Phone 47 LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO. ward Make Your House a Home Arrr0urs W W Mr. anu Mrs. W. R. Williams arse this week moving into the new resi-- denee whtch they recently purchased from Mr. C. K. Anderson on North Main street. PAGE TWELVF Mrs. A W. Bock spent Friday in' Chica 3os Ask for descriptive booklet on krfl'::vp!ngi:c'twm It is no longer necessary to use messy, ill--smelling, fresh manure on your lawn and garden. There is no neces sity of fighting the weeds that are sure to be introduced in this way. - Prepared dried manures are better, but they only contain a small amount of plant food and it isonly slow ly available. ¥ou can now secure a ferti-- lizer, free from odor, that contains 16 times as much plant {ood as fresh manure and 4 to 5 times as much as in prepared manures. Buy mM *I t] a| M ind [F n M W 18 m W For Sale By ch 11 id M nna W ANTIOCH WY M h tX W W LIBERTYVILLE pay m it h W from W rona« warn ds M r3 YA d U 618 N bedre draw polic d timeé 11 | street, recently vacated by the _~_R. Williams family . Mr. and Mrs. Pred Swanyon | teased the McBride restdence I Main street and will move in as m+ W POLIGE RECOVER ~-- BURGLARY LOOT n t1 are that bits into tati( b as it ily. n 0O I I he Libertyville Paint Store Re in A W p W W h ITr W fr n 14 :'nts hly d Mrs. Cred Swanson hbhave the _McBride restdence on eet and will move in as soon vacated by the Nelson fam w indo w min tI LMm For Sate By p in kKee Ave i| SIX IN THE PRICE RANGE OF THE he night. wete called this was reported _ reached in the low and carried 1 vanity dresger he drawer and i the ggarage. Th hat nothipns wa-- meé mt on om rneli hicazo. Trans] line has been v of years and | ( much compla with joy the ; Suvage, head company that t d Wl it 1 @&Venit m Telephone 202 'nothe'; Phone 901 £500,000 New Six Cylinder | CHEVROLETS h Th« io thro:i dire Trans} COUPrPE ..... The Spor t UABKIOLET . PHAETON The NEDAN ..... ROADSTER .. the past by producing over 500,000 six--cylinder Chevro-- lets in four months--a greater nymber of six-cylin- Again, Chevrolet surpasses its most brilliant record of mOoI d n U LIBERTYVILLE MOTOR SALE Dick Earl, Prop. ha U n £ § . o. b. The 14 T ourt......695 0 "TohAkks' -- ThuaiadAc * COMPARE the delivered price as well as the list e in considering automobile values, -- Chevrolet's de fred prices include only reasonable charges for delivery 'and W PV since Jan.1*' To overcome this condition, gar-- deners and nurserymen for years have used an efiective, simple method Wherever you see yellowish or un-- dersized leaves, dying branches, short twig growth, you'll almeost always find shrubs and trees that are starv-- ing. Ready to succumb to diseases, decay, and the attacks of insects. For trees and shrubs, like,all plants, are living things. They require plenty of good nourishing food, just like humans. And similarly, they thrive best on a *"balanced diet." Cities are particularly hard on them. Roots are covered and crowded by paving, by buildihgs, gas mains, water pipes. Trees, after all, are nothing but very large plants. They need the same feeding care you would give yourlawn, flowers or vegetable garden. ; l'l' is surprising to see the great num-- ber of trees that are actually starv-- ing --the dying and sickly trees and shrubs that are caused by lack of nourishment. 525 .";225 ...3595 ..1675 ...1695 LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER COMPANY j elephone 47 Libertyville, IIl. Swift & Company, Chicago Are%urTreégs and Shrubs Starving to Death ? VCOMPLETE PLANT FOOD SsOLD WHERE YOU BUY . LAWN AND GARDEN SUPPLIES V¥ COMPLETE PLANT FOOD ndorsed by Leading Tree Experts and Nurserymen 595 soil before seeding. 1« hasten matutity, increas 1. SHRUBS, TREES: App tiume after leaves appear The Calendar of Plant Feeding THIS MONTH fore seedimg; or for perennials, as soon as plants appear. For early large and richly colored blooms make later fgedings. VEGETABLES: Work plant food into the OUCYV LAWNS: As soon as grass shows green, or any time thereafter, apply plant food. FLOWERS: Work plant food into soil be-- 611 N. Milwauléee Ave. Ke corfl t.// COACH Distributed by LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENYT. _ THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1929' () der cars than guny other manufacturer has ever built in an entire year' / A ride in this sensational new Six is a revelation--come in and let us give you a demo nstration. Luter feedings wili ase vields. The Cawfl t-- ible LANDA U ply plant f06d any FOUR 618 N-- Milwaukee Ave. Libertyville, Illinois = m||"ll!lillllfllfllfll]lflllIIIIllllilllfllllllllilllllllllllll||||l|l||mllliilll|lmllllllllllllmllflllll"lllllllmllmml!lll[Hm!llllfllmmllmmflmflllmmllllllmlIIIIIE é--élllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIllllll'lllll!lllllllillllllllll"lllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIlllIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllilIlllllllll!lllllltfi Libertyville Paint Store Paint Cleaner: gal. S5c; !4, 50c; gt. 30¢ Eagle White Lead....$13.75 for 100 Lbs. Dutch Boy Lead ......._.$13.75 for 400 Lbs. Wall Paper ................9e per Roll and up 4--inch Paint Brush, fine quality'._._.$1.85 Floor Varnish, gallon . _ ---- ------ $4 50 Portage Enamel, gallon... ... _ $3.00 Special Flat Paint, gallon _ .. . $2.25 Mureseo, in Bulk, Lb....._......... 222 .09 Celeloid Black, an all purpose Enamel, gallon, $3.25; half gal.., S1.70; Qt.. 95c Wall Paper Cleaner ...._..._.3 for 25¢ H. R. H. Paint Cleaner ............3 for 25¢ Steel Wool ... 222.3 for 25¢ Paint Cleaner: gal. 85e 14. 50o at %0e Gallon . , Half Gallon GQGUuart o0 ---- tint | _ Sixteenth Gallon ... Half Gallon Quart _ Gallon .. _ Half CGiallon CQualrt . Gallon _ _ Half Gallon CGQuart ... Gallon Half 4iallon Quart _ GaHon . _ _ Half Giallon (Quart ... Pint -- Gallon ... .. _ Half Gallon ... Quarter Gallon Eighth Gallon . All Colors (Except White) Giallon insy casresss. 8940 Half tCGallon...............; 1.83 QUAPt .022 22222 295 Pint -- _ R 4 They may seem like Sale Prices----But The're Not! They are just Our Regular Prices..... in effect all the time. Folks from all over Lake County are learning to save here on their Paint Needs! NOTE THESE LOW --PAINT PAICES! Keep This Ad For Future Reference. PORCH AND DECK WE ALSO SPECIALIZE IN WINDOW SHADES AND LINOLEUMS MOORE'S HOUSEHOLD PAINT CARCO ENAMEL GLOSS INTERIOR VELVET FINISH * Flat Paint FLOOR PAINT 34 and 73 White Pb n Wipaiety s bLOr 200C Large Sponges .. ....0000 2 22222 for 25¢ Semdac Auto Polish,. quart .. ... *; 1s, 560c¢; gt. 30¢ Semdac Furniture Polish. quart ... 3.175 for 100 Lbs. Finol, per can ........ ... 13.75 for 100 Lhs. Rutland Patching Plaster, pkg........ e per Roll and up Johnson Floor Wax,. pint --__ . _ e quality'..__.$1.85 Floor Polisher (Electric) for Rent---- h repnsseecescess s P 400 $1,.50 per day; half day, T5¢ A Large Stock of Glass & Curtain Rods £.90 1.00 2g0 §3 j 0) OQ() 61 90 ()() 0;3 () 0; .( () 10 C elephone Libertyville 901 Gallon _ ... Half Gallon Quart ... Pint _.____ _ _ Gallon _ _ Half Gallon QuUart ... Pint . 000. c o Gallon ... Half Gallon Quart ... Pint _ --_ (Dries in Four Hours ) CQuart onbvirnnreresterca es BJ, Pint .0 1. e y Sixteenth 1. .. . 02 C Thirty--second _ _ -- CARCO FOUR--HOUR VARNISH Gallon .. ... . _ Quart .0. 020000 Pint . .0 22 One--sixteenth .. One--thirty--second Gallon ... ... 22 £4. Half Gallon.. ... . . 2. QUart .:. T PORTAGE ENAMEL rallon Fdiloll ............,00 FOUR HOUR ENAMEL Pratt and Lambert 61 FLOOR VARNISH SUPREME ENAMEL CARCO FLOOR VARNISH Pratt and Lambert VARNISH STAIN ratt and Lambert 38 PRESERV A UTILAC special V arnish, gallon Linseed Oil, gallon _ Turpentine. gallon ... Dryer, gallon _ .c . Aleohol, gallon : _ _. ... Benzine, gallon . --_.-- _ $23.00 x0.50 1.8( 1.0(0 4,00 2.10 1.10 .6.) {)() [( o () *() i0 6)() 30 () () Gallon Half i GQ@uari Pint _ mixtee}1 Gallo: Half | ©ualrt Gallon . .. Half Gallo CQuart .0. Pint 1 _ _ Sixteenth _ Gailtion Half Gallon Half CQUal! Ping: Gallon ... Half Gallon GQuURATL ... Pint _ _0 _ 5 1Lhs, is J"nNn!I 1 dA Lbs 19. VARNISH REMOVER CARCCO EXTERIOR VARNISH ia 1 ORANGE SHELLAC WHITE SHELLAC lon SCREEN PAINT WOOD FILLER CARCO WOOD STAINS rallon J~ llo () S1I. 1 U L 4 40c C 0C P47 e JC +C DC )C C O 10 t( 4 () {} ) (J U 0(0 6 () )() () )( ) )(} (} ) ()