Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jun 1929, p. 6

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Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Underaill spent the week end at the home of her par ents, in Oswego, IlWMinois. PAGE SIX Miss Hulda Meyer and Miss Marie Knigge, motored to Jefferson Park on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Gross, al Lake Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietz andi daughters Ruth and Ethel, spent | Sunday afternoon at the home of | Mrs. Charles Brickett, at Aurora. Mrs. George Pozek, of Chicago vis-- ited at the home of her father, H. C. Meyer, one day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Palatine, called on rela on Sunday. Mrs. Paul Rouse and children, of DeKabb, motored to Mundelein Fri-- day and spent the night at the home of her father, H. C. Myer. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Swan and chil-- | dren, of Libertyville were dinner j guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.| Bert Swan on Sunday. | Miss Frances Mantle is at home with her parents, in Bloomington @nd will} attend summer hchool there during 'aer vacation. |News Notes of Mundelein and Vicinity Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ulrich and daughter, Marie and Mr. and Mrs. Auguet Ulrich, of Caicago, spent Bunday at the home of Mr. andg Mrs. Leslite Ulrich. Ridgley Ray is in quarentine for scarlet fever, at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Harriet Ray, but is getting along nicely Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rittler, of Ra cine called at the home of their sot Floyd on Monday. _ Richard Dietz, Mrs. hKatherine Dietz and Clifford and Mr. and Mrs. Freq@ Heuchel, motored to Buffalo Grove on Monday Harold Kinney, of South Bend was | a dinner guest at the home of Reyv.} and Mrs. C. Arthur Jevyue on Sunday,| and called on other friends both | here and in lvanhoe. l _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huckel, of FL Atkinson, are spending the week at the home of Mrs. Katherine Dietz. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kane and daughter spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hohnfeldt in Arlington Heights. Mrs. John Dobne Wauconda, -- spent aome of her moth« Dietz. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Perrot an daughter of Storm Lake, lowa, spen last week at the home of Mr. an Mrs. William Vickery.. Mrs. Perro is an only sister of Mrs. Vickery. Miss Pearl Ray is assisting Mrs LeRoy Kane, quring her recovery from a recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gressen, Addison, Ilinois. spent the week t at the H. C. Meyer home. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Roberts anc Miss Harriet Brainerd, of Water man, calld on Mrs. Orpha Harding Sunday. Mrs. Jessie Fitzgerald and daugh ter spebnt Monday at the home of Mrs. Guy LeGate, in Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strong andday evening and will spend the sam-- FEldon Gadke of K Mrs. Orin Mitchell and daughter andmer at the home of the former's |is spending this weelk Harry Nelson, of Elgin, called on father, Frank Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. |parents, Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kane on Sun Mitchell have many friends and kel-- Myron K. Wells a day. atives here, who are glad to .«have |spent Sunday at Daw vance KRay returned home Wed-- them with them again | Mr. and Mrs. Kd. nesday from Cbampaign, where he Mrs. Emma Brockway, of Barring 'family of Highland P has been attending the lllinois Uni-- ton, spent Friday with her dayzh at the home of Mr. versity. He is now employed at th«e ter, Mrs. Clayton Tiffany. Gosswiller on Sunda §$. L. Tripp Lumber Company. Mrs. Aunie Rouse spent a few days Frederick Gross of Mrs. Julia Ransom spent Sunday last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. |spending a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rouse Mrs Elmer Crose waere they attended the ball game and visited Washington Park Miss Genevieve Kane spent several days of last week at the home 0o: Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Kane. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickery, o Grayslake, spent Sunday with Mrs William Vickery. Mr. and Mrs. William Kaigge, of Gilmer and Mr. and Mrs. August Knigge, of Libertyville, spent Sun-- day afternoon at the H. C. Meyer home. 'l Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Faulkner and Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Prior and daugh-- ter of the Osborne Farm, spent the week end at Starved Rock. James Mrs. Frances Weinberg and child-- ren, of Augusta, Il!., are visiting at the bhome of Mrs Sarap Hecketsw!l-- ler. Vance KRay returns nesday from Cbampa bas been attending t versity. He is now e Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietz and daugbhters, Ruth and Ethel spent Sat-- urday evening with their daughter, Mrs. Harley Hickman in Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gardner and son, of Libertyville, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rouse, Bert Rouse and Miss Ruth Sorenson, at-- tended the ball game in Chicago, on Tuesday. --'iri'lld Mrs. S8id Mitchell and son arrived from South Dakota on Fri-- Mr. and Mrs. Phil Truax and dau-- ghter, of Waukegan, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Frank Baversmith on Sunday Caarles Rudoliph and son and fam ily, of Riverview, motored to Munde lein Tuesday, and spent the evening with Mrs. Hattie Kunigge and Mrs Louise Speck. Mre. Clayton Tiffany entertained a few friends on Friday, in honor of little Shirley's fourta birthhday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bauersmith and son, Mrs. Jennie Hibbard and Mrs. Oliver Vanderspool, of Druce Lake, motored to Chicago on Wed-- Mrs. Lawrence Nelson was a Wau kegan shopper on Monday afternoon Loretta Dorfler and Patrica How er, of Evanston spen: Friday after roon and-- evening with the form er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Dorfler. Harry M. Rouse and Edna Rouse, attended the ball game in Chicago on Baturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keenes were visitors in DeKalb on Sunday after }TEMS OF INTEREST TO PEOPLE LIVING IN MUNDELEIN.® You can helip make this section more in-- 'teresting if you will phone the Loca! Editor any news items you may have concerning relatives or friends Residence on Lake St. bampaign, where ht ling the lllinois Uni now employed at th« mber Company. ansom spent sunda) her daughter. Mrs r and children, of Monday at the t,. Mrs. Katherine l 1t he Of O id Mrs. Nina J. Hutchings and daugh | ter, Laurel accompanied by Mrs. E--| IV. Smith, of Rockford motored to 'Loda, Illinois Friday and spent a lcouple of days witp Mr. and Mre.' J | !Rouse. While there they mmurfld' ito Champaign and thru the grounds 'o:' the lllinots University, returning |on Sunday afternoon to Rockford 'and to Mundelein, Monday morning. | Mr. at Chicago home of sunday. Miss m..'\.lrwa;xr-d-Mm. M. Zebhman, of Villa Park spent Sunday afternoon wit. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Eddy. -- W ceived per B. A. Degree at the exet: cises held at the Lake Forest Chapel Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs John Hodge, Miss Ruth Hodge, Mr and Mrs. Thomas -- Russell, Miss Helen Russell and Ralph Russell at-- tendéd tae exercises Mr, and Mr. Eart Eddy and son Wni spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Axel Peterson in Chicago. Mrs. J. A. Tarrift, of Stockport, spent the week end with Mrs. M. C Mott. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. W. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. George Brainerd and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wirtz and daughter Virginia of Ivanhoe and Milliam Grote, of Chicago, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Meyer, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Rd Roder and son Earl, and Mrs, J. L. Roder spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Giss, of Libertyville Mr. and Mrs. R. D Cook motored to Wheaton on Monday, and spent Tuesday wita Rev. and Mrs. J. M Wheaton. M. C. Mott and son, spent Wednes day in Chicago. altives here on Sunday. Mrs. Charles Baker and Mrg. J. Baker, of Pettiford, Michigan,: are spending a few days at the bome 0o: Mrs. Albert Roder. Mr and OMrs. Fred Buckley, of Libertyville, called on Mr. and Mrs R. D. Cook. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Igratius Chop and daughter Gertrude, of Chicago, visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. Heory hRublank Thursday afternoon. The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrsg. W. J. Williams on Thursday June 20th (Note the change of date) Mrs. Emil Gerner and Miss Moliin, of Mt. Prospect spen day with Mrs Clarence Knig® Mr. and Mryg Hartwell Kel son, Billy spent the week en George Dieckman and Bert N turned to Chicago with them : evening. Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Pfanneistill entertained Mr. and Mrs. R. Dorfler and children on Sunday Mr. anod Mrs. Oscar Ackersod Evanston called on friends and atives here on Sunday. Mrg. Lester Horton returnes Sunday after spending three with her parents, Mr. and Mi Thatcher. Emmett Bilinski made a trip to Milwaukee, Friday Pae Host« MRS. NINA J. HUTCHINGS, Local Editor TELEPHONE 557 Mr Ds th his m Har 1R + veraux spent the week end family in Waupaca, Wisce. 1 Mrs. Fred Milligan, of were dinner gues!ts at the Mr. and Mrs. Wm Fialdy on Hodg« Mrs Will R e Forest Chapel Mr.-- and OMrs uth Hodge, Mr Russell, -- Miss O adia and A Y an of re-- |*"*"The Romance of Missions." _ Re member the date, "Friday, June 21. beginning at 9530 a. m. Bring the representation at this fine meeting ffr(rm First Church and lvanhoe up |to the higaest mark possible, July 4th, a big community picnic at Ivanhoe. Watch for further an | nouncements. OBITUARY Sarah Adaline Prouty (fhee Pratt) was born in Stanford, Vermont on January 6, 1861. As a child she came with her parents to live in the vi-- cinity of Wauconda and made it her home througbout the rest of aer life She was united in marriage to Ed-- win Wheelock in 1869, and two sons were born to this marriage: Clarence Elmer Wheelock, recently deceased, and Lewis Wheelock, of Texas. Her first husband passed away Dec. 16, 1872. She and Merritt Lake of Wau-- conda, were married in (December, 18®1, and Mr. Lake, died August 2. 1893. She married George Prouty, of Wauconda, October 7, 1894, and the ylived. happily together until he passed on into the otaer life on Dec-- ember 22, 1927. tae Boy Scouts, the Junior Boys, the sos Club, the Junior Sunday After noon Club, the Junior Sunda@y Even-- ing Club, the Sunday Schools and the Junior and Senior Choirs. His mus ieal talent has been used effectively in the leadership of the Mundelein choirs which have given several pro-- grams of unusual excellegce. He has also made a number of the soc-- ial events of the year lively and in-- Paul H. Yourd, pastor of the E church, will preach the sermon PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH Ivonhoe church and Firs; church of Mundelein tions, dialogues and songag by the primary department and with a pras eant and a play by the classes of Miss Genevieve mane and (Mrs. Mj-- ron Wells. You will erjoy this inter-- e--ting service given by the« children Mr_-- Jevne leave Monday for the state sunday School conviention at qQuincy. He, as presidegat of the County Sunday Scaool Assgn. and a number of the superintendents 0o' departments, will drive down togeth et, returning Thursday. The "June Meeting'" of the Con-- gregational churches of Lake county hoids its sessions this year at the Half D@Ay church. An intensely in-- teresting program h been arrang-- ed, centering nro& the theme. "Missions in tae New Day.' Mrs. S H. Ranney, Associate Secretary -- of the Commissions on Missions, will give an @ansewer to the question "Has the Day of Missions Passed®" Dr She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Delos Ames of Libertyville. and Mrs Ed Golding, of Norwood Park; and by a son, Lewis Wheelock, of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gosswiller and family of Highland Park were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gosswiller on Sunday. Mr.--Rudoiph Weigat who has beepn Secial Director for the past year has closed his work with the Rlymouth Larger Partsh for this 'season and has returned to Pitcairn, Pa,, where he will be engaged in Y. M. C A Work for the Summer. He has done very good work in the Parish with spending a few days with his =ist Mrs. Elmer Cross. teresting by 'ais fine songs and by his leadership of the recreation. It it hoped th@t he will decide to return to us again in the Fall. Mr. Harold 1).C. Kinney, of South Bend, our first Social Director, was at Church and Sunday School greet-- ing friends. 1+ seemed very good to see Harold again. FEldon Gadke of Kuentin Corners is spending this week with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Gadke Myron R. Wells and Eimer Cross #«pent Sunday at Davis Lake, First me. we LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1929 Congregational C. Arthur Jevne, Minisier sUNDAY SCHOOL st Church at 9 a. m. D; L. nhoe at 11 a. m. standiard mo oe at 11 a. m . standalt WOsHIP SERYVICES Caurch, 10 yorany eceban oo PMR subje( As The Child in the ildren's day, op r the baptism of 16e lf there are Lake Zurich kfindly n on 18 I Walter Falk _ entertained Paul Faulk, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Faulk, Mrs. Amelia Faulk and Mr. and Mrs 'Hnrry LaPert and friends from Chi 'caxo. on Sunday ' Emmett Raasch has "A" Ford Mr. and Mrs H. C W. Meyer, M: l and Mrs. George Brainerd and Mr and Mrs. Frank Wirtz, were gues'ts | at the George Meyer home on Sun | day | Texas; also by ten grandchildren an several great--grandchildren. IVANHORB NEWS » Mr. and Mrs. Clark Dunn and fam-- ily visited relatives in Highland Park on Sunday. Coupe Mr. ang Mrs Auguset Wirtz, Miks es Ann and Elizabeth and George Wirtz, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs William Wirtz. . Mrs. August Wirtz spent one doy of last week at the home of aner sis-- ter Mrs. William Sage, at Gage's Lk Mrs. EdA Gleason and son called Mr. and Mrs R Dorfler and ch en were guests at the home of | @and Mrs. Harry Pfannenstill on N Miss Lucy Garrett entertain«d friends from Chicago on Sunday Miss Marie Miller, of Milwaukee. Evelyn and Buster Luby, of Round Lake, spent Sunday afternoon at the John Raasch home « Mr. and Mrs. Atwell and daug spent Sunday with Mr. Atwell's ents at Lake Villa. William Jarrett spent end in Chicago Mrs LoOH. Dietz and She was an honorary member of the DaugNters of the G. A. R.; a life long member of the W. R. C., and a member of Mayflower Chaputer No 556 O. E. 8. In these organization's she was active> and held various offices. Services were bheld in the Feder ated Church of Wauconda Sunday at 2 p. m., conducted by Rev. Harvey J. Locke and Rev. C. Arthur Jevne. In-- teement was in the Wauconda ceme tery, where the Order of the Eastern Ktar conducted taeir impressive rit ual of burial. lDorothy spent Sunday with rela! es in Chicago Mr and Mrs John Shepherd sp« Sunday afternoon with Mr. and M Frank Knigge Mr. and Mrs William Browder a children motored to Barrington Kunday and spent the day with th friends M rs \\'ill:amonl.'vry spent Tuesday with M £o m Mrs. Prouty was a devoted wile and mother to her own immediate family and gave merself besides to the mothering of a number of others with loving kindness. She was a staunch patriot and gave herself «to the work o fthe patriotic organiza-- tions of the community as much as ber strength would permit. Her hus-- bands were men who had served in the civil war wita digtinction.. Mr. Prouty at his death was one of the last of the men in Wauconda who ha dsen service in be _ Northern Army. Mrs. Prouty was a fine friend and dre wmany about her by her thoughtfulness and kindness. _ She found strength and consolation for life experiences in the Christian faitra and enjoyed during the last years of her life the loving care of those to whom she had given herselt in service. Mrs. R Dorfler ent Mothers® Club on Wedr hurst A U Mr. and Mrs. William Hertel agd hildren were Sunday guests at the ome of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hertel of tound Lake A Y Mr o and Mrs. Wilham Huguel Mrs. William Atwell and daught e'spending a few days of tais we« the George Rade home, in El on ()brr Cak Mro-- and M R. J. LYONS8 MEMBER Libertyville--Mundelein Chamber of: lilincois Association of Real Estate Commerce Boards Libertyvilie--Mundelein Real Estate National Association of Real Estate LIBERTYVILLE SUPPLY DEPOTS F. C. Norman, Phone 508; Libertyville Fruit and Vegetable Store Phone 183; Miller's Grocery, Phone 81; Hanlon's Green Front 6tore, Phong 498. " Rouse Bros. Dairy Mundelein, III. Phones 565 and 756 N~OWwWHERI than we sell Buy milk and other products from us and you will h no regrets. We serve milk that stands every test of f0 Cdar with M Dietz and d Sunday with drink ¢',\'['«'('J.d//\' VILZLN LYONS & ROUSE Mundelin, III. MIMC x Mike Wirtz and wake, Ind , spent and Mrs. M C Cist r children at all i1 v _ so in hot weather is tgell as nourtshin REAL ESTATE RENTING FARM LANDS LOANS + -- IN8UVRANCE §ERVICE--COURTESY GA y 1 children lulla Ran iln+ the daughte: ho relativ d tFiddi n on Mt Sun THE BEST MILK YOU CAN BUY A J F nt WIH | Mrs. George Everett of Lake For:-- jest called on Mr. and Mrs. William Wagner, on Monday evening. ' Miss Ruby Kuebker and Miss Ag-- nes _ Meyer attended -- the Genesee Theatre on Thursday evening and |enjoyed a Mary Pickford pictur« ' Mr. and Mrs. Williarm Wegner and family spent Sunday afternpon with JMr. and Mrs. Earl Jacobson of Wau:-- conda. U Mr. and Mrs. Warren Snyder and son caled at the Albert snyder home on Thursday evening Mr and Mrs. William Browder and children were Barrington callers on Sunday afternoon William Mertel and family were Round Lake callers on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Suyder were guests at he home of William Wirz, in Waukegan, on Sunday afernoon Mr. and Mrs Nelson andg William Smih of Barrinzon, called a ue' A-- ber Snyder bhome on Wednesday eve ning The Four H Clothing club will meet on Saturday afternoon at the home of Miss Agnes Mever. movew! into their neyw wood Terrace. Little Roger William, son of MJ and Mls. Clark Dunn., Linnea Ruth, daugater of Mr. and Mrs. Rossdeut-- cher, were baptized in church, on Sunday morning. on her sister, Mrs. Frank Wirtz on Sunday evning. Mr. and Mrs. R Waukegan called a : hbome on Sunday a't+ Miss Emma Radk two weekso wiory poD Mr. and Mrs. Greenlea and frirnds of laGrange, called on Miss Sarah Joice on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. August Wirtz and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wirtz attended the funeral of Mrs. Gottschalk. in Barrington, on Wednesday. -- _Earl and Edwin Small, of Munde-- lein and Herb rt Sievers, of Prairie View, spent Monday with Melvin and Raymond Chamberlin. Miss Ruby nuebker and Miss Ag nes Meyer attended the Baccalaure ate service at Libertyvyille on Sunday evening. Mr. a family Monday The Children's Day program, held at the Ivanhoe church on Supday, was very good and greatly enjoyed by all CC WHEN YOU BUY A PIANO, be sure it is a good one. Let us tell you about the well known HAD-- JORFF and GULBRANSEN. ALL THE LATEST NUMBERS IN SHEET MUSC Piano Tunin« ORDERS FOR PIANO TUNING WILL BE GIVEN PROMPT ATTENEION Phone Waukegan 247 112 N. Genesee 8t., Waukegan, I!!. JAS. C. O'SHEA b e Phone 283 NVHICC in aill/>~ f11n re€ x J. H. ROVUSE Do( Ludw Knigre () 1 V+ U Miss Maxine Knigge, of Waukegan, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. FP. C. Knigge. IIAMOND LAKE NEWS Mr. and | Mrs. Walter Schuerman and daughter spent Sunday at the aome of Mrs. Fandman, in Inberty-- ville. A number from here attended graduation: exercises. -- held at Royal Blue Malt and Hops or Hop . Flavored _ 47¢ Lux Toilet Soap, Royal Blue Coffee., 1 pound can _ 4 Lipton's Tea, Quarter pound _ 21c Lipton's Tea, Half pound .. Qts. Tip Top Beverages _ Royal Blue Store (Continued on Page Eight) 49c 36¢ 39¢ 12c the the «is pHonC 31 FOR SUDDEN SERVICE G. HARDEN ROUSE Hawley Street at Lake Ave., Mundelein 1 J It's a lot cheaper and safer to Belleve me' put on thesefirst--rateGood-- years at their BARGAIN PRICES than to spend the money fixing up old tires and being often delayed. Believe ROUSE'S SERVICE STATION Goodyear Quality at Bargain Prices. Improved Pathfinder Supertwist Cords CGoonfYTEAR Wds cmeinc cessn ind woe en Get Your Car Ready Now For Your Summer Trip Standard Lifetime Guarantee Put the money you'll spon pay for punctures and repairs to your old tires, into these safe new Goodyear Pathfinders. They're better than the "best tires"" of many makes -- yet, because Goodyear builds millions more tires than any other company, the price is as low as for the "gyp," mail order or second --rate kind. Tires mounted, rims cleaned, straight. ened, graphited--no extra charge.

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