Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 May 1929, p. 13

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Achil Van Marcie. 15. who its been missing tor three aree' . from the home of his. moths» Gui-mu Van Marci". has bein located in Canada ilsintr with relatives, " VII learned today. After the boy left" Elott, It was charged that his uncle. Emlql Cort. new. had taktn him away. Conv- seur was located In Mushawaka. ind, ami Chief Deputy' Sheriff Pred, Brown and Capt. Hmrge Heeling" want there and arrested him on I charge ot contributmtt to the delin- quency of a' "'.!;:)r. The complaint charge ot quency of mu stance She had UV Achil Ilan Marche,' 15, On Whose Account Man Was Arrested. Is Found. ZION [AD 1hNrllili AWAY [HEATED IN , CANADA WITN KIN tf- WINTHROP HARBOR Porcelain lined, all hardwood. Genuine ll L' inch cork board l-.',' off regular Apartmint Refrigerators only... (:ork lined-sample $100.00 211151. at $52. 75 a '"lor. The complain". d by the mu" :1 ttcried him of taking the 12m and encouraging him Leonard & Challenge Refrigerators . (/,34.95 soo lbs. ICE FRE/ii? stlve * 1pm"; .11! I ski kw R 'h 'su%im : -.., w A series of card par " al the brick build my post once. Jan. Ft l the he Gm 150 Lb. Ice Refrigerator rove to Madison 1touday. .9in with Mrs wk until we re I. Needham tad _ were visitors y o .es Knight o' tll vial: Witt 3 here Decora h! erirertained use on Sunday wa n at his home. was awarded nedal den-lama- W " cute guests _ "s'i,j'r,y'i',":c's'/ ESCAPE!) INSANE deputies that : unuzster for aistsd elitism" nere prepared who has beer, " much im ot South Miri Abrahamun's l a sponsored Her and tam- arrxved ttere who Mei-son and In I'hiago tri ertained for dim was her Shop In Confidence at Lake county's Largest, Oldest and Best Store nder- the home tt With Every Refrigerator at $35.00 or Over il Leonard Refrigerators A re Insulated and Built for Electric Refrigeration Mr and Mrs. Loum Bauman motor ed to DeKalb Int Monday. ." Mr. and Mrs. John' LeVuy from Oak Park were called home Wednes- day evening by the "Inca of Mr. l.eVoy's mother. "Mré. -ri:. A. Martin motored to Ke- uoshn Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Term: and fam)ly and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ander- son motored to Mufdeleln Sunday. Memorial day services will be held at the Muller? cemetery, Memorial any at 1'30 tiuadard time. Rev. Gunner win In the weather ot the utternoon. . b . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elwin and Vi. olet Edwards of Wauheunn were Sunday visitors at Ute George Ed- wards home. T School closed Friday with a pie- nic. Miss Sheehan and pupils had their lunch in the woods Iner which they returned to the school Ind ire cream and can were "not: to the mothers and pupils. A special meeting of the Christ. ian Endeavor society Was held at the church Sunday evening. The riveting was led by Carl Anderson, The insullation ot the ottteors of the society took place. Mrs. Robert McCann um infant daughter came home sunny from the hospital Ruth and Marion Edwards attend ed t concert Sunday "emu; ut'Wau Regan given It the Hrs! Baptist church. Mrfnnd hire. Jacob Kain! trum Irruce Lake went. Sunday with their naught"; Mrs. Frank Edwamu. . Arthur Irish has been an the past week with the thi. E. A. Martin "a a wnukeun vb itur Friday. t Norms Toma. Gm. Boltzmann Glen Salton took their ttnat uln- inauon at the Wadsworth ands school Tuooduy. . Mrs. Scott LoVoy by been up riouslan for the out wax. Mr. and Mrg. George Edwards vil- lted relatives and friends in Wan Regan Wvdnesday and Thursday. About "my potion: undid-d an Adult Bible flan potty shun at its home of Mr. Mid 9drs. J. S.' mama Tuesday ewenlnx. A bulimic: noon in and the election of ottie .N tool path. The following were abet-d: Prestdem. Mrs. Ada Kins; vice pro.- Ment. Mrs Margaret Donut. and secretary and trouuror. Mm. w" White.' T homo ot Mrs. Armin Anon. "in: were won by Mrs. B. S. Knight. Mn; J. Niamey Ind Mrs. A. Anon. » Full Porcelain Interior and $89.85 John Blanchard. of Du Mamet. la. ho v-iL'aDt'd from an m ane asylum we 'wan arrested by Planet Deputy muff Fred Brown '_\es!urda3' at assell "here the man wu'employ- 1: m a took in a home. He was re- rnod Week Exterior Refrigerator, Get Free Ice Clem lik? I China Dish PATIENT CAUGHT J W a 3 door oak finish, genuine Leonard Refrigerator, baked enamel lining. $35.00 R f I a - pligiiogl; . (j/cell $9 0 8 5 Top leer Refrigerator All hardwood. Jrtiite enamel lined. cross wire shelves. f $11.95 " "Ice Chest Council of Boy Smut: ot Ame in winning unuther "my" In tall tor graduates ot the three tour] pronuus courses ttivo by cotUrtu a pun-l but door It the JEMISUN STORE it ROBBED (lf GRANGE While Patrolman ll wad making his mun The meeting tonight will be de-: voted Ao Written eutrtittationts on the work covered in tNe meetings and one hike. Those who "liaise-- lorily pass the examination and who l, luvs met the all-nuance require-i menu of the course, will be manic-d! certlttcatey at the June m-ulon ot the Court or Honor, l The London' Taming Troop 190. hey Scout: of America. which has been meeting tortnlghtlr since Petr. runry. (-umplelei its couru or train. ing tonight at the Scan headquar- ten. T OTHER SCOUT ACTIVITIES Meeting Tonight Will Be De voted to Written Examina- tions 0n Work Covered. - :JUT LEADERS. ARE Til COMPLEIE COURSE TBNIGHT hat period ot th WIN-u Luann as the oir" Is Zulu-rail} on" e. Irwin! t P dan- " N\I. to J! Bloodthirsty Period $239.85 mum he bun br Gray Steel Exterior V and White Enamel Interior Refrigerator Special I LiBERTYVILLE LNt1fiWi2rli1litrrr, THURSDAY. MAY 39,}929. It Buy Your New Refrigerator N ow Ice 500 lbs Electrif y It N ext Year F ret, Free GHQ. Absolutely Refrigerator - 3 door, Golden Oak exterior. Enamel lined Sharia], - $27S6 Speeiii1.L.--. _/Il.",, mii iijjiiiiiittii' _' c,r' 3 run a. 0.1.0. wonx let 109 Lb. Capacity In: or l This new vtsriety "are It Zion. 'whlle 1 part of the Zion Depart- fment "on. on. ot the Inns! mer- lcanulo eutabliahmentts,, in Lake «manly. In, In charge ot B. D. '(ienller whh has been with Zion Clothing- department for the put .mur yuan. and who formerly Wu: {common-d with John V. Forum" and company pf Chicago. In or- fdvr to "ttnbieiit fully to compete with' In)! known chain organiza- 'Hou. it was deemed Idvlaahlb tor ',it to become a member of the ' 1'onsoliduted Merchants - Syndicate ut New York. an orettnithrtt Iwlt'ir'tt supplies our 1.0m; "muted Btores with tucrcltattdise. I To make it warm tor the new "ore to open ll nine o'rlm-k on lSaturdJy 1 large torre worked an 'Thuxuday .und Friday nightm' put- ititur the goods Att dinpluy. _ HEW STORE It 7 Jill. "BEER. Mil A ' OPENED AT Mi CLOSE 1 PLACE IN Moonshine In: blamed today for the death 01,: woman and a mutt ill no thump"; "Hays. _ Mrs. Anna Hendrn'h. 30. Was shut and fatally Wuunded by hvr htiaband. China. when' the f, said to have etude-d him tor drinking. ilendricks was arrektied -. A tututplitiotstt only as "Bruno" was at the man Inn police Ill- tttrtt when a riot'ralt ramwm. Suki"; 4 lhrmo. he twrotupattied an officer to the scene, He dashed 'ntu tlie building ahead or"... otticer and wu promptly relleU by n bullet thr- (0"le tor ml tary (mining His Ptympany He dung-d ahead of . the prumplly felled 'ho brain, h Golden oak exterior, enamel lined, remov- able draih pipe to clean. . $19.75 C TWO DIE IN BOOZE With crowd: which swarmed in tind out nnd tilled every "do trom 0 o'cloek in the toronoou until at!" nine at night. Zion opened 'tta ' cent to 81.00 store Ian. 8aturdar. The opening wu a big success. over 5.00 sales being made during the day: A "In inn-e of twenty-nix people In kept busy continually. The com- plete stock on many items "a sold out by noon. M , 3 Door Refrigerator Si) Styles to or the R 0', T l . . . l " l" "UULL l Alhoophc Factor» , When my small daughtrr (mums N BATTLES to [LP "in: a scratch or mm 1 get ff rftercurochrome bottle had paint ' b the wound at little man. it Jug, or i, 'f, -i,r,rr," d h i V, r,.,; nnytlung that my daughter Dug. 1l.'te "an , an" Jttue, V . "Mi. as my meager nrtlsnc abili- uh of," woman and a m"", tics will ttllow. Ncver for . mo- _ shunning aura!» . i ment tlotq tthe hesitate to let me Anna Htrturvks. si", "a-, "WU 72w au'hvmiv, trecttur.e " is nd hmlly "ouhded by ists, HIM'I'l 's.,' in , . tir..'ortT'ih funny " Pkg-l... ...s,_..- _|.,. d". ".1: a) ttt ttr, Ir UMUKJ irtttut, It erax Choose From Harm-y LaChapelle, who I tsum th. 1.1.2; 1(th tho {mm by t bullet thr- h. boozewruzed It!" 1 Mn shot, dropped from warm-e or an Netrhtrom had 'tttt awardvd a all l'lm'eruh M Wis work in tttlit as learned today l he s:rrod for lad 'uped. ad a flvoqnllon of durum; 1n eponed l Quick" was brought before Toilet: ,after Countable tuorge"iltried Ind I the "pause mum had raided his 'dis: 3 orderly house. Victoria Poser. Elma Taylor and iLucilie Smith. the Inmates, were limed 850 and Nut. ' Ed. Lux GUM. ( Ed Lubrfat 137 So. Genesee street. "fan! a tine of $100 god costs and :tkreed to quit the liquor business. , He an: his promise to Justice Tal. tept. ' The actual tide, mum-ted over the the week endamountssd to $250. Thomw Burkish and Mary Burk. inh. of North Chicago, Rave bonds ot $2,000 for their? appearance before Justice Taller! June G. The; 1"gt waned with violating the pro ID1- tury act. I John butch. of 'lil Round street, went ttr the county "ll tor 40 dun todar.Ahen he was unable to pay a $200 fine uueued by Justin Har. old Tall n. ED. Lox IOUITS RACKET. John Quick Goes To Jail Forty Days Because lie Can't Pay Fine of $200. Fitted with hangers. making unpacking a mud) easier tank. Round wrun- design. moire of black w brown tahrtkoid "ttith. The smart traveler begins her itinerary with a trip to our Fifth Floorto equip herself with traveling fashions that will make the rest of her journey easy. Here are new pieces of luggage that will keep her travel wardrobe in epic and span order and travel clothes that will be easy to pack and that will come from wardrobe hand case or bag in excellent condition. . In Shark grain eftect.meutly lined. 24 inch siz; fn Brown color Unusual: well made and good iopkine. Hat Cases to Match at $8.95 I and all tum pockets. Genuine Cowhide Gladstone Bag $22.95 Of finest pure thread silk sheerest Chiffon or Service Weight . . . all new style heels. . . . Every pair perfect. Just feel and see these lovely hose. Run your hand through th and see their shimmery texture. Every, _womatt of 'dry,', can now afford to have a complete assortment of colors to wit any occasion at such a low price. _ Why Do Thrifty Waukegan Shopp/cu ' Buy Weatcotts! , BECAUSE they have found the stocking that is priced right . . . that wears long . . . and is stylishly designed. Moreover, they can have Westcotts' in just the kind of heel and the color they prefer. WEEK END ENDING Women's Wardrobe Hand Case $8.95 LUGGAGE Chiffon Hose . ' 1 f..,,?::!.,,?,. tyt 2sghlte'igiaii'iik'ir Hand Cases from $2.50 to $19.95 FIFTH moon . iavel in Style With from Rubin's MODE MODELED Nels Stahlberg and Martin Ham sen. or Chicago, who were arrested yesterday by deputies on a charge ot defrauding Mrs. Clara Matthews of 10th street and Sheridan rand out of ' S in board money, settled their case today according to Justice Wil- trod Hail. £1an and Stahlberz claimed that they were working for a contractor who gave them checks that failed tr clear the bank. These checks. are: am 'e gnod today, Hall uid. In this county. Funeral "rvicett will be held at the home in Elttitt at 1 o'clock Wednesday ntternoon. A short service will also be held in Mt. Olivet cemetery in Zion at 5 o'clock on the name Afternoon. BOARD JUMPERS FM tfli Ill SQUARE ll? Mrs. Olaf Ou. formerly . real- dent of Zion. pasted away Satur- day at her home In Elgin, duet " extended lllneu. She la sur- vived by her husbtnd and three Children,' her parents. Mr, and Mrs. John Gaede. two brothers. Walter ot Waukegan and Leroy. of Zion and a sister, Mrs. Anna McArthur of Chlcago. Her death wlll bring Borrow to many friends Sock to Suva Landmarks To save America's vunlnhlnz landmarks plan: are being made to unisoiidnte the efforts or suite and country historic" trocletieg, tltse arts coutmlsrslouts and ptttriutle ur- L'aniuuonl. Similur activity is go- ing on in England. In both roun- iries vandalism is regarded as a My rinuc menace. , FORMER RESIDENT (lf ZION tllilillNEl Black enamel durlt rooxered proof \alance hat form. I and all hat e with lean "gh, NsfShmv.on f/ie NorihShorii a! Round Hat Boxes $5.95 to $11.50 IFiyll,jllfi3dl?iiClji; ii) binding. dust e and removable Beautifully lined pockets. , V "Fri FOR RESULTS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS This special selling of new Summer Frocks is especially attractive to every woman right now. Materials in- clude Prints, Plain Silks, Silk Crepes, Silk Piques and Wash Silks. Frocks for afternoon or town wear in'a remarkable collect!on In this Special Selling. $10835 C N. RICHARDS, Prop. LARGE AUCTION A CHOICE HERD OF REAL PRO.. DUCERS,,INCLUDING SEVERAL SEVERAL 60-Lb. COWS RUBrN'B---TmRD FLOUR Special " Selling of f(i. Chic . a; a Frocks m "L Col. L. C. Chistensen and Son, Aucts. AUCTION SELES CO., Mars. s MILES NORTH OF WAUKEGAN REGISTERED AND HIGH GRADE HOLSTEINS AND GUERNSEYS Sleeveless Style Included Saturday. June 1 1n the Gift Shop on the Mezzanine Floor 36---CATTLE-.-36 T) PAGE FIVE

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