Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jun 1929, p. 10

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Joseph Garreson and Frank Poff, both residents of Foxr Lake, have started terms of one year each, in the Wisconsin state prison on a charge of stealing automohile tires They bad been charged with taking the tires at Lake Geneva and were tried at Elkhorn Wisconsin. States Attormey Sntith '1as made it known that no decision bad been reached by hbhis office whether to is sue Walter Hamburger and Louis Brydges, two of the Village Trustees, with mailfeasance in office. Both are cbharged with having been pald by the village on accounts which they taemselves approved and ordered Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known When the demands lor money back were made B '*manu climbed to the runming board of his machine aud explaitmed he was an officer of tae law and had been ~ent by the court with a writ o fattachmegnt di recting him to 'ake charge of He box office receipts. | Delay Warrants In Fox Lake Tiff Then a group of imen armed wil barrel staves and sticks of all kind started pussing through the crow rww¥ard the constable, led by a ima who sbhouted "Folloo ie and DPil ge your money back The constable was forced to draw {ercises at the McHenry high s¢hoo! 'bis revolver and threaten to shoot | Wednpesday. | to kil to escape violence at tie Mr. Zroat, who has beep veéry 4ll. hands @A th 'nob. is receiving treatment in Chicago There was a large advance sale Mrs, Bamford of Chicago is Visit-- of tickets and about $109 had beed |ing 'ber dauchter, Mrs . Trygman collected at the box office whep Con-- | W.illje. #table Beckman appeared ono (he Miss Lillian Goadt and her mypther scene and served the writ ofattach | Mss Eimer Gnadt, motored to, Chi-- nent on Stephen J O'Connor, of 640 feago Tuesday *:ortb MavBHield av uue, Chicago, pro--| Mr and Mrs. Robert Burleigh and moter of the boxing suaow. daughter, Margaret, called on Mrs. Beckman (mmediately entered the |Burleigh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Per-- bor office and 'took Lh&T' of the |vie sunday at Crystal Lake. «ale <f ' «kets. ' Miss Margaret 'Tweed 'jas 'been A few minutes later O'Connor dis |very ill for the last week eppeared anc one ol 'his assislanls Robert Johnson was among those climbed to the ring and anoounced ] who graduated from the McHenry the bouts were called off. A cry fot |high school Wednesday. mouey back immediately was set ub | A collision occurred on Graud Ave by th crowd as they surged tow ard "l'uesday night, when a car driven by thue box office Richard Witts struck the car driven When the demands for mOD€Y by Miss Sue HMHourgan. Altbhough boti back were made B 'man climbed |machines were badly damaged; fer to the runming board of his machin® | tynately no one was hurt. H cezplained that he was Charged by the court to take the money and tbhat h. could not give °+ back. At this poini Beckraan drew his revoiver and bacved the crowd of', while be started bhis engine and sped away. Several of the crowd climbed into avtos and pursued the constable awll th. way to Libertyville, and sev-- eral times drew alougside and at-- tempte' i0 force bim into the ditch Tae writ of attachment was issued against O'Connor by Jr_tice Wilfred E. Hall, at the instance of Fannie M. Bratt and Florenge 1 MceCurdy, doing business as the Bratt Loan Co U'Cennor borrowed _ sum of money from the loan compaby on a Dole geveral mouths ago, which he never attempted tlo redeem, @ccording to the complaint Ano item oum this page last week stated that Anthony Bass:, our game wardeh had discovered a large num-- ber of blue gills dead. 'The inspired compositor weot .n to say that the "birds' bad beenp sent to the state taboratories at Springfield to learn the cause of their demise, if poss)-- bie. -- Now most anyone ought !o know that a blue gill is not a bird But typesetters, 2s a rule, are nol auy too 'amlliar with fishology, es-- pecially those' around the Independ ent composing room, ience may be pardoned for referrine to the well known blue gill as a "bird." on hbim and took charge of the box office receipi® In Which We Beg Pardon of Blue Gills " News of the Week From Fox Lake Community Arena, siorr ou the | nffice anond demanded their money back after Constable Francis Beckmas of Wau kegan, served a writ o. attachment Local Bout Ends in Ends in Near Riot Who. nearly proved a real riot broke wi; in Fox Lake last Saturday pight, when several bundred fight fans attending a noring sbhow at the Phone Fox Lake 121 ~--_PAGE TWO 150 Nippersink Blyvd. FOX LAKE, ILL. Electrical Supplies House Wiring Pipe and Fittings Radio Supplies YOU ARE IN TROUBLE A. H. Myers 666 ELECTRIC SHOP Is a Prescription tor i CALL US G_fiPPC, Fl" D'I'", Mrs, Louis: Krossman and Miss Alice -- Rushmgre called ou |-- Mrs. Krossman's daughter, Mrs. Soyrada; who has been very ill, at Oak Park, al OR $ BUILD A NEW ONE : Mr. and M bifsiness calle Friday. Mr and Mrs. Robert Burleigh and daughter, Margaret, called on Mrs. Burleigh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Per-- vie, sunday at Crystal Lake. Miss Margaret 'Tweed 'jas 'been very ill for the last week Robert Johnson was among those er, Dr. Albert Willie, at the Wood:-- stock hospital Monday. and found him muca improved. Mrs. Joseph Kosk! and childreo motored to Waukes@an and Kefosba Tuesday -- Mrs. c ty given her hom Joseph Frag&A @And Joseph hoski were Chicako business callers last Tuesday. The Ladies' Ais of the logJ}eside Community church -- held a public card party @t tae Ingleside towh bail Mrs. George Koeth ~ and i-- Miss Dolores attended the graduationg, ex-- ercises at the McHenry high s¢hoo! Wednesday. | Mr. Zroat, who has beep very 4ll. is receliving treatment in Chicago Mrs, Bamford of Chicago ts Visit-- ing 'ber dauchter, Mrs . Trgman :\ w o e i i PP EPeCE RCRCECEFECTFEerCCECECEECEeE' ¢ $ \~ Q % «& } \\ '\ \: ': R ® $® 't \\ $ \' " $ \~ & everywaere We visited Mrs. Anthony Bassi's garden that one nice day we liad in June, so far, and we can begt de-- scribe its loveliness by the begutiful words of that song, "Ana Old Fash-- jioned -- Garden'* 'There grew : the flocks, tall hollybhocks and marigolds ursday Mr. and Mrs. E. 'Te It Waukegan Mrs. James Lyo:« Personal Items of Lo¢al Interest OmMm+ '"'cm't * m YOUR OLD HOME no one was hurt. ' id Mrs. W. M. Erust were 0 Mris. Thomas C i Rogers Park Th raga&a -- And Joseph 5e Roe n Waukegan turday. ; Mrs. Jobup, Pike rove to @Micago v!ldrd phenson Qrot U it 8 G & y Mrs. George Nielson and Mrs NP Jenson attended the birthdeay party of Mrs. Clhrig Nielson in Chleago on Monday. Mrs. Wanda Bennett and her bro ther, Edward Severt and wife of Ey anston, called on friends in Milwau kee Sunday. Rey. and Mrs. O W. Brand and Mary Lou were dinger guests o{ Mrs. James Lyoch Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geéorge Gnadt and Miss Lillian Goadt and PBarl Rush-- more Jr., drove to IAke Geneva last Sundayv. Mrs. E. M. Lane was in Chicago Tuesday, . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eriekson at: tended the funeral of Mr. Urban in Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Reardou, of Detroit, Michigan who has been visiting her sister Mrt. Wilson, for several Cays, left Sunday for er bhome, via the Grayhound bus route. Mrs O. W. Brand, Mr#. John Pike and Mrs. James Lynch were inp Wau-- kegan Monday. Mrs. Anthouy Bassi and Mrs. Hopps visited Mrs. Bassi's mother in Chicago Tuesday. We are very sorry to hear of the deat» of Emil F. Urban at 30% North Cuyler Ave., Oak Park. Mr. Urban passed away Tuesday, after beigk i for many mouths. Mr. Urban bas been a summer resident of Loog Lake for a number of years. Thursday, which was very well at tended. on Wentta in t U en 1 * 3 , I " . LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, _THURSDAY, JUNE 13. 1929. Miss Dorothy Hart'ord, daughter of Mrs. H. l1 Scott is a member of the graduating class of the Univet-- sity of Chicago. She will shortly be-- come thie bride of J. . MeGivorn, af Chicago. 'M=--. and Mrs. W. M. Ernst visited Mrs .Erust's daughter, Mrs. Bor-- chard, in Chicago Monday and Tueg-- day | [ Miss Olive Rhoades attended the graduation exercises of her brouther. Jack, at Gurnee Tuesday. 1 Little sophia Blair is the home of her aunt, Sourada, of Oak Park, days. Mr. Bock was ut to h!s home on Coon Island Friday Mr. and Mrs. Adeliph Busbmann of Chicago visited Mrs. Bushmanu's father Randall McBain Sunday. t Irene Walsh apd Artardlr Dalziel graduated from the Antioch high school Tuesday. Mr. Nehl and Mr. Thomas _ arg building npew bomes in the Glenarm subdivision. $1.00 -- $1.25 FOX LAKE CAFE Mrs. Edward Skarda of Chicago ig a guest of Mrs. Thomas Crilly at heq summer home on Fox Lak--. Mrs. Albert Jarmin entertained her daughter Hazel and some Iriends in Chicago Sunday. | _ Fred Kinz:ler spent the week end at his or'?mor home here. M (an tva Rha.dasc Mica Alina Miss Olive Rhoades, Miss Alice Rusbmore, Paul SBceott and Leslie Ross attended the dance given by the Public Service Co. at Masonic Temple in Waukegan last Saturday npight. 1 ' Mr. and Mres, W. M. Erost were luncheon guests of Mrs. Harpon in! Evanston Wednesday. | FOX LAKE, ILLINOIL Appetizing' * ty 1! «taying at Mrs. RHose for a few s umM M &f M \\ i & Grand Avenuue ¥ oi ie y y iss ie U s U uhy C , Ferdinand bert, drove to Tuesday. Mre. John Stencil spent Sunday 1t her summer colt@ge. The Louis Tonyon fam leased from _ quarantine last Saturday. * m v 4y ty L P# ; y s y** w o*tr o0 seyyytyt xt ptxt xtz zh z6y *L VCGCARLCEILELVLEILLZLPYVVVLZLIYZ: The Ladies 'id of the Fox Lake Community church held a very suc-- cessful and well attended meeting Monday. Tae plan« for the bazaar to be hbeld July, were'dlscussed. Mrs, Ernest Meyer and NMNrs. Frank Valenta were in Chicago Friday. y J 1SHH1/NG S~OLC TEA 5i2.1 [ i0)\ RROP. \| SCHMIDTS CONFECTIONERY WALTER IRION ost Office Bldg. Fo 18 room house on Nippersink Lake, near Point Comfort. Omy five minutes dgrive from the V illage of Fox Lake. 1 MF} 1 / Property 75 x 200 Feet, with 75 Feet Frontage on Lake All Modern Conveniences A BARGAIN! Inquire at GENERAL MERCHANDISE ) X } onyon family werere roehling and sof Al Caicago on business o PC 1( A / FOR SALE "BVIVILIIZLZYA* 8 ( in« "LVVVZVZS Rev, Paul Metzger, a Missionaty from the Congo, Africa, gave a very interestiny lecture with lanterp pi tures at the Fox Lake Community House on _ Wednesday. A goodl»y crowd was in attendance. Mrs. Edward Lane .attended the graduation exercises of her grandson Gordon QOroft, at Glen Ellyn last Fri-- day. + -- Niles Held the proprietor of the Niles Taxi Line, has purchased the bus line and-- equipment formerly ownded and operated by Mrs. Harrie Stanton. . " Mrs. Anna Hansen, is list. . 2 -- Mr. and Mrs.*James Lynch and Mrs. Albert Benunett, went to the show at Antioch on Sunday. H1} (Continued on Page 3) ,I'I'O'l'l'1 Fox Lake, III. @7 # 'l / y Fox Lake N YA CZLLLLL L' on the sick e 8 99 $$ $9 $ § $ Ig zols | (| W > P ; & Pho "@"f;'%: f i zf',%'?@fi;F \Pfifi e N __:__ » 0 0 T 2 ) : Toob.1n *# _' "a f $$ 98 $ s% $ §% $8 $% $% $8% $ $8 $9 Grand Avenue Garden FOX LAKE BAKERY Men's Furnishings DRY GOODS Womens' Furnishings "PELTON®" BATHING SUITS HSCn Gasoline and Kerosene St Kitchen Utinsils Paints, Oils and Glass Fishing Tackle en Tools, Lawn Mowers : Building Hardware and T Seeds of All Kinds opper or Galvanized Scre M. NAGLE Phone 1 J I DAXNIESH 1AS BUTTIER BISC COFFEE CAK That Luncheon or Dinner will be More Successful if Fou Serve------ Add Zest To Your Meals! 1 h0 l!:!g& 3::.,'":{ ';&ag"u.'fl'r ",'i» § l'.v 92 "'- '.l": Stoves Fox Lake and Hose ools

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