of 1. P?. rore in iake Forest. Mrs. Lawrence Melson was a Wau keran caller Monday Mrs. Harry McBride and Mrs. E H. Bluhm were in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs .A. L Dorfler and childre nspent Sund y at the home of T. Fo Yore in lake Porest George Herting of Fremont spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrg. Charles Jeftery. % Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rouse and /C caildren, Mr and Mrs. Harry Rouse jn and children, Mr. and rMs. Frank A.'q Wirtz And daughrer, Virginia, were } dinker guests of Mrs. Emma Rouse |c Sunday '\ Mrs. Clara Meyers and children and Miss Hulda Meyer were Wauke-- gan callers Saturday night. Miss Loretta Dorfler and -- Miss Patricia Howe of Muskegon, Mich., returned Saturday to their duties at St. Frances Hospital. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Eddy visited in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffery have caught the spring improvement fever and are buey putting a nice porci in front of their house . Mrs. Emma Rouse and Mrs. Fred Lubekenan called on Miss Hannah Bremer in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Bremer is seriously ill with qneu-- monia. were in Chicago Friday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tiffany and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bristow and family of North Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. David Peter and baby, of Waukegan, spent Sunday afternoon 'The dairy business has increased to such an extent in this locality that it has been necessary for Rouse Bros. to add two more farmers to | their list, making a total of 15 from' whom they are now purchasing milk Mr. Hager of Fremont, aihrdluhrd!' Mr. and Mrs Ed Cook motored to Chicago Saturday. Paul Mott started working for Lyons & Rouse Tuesday. Mrs. Emma Fisher went to the | _ Mrs. Louise Condell Memorial hospital Sunday week end at th morning, where she will stay for a Mrs Henry Ha few days in order to take advantage | __Mrs. Orpha | of the electrical treatments for rheu-- -- W C. T. C. 1 mas§sm. |\ Thursday afte1 Mr. and Mrs. George Smith spent was well atten Baturday evening with Mr. and Mrs !sram president Chas. Chamberlain. \ manotine anncie Mr. and Mrs. Henry Englebrecht and daugater, Rosemary, spent Sat-- urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ketchum in Lake Forest. tion CDb&n Sheeman of Chicago called On friends here Sunday afternoon last aft+ her Genevie Monday Mrs. Ray Wells entertained the Birthday club Saturday. Tae after-- noon was sp«nt in playing 500. Mrs. R. J. Lyons wo nfirst prize and Mrs. George Brainerd the consola: child Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Fenner and Mrs. H. A Watson were in Chicago Monday and saw "Coquette" ernoon Miss M Mr. and Mrs: Frank Saaddle took their daughter Mrs. James Robinson home to Elmhurst Friday, and spent a few days there. Mrs. Wm. Fenner and daughter, Evelyn, and Mrs .H. A. Watson and son, Harvey, Jr., attended the Gene see Thetre in Wukesn Sundy aft-- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rittler and list last week. children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs .Frank Bauersmith Mrs.Frank Rittler at Racine. and son, Raymond, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kane and chil-- with Mrs. Hibbard at Druce Lake. dren of Piamond Lake spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pundt and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs Andrawe af Rarringrinn a+l}~--4 Kane. on Mr. and Mrs .Milo Lovgren lu& Mrs. Geo. Ross was a luncheon Sunda yafternoon. guest a tthe home of Mrs. Harry _ Mrs. Chas, Kuebker, Jr., Of Grays-- Johoson in Evanston Friday. lake called on her parents Mr and Mr. and Mrs. Henry and daughter Mrs. Fred Voelker Tuesday. hi t Genevieve spent Friday evening with Chas. Doiph called on Rev. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Andrews at in Wauconda Saturday evening. [ Lake Forest, Mrs. Walter Pople and dauxhter' Mrs. Wm. Fenner and daughter, Dorothy, are quite ill with tonsilitis. Robert Aynsley and Mrs. Duncan of Highland Park spefnt Saturday aft-- ernoon with Mrs. Geo. Ross. dle Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bell and son Norton. of Higaland Park, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shad SUN SVUITS . , Miss Connor, who has been spend-- daughter, Ruth, and Miss Fay Hen-- ing some time with her sister, Mrs. derson and a friend of Highland Pk., Frank Dolton, eft Tuesday for Sterl spent Monda yevening with Mr..and ing,. Kansas. -- Mrs. Chas. Jefery. Harvey Manny of Austin, spent daughter were in Chicago Saturday.. the wee kend with Aynsley Ross. Mrs .Chas. Jeffery was on tae sick Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rittler and list last week. THE NEW ANKLE SOCKS .. SWEATERS . . . HAT AND COAT SETS .. TINY TOTS SHOP orn PAGE SIX Mr iss Hulda 3 Mr and M aJTEMS OF INTEREST TO PEOPLE LIVING IN MUNDELEIN.® You can help make this section more in-- teresting if you will phone the Loca! Editor any news items you may have concerning relatives or friends News Notes of Mundelein and Vicinity NEW SPRING LINE OF INFANTS' and CHILOREN'3 Residence on Lake St. Waukegan's Smartest Children's Store p+ spent Sunday with Mr. and ink Hendrick in Woodstock. Henry Kane and daughter, ve, were Waukegan callers WAUVU KEGAN TELEPHONE 3453 race Sturm spent the ta Meyebs. Mott and son, Neal f Quentin k end wi! Mr. anAd Mrsg. Llioyd Prouty and Geo Prouty of Grassy Lake, called on Mr and M¥s_ Albert Roder Sun-- day evening Mr .and Mrs Myron Wells and chidren spent Sunday evening@g with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauman in Round Lake. f Miss Myrtle Dubka t« il! with <car let fever at the Lake county ho pital in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrg. Clarence Kal--ze an t children were in Waukesgsan Satur day. ~ Mr. and Mrs Roy Brean and family aave moved to North Ch'cago. Mr. and Mrs. Ctareucv Knigge vis ited Tuesday with the 'former's sis ter. Mrs. Clyde Harrms, in Liberty-- ville _ Mrs. Warren Snyder and son an Wrs. Harold Wells and children so°:> Friday with their parents, Mr. and !Mra Kicade in Antioch. Rev. C.: Arthur Jevyne was elected moderator Oof the Chilcago Associ-- ation of Congregational churches 'f'or the coming year, at the rexuiar meet ing, which was held at the Rlogers Park church Tuesday April 30. A most interesting discussion + the mon( Mrs Will Roder of Palatine spent Tuesday with Mrs. J E. Roder Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nickoey and Mr. and Mrs Lois Nickoley and cFhil dre nof Libertyville, spent Sunday evening with Mrs. J--L. Roder Mrs Clara Wells, Mrs Sophia Her te!, Mrs, Rose Holland, Mss Gros and Mrs. Emer Cross spent Tuesday with Mrs. Lois Sowles in in Rich-- MRS. NINA J. HUTCHINGS, Local Editor TELEPMHONE 512 _ Mr. and Mrs. Lois Wehrenberg at tended a birthday party in honor of Mrs. Frank Hironimus in Yolo Jast Sunday evening. Mrs. Louise Meyer is spending the week end at the hom of her daughter Mrs: Henry Hapke in Fremont Mrs. Orpha Harding attended the W C T. U dnstitute at Deerfie'1 Thursday afternoon. The meeting was well attendd. Mrs. Helen Hood. At attempt was made Saturday night to get away with Milo Lov-- greo's Chrysler. They succeeded in pushing teh car about two blocks from the house, but weer unable to start the motor However, they did take a brand new overcoat from the car. Milo is saivering. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zersen and Mr. and Mrs .Herman Zersen spent Sun-- day with Mr. and Mrs Fred Porep at Palatine. Mr. and Mrs George Ricks of Fox lake called on Mr. and Mrs. Milo loygren Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Roder and Mr and Mrs .Peter Nelson of Chicaro 1t 8 + it home at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Tiffany. Mrs. Chas, Kuebker, Jr., If Grays-- lake called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Voelker Tuesday. * Chas. Doiph called on Rev. Graham Mr. and Mrs Albert Godwin and daughter, Ruth, and Miss Fay Hen-- A I Mrs. S. W. Degner accompanied her aunt, Mrs. Ivison, of Glen Ayre, to Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dawson and Liberty Oil Co. ROAD OIL We Deliver and Spread WE ALSO HANDLE DisTILATE ° AND FUEL OILS ent Sunday at the home of Mis. inle Kublank. Mrs. E. W, Glen of Michigan City, ent .wwm'l days this week wira t sister, Mrg. Bert Swan. Mrs. Wm. Jeffery and children vi~ «l with Mrs. Albert Selig at Deer * Tuesday Miss Helen Harding of Northwes: n University, spenot the wee kend Libertyvilie--Mundelein Real Estate National Association of Real Estate MEMBER Libertyviile--Mundelein Chamber of illingis Association of Real R. J. LYONs FOR PRICES CcaALL waUKEGAN 3131 or GRAYSLAKE 65 LYONS & ROUSE Mundelin, IIlI. --+: in Roder and Mr elson of Chicago be home of Mis. SERVICE--COURTESY REAL ES8STATE RENTINQG FARM LANDS LOANS INS8URANCE ty and that city Hs calle=d | Right Use of I r Sun-- after the addt ud mafch into, t! Is and ' for a period of g with tet and the m: Round special music, ivannoe ang Mundelein fresent the FEx Community Nigzat at First ('hu;h The subject to be considter ed ids "Recreation'" The men are fortunate in s<ecuring as their speak er E. L Walkup, of Waukegan, dt rector of Recreational Activities in that city He will speak on "The Right Use of Leizsure." Immediately after the address the audience wili mafch into, the Community House for a period of play The male quar tet and the male choruys will furnish special music, under the direction of the Dotphs. It will be an uniusual evening -- Be trere relative values of the house of wor ship and its services and taie parish house and its activities made up the most vital part of the program and was most prfitable and stimuating The Laidies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Emmet Bilinski Fri day afternoon Of this vieek, Ma:y 3 Mr.. Faye Rouse wili be assistant PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH Ivarhoe Church and First Church of Mundelein Congregational C. Arthur Jevoe, Minister Rudolph Weight, Social Director Sunday school: First church 9.00 a. m. daylight saving time; Ivanbhoe at 11 a. m., standard time. Worsaip services: First church at M a m., daylight saving time; at Ivanhoe at 10:10 a. m. standard neeleame 4e ; ullle dinatinratctmmaning"* 2 to see the funny side of things, in mmmmmmomummmummmmmmummmumummmmmmemmmmmemmemesmelic | |its Wihotesome Attitude toward life and folks and thirigs will be to the ditor TELEPHONE §12 ... . fore in the presentation of the play EETunoeearetatemaeamroeceemeemesmmee [' |'DRAO0GY LON§ LOR§S8," At tht MUDMG: sip make this section more im | (5lq Gommunity Moure on Pruistay, concerning relatives or friends j y, May o and 10. at %: | Daylight saving time. You will be § | delighted as you fillow the adven-- relative values of the house of wor tures of Orphan "Judy" as she pass-- ship and its services and taie parish es from the orphanage to College house and its activities made up the and to her vacation in the country. most vital part of the program And You wil lbe interested in <finding was most prfitable and stimuating out ow she came to call her bene-- The Laidies Alid will meet at the factor who was unseen and unknown home of Mrs. Emme:t Bilinski Fri to her, "Daddy Long Legs." An ex-- day afternoon Oof th's vweek, May 3 ceptionally strong cast of players Mr.. Faye Rouse wili be assis:tant has been chosen to back up the orph. hostrss an and the fact that Mrs. Orpha The Sunday Evening Club will be fHiarding is the dire--tor, p.arantees entertained at the Henry Kublank an unusually well finished produc-- home Thursday evening of this week. tion. . . _._. And everything you need to help make the work easier (and your 1929 gardan most suc-- cessful can be selected right bere in Mundelein from the big, complete stock carried by the Time to Start Your Garden m+* McMILLEN HARDWARE CO. Phone 283 Mundelein, II1. Across From the Bank TELEPHONE + LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1929. J. H. ROUSE "DADDY LONG AEGS" IS COMlNG! Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wirtz, of Cedar Youta in all its naivete, in its lake, Ind., announce the birth of a bubbling good humor, in its ability baby girl on April 18. Tae little to see the funny side of things, in one was named Dorothy May. John Wirtz, M. C. Wirtz, Rev. lan-- kempfer and Paul Pfannenstill left Tuesday morning, to spend a few days in Springfield. w » | _Mr. and Mrs. George Gross and IVANHOE NEWsS sons, of lake urich and Mr. and \ Mrs. Elmer Cross and son of Mun-- Margaret and Edward Wirtz spent delein, spent Sunday evening with the week end at GCedar Lake, Iond. Mr. and Mrs-- William Hertel. Mr. and Mrs, Simon Davis, Mrs.| Miss Viola Hertel spent tae week Willlam Redman and Mts. e0Orge end at her home here. > Bbhober, of Round Lake, spent Tues The Junior Sunday afternoon club day afternoon at the home of Mr. social and program was a greet suc-- and Mrs. A. F. Shober, cess, there being about 75 in attend-- John Wirtz, M. C. Wirtz, Rev. Lan-- ance. The.young people are to be kempfer and Paul Pfannenstill left highly commended on their work and Tuesday morning, to spend a few taient. The community sing of popu-- days in Soringfield. \lar songs led by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. John Raashch and daughter, motored to Waukegan Friday. Miss Genevieve Raasch spent last Wednesday evening with friends in Deerfleld. Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall Hutch-- ings and daughter spent Monday eve-- ning at the home of Mr _ and Mrs. R. Radke. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wirtz and daugbter were dinner guests of Mrs. Emma Rouse on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Park Allan son and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chamberlin. Ruby Kueébker and Agnes Meyer called on friends in Round Lake on Bynday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chamberlin and Ed Hintz attended a picnic in Brain-- erd Woods Tuesday. Dodliph received a strong applause. The Jewish sketch entitled, "The Statute" and put on by Ernest Mey as Izzy Fake, David Ransom, as Si-- las Slick and Charles Jevne, as Dave Kennedy, caused much laugater and applause, as, also did the one--act play, "A Proposal Under Difficul-- ties," acted by Ruby Kuebker, Agnes Meyer, Weston Shepard and Law-- rence Ixoomis. Mundelein Drug Store Mundelein, Illinois Phones 245 and 728 INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. * +99 2*7"%""*"*, e YTvvRTRIITITITITIO DRA LLLVELL EDT PYYIELLCPLELVEELECETTTETETY Y 4 o l >--p s i A a E+"B mg f C i KJn mdns fike: . * p & w hi s t NJ ¢ THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL FNIOY¥ $ rome ou are assured of such handling when o us. In addition to milk products, we sell Fresh Egg Butter. #ve With the coming of wanm ir homo THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY THE DAIRY PRODUCTS THAT COME FROM GORLETT'E GROCERY, Phone $40; F. C. NORMAN, Phone 508); LIBERTYVILLE FRUIT & VEGETABLE STORE. Phone M MILLER'S GROCERY, Phone 81; HANLON'S GREEN FRONT $TORE, Phone 498 ROUSE BROS. DAIRY Clean ,f)l'f'l w l' l'l '4 '¢ 'I'O'I 'f 'l"'l 'I 0 0 4 # 4 & DELIVERY SERVICE Libertyville Supply Depots : ]¢ anifaty manne #*»*» 'p'f"'f't')'t't'»'t')'t'/'t't'r'f'r'¢'&'r'f'l'r't'r't'r"'r"""'o's FOLLLTL ETTE L Y S Y L 4 y Y i iz e e in Cz Cz Uz iz nz Uz zts produr weathe volU M ggs and Finest i ns T § ~f '\ Y § hancled § y you> A £ friomn § Finest &s gs'\ '\ $ > Q ; 508; g e 188 oN T § o $ s5554z--R