oo o s is Mr.. and -- Mrs._-- Leo Richardson, James Burke and Helen Richardson altebded a show al the Genesee Theatre at Waukegan Sunday after-- Lood Fred Cashmore and Belle Bald win, of Libertyyville spenl Suunday at the bome of (the formers parebils, NE and Mrs. Juck Cashmore Mtr-- Robert Lempker, of Chicago. speut Sunday with Miss Cella Rosing« Wiiliam -- aud -- Florence Wagune! speot Friday afternoon visitiog® at the Mrs.: Aotou Jerabek -- bome in Waukegau. Archie Rosing returned hom« urday eveuing, @ller spendin« weeks in Wisconsin buying ca! Mrs. Aona Luby returned bom Sunday after spending a week wil! friends and relatives at Milwauke« Wiscousin Harold Des Jardins of Oak Park is spending a week or s0o with the 1 A. Mitz family. weeks in Wisconsin buying cxat'le. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Wagoer and daugbter -- Lucile were Wauk ega s sbhoppers Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis and daugaters speut Sunday with tives in Chicago. Misusjml;lfil;h Brown anod Jeaa Daley motored to Waukegau W ed-- pesday afterunoon. Misses PiO Fitzs motored afternuon -- 1C houwe Junge Xaomi MeCaudless W & business caller Thursda y James Bailey, of Barri al the itz home Friday lw Sund how« Mr aod Mre | ter Valoise spe!l Elizabeth Ricaardson, of Lake and Bugd Waguer. of lake attended : show al the G Theatre a\ Wauke®&an Suuda y 10 & Francis Luby, and siste® pvoly U and Florence Wagoer mortored -- to Wwaukegan Saturday even:Dg. a o 2l a Ure bre]! Smith and dausgh Robe YELMA FITZ, Local Editer s TELEPMHMONE 39 Yeu cap belp make this pAas® more interesting if you will pbhooe 'be Local Fditor news items you may have. Summer residents are invited to contribute news. Send letters either to the Local Editor, >r direct to the Independent, Lib-- ertyvilie, llinois. Phone No. 1. WIRLING WITH money in the bank you can face the world undaunted. There is a feeling of satisfaction in know-- ing that yvour savings will be safely cared for at this bank. " Mr. and Mrs.: P nday evenin« A Miss Esther | inois spebat J th -- Kmosgegue First State Bank of Round Lake Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 GRA YSLAKE ELECTRIC SHOP Graysla}e. II1. Welsbach Electric Refrigerator Neund Lake and Vicinity " IS YOUR BEST FRIEND . ... ALWAYS! Phone Grayslake 135 For YOUR BANK BOOK Rosing o Round Lake aud Lempker, of Chicago motored Lake sunday afternood. nd Mrs.: Phil Wagoer spent Gvaninx at the Joan Leoazen r.in All Central and Western Lake County" "Radiotrope" AlM--Electric Radio FIXTURES SUPPLIES Florence Rosa W Kottman, of Freeport. Mooday and Tuesday 2o wKWilevyo and None ) Uak U W the -- Will t the week of Round of _ Grays-- the Genesee -- a Chicasgo and Velma k saturday . McFeely hom» Sat Bvely n bome with eyen 0 i Bken Peterkort motored to Wauke | «an Wed nesday . | _ _ Mrs. Russell Daiey of lubertyvilie 'was m Rouud lake caller Wednes | day. s Assumes Pastorate Of Chicago Church _ _Ulayton Hugbes of the Telephone Company, of MceHeory was a Round | Lake business caller Wednesday |_-- Florencte Rosa and Archie Rosing 'muwrod to Wauconda Ssunday Mrc. Joe Kittle of Lake FPorest w as |a Rounod Lake caller Friday evening« The Rev. Orlando Ingvoldstad was inpstalled as pastor of the Wicker Park Lutheran church, Hoyue and Le Moyne aveoues, Chicago ,last Sunday morning, succeeding the Rev. Simon Peter Loog, D. D. The installation ceremony was in charge of the Rev. J. Allen Leas. Mr. logvolstad comes to Chicago from the United Luth eran church of Gral Forks, N. D. where it 'r1as tee necessary to hold services in the | rge ci*~ auditorium on account of the lack of seating ca pacity of the church. The Rev. Mr. Ingvolstad was boro in Decorah, lowa, and received his education in St. Olaf's ollege, North-- flield, Minu. He apent a year abroad in study at the U:riversity of Oslo, Norway, and then recéived his can didate o ftheology diploma at the United Cbhurcbk seminary, St. Paul Minn. 'Iwo more years were spebi in graduate study at the Univers::; of Minoesota and the Biblical sem nary, New York City, aftter which ne was gfven his B. D. degree at the Caicago Lutheran 'Theologicatl sem L1Da t y. -- Mr. Ingvoldstad founded the Chi-- cago Luthein Bible school, now at 372ir West Washington boulevard, in 1Y917%, and the Loog la*e Bible con ference in 1919. He remained bead of these institutions until 1927. 'The Lutheran Ministei ' Associasmion will hold « meetino®e thi mouth at the Rev. Ur _ !Us .d's home at Pick hoid «_ meelds (Hi DOuli &l LAC Rev. Mr. _ "Us .d's home at Pick erel Point, Loog lLmke. loug Lake folks wil lb glad to know that the Rev. Mi. Ingvoldstad ras takeno up work in Chicago, where bhe will be oearer his home. . The Bible c'ooference at Long Lake is a big thiug each year. M:. Iingvold stad takes a great interest in civic alfaire h_re. and each summer has as his guests many poor children of Chicago who otherw'se would not be able to enpy a yacation at Uae lake. Warren McFeely of Ouk Park speot the week end at the L. A howme. Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Killey and daughters and Mrs. L. A. Fitz a' tended Class Nite at the Libertyville Towunship Hig® school at Libert,» ville PFriday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Harmer and chkireu, Shirt y and George Jr, ofi Waukegan and Rolaog Whisman. ~f stockton California -- speot _ Monday evening at the Jack Cashmore bome M : and Mrs : Dell-- Richardson Wiltiam Hayes,. of Round Lake and Mris _ Agues Hayes of Foxw lLake motored io Woodstock Sunday afte: Bvou. Chicage with friends aud relatives \MUr. and Mrs. Hart Nellessen avd son Roswell, Mr. and Mis. Robert Molaughtin aod sou Wallace. of Chicago speni sunday dioner at the Archie Rosing bhome. Malcolm -- McCuals, of Graysiake and Mr. and Mrs. MHWord Smith. o' Round lake speot Sunday with Mis smita's parents, Mr and Mrs. Cidy tou Harrison, at Riarwood Mr. and Mrs. William Leazen o( Grayslake called on the forme's bru thee aud family Mr. and Mrs. Johnu Lenzen. » Elzabeth Richardson -- aod _ Budd Waguer attended a show ai (he Genesee Theatre at Waukerkan ~Nun day evening Noua Juoge and Emogene Killey came home from colleke ai Dekalb Mrs. Margaret Smita motored to Waukegan Tuesday and called qo Mrs. Robert Bracher also ber sister Mrs Louls Scheuer _RENEAIAAN'S No party teo large, or nene too small. Call us for figures. We will serve any price lunch you may desire. Excellent Cuisine; Spacious Rooms, tempered by cool lake breezes Dire and Dance at this wonderful Hotel and Pavilion Telephone Round Lake 100 For Your CARD PARTIES? Why Net Miss }'elmu Fitz spent Monday Tuesday and Wednesday with friends in Oak |Park. lllinois. Mr. and Mrs. Dell E. Richardson atteudeq a show at the Genesee Taeatre at Waukegan Tuesday after-- uoon. . George Tiffany of called at the Archie Tuesday 'vvenlng Miss Florence Ro a left Tuesday evening for Scranton, lowa -- afte: spendlug four mouths at the 1. A Fitzs home Phursday fo their summer vacation Mr. anud Mrs.,, Dbell Richardson Heleu Richardson and Boy triend al tended a show at Kenosha, Wiscou sin Thursday evenin«@ Mrs. Robert Bracher and daugh ters and George 'Fiffany of Wauke gan spént Saturday afternoor at the Archie <Rosing 'aome. Celia: Rosing. Buda4 Tamlin, Elo: | ence Rosa and Veima Filz motored | to Grayslake and Long lake Tl.ursrl day evening * i Mr. ang !'rs. Pran Dru mimoud and daughters, Jane and Ruthie and Mr. and Mrs 1. A. Fiti molored to Mundelein to see the Model! Farm also motored to Wauconda Sunday afterdoon. Miss Della Amanpy of River Fores' is spendiog a days with parents Mr. and Mrs: Frank AaAmant Lucile Rosing t acsacled business in Antiocn Wednesday Robert Miller and Marte Milier and Oscar Forruster, of Miwaukee, Wis speot $Bunday ~_fter0008 at the VMVike Luby bome. I)r. CummIn4s a tended a ba.l xalu Chicago Tuesday The Fort Hill a: Uay o Tuesday hbome Chicago called at bome --Nunuday af Additional News From Fox Lake Mrs. Headley o Michizan speni T brother aod fainll Marry Merrtt last We unders{tand |ha tel will not be opeuned eir pichdic al Gaiey l.ake M 3 K. aursda y 111 le Telephone No. ROUND LAKE GARAGE Continued From Page Two 4* eund Lake callers ind Mrs: Raymeon q Mrs. Phi evening al Martin Thelan, Prop. HUDSON -- ESSEX SALES AND SERVICE Repairing and Acetylene Welding GOODYEAR TIRES enhoane No. 9 Round Lake, IIl. eTrsOD Jon Be Guus Pals on Friday kalne al C ubs Ha L4 p nily M ast week Puyesday n e a L bhursday W k ---- Mathesou e Aroch'e KCo Dve North Chieago Rosinge -- bome Waguer speD e o8 J Wagne be Drummou LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. JUNE 13. 1929. iD Harry Merrit Named Fire Department Chief i Enthusiasm for this mucth ueeded .-Mvir enterprise ran high al the | meetling, aud --appio¢imately $1.06°0 'bas already beep iubscribed, as#u: ling the fire departmeut of enough 'Yuuds to acquire fire fighting appal 'utus @#t ogce. dt is thought that nec essary equipmen will cost in the 'um;,\burnun-i of $5,000.0 The prom A4ged subscriptOous will probably take 'The newly organized Rouud Lake fire department gol under way )n good suape at a meeting held Moa:-- day night. Revy. A. W. Smith was elected president of the organiza-- tion: R. E. Drummound, vice presi-- deut;: Clint Hendee, secretary; Jus. Molidor. treasurer, and Harry Me: structed to draw up a s to be preseuted a the I at whica time three fir trustees will be elected care of the duitial payment on UL apparatus, and after other 'olk have been given an opportunity 1 subscribe, pians wili be lalid for an further finaucing (hat anay be oIf quired ' is to be the Tirsi tiume Bulk Alone Will Not Make Cows Produce LD Ms i a u1 Mouda} Mr an Fox Lake M ) )e de M wme!l oru lage Attorney 1l+ 01 b 1 Bu M D tbhe Trumanq \W sunday wele pe1!-- make®s L ue fafime!s t u0 D x y Churchill was in up a set ouf by Jaws i the unext meetiog ree fire departmeni Myron Riggs were s ou Suuday t bas not bee he --suiminet h & entertained , Mis. J it L a [ h M 1 portunity to lald for any mnay -- be it M a Li M Jaines M Mrs M an d ho U L the same losses come 'later anyway,' . "Farmers who realize the necess-- |Surpr1'e Party fOl' d ' ity for feeding rprain with grass as a | means of giviug their animals proper | Mr" Eugene Hen ee nouris.ament,} report extra proflts' _--_--_------ from their dairy cattle."' sald Carl 'The relatives of Mrs. Kugene Hen: Cooper, director of extension of the | dee ga\"e her a surprise on Tuesday, Holstein -- Friesian _ Association _ of 7Juu.. 4th. Those present were Mrs America « \Emma Bqman, Jeonie Albright, Anpa One popular ration for a milking | Bildhauser, Lilly Lindsten, Mattie herd en ghase is plentiful consists | Ingrisn r+nd John Ingrisb, from' Chi-- of 200 pounds each of ground oats cago; Mr. @nd Mrs. John Dryer, Joe add cornmedl, and 100 pounds each |Ingrish a 1 Mrs. Howard Masou, of of wheat -- bran and 'linseed meal. | Libertyville; Mrs. Louis ; Hend'ee, of Sometinres the corumeal is cut in | Mundeliin, and Mrs. Cliny Hendee, balf and 10% ~ounds of barley _ or Mrs. Leo Henuee and als. En)ys'ar'|i hominyv added A good ration for dry | Hendee, f Rouud Lake -- A picuil cows on pustule is three to eighi |diuner was served at nuon, an dthe pounds ot Ultis Ground uats, wheati ;u!rwuoon was spent wilk games aud bran-- and linseed meal, 100 pouuds | telling stor'es of <le eallier days herd en gfass is plentiful consists of 200 pounds each of ground oats add cornmedl, and 100 pounds each of wheat brran and 'linseed meal Sometinures the cornumeal is cut in balf and 10%° + ounds of barnley 01 hominy added A good ration for dry cows on puastuie is three to eigh pounds ot (ltis Ground uats, wheai bran: and linseed meal, 100 pounds each: ¢hominy, cornmeal on barley 104 pounds JAMES HAGGINS News of the death of James Hag gins, of Chleago, has been peceived here by relatives. His: death _ oc curred at the Sunny Brook sana tarium at Wooster Lake, late vyes Paint -- Hardware -- Building Material J. M. Clemensen, Mgr. Phone R. L. 5 Navy Service Station, Round Lake, Ill. SALES & SERVICE Velephone 61 rvenpomable charges tor do-- Heay and Ananciné. for Economical Transportatien The COACH +595 LONG LAKE LUMBER CO. The Navy Service Station BUY YOUR HIGH TEST KEROSENE AT SLAT FENCE, PAINTED WHITE, 146 PER FOOT High Quality Motor Gas and Oils See Our Display of Trellises, Gate--Ways, Wood and Wire Fences JULE BARRUS Trellises 'riced as low ugp cooy', ced e o anne oi un wink $1.50 There Are More Than 213 Leaky Roofs In Lake County We have the shingles and roofing you need. _ Tile Red, Jade Green, and a number of varigated colors. Drop in and see our display and low prices. <4 BUY YOUR NEW CHEVROELT N [ CAE Qme 1n, malized service we rende cA 18 little HERE In Rourd Lake Yix Cyviinder Chevrole ROUND LAKE, ILL. And get the benetit of the per-- terd uy ness. The body was taken to his Lhome in Chicago, 3258 Hurrison street awnid the funeral will be beld Monday morning at Our Lady,; of Sorrows church at 11 o'clock with burial al Mount Carmel cemetery. He is survived by his wife, two sisters, Mrs. Frank MeManaman of Waukegan and Mrs. |.. MceNulty, of Chicago. and one brother, Johu Hag-- gins, also of Chicago. 0) TOW N GARAGE via'n one of <the splendid svon, and let us show you it wall cost------and how easy ABOV E; DREAMLAND GATE, $16.00 afternoon, after loug i f | The Libertyville Independent ------ $1.50 a Telephone 40 Fix Up Your Property For Summer! Round Lake, III. E. A. Brown, Hardware ROUND LAKE, ILL. PHONE 20 DRUMMOND'S verything in Buikjing Materia Tibbits--Cameron Lumber Co. Burr--Key Bilt Brand Clubs -- Bags -- Balls "EVERYTHING GOOD TO EAT" MONARCH COFFEE COMMUNITY BAKERY GOODS Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Hose HENDEE & STEFFES GOLF SUPPLIES the Building Hardware and Tools Gasoline and Kerosene Stoves CASH GROCERY AND MARKET Tinning and Plumbing Work CiiCC CC Phone R. L. S Our Motto: "Service'" Paints, Oils and Glass ¥% U ROUND LAKE ijLLINO!S Kitchen Utensils (2 Fishing Tackle Water Systems A{ PWL€ +6 Telephone R. L. 2 Round Lake, IIl. Coal Feed and Sait PAGE THREE