Toprhine owr the. side of the small tow boat in which she was treated with hmr mother. two and one-half year old Dorothy English. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Don Eng. llsh. or 1403 Main stream. Evans- ton. sank into "verve feet or wa- tur ln Channel lake late yester- dnv afternoon and did not reappear. Although attaches of the sherm's ottice. members ot the Antioch tire departutrnt and others have work. ed many hours In dragging the bot. tom ot the lake for the body ot the child It has not been rat-over- ed. CHILD NIPPLES FROM BOAT Mil BROWNS IN [ME Two and One-half tear0ld Baby Girl the Victim in Tragedy, Monday. Child Fell Asleep. Death or the child ls believed to have been tip.e to its tendency to iall to sleep suddenly. The tot was seated alongside at her another in ttii, boat which was also occupied by another man and two children. The mutltr-r turned to see the body of the child topple over the side ot the heat and sink into the willCr. She waned for a minute PB- pr Ut grasp the chlld it she arose. Lu the. body did not reappear. t "~rn'LnCed thllt the child was be- l l . an thcs party rowed back to tho boat landing and sounded the utnrm. The Bork ot dragglng tor the tir/ body was started lmmedlate- to tnt mud. and high"; littlo fur drag to Olin! to HOLD FUNERAL ilf l' MRS. DRUM TllililL, " (Th of n the e the ( GORP Ht She was.removtd to the Lake countv huspxral um years when me rssrttainrul until her death, on 4unduy. ' Two "isterm, Mrs. Catherine Milne of Cttlcago and M rs. Josephine Griee of Lou Angeles and 3 brother but Drury or Chicago lun'vo her. An l00N tMii BAR Henry Kolen. manager of the Hermann huh-l at Loon lake. to- day started serving out the 8500 tine assmsed against him by Jun- tice of the Peace Harold J. Tallett on a liquor charge. Kolen. was caught by A. V Smith's boon squad and was held in North Chi- raga city jad until he failed to raise the fine. He is now in the county Jan. Ray('unnlngham. of FArx Lake, with a truck tuae of soft drinks. turned turtle It the railroad cross- ing in Long Lake last night when his car skidded after it ran into fresh tar and turned over. He and 3 passenger. were badly "then up. the task of locum; the lii"'.'L¢ l!' 0:10". The small m News of the Week From Fox Lake Community lulu-r of the child who had :he dcy at his plus of en:- 2.1 in Chicago arrived at the m, evening. When his small or failed to greet him he in- tt!yirut m-r. When told that d bus-u drowned he tainted. Mother " Prostrated. k. WM. HART, 1. I. ILA. I" t." vi the child prostrat- -t mar the tragedy was " homo of relatives in m night. while the fath- overing rwmained to di- uh tor the body ot the n "was for the late Miss. Guests u the ttell known and iLiilMccorarsiet our t of Lake county whoi)". wrd_lrs. S! UU IS JAILED }..3, were held this min: at 9 o'clock. tho T.". o:'£;v.(':ng. Inter- the t the work en oks ot the urk state he body all body sank in. June. Belonavic, of Glenna Sub. division. was mien m and died Very suddenly Sand" morning. The Fox Lake ltd!" held Heir pie. nic Tuna". They took Jack Brit- ton'o boat up the river, stopping near McHenry to at lunch. Twain-u» en nuanced and Bll report a wonder. tut time. l Mus Edna: Jenson ontertaiued several little friends Monday, in honor of her tenth birthday. Mrs. Thomas Crilly, Mrs. George Koetn and Miss Dolore- attended,' islsow In Waukegan Saturday T Air. and Mrs. Charles Boesel and lsoa, Robert. of Boskoville. Wus., were [luncheon guests of Mrs. Joseph Kur- inek Saturday. Merle lnks. of the MrGoestt bubo- que. closed the door ot his Ptckard on his right hand. thereby severing " index ringer Just below the first joint. '1 Saturday Mrs. George Room attended the. Nettie and dinner at St. Maryu. Fro- mom Center. Sunday. Mrs. Bamrord. mother of Mrs Truman Willey, ram-nod home Sun day, utter I two wackn' visit new l A card and bunco pan ywill br led at the Yam! Club Bohemia 11er {Saturday night, tor the bettotit of {the Salton Pom Improvement Au» Eclauon. Everyone is welcome. i Mrs. Thorpe and In. Black-mun mulled-on Mr. Blarltsmlth, who ls lll gin the Lake county houpltnl. Friday. i Mrs. George Sis-icon and Mrs. :Theml Lane left Monday on a tour Pt southern "Hook. I Mrs B Van heldun is very ill in The card 3nd bunco party held by the Fox Lake Ladlen' Aid Society on Wednesday "a well landed. The adie- will hold my. parties every Wednesday or the summer season. All are welcome. Mr. and hire. Edward Tou ot Chi.- cuo Were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chelias of Lon; Latte, for the you end. Mr Tolt gives a splendid l','.y2l',n/, of hum-ell u a autumnal. ,reporunx a catch ot 25. pounds of 'bass and pickerel Ralph Olsen nu returned home Itrom Madison. Wit. than, bu has gheen attending the University ot (Wisconsin . Guest: in the home of Mrs Mary tIcCOntlck over the week end were {Mn aad Mrs. StrmOy. Mr. and Mn. (Wm. Hide. Mr. ad In. Win. Hide. A new trt" man but arrived at In. gleside Ind bu decided to take up at; residence permnnenuy with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cupolas. The baby was born Wednesday, June 19. and mother and baby are don); "no Ray Cunningham's new truck was wrecked Thursday. when it skiddvd in the ne won on Wilma rand, Mr. Cunnalngthttat escaped without nu. jury. Mrs. Robert Burleigh motored. to Woodstock Thursday. ' Ctsirattt Personal Items of Local IntereSt 150 Nippersink Blvd. FOX LAKE, ILL. Phone Fox Lake 121 Electrical Supplies House Wiring: Pipe and Fittings Radio Supplies YOU ARE IN TROUBLE The mishap occurred last $1000 ELECTRIC SHOP Phone Fox Lake 21 and IlO-M Phone Round Lake 48 CALL US . H. Myers t YOUR OWN CONTRACTOR CAN DO THE WORK OR WE'LL RECOMMEND A RELIABLE BUILDER Will Build a Sturdy One-car Garage Charles Harbhugh Lumber Co. Mr. nod Mrs. Alfred [Ankle and brother of Cblmo. l Mrs. G. P.Jautcry entertained her sister and brotherirrlaw. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sebuum. from Chicago Pr; day and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wall and Mary Lee called on Mrs .Walz'l brother. Pot.- "Nornpaon, of Gruyeluke Sun- day evening Mrs. Jack Omkn ot Racine, was 1 tiller at the 41119 ot her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Gall, Sunduy. Mrs. Clan Chellus and Mrs. titrtr thus of Grayslake, tnotured lo Chi. thers or Gray-duh, motored to Chi. cago Friday. Mr. and Mrs: Fraiier of Crayllake called an the home ot Mr. and Mrs. R, M. Walz Thursday, [ Bjorn Olgett and brother, Ralph, flew to Dekalb Wednesday and M. ited their brother Tior. A MONTH INGLESIDE, ILL. We are exclusive dealers at Fox .Lake, for this line of Famous Bathing Suits. You can't buy any better! Grand Avenue Fox L t./r'tsl' {VEST or RAILROAD TIC-RNA» Ladies' and Men's F uynishings. Dry Goods, Notions "PELTON" BATHING SUITS .._ If you have a your trrori'rty tlo Our new budget plan permits pm to build. mmlernize and improve yum home and pay out oi income. rather than principal-a most practical and economical procerLre. Call at out office any-time mid let us eppluin. LiBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT,, Th1U3fiLhihY,_JA8ilil_17i.lf1t:..; n ("viva r y FOX LAKE, ILL. ROUND LAKE, ILL. Ind "cussed O. W. Brand. We no pleased to know that Mr. Brand will be our putor tor, mother you. Mrs. Albert Bennett attettttod the graduation "rci- ot her nephew, " Eunlton Thursday. In. Anthony Bull, who has been vmtlng In Milwaukee for several days. returned homo Sunday. Mr. and Mn. Josey; Korma and severil friends motored to Chicago Wednesday and attended the double header baseball some . [Olive Rhonda and Paul Scott drove to Chicago Saturday evening. and called on Miss Rhondel' [and mother. who In very m. Min Harriet Loftus L- I gun! or Dolores Room. substantial 0 am F ox Lake payment t'qutty it lil Harold Keller and manta. Mary, Basal. Walter Htmburger, Barbara spent the week end at this home or lKoub and 1atuls Kmumnn. Mr and Mrtg. John Slurda, t'onaratuUtlons to Mr. 1nd Mrs. In. 809m Blur spent several dun in Chicago Mat Week Mr. and Hrs. Ben Stickies and sons were callers at the home of Mn. Harriet Salmon Sunday '. William Hide of Chicago. has rem eern. Walter Johnson's cottage for the manner months. Clifford "winner ot Long Lake, I: m wits meal". Mrs. Thomas Crmy entertained new and!" at luncheon and bridge Wednesday gfternoon. Her guests were Mesdlmel Ferguson, of Los Angela. .C'Jlf-I John Farley. of An tloch; E311 Rushmore. Anthony LET ME DO YOUR BAKING THIS SUMMER.' N. P. Jenscn /iClfliCl]rjlrjif,i/i"/'/' a hot kitchen when you can buy such delicious bakery goods here? At (ii, moderate m'ices "r prices, too! FOX LAKE STATE BANK Why toil all, morning in "Complete, Courteous Finantia/ Service" FOX LAKE BAKERY Fox Lake, Illinois ") t'onqrstutatlor" to Mr. Ind Mrs Buren Olson. Mm. Olson III form erly Min Bruer. Mrs. W. on and son and Mrs Walnut-her spent Mom!" and Tues day in Chicago on business. Mrs. Joe Kaske, Mrs. Ray Seavy and Mrs. T. Grant Britton motored to Kenosha Thursday. Lest Saturday night the For, Lake a boxing arena was quite filled with) men and women. I We wish good luck to Louis De Prof as he was appointed treasurer at the connrll meeting and also to Joseph Riggd. marshal. who also was appoint,edist" marshal for next term " SINCE Ben Franklin said "Sara and Haw" many level-headed per. gum have opened sav- ings accounts. And many have blessed the adage that showed them the way to financial Schlitlilv. Phone F. 1.. 16o-l --666rgt604_MMMMM$-69otsth$4$t- v 'ss es f v tl 'CC'.','...."..,,.'-'.'.'...:.'..:',,.',',,'...'..:,':': o - lie9 Cgec, - A, -------- OR 'iii' -q_---.t--._tt-- '.:C=',,1o,s=',,1l:,',lC,i. $' O _ 64 ;$ .% w' :1 s' '\ it i,id:::et:1t:tt, r a nd A V e null Wsr; e I 'te' W W i F 0 Lol', fi:?, e o '5' c 'e", st 'v'vtt FISHING T.-JCK!,E SO L' VENlRs' STA TIONER )' PROPfMEDIL'IXEA CAMERAS and FILM.» CIGARS" and TOBACC! MACir17lNEr; WALTER IRION Post Office Bldg. Fo PAINT UP and CLEAN UP. NOW! Fox Lake Paint & Hdw. Co. When you start to clean up and repair your property for the summer. come here and select the thihgs you need. We carry a full line of--- CHAS. BUERGER. Proprietor Fox Lake, Illinois Phone 18 " room house on Nippersink Lake, near Point Comfort. Only five minutes drive from the Village of Fox Lake. SCHMIDTS CONFECTIONERY Property 75 x 200 Feet, with 75 Feet Frontage on Lake All Modern Conveniences GENERAL MERCHANDISE A BARGAIN! Inquire at SHOE? 8:1 THIRD C0SMETI CC0NFEC 7 NE 1 I EPA; TOYS FOX LAKE CAFE H'l/ FOX LAKE, ILLINOIL WOW! Fox Lake, Ill. TION/ 4PFR§ 1L lf?' H fl att.