[] U 36--inch bleached muslin; not dressy or filled with starch ; quan-- tity limited, not over + 10 yards to a buyer. C 10 yards . 3 ft. x 6 ft. water color window shades. Mounted on guaranteed rollers; in the want-- ed tan and green € colors;,, slight irreg-- ulars® Princess slips; tailored style or lace top trim, with self straps; wide side gore, made of 12 momme imported pongee ; also _ shorties, bloomers and chemises to match; $1.98 value; choice ~Bleached Muslin Silk Pongee _Slips Window Shades ©2.00 Silk Hose / gouae / 9 e . /y / § e o=: f rac z 7 stll a 12 lR ie /R l l e lR lR lR eR Te / 12 010 Contrasting heel. This is a close--out of a,, manufacturer's discontinued number and we offer them on sale Capacity c Day at a pair _ Two Pairs for $1 .95 Fine service sheer chiffon, pure thread silk hose--silk from top to toe--guaran-- teed first quality. Colors: Gunmetal, Manon, Light Gun-- metal Dove Gray, A.ido Sand. Beach Full Fashioned $1.95 Guaranteed quality Eiffel brand silk--and rayon hose, silk to the top; mercerized foot for wear; all the 49c wanted colors; Genuine "Sunset' prints; guar-- anteed fast color; 36 in. wide, novelty new _ pat terns; well colored; C usual 29c quality, yard . * The _ popular sleeveless summer frock, made for work or play; in the want-- ed green, red, blue, printed block designs; sizes 14 to 42; $1 value, very spe-- cially priced for this day at Fast Color Prints $1 Tennis Frocks 19c Silk Hose : 36--in. printed broad-- cloths, -- Charmeuse, Foulards, Pongees, Etc.; now novelty spring patterns ; 5oc values-- 3 Yard ..._..~~3 c 36--in. fast c ol or linene s ui t in &os, white grounds, with novelty printed pat-- terns ; fast 19 color-- Y ard... c 36 in. Print ed Suitings Coat shir Fast Color Wash Goods Men's W K Tair., 22?¢ Pail upere Merceriz fancy R designs : onds value M at Men's Fancy Sox Shirts styvle 509c @1 nod zht w O T K hat frof %e h Boys' New Spring Caps, made 8--4 style, rubber waterproof _ visor, full leather sweat bands-- 79 $1.,00 VAE .nn fnonnmmmmals... C Children's -- Rayon pleated ribbed full length stockings, in the wanted Tan shades, first quality-- 29 49¢ value--Pair :...._..w..2.l. c § . Boys' Caps Men's "Trojan" Work Pants, dark colors, inade with full cuffs, non-- rip guaranteed--Sizes $1 44 to 42--31.';5 grade.......... e Fine French finish, hard t\ dress voiles, deep tape selvag« the wanted shades--209c ] value-- Yard 22. Women's -- Ribbed Summ« made with built--up should or Rayon Stripe . Mizes to 50--( value........... Children Suits, m walst an SI/CS 10 Women's real Lea underarm or stra; metal frame, fances an unusual value a narrow only -- matC W Ribbed Rayon Hose Ribbed Waist Suits «iC wanted shades--20c .zc---x\!;mi l | 19(: Men's Work Pants £3s to 46 §1.0% us se Piet 19c Bovs' School Hose .0 CC 60c Ensemble Dresses 1dren t.lyx:l'.' l\': _ 39c Leather Purses a u.c' 88e Ribbed Vests A / [ t J ts =y, pessasy / guss nmemegy . qurermmey / prvcmrmy ) remamanty / grmme P s § , , . *uz EAIRVie CR LT, O 10 e e e heterele i eRre e e rere e renme e e e t e 2 e tA ie ) 40--in. Voiles Battina Slips Flapper Suits Brassieres ta1 S I€1€ \} W )C t H | K C si\ hard -- twust 11¢ eJ Ae e S id m'g_'i!.fi».{i _i 19¢ h 97 c 19c h l1 \|| Heavy Guage -- Rayon Athletic Vests, white only, sizes to 42--$1 value... 75¢ Fast color printed Broadcloth Shor t ie s, Stripes and _ Novelty Patterns-- at 2L.0 _____ 44C Men's Vests, Shorties SMUICS, HM1 inforced ber _ and $1.00 valtte ... Men jama en Men's Union Suits N f +# Boys® Wash Suits «l Children's Silk Hose _ 88e 11 Cloth, athletie made with re-- i1 back, snub-- id bar tacked. he 1 4A9de 20c 7¢ Boys' fast color blouses; in plain broadcloth, printed broadcloth, madras and Rayon stripes; sizes to 14 ( c years--7 9c value .ns Athletic union suits, made of fine 72 count checked nainsook: bloomer bottom : waist style; sizes 2 to 12 yrs.; 40c c value _ . 0 ' New Spring Hats Store Hours--9:00 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. 3 Groups at J «J $1.95 and $2.95 On Sale in W » men's guaranteed Loom--tex broadcioth Hoov-- ers and smocks; cretonne smocks; _ sateen _ smocks, with cretonne trim, and chambray Hoovers -- Ca-- paciuy Day price. Big special purchase just for this sale--and many of our own higher priced hats--soft fab-- rics, Straws and many Combinations--Brim and Brimless styles--all head sizes. Profits have been forgotten in this one--day sale in the.. Bargain.. Basement.. Millinery... Section. You'll surely want'several at these prices Girls' Union Suits Hoovers-- Smocks Ridiculously Low Priced 36--Inch Percales Boys' Blouses J DC Women's Coats "Borden's" fine printed per-- or dark grounds and novelty s, 3--tone effects, etc.; com-- t; on sale for 1 day only at, 95¢ Children's _ hand _ embroidered broadcloth creepers; sizes | to 3 years; well made 59. C eA n 80x105 _ in. bolster length spreads; novelty colored krinkled stripe; _ rose, -- blue and _ gold; $|.98$ " '22 value, * rev Embroidered Creepers Saturday May 4th Six Pages of Bargains 5--piece _ ruffled _ curtains made with Rayon and voile insets -- all colors--double ruffle valance to match-- complete with tie backs-- Capacity Day only--set Krinkle Spreads Ruffled Curtains 59c 12;° 45° i mm C 17 N |tke ] (Q