Baccalaureate Service Last Sunday June 9th The impressive baccalaureate serv-- ices for the Libertyvill»e Township High school, were held in the high school auditorium last Sunday eve-- ning. -- Emblems of the National Athletic Scholargiip society were presented to Wayne Gratz and Harold A+ brecht for their athletic ability and high scholarship. At the start of the exercises, two long rows of gowned seniors filed out from either corridor, proceeded ¥arough the audience and walked slowly to the stage. Following the processional, the anthem, "America, the Beautiful,"" was sunzs. Rev. John E. DelLong then gave the scripture reading, and Rev. Guy E. Smock of-- fered the prayer. In an annual county audit, cOV-- ering the period from Dec. 1, 1927 to Dec. 1, 1928, Samuel E. Sims, Pontiac, -- auditor, Monday _ report-- ed to the county _ board that $5,137,626 in taxes had been col-- lected and disbursed with the ex-- ception of $4183,.947.741 by County Treasurer Jay B. Morse The audit covered the treasurer, county clerk, probate clerk, record-- er, sheriff, county superintendent ot schools, states attorney, and Lake County General hospital. No errors were reported in the han-- dling of monies, Sims reported. The gross cost of operating the county hospital a day per patient wa« fnund to be $31.145 plus. and Sheriff lLawrence Dolittle had receipts of $16,.312.79 and dis-- bursements of $11,.783.86 for a balance of $4.528.93. He _ also drew$4,939.93 from keeping 'ed-- eral prisoners making his earnings $11.405.40. Recorder L O receipts of $33.748 bursements of $26, b@alance of $6,974.01 Immediately after a rendition by the school glee club, the Rev: C. Ar-- thur Jeyne, of Mundelein, delivered the baccalaureate sermon, with "Mastery" as his subject. Rev. Mr Jevyne stressed the necessity of mas-- tery of subject. for the attaining of Lhappiness. He told of how the Greek scholars and athletes mastered their games and their letters to the high-- est degree, thereby bringing about a more complete understanding of The annual honor assembly, at which time athletic letters and other honors are bestowed on star at'r+ letes, was held at the high school Tuesday morning. Letters in football, basketball and track were given out. As a part of the program, Harold Morse, ex--Illi-- nois athlete, in behal of the Ameri-- ean Legion, presented the basketball team the Legion trophy for winning a majority of their games. Probate Clerk John R. Bullock.| including additional fees, turnedi earnings of $5,003.49 over to the treasurer. His expenses had bo»n' $5.914.18 and income $10,.100 82. Circuit Clerk L. J. Wilmot had[ disbursements of $9,.945.8%7 and| receipts of $16.661.37 with a burs ance for the treasury of $6,715.50.| Follitwng the sermopn the glee club sang "Pilgrims Clhorus _ Rev. John E. DelLong gave the benediction and the services ended with a recession-- al, played by Mrs. Ida Neal Morris. County Clerk Lew A. Hendee had an income of $39,.681.8%3 and expense of $22,475.08% with a bal-- ance earning for the county of $17,206.175. life Louise Wegener Bride Of Frank Welliverts @ra Falls and other points in the east. When trey return they will make their home with the bride's mother on Church street. Miss Louise Wegener and Frank Welliverts, well known Libertyville young people, were married Saturday afternoon by Rev. Father M. J. Neal is of St. Joseph's parish. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Catherine Wegener, 343 E. Church street. For several years she has been employed in the office of the Swaling Motor Sales. The groom is equally well known here, having re sided in the village for several years and is employed by the Nortp Shore Line. Honor Assembly Held at High School The gross cost of county hospital a d was found to be $ the cost of operati plus. Its income had been $10,539 $87,620.03. The la ago had shown al $1416,.356, the aud fund The county superintendent of schools, T. A. Simpson, received and disbursed $97,324.21,. and States Attorney A. V. Smith col-- lected $61,346.46, while the in-- come from inheritance taxes, al-- ways large in Lake county, was $1,.710,337.66. Following the marriage ceremony, a reception and supper was held at the home of the bride's mother. The newly married couple left Saturday right for a honeymoon trip to Niag shown in the _ depa buildings and addition #798%7 88 was in th $5,437,626 TAXES COLLECTED AUDIT _ FOR YEAR SHOWS Reveals, Also That Hospital Costs $3.06 a Day for Pa-- tient to Operate. VOLUME XXXVII (37th Year) No. 2 LAKE COUNTY'S BIG WEEKLY BEST FOR SUBSCRIBERS BEST FOR ADVERTISERS ALL THE NEWS------AND FIRST! An over t1 $33.748.70 and dis-- of $26.7174.69 for a 0. Brockway had dditions, of which in the -- building t was | ol| Fire starting in an electric mo-- tor in Model Cash market, 334 No. Milwaukee avenue in Libertyville, at 5:30 last Tuesday morning e sulted in damages of about $200 to equipment and stock. Fire Damages Motor In Model Cash Market _ Folks who delight in good chicken dinners will do well to keep in mini Sunday, June 23, when St. Mary's parish of Fremont Centr will give the annual chicken dinner at tae Church Hall. Those chicken dinners served by the ladies of Fremont Cen-- ter have become famous, and people from every section of the country-- side go there every time an event of this character is announced. A din-- nig room suite, four savings bank maccounts and other awards will be made during the evening. The boy, not thinking of the prob able seriousness of the injury, con tinued on his route, more intent on giving his customers prompt sery ice, and when he returned home did not mention the matter to his meoth er _Just by chance Mrs. Layc®k learned of the incident Wednesday morning. She immediately went to the Grammar school to find out that tae boy's teacher had heard of the affair, and had the boy sent to the office of Dr. J. L. Taylor, where the nurse applied first aid to the wound in the absence of the doctor.. Later in the day Dr. Taylor thoroughly cauterized the wound. When Marsha! Frank Druba was informed of the attack, he immedi-- ately went to the Neal home, only to be informed taat the dog had been taken to the country, and left on the road. A watch is being kept for the animal and in the event it returns nome will be disposed of. While Marvin Laycock, Libert] ville carrier for the Waukegkan Dail Sun, was delivering a paper at th home of Bert Neal on Stewart Ave Tuesday night. a large police do which had broken its leagh, rushe at him and sunk its fangs imto th fle«=a of on of the boy's legs. The Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific railroad company today filed objection in the cownty court to taxes through its attorney, Paul MacGuffin, charging that exgqesses of $3,388.96 were placed upon the road\by the county .. The deadline for filing objections has been set for tomorrow morning Vicious Dog Bites Daily Sun Carrier Tuesday Morning To Be Last, Time Given to Object to | County Taxes. | .. The deadline for filing objections has been set fer tomorrow morning by County Judge P. L Persons but already close to 40, including a number of special assessment cases in Wankegan and Fox Lake, have ST. PAUL RAILROAD OBJECTS TO $3389; DEADLINE IS NEAR The St. Paul railroad was taxed $79,237.00 but protested that $3,-- 389.96 was excessive so paid but $75,847.44, it is se up in the ob-- jJection. Exceptio1 of the hard rorest taX, and school The fire started when the electric motor which drives the refrigerating machine continued to run after a part of the machine had become de-- fective to the extent of causing re-- sistance. Smoke from the store room which is located in the new Public Service building entered the apartment of A. J. MeDonald who resides on the second floor and he called the fire department. The blaze was extin-- guished with hand pumps. afle taken to portion road taxes, City of Lak Village of Libertyville taxes. ECbe Libertpuille Ainbepenbent d UF allye prop ' Fdith Gagliardi and Leo Elifer ns weare married at 8t Joseph's chures at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning by |\Rev. Father M. J Nealis _ immed |ately after the wedding ceremony | nuptial high mass was c+--lebrauted 'with tae church well filled with :el I The bride is a graduate tyville high school, and fo years has been employed in National bank of this villag [a popular young lady. Mr | is a member of one of the families of this community number of year--, with ais hg conducted a dairy, but is saged in farming on the place eas' of town Richard J Lyons, membe House of Representatives 1 Eighth district, was electe dent of the Libertyville -- M CAamber of Commerce at a of the board of directors hel ertyville last (Wedaresday) -- Others elected ~ to-- office at tae same mexl{ng were> 0. A. Newsorg vicge _ président; J . M. MceKitriek, treasurer, and W. E. Hardin, secre tary. With the exception of Hardin, @ll are serving for the tirst time The first official act of President louis Elfering. a broth &zroom, and Julia Gagliard of the bride, were the a The bride was given aw. untle, Caerubino Golti. The bride was dre--sed satin, with slippers to ma wore a bridal veil, the « which was decorated with blossoms. Tae bride--maid pale green colored dress, v pers and hat to match T carred a boquet of whiter liMes of the valley, while th maid carried pink ro--ebud-- Edith Gagliardi Weds Leo Elfering June 12 The first official act of President Lyons was in fixing Monday night, July 8, as the date for the annual meéting of the organization. At this meeting the reports for the past year will be read, and oher business vital to the chamber will be transacted. W F. Franzen, Jr., Ross Triggs and Paul Ray have been named a com-- mittee to arrange for this meeting. According to Secretary Hardin, tae various committees for the coming year will be named in a few days. There are 12 standing committ»», Mr. Newsom, who now becomes vice president. has served during the pa--t yar as chairman of the industrial division. repaired to the hom mother, Mrs _ Carlo Broadway, and wes» a number of relative a wedding breakfast The newly spend about t} mobile trip in return to Libe home. American Legion to Entertain Boy Scouts Incidental to the meeting will We the first public initiation ceremony of the Libertyville Post. A team of six men, recently formed, have pre-- pared their respective parts and will be ready to present the ceremony in proper form for Tuesday nigat's meeting. 'The ceremony is an im-- pressive one and should be particu-- larly fitting for this occasion. A special meeting of the Amer'can Legion will be held at the town hall Tuesday nigat, June 18, when the local Legionnaires will be hosts tc lAbertyville's two troops of Boy Scouts.. An evening of wholesome fellowship and good time is planued, along with some entertainment, speaking and refreshments. Local men directly connected with Liberty-- vilie's scouts and those interested in the '(movement-- are invited to t)h« meeting by the committee. . of C. Names Lyons As its New President School's Out: rom LIBERTYVILLE, LA KE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY,JUNE 13, 1929. een colored dress, with -- nd hat to match The b:r. a boquet of white roses a f the valley, while the brid arried pink rosebud-- 1 the church the bridal pa d to the home of the br: ,Mrs: Carlo Gagiiardi. C vay and we're tuere doines ind friend and their married _ coupl ee weeks on al the west The fan office at tae 0. A New s ore M MceKitriek, M & K + d me+ on W D& )6 Waukegan Boy Left Homé Last Sunday 620 Madison s« Funday afternco a companfon to ( Woman in Auto Struck By Ball M were day oI DELIGATESSEN IN GRAYSLAKE RAIDED AND FINE FOLLOWS Stried, of the sponge -- squad stetes Attorney A. V. Smith The proprietor, Minnie Kar according to C81:-- Smith, paid a of $200 and costs pbefore Ju Wilfred E. Hall Daisy Mitehell. wolored. of supply af alcohol. a bond of $2,000 f unce before Justice l»eo McCabe, of 1 »treets. North Chic Daisy Mitchell, of Market St.. Is Nabbed As Is Leo McCabe. Struck by a baseball batted from a field near the highway along which she was driving, which em| tered through the window of the automobile, Mrs. A. J. Johnson of 3856 Wabansia avenue, Chicago, was ; knocked unconscious and suffered / a badly bruised and @iscolored eye|! Sunday afternoon. | The two left Chicago in the morn-- ning to drive to Take Villa where they intended to meet Matt Stahl of T. J. stahl and company on aA business matter. _ Their appotnt ment was for 11 o'clock. The accident resulted in delaying them, however, and they did not reach Lake | Villa until after Mr Stahl who had waited for some time had departed. & It was learned, however, that as the JoHnson automobile was pass-- ing a baseball gam» on Milwaukee avenue south of Libertyville the ball salling from the field entered through the open window of the ma-- chine and struck Mrs. Johnson. The injury while painful was not a seri-- ous one. 1)a1s Y Market Ins of $200 and costs pefore Just Harry Moyt.. Stried reported t McCabe had 15 casea of home brt and 38 gallons of beer in the m i DC n GTaAY m a IK is ald n in I € Frank ore Justice Huarold Tall cCabe, of l4th and Jacks North Chicago, paid a f and costs before Just H . Frank and da om Waukegan W eking trace o' h« k. who leff his h the Gakland d+ lake last night W «t V con al Wauk gan s caught last ith, having a whe produced her _ appeat Karst 1C Allgoe Louise Carmen, of Lake Forest, a minor whose estate is "in the hands of the probate court, will be allowed to go to Scotland this summer by Probate Judge Martin C. Decker, who last Friday authorized the guardian to expend the money for such a journey. James O Heyworth, Lake Forest Supplementary inventory approved. ----Kagar _F. Winterson.. Highland Park. Supplementary inventory ap-- proved, transfer of funds author ized. _ Proceedings in court were lo w s : Park.| N« tions to Renign bond of Heury Guardian Authorized to Ex pend Money to Send Lake Forest Girl on Tour. Frank S port df sa Thomas Inventor;y thorized t Dispose of Many Cases in Police Court day, and is charged with cutting m! An interesting bit of golf playin= and out of traffic He was given @a will be staged on the 18--hole course chance to erxplain Tuesday night. but 'of the Libertyville Country club, two was granted a continuance until to-- |miles north of town, on Rt. 21. Sat night; (Thursday) !urday and sunday, June 15 and 16. Hartry A. Talbott, o Muniel®ss. in the form of a blind bogy touin«-- was fined $5 and costs in the court |ment, open to all fee players wao of Justice of the Peace J W. tu'ch l(-are to compete. ings, of Libertyyville, Saturday n'ght| According to officers of the c'ub, charged with speeding N0 in.l0: i\"!lh(' prize offered to the winn'yr of hour pn West Park Avenue |the tournament will be a playing mh" Slturda)' and Sll'll'(!:-' Cast s |nunn'b..rshjx, for 'bc §ia'o. Uf 19:9 included L W. Butterfield4. 101 Mor 'The scores will be turned in any row Avenue, Caicago. (haiged wit" itime between 2 p. m. Saturday and speeding 58 miles an kcur on North |g p m,. Sunday. In case of ties, the Milwaukee Avenue Satu day 7"fl"'~'playoff will be held Saturday and The case was set to bo> hoard «* ~ 30 |gunday, June 22 and 23, ard will be p. m., Tuesday night, June 11, nd'|pla,v9d on the basis of handicaps doliph Shultz, 2757 Pine Grove Avo--'psgeqd in the tournamen: nue, Chicago, was fined $10 and | 1t jg expected that a large number costs for speeding 50 miles ar hour lof players will be attracied to the on North Milwaukee Avenue, Sa'"r-- |course to enter the tournaiment. day night, L. Hanseo, Munrdei®m, Those out for a day ol golf migait was fined $1 and costs by Justice J. 'flnd it worth while Io motor to Lib W. Hutchings, Martin Nitzsche, Chi-- cago, charged with spoeeding, and i« case was set for TuecsJlay nigh, Jun»e 11 and Emer Minx, 2317 \WV. Nort' Avenu. Chicago, charged with viola-- tion of Section 40 ot the motor ve-- hicle law, case set {or 'Tuesday night, June 11. W Inve While making his rounds Sunday night, Officer Joseph Saam discover ed the front door of the Wachter Millinery store, Norti Milwaukee av-- enue, unlocked. The proper author ties were notified and the matteéer taken care of. day, and is (harged wil and out of traffic. He chance to erxplain Tuesd was granted a continua night; (Thursday). A} Small Blaze in Old Barn Tuesday Noon MINOR ALLOWED A TRIP TO SCOTLAND BY PROBATE JUDGE The old barn, which is of wooden construction, would have Burned like tinder if the flames had gained any headway. The fire was put out wit'ai a bucket or so of water. + A small blaze, thought to aave been-- started by boys, was ex-- tinguished by members of the fire department in the old barn at the rear of the Gotti building, 517 North Milwaukee Ave. at noon, Tuesday. 1 AHa.; Guardian ad f real es'tate aDp« 4 W igh Vida al Bertha Benne prnh-d Allo w nses of minors Robert Hiner | utors authorize Thomas M Dooley. H Amplia Henk+ altkegan. Hea: Elmer Minx. of C+ and cos'ts in poli ght. OHe was arr 3 ¢ al esfate appoin rard Van -- Scha §1 M M M 1 adm| Magnu F"X t A| i]p} h cutting in was given a iy night. but nce until to-- ompetent H H H i l a xeS Lib n W e¢ R« n f ol According to word from Waithke gan this afternoon, the warrant is approved by State's Attorney A. V Smith, and was to have been served today.. Attorney Willis A. Overho] ser, of Mundelein, has been engaged as counsel by Mrs, Wehrenberg, w..0 signed tae warrapt as complaina': in Waukegan today.. According :o Overholser, Druba was at fault in not taking the woman driver to (}e nearest justice for trial, instead o forcing her to come back to Litke: tyville to the court of Pouiee Maug jitrate Fred IL Smith. Marshal Druba placed Mis. Wo). enberg under arrest ino Mundel®n L9 C ECEA GOC ovuigsl SV i1 cit COull of Justice Charles E. Mason in Wau kegan, at noon today (Thursday) in which he is charged wita false /im-- prisonment by Mrs. Ralph Weihsen berg of Mundelein, who was arres ed Sunday night by Druba tor speed ing in Libertyville. Frank J. Druba. marshal of the village of Libertyville and cors--tu=ble of Libertyville township,. was names< in a warrant sworp ou! in the eog't Police Take Strange Man Near Half Day W Marshal F. J. Druba Named in Warrant mis Lamme was Joe SOmMeLhIng Of OlTh €r, with Cski" at the end, and that he had been working in a Ssouth Chicago coal yard for some time. He could not explain his presence in Lake coynty and gave no reason fo: his anchorage on the side ot tae goad. There is a deep. scar in the middle of his forehead which led the police to believe that he is unbal-- anced, evidently caused by an acci-- dent ~ome time ago. abnd that he bad It is expected that a large sumber of players will be attracted to the course to enter the tournament. Those out for a day of golf migait find it worth while io motor to ILib-- ertyville and entc: 'the iournament, as only the regular fee charge will be in effect, and tncre is the excel cellent chance of winnirs tne at-- tractive prize offezed. ° WT admi wanuere tion. 2i¢ and tae Ca se the same spot for more Uhan {tweive hours was borne out by the fact that when approached by Marshal Druba h could not stand alone beause 0o: etiffness of the muscles brought on by his long posture in a sitting Golfers Welcomed to Village Sat. and Sun. Waiter Jeppe Weds in Kansas City Saturday 1A s Cards were received from Kansas City, Missouri, this week announcing the marriage Saturday of Catherin Maslin, of Kansas City, and Walter Henry Jeppe, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. weppe, of 217 East Park Ave., Libertyville. -- Mr. Jeppe, who is a traveling audiitor for the North Shore railroad, is well Known in Libertyville, having lived here wita his parents for a num ber of years. © The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Maslin, of Kansas City. The 'bridal couple are now on a honeymoon trip in Washington, D.C. and New York. They will return in about three weeks, and will make their home in Chicago. J1 T U ton nI&D °D aw n Congide; en aroused q¥ve teome will be al k. he map qu+ iime ag0o, and Uha away from some to be taken to W eriffo will invest: () n did not n for more th Mond ibl. 1+ ikegayr \M[ 10) rom M i1 "Disorderly Conduct" _ ; In Traffic Violations /.; =mith,. where he disorderly condu« This caarge wa resentative of th is so recorded ol police magistrate However, an i1 the collowing: M r .\hiw_a within get bread. -- When h. uofficer was waiting fo him to the police stat ford admitted hi~ er too near tae fire pu. was willing to abide . of the court., He th St. Joseph's School To Graduate Fifteen of the ordinance in p fire plug, not knowin of disorderly condu against him. He w dignant when the m: dignant when th éd in this paper The closing exercises presentation of a play the lower grades, under of Miss Vivian Melvin English and expression wmames of those who will receiv. diplomas are: Allan Andrews. Mar Agnes Beitzel, Leona Dietz, Charles Inshinger, Paul Duba, Ronald Ennis Mary Hanlon, Dorothy Kramer, Ben amin La Magdeleine, Philip Rop pelt, Russeil Rosing, Grace Trenner Helen 'Trenner, llororlh,\' Tritz an Mildred Vanderwer't toRsk | condur other : irom mit. Josephs school nej nay night. June 18. when t receive their diplomas at cor ment exercises to be held at ertyville township high sch« itorium, starting at 8 o'clock avenue. It wou!l son that ; the imag conduct accoréing to the police n the police department ha The class, which is smaller than the graduating class of last year, is made up of 21 boys and 12 girl« Teacaers who have had charge of the eighth gradue during the past vyear are: F. A. Hudson, principal; Miss j Hulda Schreibr, Miss Florence Topel Miss Alice Roder and Miss Maxin| Jenkins. | Grammar School to Graduate Thirty--three Classes ended today, and report cards will be issued Frilay morning, after which several of the classes will hold picnics. Names of those who will uated are: Franklin Biere, Robert Brewerton. Charles Brown, Herbert Doerschuk. John Gould, Robert Hawk, Alfred Hough, Allen hudson, Robert James, Sidney Kick, William Kick, Marvin Krase, Joan Norem. James Numsen, William Numsen, Edward Petersen, Jack Slusser, George Spoor, James Suter, Richard Wertzler, Clarence Wilson. Elizabeth Bulkley, Mrary Jane Car roll, Marior, Curtis, Violet Disney, Ruth Huson, Evelyn Krase, Helen Lauwrentz, Gertrud: Mesenbrink, Merietta Walton, Lucille Wehren-- berg, Margaret Whitney. Erma Yelden. OLF, FISHING, HLM\'IH&I,TENUIS @ BOWLING AUD SUCH SPORTS t _ ARE A PART OF LIFE, hHe. SAME AS MONEY MAKIWNG -- EVERY MAV SHOULD HAVE A |ravoRite sroRyr To Ease me€ 'TENSION OF THE PALY@RIND -- AND A Pastime L;iKe Gour Keers MAWY AM OLOER MA WELL & AND HAPPY AFTER he Qurrg u00 o_ A"'lflE Pai¥y JOG Re Joe Molidor Says: W i+ teen pupils 8t. Joseph nt., )cal erty nCt 11 »tanford kee avenu about eig} and went t wouid require a & nation to show d by a violation of N ( 0 D V« oT O1l O O n h« charge of dis W M n )¢€ vin d wa commenc+ i K ¢ be grad +) 1ev , Distribution of Gas T ax Provided For GREATER CIRCULATION THAN OTHER WEEKLIES IN LAKE COUNTY cOMBINED ADVERTISING RESULTS SURE! Seven gunmen .apparently acting as agents of a disgruntled slot machine syndicate, held up ;wo roadhouses at Dreep Lake and confiscated 13 lot machines late Sunday night. John Jackson and Henning John-- son, who have -- operated _ resorts there for sevetral yeaars, were the victims of the bandits who swept un in two Cadfillac sedans and a S( G Seven Men in Two Cars and Jackson at Deep Lake. Truch Raid Johnson and W The machines set out in tt rection of Chicago. The gunmen were satisfied i ing the slot machines alone. ( lreiinite assurance that the glant tri--motored Ford pessenger plane. whicp . has been reported coming to Libertyvilie for the past three weeks was given Monday night. when J. V Sheehan and O. G. Cobry, officiais of the Ford Motor company,, after an inspection of the Appley farm. to be used for a landing field, announc-- ed taat the plane would arrive here for trial flights and exhibitions on Friday, June 21st. The plane, which can accommc date fourteen passengers, will arri\. in Libertyville next Friday morning flying here from La Salle, II1 In\v tations will be extended to a numb« of public officials of the county. be passengers aboard the plane du: ing its one--day stay laere. Accordi; to J. M. McKitrick, the flying sch. ule of the plane for the day wl } subject to weather conditions forts had met with suceess. According to the Ford officials, tae purpose of the tour of the passenger plane is to promote commercial avi-- ation and to conduct an educational campaign revealing the safety of fly ing when done with proper equip ment in the hbhands ot trained ex perts. i1 GUNMEN RAID TWO ROADHOUSES; TAKE 13 SLOT MACHINES Roy Anderson oi Marengo was named in a true bill charging bur-- glary. Following the voting of the indictments the grand jury adjourn-- ed until Friday. Indict Bederske Gang In McHenry County W ine slai?, LAKe cOunty, It is bc-_ lieved, would be entitled to $90,000 under the original gas taxr bill. named in indctments charging 0 glary and larceny. . All three w« members of the Bederske gang DesPlaines which was apprehend a short time ago. t The MeHenry: cour returned four true bil terday. -- Charles -- Bed Gielow and Arthur | named in indictments a I raham Dodge truck, according to aptain George Heckinger, of the untvy highway police. The men dropned in on the re-- rts about 11115 o'clock at night ines. From there they walked to John-- n's where thevy took seven more In 1ere 1( The gunmen were satisfied in tak-- e the slot machines alone. They 1 not molést any of the patrons d did not go near cash registers. Loot Would Run High. The machines held an average lue of $125 each, it was under-- mod. and no idea could be gained the amounts in them. The men. MHeckinger . was told. ere short and swarthy and were d by a man who appeared to be ord Plane to Come Here Next Thursday State Will Under the he truck had a 935. showing tha: Tohn H. Knauer. nue, Mendota. J bts if the license Knauer and he be truck could have W 1d the counties state. -- Lake went bhe fillin Ine they th t} Xill therm. > Truck Has License. truck had a license plate, showing that it was issued H Knuauer, of 1204 Indiana Mendota. J Heckinger if the license was taken out uer and he believes also that k could have been stolen. 1106 wh n panies. These companies enjoin the state from dik-- th»e fund because, they their patrons could come them and make a de-- r the tax paid on gasoline $1.50 A YEAR 1t n m nder the «state' gasol as later found to be iropned in on the re-- 11|15 o'clock at night the Jackson place first took :ix five--cent ma¥-- h thi V i# k. t trolled d call was made to the county high-- i Inoun and c eV ountvy grand ; bills at noon ) Bederske, Geo still tide up in tarted with the a sions Str y issued warn-- to get near the were piling the d the paved run across any they ? t dis@rim-- rtsinty today Reed Cutler. v¥-- Gov. Louis filed _ along th Secretary have plates $6.000.0 ( f the bill would go -- balf to did they be il e in