SMALL BOY HIDES IN GRASS; BADLY INJURED BY MOWER Feared That Willie Estes, Years Old, Will Lose His Playful antics of four year old Willie Esteh, son of H. M. Estes, a farmer residinge near Wadsworth, knives of a mowing machine as he hid in the grass in a field on the farm Tuesday morning. _ o5 0 may result in the loss of one arm and the crippling of the other of the small boy. He was caught by the -- The child apparently followed his | father and a bired hand to the field where they were cutting hay this i !Spend the 'Ath of July lRay Bros. Diamond Lake -- SDancing Wednesday Eve 2 ning, Thursday A_!tmoon: 2 -- and Thursday Night -- ILLINI TROUBADOURS Nightly and Sunday After-- noons [Except Monday)} WHEELING, ILLINOI!IS PAVNE TPFTE EInUEL OuUR LARGE BEAUTIFULLY APPOINTED HALL 18 AVAILA FOR BANQUETS, DANCES, PAR TIES AND WEDDINGS ALWAYS NICE AND COOL AT RAY BROS. PAVILION. All the Young Ladies Stop at CHANNEL LAKE SORORITY HOUSE When V acationing at Channel Lake Left Arm. Channel Lake AND THAT TELLS THE W H O L E sSTORY, FOR NOTHING,HE COULD sUGGEST °W O ULD PLEASE HIS SWEET MAMMA MORE THAN A DRIVE To WHEELING AND THEN PARTAKE OF A DELICIOUS CHICKEN OR STEAK DINNER AT THE BRUCE WERTS : $1.50 per Nfght; $6.00 per Week [ UNION HO TELfl Pavilion .q.'tooo DANCE TO AND HIS itvo while a deep cut was made in the right arm. The child apparently raised his arms to protect himself as the bar of the mowing machine started over his body. § a The child was hurried to the Lake county hbospital where he was at-- tended by. Dr. Karl Beck. It was lbouevod at noon that it would be necessary to amputate the léeft arm. seen and sent back to the home of hssflfltdwmm Iudhthoullsruummmld. The first intimation that the two mndothhmocauvm the knives of the mowing machine struck the child. " T3 A Massachusetts . society offers $250 for a plan to train dogs to keep out of the way of automo-- biles. Have pedestrians been given up as a bad job?--New York Evrening Post. is arms to proteci bar of the mowing over his body. -- hild was hurried to hospital where he by Dr. Karl Beck. at noon that it | Probably to avoid being eC «E 3" C was almost cut e'll Go! II|| 118 E. Church St. -- + f|| "THE FINSTAD" COUNTY PURGED OF . VICE AS OFFICIALS START ENFORCEMENT Smith and Doolittle Combine to Combat Slot Machines and Bootleggers.. The orderly retreat of slot m¥ chines that started when gangsters hijacked a few in country* beer joints and later was precipitated in« to an utter rout when newspapers printed rumors of a syndicate doling out 'cuts" on the contrivances, end-- ed today with county enforcement officials belatedly vowing that 'vice and rackets would be terminated as far as Lake county is conceéerned. _ After gangsters had picked up 13 machines two warrants were issued by States Attormney A. V. Smith charging Charles Connors and Joe Ailello, reputed members of the M Moran m', and sent to the Chicago detective bureau. .. "fi.v('!.' Parks, representing the §Y" |peen operating {f0 4 dicate here, gave the order of re-- operating' for some time. moval and mt:lo.:'od &l:ult to be oominrnmmeenrnmammemmmmmemmmum nmmmmaememmems quoted to ect gangsters © | and not the authorities were opposed W ND to the mintless venders. AUCO A Discovery of the warrants led the | Ray Paddock and daughter Doris, Chicago Daily News to investigate were Waukegan callers on Baturday.» with the result that a series of ar--| Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and fam )%l:n appeared charging that gangs 'ily were Waukegan callers on Mon-- e fighting for the. control of day. 'mm in Lake county and lnthn:t-' Mrs. Toyton and daughter spent ing that officials, politicians and a Baturday in Chicago. saloon keeper were part of a com--|| Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson bine protecting slot machines and 8Dent Sunday at the Harvey home, laking. sn ce ol 'mrm(':mk igge attended tae funeral . "H . C. Knigge atten e fune Waskegen, said b* mare a quota Of Mrs. John Roder at Libertyyille, of 150 machines, and North Chicago f"f"""- > Bur with 100. waved " farewell . to the \pareingron spent Focsday at the ree money eaters the evening the Bt0FY ;qanee of her sister Mrs. Lee Brown. ing that officials, politicians and a saloon keeper were part of a com-- bine protecting slot machines and taking an alleged "cut.' * "Hastemns Demise Waukegan, said to have a quota of 150 machines, and North Chicago with 100, waved farewell to the money eaters the evening the story appeared. Prior to that Parks had been quoted as stating that he was removing 300 machines, but the in-- vestigation of the Chicago Daily News revealed 900. his I Seeking-- in junction Late yesterday Col. Smith filed a petition for injunction in the circuit court against the Elizabeth Cazssidy place at Bluft Lake, near Antiloch. He named Leo Mongoven as a co-- detendant, as he stated the title was in dispute with both Mrs, Cassidy and Mongoven claiming the land. This was the place raided Satur-- day by the sponge squad and squads of Chicago policemen. Good _ beer, the prosecutor said, was found but no hoodlums were in the place. The hearing probably will be Saturday. Gets Telephone Cali He stated also that he received a telephone call yesterday from some-- one purporting to be speaking for Conmnors and Alello who asked that the warrants against them be dropp-- ed on the promise that they would not visit the county. He stated today that he did nogt know the source of the call and did not know If it was 'bona fide. He has no intentions oft dismissing the warrants. Sheritf Changes Routes in answer to the rumor that beer was being trucked through on Rand road, with a split of $5 a barrel be-- ing made, Sheriff : Doolittle stated that he had rerouted his county mo-- toreycle police in an effort to intér-- cept the alleged cargoes. He do, clares that no catches have been made. * | Rand road, he pointed . out, is worthless for beer trucking under present conditions as it has not been paved entirely. He has been watch-- ing Route No. 21 thinking this the logical rogd for beer runners. Col. @mith has increased the num-- ber of his force, it is reported. Today he said there was nothing new. Press Carcles Story The Chicago Daily News, in its third article, last night m'rrhd the following story as the n one of the day: The lid has been clamped on slot machines in Lake 'county. ' :'ut night and early today tng and passenger auto biles made 'rotnél of Moaz-u eollecting the "mint vending© machines" with A SPLENDID 50e LUNCHEON 18 BEING SERVED. ALSO DINNER _ AND A LA CARTE SERVICE Is now open for Luncheons and LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JUNE 27 mg.' Mrse. 'Toyt nd a Seturday in u,'.'Y Mr. and . and Spent Bunda in Elgin. i l"'i'C. Knig of Mrs. Joh !:.o't: 'on Friday. u807' |~ Mrs. &. C of Chicago, called Tuesday evening. beer| M. 8. Clark as Rand Satorday. © el be--| John Gossell wi tated |Tuesday. y mo--| Miss laVerne \ miae HAas is Wankaran served. The table was decorated in patriotic colors, with flags, in honor of flag day. A large bouquet of red, white and blue flowers formed the centerpiece. _A table contest was enjoyed and a pleasant meeting came to a close for a two month's vacation. The club will again open their meet-- ings in September. ' Miss Grace Rinky, of Chicago, is spending a few days at the George Blackburn home. Mrs. Frank Nordmeyer and son and Mrsg. Kate Dewold spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Stroker are spending a few days at the Bankers' Convention, in Aurora. * M. L Vapnatta called on his sister, Mrs H. L. Grantham, the first of the week. Miss Marjorie Knigge is Mrs. Olive Wells entertained twen-- ty relatives on Sunday, in bhonor of hr seventieth birthday anniversary. _ -- Mr. and 'n. Arthur Boehmer and afim @bent y with relatives in Barrington. Mrs. John Brown and daughters, spent Friday in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawrence eD-- tertained friends from Chicago, over the week end. e _ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kulpar, of Chicago, spent the week end at the ¥. E. Davis home. Mrs. Montgomery and son of Cai-- cago. spent Tuesday with Mr. and The Misses Ruth and Esther Koig:-- ge, of Barrington, spent Bunday at the George Knigge home. Miss Hazel Haffey and girl friend of Chicago, called on friends here on Tuesday evening. M. 8. Clark as a Waukegan caller Saturday evening * PCmm J.+ Miss LaVerne Weelock spent Mon-- day in Waukegan. Audrey Crowfoot, of Spencer High lmnds, called on Henrietta Dahms on CHICAGO MAN DIES AT SUMMER HOME James Belohlanek, 31' years old of 6623 Bouth Sacremento avenue, Chi cago, died atihis summer home in Fox Lake, gunday afternoon trom a cerebral hemmorhage. He was 111 but & short time. Besides his wife and two and one--half year daughter he is survived by his mother and a brother both of Chicago. 'The body was taken to Chicago for interment. few days with laer sister in ""---" John Gossell was in Waukegan Nothing Will Improve Your Game Like Practice. VISIT THE and practice driving. Just stand in one place and drive out as many balls as you want to. No Chasing Balls LADIES: Early Afternoon is an Ideal Time. Visit The Fairway and Prac-- \ tice. Then note the Difference in your game! ' nongi Practice Fairway [( Miles North of Libertyville on Route 21) unda y DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARCE FOR DELIVERY. The big crowd that turned out for our first Boxing and Dancing feature shows that this is what the people want. So we will offer another program of | Boxing and Dancing Wednesday, July 3rd DLFERS We have flust installed a ventilating sys-- tem that keeps '"'The Stables" as cool as the outside nizht air. S IVANHOE, ILLINOIS Our Famous Spotlessly Clean Barbecue Is Open Day and Night, Every Day OLD TIME DANCING EVERY _ SATURDAY NIGHT (And Each Wednegday Night During the Summer) Dietz's Stables DELIVERED : TO YOUR 1929 NOW OPEN! SHOREWOOD GOLF CLUB 20 minutes on Route 21 from Libertyville North on Route 21 to Signs DAILY FEE $1.00. SATURDAY, SUN.-- DAY AND HOLIDAYS, $1.50 Twilight Fee, 50c (after 4 p. m.) Limited number of yearly memberships, $25. Club house and grounds are suitagle for parties and luncheons. L A D I E S--Arrange to hold your next afternoon card party here and have the menfolks come out in the evening for a round of golf and a picnic supper. 18 HOLES DAILY | FELEL Course In Splendid Condition Wooster Lake Health Resort What ~-- Formerly Sunny Brook Health Resort New Buildings--New Managemenrt A GENERAL HOSPITAL LOCATED IN CENTRAL LAKE COUNTY _ 'Capacity 100 Patients Reasonable Rates . Fully equipped with the most approved ard accepted LGospital , , _ equipment Complete Surgical Facilities, X--Ray, Ultra Violet Ray, Diathermy Infrared, Galvanism, Sine Wave, Hydrotherapy, Physical Diagnosis | and Full Laboratory Routine. DOOTbRS AND NURSES ON DUTY DAY AND NIGHT Car Available for Patients and Emergency Calls TELEPHONE -- -- ROUND LAKE 77 " For a ENJOY YOUR --_-- GOLF _/ _ OPEN ALL NIGHT Try our noon and supper specials. You will be pleasantly surprised at the excel-- lence of the food, and moderate prices. TRY OUR | HOME COOKED MEALS NOW OPEN ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS THE VRGINIA CAFE BRAE LOCH Well--Cooked, Well--Served Meal, Patronize . Gages Lake PUBLIC FEE Answer Will be Found on Page 7 IIS ------ BOATING OR SWIMMING NO CHARGE PAGE THREE