Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jun 1929, p. 7

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DEERFIELD MAN I$ STRUCGK AND KILLED BY AUTO Run down by a speeding automo-- bile on Waukegan road between Deerfield and Northbrook Saturday evening, William F. Schreiner, 60 years old. of Deerfield, was left to die alongside of the highway by the motorist who continued o1 at in:-- creasged ;peed. Schreiner, who resided alone in a residence on Center street, came to Deerfield several years ago from Columbus. O. He has been follow-- ing the occupation of laborer and has worked for various contractors in excavation jobs in the vicinity 0f Deerfi»ld Wm. F. Schreiner Left to Die on Road by Hit and Run Driver. It is believed that he has relatives residing in Chio and Deerfield po-- lice are seeking to locate them. Schreiner' has been in the habit of walking to and from Northbrook to his home in Deerfield and it is known thatr he spent the evening in Northbrook on Saturday. An inquest will be held at North: brook toudas. his hearing wi'l be * tended by representatives of the po lice d=vartment from th. two towns in the hope that it will detelop a clew to the identity of the driver of the vampire machine. A PUBLIC AUCTION On account of property being restricted, thereby excluding business, I am compell-- ed to close out my large stock of Genieral Merchandise, which I will dispose of at auction on the premises, 2 miles south of Half Day, 3 miles north of Wheeling, on Milwaukee Avenue, on Saturday, June 15th 2» Pails 200 Kettles 50) Feet of Rope Washing Machines 3 Large Tents Wagon Poles ( )ne (DJats (Omnmne CJne (One One One Ralph Huizenga, commencing at 12 o'clock noon, 1927 Ford Ton Truck 1925 Ford Panel Truck 1926 Ford Touring Car 1924 Chevrolet Coach 1925 Ford Sedan 1926 Chevrolet Sedan 1925 Ford Coupe f found are TELEPHONE 647--J--1 ors 1 Hay Rak s12¢ Rakes Ruas Miss Arline Roggow, accompanied' Mr.oa a Spanish class from Carl Schurz | enterta high school, on a visit to Caina Town | York, in Chicago, Saturday, June 1. 'l'hc-y' Mrs had dinner at WonKow restaurant, | scarlet there, they were taken thru the cham ' ing wit ber of commerce and then to a Chin Mis® ese opera -- Everything was very in--'to the ( Mrs. Fromm and Maralyn Gagne of Chicago, were guests at the Wi!l liam Plagge home on Memorial Day William Johnston and son motored to Lockport on Tuesday evening, to visit Mr. Johnoston's mother, Mrs. Harriet Johaston, who will soon go to northern Wiscomsin, on a vaca: tion. a N ko Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rocknbach vis--| Benjamin Rist, of Clinton, Indiana. ited at the George Rockenbach home | Kev. and Mrs. Rist will attend the recently. ]('ass Reunion at Northwestern Uni-- Mrs. Caester Wessling spont the | versity, during thier visit. week enad with friends at Genese~> | Mrgs Eugene Becker entertained She attended an Alumni meeting the Wonder When Club on Wednes-- while there. deya vening Mrs. Fromm and Maralyn Gagne, LaAmitie Societe met with Miss of Chicago, were guests at the Wil-- | Hazel Easton on Tuesday evening. Larly sunday morning, a group ol men, including _ Prillip Scully Jr., John Ott and Dan Hunt, of Deerfield motored to Pistakee Bay and enjoyed @A fishing party William Beere, of Higaland Park, was a dioner guest at the Phillip Scully Jr., home on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. John B. Peters are receiving -- cougratulations on the iDd rela Mr and Ureenw God Mrs. Brigs A V 1 Screen Doors . 6 Hog Troughs 10 Bartels 1 Hay Rake 1 Dump Cart 12 New Mower Blades 12 Shovels 50 Wash Boards 20 Bushels of Potatoes 5n Gallons of Pickles M H AT K M M M t+r M 3110 s FP. Browning entertained luncheon bridge club on Tuesy W M iMmily hom+ )« NEWS FROM DEERFIELD Ing _ COHi of a daug hosbpital -- ind Mrs. Willtam OO 6 W n n Wasa Tubs in M Libe ness Oil il Pads n Wednesday George Briggs o t, are emtertaining --nts. Rev and Mrs al ill 9 Prop. 1+ he niCag (> A V Highland | _ Mrs. F. I ¢. June ®.)birthday cel ennerman | Mr and M §A Al lhx-uuH. on F man 11, Mic of Hig home lay. Ma U 13 M W h+ Mrs. Enyly Mulledt has returned from Foley, Alabama, where she has been spending tae winter months Mrs. Eugene Becker entertained at a luncheon on Thursday, in coumpli-- ment to Mrs. John Bach, of Foley, Alabama . Mrs. Leslie Behrens ente! the Independent Club on Tu Cards and bunco wete played Mrs. Josephine Mentzer, of land Park, visited Mrs Henr man on Sunday. Mrs. Benjamin White, of C is visiting at tae samuel KR bach home. Mr. and M entertaining York,. Mrs. Gotschlick, Miss Lilli¢ merman and a friend. of C were guests at the Albert R home« on Ssunday nes Mro and Mocs at the C OE L uee, on Sunday No w Mr and Mrs. Guy Stan nounte the engagement of daughter Pearl, to Mr Davd of Highland Park " d y AUXILIARY NOTES On Monday evening, June 10, fif-- teen members of Unit 738 American Legion Auxiliary, met at the home om Miss Louise Huhn. Although it was impossible for the out--of--town speaker to be present, a most inter-- esting meeting was held, with the Presgident, Mrs. Harry Mau, presid-- ing. Jaohn Hoffman was Sunday, when he was pasging -- auomobile. w the street He --was Highland Park hospita is dobing as well as cat It is reported that n Nearly every morning, in front of the school 1 see the flag raised to the air, where it waves on high, re-- minding everyone of the glory it has brottght to our nation over land and sea. Although it cannot talk, 1 fan-- cy 1 can hear what it is saying to the pedple. I believe t can aear our own words of honor towards it as welt, as we, living and dead, have honored, loved and respected it lag was made with forty--elght stars. The flag is called various names, such as "Old Glory," Sar Spangled Banner, '"Symbo!l of Glory," Old Faithful," etec. It is rather hard for one to express his' love for the flag, yet many people can write a few lines and express taeir feelings, and some can write a page or more of beautiful thoughts, Tuesday have a flag Wwiltra so gteal a AISIOT}) In my opinion, the colors of the flag are very beautiful. The bright red makes one think of the blood of mn who lost their lives to save their country and flag: The white repre sents the purity and loyalty of these men and women. The blue symboliz es the battlefields, which are now peacful villages. Tae first flag had thirteen stars, representing the first thirteen original states. As time went on with the settlement of the West, thirty--five more states were admitter into the Union, making a total of forty--eight staes. A new fag was made with forty--eight stars. To me ie revea our land, the sacrif ing of men and symbol of freedom The beginning of the one made by Betsy R How the citizens -- States respect it H and then sing that be children stand at atten "The Star Spangled Bi It is a glorious feeli stops to think how w to know that the. peopl ed States can live in have a flag wita so & Mrs. Mavyme« M B M M Mrs. T. Taylor read a splendid re ep lu lay r¢ TH Ek AMERICA fever.. The children are sta i Mrs. Laura Visoke)» Elizabeth Kruse was hoste et--Together«€Club on Wedns« Friday afterno LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1929. comp D Brownin ation of sA I b H ) y ow ay w it t ils in y US H+ n Winte A K eI M tert q are now flag had the first As time it of the hi toc : LIm cargo aln t Hixz Ho wit h ate New TA D K by d Y D+ 1 V iI LV | ~ The report of the Poppy Day. Com-- mittee, submitted by the chairman, Mrs. Willman, showed total receipts of $110, which after deducting the l amount paid for the poppies, $50, [ leaves the Unit a balance of $60, to | be used in Service and Rehabiliation | work. Several reques(s for funds have already been recelved and the Unit voted unanimously to send the fol-- lowing contributions : $10 to the Lodge Fund, (a permanent Building fund, $6 to send one girl to summer camp for one week and $ to the ()pportunity Fund for Young People. The ladies of the Auxiliary are planning to give a series of card parties, to raise funds to purchase a Unit Banner [ Following the business session, a sopcial hour was enjoyed and delicious refreshments _ were served by the hostesses. Mrs William Huhn Miss port, submitted by herself and Mrs. Austin Plagge, who attended the Pa-- triotic meeting and dinner. at the Hotel Sherman, Caicago, on Wednes-- day, May 15, as representatives of Deerfield Unit. DEERPIEILD) GARDEN CLUB Deertield Garden Giub won two first prizes and one second prize, at the flower show, held at Glencoe. On Wednesday of this week, the club will display at the Lake Forest hostesses, M Louise -- Huht Mrs. Jacobso L1O W . The club members take flowers n to the Flower and Fruit Guild., as as they have them. 'They are taken tare of at the Union I¥pot and sent v the hospitals. Everyone who has q garden, is asked to contribute fow-- trs to the cause. Just take them to 'he Union Depot and the committee t i C wection Z2 ; lhree varilies, of J blooms each. " -- -- section 3.. One variety, one bloom Whenever possible, -- please label kpecimens clearly and correctly _ Class l --Iris section 1 Six varities, 3 stalks of each 8. In class VIH prize for Garden members only Class 1 ot each msection 3, One variety, 1 3 Whenever possible, _ pleast specimens clearly and correc No mt PLOWER SHOW sSCHEDI JUNH 26 4 to 9 P. M l who are interested in e \ M each la n hot . New Houses Built . Old Houses Remodeled Roofts--New and re--roofed Painting and Decorating Lathing and Plastering Mill Work--Specia!l Cabinets Concrete Basements . Concrete Walks Concrete Drives ® bouses Moved and Ralised Carpentering EN I»S n A1I t o ; mscott Night. She was guest nor and also presided in the AllPof tae stations were ffiled iends from neighboring Chop-- s 111 ion LV OIT on n n F. WM. HART, ¥, ¥M. C. A., Waukegan Z2I0N BUILDING 1 INDUSTRY N~IGéIHT AT DDEEREFIELI HAPTER 0. EKn of the Chapt lebration. fo Oall or write local representative llld will be aft« W iJ ® he business session, a s enjoyed and delicious were served by the s Wiilliam Huhn Miss -- Mrs. Whitcomb and n {) mIXYa@T of Bloom material Oses prizes in a blue ribbot A V n re W W V aI +n m \f mt Nee Harn 10 ow i1 1t 3 stalks rem L.] )l¢ iys of il k label was a 5 also ind ing sead ays n Another pleasant feature was that of the sixteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clarnce Sherden, the Worthy Matron and Patron, of Deerfiel@ Chapter. They were giv-- en i nice present by the officers. Mrs. Browning, who was soloist for tae evening, sang two clever paro-- dies, in honor of this anniversary. The verses were composed by Miss Amelia Peterson. They were sung to th music of "A Dawning'" and to "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marching." It was very enjoyable The soqcial part of the evening was spent in -- talks by the prominent zguests and later, partaking of the de-- licious refreshments, served in ohe dining room from prettily decorated tables. Fully one hundred and fifty people were in attendance., ters .ngfl the work was very impres-- sively given. Mr. Glendermann, of Lake Forest Chapter and J. B. morse of Libertyville, gave the lectures of the Worthy Patron. In daivways U terest, Oy t year's -- kery church was zood progra church was with jiris an church was beautifully with 'iris and peonies. The songs by the be primary departments we the little children were 9 o 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o rooOn e WW Meeting to PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mark J. Andrews. Pastor urch school at 9:30 a. m. ership and sermon at 10 :435 ixis meeting at 7T7:30 p. m.< Sub s imnediate YICINnily in . evyening and weiner roast Prairie View, Illinois V ( ROSECRANS will uni zs by the beginners and partments were good, and hildren were well trained. ard Miss Rockenbach had rearsal Wed of WCOM. S 1t ) eTeq with o 2A W sday, 8 p Thursday »d . The jecorated A Ponald Herschberger Brothers a big W J m . 00ps m h linois Telephone 656--J--2 "Prompt Service Is Building Our Business" MANY A MAN has come to grief by waiting too long before ordering parts for his ma-- chines. Wé maintain one of the finest repair departments in the state for your benefit, and, under ordinary circumstances, we can meet your requiréements very quickly. But why take chances? A delay now may throw you behind later,. when every hour counts. Take an hour TODAY and examine your farm machinery, Make a list of needed parts and repairs now and let us take care of your needs in advance. Join the increasing number of men who insure against emergen-- cies by making repairs before the machines are needed. We Service and carry A Full Stock of Repair Parts for INTERNATIONAL ADVANCE--RUMELY NEW IDEA SPREADERS PAPEC SILO FILLERS f LARGEST STOCK OF REPAIR PARTS IN LAKE COUNTY 24 Hour Service on Parts Not Carried in Stock --becaunseof Cadillac--trained craftamen--guaran teed work --prompt delivery--standardized prices. And every Cadillac representative delivers this uniform service gladly--in every part of the country. /s Why CADILLAC can, and Does Render a better Service Repair Service FOR _--_-- Farm Machinery (On the foundation stone of Cadiliac NMation--wide Sarvice are placed the fundamental and erclusive mechanical advantages of 1929 Cadiliacs and LaSalles. And these are surmounted by a distinct beauty of line and color that completes the Cadiliac program for the permanent setisfaction of Cadiliac and LaSaile owners. CA DILL AC'" BEAUTYV POW ER expressed in terms of McCORMICK MOTOR SALES 415 South Genesee St. Waukegan 120 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. Cadillacs and La Salles look like thoroughbreds. They run like thoroughbreds. Next year other cars may somew hat resemble this year's Cadillac style--but no other cars can deliver the substantial power that comes from the famous Cadillac-- built, 90--degree, V--type, 8--cylinder engine. For only Cadillac fllnoen can build the (hgillac engine --and they build it y for Cadillacs and La Salles. Cadillac and La Salle chassis deserve and receive the distinec-- tion given by Fisher and Fleetwood bodies. This year's models g'l;)vide a wide selection of body types, lines, colors and finish. ey merit your early inspection. Silent Shift Transmission permits gear changes at any speed without clashing. Security--Plate Glass in all windows means safety. Duplexr Four--Wheel Brakes--a touch of the pedal stops your car. An even more powerful and «moother running Cadillac -- built, 90 -- degree, ¥--type 8. K¥onderfully easy steering. Adjustable front seat places brake and autch pedals within casy reach of any driver. Pneumatic control principle applied to Fisher bodics assures quictness. Smartness and «tvle, inside and out. provide perman Page Seven

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