to John Lenzen and second, to Henri Pillings. A delicious luncheon was served and a beautiful large birth-- day cake with the inscription, "Hap-- py Birthday, Phil.", and decorated with icing of colored sweet peas and 'a0lding 53 candles, which it took Mr. Wagor 15 minuts to light. He received many beautiful gifts. The guests were: Mtr. and Mrs John Len-- zen and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Frost and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hen-- ry Pillings, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dietz, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lyons, Mr. and Mrs: William Hironimus, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wagner and son, Mrs. Fred Reed spent the week end with relatives in Chicago. The baccalaureate sermon of the senior clase o' the Gurnee high school is to be held on Sunday eve-- ning at the high school. Tae ser-- Jul BRarrus, propritor of th Navy Service Station, announces that he carries a special supply of high test kerosene and gas, suitable for use in cook stoves burning these fuels. A birthday party was given in hon-- of o; Phil Wagner's 53rd birthday, at his home, just south of Round Lake. Euchere being tae main feature of the evening, the first award went to Mrs. Agnes Hironimus, second to Miss Loretta Behm, first to the men Lou Lusk, Bertha, Katherine and George Hironimus, George and Irene Hertel Bernard Fredericks, Edward Obenauf, Emma Bacon, Loretta Behm, and Mr. and Mrs. William Lenzen. They left at a late hour, baving had a wonderful time and wishing Phil many more happy re turns of the day. Mrs. Catherine Ford, of Waucon-- da, spent Saturday at the home of bher sister, Mrs. Emma Huson, Mrs. Ford,. formerly of North Chicago, is now living at Wauconda. Mrs. Mary Mitchell returned to her home at Berwyn, after having spent a week at the aome of her daughter Mrs. Martha Frost. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Downey and daughter, of Loag Beach, Cal., are spending tae summer at the home of Mrs. Dowuney's sister, Mrs. Lester Perkins _ Miss Voilet Mathison, of Chicago, spent last Sunday at the Archie Ros ing bhome. o The services of Elizabeta Peppers, well and favorably known in Grays-- lake and the vicinity for her work as a beau tyexpert, will be available to the women of Round Lake on and after Saturday. June 1, when she is to be located in the Crystal barber shop VELMA FITZ, Local Editor TELEPHONE 39 You can help make this page more interesting if you will phone the Local Fxtitor news items you may have,. Summer residents are invited to contribute news. Send letters either to the Local Editor, ar direct to the Independent, Lib-- »rtyville, Illinois. Phone No. 1. A bank book is your best friend. It is an ever--ready help in time of need. WIRING is the one that leads to a g oo d savings bank w h ere your money will grow and your station in life improve. _ | The Right Way Round Lake Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 GRAYSLAKE ELECTRIC SHOP Grayslake, III. Come in and consult us and we will put you squarely on the right path. "Servin' All of Central and Western Lake County" Welsbach Electric Refrigerator First State Bank of Phone Grayslake 135 "Radiotrope"' All--Electric Radio FIXTURES SUPPLIES For ews of Round Lake and Vicinity '_ Tuesday morning, A. W. Burkey of \Grayslake, decided that the time had 'come when he could send one of his 'cows to market and get a top price ftor het, and about the same time the cow 'decided that a pasture just across The Soo Line track looked \greener ond she started towards it. | Unfortunately for the cow, a Caica-- |go bound train came tearing down from (x'e north and, true to the name the c catcher caught the cow just about midships, and with such great force that she was immediateli trans 'formed to fresh ground hamburger. ;l,ater_ the remains were buried by |soo Line employes. _ mon will be delivered by Rev. Pather Fleming, of Waukegan. The march is to be lead by the president of the senior class, Clyde Helm and Anna-- bel Junge. Lilah Brown and Bsther Lusk, of Round Lake, are among the graduates this year. Robert Lempker and Ange Graz-- lano, of Chicago, spent he week end at the Archie Rosing home. Mrs. Caarles Thompson, Mrs, Har-- ry Mrrit and Mrs. Albert Smith, mo tored to Chicago on Tusday. Walter White, of Round Lake tied Barrington and Arlington Heights in the high jump on Friday afternoon in the Northwest Conference meet, heldl in Waukegon. He received a silver medal. Florence Rosa and YVelma Fitz motored to Librtyvill on businss, on Tuesday. Leslie Behrens and Roland Whis-- man, of Stockton, California, _ are spending the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Casamore. Mrs. Nell Townsend spent Thurs-- day at the Harold Kennedy home in Grayslake, visiting her sister, Mrs. Mitchell. Frank Mackie, a guard at th ie prison, is visiing here for a days. Archie Rosing and Arhur Hough: 0n moored up norp for a few days an a cattle buying expedition. Miss Veima Fitz spent Sunday wita friends in Oak Park. Henri Thomas spent Sunday with friends in Libertyville. Mr. and :Mrs. Delbert Smith and daughter, motored to Waukegan on Monday evening. Earl Williams, of Chicago, was a Round Lake business caller last Wednesday. Train Converts Cow Into Hamburger Jol Miss Schubert, of Chicago, was a Round Lake business caller on last saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Perkins of Long Lake. The party came to an end at a late hour and everyone had a fine time and were very glad to see the Downeys back with us again. Evelyn Lubby and Florence Wag-- ner were in Waukegan on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Géorge Harmer and and children and Mayme Cashmore, of Waukegan, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cash-- more. Edward Walsh, of Waukegan spent Saturday at the Charles Cossman home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drummond and daugaters and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Fitz, motored to Kenosha and Racine on Sunday. Mr and \lrs. George Richardson motored to Long Lake on Sunday. Miss Helen Richardson had the misfortune to catca her heel in a carpet while coming down the stairs and falling in' such a mannr as to sprain her ankle very badly._ Marie Schaffer and Peter Meyers completely suprised the entire com-- munity on Thursday, by slipping up to St. Joseph's church at 6 o'clock and being married. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. W. Sch-- mitzs The bride was dressed in a complete outfit of tan crepe and the bridesmaids were dressed in rose pink crepe. Mrs. Keller and Miss Nezelier and friend, of Kenoshbha, spent Sunday a{-- ternoon at the James Trisggs home. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ogborn and daugater and Mrs. Gladys Hodson and daughter, of Chicago, spent Sun-- day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Junge. Mr. and Mrs. John Daley called on friends at Wheaton on Monday eve-- Mr. and Mrs. William smith, of Grayslake, spent Monday evening at th«@ home of Mr and Mrs. Milford Ben Honeman of Northbrook spent Monday evening at the home of his brother, <Henri Honeman. ning _ Mrs. Phil Wagmer and son and daughter, attended a show in Wau-- kekan one day of last week. -- Mrs. Margaret Smith spent a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison, of Ringwood, this week Smi Mr. and Mrs. Alvin [ ixon of Wau:-- kegan, spent Friday evening at the home of the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. Leo Hendee. LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1929. _ having spent a week or so wih rela-- tives and friends in Chf'cago and in Berwyn. Mr. and Mrs. Gifford White were Libertyville business calers one day of last week. Bud Tamlin and Celia Rosing mo-- tored to Chicago on Tuesday morn: ing. + Although one of Round ILake's new business institutions,.the firm of Hendee & Steffes, has quickly won a leading place for itself among the city's most progressiv retail stores. The owners are Elmer Hendee and lLaura Steffes, both well known and popular members of Round Lake's younger set. The Hendee & Steffes store handl-- es proprietory medicines, cameras and supplies, ice cream, 'igars and tobacco, golf supplies, Sunday pap ers, magazines, candies, etc., for the accomodation of customers in this vicinity. . Arrangements have -- also been made for the filling of pre-- scriptions by a registered pharma-- cist. Many people thruout the county are making this store their goal, when taey are out for an evening's motor jJaunt. The attractive booths, modern fountain, high quality ice cream sodas, etc., all go to make this store a mecca for people who appreciat« and want the best. Mrs. W. T. McFeely of Oak Park spent the week end at the L. A Fitz home. Mrs. Christine Miller of Waukegan, called at the William Hironimys res idence on Saturday. * Miss Veilma Fitz spent Friday eve ning witp friends in Libertyville. Miss Helen Richardson spent last Tuesday witri Mrs: Agnes Hayes, at Foxr Lake. *J Mr. a tored t Monday Mr. and Mrs. William Frost and children and Mr. and Mrs. William Huson, spent Sunday at the home of their motaer, Mrs. Catherine Frost, a Volo. -- Hendee and Steffes Fine Store Pleases Mr. and Mrs. Harding, of Chicago, were Round Lake callers on Friday. Edward Brown transacted busi-- ness in Waukegan Friday. Miss Lucille Rosing motored to Waukegan on Tuesday afternoon. and Mrs. Harry Merritt to Chicago on business last Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kretschmer, of North Chicago, called at the home of their daugater, Mrs. Leo Hendee, on Monday afternoon. - Fix Up Your Property For Summer' ROUND LAKE, ILL. E. A. Brown, Hardware Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Hose BEAUTY EXPERT WILL BE LOCATBD IN OUR SHOP, AS A MEMBER OF OUR ORGANIZATION WE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO WOMEN OF ROUND LAKE AND VICINITY THAT ON AND ~AFTER JUNE FIRST, ELIZABETH PEPPERS "ROUND) LAKE'S BEAUTY AND BARBER SHOP LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS _ Building Hardware and Tools Gasoline and Kerosene Stoves A NN OUNC E M EN T inning and Plumbing Work T HE CRYST A L Paints, Oils and Glass Kitchen Utensils Fishing Tackle Water Systems *' Other Round Lake + _ News on Page Eight PHONE 20 Telephone 40 Paint -- Hardware -- Building Material J. M. Clemensen, Mgr. Phone R. L. 54 m See Our Display of y mm Trellises, i 4 A 3 Gate--Ways, i 3 Wood and o h Wire Fences K | a t t / i J 11 . COELT / . | \\\| ]/" F \" \' | K WV J T I if ABOVE: q' DREAMLAND GATE, $16.00 e AT RIGHT: ' = LONG LAKE LUMBER CO. DRESS UP YOUR PROPERTY ! Phone R. L. 5 Our Motto: "Service" wish Come in and see this Kodak an a caorce of four lovely color>: bl help but please with such a gift Round Lake, III. LUMBER THAT LASTS! DRUMMOND'S Tibbits--Cameron Lumber Co. "EVERYTHING GOOD TO EAT" MONARCH COFFEE COMMUNITY BAKERY GOODS HENDEE & STEFFES FAN TRELLIS, $1.50 IF YOU are building for perma nence, be sure to obtain sound, solid, substantial Lumber. To make sure of its quality, order it from our yards, whence none but the staunchest, best Lumber comes----and at prices that won't conflict with your economy plans Everything in Building Material, Coal, Feed and Salt ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS CASH GROCERY AND MARKET Priced From $3.00 Up THIS NEW COLORED Supremely Smart KODAK . .. Just in Time for nd its handsome case--both offering blue, brown, beige or gray. You can't Graduation Telephone R. L. 2 Round Lake, IIl. PAGE SEVEN B¢