 lbs. 84 c¢ts. ' Rough Dry--(Unstarched ) Flat work ironed.. Wearing appar dried without starch. 15 lbs. for 81.60. Over 15 lbs. 9 cts. lb. Minimum Bundle, 7 lbs.. 84 cets. Handkerchiefs, 1 ct. each additional when ironed. Rough Dry--(Starched ) Flat work froned. Wearing apparel drik and starched when necessary. 15 Ibs. for §1.75.. Over 15 lbs. 10 cts per lIb. Miniimnum Bundle, 7 lbs., 84 cts. Handkerehiefs. 1 ct. each additional when ironed. Miniinum Bundle, 7 lbs., 84 cts. Handkerechiefs. 1 ct. each additional when ironed. Allprest--(Family finished starched ) Wearing apparel hand fin-- ished and starched when necessary. Flat work ironed. Wearing Apparel _ s oz .35 cts. per pound FIAt WOPK ... 2e e 2212 ets. per pound Minimum bundle. 10 lbs. (5 lbs. wearing apparel and 5 lbs, flat work at $2.55. Homestic--(Family Finish_------ No Starch) wearing apparel hand finished without starch. Flat work ironed, - Wearing Apparel _ _ _0 o 0 c .30 cts. per pound I (By Petition) FOR VILLAGE PRESIDENT EARL H. CORLETT JULIUS A., TREPTOW GEORGE STURM A. C REE FOR VILLAGE TRI FOR DIRECTON NILES CENTER HOME LAUNDRY NOTICE (Vote for Three) PEOPLE'S PARTY CTOR OI-' LIBKRLARY BOARD (Fote for Two) Specimen Ballot LIBERTYVILLE -- MUNDELEIN DAILY SERVICE o INC. Phones: Rogers Park 6308 Park Ridge 3013--J Niles Center 152 Des Plaines 585 Floral St. and Lincoln Ave., NILES CENTER, ILL. sday....25 lbs. for $1.25. _ Over 25 Ibs. 5 cts. Ib I Fri.__20 lbs. for $1.00. _ Over 20 lbs. 5 cts. lb <verything washed and dried. Nothing ironed. sday....25 lbs. for $1.75. . Over 25 lbs. 7 cts lb O ---- 20 Ihe for $1. 40. Over 20 lbs. 7 cts. Ib I>llowing property re--ZOned ITOm Class C to Business: Lot 4 block 8, in C. Frank Wright's @ddition to Libertyville, being a suh diviston of Sections 15, 16, 21 and 22. Township 44 North, Range 11 East 6' the Third Principal Meridian, ac-- i ymon« it 0 Flat work ironed.. Wearing appare Ibs. for ®1.60.. Over 15 lbs. 9 cets. lb. Kennedy, to hav. operty -- re--zon»d MAX KOHNER (By Petition) FOR VILLAGE PRESIDENT MABEL WALLIS FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEE (Vote for Three) POR DIRECTOR OFP LIBRARY BOARD (Vote for Two) & d apncs mcb INDEPENDENT PEOPLE'S PARTY All LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, APRIL 11,1929. _ G. G. HOSKINS, Chairman, Board of Appea T 30 ets. per pouni 12 cts. per pound d in the Vill: Take county. I Y es No Documeé L3 6 & 6 C> €6 db 55584 reco ]b N ® & PDLW TT FPOR SALT notse: and w son, Iamake Villa Lake 19--M--1L. POR L4' lnlk(" l" al N Located 27th day State of BSTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKEF, ss: I, D. R. Manzer, Cashier of Lake Villa Trust & Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my krowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of llilinois, pursuant to law. 1 13 For Sale At LIBERTYVILLE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK IRST MORTGAGES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS Sellers & Johnson's Barcain List Libertyville, Ilinois Telephone 451 Ju V )} Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th d.y of, April, 1929. (SEAL) C. H. KELLAR, Justice of the Peace ft Selters & Johnson LIBERTYVILLE LOTS s( a few Of our good buys, with issessments pald un to datet t. lot on Fourth Street _._.$1000 t. lot on Sunnyside Placa.. $1100 t. lot inCopeland Manor .. _§1500 t, lot on McKinley Ave . $1500 t lot in Oakwood Terrace §$2500 Lake Villa Trust & Savings Bank Total Liabilities 551 N. M.lwaukee Avenue U. S. Government Investments (3) ... ... Other Bonds and SeCUMtE@® (4) ... 0200c Bankipg House, Purniture and Pixtures (5) --...__--.... ...... ... Due from Banks, Cach and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9) Other reSOUPCA® (12) ....200000000u0ucc0 20e enc n mm en en en n en e n en e Loans on Real Estate (14) ........ loans on Collateral Security (1b) (Jther LQ&D8 (10) _--_..--_ 0 22e2le~. Overdrafts (2) ...;.....c:issrsrrerenssisricn Undivided Profits (Net) (3) Time Deposits (48) ... Demand Deposits (4b) _ Dividends unpaid (5) ... Reserve Accounts (6) ..._........ Other Liabilities (10) ... Capital Stock €1) Smurplus (2) ........ &GALIACTCLCLLVLLLLLLLTLELLLLELLLLLLLLLLLL L LSAS * s*s*stst,4,4 SaAFE INVESTMENTS AI A LJJ \f CcOUNTRY PLACES FOR SALE A LE--I)urh P at Lake Villa, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the of March, 1929, as made:tothe Auditor of Public Accounts of the lilinois, pursuant to law. i Total Resources_ F1 K6 HOUSES wA K t 14 x1 Cows an at Ill trees) A T m m o M n Albert Wikkit Phone Roun OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Report of the Condition of the R on a F l1 H ind patd able for 6 RESOURCES $1000 $1100 $1500 $1500 $2500 LIABILITIES 15 6t work 15 1t bu OU 2 if M( 1pit FOR SALE--Complete furnishi five rooms; every article in condition, not marred or scrat want to sell in one lot; low pri cash.. Goods now stored in W gan. Outfit includes ana. overs living room suite, davyenport rug, 2 floor lamps, dining roo consists of buftet, table. six . chairs, rug; bedroom furnitu cludes 2 beds. complete with tresses and springs, chiffonier ity dresser, dresser: kitchen and four chairs _ Also fernery trola, end table, _ vacuum _ cl Henry _ Swoboda, _ care -- Hap House. -- Wheeling. T Tele PoOFj W ];P POR FRANK GRIPTON, Prop. i lan I Whe Cuvsk u.M T T 3 t iss ut 9 Li * Gurnee, I!l. Phone Waukegan 941.Y 4 IF YOT wWAXT TO RFENT OR SELI ¥our property. list it with Fred H Pure One half mile north of rant spmnngs m a eeling mme Tak M e half mile south of 'and Avenue. Have Your Ashes and Rubbish Hauled Away VALLEY VIEW FARM AND HATCHERY Read & Taylor Telzsphone 89 FALI ustom Hatel SA L ALL KINDS OF LIGHT HAULING 444 M () SALF 1( D. R. MANZER, Cashier A L. Rates Reasonable Prompt Service M re every articl marted or s one lot: low w0 a{ an $) 148 U W * %..,_ LOST AND FOUND 5+4 L DL TT 2A urnishings of M low price for d in Wauke . qoverstufted $201,819.92 1j 1« in good ratehed: 01 20,000 9,000 5,9099 89.996 70 RMTB 16 10 51,708.25 6,825.00 T6.383.92 anc 281.56 tabl+ 550.00 292.00 173 96 (} 179.88 19 o7 6.84 42.00 700.00 5.46 W 0 00 614 00 MONEY TO IOAN--We havre a con-- slderable amount of «spedal funds 0 loan on improved farm or city property . We invite your inquiry F5 r«t Nationa! Bank Libertyvyille, MJ with new 7 room house, other build ings of little value; on Kenosha and Racine county line; has been in one family since taking from government in 1846; land best in southern Wis-- consin; $110 per acre; $2500 cash, terms to suit; or will exghange for Waukegan improved property. Philip Donegan, Rt. 2 Waukegan, I!!. 10 6t REDEKER Arlingtor Heights, Ili FOR SALE--My home at side Place; modern; 6 car garage; lot 60 by 15 venient to transportation able terms. Mrs. E. A. ( ephone 217. FOR SALE--Lot 50 by 150, at Park Ave and Third St., Libertyville. Write to August Volling, care of Wm. Pohlman, Route 2, Prairie View, or Telephone Lake Zurich 46--J 9 6t FOR SALE OR RENT-- 80 acre farm FOR SALE--Talking parrot and cage. Cage cost $12.50 and parrot $25. Will sell cheap. Tony Abadessa at Ray N. Smith's Shoe Store, Liber-- tyville. > \THE WEATHER MAY SEEM 'FAIR AND WAPM--BEFORE \THE COMING OF A STORM ! (¥1 W Phone Waukegan 247 112 N. Genesee 8t., Waukegan, I!l. ORDERS FOR PIANO: TUNING WILL BE GIVEN PROMPT ATTENEION wWHEN YOU BUY A PIANO, be sure It Is a good one. Let us tell you about the well known HAD-- JORFF and GULBRANSEN. ALL THE LATEST NUMBERS IN SHEET MUSIC BORST'S COAL QUARTETTE RONDOUT, ILLINOIS IELEPMHONES 679.--M.1 and 794 M )P JOHN G. BORST JAS. C. O'SHEA 9 Miscellaneous A L.E --~M Piano Tuning FOR RENT One What have you ALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE M Bd ng parrot and t 12.50 and parrot | HHE + Tony Abadessa | ,"..55:" hoe Store, Liber-- | (GHE s MSWE? meosieaemaemammmmmmeniprmermemmmmnce «se me at 133 Sunny * rn; 6 rooms; 2 To Question on Page by 150 ft. Con-- vouU PL oal rant ember 0+ reasol 15 a ke Jt 606 N. Milwaukee MEAT SPECIALS FOR PALACE Cash Market Little Pig Hams _ -- _ 20%c¢ Native Chuck Pot Roast 25¢ Rib Roast _ "Riiio" Veal Roast ®MFEHES I0OME RENDERED P UTe Lard l2 'POUNDS FOR Rib Roast -- "roup _ 332¢ Veal Roast "Wouiir _ 32¢ Pure Lard "$YXos'for' 29c Best Creamery Butter _ 48c Strictly Fresh Eggs -- 30c Frankforts -- -- --_-- 18c Sugar Cured Hams -- 26c Sugar Cured Bacon -- 22c Fresh Ground Hamburger 20c Friday and Saturday, APRIL 12 and 13 e Libertyville, Illinois Telephone 180 --_ 1 rains carry y< wave connecting \ St. Stauon and ( Elgin Ter loh St 1 praciitits t c h. utaigeitbage tote