COUNTY TO LOSE $60,000 YEARLY IF BILL PASSES Loss of almost $80.000 annually in fAines paid into the county treasury will result if the Illinois prohbhibition enforcement act is repealed by the assembly upon the Weber--O'Grady bill now pending before the state senate. If State Prohibition Enforce ment Loses It Will Curtaii Income. If the laws are repealed all viola tions will have to be prosecuted by the federal government with the consequent fines being paid to the tederal treasury, it is understood. States Attorney A. V. oSmill Nas tound the income from these fines has been sufficient to pay the oper: ating expenses of his office, defray k NBRHNS;AORE ' ' d In§ 6 S ie s ' CLEAN !-- no smoke, soot or cinders . . . sum m er travelers prefer this all-- electric route to Chicago or Milwau-- kee. Electrification insures a clean, restful ride * * * * enhancing the alluring beauty of the countryside. Our "Finished Family" Service Pleases the Housewife The reason for sending the washing and ironing to the laundry, in-- stead of doing it at home, is to save the housewife all of the tire-- Some, back--breaking labor of washing and ironing, and give her more time for her other duties. Unless the work is done as well or. better than would be the case at home, no housewife will be long satisfied with the service. Our "Finished Family" business has grown each year, because we do the work in a way that pleases. Try us. Wet Wash--Everything returned damp: Monday and Tuesday....25 lbs. for $1.25. . Over 25 lbs. 5 cts. lb. Wed., Thur., and Fri.... 20 lbs. for $1.00.. Over 20 lbs. 5 cts. lb. Wet Wash Dried--Everything washed and dried. Nothing ironed. Monday and Tuesday....25 lbs. for $1.75. Over 25 lbs. 7 cts lb. Wed., Thur. and Fri....20 lbs. for $1.40. Over 20 lbs. 7 cts. lb. Hydro--Wet Wash with Flat Work only ironed : Monday and Tuesday....25 lbs. for $1.95.. Over 25 lbs. 8 cts. lb. Wed., Thur. and Fri.....20 lbs. for $1.50. _ Over 20 lbs. 8 cts. Ib. Exclusive Flat Work--Bed and Table Linens, Towels, etc.: Washed and ironed. 15 lbs.: for $1.60. Over 15 lbs. 9 cts. per lb. Minimum Bundle, 7 lbs. 84 cts. Rough Dry--(Unstarched) Flat work ironed. Wearing apparel dried without starch. 15 lbs. for $1.60. Over 15 lbs. 9 cts. Ib. Minimum Bundle, 7 lbs.. 84 cts. Handkerchiefs, 1 ct. each additional when ironed. Rough Dy--(Starched) Flat work ironed. Wearing apparel dried and starched when necessary. 15 lbs. for $1.75. Over 15 lbs. 10 cts per lb. Minimum Bundle, 7 lbs., 84 cts. Handkerchiefs. 1 ct. each additional when ironed. Allprest--(Family finished starched ) Wearing apparel hand fin-- ished and starched when necessary. Flat work ironed. Wearing Apparel ..............22l222222..._... .90 cts. per pound Flat WOPK ... .222 ... ... 12 etg. per pound Minimum bundle. 10 lbs. (5 lbs. wearing apparel and 5 lbs, flat work at $2.35. Homestic--(Family Finish_---- No Starch) wearing apparel hand finished without starch. Flat work ironed. Wearing Apparel pon en ie ........80 . etg. per pound finished without starch. Flat work ironed. Wearing Apparel bn in en ......... 8O ets. per pound Flat WOFK ...................222222222222l2lk.l2..222}.}} ... ... .... 12 etg, per pound Minimum Bundle, 10 lbs., (5 lbs. wearing apparel and 5 lbs. flat work) at $2.10. Economy--(Family Finish -- No--Starch -- No Hand Work) Wear-- ing apparel pressed on presses, only, without starch. Flat Work Ironed. Wearing Apparel ........._._.......cccccc........._..__...18 ctg. per pound FlAt WOPK ... ... ...... 12 ets. per pound Minimum Bundle, 10 lbs. (5 lbs. wearing apparel and 5 lbs. flat work) at $1.50. Shirts sent in with Wet Wash, Hydro and Rough Dry finished at 15 cents each NILES CENTER HOME LA UNDR Y LIBERTYVILLE -- MUNDELEIN DAILY SERVICE Smith has costs of criminal investigations, and combat the bootlegging el¢ement. In 1928 his records show that the income was $58,061 which ranked next to Cook county, and was $28,000 greater than Winnebago county in which Rockford®'is located. W. W. Bennett, former president of the Anti--Saloon -- League, ex-- pressed the opinion that the pros-- pect of the loss of these fines to all the county treasuries in the state will be a strong factor in de-- feating the measure providing for the repeal. f Mr. Bennett predicted that the U you are Lsted in the elephone di Weber--O'Grady bill, which received ind give your ad by phone. A bil a bare majority in the state house, will not pass the senate i uen ue e esns es sztststststytytztztstst "The senate always has been the bulwark of the dry forces," observed | FOR SALE Mr. Bennett. "The upper house meim-- smm mm es snn mm e mm bership includes oldet men who hav. | Sellers & John'on's observed the good -- effects" ; of .n! tempts at prohibition. It is usually | i 4 easier to put measures of a liberal | Baroaln Llst nature through the house." > } LIBERTYVILLE . LOTS If the bill passes the senate, how--| just a few of our good buys, with ever, is must be approved by Gover a1; agsessments paid wo to daie: ever, is must 0o appiCrou DJ UUYFC nor Louis L. Emmerson. It then wi be subject to a referendum. P §EEISGESEEEOSGSEOEGCOCESGOEEEEGGOGEE: __---------------------------'----'___--'_______________---------------------- Our Want Ad Section is noted for the quick results it brings. If you want to buy orsellanything; if you want to rent or exchange, or if you jeed help, use this low cost method of making your wants known. } RATES:--Five Cents per line for each insertion. Minimum charge 256. Six Insertions feor $1.00 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: it you are Lsted in the elephone directory, just call Libertyville No. 1 ind give your ad by phone. A bill will be malled later. & ';"9',6'.«//,';'/A""//'Q"G'/"/o.'»"f'%'&wl»'/"//A»%',""Wf' 80 Fine Kinley age. c 500. $ Fine new modern Dutch Colonial style home; garage; lot improved and landscaped; sidewalk, cement street; all assessments paid in full Price cnly $7900.00. a month $9800 .00 Modern 8 room home with 5 room cottage same lot; rented for $80.00 Extra fine three bed room home large living room, massive fire »place All latest improvements. 2 car gar age Sacrifice for quick sale. U 0) $1 Our Want Ad Section is noted for the quick results it brings. If you want to buy orsellanything; if you want to rent or exchange, or if you jeed help, use this low cost method of making your wants known. RATES:--Five Cents per line for each insertion. Minimum charge 256. Six Insertions feor $1.00 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: It you are Lsted in the elephone directory, just call Libertyville No. 1 ind give your ad by phone. A bill will be malled later. ifffcmfxf;$$%$$';$$$$9$%W$'A&%'.&$$$')Wo 3 FOR SALE ' 10 acre modern country house |about 40 miles west of 'Chicago; a mm _L_--_--_----L__L------------------jlarge modern house, 2 baths, barns 9 and outpuildings; all electric lighted-- Sellers & JOhn'on 8 Lots wrruu A beautiful place for at )r 200 ft. lo ft. lo ft. lo ft. lo ft.lot ate ie modern y ave. L chicken h« $2500 cas lot lot lot lot on Fourth Street_.... on Sunnyside Placa.. inCopeland Manor.... on McKinley Ave.... in Oak wood Terrace (7 big trees) D+ TY LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 2 i house cash, by estate acre. HOUSES room 'home on Mc-- G0x200 . 2 car gar-- e.> Price only $10, balance to sult. tenants Price Sell for $1000 $1100 $1500 $1500 $2500 buy _ to | $10,500 ' in Single Comb White Leghorns !for 17 years. They're bred for size, production and large white eggs. Cockerels make two pound brotilers 'at 10 weeks Chicks $14 a bhundred \for May. April chicks all ordered. Special prices on larger quantities. Also one and two week old chicks. Reimer's Poultry Farm at Long Grove Phone Libertyyville 657--J--1. ville fruit land sale. Farms, all sizes and prices. No ob ligation to show properties. _ FOR SALE--Knave grand piano, 5b ft. 7, mabogany; a beautiful instru-- ment. Will take $500.00, delivered Will rent six months for $50, and allow this if purchased later. Alden's riano Shop, 134 Tenth St., North Chicago. Phone 388. 11 U BABY CHICKS--Wo've specialized P. O. Prairl View, II1 FOR SALD--1'4 ton Commerce truek' in grand condition: priced truek' in good condition, . pTuCceu reasonably. Herachberger Bros. Prairle View, Phone 656J--23 161 FOR SALE--Kolsteins and Guern: seys.: Choice cows and helfers, fresh aad «pringers, with sixty--days retest. Gilskey Bros, Round Lake, Illno!s. 53 U POR SALE --Nipe tons of timothy hay. Meason Bros., Hal Da_y. HL. FPOR SALE --Mammoth Pekin duck eggs, from heavy vigorous stock, $1.00 per dozen. A. DeMeyer. Tele phone Libertyyville 619--J--2. 11 2t FOR SALE--Shaw garden tractor, cultivator and plow attached, prac-- tically new, half price. Also 2 horse cultivator, corn planter, small coal brooder stove, fron clad incubator. (G. H. Kng, Graysake, near Druce Lake. Both pbhones. 20 17 5t one Mommouth Bronze. one Bour-- bon Red; duck eggs and Buff Orp ington eggs. Telephone Libertyyille Ret. u.9 11 U ducklings, thrifty, large, guaran:-- teed sati--factory. $25 per hundred at Elmwood Farm, Old Mill Road. Telephone Lake Forest 1408 17 6t FOR SALE--Two large turkey FPOR SALE----Mommoth White Pekin FOR RENT--Furnished room, with FOR SALE--Gladiolk bulbs, mixed ; doz. 35¢; 50 for $1.00. Clara 8. Miller, co--ner Milwaukee Ave. and Rockland Road. 17 6t Libertyville, Illinois Telephone 451 _ use of kitchen if desired. Call at 211 Johnson Avenue or phone 838. 17 It POR SALE --3 acre chicken farm on -- fhnd;nwl house . two chicken houses. and garage; fine location. $6500. P. O. Box 178, Round Lake, FPOR SALE Ford ton truck in good condition: 1 setter's derrick, with rope and tackles. Call Libertyyille 149--M 15 4t Illinois 1% SAFE INVESTMENTS + For Sale At LIBERTYVILLE TRUST 4 SsAVINGS BANK IRST MORTGAGES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDSE FO SALE --Single comb Rhode Is-- land Red day old chicks; Ma;z hatcr Phone 663--M--1. 18 #1 FOR -- SALE--Turkey: eggs, from Mammoth Bronze turkeys; limited number at 50 cents each; wild Mal-- lard duck eggs at $1 per setting. Ute Crest Farm. Phone 604--R--2. 18 6t $90 CASH--The first buyer with this small amount can have my modern comf{ortable parlor suite, only 7 mos. old:;: 9x12 Wilton rug with frinkes, $25; 4+--pe. waluut bedroom suite Wwi's 3prinx and mattress, $90; console ra-- io with Dynamic gpeaker, $75; alao 8 pc. walnut digring room suite; lamps; 5 pc. dinette set; silverware; curtains, étc. All like new. Will sell all or separate. Will arrangé for de livery. See and be convinced. WiA-- ner, 8228 l&sryland Ave., 1st Apt., one bik. east of Cottage Grove Ave. Phone Stewart 1875, Chicago. 1: FOR SALE--Team of mules, wagon, hay rack, McCormick mowing ma-- cine, one single wagon, harness, two bottom tractor plow. Phil Done-- gan, West Washington St., Wauke-- gan. Phone Waukegan 928--Y--4. acres close in adjoining Liberty-- ._ House, barn, chicken house, . berries, etc. Good black garden . _ Make price right for quick Sellers & Johnson FOR SALE--Smail hotel and restaur-- ant in Round Lake; a money maker for right party; aged couple wish to sell and .retire from busi-- ness. J. F. Schumacher, Round Lake I!l 15 6t PIGEONS FOR SALE--Fancy Car-- neaus, good breeders; squabes weighing a pound. It costs no more to feed them than the ordinary com-- mon pigeon. Now is the time to buy. Old Mill Farm, Deerfleld. Phone Lake Forest 1485. _ 15 6t eggs. Old Mill Farm, Deerfleld, IIl. Phone Lako Forest 1485. 13 6t setting eges, $1.3%5 per Milwaukee Avenue, 16 6t 16 tt toms, 11 6t 18 6t FOR SALE--Two pure bred Holstein bulls, one 12 months old, ready for service; one 2 months old, from 1098 pound grandson of Kpop. Fred Beck-- man, Prairie View, I!1. Telephone Libertyville 658--R--2. 17 i acres black tillable soil, balance timber and pasture; well fenced, all modern buildings and in good con-- dition; located near Lake Villa. First time offered for sale in 40 years. Priced at $225 per acre. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Telephone 24--R FOR -- SALE----Farm 240 acres, 180 FARM of %0 acres, six miles west of ONE COTTAGE in Shorewond Sub. on Round Lake, built for winter use;: water and electricity in, garage. large wooded lot. Bargain at $4500. sale on Third Lake; four rooms, large screened porch, garage. -- TWO FURNISHED lake front cot-- tages on Grays Lake, for sa'a or rent: bath; electric and gas in; reas-- onable terms. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Telephone 24--R FRANK GRIPTON, Prop. Gurnee, I!|. Phone Waukegan 941--Y 4 Pure Bred Chicks--} 'Custom Hatching. \ Hatchery Located on| Gurnee High School Road. ' One half mile north of Belvidere and one and one half mile south of Grand Avenue. FOR SALE--Mammoth Bronze tur-- key toms; pure bred Barred Rock cockerels; Mammoth Bronze turkey eges. Bergeron Stock Farm, 2 miles west of Libertyyille, on Lake street Roard. > Phone l_.ibertyvllle 678--J--2. FOR SALE--Chicken scratch feed, mixreq ready to feed, $2.25 a hun-- dred pounds. Corn, ear ofr shelled. Wheat, barley, oats and baled straw. Bergeron Stock Farm, two miles west of Libertyyville, on Lake street road. Phone Libertyville 678--J--2. FOR SALE OR HXCHANGE REAL ESTATE What have you! REDEKER Arlington Heights, IM. Phone 496 FOR RENT--8 room apartment, south side of double house in Mun-- delein, central location; rooms newly decorated; . modern conveniences. Rent reasonable. Phone 239. 15tf FOR RENT--4 room cottage, @109 & month; also a number of houses and bungalows, and sevearal stores. Inquire of R G. Kaping. Telephonse 409. 15 U S. L. CARFIELD Grayslake, Illinois FOR RENT--Very modern 5 or 7 room apartmrnt with garage; heat and hot water furnished. Tele phone 746--J. 16 t -- '&;ar(i'iivdeslred. Felephone No. 1 or call at Independent Office. 18 2t FOR RENT--Room and garage} cnuntmmmmmmemmmmmemmmm mm d 02 WANTED--Several old ox yokes, complete with fron ring, etc. In writing, please Eive me length of yokes. P. A. Danielson, 1569 Sher-- man, Evanston, Ill. 17 6t WANT TO EXCHANGBD----A stock of _ ;h&-:fi _merchandise an*' fixtures. What have you to offer' °. O. Boxr 178, Round Lake, II1l. 17 6t LOST--Diamond setting from ring, Thursday night, April 18, somewhere etween Elm Court and Libertyville Recreation Center, or tie Liberty-- ille Club rooms at the Village Hall. Reward. Answer to Box 100, Inde-- endent, or phone No. 1 11 it Grayslake, Illinois HOUSEWIVES--For genuine Fuller Brushes, call Libertyyille 394. 13 tf IF YOU WANT TO RENT OR SELL your property, list it with Fred H. Smith, Realtor. 604 N. Milwaukee MKONEY TO LOAN--We hare a Oof-- siderable amount of special Aunds reveyy ©" Warierne Fomr mewy property . © f First National Bank, l&'fll'- mM LOST AND FOUND PV FPARVENERY, ABBBNRNZ MR ERCCW 0 ol M 00 ties, vacant land, real values, se0e Geo. E. Rchardson, Round Lake, IIl. Telephone 3. VALLEY VIEW FARM AND HATCHERY . L. CARFIELD Miscellaneous FOR RENT WANTED cottage, $15 a 1929. 17 6t ADUJUDICATION NOTICE Public notce is hereby gven that the Suwbscriber Executor 0f the Last Will and Testament of Martin Bed-- erske, deceased, will attend the Pro-- bate Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden at tae Court House in Waukegan, in said County, on the first Monday of July next, 1929, when and where all per-- sons having claims against said es tate are notified and requested' to present the same to said Court for adujudication.. _ & jendants, that the above named Com plainant heretofore filed his Bill of Complaint in said Court on the Chan-- cery side thereof, and 'that a eum mons thereupon issued out of said Court against the above named de-- fendants, returnable on the first day of the Special term of the Circuit Court of Lake County, to be held at the Court House in Waukegan in said Lake County, on the Third Mon-- day of May A. D. 1929, as is by law required, and which sult is still CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE IND® PENDENT GET RESULTS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. By W. C. Hubbell, Executor. Waukegan, IlIl., April 11, 1929. 67--aur 26 may 2 9 L. J. WTLMOT, Clerk. Waukegan, I11., April 15, A. D. 1929 ONE GO0D LESSON imaAn HAS LEARNED ---- COMFORT COME S wWHEN @000 COQL'S BURNED! BORST'S | COAL QUARTETTE Have Your Ashes and Rubbish Hauled Away RONDOUT, ILLINOIS I LLEPMONES G790M--1 and WHEN YOU BUY A PIANO, be sure it is a good one. Let us tell you about the well known HAD-- JORFF and QULBRANSEN. ALL THE LATEST NUMBERS IN S8HEET MUSIC COMFIORT dwells nsear the fire. All tuae gllded trap pings of a pretentious home means nothing unless the love that should dwe!ll there is embraced by warmth. We are simply making an effort to tell you that we sell a sw perior erticle of coal that's good for what alls your tem-- perature ORDERS POR PIANO --TUNIV WILL BE GIVEN PROMPT ATTENEIJON CHANCQRY NOTICE Phone Waukegan 267 . 112 N. Qeneses Ot., Waukegan, HL Read & Taylor Telephone 89 JOHN G. BORST ALL KINDS OF LIGHT HAULING JAS. C. O'SHEA Rates Reasonable Complainant's Solicitor Prompt Service TUNING MEAT SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday, MAY 3 and 4 1929 606 N. Milwaukee Native Chuck Veal Roast Little Pig Hams Spring Leg Lamb PALACE Cash Market WHEN YOU BUILD OR REMODEL GET MY ESTIMATE I Can Save You Money, ana: All Work is Guaranteed~ -- | HOME RENDERED Pure Lard "> rPounos ror Best Creamery Butter Sugar Cured Hams Sugar Cured Bacon Fresh Ground Hamburger 20c General Contractor Libertyville, IIl. PI A gorgeous cluster of fragrant blooms is a peerless token of devotion on Mothers Libertyville Floral Co. A BOX OF CHOICE CUT FLOWERS, SUITABLE FOR PRESENTATION ON MOTH-- ERS' DAY . . . . . . OR flowers 508 First Street Pot Roast -- 25c -- mMoOTHERS DAY e Libertyville, Ilinois Telephone 180 . L. YELDEN WE SUGGEST Telephone 10 BONELESS ROLLED Day. And flowers from our establish-- ment carry an im-- plied complement. A BEAUTIFUL BASKET OF FLOWERS SPECIALLY PRE PARED FOR THE OCCA-- SION. PAGE SEVEN Phone 554--J Libertyville 25;¢ 30c 47¢ 20c 35¢ 25¢ 33¢ 23¢