Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1929, p. 9

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' QELUME xxxvu,-NUMBER 26 oases Mlllllllltii BY sun or was IN comm! or tMii Declaring. despite the opinion by Attorney General Oscar Carletrom in the Diamond Lake case. that his opinion is that there is no local basis tor an injunction in the Lake Zurich case unless some new facts are brought out. Judge Claire C. Edwards today offered a plan of condemnation of lake properties and purchase by the state as the only solution to the recurring dine-1min ot owners ot property surrounding the small lakes in Lake county. While Judge Edwards declined to my any predictions as to the out- come of the petition for injuncuon in the Lake Zurich east, he said that as far as he has been able to determine. Fox Lake is the only lake in the county which is government property. having been meandered in the United States Geological sum! and is therefore held by the state for tho people of the state. l Attorney Arthur Bulkley pointed out. that the one Supreme court de- cision on such controversies is the Wilton vs. Van Hesaer case. appeal- ed trom the circuit court of Lake county in 1911 in which the circuit court decision was reversed and the decision was rendered that the lake in question. Fourth lake. was not navigable; had not been meandered in the U. B. survey. and was I!" tote divided by meets and bounds along the section lines at the land survey and was the private property of the persona holding title to the land, and that they owned the lake Judge Edwards Says Stat Ownership is Only Protec- tion for Cottagers. ("an as the land LAKE COUNTY'S BIO WIEKLY IEST FOR SUICCRIIIIS BEST FOR ADVERTISERS ALL THE "ttttB------ FIROTI The Wilton case has been the basis for all aulta of a "to nature that followed and unloaa the owner. of we" around Lake Zurich can prove that it is navigable for con» mercial uses. or has been meander- " by the government annoy. It la believed that the grants hold by August Proelich and Manual-no Pearce would be valid and that. they would be in a. position to bar out- siders from the lake and charge the sums set up by them for tho no. ot the lake. It ls also believed that de- spite (farlstrom's opinion. the Du. mond Lake residents may lose In court action unlesa they appeal to the Supreme court and a doclalon reversing the Wilton ya. Van Honor case In returned. t.e exception of Fox an, no mo- und-pd and if this In true. conu- anon on my 9t the " Me. of the county mny bo'barrod from " tng tho Ines tunes: they on in. property on which the lake Beg. The owner ot tho property uncanny would be sble. at any time. to bar the cottage owners from min; the lake. "It, is reported that none ot lakes in Lake empty. with the - Since the original case in the 1111. not: Supreme court was "nod in Luke county and since the am trouble may occur time and time again, Judge Edwards wants that in cages where private owners hold title to lakes. the state should con- demn the property on which the lakojies and purchase the lakes, making them available for use by "be people ot the state. la that can. the lakes would become public mop- erty and anyone would he permitted to use any and all parts of tho bin which would eJminato _ prints beaches in front of the manor homes ot people who own to the shore line. - .. - I-L---oh\n SUUIv u-u.. In order to uphold an Injunctbn against barring the 'people to the lake. the complainants must show that the lake Is either navigable in law or In tact. It the lake is man- derod by U. S. survey. it is nuis- able It law and it it in used tor commercial transportation. It I: nav- table in tact. COMPULSORY I, B. ilihll TESTING BILL IS SIGNED TDIIAY . Springfield, nt., June M.-tiN3)-- Gov. Louis L. Emmerson todly sign- ed House 1811 617, better known a the Cattle Compulsory Town; 3m. Compells Owners of All Cattle To Submit to Testing Up. on State Request. The measure, introduced by Rep. Homer J. Tics. Greenview, who. all owners of dairy or breeding cut- tle to submit their cattle tor e tu- berculin test upon request of the de- purtment ot agriculture. It regal: The bill was introduced In the house on Burch" 1nd ant to the comlttoe on agrreutture when it wu amended and recommended tor pause. It encountered considerable common however and Whit! "and 21:31]}: L/GU/ted June 30. 1925. and other Inconsistent no". It [0" Into effect July 1. F- A _ - Opponents of the bill. donated in the legislative mm. carried their Wt to the governor and u . puts lic hearing mud him to "to It on the ground that "the tanner: do not um: It." ' Chane. r. Buck, newly "pointed director of "riettltttro. took up the and." tor It. new. and mud n- ncut!" approval chiming the bill to Liu digiticun progressive no» in no N tltto "when. annual cat. P State the I"). JAMES POST GIVEN DIVORCE DEERE Juno. Pout ot'mdhnd Park to. day and a mu fordlvorco from " vita. who media H""" {haying the chute of dourtlon end naked leave to (Ll-min the cue. but the decree an: entered by Judo Claire C. Edvard: when Mrs. Past mud to entry on her intended opposition to the divorce bill. Poet charges that his wife deemed him two year: tlMilllllttilt START WORK ON PURCHASE ilf Hlllllii3 MP no. Get Plat of Ground and Lo.. cate Owners to Get Prices Wanted for Property" Collin; tor o pint ot tho prowrty which in Included in the proposed out. park of the "an." or dune: north ot the city. tho member- of the Dunes Pork Cimmittee ot the Lot. County board of supervisor: started today on their work of pro- pcriu their drive to nuke the flatg 8 gtate park. The committee. composed ot any "visor! Stanton. Oboe. Brown. Murphy and Thompson held . short muting todty to get the work start- ed sud u won a; the out In pre trod they will start Intensive work on their plum. (,' my "Ethtttptoillt 361111121339ng Through A. L. Rogers ot the Lake County Title and mu compeuy. . put in being prepared ehowinx all the property and the owners of the property. The board will then so about getting prices on the property to submit to the Btato in their plan of purchue which in to ultimately turn the property over to the tteo- pie ot the state of Illinois for park nee. It is understood that a large por- tion of the property is held by the Chicago Title and Trust compnny for t "adieu. known u tho Wou- kcnn Harbor company and while no Gamma prices have ret been obtained. it is reported that prices running " high " 33.000 on acre have been quoted. Tho proposed park lands consu- late the nren known a the mu. including the Big Dena river nod extending trom 28th street. Zion. almost to the Johns-Mnnvme oom- pany north or Wuhan. There " n small arm of land just north of the Murm- plant whieh nu boon Inbdlvidod. and the line In not Interested In that part ot the prop- my. Tho proposed tract I: composed of about 2500 gem and is m in its natural mm. Supervisor Obeo stated tttis mom. in; that until he traveled over,tho 1th with the committee. he had never visited the flat' and he has become very enthuslutlc over the had " a into Amrk. Ho pointed out that no local site u the only available sue that the late night obtain for 1 stole perk. end that unlen thin l: taken for park put-pores. llllnole will forever be without any park on Lake Mlchlun. and the state's smell lute cot-tune will all be converted into eommereiat or Industrial Wtr- your and the state will never be able to set aside lake coast property ANTIOBH 1flllml NAMED tt HEAD OF STATE GROUP tor t park. Homer Edwards. student in-the Antioch high school. and member of . funny wominently known in that action of the county, has won the dietinction ot being the out are» dent ot the Future Fermere crun- iution ot Illinois. an mocietion of students ot egricultunl department' ot schools in the state. _ Ho v", namod as head ot the atom emulation in I recent elec- tlon. which likewise followed the entrance ot the Antioch high school Into the uncommon which is " tlonal in scope. - Homer Edwards Chosen As First President of Agri- tural Students. The Antioch youth Is also one of " students who bu been ,honored by having the degree ot tho sate Future lumen conferred upon nlm. The orxnniution the devoted to the development ot the youth ot the rural districts ot the nation also tends to incuicnte future turner: with n wider and more modern knowledge ot their future vocation. - it in also pinnned to widen the loose and tttttttence ot the craniu- tion in liiinoil. The Antioch high school he. the ttrat in the out. to organise n purely local chapter of the association. TillalimllEll PLANE Til SEEK Milt The giant tour motored seaplane Nmncle ot Malor Ramon Franco bu been "tttted and refueued for departure for the Azores tn queet ot the tour mining Spent-h trem- Auntie "wore. Army mechanic: yuterdey com- pleted two den work in changing one of its enginee which gave the mum Hinton trouble while they atttt conducted using the plane on their tuna-Auntie venture. omeuu molatslnod absolute se- 0". - - crecy " to their puns. lt 41he.e Mueller. 10. died todnrfrom no" neuronal... that the mm burnt he Mom! hm man when we: considered s sposslhly the most Incline he spllled on his clothes hopeful ot the romendous efforts be ignited as " "slated s stove in s in: msde to locate the naming " summer kitchen at " home nnr tom, who dlssppeored only Satur- hen. ms mother. Hrs. Ernest dsy morning onroute to New York Mueller, vs: burned severely on tho by we] of the Azores from Alcsssres' lands to sue-pun to best out the sltdone here. U __ 'CCC'Cr) tunes. . . " -J .-.....- LIBERTYVILLE ' TWO MORE OOROH l.llEll MHHEO M NORTH SHORE Line Along Shéridan Road from Chicagd to State Line is Plan. Pun: tor tho mutilation of two more motor coach 1itteg along the North Shore, one to' travene Sheri- dnn road from Chicago to Winthrop Harbor and poulMy beyond and the other to run from Brannon to Lib- ertyvmo. Vin Dumpster street and luvnnhoo road. became known to- day through the min; of an applt. cation tor eltnblhhment of arch iiiG% in. Chicago North Shore and Mihratglreet railroad with the Illinois Commerce eommut'i/yt. Filing ot the petition by this nil- road caused some surprise among members at the commission " It yes xenerslly understood that the' railroad company had disposed of] its motor coach lines to the Metro' politsn Motor Coach compeny. Both "1.0" Properties Otticisls ot the nilrosd company were not prepared to explsin the in- tentions ot the compsny today. es the matter is being handled by its less! department. but it is consid- ered likely that the corporation in- tends to estshlish the lines and then transfer them to the Metropolitan conch company which. like the North Shore railroad. is e subsidisry of the Install interestn. The petitions of the North Shore nilrosd sued tor certificates of convenience and necessity provide _ tor the following lines: From the city of Chic-go to the mate line of Wluconsln. pacing through Bun-ton. Willmeue. Kenn- worth. Winnetkt. Glencoe. Highland Part. Lake Forest Lake Bluff. North Chicago. Watt can. Zion and Winthrop Huber. Also trom the city of Chicago to the city of Bun-ton and thence was: on Mnin streetito Lincoln no one and Dompntori Itrcet. thence west to Xilwnnkeo Fla. and then north to Libertyville; ' A third line whiqn will proceed from Chicago, to Shanon. thence went on Wnnkoun iroad and than north to Glenviow iL also provded tor in the petition. The route of this line out ot Eunnton in not stated. TM" Lino. to Evan!" Under tho plan the railroad will opernto three motor coach Jinan into and out of the city of button. -in in use: tuvpoutlon provides for motor coach "no. for the curry. in; ot both "any"! and ban". "it Ia also pound on: that In eacb' can the proposed motor coach - yank" the "no: of tho North Show railroad rampany but " the can ot Sheridan road routing it is condd~ ered likely that the company "on to operate busua on this Manny became ot its attractivonou and probably bocausa of the poaatbmty ot obtaining many passengers tor short hauls throuah the midamm action ot the North Shore com- munmn AUTDPSY REVEALS THAT WOMAN DIED ilf HEART ATTABK Skull Fracture Did Not lniure Brain: Friends Are Still Uncertain. A veil of doubt as to the can" ot the death of In. Bernice Fund". wire or L. B. Panda. weu'kno'n North Chicturo Undertaker nu boon lifted through mam. u the au- topsy hem yesterday unornoon It the Plusecki undertaking parlors by Dre. C. A. Barnes tad A. E. Budde. It w" found that the woman had suffered n contusion of her left temple and a (future of the skull but it was determined that the frac- turo did not injure the brain and did not hue my bearing on her death. Coroner John L. Taylor stated to, day that it had boon decided that the woman must have had a auddan attack of heart trouble and. tall. string her head. and that aha than made her way Into tho bedroom when she alu'npad upon the bed. dying shortly attorvard. She had been aubject to chronic heart at. tack: tor acme um and bad also been uttering from Bright: db- oaae. . A complete checkup wss made by North Chicuo police sud George E. untrue. operating out of the office ot the sute's Attorney since th bruise was firit ttotieed. on the women's heed sad it was believed. in view of the evidence. that the woman might have been the victim ot tout play. An Inquest will be he" thte "e ning at the "aerating parlors. Although the inquest tonight h expected to bring the mar pne- tienllr to n and it I: belhvod that several more people will). quot tinned by gatherings. '; Mr. hectic: and "turd" that his wtte had been quite m for the put three years but than had been a amicable improvement dur- ing the Mat month and physician stated that her condition I" but!!! nations. Mrs. Pncewicz was found stretch"! out on the tred qarty Sunday matu- inc by her trrandehildrett. who. with other "when, were visiting It the home. . _ I)!!! FROM BURN. Louis Mueller. 10. glad today from burn- " "land Inst night who -olirte In spilled on his cloth" ignited n " lighted n Ito" tn a summer kitchen at " homo nut but. His mother. Mrs. Ernest lull". was Durand severely on the Mrs. W. R. Williams returned to her home in Antioch Wethesdsy at. ter hsvin; been confined to e hog. pital in Chicego tor the pest Ber. ersl weeks. She is .recoverinx very nicely from the injuries she receiv- ed in I fell while in the city. Mrs. Ann. Johnson end Mrs. L. M. Cribb were Kenoshe visitors on Wednesday. " Mr. and Mrs. L. o. Bright sud lit. tie daughter Marjorie are visiting reintiVes in the central pert at the state. Mr. sud Mrs. Eugene stkins Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hawkins an unending titta week ttt Rocha: at. Minn. . Mr. 1nd Mrs. W. H. Oomond are annoying un auto trip through Wig. conul Ind Minnesota. mu Lucille Hunke I: spending this week It Hayward. Wis. John Brena in spending this week " tho Boy Scout cunp at Lilly Lake. , Bert Chinn it It the Lake County hoopiul where he submmnd to n suntan opogutlon In! week. The Lutnttertnett, Coalmen and Building Material dealers held them "tttluutttttal golf tournament at the Chun O' WP! Golf courts Thum- day. It I"! "minted that close to two hand": were in attendance. Dinner was served " 'the Ray Pre- sent" place at Gnu lathe. Funeral service- tor Mrs. Joe Fer. nnndu wore held at tho Antioch M. E. church Friday st two o'eloclg. Mrs. Fernandez died Tuesday toi- lowing I "pious unmet! operation at the Victory Immoral houplul an Wuhan. B. E. Pollock delivered the Men] sermon. The Antioch Businese Men'e club held their regular monthly meeting at the Dre-eel héuee et Lake Merle int Monday evening. A ll: couree dinner was eerved. Out ot town gueste entertained end speaker: of note were pneent. The Sunday owning Icrvice nt the M. E. church we: given over to the Bor, Scout: of Troop 61 of which Rev. Baht recently became the lender. The pastor evoke on the eubiect or the Scout oath end the boys ot thle troop each bed a pen in the Dream. Mrs. Ruby Ritchie and non left Tundny tor New York where they will spend the walnut. Mm. Ritetue plans to tat" the summer cour-e at the Columbia University. Mrs. H. B. Canton tad funny Inn returned home atter hum; spout scum dun witlt relatives nt Cam], Ill. - Miss Katherine Kelly from R: ciao. Wta. n with"; with An "och triads. Mr. and In. A. M. Knhl from uuo- an": Monday afternoon uni " with Antioch friends. an. ad In. Arthur much" from Wuhan. who formerly In; ed In Antioch upon Blonds! oven- ine in Antioch. Mr. Rounteldt. net. mt " worthy puma and In. Roo- onhldt mod n tho out mural: " Patrons' Night at Antioch Cham ter. o. E. B.' In. Vincent Dunn bu returned home from . than xtait with he; mm at Decatur. Ill. Mn. Lloyd White from Wake an spoth Monday new: tn An- uoch and while hm attended the spec"! and": ot Antioch chapter. Vincent Dow. figured in on no- iomobilo accident Monday oner- noon and although he escaped with only . tow minor bruise. his [one now Buick on runs badly washed. According to " siniomeni ho was driving on Route 21 our Loon me at n wood of around ts miles on hour when. an unexpected blow-out hurled the cur to one side where it crown! into a culvert nod turned our. About seventy-tive members and - at Antioch Chapter No. 423 o. E. s. were present at tho au- nnal Pant Matrona' and Past Pat. roan' night held in the lodge hall Monday evening. One candidate an initiated into the order the Work being exemplified by the Past Mat. rona and Pan Patrona with Mn. Eleanor mam acting as Worthy Matron and Arthur Roaenteldt as Worthy Patron. At the conclusion of the ceremonies ot initiation a program ot music. aonza and speech- ea was rendered. among those on the promm val the Eastern' Star Ola. Club, a duet by Madame: Lux and Garland and a piano aolo by I!" Roberta Lewia and "teeches by vtaitarg and put officers. A number of guests were modem. from the Wnukeun and Mlllbum ttttap- un. Hm": put matron: and the put 9:"qu ot Antioch chapter wen present to renew old "socia- uons. A dulnly lunch w" soured It tt o'clock. -giirs' label on": of Wlukegan upon! New!" "Boga; in: JPtioch "iii. ind in. Robe}: Tatar of Norwood Put visited with Antioch Mend: Tuesday autumn: _ -- "HIM!" did society ot the M. M. church we phoning to hold at bakery sale suntan] I CANOE UPSETS: 3 ABE DROWNED Three men wore drowned In Rock rive:- here In! night when the ca- no. which they tted rented over. tuna). The victims were Kuhn Moore.) " of Rockford: Earl Barbee. '21, otl Rock hind. 111.. ad Joe Bttatrrottt, "d at Denver. Colo.. I A mm In another an". cruising and". w" unable to unlit the that men beau-o of a girl with hint. The girl could not swim and he wu afraid ot endangering hot an it he "atted from the canoe. - Only Bhnlroth could "rim and It In believed ho lost his life vim. attempting to an the other two. at: body and that of Durban were re. eovorod this morning. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, I929. Rohtivcn nid Bat-boa had been mood from dmwninr twice in bin homo city. Rock kind. He had boon living he" only I tow _ amazon. came from Denver inst lay and ind bun living with . sis- ed of around ts mm. tn en_ in unexpected blow-out IO cut to one side when it into I culvert and turned ...-a ...M--. lAll.iilf TURBINE MOTOR COMPANY INOORPOHATEO Progrtro in the plans of the Lar ley Tur/tsine Motor company to 2-8- mum}: an industry for the build. lng ot its motorl In Waukegan Were noted tudty in the issuance ot 7a charter to the concern at Spring. tleld. Organize Concern for Build- ing of Rotary Gas Motor. q The company which has headquar- ters " 214 Washington street. Wau. kogln. has been capitalized tor the sum ot $50,000. it win deal in and manufnuure motors, engines bodies and puts. generators and tools, ac- cording to the uncles ot invbrpora- Hon .VB. E. Lasley. w. M. Givlor and H..V. Hastings are.named as the 1tworporators. - - The principal product of the con. cern will be a gasoline motor of the Turbine type which it is stated.will be the only motor ot its kind. The invention is that of Mr. 1.33193; of Libertyet)l", who has "arkwl for nanny your: to Dorian it. It in de- clared .that tests show that it will operate at grater speed and with greater power at much less cost dun tho ordinary type of ga'zoline motor AUTO PIGKED ll? ON ttlhMljlTtlliiil .1: coat Ed Smock only 1 few scratches and bruises for his ride on the cow-catcher ot Q Int freight train which picked up his Imam!) bile and carried it down the track two blocks today. _ ' Smock: machine stalled on the main crossing at Leroy. McKinley Anderson of Leroy, who was accom- pnnylng Smock. Jumped just before the Big Pour train struck the tttlk chine. Smock In from Farmer City c.,,,,...,,.,-,-...,-,,.,-) 'qhhttBirtf5ittmriotdritNiirffifhorii u--------' The Midsummer Sale of Silks and Wash Fabrics A very popular cloth this year in a sum- mery silken finish. Colors are fast in both plain and fancy. Ideal for Ensem- ble combinations. F . Quality n. PRINTED VOILE AND FLORA LAWNS STARTS TOMORROW, MORNING ON SECOND FLOOR The Stover and Porter familie- apent Wednesday at Hebron. . Oliver Patch and Leroy Alcock at- tended the Cubs ball game in Chi- caxo on Wednesday. Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Lewin an- nounce the marriage of their daugh- ter. Eva. to Charles Edwards on Wednesday, June 19. Edith Bartlett and Mildred Rad- ke are attending Normal .school at Milwaukee. Charles Alcock and wife attended the wedding oCthe latter's nephew, Clarence Weloh. in Chlogo on Sat- urday evening. Ellen Gallagher has returned from a week's vammm in Cincinnati. She was av-mmpanlpd home by her trisnd Vera Neilsen who expects to sand some time here. ' S. Luna and family of Chicago and Funk Lucas of Kenosha visited Sunday at the home of their brpth- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gleeson are enjoying a two weeks auto trip through the northern states and Canada. . er. F. G. Lucas. ' . WinLrred Power and party of girl friends left on Monday tor a two weeks auto trip. , Mrs. Timothy Riordan has re- turned from visiting her sister in Chicago. She brought her neicen and nephews back with her to spend the summer vacation at her home. Fil! Ill,,,) Eiiii, I lllhl'"S JAIL SEVENTY More than 70 persons'were in Jail here today because federal prohibi- tion agents hare determined to "raise the price of liquor in Memphis to the national level." Forty two agents started out ear- ly yesterday ,with thick shaft ot warrants sworn out by under cover agents, and by nightfall all the it"! in the city were crowded. C Colonel A. W. Mays, of Louis- ville, district prohibition adtttinitttra- tor w" in chm-39. He aid yester- day's raid wu but the flrtt of 1 series, and that he had 100 or 150 more warrants to keno. WADSWORTH PIQUES IN BOOZE BAIDS t,td,1 98i yd. our - - . it is held, however. that residentselyle'] oe6Lirr, I""'"" W ""7 AF ....- girl l, the rural district should make the 'i'2,T,C'l"l"i/li'J,1 "2:32: Ir,,",,",',','.",?.,?,,','.' two leoutstr as lttractive as possible by I Th2 North Co,erd'r'l, band will play F hunts; their premises clean thru-i 'ifii, new tillage hall is located 'on re- out t a sum-er. f ' in "We cannot get away from the tact l ,'e,',1e-urt,r,eeetrctl1l 31mg: 'IC, and that Lake county is the 'PyThuyriii'i'd' {or "I; site wa iGii% by the ot Chicago." the statement readslthe Lake Fountv Cld association "Crowd: are drawn to Lake county, . . . i The site of the hall is some distance by the inks resorts and playgrounds. ', east of the present business district These visitor: are composed of peo- I but plans are heing worked out to Die who on property and come out ' move the bug,'aetss district to the to spend the week-end, prospective l new location as Boon as possible. tlt 3:22;); 33:10:}; adnadv {21:80:28,}er i It is expected that visitors will he in purchasers of commodities rais- Fret? gm? ',,U,',hrt,,', of the county Jail ed by the runners in the county. The O a n t e pr gr: . l j hihl- More ot these people that can be ---------'-- [ to drum to Lake county by having the' 50 MlNERS ENTRAPPED ohis county look neat and attractive, the ; Frantic "arts were mm? today to more products, such as poultry,et0N, rescue M) miners entrapped in the ear- truit. vegetables and the like, 25P!ayytlP, mine, flooded during the ' ot farmers ot Lake county will be able tnlght. One user-tint: of the mine "as -over| to sell to them at their roadside 'ahandoned because ot the rising wa- nmlmnrkotl or doors." - _. l ter. . SECTION TWO $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE FARMERS ARRANGE DAYS Til GlEAN UP ALONG HIGHWAYS "Roadside cleanup days" on which owners ot farms in the county are asked to clean all debris from along- side pt highways skirting their property and to beautify their prop- erty as much as possible have been designated tor July 1, 2 and 3 by the Lake County Farm bureau. An appeal has been sent out to all farmers and residents ot the smaller communities in the county in which they are asked to take part in this general cleanup in or- der that the county may appear as attractive " pouibie on July 4 when it will be visited by thousands from other parts of the country. Lake Co. Farm Bureau Spon- sors Clean-up Days For Rural Districts. For this unusual event we ere offering remarkable 'av- ing-tho-ao-auf-oi-test"" in all the new colors and patterns. Come early. The executive committee of the Waulregatt and North Chicago Cham. ber of Commerce in answer to 1 letter from H. C. Gilkerson, county farm advisor. asking their co-open- Lion. approved the movement and promised full cooperation. A com- on these quality prints when they are most wanted. Smart designs tell the story of sum- mer fashions. A sweeping clearance and deep cut in price t Cool and Refreshing Are These Dainty Dimities Voile: and Batiste: Jt In fast color printings " Wuhnble. Dependable, Lustroua--A silk crepe for frock or lingerie that will give excellent wear. An unususl usortmont ot Twenty-nu New Colorings. This is not s job purchase but regular merchandise bought at . price concession enabling us to otter this superb silk at such a nest saving to you. 1000 Yds. All Sh Plain Crepes Formerly Sold $1.95 Yd. 39- Inch. Printed Flat Crepes Formerly Sold $2.95 Yd. In fast color printing: values to 5% A very bewutul fabric devel. oped in dean lea. patterns of non! and geometric designs. Cool for summer and of Mat colors. Plume Chiffon and Silk Mixed Crepes saunas cmcuumou THAN OTHER WEEKLIES m LAKE _ COUNTY COMBINED ionanTIsma RESULTS aunt: VILLAGE HALL if 1jMilli1lilll Til DE DEDICATED JULY l Samuel Insult and Mayor. Chas. Bartlett of Evanston To Be Among Visitors. Formal dedication of the $35,000 village hall at Mundeleln will oc- cur Tuesday, July 2, um 2:30 o'clock. and promises to be one of the big- gest events in the history of the vii. lags. Several distinguished guests will be present, among them being Samuel lnsull. Judge Benjamin H. Miller. of Libertyville but village attorney of Mundelein; Mayor Charles Bart. lett of Evanston; Luke Grant, pub- licity manager of the North Shore Line, and Rev. Must. H. P. Wolfe. procurator of St. Mary": of the Lake Seminary: R. Fl Rouse, president ot the board of trustees, and Rev C. Arthur Jezne, pastor of the First Congregational church of Mundaletn also will take part in the program. The North Shore band will play, 50 MINERS ENTRAPPED Frantic "ortg were mule today to rescue M) miners entrapped in the Masushitna mine. flooded during the night. One ser-tinn of the mine "as abandoned because ot the rising wa- ter. mittee comprised of R. O. Allenn. Leonard Doolittle, E. T. Sargent and E. F. Ball was appointed to cooper- .ate with the farm bureau in the movement. S9 Y"] 75y Service .98 yd. .66 "

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