Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 May 1929, p. 10

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MVrs. Hilda Wilton is at Victory Memorial hospital in Wnuknnn. where she was taken for a surgical operation for appendicttis the fore rart of the week. Mrs. Wm. Runvard _ entertained tho Ladies' Aid society at her home Thureday aftemoPn, At this meet-- in* rlans were made to meet at the bome of Mrs: A. M. Krahl at Rdi-- »~" Park next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barnstable from_ Chetek. Wis.. sre the guests 0of Antioch relatives this week. The Marigold motor busses made their first trinse through Antloch, Saturday. For a long time residents | of this localitv, have complained of | the poor transportation service to and from Chicago and on various oceasions the problem hag been laid before the officials of the Soo Line railroad. The answer has al-- ways been the same--"not enough patronage ta warrant the running of more train@=."" Now the solution is at hand for the summer season at least. The Marigold motor hn« com-- & _ w!i Jt tens WD $10.0v. Leot El 2 Deep Lake YVilla Sub. C_F Jensen & wf to M Jens QCD $1@ 00. Lot 3 Blk 2 D Lake YVilla Sub ea on Mts3 still at the J she was tuk which she w ple of weeks ago. She will not be able to return home for another week at least. W V Griftin & wt to E J Chamberlain & wf jt tens WD $10.00. Lot 123 Bik 6 Wkga Gardens Secs 17 and 20 Wkgu. D R Manzer to M Jensen WD B10.00. Lot 2 Bixt 2 Deep Lake ine home ol Mr. and Mrs3. Rubeu Turnock north of town is under quarantine for scarlet tever, the three chiliren i nthe family being I11 with the disesse. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Bock spent Thurs-- cay in Chicago and while thoms sel N F Lighthart & wf to M Van Deursen WD $10.00. N 138 ft otft 3 560 ft of NW ogr of SW qr of Rd of Sec 31 Deertield. J A Russell & wt to G E Glena QCD $10.00. Sundry Lots in Blk 2. Third Addn to Lake Blu{ff. G E Glen & wft to HO J Karch and wl kX# tens WD $10.00. Lots 5 and 6 Blk 2 Third Addn to Lake Bluff $1 R L Foote & wf to H Brennena WD $10.00,. Lot 138 G. F. Nixon & Cos MHighland Park Gardens. CT & T C to L J Otteni and wf Jt tens Deed $1500.00 E hf of Lot 20, J 8 Hovlands H Pk Acre. Official List 0.00. Lot 2 Bix 2 Deep lla Sub Lake YVilla. > R Manzier to M Jensen 0 00. Lot lla Sub. L Ihe New OAKLAND W be hom Furnished by the LAKE COUNTY TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Pitcher--Stevens Motor Sales /4 . wWwD $1 d Lake ( Hein & 806 North MilwaukeeAve. Abstracts of Title; Titles Z Gototheowner C\ of a New All--American for the facts about __ this car O M Transfers b, Lake Villa eiter & wf to ANTIOCH Pfloalfl'bfl.fu.l.o.b. Pontiac, .km.)lu"-rym Spring covers and Mm.h"hlnm Bumpers and rear fender guards estra. Ceneral Mo1 Plan cvailable at minimum rate. V .[F YOU want to know the real facts about the New Oakland All-- American . . . and who doesn't, now that it is gaining such a name for style, performance and dependability . . . go to some one who owns one. Let him tell you what he thinks of the car. Then come in for our special demonstration. Let us show you what complete motoring satisfaction the New All--American holds for you. 220 Washington St. + Waukegan, Ii!. e Catherine Sub. & wf to C O H Taylor & wWwD $10.00. w 40 ft ot 3 Blk 5 Warren Addun rs. H. Bock spent Thurs-- ago and while there call-- W. R. Williams who is H--nroten hospital where en after the accident in was badly injured a cou-- MAYX 20, 1929 Sub Telephone 4 () W [ t) wf to M Jgn'enl ot 3 Blk 2 Deep W Baldwin t 3 Felters Deep M Oldham w D Lake 'AMERICAN SIX PRoODUCT or CENERRAL MoTOoRS Tnmkaui steriing mos " --""" . . c : :o tWg Overhaul generator # 0 e 0e 0e 0e m e + 260 .Mp&nmmflm-dm!'orrlflwonly. because the need and number of new parts depend on ~ &emdiduduchw-mch.pfnthpam __ _ At the last meeting of the An-- tlioch Business Men's club, some _ time was given over to the annual | election of officers. C. E. Shuiltis | was chosen for president to,. suc-- ceed C. L. Kutil W. R. Williams was elected vice president: FP. C. James was selected for the position of sectetary to succeed A. M. Krahl, and S$. B. Nelson was re--elected as treasurer. . ; --> | Miss Sybil NArmond who has been employed in Antloch k" the past vear, left Friday for her 'home in Inrdiana. © _ Epany provide us with four busses to Milwaukee visitors Tuesday. | _ and from Chicago each day nuo' At. the ~meeting of the Business on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays | Men's m last Monday evening, | the number will be increased to| A-- M. 1 was presented with eight. a wrist watch in appreciation of the services which he rendered to the At the last meeting of the An-- fchb as its secretary for the past| tioch Business Men's club, some| WO years. & 2o Mr. and Mra. Lynch left this week for New York from which place they will take passage to Europe where they will spend the summer. © Mr. and Mrs. James Stearns were hlow.hvem,beamoftbe"l'bbdi'fldp-olky dmnfaemrhgnd-dlhgnandl-qrgholpnfit. Front System Overhaul front axle _ -- s * * * :M-'h'hb-'-n-du-(h&t:) Tm.rdundw:o.h'lnllq m '_l_'i.bu-,lln:kd--.'hhudfmt-d Replace axle assembly -- =.| * = # + ® # lcrlleo' axie shaft, drive shaft pinion, Cumepaplim priy"" ;. : : : Tune motor (including repiacement of . Seueh and vipremn Pomd I necemm Overhau! carburetor . -- .. . l'leunle"oh"lo--uu-h--bo nsita ""'h-' rods « T abten all mala pearings "( _ **** . longuthcymllaell-qdby,uodel'l'm: The follow-- ing list gives the approximate labor charges for recon-- ditioning the Model T Ford :-- THE Model T was so strongly and sturdily built that it is still rendering reliable, economical service to motor-- ists in every section of the country, Millions of these cars can be put in shape for two, three and five more years of use at very amail cost. . So that you may have this work done economically and satisfactorily, the Ford Motor Company is still de-- voting a considerable section of its plants to the manu-- facture of Model T parts. It will continue to do so as Overhau! motor and transmission -- -- . Years _ of service in MODEL T FORDS Forp MoTtor CoOMPANY valves and clean carbon -- the boit or new leaf -- Libertyville, III. The Junior class at the Antloch high school entertained the nuornl at a banguet Friday night. Follow-- | ing the dtnner which was served in the high school cafeteria was a dance in the gymnasium. "I want to go ou record for this one," said plump Penelope, "because I saw it myself. It was in the sub-- way the other morning Y ou wouldn't think a person hurrying to his office bright and early would be absent--minded, would you* But the well--dressed man right in front of me tossed his dime to the foor and stepped on it and then tried to drop his elgarette into the turostite."-- Boston Transe~~L D or drive gear About the Limit §$20,00 to 25.00 $4.00 to 5.00 §$3.75 tw 4.00 §5.75 to 25.00 15.00 LL1s 15 2 BOYLAN, TALBO -- COMPANY -- EXCAVA THNC No Job Too Large! MONUMENTS & MAYSOLEUVMS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL . \;y; Collins & Doane Co. BETWEEN GRAND AVENUE AND WASHINGTON sTREET Mill Work, Storm .Sash, Screens. Porch Enclosures, Carpentering and Jobbing. Lewn Furniture TELEPHONE 419 .*'1 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE Waukegan Nurseries ATTORMEYAT ALAW ° _ LuCE suUirmnme * Res. Phone 97 Office Phone 18# LYELL H. MORRIS GRADING CONTRACTORS ATTORNEYATLAW Office at home on W. Cook Ave. CcOMPLETE PLUMBING AND HEATING INSTALLATIONS OF EVERY KIND TELEPHONE WAUKCEGAN 30 QUICK SERVICE -- RELIABLE WORK New Work ... Alterations . .-- Repairs PUBLIC sEervice supa. LIBRERTYVILLE PHONE 295 HARDY NURSERY STOCK EVERGREENS in Ali Varieties .and Sizes ROCK GARDEN PLANT S . Shade Trees, Shrubs, Ros®s, Perenia'ls, Peonbes, Fruit Thees OUR LANDSCAPE DEPT. , AT YOUR S$ERVICE Green Bay Road RENT tiNg, REAL E8TATE, MORTGAGE LOANS, , . PROPEKTY MANAGEMENT, UENERAL INSURANCE, surETY sonps, SERVICE, injmzai! 4y tm Py hret ns in i R. Douglas' Sons Shops at Libertyvilie and | W. S. McCLAIN |Professiona E. W. CORBY Public Service Buiiding Work of Every Kind B EW T ILS T Wioh ns ar ns en and PLUMBING n m e Libertyville Public Service Bldg. HAIR BOBBING and SHINGLING MARCELLING, WATER WAV-- ING and FINGER WAVING VANITY FAIR BEAUTY SHOPPE Chicago Office With the Chicage Title and Trust Co., F. 8. RICKCORDS, Pres. WM. R. FOLSOM, Vice Pres ALVAH L. ROGERS, Secy, Lake County Title and Trust Company WORK DONE BY EXPERTS Telephone 152 Waukegan, Illinois Frank Calzavara and Son Teaming Excavatin:: Grading Sewer Work Complete Finishing of Basements ; _ Johnson Ave.© © LIBERTYVILLE / DR. O. E. SIMPSON | Other times by Appointment. Telephone 214 MUNDELEIN 69 West Washington Streot ; * Office Hours: 9 to 11 A. M. ' & 1 TO 5 P. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT y° . DR-- MATTHEWS DENTIS8T # Office at Residence 127 Maple Av. Mours : Oto",it..'onndItol . Monday and Thursday Tele~hone 591 LIBERTYVILLE Dr.Otto R.Thompson Office in First Nationa! DR. J. L. TAYLOR BCIJENTIFIC EXAMINATION oPr EYES, GLASSES FITTED WHEN NECESSARY. CROSS EyEs STRAIGHTENED Over State Bank of Mundelein !iqun: 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 5 PERMANENT WAVING Telephone 288--J ; Room 414 Woukegan' National Bank Building ABSTRACTS OF TITLES TITLES GVUARANTEEDO HMows: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 LIBIRTYVILLS. ILLINO!8 DENTisT . oom 22, Public Service Bldg _ Telephone 310 LIBERTYYILLE, ILLINO!S 220 Washington Street Waukegan, IIl. TELEPHONE 4 TELEPHONE 993 OPTOMETRIST AY, MAY 30, 1929. . J. DAVIS Marion Brennan Bank Applied on New Residences Asbestos and Asphalt Built Up and Tar and Grave) Rooafing Ap-- a -- plied on Fiat Roofs Siate, Tile and Asbestos Shingles PHONE WAUKEGAN 667 Guaranteed Roofing 24 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, I!!. ,___. J. GROVES &£° SONS CO. -- THE HUBERT CO. " . OF EVERY KiND * FOR ALL TYPE$§ of BU:iLDINGS Milwaukee Ave., opposite Library LIBERTYVILLE GET The HaABit or watc ING FOR our wE--k.ENnD Applied over old wood shingles and other old roofing on resldences NONE BETTER at any PRICE § business Public Service Bldg. Prompt Sepvice Guaranteed Telephone 890 . Libertyville, IHinois T A XI _ FRED CROKER : S$NOW'S See Mo Before Listing Your Sals FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 1L 15 GURNEE ILL [( Wm. A. Chandler © T A I L O R a V Cleaning and Repairing 518 N. Milwaukee Ave., Upstairs LIBERTYVILLE. ILLiINOH2 | LIBERTYVILLE | ¢ FLORAL CO. 4 " Cut Flowes and ; € _ Potted Plants -- * «Delivery Service ° WALLACE'S CANDY SHOP 8 N. First St., LIBERTYVILLE Offlcp Phone--Libertyviiie 10 es. Phone--Libertyvile 4322 W HOME MADE CANDY 'AUCTIONEER ROOFING ~HXHONE 306 Contractors Excavating resh Daily OWERS FOR ' RY OCCA¥sSION Cinnerarias Hyacinths Tulips Cyclaman SPECIALS (Inc.) CGENERAL || ~__ OF ALL KINDS * 1 PR YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AT YOUR SERVicE LIBENIYVILLE PAINT STORE Phone Libertyvyi 901 ALL KINDS OF HEATING PLANTS For Residences, Stores and Institutions Phone Libertyville 51; . Res. 4Q Prompt Service; Careful Handling Call on Us for ~ . ------ Estimates ..«'> » MILLWORK @ Screen, Cabinet Work, Storm Sash 'TELEPHONE 758y & ti1 First Street Libertyville HAROLD WILCOX LIBERTYVILLE © CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PVUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 850 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. LIBERTYVILLE. PHONE 555 Residences + Phone Libertyville 570 [ Chicago Phone Haymarket 1416 Lccal and Long Dis -- tance Moving . @ DAILY TRIPS 3 "& .To and From «$ Chicago, Libertyville Antioch C. L. C(_)O'NFER General Trucking SALES DEPARTMENT ~ 107 E. Church St. LIBERTYVILLE TELEPHONE 103 SERVICE DEPARTMENT Lake Street _ MUNDELEIN EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MAKEs or cars. OoUun JHOP 18 FULLY EQuiPpEp ANQ READY TO SSRVE YOU. ONLY TRAINED MECHANICS WILL WORK ON YOUR caR. Public Buildimgs Lanrdscaping Farm é?fldings PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE IN LIBERTYVILLE AND MUNDELEIN Anderson & Exon Motor Service Libertyville Ice Co MOTORS , Crysler Dealers Insurance Agency Satisfaction Guaranteed COUNTRYSIDE Telephone 440 859 N. Milwaukee Averue LIBERTYYILLE, ILLINO!8 SERVICE FOR © . YOUR CAR S J G N S General / Contractors CIlL KB AND Transfer TELEPHONE 1938 TELEPHONE 453 PURE ICE. HEATING 0J ie PEEtOrU Visit Our Nursery TELEPHONE c LIBERTYVILLE 172 Route 21, Two Miles North of Libertyville Mundelein Concrete Works Concrete Products of » All Kinds + Genet;l Cement Contracting Ask for an Estimate on Your Needs E. w. FENNER, Proprictor Office Phone--Mundeloin \50 Res. Phone--Mundeiein 4944 RooFiNe TILE _ > ~ cororeo cewment *+% GaARDEN FURnNiTURE ®< TERRAZZIO FLlooRs "* ORNAMENTAL Cement SsTUCCO GROWERS OF A GENERAL LINE OF NURSERY sTocr. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 2 8 t 1 4 ,_ Ray Furniture Store TELEPHONE NO 9 Fixtures and Supplie; BATTERY AND RADIO SHOP ; * Telephone 400 Libertyville, Illinois 614 N. Milwaukee (Melephone 128 W Electric Wiring and > Contracting Battery Service E. M. WEISKOPF, Prop. ;, Radio Supplics * Generater and Ignition Sevice MILK THAT is PERFECT IN LIBERTYVILLE ELECTRIC SHOP IF PIANO TUNING Radio Equipment LEESLEY'S NURSERIES -- DAIRY AT 224 BRQADWAY TELEPHONEF 94 EVERY waAY, cive us YOoU want a BOTTEE or HAFEMANN's DAIRY LEAVE ORDERS aT LIEERTYVILLE, 1LL J. J. Alkofer, Prop TRIAL

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