Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 May 1929, p. 1

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- Ill 'v-w"vlcul "VII". 'Ht teacher, 8 love of Nature and C --_-- 'the outdoors and reverence for tho The North Shore Lino atutotmeib'uttrerno Architect and Maker of that for the otmvendence of gallon thege." traveling from the Chicago Loop to] q-r.-..--..--. coursw in the Stone Valley, s dut- . in; car will has added on Ssturdsys l Group No. 3 of the Prerbytrrian to th" ChicagoMundelein express ;I.adies' Aid wil Mold a home made luring Adams and stssb st 1908 :doulb nut sauna st the church Friday o'clock 0000. This is the ttrat, May 10. "artitut at two that diners have been operated In lo'clock. Telephone orders to In mlsr service between Chicago sud George Wright. In Ross Trigxs or Imam. Mrs R P, Wruht. Five permfu, totalling 8104,700 wore issued in And! ot Int you. This Amount m annually high. be cause of the Public Service building, which we" listed at 390.000 Dining Car Service For Mundelein Golfers R. o, Killing wu issued u permit to move his real estate office from lot ct the corner of Immune and (birch omen. formerly occupied by Lloyd Ray's real auto ofnoe. The addition to the school house. eoqtinrt'26,000. is being added to tho Rockimd school on the south side while the second addition is a 82,500 new". " by 30 feet in dimension. to be added to the rear ot the on» ten occupied b ytha A. & P. 'tore, " the owner of the building. Mrs. m Daddies. The open shelter will be built on the north pinion: ot the North Show station. This is to provide shelter for the many commuters ad on»: who on the electric nilrood to and from Chicago and the north our. town. since the double trach- " ot th, ammo only o platform in Iron provided. and in stormy "than folks were motly incon- vonienced in boarding out! leaving trains. Mldl Milling Company will erect a 84000 warehouse on their property on can Churn street. The new building will be 72 feet long and " hot hide. Two permits were luued to J. A. Holley for a $6,000 dwelling and "r. Me on lot I. block 2. W. Cook Ave., tor two house-s in Copeiand Manor and for a house on lot 32, Smart Drive. In Oakwood Tvrrac» subdi- vittion. Othvr permit; were ls- Iled to J. E. Wilson, for a$6,000 mldenm» with a Karaze, to be built on McKinley venue; to R. M. Levin, 1040 Garland avenue. Wheat- on. for . 86.000 dwelling and page on Meklnley avenue: to Mary Beit- sci for I 84.000 house to be erected! on lot 16. block 12. on 'Paimi street: III to C. B. Maine. for 1 87.0001 culling 1nd garage In Sunnysidei "vision. on Second street. i Foudteen building permits totalling 880.000 Were issued durinxg April for the construction in the village of six private dwellings. with garages. one qmretioutte one addition to 3 store one addition to a rr'sldence and one open shv-liwr The othr Permit was: open sho-hvr The othr permit was; for thr. moving of a real Fyatttte office' The value ot the new balling: In tour and ortehalf times as much us the value of the mummy for which; permits wrare issued during the! month of May. During that month, the permits, totalling qt8,000, were, 1rmted. ' _ i' Increase Shown in [ April Bldg. Permits 2 chum and J Cent to from m er th,, RAND-rm toda y ire; is making a that into the arrritlent started at Gurttee morning and my noon. The railroud on Car p; youth the pa GPHEPI' danzel and o: Fort every and th 1isiort Wils it l" a! I'm S( In alalion Was on his "up humv swhool whcn the travwdv m CH Waited for Trair to Pass He had hurried along tlw his trom the. small schonl buildic outed some dict:trtce tct-t u! IS until he Nurho-d thc v" mun; l Patit o'clm of th TIM: buy. Spitz empl Wilson an tra VOLUME XXXVII---NUMBER 18. Ililll KILLED WHEN I STRUCK BY TRAIN M ROAD CROSSING Stepping path of an year old, m Bennie-H- t't Chicago M Owen Jarrett, Aged 13 Tears, of Wilson, Meets Death In Accident. M Sample Copy mad n b Ul At tr st h tt il trom ks at ty att' strurk lwaukr rr " ay n rnwe tf Ja .ikit? smut n if " ttt IN tr n n in if nthhuu mic W Group No. 3 of the Presbyterian Iadien' Aid wu Mold a home made dourrtt nut sale at the church Friday attemoon. May 10. Inning at two o'clock. Telephone orders to In George Wright. In. Ron Trugs or Mrs R, P. Wruht. "It teaches and puts into daily practice 'rrutttftttrtesq, Courteousnoss Obedience, Cleanlini, Leadership, Self Reliance and Conservation. "To my mind, there in nothing of more importance to be done by this generation than the bringing up, ed- nesting and developing of thr boys and girls ot the next generation. In a very abort time. whether fit or not. thode boys and girls of today will an over the responsibility of con- ducting the busineu of our country. "Let us do all we can as rather: to make them tit. A: the father ot, A boy wont, and u one who in chow; ly emaciated with the boye of our; troop. I believe that the boys ot tot any on in no way receive better! mining for the responsibilities to come. than through the boy ecout movement. now so strongly eeulr iiehed in our community. "Beotttintr, among other things. teaches and develops in 1 boy that respect for the rights of others, which t man Inuit hue in order to be O gentlmnn. "Biy directing the activities d boys ad by taking advantage ot the "gang spirit" which is found in every real boy, scouting not only tesches, but puts into daily prunes and use. may worth while things. The scout mow filt'n" 'i, a mater of Interest to val'h hom,, in thr com munity. and should tre ~uppox'ulby ml: funlly. You will bu app'ogclwd by one of the murubcrs or the tin. nnce committee within a few days It u your opportunity to reinforce the citizens 'tomtpiltee tn their " tarts to help build a better boyhood Mr. Pollen says: "Although I nave no boy; of my own, rcomtider the boy scout movement second to none in developing young manhood, and that it cannot help but leave Its, Irtr print for good on all future gum-r- IUODI." In an interview, relative to the Boy Scout movement, Ray Andrews, local manager of the Illinois Bell Telephone Co., said: Membership In the local ecuu: tr00p has practically doublml during the past ,war. Pateents, 'uu'lxv-r" and business men haw ctrtnmtmttd upon the higher sundaxda or con- duet, and spruce evidenced by the suuxmo-r. and man) ot our rum-'3 "it be in attendance . The quota tor the Liberty"..- Mundeieln district is 81,200. half lot the budget and had for the camp trite. This is only »ne~IWenty-fi(th "I the total amount, althougn We hm. one-tsixteenth ot the number ol Icouta'. Two hundred do.lars in tre lus added to this tor use in loc,s scout work, making a totu.l of $lttrtr and l'twrfield. 'rhr-rtr are mm 97m yours Norm Shore {bunch Sway l or one-s.tsteenih of the low from Librrtbville and Munch Tht, (bum-H ls musing a over 80.000 fur the 11129 bud tor tl,r. purchase and des elop a campqw 1n NN xynnsin. ih m: "ro. ug." tor Inc first tr summo-r, and many of our 5C0 manner: courtesy. and readiness to serw on the part ot New boys who hase become scouts. tul nth Saturday to Mom! {Lu to 6th. Libertyville and Mundurm ot the twelve [owns compn Norm Shorerxra Council ol Scouts ol America. Throw: an. Wiuuette, 1Gulllworttt IN G,encoe,' Highland Park,. 11. Lake Forest. Glerouew,' Nu: Jud l-field. tit Libertyville-Mundelein Boy Scouts To Start Big Drive for Funds JU H Mun b ft _ U Follett, chairman of th counnmee of the UM") Melon] district, ot (tgt. bu announccs "at the- annua A tor turuh, will be ("maria 1lCht {thumb illt 3ktttptittttlt fit tm LIBl1lftTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY,MAY 2, 1929 . q . ' . itagimiiiiid run Usual h Miss May Arrives _ BOARD APPROVED PtoPol Mm we won'rl I BY SUPERVISORS I '/)'t',is.'-',iri,"r!_'," Pietro Iaverde, on Italian and "rr" man of many toiente." entertained for m hour " the high school on Monday morning. with I varied pro gram, inrividing chalk "its. music as well 15 other entertainment The water travels about the country,, emu-arias " high schools had other! places, where he otters his enteitain. meat prom-um for a nominal mm.' He unpaired here in line with theI school's program of having out-mo makers and entertainers nppeor n intends. during the yen. I Thr. high sphool will b" represent, Hl Saturdly as far South as Dekalb by William Mott, freshman, who will compwu in a district public spvaklnz contest. by virtue of bis taking first in the humorous derlamation event in the auMlstrict content, at Barring ton Frldty. April 12. Should he be a winncr Saturday. he will enter rhu Maw 00an to be held at Norm- al, Ill, in two Wm; Confuwnro commercial uld {Hr that day in the schooL advancwi typo-i vant'ed BhorN .1 bookkeeping Mir Local Students Go to Palatine for Contest This issue of The Independent consists of " mes. made you} ble by the pump of may ttro- xrouive Lake county firm. :nd buslnus homes. who" mom-e- menu will be found on the ou- eral pagan. The paper this week com TO MY PATRON ON RURAL ROUTE$ IN THE COUN- TY and also to each boxholder In tlt" nostomcel of the county, ex- cept cities on the like shore. The Independent Completely Covers Lake County The demand for space In The Independent has reached a Inge where additional "an!!!" to aka Carr' of the business have become .mgu-rzulvou To reach Lake chun- ty buyers, your ad should wow :n The Independent. tt Telephone No. 1 cor par GmRGE B F0I.I.Etr Ha Te h to H E Uridertrrink, the Libertyville, all ten .r' thr, (unfunny wir ttye meet, which lid namely: boxinning and wink. beginning and ad. a n tool mu haul early on at. r and rep h, Northwot comm! who-d Cook County in" your ll Plans far a "trade etennlon pro- gram" werp innautrurate at a meet. ine of the retail Interests Committoe at HP Chamber of Commerce held Monday night. Tho first step will be the appointment of committee heads by A., L. Johnson. chairman of the retail lntnrosts committee. It is expected that the appointments will be made this week. _At the Village Board session held immediately alter the Improvement) Board had adjourned. Trustee Julius 5 Treptow produced a gallon of water from the new well and reported that j the well on Second Street pumping on a trial test of " hours. produced over on avenue ot 350 gallons per l minute. The water in tey/let!..'.; more Noft" than that produced from the. old well. u quality which will up 1 peel to the housewife. Altho the} water is not entirely elear, this is' not peculiar to new wells, and should clear up after 3 month or two off pumping. I Trustee R. G. Kiplng was Instruct- ed to enter into contract a once, with eotttraetom for the re-rooting of the Village Hull. f There we: some discussion con- cerning the inspection of plumbing being instilled in the Village. " the late law requires that all in. speetions be made by a master plumber. the President was given the power to appoint s new plumb in: inspector. It is believed that s system can be worked out, whereby the inspector will work on a fee basis. The meeting was then ad- Joumed to May T. Mun-s noun-van]. Austin Avenue. "v'"" . "'"uc. at from Milwaukee to Dawes Bouivvard . and for the laying of water and an!" Deemath Make Hit or mains on tho tea%r, strmzts not "-----e- nirendy served and for the paving Lain Forect', [Namath Theatre is of School Street. from Milwaukee 'nuw the home of tile perfected Vita. Awnur to Newberry Avenue. Esti- phone and Movietone and sound pie- mates or the projects were heard. tures an- being presented them the resolutions were accepted and duly. May 14 was set as the date for pub-1' The first offering of this type was lit, hwaring on the prorcts, {Wednesday night of last week, and _At the Village Board session held it drvw a great audience which man. immwiiato-ly alter the Improvement "tetrted marked 'tpprecitcion ot the Board had ndiourned. Trustee Julius Eline performance ot "The Lot Warn Treptow produced a gallon of water ins." This feature was repeated on from thg nev_weii sag reported than jThursday to another big crowd. An amendment to Ordinance 418. to rezone 3 portion of the Kennedy property on Broadway. from Class "C" residence. to busineu. for the construction of a store building. w" approved try the Board. The Board of Local Jtuprortttenttt meeting in an Minurnnd session. at the Vlllagc lull on Tuesday night, hoard tho second wading of the res- olution: prescribing tor the paving of \'twwart Avenue, from Park Are nue, south to the hos'pital. Rockland road from Milwaukee Avenue to Wrst bound mail closes nt S.22 a. m. and 5:36 p. m, Mandard time. All outbound mall closes "the post om" one-ttatt hour before the scan r Iced tim" for train departum For :Iayllinht saving tlmv ad dorm ham. Fruit! 15 due the Iirtyvillrs-Mu; deloin Chamber ot Commrrce. whim: organization wa. instrumvntal in having this addod man Err-'10:- xiwn to patron: of tho Libertyville pos' To Pave Four More Streets in the Village Monday of this week, Libertyville Was KiHu superior mall serum. in the ray of direct hookup with air mail .wrvim to the rast and West Gout. According to the anu'OUm-w nun: ts-m-d by Postmaster E. F. Ellsworth. on Tuesday those wish, ing to use the air mail service should post thrlr mall before 3:23 (standard tim, ) oach day. Th,. atMv-d mall "Hire vats bro't about by the addition of vastbound train. No. I". on the St. Paul rail, road. This train, carrying mail an} st'irtlnit from Pox Lake. arrives in Libwrtyvtlle at 3:53,' standard lime. and arrieeg in Chicago in time for th.. air mail pouch to be tramstctd to no mall flying field, to be carrir-d either cad or west by the giant mail Libertyirille Now Has. , Air Mail Service ' Monday of (his week KNELL we WON'T iit mom OF tad 6:15 p. m, (all stand unbound maly should ore " l que Vltaphone and Movietone Mr i,'h"e, installed in the Deerpath is the latest improvement in these viv- hives. and with the splendil scmn'ic 'qualitiea of the house. the erct is exceptionally pleasing with both dia. logue and music. and while Manager 'Bnms plans to offer the sllentdra- ms frequently because of its many idevoteee, the new sound equipment (GGG, him to furnish his patrons all the latest ttlking and musics! pic- iturea from time to time as msy be desired, so that the Deorpstn takes its place smong the best an most modernly equipped of theatms in the [country in this respect. The Libertyville police department! nude M arrest: during the month of; April, according to the monthly re-l port issued by Marshal Frank Drum Tuesday. Twenty-six of the thirty-l three cases ended with fines, while: five were ditunisired and two re-' mended to the county jail at Wan-l lit-gun. The fines collected by the,' village court amounted to 8235. This l amount accrued from two disorderly l conduct cases. $15; fifteen speedingi cases, $140; one for ' 'ving no chauf- fenr'u license, tll;; and $5 each in: cases involving two people, one with no pmidivr's license and one with: driving a truck without lights 1 In addition, the local police outst- ed In handling of two cases brought in by the Mate motorcycle police. The Deerpath protrrGn for the next week will be found on page 2 of this revue, April Good Month In Village c Lulu Forect', Deemath That" is now the home of tile perfected Vita. phone and Movietone and sound pie- turvs an- being presented thew Sound Pictures at Sin]; Deerpath Make Hit 'Q'Safl Road and "ergvr Yer. Road Out M bun ton Fers um lluiIlrldgr Finunu Thomas. Hospit- ll al Hullmu (Rum!) huuzh. Il ('ummznv-m of the county Man of slumrxisurs, as "eltwtetl by Chair mun Jamra O'Connor, of Irevrfirltl (min) Wrra' prruu-d at " saving; ty the board Monday. Throw XH-w rotntnlttri. Rivhtnf It 1lilt Th Only Changes Made Are Re placements of Defeated Members of Board. tnt n SHIIrm ck". Murphy, Krl',y So-ulomont With 1'it Murder -Thoma, Bl 54"I'wmvnt 11"irh C' FAIR. "HINT. Vr: i, it Imam Mod 1hr Rosspit lei) [mum Judiclar ristht n. McCunnr. Jall-jdoll. than 'rlie " m "In (N h. \VIM um Fa ll m HI at tt Chang mm! at th H tirw rmnm Statu Ml tho w n th, "A" H m ll ll H " M tl ind ll no H lh W th " M lf NN tllrtt And mun I} m wn Mo 1t Mt d um sup M PU W H H Ht Mr) m A H, lt H" i" lie m m W Laure Midge M All mil ll " H tt mt In t (lurks i."tscisbvrgtsr, 87 yrars of itute, and one ot the pioneers of the iLong Crow community. died at 1:iu home then Sunda) afternoon. MI. Httrschtrerger had been failing for "several years. bu; was confined to Ars bed only two week prior to his all am. Besides the widow, he leaves ltwo daughters and one son. Funeral Berviceg were held Wednesday at 1 In. rm, at the Long Grove church, and [burial was in the cemetery nearby. The services were conducted by the Rev. Thomas Holler. A complete sketch of Mr. Herischrerxer'ts life will be printed net We k. National Humitai Day. Sunday, May It, "1"er obser; by the hosp1tal. which will open its door for public inspection from 1 p m to 6, p. m, Visitors will be conducted thru \arious departments of the hos. pital and tho public is urgvd to take fs/e/aa,','," of tals opportunity to new am learn all they can of the hospital which is serving this district. National hospital hay is observed try all hospitals. both large and small thmout the nation. in honor of Flor. my: Nightengaie. the instiuator of modern nursing. urn-muons. sew-n medical cases. two r-b~'nzr!ru~.l. two births, two doaths and [Mr tonsil>ctomio.c, are listed ir, Ir,,. h rum. at ll it Hospital Report For The Month Of April h M Sellers & Johnson, real estate ttiF arators, with offices at Liberty- ville. placed a classified ad in The Libertyville Independent, offering mo country places they had (or sale. Four days later they in- structed us to cancel tne ad, as both places had been sold. So, is Mr. F'. R. Sellers says, "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN "up." up: we poiice working munch four bring taken into cus- $041)} Aumnmhilv Ulit'VPS, who ap. pear in Libertyville only ocra Yum! v. w f0." HH- flu-:1 only thrm- violuior mun!) being boo or another-at tho JUST CALL LIBERTYVILLE No 1 AND WE WILL TAKE YOUR ADVERTISEMENT OVER THE TELEPHONE Usual Number Fall , Into Police Net Sunday I Residvms In uph- kw} INDEPENDENT Bring Quick Results Tm'nty-ww-n new '14-er Ezend'm! Cmd'll Memoria. hospital luring) r month ju,t endr-d, to! w monthly "port for April. issut-di, 'rulrwcriay by Pvrol Rood, superim' 3de of the institution. i Nina mayo." mmrations.; two minor CLASSIFIED ADS THE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT ('hicagoans musing unuumv (hm nertyv'ille» Saturday um! Sunday no :n but was a are out of court n m' M h Rpm the four bun; --in thes " Imp-:1 part law-ah-ding 'iuluioh from nut of In M, boukvd on one charm, at the village pom-c. of the county and lot n M Jo pa o't IV " tl al my ng. during my nightrthero appeared a person who was wry fond of bacon and eggs. as there was a roast and bacon and wires, together with plenty of butter, taken. They even helped themselves to the Clothespin basket, in which to carry away their plunder it is ruporh-d that this neighborhood hac boon bothered lately by a "P009 ing Tom," and the residents of we vicinity hope that some action will be taknn which will bring about a re- lief of this menace. The Libertyville Grammar School baseball team handed the Mundelein chool baseball team a sound drab hing. In a game played at Mundelein. last Friday afternoon. The final tal- Ivy was. Lter1tyyllle, 27 and Mun- deleln. 6. A large crowd was on hand to witness the game and were led in cheering by Miss Roder, their cheer leader. The Citizens State Bank at Mr. Henry was ciowd yc-stc-rda) (Wul- nosday). following an 1nvFstiira. don of th, bank's records by state bank examiu'rm The cause for tho closing was given as "frozen 55.125". No shortages were found on :.he books. according to reports, The bayk was ambushed two years an) as a rPor5rattization bt the old Fox River State Bank. It is reported a receiver Mil be appoimd. Most of the assets of the bank won tied up in rail tuslateo and slow worm}: 'et" curities. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard rrirtuny awoke Sunday morning to find thoir larder nearly empty. It seems that Mrs. H. _ B. Eu'off beam.) a pa- tient. at St. Thervso hospital in Wau- kegan on Friday evening, where she will be under observati' n tor sm't'r- al days-for sinuous trouble. Hugh W. Fisher of Waukegan, chief t'lerli, to the vommandant of the Great Lakes Naval Training Station, has written a letter to State Representative Lee McDon- ough in which he urges the local legislator to exert his influence to bring about the defeat of the pro- posed State Income Tax law. The bill already has passed the House and now' goes to the Senate. Mr. Fisher takes the position that the average person already. is overtax- ed. Tho Waukegan Township High Svhmvl Band, under the direction of Otto E. Graham. was accorded first prize in thir. marching contest at the <ixth annual Illinois school band Contest hoidt last Saturday at Ur. bana. of the many Quinlax (rm-s in Libértyvillo McHenry State Bank Closed Wednesday H. C. W. Meyer Says ONE FELLOW WHOM I KNOW SHOULD MEMO HIS WAYSest MEAN . 1H2 CHAD WHO is A @000 FELLOW ARouuo mun, AND AN OLD CRAB Ar HOME = HE wow Racoeurze THE ogscmmou, Bur pr wow DO Aw MAN Aw HAP/A To THINK. IT" Ol CR: ARE my As commons TO ~(OUR. FAMILV AS VOU ARE To STRAMG ERS I' C. Kaping Moves His Office Uptown e ax ent" o cha :L'Ors the distinction of being the first at Mr. heal school girl to be given the . my}. "lead" in a theatrical cast made up westizm ct mature persons. She plays the In Sign ole of Dulcy The part is both ex- "ror m.;' min: and mtensive, but she has 55,45", haste-red the lines and the situations m -he and She is'going to prove it when i. The she makes her debut} .ars a")! Miss Bennet is a member of this old Fox year's graduating class at the high yortrud a, chool. She has appeared in am:- Most of' eur theatrharis before, but this n tied up: er first but role. It was awarded mm yt-- i er when the Players manned the gown for a girl who could give the (part the distinction it deserves. Firm 7 believers in the value of penalizing Ijirtioy home products, the Players not only nd thoir 3svlect an their casts from Llbertr, ms that ville, but so manage that All the pro. Pafed a. eeds of their plays stay here u I 360'" -- .. _ - 'sat s.rr' u: "Dull-3". the laughing ve- him: to be given at the high school this (Thursday) evening and Friday Homing by the Village Players. It il's a comvdy of spontaneous mirth. tthe fact that it is from the pens of 'feorge S. Kaufman and Marc Con- lnlly gives promise of two delithful ' venings, F To Mable Bum" " Tel.-,.."," Well, with 1 result that both local amateur players and local Industrk-c and institutions are benefited. Other parts in the omnMn's spring production are handled by Clarence Hanover, Elwyn Wighimn; Glenn Slayers, Charles India, Paul Kohout and Frederic Bahcock. Motivated hugely by public opinion. he varloae committees of the Liar errr Moment] (and. in 1 meeting held in the ottlee d the Chamber ot Commeree,grn Wednesduy afternoon, voted to turn all paid and mum monies to the fund over to the es- tablishing of a. children's room in the Condell Memorial hospital. It was announced today that. while thc, New sale had been large. plenty of good seats were still available at Lovell's and Taylor's drug stores tor both evenings. Limberry Memorial Room At Hospital Following a thorough investigation by the committee heads into the proposition, it was determined not 0 erect a memorial in tribute to the late Police Chief, and to use " tor we est-humus of 3 children? room at the hospital. It is believed that the latter proposition would bring far more tribute to the mem- ory of Dennis Limberry. ms much of his life was undoubtedly directtd by the love he bore for the children. Eleanor Schultz. Tera" Michael: l1arold liftyron, W. G. McLaughlin urgvs that tll persons who pledged Ihomselves to donate to the fund. to rrmit in tall or part, to Harry C Meyer, treasurer of tw fund. at ttie First National Bank _ new 1hr distinction local school girl I THE INDEPENDENT Rm SLED A YEAR -_ DELIVERED AT WMHt DOOR N0 RF! T,C."Y l I'ARGE was badly damaged in a collision with a car owned ind driven " John H. Barnes of 423 Powell avo- nue. Waukegan, at the intersection of Twelfth And Adams streets in North Chicago, at t:5o last Neath! morning. Deacon was rammed to the Vic- tory Memorial hospital where he u In a serious condition from lou of blood. Ho rowivwl a long ("I which trrazod the skull back of an left var Efforts to 'top the flow of hlnml from this uoun'd have not bent entirely HzcrvSt-qul. although his mnditirm is nut wt believed to be dangerous. 1lstry Deacon. farmer mayor ot North Chicago, and prominent}! known in (his community, was nor!- nuuly injurud and his, automobllo was badly damaged in a collision h Former Chief Executive of North Chicago Hurt in a Collision of Autos. ars The finance committee earnestly HENRY BEACON. EX- MAYUH, SERIOUSLY INJURED IN CRASH Both on Way Dr-amn had 19!! h ark alumna. in Ar, ntersectl Barnes Held By 'ai,' "as awash gal to the lack )f both drip $1.50 A YEAR lon Way to Work [w n d ir lmmec, and w urn: tho outcome Mr. "patron and he made by the idvnt. heIimw-d to have ck of caution on rirors The two 1 the middle of 5 home at 1630 "th Chicago, . , follow his cm. Police by North ately follow- F' rvlr'ased on

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