Last week the Animal Husbandry Class finished their judging-- the final test being the contest at Maren-- go, May 17. Ten boys were entered to make up two te#eams. one for dairy and one for fat stock. We failed to repeat our work at Antioch last fall, where our team placed. Emery Allison and Elmer Ernsting were the high men on their respective teams. Elmer in competing against a field of, about 80 contestants ranked eighth in the judging of dairy cattle. Our teamwork was not consistent whica accounts for our pot placing Our last unit of work in Farm Shop was babbitting. We are using simple split bearings since these are ¥are most convenient and are easily set up for pouring. Babbitting is an important prac tice where muca machinery is u«ed If carefiMly done, it is simple an yet very practical. o LAKE ZURICH o The first operation is to remove the old babbitt by the use of a chisle, and see that the bearing is thoroly cleaned. Papers liners and ends are then cut to fit the beartng. The liners aid in the bre@aking away of the two paats of the bearing after the job is finished. Paper ends are used along with clay to keep tae hot metal in place. We then heat the babbitt metal until it will char a dry pine stick. The hot metal is poured quickly and with an even stream. After the bearing has cooled the mold is removed and the jJob is in-- spected and the high plains are tak-- &n off by means of bearing scrapers 6 0 0o 0 0o 0o 0 0o 0 0o 0 0o 0o 0 0 0 o0 o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o PAGE FOUR The first Commencement of the Ela Township High School wtll be held. in tae High School Auditoriwm on Wednesday evening, June 5, at 8:00 p. m. Daylight Saving Time. lime. Baccalaureate service will be held in the High Scaool Auditorium on sunday evening, June 2. Rev. Irion will deriver the sermon and the var ious churches of the community will furnish the music.. Services will be-- gin at $:00 o'cock Dayligsht Saving Time. Next Friday we will enter a prac-- tise contest in preparation for the State Contest which is held at Urbana, June 14 angd 15 'This con-- testwill be 'aeld with Woodstock, Antioch, Gurnee and Ela competing. The rings will be arranged by Mr Gilkerson, the Ccunty Agent. This practise should put us in good shape for the contest in sune, and we are determined to make a good showing for Ela. On Decoration Day there will be no ~chool in the morning Patrons and friends of the school and community should keep thefol-- lowing dates in mind and plan to at-- tend the various seaool functions: On Friday, May 318st the G. A. A. will give the first of their annual pro-- zrams. The entertainment will con-- sist of a short play, pyramid build-- in@,. and other work that has been carried out in the gymnasium clas=3-- es this year. _ 'The program will start at § 0n o'clock p. m . Daylight Saving with the high five teams of this sec-- tion of the state. In all around judging including the work of last fall our school ranked sixth in com-- peting against sixteen schools are indeed fortunate in having Mrs M. rPester and Miss -- Hulda Schreiber _ gave _ a -- miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss -- Barbara Miller Friday. <The decorations and refreshments were very prettily car-- ried ou! in pink and white Taere were thirty guests present, and Miss Miller received many beautiful and useful gifts. Mr. and Mirs. Jack Brodfard and daughter, Dorothy, are spending Me-- morial day at the Washington Park track at Homewood, enjoying the Mrs. P. Bensinger was a dinger guest at the home of her son, Jam»s Bensinger, in Wawkegan Sunday and in the afternoon they motored thru the southern part of Wisconsin. The Eight»r Grade Commencement which last week was announced for June 1st has been changed to Fri-- day, June Ith Please keep the date of June 7th in mind and be with us on that evening. The various grade schools represented will give numbers on the program and our County Superintendent of Schools, Mr. T. Arthur Simpson will give an address and present tae dipkomas. as our speaker on this occasion, Dr. W. C. Reavis of the University of Chicago. Dr. Reavis has bezn in-- terested in our school sint the first plans for the building were be-- ing drafted, so we feel we have more than a speaker on this comnmrence-- ment occaslon, but we have an in-- terested friend as well. The program will be at 8%:00 p. m. Daylight Ssaving Time, in the High School Auditorium . i( LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1929 1+ The evening service of Epworth league and the caurch is at 7:30. Monda yevening at 8, the Sunday school board and the official board, an da special meeting of the Quar-- terlty Conference will be held at the parsonage METHODIST EPMSCOPAL ' lLoly Communion Sunday morning John E. DeLong, Pastor [at 8 o'clock. "Dark Spots Made Bright" is the | Holy Communion and sermon at1l theme for Sundoy morning at 11. o'clock. Preaching by tae pastor. Strangers are cordially welcomed to | The church school meets Sunday our services |morning at 19 o'clock. Classes for The evening service of Epworth all ages. PRESHYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor Sunday school at 9: 45 a. m. Morning worship at 11. The ser-- mon topic will be "The Separation Caused by Sin." Young peope's meeting at 6:30. You aré invited to all the services of this church. gT. JOSHWPH'S8 CATHOLIC Rev. M. J. Nealis, Pastor Firet Masas at 6:30 a. m.; Second Mase at 8 a m.; Third Mass at 9 a. m; Fourth Mase at 10 a m. 8T. JOHN'S3 LUTHRERAN (East of the Park) Rerv. W. H. Lehmann. Pastor Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. German servitce at 10:30 a. m. English service with the Lord's supper at 7:30 p. m. June 4, Y. P. S. June 5, Men's banquet at 6:30 p.m. June 6, Ladies' Aid. SERVICES OF THF LOCAL CHURCHES Our children's day service will be Mr. and Mrs. Will Geary and son, Edward, visited at the Lee -- Geary aome Sunday. _»~ held on the evening of Sunday, Vune 16. Please remember the change of date and the change to the evening hour of 7+30. > _ _Tae Aid Society will meet with Mrs. L. H. Morris Wednesday, June 5, at 2:30. Mesdames Morris, Miller, Langworthy and Taylor are assist-- Ing hostesses. -- The annual meeting of the District Woman's Home Missionary Society will be held at our church June 4, beginning af 10 o'clock. About 150 are expectey. Luncheon will be servy-- ed at 12:30. o WAUCONDA o The public is cordially invited to the services of this church. o 0o o o o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o o 0o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0o 0 0 0o 0o The Friendship Circle will go to Lake Bluff to sew Friday, June 7th. Transportation will be furinshed for those who can go. s CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Third Floor, First National Bank BuilMng Subject for Sunday, "Ancient and Modern Nacromancy, alias Messmer-- ism and Hypnotism, Denounced." Sunday services at 10:45 a. m. Wednesday evening at 8. Sunday School at 9:30 a. in ST. LA WRENCE'S EBPISCOPAL . Rev. E. P. Baker, Pastor Holy Communion Sunday morning 8 o'rlock. Holy Communion and sermon at1l Doughnuts ©" 10° e« ATLANTIC & PACIFIC $ Fresh feom Orchard and Garden FRUITS and > VEGETABLES California Cher-- ries, Lh. _ _ _ _ G@ualls Fancy Bananas, 3 Lhbs, Fancy Oranges, dozen New Onions, 2 lbs. .. Strawberries, New Cabbage, 2 1bs. Fresh Carrots 2 bunches ... Medium Head Lettuce New Beets bunch ---- . oo 2 bunches ----_ 13¢ Meaee. ""C 10¢ as'" _ 10c s ooceees . 25¢ WHERE ECONOMY RULES Grandmother's Office at Corner Rockland Road and St. Mary's Road One Mile East of Libetyvyille. Phone Libertyyille 777 "xcellent Opening for a Druggist, Delicatessen, Bar-- ber, Florist, Dry Goods Store, Bakery, Dress Shop. Shoe Store or Childrens' Shop. SUGAR CURED BACON, Per Pound ................2..222.222. 0. SHANKLESS PICNIC HAMS Per Pound DIXIE COTTAGE CHEESE, Per Pound Per Pound . BONELESS BRISKET CORNED BEEF Per POound ....2022022 222222222 es FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER, SUPER SU D S 3 for 22¢ IN THE BEAUTIFUL NEW DALL BUILDING Libertyville, Illinois Choice Cuts of Quality Meats MIDDLE WESTERN DIVISION CBPTING CIFIBS ALONG THE LAKE PRONT. WIT TRANSPORTATION AND WITH GOOD ROADS LE, DIREBECTIONS, THIS CITY IS GROWING RAPIDLY aAx PSTABLISHED HERE NOW, HAS A SPLEXNDA CHA\N A1I0NG WITH THE CITY. LIBERTYYILLE sER\ MATELY 12,000 FAMILIES WITHIXN TS TRA mN, 1IBERTYVILLE IS 'PHE LARGEST TOWXN IX LAK; Peas 25. 25 STORES FOR RENT Benjamin L. Dall ) NALUESm _ fulfill your desire ' {rECONOMY 9¢ 9¢ 29¢ 23¢ 25¢ 39¢ LIBERTYVILLE SERVEs APPROX! wWITHIXNX ITS TRADING TERRITORNY HAS A SPLENIN CHAXCE T() +« SHREDDED WHEAT B U T TE R ECONOMY. to be wisely practiced. must embrace thrift in its fullest meaniAg ... and that means to secure the fnest foods at prices thet offer worth-- while savings!' There is more than low prices at A & P. Silverbrook At a Great Reduction Friday and Saturday Assorted Flavors. (OADS LEALDINCG 2 19° 4 for PEACHES JELLO VANILLA SNaAPS CHOCOLATE sNaAPS ZUZU GINGER sNAPS NABISCO yUNtOR UNEEDA Biscuits H EXCELI No. 242 Sliced or Halved 28c 4 for 19c . 2: Can ' 21 A BUSINEES Sunical Yellow Cling x1 ROW 25¢ 20c 18c 25¢ 21¢ A LI